tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business March 7, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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funding bill tomorrow and that is it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us tonight, tomorrow evening we will be joined by others, among them john solomon, gordon chang, pastor robert jeffress trish: jobs, creating tons of them. it's great news. new data proves it, but all hollywood dick todays and the liberal -- dictators and liberal left can do is complain. it's an extraordinary example between the elites and mainstream americans. the elites who only want to complain about a president they just don't like while his policies continue to generate more jobs than we have seen in modern history. good evening, everyone, i am trish regan. the contrast, it's startling. tonight that the u.s. economied added 273,000 jobs in the last month while we're also learning we added more jobs in the previous month than anyone ever
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thought. minorities, blacks, hispanics, asian-americans, women all near record unemployment levels. employment levels. does anyone in the media outside say me and us here at fox business, do they even care? i think you know the answer. but just in case you have any doubt, here you go. >> is this president trying to impersonate hugo chavez. >> he's not of sound man. that's somebody you clinically look at and say there's something wrong there. >> needs to be medicated and hospitalized. >> donald trump again being a. >> shmuck. >> his words have absolutely emboldened white supremacists. he has given oxygen to racists. trish: and then there are, of course, the hollywood dictators. listen to them carrying on. >> this unbelievable narcissist who could change the face of our world. >> i'm not as nasty as a man who looks like he bathes in cheetoh dust. i have thought an awful lot
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about blowing up the white house. >> of course i want to punch him in the face. [cheers and applause] >> the guy is a [bleep] too many trish: you see, they all live in a different reality out there in tinseltown, a reality that is a long ways away from the reality of hard working americans, and i think a reality that is goal divorced from, well, reality, right? joe biden has something in common with them. i mean, hey, he hobnobs with these people, with these hollywood dictators fresh off his super tuesday win, what did he do? he went straight to hollywood the raise money, of course, with the likes of leonardo dicaprio, studio executives and even the mayor of los angeles. is so he's got hollywood, but even scarier, he's got the chinese. in the global times, the state-run communist newspaper in china, they're heralding biden as the best possible pick for china because, and i quote,
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compared with sanders and trump, china is more familiar with biden as he is representing the u.s. liberal, pro-establishment elites. they got that right. and he is not just predictable to china, but also to u.s. allies. wow. okay. got it. biden has that liberal elite connectivity with hollywood, with the media and with the chinese. and the liberal elite, unfortunately, seem to be almost hoping this coronavirus derails our economy. why, so they can blame the president? watch. >> it's almost as if donald trump is actively working to tank the stock market. it keeps collapsing for a reason. one more instance of his sociopathic behavior. >> he is lying his [bleep] off about it. it is going to get worse. and instead of fixing the problem, your president is going
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to is sulk. >> what does it say about the government's initial management of the coronavirus? >> the president also downplayed the severity of the outbreak. trish: truth is there actually is a serious risk. there's a serious risk that by november when americans cast their ballots we actually could be in a recession. our job market may be strong now, but the question is can it hold. the hysteria -- and it is hysteria -- surrounding coronavirus is actually the biggest danger to our economy right now. not because it's as scary are as the media makes it. in fact, just to keep everything in perspective, did you know the common flu this season has already killed an estimated 18,000 people right here in the united states alone? 18,000 compared with, well, significantly less depths, shall we say -- deaths, shall we say, for coronavirus. but because the fear itself could paralyze the economy, i'm hearing several major wall street banks are having at least the half their workers work from
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home, businesses everywhere are creating contingency plans, all this while big tech companies including twitter, amazon, microsoft, google are telling employees in some locations work from home. people are canceling vacations even domestically, and travel is being restricted by most companies. this is going to have an economic impact, okay? and of course of the danger in these things, as always, they get a little out of control. you know, it turns from a recession and some fear in the market into a full-blown credit crisis. some sources telling me right now they are worried about lehman 2.0. as such, you know what? it's prudent for the president to devote the resources he's devoting with $8.3 billion, so congrats to the president on that one. he should tackle it all straight on. the white house now considering a tax relief percentage for the travel industry -- package for the travel industry. that would be good as well. >> we're worried about certain sectors of the economy.
