tv The Evening Edit FOX Business March 18, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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david: not all young people are partying in miami beach. a lot of good young folks. jackie, thank you very much. thanks for watching. that does it for "bulls & bears." we're grateful for you your faith in us. good luck and god bless. see you tomorrow. elizabeth: i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. just a moment the senate voted to pass one of the coronavirus packages. we'll get you updated on that. the president invoke as korean war law the u.s. industrial base start manufacturing now, medical supplies, ventilators, vaccines to battle the coronavirus outbreak. the administration talking about taking equity stakes in companies? that is what they did in the 2008 crisis. nyse temporarily shutting its trading floor, moving to electronic trading. the dow back at february 2017 levels. oil hitting 2002 levels.
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as white house restrictions northern and southern borders. a global blitz to get to containment. positive news making us sit up and take notice at "the evening edit." more than a disease companies moving on vaccines and cures. exciting news coming out of australia. also china and germany now moving fast. this as the pentagon has deployed fort detrick. that is home to the army's enfigure schuss disease center. it is on it. also ibm's powerful supercomputer at the energy department on it too, moving now at light speed to crack the virus's code. it is screening and combining 8,000 drug compound at a fraction after second. we're back in the era of ferocious fast and furious problem solving around the world to save lives. you only seen this activity at wartime. vote on massive stimulus package on a day that gm, ford, fiat
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chrysler shut the u.s. factories temporarily. toyota shutting north american factories for two days next week. jpmorgan chase shutting 1/5 of it is branches nationwide. the u.s. taking hits before. that is what we hear from wall street, washington, experts around the world. we're trying to get to the other side we're being told. that is the push on right now. get you updated what is going on in washington with edward lawrence. he in d.c. with more. edward? reporter: starting phase three of the stimulus. admin stationer working with senate republicans to try to get that through. talking about payroll tax relief, also direct payments to the american people in form of possibly two checks. also small business administration guaranteed loans as well as possibly industry bailouts for industries devastated by this coronavirus. the president calling this wartime footing. in fact he enact ad war-time law, defense production act. he invoked that order.
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now he is able to require companies to produce more rest per ratetores, ventilators and medical equipment. he signed it and may act on later. >> a thing like this has never been requested and we never had to even think in terms of these numbers but we need millions of masks and all of that will be ordered. we need respirators. we need ventilators is a big thing because it is a complex piece of equipment. we have a lot of ventilators but we'll be ordering more. reporter: senators passed house stimulus that is phase two of the stimulus t has medical services, paid medical leave. republican senators say we need to spend whatever it takes to insulate the economy from the virus. listen. >> these are extraordinary times and i think, bold, bipartisan action now is actually the fiscally responsible thing to do because if we don't take action
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now, if we don't take action now, the cost to the u.s. economy might be much, much higher. reporter: he says, that senator saying that we could pay for later. as you heard there also, he will figure out how the u.s. pays for all the debt. the treasury department moved tax deadline from april 15th to july 15th. now anybody who owes million dollars or less, to the federal government can defer the payments with no penalty to july 15th. also corporations up to $10 million can defer those tax paints again till july july 15t. the treasury secretary says this adds $300 billion with a b to the economy in the short term. elizabeth: edward lawrence, thank you so much. talk to florida republican senator rick scott, senate homeland security committee. thanks for joining us, senator. you were under self-quarantine. first, how are you doing? >> i'm doing great. never taken my temperature as
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many times as i have. my temperature has been 97.5 for days right now. hopefully i'm past the risk. elizabeth: your reaction to developments. the government is erring on the side of doing more, going big, they are going big time. we know we've seen this, heard about the federal plan that indicates it might last 18 months. we don't know. are you comfortable with what the government is talking about now? the president is talking $1.2 trillion in stimulus. $500 billion to individual taxpayers, getting 1000-dollar check, 2,000. go big, go big, go big. is that the answer? >> there is way i look at it. step one is, almost all the focus right now has to be on how do we deal with coronavirus f we can figure out how to deal with that, then we don't have to worry about as much about the stimulus. we'll figure out how to get businesses going again but if we don't crack down, get the testing done, close the borders,
