tv The Evening Edit FOX Business March 10, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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payroll tax cut holiday. which ichy he would be prefer to last through the end of the year. also administratively as, treasury secretary mnuchin and others have suggested, we are trying to, we will use the assistance to unpaid sick leave people, very important point. also small and medium businesses another important point and also possibly to some distressed industries or sectors in the economy. maybe tax deferral might be a useful tool and other means. so this is a strong across the board package. we're consulting with leaders in the house and the senate which respect to this package and particularly payroll tax holiday. let me say, coming into this difficult period, the economy is in fundamentally good shape. we saw blockbuster jobs report
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last friday. today, for example, small business confidence index, the nfib business confidence index registered a very strong number, keeping its near record high. unemremains low at 3 1/2%. other indicators look pretty good. we had a lot of momentum in the first quarter, good thing. i recognized challenges and that is why we are proposing these fiscal measures to combine with monetary measures that have already taken, and again i will repeat the president's word. just struck me as his determination, he intends to bring the full power of the federal government to deal with these health and economic challenges. >> thank you. well-said. and a worried from surgeon general jerome adams. general? >> good evening, everyone. surgeon general, whether it is opioids or cigarettes or the
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coronavirus, my job is to help the american people understand how to live a healthy life and i'm asking all of you, i'm imploring all of you to help share my prescription for america to overcome this coronavirus situation that we're in. there are three parts to it. number one, know your risks. as you heard many times but it's still important to impress upon america, if you are immunocompromised, if you have chronic medical conditions, if you are over the age of 60 you are at higher risk f you're a child or young adult, you are less likely to be impacted by the coronavirus. number two, the second part of the subscription, know your circumstances. are you in environment where you cantella work? are you going to large gathering like church? are you in a community particularly impacted by the coronavirus? you can find out the information from your state and local health department. does your state have a hotline you can call in to assess
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symptoms? knowing your circumstances. number three, this is the important part. know what you can do to stay safe. we have leaned into the please send people to that website. we put the tools on there for individual groups, specific audiences so people can understand how to stay safe f we follow this prescription, we will, we will, we will overcome the coronavirus as dr. fauci said. we'll see more cases. unfortunately we are likely to see more deaths. we have not hit the peak of this epidemic quite jet, if we follow this prescription, we will decrease the number of people who are impacted we will decrease the number of people who will die and we'll more quickly get to the end of this situation. >> great job. questions? reporter: mr. vice president, that poster says there to avoid crowding, consider rearranging large activities. so will the trump campaign
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suspend campaign rallies and other activities? >> that will be a decision that's made literally on a day-to-day basis. i thought dr. fauci spoke to that very well. i'm very confident that the campaign will take the very best information and make the very best decision going forward but these proposals are things that every american can do all across the country that will reduce the risk of either contracting or being exposed to the coronavirus. reporter: mr. vice president on the economic message the word unveiled was used. so far the public has not seen it. how big is the package? how big will the payroll tax cut be? when will the general public see what y'all put together? >> larry. >> we're working details right now, so i don't want to quote
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numbers ahead of time. you make a proposal. we're checking with the leaders of both parties of both houses and see what is doable and where, tough nuts are going to be. i don't want to get into any detail. i think the outline of the thing is very important. the payroll tax holiday is probably the most important powerful piece of this but on the other hand i want to draw attention, we can use administration and executive authority again to help unpaid sick leave people which is very important. we can use it for the medium and smaller businesses which is very important. other distressed sectors. we have some leverage on tax deferral. we know, i mean, look, i will say again as i have for quite some time, the economy is strong. we also know there are going to be problems ahead. we know there are going to be challenges ahead. don't deny it. we'll see. i want to take that a day at a
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time and a fact at a time, a statistical release at a time. anyway, this will be the broad package and at some point in the near future we'll outline more detailed package for you. reporter: maybe while larry is up here, unless you answer, mr. vice president. >> go ahead. reporter: the president proposed to the gop policy lunch today to remove the entire payroll tax from both employers and employees. that would be 12.4% reduction. back in 2010 we had 2% reduction. can you basically eliminate, or however number of months the payroll tax without blowing a huge hole in the budget? furthermore the president told the bunchen -- luncheon he would like toe make that cut permanent. how do you do that? >> the payroll tax holiday is a bold move, a very bold move and
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this has always been a bold president. we've been cutting taxes and rolling back regulations and changing trade deals and opening up the energy sector and doing things nobody thought we could do before, john. we had pretty good economic results for it. we're in a challenge period now. i get that. so, with respect to your question on the specifics i think there will be a big growth pay off. i think it will help deal with whatever challenges occur in the next few months. i think beyond that ameliorating the tax burden on the middle class, the so-called blue-collar boom that i talk quite a bit about, that is what this is aimed for. that is really what the payroll tax is principally about by lifting burdens of middle class folks i think we get a big growth kicker. we had big labor market. it may stall or not. i'm speculating a bit on the challenges of the health time.
