tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 2, 2020 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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re now files for unemployment benefits for first time ever, 6 moy -- 6.6 milliont week. with china's economy, showing tentative signs of recovery, it appears that the chinese ambition and aggression are to rise, the chinese have ramped up military exercises in the contested south china sea. they continue their concerted effort to reshape the pandemic origin in national media
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narrative. it without question china. beyond that many questions. virus taking up much of national security counsel time and effo effort. >> and fake news about this virus. it would be a mistake with terrible consequences for any adverse to attempt to to us harm. lou: china's cover-up and its efforts, sometimes laughable, to try to place blame on others, where the origin and spreads of this disease has been assisted from the very beginning by the world health organization leader of the world health organization, today, claimed to be quote, deeply concerned about the virus' rapid global spread. despite the fact he parroted
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china's claims about the virus not being contagious and not able to be spread from person-to-person. and japan deputy prime minister had enough of his antics, today saying, the group should be renamed from the world health organization to the chinese he'lhealth organization, joinins tonightd dr. michael pillsbury, what do you think of idea? should we have name it the chinese health organization. >> sure, in be if we have the pr to do so. lou: we don't even have the power too rename w.h.o.? >> globalist agreement come true, idea to share sovereignty,
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not according to a size of the economy. or military power, it is according to one country one vote in je jen general assemblye lost them to chinese-backed puppets to took over, dr. tedros is a good example of that. lou: yes. i'm sorry. say again. >> i was scribing to you president trump's initiative. he created a office with a humorous name, the special envoy for multilateral integrity. this gentleman he will try to get back our influence in these u.n. agents like the w.h.o., but it has gone far, we were asleep under the obama administration or they may have liked it, thought that was globalism come
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true, but the chinese head 5 of the agency. lou: you know as they say, what's in a name, much can be. more troubling. has been their reacted of china and these moments caring out a huge disinformation campaign, relentless and vicious, blaming the united states for originating the disease in we wuhan, hubei province, obsurdty lost in the global narrative amongst the one-worlders, now in south china sea, challenging directly the united states as it preserves the freedom of navigation in that region. this is ge by coming a difficult moment in our history, just as
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president was creating these historic trade deals. advancing the cause of peace, the chinese now seem determine to roll all that back with their aggressiveness, with their attitude, their long. language. your thoughts? >> i think that is write. they believe this is their time, that coming year or two is when they can surpass united states i think they intend to cheat on the spread agreement, president trump will get angry at that. at the same time chinese are holding out idea they are ahead in vaccine testing. we better be polite to china, they will not share that vaccine formula with that. chinese think this virus is something they can exploit to finally surpass the americans, and pretty much every area. lou: and what credence do you give reports out of china, that their economy is now on the
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mend, they have actually restored production. that normalcy of a sort at least has at least taken a beach head in their economy. and the numbers we're now informed by our intelligence agents are just as phony as we believed them to be. your thoughts? >> i think the economy is restarting, there are a number of physical matrix that can be measured like the pollution that can betrayed ove -- strayed. the chinese will even out growth rate and 4th quarter they will surpass us, this is what imworried about, so many of our wall street investment banks are going to benefit starting yesterday. we have opened up china now to our banks. and amount of capital will be
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transferred to china overcoming 6 months to a year, and chinese need this. part of their desire to become number one power of world to get hold of western capital and technology, right now we're preoccupied, as we should be by the virus. i see world wide a lot of new spokesmen refusing to say chinese virus or wuhan virus, the campaign to discredit chinese lives is not working well, africa, south america, middle east, they echo the u.n., they believe that u.n. is sacred, they are backing china right now. that is the fight that trump is fighting. lou: the united states -- >> our hands. lou: one thing he fights is the fang thafact his own administras being soft in its responses, he talked about numbers bee being