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stop, make sure we're having social distancing, get supply chains done, we'll not deal with coronavirus for a long time. that's the fst thing. number two, i'm all-in for helping the workers that are hurt. small businesses, the workers that are hourly, the tip workers. i'm not in forailing out big business. i think we have to be fiscally responsible. i know it is a crisis but you still have to look, we have to be fiscally responsible. elizabeth: understood. 1/5 of the dow's losses over the last five weeks was boeing. we got to get oil above $30 a barrel to help the oil patch this thing is highly contagious, more dangerous than the regular flu. 20% do get hospitalized. we are hearing wuhan in china reporting just one new case for the second straight day. what is going on? we're talking about action worldwide to get to the other side, to get to the race for a vaccine. listen to the pentagon on a race for the vaccine. they're deploying fort detrick,
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the army infectious disease center. listen to this. >> i just returned from a visit to fort detrick to see how dod doctors an scientists are combating the coronavirus. i was previoused on the army medical research and development command cutting-edge covid-19 response and then i visited army medical research institute of infectious diseases to learn about the on going experimentation and testing. army work on vaccine is one of the many ways of deet of defense is deploying president trump's whole of government approach to fight the virus and slow its spread. elizabeth: senator, reaction to that? >> i think secretary esper is doing a good job. the trump administration is trying to figure out how every agency needs to be involved. this is significant crisis if we get vaccine done quicker our economy comes back quicker. our focus has to be stop the spread, get the vaccine done --
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elizabeth: do you think stimulus money should go directly towards vaccine companies? >> i think we need to -- vaccine is the, one containment and two vaccines, biggest thing we can do. however we, if we're going to spend money, spend money to deal with the coronavirus first. that has caused all the problem. so we have to figure out how to get the vaccine done and we have to figure out how to keep people's faith until we get the vaccine done. that is the biggest focus we need to do. elizabeth: nyse shut, two people tested for virus. we showed 14 companies working on vaccine treatment. we talked about johnson & johnson regeneron. move to what as you trail is talking about. they may have found something to break the back of this virus. queens queensland university will launch human trials within a month. covid-19 patients given drugs to treat malaria, remdesivir, doing
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it at 50 hospitals at end of the month. reportedly eradicated virus in lab tests. that is good news. your reaction? >> absolutely. do all the precautions so fewer people get it. find out, if you do get it, how do we keep you alive and make you will? next, how you have a vaccine that makes sure, that you are never going to get it. that is the biggest thing we can do. i know we focus on economy and all focused on people impacted but i want to put our effort right now into dealing with the biggest problem. it is coronavirus. elizabeth: yeah. so that's it. it is about containment. about getting more ventilators, getting a cure, getting vaccines. we have 0.4% mortality rate now worldwide. you're going to see mortality rates, we're showing them now, a
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lot of variance in the mortality rates. final question, u.s. surgeon general, looks like the trump administration is modeling the country's response to south korea, not doing widespread lockdowns, not doing quarantines. your reaction to bill ackman saying shut the country down one month? what is your response to that? >> i would follow what taiwan and south korea have done. what they have done is they have robust testing but they also have, they have social distancing. do what they did. i can't trust anything comes out of china. do what they did. don't do what italy did because, italy look how bad it got there do everything we can to shut the border down, solve testing issues, get people tested, get people to quarantine themselves, make sure we have a supply chain to keep all the health care workers safe f we get sick, somebody is there to take care of us. those are the big things. elizabeth: trump administration
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with the defense procurement act that is the korean war era law they invoked, it will push fast to get medical supplies into the hospitals. senator, stay well. give us update how you're doing back on the show soon. >> sounds good. take care, everybody. elizabeth: senator rick scott. more on the government's massive response. the pentagon deploying two naval hospital ships to new york and the west coast. they well start treating non-coronavirus patients to back up hospitals in the region. we'll take you what is going on inside right now in new york city hospitals. who exactly is getting sick? we also have on later retired marine cores lieutenant colonel dakota wood on this response and much more. we've got a lot of show tonight. stay there. cause your investmens deserve the full story. t. rowe price invest with confidence.
