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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  March 17, 2020 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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have a good evening. [♪] lou: good evening, everybody. the corona task force news conference. the president said the wuhan virus crisis could last into july. and the president suggested americans should limit gatherings to no more than 10 people. he made it clear he and his administration are committed to the defeat of the virus as soon as possible and called on american citizens to do their civic duty to stop the spread. president trump: we toughened to the guidelines to blunt the infection now. we would rather be ahead of the curb of than behind it.
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my administration is repping the young and healthy engage in schooling from home when possible. avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking bars, restaurants, and public food courts. if everyone makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we'll rally together as one nation. and we'll defeat the virus. lou: the administration released a plan called 15 days to slow the spread. listen to state and local authorities. stay home if you feel sick. keep sick children at home. if someone at home has the virus, the entire house hold should stay home. older people should stay home and away from people.
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cases of the wuhan virus have risen to more than 4,500 -- almost 4,500. the number of deaths has risen to 77 deaths as of tonight. 42 of those in washington. 29 of those associated with the life kerosene year center in kirkland, washington. and 26 of the remaining 44 residents of the center have tested positive for the virus. and 60 employees of the center, a third of their staff, showing symptoms. the surgeon general today with this warning for the country. >> we are at a critical inflection point. we are where italy was two weeks ago in terms of our numbers. do we want to go the direction of south korea and lower our
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mortality rates or go the direction of italy? lou: the trump administration's innovative efforts to stop the wuhan virus paying more dividends announcing the first clinical trial for the virus under way today in seattle. that's vaccine developed by moderna and the institute of the allergy and infectious diseases. it's being tested on 45 young healthy volunteers. this is the fastest from sequencing to human trials ever. more is being done to slow america's dependency on chinese medical supplies. the surgeon general making a plea to american hospitals to hold back on treatments in order to conserve the much-needed equipment. >> hospital systems should pull down their elective cases when
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appropriate. when you look at different modeling projections. there are scenario whereas we wouldn't have enough ventilators. but the way you make sure you have you enough ventilators to is to reduce the number of people hop will need them with the measures we are talking about. lou: there are 60,000 ventilators in hospitals trite now. dr. anthony quaw chicago said 12,500 are stockpiled. there are 30 million but as many as 300 million snow one knows who originated the cyber attack.
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the administration considered a nationwide quarantine which the white house roundly denied. we asked if there was any indications of where the cyber attack originated. they did not have a response. joining us is robert o'brien. let's start with the cyber attack on the department of health and human services. >> we are looking into it and we'll figure it out. unfortunately the hhs website and the hhs computer systems are up and running. our folks are able to telecommute from home. the attack was repelled. but it was a serious thing.
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we'll figure out who was behind it, and there will be appropriate consequences. lou: secretary of state pompeo made it clear who he believes is behind the disinformation campaign, specifically china. dr. fauci and others, if you go to the cdc website you will get the latest information. so one tells you they have inside information or secret knowledge. the text message on whatsapp. just ignore that. and we'll take appropriate
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action and it will be a time of our choosing. >> how are you dealing with china's threats to perhaps make it very clear that through their state run media that there is a feeling among some that they should ex floyd our dependency on china for pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. >> those are disappointing comments. the president said from the outset that he likes president xi and would like to get along with china. we signed a phase one trade deal that mitigated some of the things that happened. china taking advantage of us, stealing our intellectual property. so we would like good relations with china. it's disappointing when you see some government official say the u.s. army had something to do with this wuhan virus.
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we know it wasn't properly reported to health officials. now the rest of the world is dealing with this. our chinese friends, my suggestion is let's be part of the solution and work together on that. trying to place the blame on some party other than china. it's not conducive to good relations long term. lou: the attack on the base in iraq. our soldiers killed in that attack. the response, airstrikes. where do we stand with iran and what is our posture in iraq in which we know three of the bases there u.s. troops are moving out. >> our posture there is strong. we'll be doing some consolidation of the bases. we'll make sure our sailors and marines are serving in iraq and will be well protected. i think the perpetrators of the
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strike that killed several of our soldiers just recently understood when we responded, that we are not going to put up with that but at the the same time we are consolidating our footprint and we'll be in a position to defend our folks. when the united states is attacked, we'll respond and we'll respond with overwhelming force. our eye is not off the ball. our adversaries and those who would do america harm. while we are focused on corona at home, and the president laid outed a bold plan to make sure we win this war against corona. we are keeping an eye on those who would do us harm. if anyone thinks america is less determined they are making a big mistake. lou: i heard the expression,
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civic duty, more often in the last week than i have heard it in quite a few years. it has a ring to it i like. your thoughts as we conclude? national security, the coronavirus, its debilitating to our markets and economy. its effect on our national security. >> what we need to do is take care of our people, the reason we have a military and worry about national security for our people is to make sure the people are safe and secure. one thing every american can do against this invisible enemy and coronavirus and wuhan flu. do what they ask you do by the professionals. use hand sanitizer. even if you are young and may not be susceptible to a serious injuries. don't go out to large gatherings.