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i think overtime we'll make it up with much better than economic growth. i will remind also later on, way down the road, probably later this summer, early fall, we'll unveil another package of tax cuts and tax reform proposals but, yeah, it is a bold proposal. this is a bold president. i think it is paid off. >> if you were to make it permanent can you backfill from general revenue to make up for -- fiscal year 21, social security, employment insurance, medicare part a revenue are $1.23 trillion. can you find the money somewhere else. >> we're not talking about medicare at this point. i'm going, by the way the answer is yes, you can backfill it and that has been done before because we have had other payroll tax cuts. you mentioned one of them in 2010 or 2011. the answer so that is yes. the answer we will always maintain a solvent social security system but you know, tax reform is very important.
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economic growth is very important and incentives for middle and lower income workers are very important. i will just add, you know, in terms of the boldness of this president's policies, despite what some of our critics think, actually it is the middle and lower middle people that have done the best. wage growth terms and i think this is absolutely consistent, this lifts tax burdens on the middle class. i think it is absolutely consistent with his earlier policies. >> let me also say, john, if i can, that the other piece of this is what the doctors said, experts said, if you are sick, if you suspect you may have coronavirus we want you to stay home and the president is absolutely adamant, working with the congress or using his executive authority to insure hourly workers, people working for small, medium-sized businesses, that don't have paid
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family leave can stay home and feel confident they will not be losing a paycheck. every american can identify with that concern. we're going to work for, whether we do it legislatively or the president has some resources in his executive authority to act we're going to work to make sure that hourly workers don't feel like you have to go to work sick because you're risking a paycheck. get home, stay home, take those couple of weeks to get better. eamon. reporter: thank you, mr. vice president. i want to drill down own something larry said, payroll taxes generated $1.17 trillion. that is enormous figure. larry you're suggest you can make that up from general revenue. where will you get a trillion dollars from? >> you know, let us put the proposal out in concrete details and flush that out and we'll have much better answers. right now i want to stay in my
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lane. i think the health story, the coronavirus story is very, very important here. we will do the best we can, eamon, to give you specific plans and details once we flesh them out. reporter: increase testing capacity, we're still seeing reports of severe rationing in many cases because of limited supply. appears to be close to impossible for average americans to get tests without being hospitalized first. when can the american people expect to see these test kits available at doctors offices urgent care, clinics specifically when. >> i will have the secretary step for war and address that, let me say we've made great progress over the last week a million tests are in the field. every state lab in america can do coronavirus tests. if you are concerned that you have coronavirus, your doctor can contact the state lab, can have a test processed. by the end of this week another
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four million tests will be distributed, but to your very important question we're working day by day with the largest commercial labs in america. we had, we had some good discussions today with outside experts as well, who said that when the president brought the commercials labs in he did the exactly the right thing, the big companies have logistics infrastructure all over the country can deliver the test, process the test whether it is quest or labcorp. we believe in the days and weeks ahead we'll continue to see the availability much tests dramatically rise and we're driving toward that every day. mr. secretary, would you add to that? >> maybe dr. redfield can add in also. so by the end of this weekend we had 1.1 million tests that were actually shipped. another one million are in transit or waiting for orders. so we have a surplus capacity already of tests that have been
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produced. as the vice president said, by the end of this week will be another four million tests. so the tests are out there. the tests are in every public health lab in the country. they're in hospitals. they're in labs but i think there is a false premise in your question which is the notion that just because i as a person say, i would like to be tested for the novel coronavirus, i should be going to a minute clinic or some other facility and walking in saying give me my test please. that is not how dying no, sirric testing works or any place in the world. >> you said on friday -- >> we've always been clear if their doctor or public health physician believes they should be tested. it needs always to be clinically indicated to receive a test. so it is a false premise. go to your doctor, first, if you don't go to your doctor, call your doctor's office, if you believe you may have the novel coronavirus. call the clinic. call the hospital, call the