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so care for it. look after it. invest with the expertise of j.p. morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. after all, it's yours. chase. make more of what's yours. elizabeth: trump administration is really doing a big push on this. they're erring on the side of doing more. now the pentagon is out in force to battle coronavirus outbreak, deploying two enormous naval hospital ships to new york city and to the west coast to help back up local hospitals there. fox news jennifer griffin at the pentagon with more. jennifer. reporter: these are mostly symbolic gestures. the u.s. navy told me hospital ship referenced by president trump and new york governor andrew cuomo, comfort will not be ready to arrive in new york
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until mid-april at earliest. >> the comfort will, is intended to head to new york, in that area. on timingwise, that there is a little bit more difficult, as everyone knows, we talk about the last few days the comfort is currently in for maintenance in norfolk. they will expedite the maintenance they can and prepare it. that is not a day issue. that is weeks issue. it i will was little while. reporter: the u.s. navy only has go hospital ships, one on the east coast and the other is on the west coast in san diego. the comfort and usns mercy will not be used for covid-19 but will help relief pressure on hospitals with trauma patients. >> we also alerted a variety of field and expeditionary hospitals to be prepared to deploy as well as needed based on direction from the commander-in-chief. reporter: the defense secretary offered a stockpile of five
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million surgical masks, one million n95 masks will be made immediately along with 2000 ventilators. the army corps of engineers met with the governor today an can help with logistics and contracting but the army corps of engineers do not actually build hospitals. the number of infected members of the u.s. military has doubled from monday to tuesday in a 24 hour period. as of this morning 49 servicemembers tested positive, 14 dod civilians, 19 dependents and seven contractors. general paul fredericks of the joint staff says the department of defense placed 1000 temporary hospital beds on alert for deployment. the new york governor says he needs 50,000. liz? elizabeth: jennifer griffin, thanks so much. great to see you. let's bring in my next guest on reaction to the outbreak. u.s. lieutenant colonel retired
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marine, dakota wood. your reaction to the report? >> the u.s. looks to military in times of crisis so the military will do whatever it can. we're at half, 2/3 perhaps size of military in the cold war and you still have a dangerous world out there. there is something they can do you already reported on but limited in its capacity. elizabeth: this is an invisible enemy. it is very contagious, previous pandemics, we're very geeky here, don't follow same weather patterns, this likes 41-degree to 51-degree fahrenheit. this is global problem. we enter summer, winter in the southern emhis fear. this is really a global problem. >> global travel has not been shut down. going back to the military side, it primarily specializes in trauma can care, battlefield sorts of injuries. this infectious disease thing we're dealing with, military can help regardless of time of year
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an patterns is taking gunshot victims, taking that to free up hospital space on civilian side for coronavirus victims. elizabeth: we have breaking news. napa valley, california, joins the other shelter at home order that is now in effect in the bay area including involving san francisco and seven other counties there. canada and u.s., reaction and canada and u.s. now restricting northern border? trump administration is restricting southern border. essential trade will be exempt. reaction to that story? >> we're a huge trading partner with canada. they have to keep that going for economic viability. it is people movement. tourism, visiting family members, that is a vector for the disease transmission. so suppression of travel, minimizing personal contact, that needs to happen clearly while trade is somehow facilitated. they're trying to strike that balance. elizabeth: interesting.