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and just be responsible. we are in this together. let's flatten this curve the next two weeks and 15 days. it will mean a sacrifice but that's small compared to what prior generations have done to protect this country. i any on the other side we'll come out of this a stronger country economically with you i think there will -- but i think there will bed a bond between people who go through this crisis together. we'll be -- we are going to be a great country and we are a great country. we'll have a spirit that has improved as a result of us fighting this thing together. lou: every one and every nation gets a test in life. i agree with you. americans wil will persevere ano better than that and succeed. robert o'brien, national
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security advisor. on wall street the markets plummeting after the ask ask interest rates were slashed to zero. and a massive quantitative easing. as the dow then plunged almost 3,000 points, down 13%. the second worst day in its history of 24 years. the s & p 500 down 325. the nasdaq down 970 points. more than 12%. accord together wilshire 5,000 indexes, stocks down just about 3.5 trillion. president trump saying despite the markets' recent decline, it will bounce back dtd * i think there is a tremendous pent-up
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demand in terms of the stock market and the economy. once this goes away. once it goes through and we are done with it, i think you will see a tremendous surge. lou: up next, more countries shutting down their borders trying to stop the spread of the wuhan virus. dr. marc siegel joins us later in the house. the house of representatives passing a coronavirus relief bill that few congressmen actually read. congressman louie gohmert isn't pleased. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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so that we can help more frail and lonely elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union before its too late. (sorrowful music) oh no, here comes gthe neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his xfinity customer service is. i'm mike, i'm so busy. good thing xfinity has two-hour appointment windows. they have night and weekend appointments too. he's here. bill? karolyn? nope! no, just a couple of rocks. download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass. some people say that's ridiculous. i dress how i feel. yesterday i felt bold with boundless energy.
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this morning i woke up calm and unbreakable. tomorrow? who knows. age is just an illusion. how you show up for the world, that's what's real. what's your idea? i put it out there with a godaddy website. make the world you want. lou: the senate passing a 77-day extension of fisa surveillance. the pass and came by unanimous vote. the house will need to act on the tension measure. currently it's not in session so the republic is safe for another few days. congressman louie gohmert, a member of the house judiciary committee and the house freedom
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caucus. what is your reaction to the fisa maneuvers in the senate. >> there is nothing in the bill that the house passed to prevent another president or this president from being treated the way he was and improperly having his cap pain spied upon and even after being president spied upon. there is nothing in this bill that prevents that. it's outrageous. this is a star chamber. and it didn't get up proved when the house took it up. it's he bear ising. lou: and it's -- it's embarrassing. lou: and it's dangerous. it would be nice to have hearings and have people understand -- citizens understand what their government is doing with the consent of the
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governed. but i guess that's owed fashioned. >> since we are going to continue the practice of pieing on american citizens through the fisa court, why don't we change the name and say this authorizes spying on americans. and it was a great suggestion to change the name to federal i forget, basically spying on americans. but what i did -- lou: buying on americans. >> but my amendment, if the democrats had allowed it would have eliminated the opportunity to go before the fisa court to get a want to spy on americans. if you weren't to do that go to a federal district court, or article 3 court.
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lou: they were lie together courts, defrauding the courts, they were creating fictional material, or if they didn't have fictional material or revised 302s, they could turn to christopher steele and say what have you got for us. >> as far as that goes, having been a former if he any judge, one of the things that offended me more than anything was the fact that these judges were lied upon. fraud committed against the court. yet the junes did not -- yet the judges did not seem to be bothered. they should have drug those people in there and said you are going to show cause why i shouldn't put you in jail for coming boulevard my court and perjuring yourself and committing a fraud on me.