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doctors office. so that you don't just walk right in, follow their infection control procedures for doing that. and then, they will decide working with you whether a test is appropriate to be done but there are millions of tests out there now and it is going, as the vice president said, with quest and labcorp getting it at the doctor's office, swanning, their distribution and transport system, it will be better, closer to the patient experience as i talked to you saturday when we met together. >> i will ask dr. birx to speak to this too. she has done a tremendous job bringing our commercial labs to bear on this but to your other point, the president directed us to essentially change the criteria that cdc was giving labs around the country. we heard from governors around the country that people that were only mildly symptomatic were being told that they couldn't be tested.
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we changed that. we changed that description and so as the president said, anyone who on a doctor's order wants to be tested can at a doctor's indication be tested now. we're working to fill that need and we're making great progress every single day but i wanted dr. birx to speak to it as well. >> i just wanted to talk to you briefly about what happened in decreasing barriers. i have been a lab person. i've been a vaccine developer. i've been a doctor. i've been all those things but i have never in my lifetime of government service have worked with the cdc in a way that every time that the state or local government calls and says i have this barrier, i need a modification to the regulations, that has happened almost daily. and the reason we have commercial labs willing to step in immediately because the fda has created that ability and
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posted on their website, i don't know if you've been there, this unbelievable waiver system and clear definitions where every single hospital, every single university can utilize this testing algorithm. that is the highly unusual but it is also what is bringing the super large high through-put companies to the table. and i just want to, this has been unique for me to be able to see this unbelievable dialogue between what states need, what local governments need and federal government being responsive which changing those regulations. and that has been really wonderful to watch. >> thank you, dr. birx. right here. reporter: i wanted to ask, i guess the administration has really touted the success of the travel ban on china. why hasn't that extended those bans to south korea or japan or italy? is it still under consideration or has the administration really shifted to mitigation from containment?
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>> well i'm going to let dr. birx speak to that in a moment but there is no question, as dr. fauci said just a few days ago, we would be in a very different place if president trump had not suspended all travel from china. and we've also i suspect be in a very different place if we hadn't issued travel advisories for portions of italy, portions of sought -- south korea and initiated all screening of all passengers on all direct flights into the united states from both of those countries. i will tell you we had a very, we had a very thorough discussion today of the prospect of recommending to the president additional travel advisories what we're doing as dr. fauci said, we're following the facts. we're going to bring those recommendations forward in a time and manner that we as
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white house coronavirus task force determine are appropriate. literally a day-to-day consideration. we'll continue to put the health and safety of america first. dr. birx, did you want to amplify that? >> i think that was perfectly set. [reporters shouting questions] reporter: thank you -- used to be a part of this administration had an op-ed where he basically said that you have 10 days before hospitals are overrun, he recommended pools be shut down for eight weeks. what does the administration think about that? does it agree that we, the u.s. could be at the point where this they're could be a turning point in the next 10 days or so? what about keeping schools open? should they be kept open? >> let me say the recommendations that you have and that every american now has
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at coronavirus.governor apply to every jurisdiction in the country. irrespective whether or not there is coronavirus case established. i will tell you we're working very closely with california, washington, new york, florida, to develop community specific recommendations for those areas where we have had what is known as community spread. a number of coronavirus cases that appeared to be transmitted in the community. in the next 24 hours working with those states, we'll be publishing cdc's recommendations for what ought to be done but, i want to, turn it over to dr. fauci to tell you, we really think the most important thing here is that we continue to bring the facts forward to the american people and that, in that, our proposals and our recommendations while, while, all of these apply to everybody
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in the united states and it will help reduce the infection rate of the coronavirus, that for those communities that are being impacted we're going to develop specific recommendations that will make the most sense for them. dr. fauci? >> thank you. dr. fauci, can you say, can you wait until there is community spread to make some of these decisions? >> that depends own the degree of community spread. community spread could be just small amount. you could start to see multiple generations. getting to your individual question, that everything is on the table for consideration. the idea that we're not closing all, i mean i think for the country right now to say we're going to close all the schools in the country, i don't think would be appropriate. would school closures is be appropriate depending upon not whether you have already the horse is out of the barn but when you start to see, we're getting a little bit danger