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colonel, thank you so much. also reports coming in the next hot spot could be india. colonel, thanks for joining us. really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> next up we get you updated what's going on with the 2020 campaign race. joe biden is happy. he won the other night. sanders campaign is playing defense, pushing back hard. denying reports that bernie sanders is suspending his campaign. we're bringing in former trump 2016 campaign manager corey lewandoski. he. he corey will join us with his take what is going on in the 2020 race right now. corey lewandoski next. ♪ do you recall, not long ago ♪ we would walk on the sidewalk ♪ ♪ all around the wind blows ♪ we would only hold on to let go ♪ ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we need someone to lean on
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♪. elizabeth: okay. to the 2020 race. bernie sanders says he is not suspended his campaign despite reports saying he did. "axios" reporting bernie sanders campaign, quote, currently does not have active facebook ads. he may bow out. we're not sure when. this happening the day after joe biden won three critical states last night, florida, illinois, and arizona. look who's here for his take, former trump 2016 campaign manager corey lewandoski. corey, great to have you on. your reaction to the race now? >> well, look you know, i hate to say it but i think bernie
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sanders is living in a fantasyland right now to think he will continue this race. we want bernie to continue. we want the race on the democrat side to go all the way to the convention, so bernie has a opportunity to be disruptor in chief on the democrat side. with the decisive victories from joe biden last night, it is very clear joe biden is going to be the democratic nominee and it will give us the opportunity to remind the american people of the failed policies of the obama administration against the successful policies of this administration. elizabeth: okay. you were a straight-shooter, you give us honest answers. who is the best vice president choice for joe biden right now? >> look, i hate to tell you that because he may actually pick that person and make the race that much harder but, if it were me, i was advising joe biden, i would seriously be looking, we know he has now said he will pick a female, i would be looking at the female governor of michigan, who did the state
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of the union response this year to the president and also helped to deliver michigan for joe biden in a critical time for his race. if i was on the democratic side, that is who i would be looking for. elizabeth: michigan governor gretchen witmer. so, so the trump campaign strategy now to take on joe biden, what is it? >> it's very simple. look, this goes back to obamacare. it goes back to the failed policies, the overregulation, the tax burdens, that the previous administration placed on people and reminding the american people that donald trump has been in washington, d.c. for three total years. joe biden served 36 years in the u.s. senate and eight years as vice president. he is the reason by and large for the last 50 years, collectively, our government has been broken and donald trump was there to fix it and we have the opportunity to continue on that path of draining the swamp and allowing this president to keep
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his promises or we can revert back to the days of barack obama and joe biden they were ashamed to be americans in some cases, they kowtowed to our enemies across the world and our adversaries didn't respect us. so i think we want a new direction for this country, which is simply put, it is america first. elizabeth: you know, it looks like joe biden in order to keep the bernie sanders wing, far left on his side, on joe biden's side, one out of eight went for president trump and mattered in the swing states, gave the president the margin of victory in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. looks like, is it correct to say that joe biden may go, you know, further left than center-left? he will go even further left, he is sounding like he is going, backtracking on even president obama's border security policies. talking about things like free college tuition. what do you think? >> look i think joe biden will
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ultimately pick a far left candidate as his vice president running mate. my guess is elizabeth warren is very close to the top of that agenda for him because he believes that will help unify the bernie sanders wing, the progressive wing of the democratic party. and look, we know what joe biden's policies are as it relates to illegal immigration. he and bernie sanders discussed them with us the other night and what he said was, if you're in this country illegally, and you do anything except commit a felony when you are here you will not be deported. so basically that is an open borders policy. it is a policy where illegal immigrants are going to be allowed to come into the country, get free health care and free college tuition, where hard-working americans don't have the same opportunity. i don't think those policies work in places like ohio, michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin and iowa battleground states and florida. this election will come down to really five or six key battleground states. i don't think those policies are the ones that will resonate