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lou: let's turn to the coronavirus bill you put a hold on. you got a deal, i understand. but still 20 pages that a lot of folks don't have any idea what's in it. >> that was a problem friday night. we started voting 12:30:00 a.m. saturday morning. but the bill didn't get filed until before midnight. i didn't have time to compare them and do a side by side. i didn't know what got changed or what didn't. but it really bugged me. you under obamacare that passed without a single republican vote. they exempted all businesses with less than 50 employees. this bill will exempt businesses
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with up to 500 employees. they will have to provide an opportunity to take family leave. these are folks, if you have got two employees and you are -- lou: if the white house hasn't got any more influence over legislation than that, we'll have a real problem come november. this is a time to be straight up, straightforward for both parties. the democrats are clearly not. the republicans had better be andle follow this president's lead. >> this bill exempts the corporations with over 500 employees? what is the deal? they complain about the big corporations, yet they exempted them saying a lot of them already have paid family leave. well they are the ones who can afford it. you are going after the mom and
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pops. who is going to pay the employees when this bill puts the small businesses out of business? lou: mitt rap any proposing every single american get a thousand dollars? >> i think he and bernie sanders ought to get together. it sounds like they are barking up the same tree. >> my guess is they are pretty close. go ahead. >> is it true that the president tried to bury the hatchet with romney and said you may have trouble getting re-elected, so i can get you an ambassadorship to the hubei province in wuhan. lou: i should have known better than to go one sentence too long with you. >> i'm sorry. lou: i'm sure nobody will be any
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more offended by you than oh' others. that terrible joke. i have got to ask you. we may take a break so you can get some better ones before we talk next. congressman louie gohmert. we appreciate it. we would like to hear your thoughts on all of this. like me on facebook, follow me on instagram. a programming note, the u.s. surgeon general, dr. ever rope adams and michael pillsbury among our guests. also, up next here, tonight, hillary clinton tries to get out of answering judicial watch's questions.
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then we got fbi report. up next, dr. marc siegel to take up the president's plan to increase access to coronavirus testing throughout the country. stay with us. ♪ it's surprising how the bigger a city gets... the smaller it starts to feel. which makes it even more surprising, how big it feels in here. with sliding rear seats... and more available second row legroom than say... a chevy suburban. this is the completely reimagined 2020 ford escape.
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in your neighborhood, our country, and our world. lou: after initially criticizing president trump. the european union is following his lead and shutting down non-essential travel to the european union for 30 days to restrict the outbreak. just last week she criticized
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president trump for banning travelers from europe. first your reaction to the reversal by the european union? >> i think the horse is out of the barn. they didn't restrict travel to europe from china which is how it came to europe in the first place. it quickly spread to spain. community spread. not enough precautions or social distancing. then it spread to the united states both from wuhan and also from europe. i think it's a little insincere to be sounding that alarm bell now and a little bit late. lou: the crisis is extraordinary now. where it originate, that is, china, now has fewer cases than all the rest of the world, and they are growing faster than in
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china. there is no reason to suspect the numbers from china are in any way fraudulent. too' health professionals are accepting that. >> if we believe them, it starts to make you wonder what's causing things to improve. one of the things you think about, did this massive quarantine and lockdown actually work? historically it can work or not work. it's problematic because people panic and supply lines are cut off. but i think it played a positive role here. and there is the issue of the virus still being seasonal. i believe that. i believe i -- it ebbs and flows with the seasons. and we are imposing more restrictive measures here. lou: more restrictive than china? >> more restrict idea measures
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than we were doing before. lou: i would hope. i happen to be one of those folks, i all he have a little journalistic instinct and i recall vividly nearly all the public health authorities we turned to initially said don't stop travel, don't shut down, that will only make it worse. i said to one of them, that's a little counterintuitive. it turns out sometimes common sense is a little better than peculiar judgments like that. i think some of it is born of a view that we could have a globalism get together here and it would still work. it's crazy. >> for sure the travel restrictions helped. what didn't work was the back door travel where people snuck in here from other countries. i think the president imposing
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the travel restrictions and the travel ban is important. the other way to increase spread is to decrease the amount of virus around so it doesn't spread to high-risk groups. the other way to do that is to know how much cases you have, and to get the cases off the beaten track. put them into hotels. and that's why the ramping up of testing now is going to be a big, big part. lou: is there not an either/or. in europe it's the origin of the most recent cases. and we are going through this testing now, beginning it. explain to me why we don't have a blood test. something simpler than this extraordinary tubes down the nose and waiting a day. this modern era one would think