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light, he sent signals to our allies and nations throughout whether it know europe or africa. that we are going to stand down here as we watch what develops in our own efforts to deal with this crisis, which would consume any administration. but also, this threat from china is very real. the american people see it. and. >> yes. lou: there is no strong response from this administration to this point. it is -- this is disturbing to say the least. >> well, i agree with you. i saw the president give an actual enhancer in his press conference asked by "wall street journal" what about this new reducing of the tariffs that you might sign, the president said i first heard of it. you have seen a series of leaks for two weeks from the two camps of the president, it is
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unethical to leak thing. sometime, saying that pete or pr navarro want want to do this, is not happened. this gives the wrong signal to the chinese. lou: you saw the attack today from chuck schumer against peter navarro, questioning his ability to lead the president's affords to the national defense production act. he was attacked by schumer specifically because they don't like his views and values that the president happens to share. it is interests the games that are played by the radical left as call ways, an always and thon chamber of commerce calling, it is responsible for pushing all of big businesses, corporate america and wall street effort to carry out labor arbitrage that is outsourcing of millions
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of american jobs, offshoring of our production, our plants, and factories to chie cheap labor markets. we are a super market that is dependent on a foreign supply chain. >> i agree lou. they are testing things in china, they claim they have done a better job than we have, our doctors on the phone with them every day trying to get date from them. i don't know how this dependence on china was created it goes back 25 years or so now. lou: this business about world leader, i want to put in some context, no matter what they do in subsequent 3/4 of this year, there -- three quarters of this
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year, there is no way they could approach the u.s. in strength, size and value, the issue is how we respond to their out right aggression, and understand on every level we're in a competition with china that will be a fight for the ages. hopefully one that does result in literal fights, battle and war, your thoughts. >> well said. i would say the phase one trade agreement is a bill i don't knoe of work. if the chinese cheat -- that, if they are engaging in aggressive military exercises, this will create a coalition against china that may stop the juggernaut, otherwise i think we're all depend on the still and judgment of president trump to balance
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both aggressive majors against china, but then having our companies and our economy benefit from them. and if they get a vaccine first, they darn well better give it to us lou. >> i happened to have great faith that the united states and our terrific scientists and private sector will out shine anything that chance attempt in that regard, this is where, if i understand this historic president of ours this is where that nonsense ends, michael pillsbury great to see you. >> thank you. lou: the national republican -- thank you. lou: national republican senate committee is frustrating to say the least. it is standing by senator kelly laughler, as she contents with allegation of insider trading
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and profiting personally from wuhan virus pick pic pandemic aa result of intelligence briefings she received, and kevin mclaughlin said there is a special place in political hell for any so-called republican who perpetuates liberal lies again another republican during a national crisis. it seems as if he was condemning himself. that same group, said congressman doug collins is on what they term a political kamikaze mission to primary laughler, and threatened him. she is being investigateds, for these allegations of insider trading and profiting personally from her position receiving intelligence briefings as the
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pandemic became obvious. >> up next, president trump's coronavirus task force is just moments away from the daily briefing. we'll bring it to you once it begins. >> also some of the most promising medications and pharmaceutical used to fight the coronavirus in short supply. what will we do. lou: we'll talk with dr. marc siegel here next, please stay with us. -excuse me. uh... do you mind...being a mo-tour? -what could be better than being a mo-tour? the real question is... do you mind not being a mo-tour? -i do. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. -i do. there are times when our need to connect really matters.
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stock piles at federal and state lift are running out, fda issued an emergency use operation for a coronavirus antibody test, that will determine whether a person has been infected with wuhan virus, it must be done in a certified lab. fda warning of a shortage of hydorxychloroquine and chloroquine, the antimalaria drug that received emergency arguauthorization frommed from . manufacturers are ramping up production of the drugs to meet the rising demand. >> joining us. fox news medical correspondent, dr. marc siegel. dr. great to have you with us. let's start with the ventilator.