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there. elizabeth: corey, what is your advice to the president now about the 2020 race? what are you telling him? >> you know i have had the privilege to have a number of conversations with the president recently. obviously first and foremost his job is to be the president of all americans and help prevent this pandemic from getting any worse in the united states and i believe his, swift, decisive actions have done that the second part of his job is continue to make sure we have the greatest economy in the world. we've seen a downturn in the economy. the american people will recognize that. that is why the president is taking swift action. my advice to the president don't worry per se about the campaign. let the political hacks like me and my contemporaries worry about the campaign. you worry about governing. worry about every american being safe and secure. continue to grow our economy in this worldwide economic downturn. we have to make sure that he is doing everything he can to first protech us, secondly, help us
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economically. elizabeth: corey of five states you mentioned a concern for you when it comes to the president getting reelected? >> well i love the work that we've been able to do in the state of florida. you don't hear the democrats talk about the state of florida which is always a battleground state. north carolina, always a battleground state. look, i think when you look at the state of pennsylvania it is a state we won four years ago but i believe we were the first candidate to win it since ronald reagan's re-election effort since 1984. always been the republican great white whale. that state is always competitive. when you look at michigan, always competitive. we've also have opportunities in the cycle we didn't have four years ago. we have the opportunity to carry the state of minnesota and my home state of new hampshire. it has been in great shape and shown enormous support for the president. while we will continue to be on defense in some places particularly pennsylvania and michigan, reminding people of jobs we brought back and
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manufacturing back we'll be on the offense in places like minnesota and new hampshire. the democrats will have to defend that. elizabeth: corey lewandoski, thank you so much. great to have you on. come back soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up we'll take you to the front lines of the corona outbreak. we'll take you what is going on inside of the hospitals dealing with it. what are they seeing now? who exactly is getting sick? back with us one of the nation's leading breast cancer surgeons, dr. susan bobolo, talking about a multiprong attack. she is working on a coronavirus attack plan for seven hospitals. it is a race to get back to normal, a race for ventilators and vaccines and more. that story next. sure, principal is a financial company.
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breast cancer surgeons in the nation, organizing coronavirus plan of attack for seven hospitals in the new york city area. doctor, great to have you back on? >> thank you, liz. thanks for continuing to help spread this message. elizabeth: what do you see happening now inside of new york hospitals? who is on ventilators, who is getting sick? >> you know, we know that about 15 to 20% of people who develop symptoms with the coronavirus will wind up in the hospital. about half of those, or around that range will wind up on ventilators and that really is the problem. elizabeth: who is it? who are you seeing, 40 something, 50 something, who are you seeing on ventilators? >> typical patient on ventilators is chronic disease, someone older than 60, but really 70s and up. elizabeth: your reaction to what the president did today. he invoke ad korean era war powers law putting u.s.
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industrial base on footing to increase vaccines and ventilators. this is what was talked about in washington, watch this. >> there has been tremendous numbers of ventilators but there has never been an instance no matter what you have it is not enough and that would be the case. it is being signed, essentially drawn, i will sign it in just a little while. if we need to use it we'll be using it at full speed ahead. elizabeth: we keep hearing new york state needs, 18,000 ventilators double the stockpile of u.s. government. what are you hearing? >> i think those numbers are about what we, what we know. we also know that, you know in a crisis hospitals have to get creative and they are doing many things. they're stepping up. most hospitals now canceled all elective surgeries. only urgent and semiurgent surgeries are conducted that is to reserve resources for
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patients that need them today. elizabeth: if we get way more ventilators, will americans live with this, like a new normal? in other words we ramp up ventilators, ramp up the vaccines and we have to live with this? what's your take? >> i think that we are, we need to be successful in flattening the curve. we've heard that expression over and over again. i think that for the next several months this will be our new norm. the goal is to flatten the curve so that we can start to catch up and get ahead of the need for these ventilators and really take care of these patients that they need to be taken care of. elizabeth: we're seeing, we're tracking 14 companies working on vaccines and cures. there is news coming out, also the pentagon deploying, fort detrick, the army infectious disease unit. we have supercomputer, ibm supercomputer working to cracking virus code. your reaction to australia moving to do testing now with