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here, so let's do it, it is incorrect to say now everything happened bad, let's close the school and it is incorrect to say, let's just blanket close the schools in the entire country tonight. i don't think that would be appropriate. but i do think it would be appropriate to carefully try and do things like closing but there is other things besides closing. to do real mitigation, sometime before you think you really need it. that gets back to what i said a few moments ago where the puck is going to be but you want to make sure you're not so far ahead you overshoot. >> thanks, guys. reporter: should the president stop shaking hands with people? he just did it at the medal of freedom ceremony a few moments ago. on the sign-up here you should stop handshaking if you're work place or your school or in commercial establishments. should the president set that example? i notice you've been opting for the elbow bump. >> i've been shaking hands.
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reporter: what do you make of that? is that necessary do you think at this point? >> well, look as the president has said in our line of work you shake hands when someone wants to shake your hand. i expect the president will continue to do that. i will continue to do it. what this is, is a broad recommendation for americans. but a really good recommendation as to wash your hands often. and all the experts tell me that while, people want to get the various sanitizing lotions, washing your hands with hot soap and water, 20 seconds is just as good as any lotion you can buy. so. [reporters shouting questions] one or two more. reporter: is it a plan to coordinate a response with other countries -- >> i'm sorry, say again? reporter: is it plan to coordinate a response with other
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countries? president bowl is of brazil, spoke -- >> i know they spoke about a broad range of issue us and i know the coronavirus was discussed. what i can tell you that our focus is on the health and well-being of the american people. we're going to continue to communicate with nations across this hemisphere and across the country. but, what the president's given us as a mission of the white house coronavirus task force is to see to the health and well-being of the american people. we'll continue to make recommendations to do just that. how about one more? reporter: thank you, mr. vice president. one on washington state. they made a request, strategic stockpile for -- 233,000 masks. they received half of that. wondering if that report is inaccurate, at least speak to
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it. secondly on cruise lines, are you looking at a bailout for cruise lines? several of these companies are -- [inaudible] >> so, they got half of the shipment from the strategic national stockpile initially. when the vice president went out to the state of washington, when the second half of the shipment arrived. i spoken with governor inslee who we had a superb working relationship. he informed me there are additional personal protective equipment they need that a couple hospitals have. we're working through the national strategic stockpile we're fulfilling shipments as needed. >> i want to echo again our gratitude to governor inslee and all of the health officials in the state of washington. i was there last week. our teams are working very closely together. we'll follow up on that public report but the secretary has indicated. look, as i said in the next 24 hours we'll be working with not only washington state but
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california, with new york, with florida. and unveiling our recommendations. cdc's recommendations, to those areas that have been impacted by community spread and then we'll continue to come alongside those communities to do everything in our power to mitigate the spread but let me just say again as a resource. thank you all. we'll be back here again tomorrow. practical information for every american. details for state labs, that may yet have questions about performing their own tests. we have specifics enzymes, agents, ingredients that where they can be acquired and how for the performance of coronavirus tests. but for every american, i just want to say again, remember that, the risks to the average american of contracting the coronavirus remains low. but however, the risk to senior citizens with serious underlying, chronic health
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conditions, is very significant and it is important for all of us to continue to take all the steps necessary to look after the most vulnerable, to look after the our health and i'm confident that we'll get through this together. thank you. [reporters shouting questions] elizabeth: you are now with the evening edit. i'm elizabeth macdonald. get right to edward lawrence in washington for a wrap on the coronavirus task force. a lot of news coming out of that, edward? reporter: a lot of news. very interesting point they were short on details on stimulus package wanted to get you to look at the broad outline that something will happen. white house economic advisor larry kudlow that the president asked for payroll relief for employees and as well as employers for the rest of the year, bringing that down to zero, effective rate for the end of this year. also talked about paid sick leave for hourly workers as well as possibly some small business, medium business loan issues where they can help in that