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airlines coming to mind, but i don't want to get too deep on that, that might need some help. we're looking for targeted measures that will do the most good in a short period of time. trish: simultaneously, the media needs to be fair. imagine that. and the left needs to be fair. they should not be using the coronavirus as a political opportunity. this is serious stuff. and you know a shutdown in consumer confidence which could very welcome from this, this mass hysteria, is a very dangerous proposition. so remember that. and that's tonight's intel. joining me right now, town hall senior columnist kurt schlichter. kurt, it's good to see you. look, i'm all for people being vigilant and, you know, we can't stress good hygiene enough, but at the same time when you compare and contrast what's happening with coronavirus with, say, the regular old flu, i
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think that helps to put it somewhat in perspective. and i certainly hope if by, you know, this time next year, if not sooner, we have some kind of, well, you know, prevention, if you would for this much like you get the flu shot, you could get a coronavirus shot. >> well, trish, i'm sure we're going to take care of this problem. the president's leaning ahead. the coronavirus does not seem to be as dangerous to healthy people as it was originally feared. i probably have a bigger chance of not making it home on the freeways of l.a. today after this hit than i do from getting coronavirus. but let me tell you, trish, i'm an example of the optimism out there outside of the bubble. i added two of those jobs at my company in the last month. this morning, as the market went down, i saw buying opportunities. i put my own money where my mouth is. i think the fundamentals are fine. i think the economy's strong, and i think the american people love the idea of being
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prosperous again for the first time in 20 the years. trish: listen, you know, i you're right. we can't underestimate the kind of global hysteria, however, right? that's out there and how that affects consumer spending. nonetheless, the sooner they get to a vaccine, you're going to see the market jump back so fast, kurt, and i think some people just need to remember that and keep everything in perspective because i was watching cnn last night, and they had me scared with that town hall. it's so overdone. again, no reason not to be prudent and careful, but it matters. kurt, great to see you. thank you so much. coming up, we all know how the liberal media feels about average, hard working, pro-trump americans. >> the ruin that backs donald -- rube that backs donald trump, donald trump's the smart one.
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[laughter] you elitist with your geography and your math and your spelling -- [laughter] >> your reading? trish: cnn's don lemon laughing hysterically are calling trump supporters i'll literate rubes because to the liberal media, trump supporters are dumb, right? so how do you explain this? >> actually with the money he's spent, he could have given every american a million dollars. >> let's put it up on the screen. when i read it tonight on social media, it kind of all became clear. trish: i mean, you want to talk dumb, sorry, guys, it's not a million dollars, not even close. can you not do any senate it's $1.53 a person. what was -- do you not know the population of the united states? in the three-something range? they did a whole darn segment. brian williams, his producers,
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his guests, they all bought into this stupid thing. two theoretically smart and educated people on that screen using what we call aoc math. coming up, the problem's worse than you think. i'm calling out all the dems for this. also tonight, a new, disturbing trend where liberal black americans are shaming and belittling conservative black americans, specifically friends of this show, diamond and silk. they're being targeted. they're responding. >> black folks have got to look themselves in the mirror and say, hey, do i want to follow mark burnses? do i want to follow katrina pierson? do i want to follow diamond and silk? trish: well, now spike lee is calling black trump supporters diamond and silk house slaves. tonight diamond and silk, they have a thing or two to say about that, spike. they'll respond here. but first, liberal dems already shaming elizabeth warren and blaming sexism for talking the
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her out because -- taking her out because it couldn't have been this kind of crazy talk that actually did her in, the right? >> you went out of your way, you went out of your way to call yourself a capitalist. >> yes -- a two cent wealth tax, universal childcare, universal pre-k, to raise the wages of every childcare worker, $800 billion into our public schools, fully fund -- [cheers and applause] we could cancel student loan debt. trish: you know, i'm just curious, where was the whole sisterhood, right? when carly fiorina ran for president or sarah palin who was the vp nominee. and confronting the sisterhood -- i'm confronting the city hood because they're the only ones liberal women are supporting. >> her father, my papaw, had high cheekbones like all of the indians do. mug.