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we heard about ventilator that were going to be in position. we have a national stock pile that turns without we have ventilators some of them that are not workable. and secondly, we have no one that knows how to fix them. this is a bizarre position to me to be in. where hospitals that use ventilator depend on a remote third party to repair one. your thoughts. >> one thing that there are ventilators that are in store an areas that are -- storage areas that are not being used those that need repair, and ventilator that are designed differently from what we need. there an idea we're trying to stay ahead of the problem with a burgeoning of cases, and hospitals are full in new york area. they are overrun. we're looking ahead. you know, how are we going to be able to handle it in next few
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weeks. you mentioned some areas that president has reached to, and he has involved ford and general motors, it takes a while to make a ventilator. we have been trying to get ventilators from china, a lot of several states are trying. fema -- >> what -- let me interrupt you there. you know. i don't think that we would have been talking like that, if this were a war. let's say world war ii. we watched civilian production turn to needs of a desperate, desperate moment, in which the american people, american business responded. i do not personally see the urgency you refer to, the delivery of these necessary products. we have 22 man too many in heale in this country that are first line of defense against this pandemic that risk their lives every damn day, putting up with
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shortages in no way should require more -- po to me, a week's reversal to get at left respirator masks to them without fail. if we have state governments that don't know how to do that. we have to do more. here is the man leading the effort, president trump. >> good to be with you all. in in a very critical phase of our war against the coronavirus. testimony iit is vital every amn follows our guidelines on 30 days to slow the spread. the sacrifices we makeover the next 4 weeks will have count less american lives saved. maintaining social distancing practicing. vigorous hygiene. and staying home, ar are your mt effective ways to win the war and escape danger, while you fight this battle from home,
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we're working with the best scientists, doctors and researchers anywhere in the world, we're racing to develop new ways to protect against the virus. as well as therapy, treatments and a vaccine, we're making a lot of progress. at the same time we're also racing to get relief to american workers and small businesses as you know. i want to remind small business owners across america that the paycheck protection program is launching tomorrow. nearly 350 billion dollars in loans will be available to ma sl businesses, they are up to 100% forgivable as long as employeers keep paying their workers. further more we want social security beneficiaries to know if they are typically not requires to file a tax return, they don't have to file one to receive the direct cash payments
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that will soon be distributedded to american citizens. the treasury will deposit money into the bank accounts and don'ter i forget, i will protect your social security, medicare and medicaid. we're protecting social security, medicare and medicaid, i always will. i would like to invite spa administrator. and secretary steve mnuchin to say a few words about the vital initiatives. then the attack of the virus itself. if i might, steve and jovitta . >> thank you. >> thank you, mr. president. mr. vice president. secretary mnuchin. ivanka trump and all who i have been working closely with in
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this effort, small business is the backbone of the american economy. the president has put nation's 30 million small businesses front and center in the response effort. we're working hard to get money to them quickly. this is an unprecedented effort by this administration to support small businesses. we know that there will be challenges in the process. secretary mnuchin and i are working in tandem to ensure feedback from our partners is being heard and implemented. private and public sector must work closely together to ensure small businesses and their workers are put first, this administration believes if you are a small business you are a critical part of the economic fabric of this country.
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at sba we work around the clock to support small businesses, ensuring we're prioritizing mergemergency that will for smal businesses that are suffering economic harm. this relief will help stabilize the smal small business sector. to keep their workers employed and keep up with day-to-day operating expenses. i want to ensure small businesses know about the paycheck protection program, how they can benefit from this. simply put, the paycheck protection program to help keep employees on payroll and small businesses open, they will forgive portion of lone that ise loin that is used for -- of the loan that is used for job retention, we're working with
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lenders, it is ng it is additioo substantial work that sba has and does continue to do to help small businesses. additional details can be found at sba. gov. we'll be updates the resources regularly. our hearts, go out to those affected by this terrible virus. our communities in the country are stepping up, and we will get through this together. at sba we know every phone call, e-mail or application submitted has a smal small business owner, their employees and community they support on the other side. our most important objective to allow small businesses to keep their employees on board and keep their businesses viable through this unprecedented