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malaria drug and aids drug, called remdesivir and also chloroquine? australia moving on that with treatment. they're seeing success with that, that sounds exciting, reaction to that? >> i think it is very exciting. we heard from china they were also using hiv medications to treat these patients. i think the bottom line is, we're going to need some trials and we need them quickly to see what works to compare these treatments to see which is the ideal treatment. elizabeth: are you optimistic? >> i am. i think that there is many bright spots that we're seeing but i also do think we're just at the beginning of taking care of this crisis that we're in. elizabeth: is it bad now? are you seeing people pouring into the hospitals now? >> we definitely are seeing increase in patients in just about every hospital around. elizabeth: all right. dr. bolbol thanks for joining us. come back soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: we'll stay on the story. there is a furious worldwide
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outbreak and there is only a push only seen in wartime. the trump administration is erring on the side doing more. we're bringing on a wall street expert. he is keith fitz-gerald, how america and countries around the world are enlisting their arsenal of know how to beat this virus and will it open up a whole new world of medicine in an age of pandemics? that story next. ♪
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elizabeth: good for you. u.s. and countries around the world in a fast and furious blitz to stop this coronavirus outbreak. we've only seen this in times of war. what is your reaction? >> that is desperately needed. i only use the word lightly. i don't want to invoke fear. if you look at our history, liz, one thing we learned, human spirit rises to the occasion. we saw that rises after world war i, great depression. we got radio, believe it or not, chocolate chip cookieses. we started world war ii by splitting at tom. data security, working from your home in pajamas might not be a bad thing after all. elizabeth: you're right, when you look what happened in world war ii, correct me if i'm wrong, the defense industry came on strong. then we had the airline industry, the auto industry. we had nuclear energy come on. are you going, are you saying, are you optimistic that the world will, number one, crack the code of this virus?
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supercomputer at department of energy is on it, ibm supercomputer. 14 companies moving on a cure and a vaccine. australia working on chloroquine and an aids drug, remdesivir. do you think they're going to crack it, get it done, get the fix in pretty quickly? >> i will be very specific. i believe in the human spirit. i believe though the chips are down we will triumph through this i believe we will crack it that comes from serious observations. we have more commuter power, brain power more than any other point in history working on this stuff. it is bad. the chips are down but i wouldn't bet against. >> ibm, million times more power than the average laptop. 200 quadrillion calculations a second. recombining 800 drug compound to refine what will take down the coronavirus outbreak. your reaction to chinas civilly
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dominating pharmaceuticals? threatening to block export of drugs, pushing america, quote, in the hell of a coronavirus epidemic. there is talk u.s. may push more of the drug making back inside of the u.s. your reaction to this story? >> necessary, expedient and prudent this is just plain evil on china's part. you don't point fingers at a time like this. it is affecting their people just like ours. the difference their government thinks their citizens are expendable. that is not the case here. elizabeth: what do you think, is this a new normal? we'll have to live with it, we'll have to deal with it, we'll have to minimize the damage? it is highly infectious, 20% end up in the hospital, severe cases. we want to stop that. are you optimistic right now? >> yes, i'm, again, you can go through life as a pessimist or go through life as an optimist. going through life as an
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optimist like i do, clearly the situation sucks. i didn't imagine being father raising my kid in this environment. i didn't imagine the stock market doing what it has done, we have tremendous problems here, but again, crises like these we tend to solve problems we didn't even anticipate before they started. i think we'll get through this i don't know how, i don't know what that looks like, but yeah, we'll get through this, liz. elizabeth: are you expecting or thinking that china will react negatively to the u.s. with a rhetoric that is going on and hurt us and damage us in some way when it comes only to drug exports? >> yes, i do. that is unfortunate because i've spent a long of time in mainland china over the year. i have enjoyed my time there very much. it is a nation i had very fond memories of, that litany, that narrative is changing this, is just not right. they sat on it. they damped data, arrested those trying to report it. we could have saved number of lives worldwide had they done the responsible thing, we have a
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problem, let peace have the world help. elizabeth: great to see you, keith. come back soon. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: look who is here, lou dobbs with a peek who is on tonight. who is on, lou. >> not so sneaky. we have latest own wuhan virus pandemic. sonny perdue on the food supply, how secure is it and will we have enough? mike pence chief of staff, marc short joins us. dr. nicole saphier, china expert gordon chang and moody's director chief economist, john lonski. all of that at the top. hour. please join us. liz, back to you. elizabeth: lou, we'll be watching. just ahead, now the united nations is moving. the u.n. suspend and stops refugee resettlement. why? they were worried that it will put the refugees in danger because of the coronavirus outbreak.