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department as well as bringing the full power of the federal government to work on this issue here. so a lot of economic issues to break through as well as the update on the virus there, liz. elizabeth: zero payroll taxes through after the election. also talking about maybe more tax cuts in the summer or the fall. that is what larry kudlow says. more headlines coming in. waiving, waiving the copays for insurers, medicare and medicaid. also no travel ban yet on south korea and italy. cruise liners would have to pay the costs of their screenings. that is when we saw dow futures start to dip down almost 200 points, started to claw back when they talked more about tax cuts. go ahead, edward. reporter: this is very interesting. you bring that down to zero, the payroll tax, the relief there, talking about $1.3 trillion which is the question pointed directly at larry kudlow, where do you fill that 1.3 trillion
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when you're going to have, expecting to have a trillion dollar deficit throughout this year? that is one thing he was not able to answer. he didn't come back, say, look at details of the plan. secretary mnuchin is on point on this, working with house speaker nancy pelosi he did say today that mnuchin believes that the two could have a bipartisan agreement on something going forward there. elizabeth: i got to cut in. are the democrats going to go for a payroll tax cut? because we're watching the long bond going up to 1.38%. they have to backfill it likely with treasury borrowings, why you see the yield popping higher. will the democrats go for a payroll tax cut? >> short answer, probably no. senator chuck schumer saying this is not a political issue. so therefore through the election they probably don't see it, maybe short-term relief. elizabeth: dow futures down less than .60%. thank you for the wrap. we have more show coming up.
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elizabeth: we're less than 90 minutes away from the first results from the democrat primaries, from michigan, mississippi and missouri. here is what is at stake. bernie sanders single-payer. will bernie win any of these primaries or will he lose? will the single-payer dream go down? if bernie loses will they start to move toward trump? that happened in michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. i am wondering if my next guest is available? republican senator tim scott of south carolina. he is with us. senator, thank you for sticking around. we had the presser. >> very important. elizabeth: your take on toe night? what do you think is going to happen? >> i think the south carolina biden bounce was real. i think that basically into the competition, as far as i can see, i suspect that biden will perform very well in michigan
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and that will be a nail in the coffin for my perspective. i think it will also do well in three or four other states, especially mississippi. mississippi has the same type of dynamics happening in north carolina, south carolina. we know those results. michigan will be a outlyer because bernie won it in 2016 but so far the polling information says biden is 20 points ahead. would not be surprised to see that gap remain. in missouri other big state, seems like biden will win by double digits, maybe even 20 to 25 points. elizabeth: so safe to say you're predicting a biden victory, that right, senator? >> yes. super tuesday is going to be biden country. elizabeth: i want your take on this here is bernie sanders ripping into joe biden for doing only seven minute speeches. let's watch this. >> when i give a speech, often it is 45 minutes or an hour, okay? because, they're are a lot of
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challenges the country faces, i got to talk about them. i think joe was somewhere, where was he, i don't know, michigan or someplace else the other day and he spoke for seven minutes. i don't know how you say anything other than, you know, minimal discussion in seven minutes. elizabeth: your take, how can voters get joe biden's mat -- platform. obama campaign kept biden off the trail in 2012. >> things are much worse today than they were in 2012 for joe biden. that is one of the reasons why his campaign is trying to manage his face time and limit it. you saw today where he said something to a person talking about the second amendment that was bs and he said don't be a horse's butt. there is reason why i think they're trying to restrict his time in front of the audience and frankly giving speeches. that perhaps bodes as good news for the fall for president trump frankly when you're going to have an hour debate or 90 minute debates, the contrast. here is what we know about
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joe biden's campaign. it supports the "green new deal." it supports free college for the first two years. it supports a 15-dollar minimum wage. so what we already know about the biden campaign are thinks inconsistent with the middle of the road for the american people. certainly out of the realm of possibilities on the conservative side. elizabeth: if bernie loses big, will bernie's frustrated voters turn to vote for president trump to help trump build a red wall in blue states? bernie voters helped swing michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. they gave trump the margin of victory in 2016. do you think they will do it again? >> i think that plays in very heavily. think about wisconsin specifically. wisconsin voters that voted for bernie voted for president trump in the general election. i think you see more of the same. the other factor starting to manifest, biden is doing better for african-american voters. overall the economy is strong and powerful. elizabeth: senator tim scott, thank you so much. great to see you.