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mug. ♪ (groans) hmph... (food grunting menacingly) when the food you love doesn't love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. ♪ tum tum-tum tum tums with tums smoothies. (narrator) he loves monday through friday but lives for the weekend. he's put some miles on his truck, and now it's time for something new, so he came here and saw what other people paid
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download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass. trish: breaking right now, president tp just announcing congressman mark meadows will become his new chief of staff, quote: i am pleased to announce that congressman mark meadows will become white house chief of staff. the relationship is a very good
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one. i want to thank acting chief mick mulvaney for having served the administration so well. he will become the united states special envoy for northern ireland. thank you. exclamation point. elizabeth warren dropping out of the race, leaving the field to two old white men. to be clear, that's actually the democrats' own doing. and if yet women somehow want to hold other women responsible. >> we do not do well with white men, and we don't do well with married white women. and part of that is a, an identification with the republican party and a, a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever believes you should. >> when the president was elected, he had a majority of white women.
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these women were voting their husbands' ideology and sociology as well as their economy. trish: unbelievable. i mean, utterly unbelievable. i see, i get it. we are still weaponizing race and gender these days. i thought the left learned it lesson after hillary clinton. clearly, no friend to women. including the 22-year-old intern she and other so-called feminists ruined in an attempt to save her husband bill. and then there were those uninformed, senseless comments out there like this one. >> just remember, there's a special place in hell for women whop don't help each other. [cheers and applause] >> identity politics. kind of at its worst. you see, what the left doesn't get is that in a true meritocracy is, electability has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with policy. likability as a politician. and work ethic. i mean, i hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but, you know, if hillary clinton doesn't
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campaign in michigan or pennsylvania, she's unlikely to land michigan and pennsylvania. meanwhile, for some reason i just never saw this sisterhood thing emerge for, say, carly fiorina or sarah palin. in fact, quite the opposite. >> you know, hillary and i don't agree on -- >> anything. [laughter] >> sarah palin turning the letters over on some game show at this point? why is she ever rell are haven't? >> you were a little upset with us about a comic comment that was made. how will you get a thicker skin? >> if you meant your comment as humorous, so be it. trish: ah, you know, when you compare and contrast also the treatment of, say, melania trump and michelle obama, once again that reeks of hypocrisy. >> first lady chel obama will leave behind a monumental
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legacy. >> the focus went to be one of poise to questions of possible plagiarist. >> now a political order in a class of her own. >> trademark michelle obama been. >> what do you honestlyhink of first lady melania trump's cyberbullying initiative? >> i think she should look closer to home. >> michelle obama, breaking the mold -- >> inspiring so many women for her initiatives -- >> she worked is hard on this event, and so i want to thank you. >> not a chance she did one thing to help. trish: you see that? so i would just ask do liberal women support women as a whole or just other liberal women? joining me right now, fox nation host tommy marin. tommy, good to see you. it's over and over and over again. it's nauseating to see how they treat women differently based on their politics. they say women need to stand together. clearly, that does not include
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conservative women. >> well, what they really mean that women need to come together to support liberal women. but when it comes the conservative women, they are quite happy to lead the charge. you and i have both experienced that as have many other conservative women, and they also are really quick to annihilate and disparage women that are doing very well in the sphere right now, marsha blackburn, of course ivanka trump, she can never do anything right, melania are. so when they talk about supporting women, it's just the women they like. it's not really any other women -- trish, no i think they're out to destroy any woman who doesn't agree with them. and they'll also destroy women who might be of their party but maybe could hurt their party overall. i'm going to go back to clinton documentary is out. we're going to talk about it later, but i can't help but think of what they did to monica lewinsky. they completely railroaded her because they were trying to prop up a guy who, you know, clear wily had some insures.
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>> yeah -- issues. >> yeah. they weaponize gender when it benefits there, and other times just ig -- ignore it all together. when they can pull the woman card, when they can use it to shame other people, they're more than happy to do so. they can't make up their minds. the only standard of the left is a double standard, and the same thing goes for elizabeth warren. her plans, her policies were not attractive to her own party, and is so she wasn't able to cut it. at the end of the day, it's on her. it has nothing to do with her being a woman. trish: i thought about this a lot because a lot of people are saying a woman can't do it. listen, women have done it in many other countries around the world. they've gone into leadership positions, presidents and prime minister, etc. i don't think it's the woman thing. i actually think we're a pretty fair society at this point, for sure. i think it's something else, and i think, you know, there's like a combination, right? you need it as a politician, part of it's personality, a lot
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of it's policy and a lot of it is, you know, i'm sorry, but you've got to hit the pavement and get out there and get some momentum and get people excited. and, you know, in elizabeth warren's case, you know, i think she was lacking in the personalty and the authenticity department, if you will. you can't sit there and tell everyone you're native american when you're not. >> well, exactly. and the same thing happened with hillary hillary clinton. but at the end of the day, trish, how insulting is it for democratic women to look at women of this country, american women and say you need to vote for a woman because that's your biological gender, so that's how you should fall in line. i think that's very unsubtling. another thing you don't see is conservative women running for office, you don't see them pulling the woman card, vote for me because i'm a woman. you hear them say here are my plans, my policies. how can key women can -- conservative women can get by op our merits?