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we're on that story and more about the u.s. moving to restrict both the southern and now the northern border. coming up, the details on that with jillian melchior of "the wall street journal" editorial board. the story next. the unique challenges in that sector? coming out here, seeing the infrastructure firsthand, we can make better informed investment decisions. that's why i go beyond the numbers. your cells. trillions of them. that's why centrum contains 14 key nutrients to help feed your cells, nourishing your body inside and out so you can focus on what matters most. centrum. feed your cells. fuel your life. ..
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liz: florida republican congressman mario ballard has tested positive for covid-19 he is in self-quarantine in washington, d.c. the united nations expanded refugee resettlement because it's too dangerous to resettle the asylum seekers during the outbreak. and the northern border only trade will be exempt. non-essential travel band forward now. the administration is moving on the southern border to return back to mexico and central america all illegal aliens and asylum seekers trying to enter from the south.
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with us on the phone, gillian mel chore. >> i think it's a prudent decision. there are thousands who have been apprehended at the southern border. you go to the discuss tops and border protect facilities, one of the things you have seen is they have health screening there. i think it poses a danger to border agents and particularly to the up grants. you don't want to be putting anybody in an era of coronavirus in a facility when there is a high potential for an infectious disease to spread. liz: we have breaking news coming into the studio right now. germany's chancellor angela merkelle for the first time in
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her 14 years as chancellor gave an emergency televised address saying this is the biggest crisis for germany since world war ii and reunification. your reaction on the breaking news. they have 10,000 cases. they are worried that outbreak is escalating. >> this is unprecedented for germany and much of the world. we haven't seen a pandemic in this bill. it's a once in a century event. you have to deal with the public health crisis and economic crisis that's linked to the public health crisis. liz: we are going to see how health systems and deputy graphics affect the fatality rate. we know a lot of people are sitting up and taking notice at that shock fatality rate, 3.4%.
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in china it's 0.0% in china and south korea. so it's keeping that low as more numbers come in on demographics. the health system is getting bigger because of asip tomatic cases pouring in. the white house ordering border agencies to return border crossers back into mexico and central america, your reaction to that. they don't want the outbreak to spread through detention facilities and hit border patrol agents. >> these are tight quarters. if you have been to one of the cbp facilities where they have been processing migrants after they have been apprehended. we have seen the detention facilities strained to the
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breaking point. you just want to be very cautious. i think cbp has done a good job of testing people for infectious diseases. but it contributes to the stress object the system and the joe crowding. it may be a necessary move. liz: we are watching right now and watching the future popping. the futures are slipping further up into the green. the trump administration is moving faster on more step up plus as well. the white house is erring on throwing everything but the kitchen sink at it. >> the country is shutting down for a month. i'm not sure some of the measures we have seen so far, the market hasn't responded as
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enthusiastically. we talked to some of the 2008 investors. liz: to china. the u.s.-china cold war relations, it's not good right now, rockier than since the tienanmen square massacre. iran sits smack in the center. china wanted to build a railroad track out of china going down through iran and south. now iran and italy are getting hit hard. your reaction to geopolitics. >> i think it's unfortunate the way china has played politics with this crisis. they designate hong kong and
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taiwans a part of the china. but i think we'll see a lot more of this. they need to own up and take responsibility. >> we are coming into the bottom of the show. lou dobbs is next. have a good evening. lou: president trump taking decisive action to protect america and americans from con steconoo -- from con step threat the united states. the president invoked the defense production act to give him authority to compel american businesses to manufacture and produce much-needed medical equipment and supplies for short
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