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disruption. i want to reiterate, the important of patience in this process as we work together, to assure that businesses are able to access needed credit, we will continue working around the clock as we have done with our federal and private sector partners expanding capacity and working to make our simm systems robust as possible to meet the needs. >> thank you. very good thank you. >> thank you, mr. president, thank you, mr. vice president. >> mr. president you made clear to us we need to execute, get money to small business and american workers that is what we're doing. the sba and treasury committedded to get this program up and running tomorrow, whether joe -- jovita said people working around the clock. we have people working around the clock, we heard feedback from lenders, and community banks, we spent last 24 hours
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making this system easier, this will be up and running tomorrow. and encourage all small businesses with 500 or fewer people, contact your lenders, and any fdic institution will be able to do this, any credit union, and existing sba lenders and fintec lenders, you get money the same day, you use this to pay your workers bring your workers back to work, if you let them go, you have 8 weeks with overhead, this is important. i am pleased to announce we are going to raise the interest rate on the loans. it is 1%. we had announced it would be 50 basis points we heard from smaller community banks their deposit costs, even though government borrows at 3 or 4 basis points this average a 90
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day loan, we agreed to raisin re interest rate, i encourage everyone take out paycheck protection program. >> and economic imac impact pay, i am pleased to report within two weeks first payments will be direct depo deposit to taxpayer accounts, last night president authorized me to say anyone with social security recipients will not need to file a new tax return and we have that. if we don't have your direct deposit information we will put up a web portal to put that up, this a large priority. also pleased to report we continue to work closely with the federal reserve. we're in process of designing a new facility we call main street lending facility, and looking at facilities for state
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governments, and i am also pleased to report employer recenttion credit, you get 50% credit, 5,000 a person. for everyone who kept someone, you can immediately get that money, you can deduct it from what you owe the irs, if you don'youdon't -- or you get a t credit. so, thank you very much mr. president. >> thank you, steve. >> any questions for jovita or steve. >> chase bank sent a letter to business clients today, saying they don't have necessary guidance from fda or treasury department to accept loan applications starting tomorrow, the need it enormous. but at least one major bank said they are not fully empowered yet. >> i spoke with all ceos
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yesterday, we got good input, from them on what they needed, people will working until 4:00. i believe we just put up the federal register with new guidelines for lenders, i have been assured that banks will be in process starting tomorrow, it will take time, but we committed this will be available tomorrow, i ep our rawn everyone. >> follow-up, number of small business -- saying they were on conference call there was a power struggle between the treasury and sba, and lenders are opting out because they can't make enough money to service the loan, how do you make sure that small be owners get capital they need to survive right now. >> i can assure you jovita is here, and there is no power
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struggle, we're all working together until 4 a.m., starting working at 7:00. and we made form simpler, and i can assure you, at 5 points i have told banker take older traders put them in the branches, never than opportunity to earn 5 points on a 90 day fully government garitie guaran. >> let me be clear. i don't know where you are hearing these, i told you, this would be three weeks, i am committing to two, we're delivering on the commitment, irs, when i oversee, within two weeks, first money will be in people's account. >> not about first check. direct deposit, the question is those who don't have direct deposit, a staff memo saying that process could take 5 weeks
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to mid august. >> that is not going to take -- well let me say, when obama sent out the check its took months and months and months. i am assuring the american public they need the money now, we'll do is, if we have your information, you get it been two weeks, social security you get very quickly after that. if we don't have your information, you have a simple web portal, you up load it, if not we'll sens send checks in te mail. >> we can process a lots of checks but we don't want to send checks, we don't want people to get checks in this environment. >> -- for you. there have been reports business that people trying to get access to the on-line site, to submit application, web site has been crashing and web for that -- tboaingoing off line.
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>> we brought in a lot of external resource at sba and us to make sure there is additional capacity, we heard a lot of good feedback yesterday to simplify this process, it will be up and running. that does not mean everyone that will get their loan tomorrow. but, the system will be up and running, we encore rac encourage over next week, sign up, you can go on web, see when information you need, very simple process. >> mr. secretary, a separate subject have you been in touching with leader mcconnell and speaker pelosi with their differences right now on a another sthi stimulus package. >> i have spoken to leader and the speaker, i have spoken to president, when they think the next phase is ready, and we talked about infrastructure.