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come back soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: we have way more show after the break. stay right there. can we go get some ice cream? alright, we gotta stop here first. ♪ ♪ from smarter atms, to after hours video tellers ♪ ♪ comcast business is connecting thousands of banks to technology that turns everyday transactions into extraordinary experiences. hi there. how are you? do you have any lollipops in there? (laughing) no, sorry.
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elizabeth: let's bring our next guest, hudson institute director of chinese strategies. michael pillsbury. great to see you, michael. >> hi, liz. elizabeth: your reaction to the state of affairs with the coronavirus outbreak? china seeing cases dropped to 19 cases a day. president she said they turned a concerner. >> he said today, they curbed the virus. talking about a war on the virus. he also changed his mind. he respects president trump's decision which president xi initially opposed. the chinese were very angry about it. now they respect his decision when president trump cut off airline flights either way from china. probably the south koreans and italians wish they had done that, but the chinese are not declaring victory yet but they are trying to broadcast a sense of confidence. they say 90% of their big
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factories have gone back to work. obviously the tragedy they could have if they prematurely and social distance system and have sort of a second wave. that will be a disaster for us all. so far, liz, they're broadcasting, trying to divert global anger against them for being the source of this virus. elizabeth: interesting. you know, the vice president was just asked about a travel airline ban, travel ban from, for south korea and italy. it didn't answer about that. it is interesting what is going on with china. south korea success story, "new england journal of medicine" as we've been report forge a few days now, just 30.7 death rate. that is message to the world of success. striking south korea did not have any city in lockdown versus lockdowns in china. you know the new cases are slowing to less than 250. >> yes. elizabeth: versus double that last week. >> i think you're seeing a
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contrast with president trump, maybe winning the prize for boldness and early decisions while in china, what seems to have happened is very, very embarrassing for them. the whole first month they were very slow. they punished the original whistleblower, the on that -- ophthalmologist who died because of virus. china has much to answer for. they have a pr campaign that things are under control. where president trump took action. what i'm hearing from the chinese is admiration for trump's quick an bold action compared to their own leaders covering up and being kind of slow getting the war going against the virus. elizabeth: there is talk here in new york city, new york city may go into quarantine. we don't know. there is talk if we get the tests to new york city we may see a new picture what is going on here. in new rochelle, north of the city, the national guard is stepping in to do a one mile zone quarantine of that area in new rochelle. are you worried about that? what worked in south korea,
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south korea did common sense. south korea did not do any city in lockdown. reportedly no cities in lockdown in south korea. they have experience with sars and merz. they're in china's backyard. your comments on south korea being no lock down? >> president moon made the mistake. chinese experience, social distancing, this business about six feet and washing your hand, quarantine, it works. if you cut off the virus's means of spreading, you save your country. so president moon may have made a very major mistake in not following the chinese and the american models. elizabeth: all right. so, by the way, south korea also had thermal imaging cameras set up to detect whether or not someone was in a fever. will this, will the united states anywhere go for that? >> if you go to,