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trish: i think it's a very good question, good to see you. coming up, remember this bill clinton lie. >> i want to say one thing to the american people. i want you to listen to me. i'm going to say this again. i did not have sexual relations with that woman. trish: and this bill clinton lie. >> together alone in the oval office. >> i don't recall -- [inaudible] trish: really bringing it back. tonight we're doing another prime time pop quiz, because bill clinton is out with another excuse for his affair with monica lewinsky. can you guess what his excuse is now? i'll have the answer at the end of the show. also coming up liberal hollywood director spike lee is calling diamond and silk house slaves. they're here tonight to respond to mr. lee. but first, cnn's don lemon
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reminded us recently how the liberal media's views on, well, are not so nice about average, hard working pro-trump meshes. >> donald trump's the smart one. y'all are dumb. [laughter] >> you elitists with your geography and math and spelling -- [laughter] >> your reading. trish: that's why it's all the more shocking when msnbc's brian williams and a new york times editorial board member -- >> got it. let's put it up on the screen. when i read it tonight on social media, it kind of all became clear. [laughter] trish: really? sorry, guys. that's not a million bucks a person, not even close. that's $1.53 a person. coming up, the problem with the far left using aoc math is worse
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than you think. i'm calling out all the dems for their aoc math right after this. ♪ today, john got dressed for his first, first date with sarah. john told his stitch fix stylist evan that tonight was a big deal. so his stylist did the hard work for him. browsing hundreds of styles and sizes to find the perfect fitting shirt and blazer. so that tonight john could feel totally himself. at stitch fix we don't just see your size or your style. we see you. let us find your perfect fit at but when i started seeing things, i didn't know what was happening... so i kept it in. he started believing things that weren't true.
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trish: oh, my goodness. i mean, i know most members of the media aren't that bright. they're not. i'm sorry to be the one saying it. most of them are not that bright. i sometimes am sort of shocked by their stupidity, and i try to occasionally let you know how much smarter you are for watching this program. anyway, you can really feel good about yourself and your choice tonight because i want you to see this. this utterly awful, moronic little segment proving what we all already know, the lefties can't do math. and that's why i call it a aoc math, because lord knows despite her degree from pu university, that's how we refer to her alma
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mat, she sure as heck can't add, subtract, multiply or let alone divide, and she clearly doesn't know her economic history. otherwise why would she say is stuff like this? >> economists back in the day predicted that by 2030 u.s. gdp would grow 6-8 times what it is. >> is that a moral outcome? >> no, it's not. isn't 10 million enough? like, when does it stop? >> yeah -- >> right? trish: well, aoc math seems to have infected the brains of those over at msnbc, or maybe it's always been just inside there. i want you to see an anchorman, his entire team of producers and his guest all manage to somehow not get, not figure out what 500 million divided by the size of
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the u.s. population would actually be. >> somebody tweeted recently, actually, with the money he spent, he could have given every american a million dollars. >> i've got it. let's put it on the screen. when i read it tonight on social media, e it all became clear. bloomberg spent $500 million on ads, he could have given each american 1 million and have had lunch money left over. it's an incredible way of putting it. >> it's an incredible way of putting it. it's true. it's disturbing. [laughter] trish: all right, guys, you know, for starter, just off the top of your head, you ought to know that 500 million divided by 327 million, it would be, you know, just kind of over a dollar, right? it comes out to $1.53, but again, it should be intuitive. like, they teach these things in school, 10 divided by 10, right?
