tv Maria Bartiromos Wall Street FOX Business April 5, 2020 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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talk with jon meacham on his new book. that's right here on "the wall street journal at large." thank you for joining us. stay healthy, stay safe, and we'll see you next week. ♪ pete: good eaching and welcome to america together. i'm you're host, pete hegseth. i'm broadcasting this evening from my home, into yours. tonight, on this palm sunday, nearly all americans are under some form of a stay at home order, as researchers and doctors race to contain the coronavirus pandemic. no one is immune to this crisis. it has changed all of our lives, and while this virus may be unprecedented, america's resilient response is not. during times of challenge and uncertainty, americans have always gone above and beyond to help their fellow citizens in need, and this time, is no different. americans answer the call to duty. from health care workers risking
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their lives every day on the frontline, to law enforcement officers and first responders, all of whom cannot work from home. to our businesses adapting to meet critical supply shortages, and to our public officials, and of course to our president. america's best shine brightest when needed the most. all fighting to keep our country healthy, safe, and secure. and then there's us. every day americans who have our own hopes and fears and struggles but still see simple acts of kindness and generosity all around us. we tell those stories tonight. tonight, we highlight those helping to unleash the american spirit when it's needed the most. over the next hour, we're going to tell stories, big, and small, of hope, inspiration, and every day heroism. the spirit that embodies america 's strength and resolve in times of crisis, and
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continues to prove what makes this country the greatest nation on earth. this is america together. >> [bells ringing] >> many stores are experiencing supply shortages. >> it does require, however, our best effort, and our willingness to believe in ourselves, and to believe in our capacity, to perform great deeds , to believe that together, with god's help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us, and after all, why shouldn't we believe that?
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we are americans. pete: one of the biggest developments this week has been the need for masks not only for medical workers but now everyone is encouraged to cover our faces. the manufactures cannot keep up with the demand so companies and every day americans are coming together to make more. i talked to tyler merit the ceo of nylon apparel, jake esso, the chorus teacher at orange middle school in new jersey and a senior all column buts a high school. check out their stories. i'm going to start with you, jake, and zubin. jake you're a core us/choir teacher. why are you rallying yourself and others to make these masks? >> you know, i bought a 3d printer a couple of months ago as a sort of a hobby and just kind of started exploring that sort of world and when this thing started poking up in our region, i got in touch with my parents who sent me an
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article about a company in syracuse, a couple that are just printing ppe's just for first responders, and they realized that that's something that i can , you know, i can do down here. they kind of threw my skills behind that to kind of start this group to just help out however we can. pete: different voices singing together can sing a good tune. zubin, you connected with jake through a facebook page and you're doing much the same. >> i have several 3d printers because i'm part of a robotics club and i do a lot of 3d print ing and i wanted to help out once i got off from school and i was put in contact with mr. esso, and he made it possible for me to start print ing things on my personal printers. pete: super cool. give us a sense first, you, jake and then zubin, how many masks are you creating right now? >> 1,116 pieces so far. >> so i've so far printed
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somewhere around 170. pete: awesome. just every day folk, your job is not to create protective equipment, but you're stepping up. if folks wonder what's this if folks want to learn more? >> the facebook page is called soman j3dprinteralliance. pete: tyler you just heard their amazing stories of individuals. you're stepping up in a huge way tell us what nine line apparel is doing? >> well the masks that you see me wear this is developed by myself in a u.s. manufacturing giant in la and last week, we've created millions of these. pete: millions? >> the goal is to get 1.5 million per day. pete: 1.5 million per day, wow that's an amazing number, and there's big numbers we're seeing on our screen of need, so, how do you ramp up to that? >> so right now, we saw the need for this replacement, surgical masks this is simple. this is not a difficult tasks we can do hundreds of millions of
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these to distribute around the country and we need every person wearing a containment mask and the protective mask you're talking about is the n-95 and the variance is incredible individuals creating a 3d print ed version here and we teamed up with local doctors as well as engineers to come up with a scalable solution to make these by the tens of thousands per day. we published all of the information. we've made the 3d renderings public, at and also published a ton of information about what the problem is, how it became a problem, how we've become reliant on chinese manufacturing , how we have the smartest scientists, engineers and manufactures in the united states, and we can scale this solution. we're selling our masks, these containment masks, at cost, with the and we're getting them out the door every day by the millions and we need people to get educated on what the problem was but better yet we need to show how there's a solution so people like my mom, a nurse on the frontlines can get the mask that she needs.