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again, if we run out of money on small bsmall business program we back right away to get it increased. >> unemployment numbers today, increase -- >> let me say, you know. we're going through something that we have never done before. with government shut down big parts of the economy. because of health reasons. our economy was in great shape, our companies were in great shape. there are three-ways that americans will be protected small business, through this program, direct deposit, and enhanced unemployment. we realize unfortunately there are a lot of companies because they are not in business over a short period of time, we're working with states on enhanced unemployment. and as soon as medical professionals and president give the all clear, we'll have a ton of liquidity, we have about 6 trillion dollars, never been done between us and fed to put into the economy to support
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american workers and american business. >> in addition to the jobless numbers today -- before the social distancing guidelines, were extended for another month. so what additional relief will you give to americans as they stay out of work for all these attract weeks? what are you -- extra weeks? >> we -- designing this program, we thought that we had liquidity for about 10 weeks, that is what we have designed. and again, i think that president has been clear, if we need to go back to congress, to support the american economy and workers we will do that. >> mr. secretary, nancy pelosi -- a committee to oversee distribution of recovery funds, and she said she wanting to make sure that funds are officially spent. >> you know. the both parties wanted us to
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have oversight, and have tran tropical stortrantransparency, n oversight committee, i believe there are 5 people on it, that committee will review money we're spending we support full transparency, taxpayers should understand how we'll support this economy and jobs. >> secretary -- murkowski asked you to consider providing loans to energy companies under cares act, your thoughts on that? >> so, thank you, let me claire kawhclarify, i have limited abiy to do direct loans out of treasury, i can do them for passenger airlines, cargo airlines, contractors and national security, outside of, that we work with the federal reserve, to create broad-based lending facilities, our expectation that energy
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companies, like all our other companies will be able to participate in broad-based facilities whether corporate or the main street facility. but not direct lending out of treasury. >> question for clarity about direct payment, for those without bank accounts and direct deposit information on file, how long would they wait for a check in. >> for people who don't have direct deposit. we'll have an easy way they can put it up, we put it on a rolling basis, one a coupl cup n a couple of days we'll send if out, there are people who are under banked. we're working with all prepaid company, and debit cards, working with a way to get the money to the american people quickly, it will do no good if it shows up in 4 months. >> a matter of weeks not months. >> correct. >> moratorium on --
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>> where you can make direct loans is airlines, how much do you expect that treasury department and federal government will be involved in oversees the operation of the airlines as it pertains to which routes get cutback, and how much they operate and their employees and the like? >> there are very strict requirements that built into the bill, this was a bipartisan requirement. one anything we do with airlines they have to maintain all their employees. any money we provide them, will go to pay their employees, we'll work with the secretary of transportation, there are requirements to maintain 7 routes. we -- certain routes, we have a clear process, and hired 3 outside advisers, financial and law firms will release that information. and i want to thank them, they are working for basically very, very little money, they could not work for free, they have agreed to work for what they would sign up to work for
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charitable organizations. no big fees to bankers, we had a great team of 3 lawyers, and three financial advisers that will assist us. >> follow-up on that, will you give us a list of names of those people who are advising you? >>, we will. the names and the contracts. >> right now? >> so, again i'm happy, to announce p.j. t partners, passenger airlines. mulis and company cargo and contract contractors and perella and weinberg. and against let me be clear. we need to get this done quickly, airline need money, we'll work closely with department of transportation. and get this done quickly, we have lord alread already receivs
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from a lot of the people. >> secretary. on airline issue. speaker pelosi and others say that government taking stakes in airline should not be a condition for federal government pro to provide payroll support. >> i spoke to the speaker last night about tha this was highly negotiated between the republicans and democrats, the president was personally involved in this, he was on the phone main times, senators on both sides there is a line in bill in says secretary will determine proper compensation, this not a bailout, for the airlines. i will work once we get our advice from our think if financial advisers, i will work with the president. and we'll make sure that we strike the right balance, not a bailout taxpayers get
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compensated. these are national security issues, we want to keep our airlines in tact. >> some small businesses, restaurant owners, for example, they are finding that laying off their employees to start collecting uneveryon unemploymes better for them as be owners and workers. what incentive do they have to keep their employees on the payroll if no one comes to the restaurant? >> incentive you have, we want american business to be kept in tact. these are lones tha loins loanso grants, you can hire your people back, you get money for their medical, you keep them on medical plan, you get money for your rent, and electricity, so. you are motivated. we want you to have a business to reopen. quickly when this is aprone yeahappropriate, i cannot imagie
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any american worker who had a job, offered to keep their job is not going to' to have it. we talked about this unemployment issue, you can get unemployment if you don't have a job. so unemployment is intended for those people that are some of mid size or larger businesses, and we're sympathetic to this but these companies cannot afford, and for those people enhanced unemployment a will bea benefit. 50% of american workforce is small businesses under 500 people, we want to make sure that this part of the economy is ready and in tact when we're ready to reopen. >> if i may. >> a certain category of small businesses you are most concerned about? restaurant, hair salons. >> a great question. we're concerned about every small business.