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500 million divide by 50 million would get you to -- 500 million would get you to 1. anyway, it's rather interesting that no one there on the left can do math. joining me right now is young americans for liberty's kristin tate. the i mean, kristin, i know they teach math differently, but brian williams is, for sure, older than me, so there's no excuse other than -- >> ono, it's crazy. trish: -- a lot going on upstairs, i guess. >> math has never been a strong point for liberals. after all, these are the same people who want to spend $90 trillion on free everything including college, a green new deal and government health care for everyone including illegal immigrants. and o of course, their left-wing constituents stand up and clap like trained seals. this brian williams clip exposes so much about the modern day left wing. this is why liberals think billionaires can pay for
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everything. this is why democrats continue to promise no tax hikes on the middle class while also promising these trillion or dollar programs that would result in massive my middle class tax hikes. this tweet made it to air without brian williams or his entire production staff noticing an elementary school level arithmetic error. trish: it's amazing. it's just amazing. and you crystallized it so well. thank you, kristin tate, very much. >> thank you, trish. trish: all right. coming up, a bill clinton prime time pop quiz. >> these allegations are false. and i need to go back to work for the american people. thank you. [applause] trish: all right. tonight's pop quiz question, former president bill clinton is out with yet another excuse for his affair with monica lewinsky. can you guess what it is now? i have the answer at the end of
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the show. also tonight, a cnn contributor targeting friends of this show diamond and silk, belittling them for supporting our president. >> black folks have got to look themselves in the mirror and say, hey, do i want to follow mark burns? do i want to follow katrina pierson? do i want to follow diamond and silk? trish: now liberal hollywood director spike lee is jumping on the bandwagon, going after diamond and silk, calling them house slaves. tonight diamond and silk are here and and only here to respond to spike lee. but first, liberal hypocrisy run amok. >> i want to tell you, gorsuch, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! [cheers and applause] you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. trish: well, it turn it is out
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democrat minority leader chuck schumer criticized president trump for criticizing a federal judge just last month. hear the hypocritical comments for yourself next. ♪ after my dvt blood clot, i wondered. could another come around the corner. or could it play out differently? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. almost 98% of patients on eliquis didn't experience another. and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling numbness or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding
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♪ muck. >> if we said it, we would no longer be leader. this is the person who's elected to lead them as democrats inside the senate going to the supreme court trying to intimidate them. remember, in america we believe in the exchange of ideas, but he wants to intimidate them because he doesn't agree with their ideas? that is what's wrong. trish: house minority leader kevin mccarthy blasting chuck schumer for threatening supreme court justices kavanaugh and gore such. here's the thing -- gorsuch. forgive me, i meant to say majority. they would smile -- and smile, i should say, while threatening two justices, an fbi agent would probably show up at their
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doorstep the, right? i mean, you don't threaten supreme court justices, two of them. meanwhile, you're the leader of the minority group for the senate. you're chuck schumer. and you're threatening them? you're trying to incite violence? that's what it sounded like to me when i go back and i look at that smile that he put on his face. hit -- his little mania cull a pa after, i'm sorry, that does not cut it. meanwhile, you've got 15 republican senators, yeah, only 15 right now, that seem to have an issue with schumer's behavior, and they're calling for the minority leader, chuck schumer, on the censured. this should not be hard, right? it should not be hard, guys. maybe you're spending a little too much time watching joy behar's pathetic yet predictable defense of schumer's threats. >> he did make the point though, and everybody should know, that if abortion rights are repealed,
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a lot of people will lose their seats, and he was warning them about that. the good thing about this whole conversation is that it's reminding people, voters, that you're not just voting for a president, you're voting for supreme court, you're voting for serb rights being taken away from from you. trish: volleyballing me now, former deputy national security adviser to president trump and author of the new book out right now, excellent book, "revolution: trump, washington and we the people," kt mcfarlane. so good to have you on this show again. what did you think when you saw chuck schumer do that? >> you know, not only was it really rep rerehence bl, and it's sort of like every time you say, well, they can't go any lower than this, then they go lower than this. and this is really the lowest of the low. but something that's even worse is why he did it. i don't think did it necessarily because he believed it, i don't think it was an accident. i think it was very deliberate.
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he's worried about the election, his election are n2022. he's up for re-election, and as even trump says, he is probably going to get challenged by aoc who's going to run for that seat. she is so far to the left, she is a socialist, and what's he trying to do? trying to position himself further to the left so that he can be palatable to a lot of -- [inaudible conversations] trish: what does that tell you though about the extreme left, the radical left? because we look at the violence that's recently been incited. you look at those bernie thugs, right, that are trying to intimidate a woman who's running for congress. >> yes. trish: you look at the bernie thugs and the antifa movement that's creating all this violence, you've got chuck schumer effectively, if you ask me, encouraging it, where is the left right now if that's where they're willing to head? >> yeah. well, i think it really speaks to what's wrong with the nation. you know, they all say it's all donald trump's fault.