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pete: let me bring jake and zubin back in with you i want to ask one final exit question. jake i'll start with you. why are you doing this? >> i'm used to being as a teacher i'm used to being able to help my students and i can't help them day in day out as much and as directly as i can, and i see the need in my community and i've been raised, you know, since i was a little boy to help out the community that you live in. this is what i come up with. pete: well said, zubin? >> for me it's just the fact that i have these resources at my disposal that can be used to help and there's really no reason for me not to take what i have and what i have like at my disposal to now try and help others. pete: tyler last word. >> yeah, i'm doing this for my mother whose a nurse on the frontline and doing this for my father who the last six months is battling can cancer who is at most risk to die. if you go to you can learn all about why we're doing this how we're doing
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this and more importantly how you can help. pete: you are in this fight with every piece of ammunition you've got at your disposal. it was a pleasure to talk to you all tonight. thanks again for coming on. we need folks like those guys to keep making more masks because we hear it all day. it's true. there's a shortage. and that's what makes this next story so special. our good friend, tucker carlson host of "tucker carlson tonight" is here with more. tucker? >> tucker: pete it all started with a traffic stop a minnesota doctor was heading home after a long shift during the coronavirus crisis and saw the dreaded flashing red and blue lights in her rear view but the cardiologist didn't get a ticket but instead a heartwarming surprise and the state trooper called brian schwartz issued her five of the n-95 face masks instead and spoke to fox & friends about what happened. >> its been very isolating to take care of suspected covid-19
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patients and it can feel, it's hard to look at stories of selfishness and hording, whenever you turn on the news, it seems like there's more stories of people clearing the shelves and keeping things for themselves rather than giving them away, and i think particularly, at that time, i really need it to believe that we're going to stick together, as human beings. i needed to be reminded that ultimately, it's not toilet paper, or n-95 masks that are going to save us. it's each other. it was humbling. i think state troopers and policemen, they often get a very bad rap simply for doing their jobs, and i just think that it's time they got their due recognition. >> what's even more amazing the
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five n-95 masks he gave her were from the supply the state had given trooper schwartz for his own protection and the doctor said said it came with one caveat, no more speed ing. pete: we've seen this growing pandemic foster anxiety and fear across america in the past few weeks but it's also forged a rebirth of community, and patriotism. our one and only shawn hannity joins us now. >> shawn: all right, it's a simple gesture that goes a long way, right during this pandemic national emergency, americans are finding ways to come together as a community, and showing appreciation for those putting themselves in harms way, on the frontlines. for example, every night, 7:00 p.m. eastern, tens of thousands of new yorkers participate in a city-wide two minute applause to show their support for all essential workers, serving all of us in need, and everyone from medical professionals, grocery store workers, sanitation employees, janitors in hospitals , take a look. >> [applause]
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>> [cheers and applause] >> sean: every night it shows the best of america and in the morning there are more wonderful acts of patriotism as well. to bring back a sense of normalcy for kids that aren't in schools several neighborhoods now are coming together to recite the pledge of allegiance. one michigan teacher started a trend in his community, by visit ing students during the out break at a safe distance, why? to teach them respect for our flag and this great country. take a look. >> the idea of this came from so many elementary families in our neighborhood who are now suddenly moms and dads are home school teachers and they needed a routine. i'm pretty proud of respectfully doing the pledge pledge of
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allegiance with our students every morning to start our day. >> sean: and reciting it rain or shine can help bring a community together but that's not all teachers are doing to uplift their students, educators across the country. well they are driving by student 's homes to reunite, spread some cheer, yes, with social distancing, since the school year was unexpectedly cut short and teachers at an elementary school in pennsylvania say this is a way for them to make a connection with the students they love. take a look. >> [horns honking] >> it's just a very different time that none of us have ever experienced before through just an idea that we're still making contact and still having those relationships with people, but just in a different way. >> i think at the end of the day i hope this just mays everybody their spirits a little bit uplifted, makes them realize that we're all in this together. >> it is truly inspiring to see how so many americans are
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coming together, spreading cheer during a difficult time. pete? pete: thanks, sean. now that is america. coming up on "america together" i'll be joined by many members of your fox news family throughout the hour with more stories just like these. my dear friend, ainsley earhart is next bringing friends with us and how they're using faith to combat fear and for more stories of americans log locking shield along with information on how you can help go to together. i'm part of a community of problem solvers. we make ideas grow. from an everyday solution... to one that can take on a bigger challenge. from packaging tape... to tape that can bond materials to buildings... and planes. one idea can unlock a breadth of solutions. at 3m, we are solving problems that improve lives.