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there would be a more efficacious way to do this. >> i asked the deputy secretary of hhs, a very bright guy. you are 100% right on the ball as usual. even with these mobile units going around, you still have to get into has that suits. then you have four hours even with the fast screening. they are probably going to have a nasal swab you can do yourself at home. the test you just asked for, the protein test, the antigen test that should have been out months ago, we'll see it the next few weeks. it should have been back in january or february. lou: i'm not shaking my head anymore. i'm grateful for everything we can do to help people in this terrible moment. >> we are finally ramping up
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testing, finally. lou: biden and bernie bore everybody -- well, not everybody -- but nearly everybody in the white house and in a few other places. we'll take it up here next. liberty mutual customizes- wait... am i in one of those liberty mutual commercials where they stand in front of the statue of liberty and talk about how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? uhhh... yes. huh... what happens in this one? seagulls. oh, i like it. how are you doing? (seagulls sounds) only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lou: andrew gillum stepping away from politics for a bit,
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entering rehab after an incident at a miami, florida hotel. police claim they found him inebriated in a hotel room, and also what they think is crystal meth. they haven't tested it yet. he's seeking treatment for alcohol. so there you are. president trump criticizing the latest democratic debate. he called it boring in a tweet late last night. the debate only included joe biden and bernie sanders. in the midst of worldwide pandemic both candidates were asked somewhat pressing questions like whether they would have a female as their vice president. here are their prospective
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answers. >> there are a number of women qualified to be president tomorrow. i would pick a woman to be my vice president. >> in all likelihood i would. lou: joining me, pulitzer prize winning columnist, michael goodwin, and ed rollins. what do you make of it. it was an exciting debate. i think the president is being too critical. >> it was the 12th debate. biden claimed credit for everything obama ever did except pick him. to a certain extent they didn't have any solutions. all they said was turn to my web page. i think they had a tremendous opportunity to rally around the country and president and say let's be good americans today and it would have gone a long ways. lou: i want to share with the
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audience a few highlights our producers put together for us. if you can roll the video. >> my heart goes out to those who have already lost someone. but the there are three pieces to this. the existential threat to the united states of america is donald trump. it's critical. i would hope bernie would do the same thing if i'm the nominee. lou: there was some agile camera work. i don't know where the glasses of water were, but they weren't handy. >> it seemed to me going into this, what's the point of this. i thought this has got to be the longest two hours in television history. i thought there was a significant development. i thought biden was -- it was his best night i thought physically. he looked together. he looked in commands of himself and the fact he didn't get lost in the weeds too' times.
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he made some mistakes. but nothing that would say he's not fit to be president. and the competition last night. but the one thing i would say. i thought why it was good for joe biden overall. i think bernie sanders in my mind finally and fully disqualified himself. his attacks on this country are so tiresome, particularly given what the country is going through now. when he said we have to rethink america. that the pharmaceutical companies that are trying to help cure this horrible coronavirus, he said they are just licking their chops thinking how much money they are going to make and have greed and corruption. i thought his assailing this country when we are under attack was just low rent. absolutely low rent. lou: i get a kick out of these
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geniuses in the democratic party. they want to talk about science and how they adhere to the highest principles of science. when it comes to something as simple as, for example, a pandemic, they want to pan the very people applying that science to provide vaccines and cures so people can live. it's really strange, their thought process. ed: i think the president has a tremendous opportunity to lead this country in a dangerous period of time from the economic front and ann also on the virus. he has an extraordinary team around him. he has to be certain. forget all the stuff that happened in the past. just lead this country the next three or four months. make people feel good about the country. it has to be a serious financial crisis, and he gets to carry the ball. lou: it's not going to be.
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it is. >> when you just tally the damage that's been done to companies and individual workers who already lost their jobs or whose income has been cut in half. here in manhattan the streets are basically empty. there is no traffic. the cab drivers, the uber, all those people -- lou: they have got to put the money in the hands of the people who most night and now. that means direct funding. it's not about a thousand dollars to every american. it's about moving money to the small businesses and getting support for all of those folks challenged by the closings of restaurants or whatever the business and now. >> if the president can lead that effort, i think that's the best politics, it's the right policy. lou: there is nothing like standing up for the american worker as he campaigned and took
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office. that history is going to be made and written large over the next six months. appreciate it, gentlemen. we are out of time. new details about u.s. attorney john durham's investigation into the investigators of the origins of spygate. we are coming right back. i touched my face, i couldn't stop. sorry. hi! we're glad you came in, what's on your mind?