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if it wasn't for donald trump, you know, it'd be "kumbaya" in america. donald trump responsible for all the divisive. i mean, he gives as good as he gets, but he sure gets it. he's had, for three years he's had the entire washington press corps, 97% of them against him. washington, d.c., 94% of them voted against trump. and he's got the house democrats who keep slipping on the banana peel trying to impeach him, the mueller hoax. it's every single day donald trump gets up, and somebody's taking a couple of whacks at him. and i think this is about as low as it goes. not only are they now whacking at trump, they're whacking at every conservative including supreme court justices. trish: i mean, it's completely out of hand. very quickly, because i know you were a victim of this yourself with an overly aggressive federal government and fbi, where do you think a.g. barr's investigation is heading, are they going to be out with indictments? >> i sure hope so.
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i'm getting a little concerned that it's taking so long because normally in washington if there's a scandal, they just sort of delay, delay, delay, hoping that people just forget about it and it goes away. if nothing is done to bring those people to justice, then i really worry that they'll do it again and again and again. it's no longer about trump. this is a little revolution, of who runs america. who gets to govern, the people or the washington establishment? trish: yeah. listen, everyone should read your book because you have a lot in there about what you personally went through, and, you know, it ain't pretty. this is, for any american who's trying to do the right thing and serve her country and to have been confronted with what you were cop fronted with, i'll leave that as a tease because people should read the book. kt mcfarlane, thank you so much. coming up, everyone, a bill clinton prime time pop quiz. >> [inaudible] >> i do. these encounters did not consist of sexual intercourse. they did not constitute sexual
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relations as i understand that term to be defined. trish: tonight's pop quiz question, former president bill clinton is out with yet another excuse for his affair with monica lewinsky, and can you guess what it is now? i'll have the answer, the end of the show. but first, first cnn called them out, now far-left hollywood director spike lee is calling them out, calling black trump supporters diamond and silk house slaves. friends of this show, smart as a whip. diamond and silk are here. they're taking on spike right after thisment. ♪ ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bob harper, and i recently had a heart attack. it changed my life. but i'm a survivor. after my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. it's for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. brilinta is taken with a low-dose aspirin. no more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. in a clinical study, brilinta worked better than plavix.
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♪ ♪ trish: we first brought you this disturbing story last night. hollywood dictator spike lee posting this photo of conservative black leaders praying alongside president trump the oval office. and equating them to house slaves in the pre-civil war era writing with: massuh, we love you, massuh, we're going to pray for you. m singing swing low, sweet chariot. two of the women front and center, diamond and silking. good to see you, guys, how's it feel to be called a house slave wanna be by spike lee? >> well, you know with, well, this is what we -- spike lee, we
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look at him as one of the gatekeepers of the democrat party. >> that's right. >> this is what they try to do to manipulate in order to dominate. but instead of spike lee calling us house slaves, why wasn't he calling out joe biden -- >> uh-huh. >> -- for calling black people, referring to black people with the n-word back in 1973? >> right. >> why isn't he calling out socialist bernie sanders who's pushing his socialist ideas that's going to drive us back to the days of slavery? >> that's right. >> it's time for back people to wake up and smell the coffee here. there is -- you don't have any part of the democrat party, they don't want us -- >> that's right. >> they look at us as ad commodity, something that can be bought and sold. that's why they try to buy us with free stuff. >> that's right. >> time for them to wake up, time for people to ditch and switch. walk away or run and run like hell from the democrat party because they are truly the party of racism. >> that's right.