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there are 30 million small businesses that we're focused on, we're working feverishly to make sure we can provide the available funds to them quickly. it is 30 million small businesses and other businesses are dealt with, with the ppp . and also de disaster injury or economic injury disaster loan, and an advance associated with that program as well. we're concerned about all the businesses, we're looking at employees being ready not lost in the process. we want businesses to stay in tact, they represent half of the gdp . it we spend a tril yoonio trillo support 10 or 11 trillion that is a significant investment. >> one comment. that everyone out there
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understands this. if you are an independent contractorcontract, sold pro pru will eligible for this as well. a plumber, you are under this program, you have to come into your bank give them more information but starting next week that part of the program will be up and running. >> charities as well. the vice president and president make sure we covered small charities in this. >> churches? >> it does although there are some technical issues, but yes, it does. include faith organizations. >> under the ppp . new sba program they are covered. >> thank you everybody. >> thank you. steve. >> thank you.
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>> okay, that begins right away, they start handing out checks, a lot of people will have their businesses built back up quickly, i hope. we'll see. complicated, big, small business, big business, i thank them both. and please, good, we have some great gentleman and me see, correct, thank you very much. today my administration is also issues new guidelines to protect elderly americans who remain most vulnerable. by now nursing homes, should have suspended the entry or all medically unnecessary personnel. today we're further recommending that all nursing home facilities assign the safe staff to care for same group residentses to min mminimize any april potenti,
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and separate areas for healthy and sick residents. we're also making every effort to provide relief on our great veterans, we take good wear carf our veterans. extent deadline for benefits and postpone debt collection. we're now conducting over 100,000 coronavirus tests per day. over 100,000 tests a day. and these are accurate tests, they are moving rapidly. which is more than any other country in the world. both in terms of the raw number and on a per capita basis, most. the fda also authorized first coronavirus antibody test developed by sal ex, a key step that will help identify people
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that have recovered and under their immune response and system. moments ago i directed secretary azar and acting secretary wolf to use any and all authority under defense productive act to make sure that manufacturers have supplies they need to produce ventilator for patients with severe case of covid-19. this action will help general electric, hill rom, medtronic, resmed, royal phillips overcome obstacles that threaten rapid production of ventilators, we have over 100,000 built right now or soon to be started, we anticipate issues more orders under defense production act in near future, in addition to the
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one that i have signed against 3m for face masks, a element of the act against 3m. hopefully they will be able to do what they are supposed to do. just spoke to mary berra of general motors she said they will soon be ready to start production of ventilators, they have a lot they have committed to build. and they will start very quickly. fema continues to deliver resources to areas most affected by the virus, including new york on top of 3,000 beds we're provide to javits from. gov forgovernor cuomo ask this y be converted to a covid hospital.
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and we had not done thattity or thought iyet orthought in termst the real demand is for that we have meetings on it with the task morse wit force and militad yes, i will do that. i will be signing and agreeing to a yes, answer. so we'll be doing that, and also we will be staffing it so that federal government does a lot of things that was not anticipated it do, this is a 2500 or 2900 hospital bed built, javits center. and it will be staffed by the military, and by the federal government. and based to the fact that i agreed to, that we had two other
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facilities that were like wise asking for it that would be in louisiana and also in dallas, we'll do those, we spoke with the governor of louisiana. and governor of texas. and we told them that we will be staffing those hospitals. above and beyond, but that is okay. we have to do that. ing iaddition the usns comfort s docked in new york to accept patients that are noncovid-19. fema delivered more than 4 million n-95 masks respirators, 4 million. 4 million. states are doing it we're backing them up but 4 million n-95 respirators. 1.8 million surgical masks, 460,000 face shields, 1.4 million gloves, and 44 hundred
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ventilator to the state of new york. some of them are sent to the city of new york. all of america stands with the people of new york in this time of need. it is a hot spot. but we have other hot spots, we are taking care of them very strongly. very powerfuly, we have the finest people in the world in those locations. i think that federal government has not only acted early by acting quickly, professionally. this -- there are no people like this, doctors, nurses, first responders. who' to help new york at this time, should visit web site nyc. gov /help now, they need help now, they need people to help them. we have great facilities, and we