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the vice president pence mentioned four or five times just now, you will see that the feverish issue is not always a symptom, nor do necessarily detectors pick it up. quarantine is much more important, washing of hand and so forth, than relying on airport thermometers. elizabeth: we, again, there is still an issue whether or not we are getting the tests out. breaking news coming out of the presser, coronavirus tack force, the white house led that. they're rapidly relaxing regulations, in order literally changing regulation ad hoc, on the fly and getting waivers ramped up to get tests to states, to state universities to do them. your reaction to that approach? >> well the importance of the test is pointed out by the scientists. if you know for sure someone has the virus, then you can prepare things like intensive care unit treatment, extreme quarantine, prepare ventilator, look for
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signs of problems with your lungs. society test is really very important. but only doctors control whether they see the clinical symptoms that justify a test. it isn't like tests for everybody. this is something that the chinese did not do, something president trump has pioneered. elizabeth: okay. your reaction, bernie sanders says, keep the borders open as socialist serbia shuts its borders. your quick reaction to that. we have a sound bite from democratic governor i like to get to. >> a lot of democrats including bernie are blaming president trump from the virus. it is exact opposite he is saving us from it. border control is key part of that. elizabeth: democrat governor gavin newsom joins democrat governor jay inslee of washington state praising president of handling of coronavirus. watch this. >> we had a very long conversation. every single thing he said they followed through on. i'm not interested in finding
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daylight on those statements because every single thing his administration and it starts at the top, including the vice president has been consistent with the expectation that we repatriate these passengers and we do it in a way that does justice to the spirit defines best of our country and state of california. elizabeth: again, that is the california governor. he is saying, the vice president, the president and the vice president responsive. your reaction? >> very wise to be generous in your praise because trump and pence have done the right thing. they deserve credit for it. >> you know, i want to get back to this what is coming out of that presser just moments ago. again the white house coronavirus task force just had a press conference. we went into it into the bottom of the hour. your, your take on the federal response as it relates to the state and local response. there has been a lot of criticism about the federal response when it comes to lack of test kits going out.
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you're reaction to that? >> well, don't forget president trump had a strategy forming a good bond with president xi xinping. in their phone calls, as i understand it, xi xinping has been sharing ideas and lessons and experience in china with president trump. he in some sense alerted president trump just how dangerous all this is back in january. so we have this unusual bond between xi xinping and donald trump. seems to be moving both sides towards a successful war on the virus. elizabeth: michael pillsbury, always great to have your insights. we're going to monitor whether or not the united states, federal government, trump administration will do a travel ban on south korea and italy. that was the question before. vice president did not answer that. michael pillsbury, always great to see you. come back soon. >> thanks, liz. >> next up former i.c.e. acting chief, tom homan, out with a new battle plan to stop criminal illegal aliens from attacks u.s. citizens in sanctuary cities an states. tom homan, stepping right up
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into a hot debate. he is raising the questions. he is says this one is based on common sense. we're going to explain it next. ♪ ♪ you work hard for your money. stretched days for it. ♪ ♪ juggled life for it. ♪ ♪ took charge for it. ♪ ♪ so care for it. look after it. invest with the expertise of j.p. morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. after all, it's yours. chase. make more of what's yours. we'll keep building smarter suv's. to help keep you focused on the road ahead. and. the road beside. did we mention the road ahead.