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trish: wow with. silk, do you feel like the policies is have done anything to help the back community in recent years, or do they just effectively, the policies of the democrat party just try and give people just enough just to keep them down, not really enabling them to have the economic prosperity and independence that you need to really be able to achieve the american dream? >> well, when you look at the democrat party, just take a look at lyndon b. johnson. give them enough to keep them quiet but not enough to make a difference. that's what it's always been. just give me a few crumbs so so i can make a crumb cake. but i'm so grateful for president donald j. trump for giving us the whole ingredients so we can make our own cake and sit down and have our own slice and serve ourselves. when i look at a person like spike lee, he perpetuates racism daily are. he makes movies about racism. he can't call a white person racist. he need to start with the man in
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the mirror, look in the mirror and look at himself. and instead of calling white people racist, he's being a racist towards black people. >> racism comes in all colors. trish: yeah, for sure. what are you hearing, diamond, from other members of the black community? we look at polls, right, and it suggests that donald trump's faring a lot better than certainly any liberals would have anticipated. it's got to make the democrats pretty nervous right now. but anecdotally what are you seeing? >> well, let me tell you something, they are nervous. >> they're scared. >> president trump is solve ising black issues. >> that's right. >> that's why we were at the table. he's solving black issues. we don't have to go and burn down our communities because he's giving you a seat at the table. so what i'm hearing from black america, they're tired of these democrat rats. >> that's right. >> they're tired of their antics, all of this foolishness. they want to speak for themselves. they're not victims. they want to be victorious, and they want to prosper. >> that's right. >> and what i would tell
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anybody, any person of color, any black person, ignore those on the left. >> that's right. >> they just mad. >> they're jealous. they are jealous. >> president trump winning. trish: you know, they don't like the two of you very much, in fact, your name, both of your names came up when a cnn commentator went on this rant criticizing and shaming african-americans who vote for donald trump. i want you to see it and respond. here we go. >> black folks have got to look themselves in the mirror and say, hey, do i want to follow mark burns? do i want to follow katrina pierson? do i want to follow diamond and silk? you want to give donald trump kudos for throwing cheese bits at you and then criticize the people who have spent their careers doing things for the betterment of black people. if you still go over to donald trump after that, shame on you. trish: silk -- >> scary.
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trish: you look at job numbers, we've got the best unemployment rate in, basically, 50 years for minorities. >> that's right. we also have a lot of people that's been doing the same things, been in government positions, been talking about civil rights, been marching in the streets. let me tell you something, dr. martin luther king had a dream, but it's not for us to stay stuck in the dream. we have awakened from the dream, and we're propelling forward. and that's what a lot of black people that stuck over there on the democrat plantation do not like. they hate the fact that two black women are thinking outside the black box. they do not like that. as long as they can keep you stuck in the pains of your ancestors, then they can control you. you cannot control diamond and silk. a problem they have had, jay-z and beyonce? president trump has diamond and silk. [laughter] trish: he's very lucky to have you both. coming up next, the answer to
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our bill clinton prime time pop quiz. >> indeed, i did have a relationship with ms. lewinsky that was not appropriate in fact, it was wrong. trish: former president bill clinton is out with yet another excuse for his affair with monica i lewinsky. can you guess what it is now? @trishregan, i've got it for you @trishregan, i've got it for you with over 75 years of savings and service, geico is the easy choice. we could even help you with homeowners... oh! not again! oh, thanks! you know automated lights are just the beginning. pretty soon they're gonna have eyes... everywhere. well goodnight. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. (groans) hmph... (food grunting menacingly) when the food you love doesn't love you back,
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trish: knew tonight we finally know why bill clinton had an affair with monica lewinsky. so everyone's life had disappointments, fears of whatever, things i did to manage my anxiety for years, what i did was bad, when i think about the most stupid thing i could possibly do. kennedy: at least admits it was stupid, but i am sorry, to manage his anxiety? as the president of the united states, he took up with his intern, ruin her life by the way. to deal with the pressure, can't you go for a run or something? there is nothing else you could do to deal with all that pressure? while. it was shameful, his behavior, and what he put the country through and certainly his
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family through. and certainly monica lewin ski through. we've got another big week coming up on monday, charlie kirk, david bossi is going to be dry to me as well. have a t have to say we'll see you tomorrow night. kennedy is next. ♪ ♪. kennedy: i am now, thank you trish, and another one gone and another one gone and another one bites the dust. ♪ ♪ liz worn out of the race. farewell. so who is going to benefit more quest mike sleepy joe, crazy bernie or el presidente. as we all know it liz worn had a very miserable super tuesday. she did not win a single state. she came in third in her home state of massachusetts and forth in her first state of oklahoma with only 64 delegates for the nomination would have been virtually impossible with the 64000-dollar question who is she going to throw her hat to you
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