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lou: john solomon reporting new memos show former acting attorney general sally yates and other senior obama justice department officials expressed concerns about how robert mueller's team treated general michael flynn. among the concerns is the mueller team accepted his guilty plea of lying over conversations with the russian ambassador despite the fact that agents told the doj they thought the general was telling the truth and had simply a faulty memory.
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and word that john durham's investigation will end sometime in july to october. we are told officials throughout the intelligence community since he was appointed. but we have been told durham has yet to speak with former cia director john brennan or james clapper. make of it what you will. the question is, do you believe john durham will bring charges against a single official of the politically corrupt fbi and justice department? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. hillary clinton trying to get out of answering questions about her use of a private email server again. and she wants to avoid anything
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to do with the 2012 attack in benghazi. attorneys for clinton and her former chief of staff cheryl mills asking an appellate court do overturn a judge's request for their depositions. tom fitton, the president of the judicial watch. your thoughts about -- are you really not going to be able to question hillary clinton after all of this? >> i hope not. if it were any other litigant they would be pushed out of court quickly. she filed a where it of manda murks s. -- ma --of mandamus. she says she has an indisputability right not to be
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questioned under oath. she is not above the law. and we hope the appellate court quickly dismisses it. lou: judge voice lambert's order, quoting him. there is still more to learn, he said add saying that this is one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency. he said even though many important questions remain unanswered, the justice department still takes the position the court should close discovery and rule on dispositive motions. the court is especially troubled by this. i find there is at least a judge somewhere in the judiciary that is troubled by what has transpired here, aren't you? >> he's cite sizes this justice department and state department for their cover-up. and mrs. clinton in her filing
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highlights the effort to cover up to justify their seeking protection from having to answer questions. it's not on mrs. clinton, but her top aide miss mills is responsible for attempting to destroy half her emails. we have seen the justice department and state department coordinating with mrs. clinton and her team on these issues. not much difference between this justice department and the last justice department, certainly on the hillary clinton seem cover-up. lou: those are strong words and i know you mean every one of them. it's a shame, whether it's general flynn, why this attorney general wouldn't have this case dropped. rather than waiting for the president. >> the president should quickly
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pardon general flynn. george h.w. bush pardoned casper weinberger after he was i dated. it was clearly an abuse. this attack on flynn goes to the heart of the president's foreign powers pass commander-in-chief and exercising and conducting foreign policy. by attacking flynn over his communications with the russians during his time as national security advisor and during the period he was representing the president-elect. attacks the ability of the president to conduct foreign policy. he should do this to protect the presidency and secure justice. lou: it seems we agree more often than not. doesn't it. stay with us. we are coming right back. there's smart and then there's street smart, like a hybrid with best in class
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lou: in our poll friday, we asked you how long do you believe the coronavirus outbreak will last in this country. 78% of you chose three months. you know what? we are all hoping you are right. president trump addressing and highlighting measures his administration has taken to proactively stop the coronavirus. >> on a scale of 1-10 how would
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you rate your response to this crisis? >> i would rate it at 10. i think we have done a great job. it started with the fact we kept a highly infected country despite even the professionals saying it's too early to do that. we were very, very early with respect to china. we would have a whole different situation in this country if we didn't do that. lou: treasury secretary steven mnuchin says there is a bill to move to the house and senate tomorrow. that's it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. tomorrow u.s. surgeon general, jerome adams, and dr. oz, and michael pillsbury. a reminder to follow me on twitter @loudobbs. like me on facebook and follow knee on instagram @loudobbstonight.
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good night from new york. cheryl: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories at this hour. a much different picture for wall street this morning. futures are rallying after they posted their steepest single day drop ever. president trump promising to help airlines if they struggle with the coronavirus, giving markets a boost right now, dow futures up 231 points, a gain of more than 1%. lauren: a much different scene for major american cities as they go into coronavirus lockdown with the closings of bars and restaurants and president trump says it could last for months. cheryl: but there could be help on the way. a coronavirus relief bill heading to the senate that could put money in people's pockets. it is tuesday, march 17th. "fbn: a.m." starts right


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