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have built some brand new familiars, bu -- facilities we d help for professional people, if you are in an area that is not so affected and you are a doctor or a nurse. healthcare worker, please, get to that web site, we'd appreciate your help, new york city needs it louisiana needs. michigan need twhatever you can do, they are strong hot spots they need help. recent weeks as virus spread and economy hardship followed, we have seen americans unite with incredible sevlessnesselflessnei want to remind everyone here that is not the time for politics. endless partisan investigations, here we go again. have already done damage to our country in recent years, you see what happens. it is -- a witch-hunt after
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witch-hunt. and in the e end the people doig witch-hunt have been loses and by a lot. and not any time for witch-hunts this time to get this enemy defeated. conducting these por partisan investigations in model a pandemic is a big waste of vital resources, time, attention, we want to fight for american lives. not waste time. and build up my poll numbers, that all they do, everyone knows it is ridiculous, we want to focus on the people. of the country. even the people of the world, we'll be able to help them, right now is an example. we're building so many ventilators, very hard to build, but we're building thousands, thousands of them. a lot of come at a time we don't need them because it takes time, very complex, very expensive, we'll be able to help outside of our country. we think we will be able to
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help. that is something you cannot easily produce. as citizens who are linked together by the shared bonds of national, love, loyalty and affection there is no earthly force more powerful than the patriotic pride that surges in our heart. that is true. they don't eat. they don't go to bed. sometimes they get nothing, said to somebody recently on the task force, how many hours sleep have you gotten over the last couple of days? the answer was none, none. in one massachusetts neighborhood, citizens come out of their homes each night at 8:00 from their porches, they sing, "god bless america." others join from house to house, down one street, up to the next, the little town with spirit of patriotism, reminding all americans we're all in this together. we'll fight together and we will win together. we're going to win this. now what i would like to do, i'm
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going to step out. we have a meeting on the subject and i'm going to step out for a few moments. i will be right back to answer questions but you have very hard-working people who have done an incredible job led by vice president mike pence, head of the task force and then jared kushner is going to say a few words, admiral ad powlecyk, peter navarro. i will be back a little while. i just took a test, from the white house physician, you may i have it i teak it this morning. took me a literally a minute to take it. i gets it was 14 or 15 minutes. i went to work. i didn't wait for it, it took 14 minutes or something to come up with the conclusion. said the president tested negative for covid-19. so that is the second one. i think i took it really out of curiosity to see how quickly it
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worked, how fast it worked. it is a lot easier. i have done them both. the second one is much more pleasant, jeff, i can tell you that, much more pleasant. i will be back in a little while. mike, please take over. thank you all very much. i will be right back. >> thank you, mr. president. the white house coronavirus task force met today but earlier in the day the president convened all of the key elements much our supply chain teach team in the oval office on an update on the progress we had been making, working literally around the clock to make sure our health care workers, the people on front lines have the personal protective equipment and also the ventilators to meet this moment. today you're going to hear from the people that are literally working, working each and every day to make that happen. dr. deborah birx is also with
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us. she will reflect in a few moments on the progress that we're making analyzing the data, each and every day we're looking county by county, state by state, consulting with, with governors and local health officials. at the present moment more than 1.3 million tests have been performed and as you all are aware, some 236,000 americans have tested positive for the coronavirus with now the losses of over 5000 americans and our hearts are with their families. beyond that we have been focusing not just on insuring the testing is occurring but that the supplies are flowing, as the president just announced, he made a decision today to deploy -- lou: president trump as you see there, vice president mike pence and corona task force, giving the daily briefing.
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joining us tomorrow, dr. mehmet oz, devin nunes and dr. nicole saphier. follow me own twitter on lou dobbs. we thank you for being with us through this hour. i'm lou dobbs. and good night from sussex. elizabeth: okay. this is liz liz mccdonald with "the evening edit." let's listen to the vice president address the task force for the coronavirus. >> we anticipate in the local new york area the local health care provider will make a decision whether you're transferred to the javits center. in all case look to guidance from local governors how best to receive the care that every american, every american is entitled to
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