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♪. elizabeth: lou dobbs coming up with his show in just a few minutes. let's get a preview what he has to the. great to see you, lou. >> great to see you, liz. we have an exciting show. one that is going to be informational, educational, i think you will find it fascinating. in fact, joining us tonight is john price, the president, chief executive officer of graphics. it is a genetic engineering firm. that company is working on a coronavirus vaccine. we'll take up what is a pan dem mick and why have we given up so much authority to the world health organization. we'll talk with dr. mark rupp from the national quarantine center located in nebraska, the university of nebraska. epsays there is a vast difference between reality on the ground and some, some of the impressions being created from washington, d.c. we'll be taking that up with him congressman andy biggs joins us. the head of the freedom caucus. we'll be talking about fisa. we'll be talking about stimulus
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programs. and talking of course with former reagan white house political director ed rollins. former national deputy security advisor to president trump, kt mcfarland. that straight ahead. please join us at the top of the hour. you will love it. elizabeth: i will love it. sounds really interesting what you're taking on. fascinating stuff, always good to see you, lou dobbs. >> appreciate it. elizabeth: bring in california republican tom mcclintock. thanks for joining us tonight. >> always a pleasure. elizabeth: your, your state is sanctuary state. from former i.c.e. acting chief tom homan what he says about cities and states. he says let i.c.e. into jails. that is the best common sense way to protect and help immigrant communities. of watch this. >> they really protect immigrant community, let i.c.e. into the jail. a losing argument every time
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they bring it up. access to the jail, you already'sed chosen to talk somebody up, fingerprints you sent to the fbi. they're in country illegally. you're detaining somebody we know is in jail. we know there is probable cause and he is in country illegally. when you're in the jail talking to him, give him to us. that is all they're acting for. won't notify when they release them, reoffend. coming next year they have the hand out for more department of justice funding because they want to be reimbursed for detaining illegal aliens. elizabeth: reaction to his common cents approach? the other side, opposition to that is saying this is anti-minimum i grant ash anti-immigrant policy. how is that anti-immigrant? >> i have 10 county sheriffs in my district. all are absolutely livid over the sanctuary law in california.
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they're sworn to protect communities. they're elected to protect communities. the law is actually ordering them to imperil those communities by releasing dangerous illegal aliens back into those communities, rather than turning them over to i.c.e. for deportation as federal law requires. tom homan is absolutely right everything he just said. number one the safe place to intervene is at the jail when criminals are unarmed and in custody. once they're released into the community, that increases danger for law enforcement officers and innocent bystanders. that imperils communities they are released back into. elizabeth: this is about crime, crime, crime. the u.s. has already 22 million illegal aliens. i.c.e. getting pushback, outrage for sending wave of border officials into sanctuary cities to catch the bad guys. news h news coming in, i.c.e.
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arrested 209 criminal illegal aliens last couple weeks. including 178 with prior criminal histories. convictions for, charges for rape, drug trafficking. we're talking sexual assaults, assault, battery, robbery and more. your reaction to that? >> that is what we're hearing from county sheriffs across california and particularly in my district. once they have released these criminals, they go right back to rye offend and some of the crimes are absolutely heinous. these are all people who should not be in the country in the first place. who are ordered under federal law to be deported and sanctuary law is forbidding our sheriffs from complying with that law. elizabeth: somehow this got distorted into an immigration issue when it is about crime. it is about crime period, crime. of the arrests include, watch this 48-year-old citizen of guatemala convicted of murder and kidnapping. he had already been sentenced 15 years to life. 29-year-old from liberia. a member of the bloods gang. they picked
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they just picked up a known ms-13 member in texas. sir, we are seeing arrests of illegals in 3 countries, including china, central america, india, liberia, africa *, zimbabwe. >> they entered the country illegally. then they commit crimes against other americans while they are in the country. we catch them, sentence them, and they are released back into the country. ultimately this will have to be decided by the supreme court. this is the doctrine of
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nullification. that if a state doesn't like a federal law they don't have to cop ply with it. liz: 160 troops are being sent to the border. an illegal alien giving just a traffic ticket for careless driving. he nearly killed an entire family. he killed a mother and a grandmother and he only got a ticket. that happened outside disney's park in orlando. final word on tom homan. >> if they are obstructing federal law, they shouldn't be getting federal law enforcement funds.
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the democrats have taken a strong position of not enforcing our immigration laws. if that's the case, our borders are meaningless. liz: we are up against a break. great to see you, lou dobbs is next. [♪] lou: good evening. president trump on capitol hill and at the white house today selling his ideas on how to protect america and american workers from the coronavirus con the day june. president trump meeting with health understand leaders to listen to their thinking and to explain his ideas to insure workers with paychecks and healthcare if the coronavirus worsens and creates shutdowns whether airline, shipping, rail or on the highways.
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