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bible. here with more is fox & friends co-host ainsley earhardt. ainsley: thank you, pete well many of you may be feeling anxious or worried during these difficult times and that's okay but why not replace those fears with faith with the help of the bible, familiar faces across the country are coming together to remind us about the power of prayer with an inspirational message of hope. take a look. >> the world's which we knew just a few weeks ago is upside down. >> if you're like me you probably had moments of doubt, anxiety, and fear. >> we can choose to live or worry or b choose to live in faith and hope, faith and hope that one day things will turn out better. >> having hope is not just a cliche or something that we say to make ourselves feel better. it's the truth and we can depend on it especially in faith. >> i can't think of a more important time to recognize the importance of god in our
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lives, as our country tries to come together. >> we need to take this opportunity to get with our families and get the word. >> that's just share knowing that god is in control of all of this. >> if you know jesus then we are called to trust in god. >> he encourages us in scripture. >> we run to him when we fear, when we worry, he's there, he's waiting on the other side of our situation. >> sometimes you really have to stretch our faith to see where the good came out of it but i promise you there's always an opportunity for goodness to come out of every act of darkness. >> thank god for the warriors on the frontline. these are our medical workers, our military, our truck drivers delivering the food, the cashiers showing up at the grocery store, america is awesome and we are uniting in powerful ways to get through this together. >> be proud of who you are, but by the same token, remember, no
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matter where you are, there's somebody much worse off than you are. >> i challenge all of you to let go of fear, anxiety, control , and doubt. give it all to god. ainsley: every day, fox nation will be posting a new bible study "messages of hope" so stay strong, america we are praying for you. pete: thank you, ainsley. so important, but even moreso during this easter season well if those messages of faith and hope inspired you, take a moment to pass one along yourself. right now, before home school and remote work starts again on monday, send a video to family, friends or a first responder, sharing your love and reminding them to draw closer to god, and he will draw closer to you. that's one of my favorite versus from james 4:8. if not with a video how about in another way? shannon brean, anchor of fox news at night is here to tell us
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how one company is ic majority ing a big impact despite social distancing. >> hey, pete, many americans are looking for ways to stay in touch as the coronavirus keeps us home. in an effort to bring more people together, hallmark says it's giving away 2 million greeting cards to people around the country. this is what the company's ceo mike perry had to say about the effort. >> you know, we are clearly living in unprecedented times where many of us at least are self-isolating and one of the really unfortunate consequences of that is that we're connecting less than we would want to and frankly less than what we should be with family and friends, and from a hallmark perspective, we looked at that and said wow that doesn't feel good, so what could we do that be helpful during these times? and our solution was hey let's give away a couple million cards , and you know, frankly, when you think about one of the most powerful things that we can do as human beings is to
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reach out to somebody else on purpose, and tell them that we love them, that we're thinking about them, that we care about them maybe just to reach out and say, you know, give them a little bit of encouragement that yes indeed we will get through these times all you've got to do is go to and just put in your name, and put in your address and hit submit and we'll send you out a little pack of cards directly to your home. you can take it from there, and the response that we've gotten has been fantastic. really great feedback from all of the folks that are getting their cards and telling us about how they're intending to send their cards to good people, but i think what's been really great about this is just it's just another form of connection. you're texting, i'm texting, we're making phone calls, we're doing things that we can do to stay in touch with people. this is just a very different way and i think in some ways a
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really authentic way to say something on purpose in a really thoughtful way to another human being. >> a very thoughtful idea from hallmark to help keep america together. pete? pete: turns out hallmark not just about addictive christmas movies. thank you, for that, shannon. it's stores like that that make our country great. big companies stepping up in response to this outbreak to help every day americans get by. of course hallmark isn't the only business giving back. martha maccallum has the story of an interesting matchup. >> martha: hi, pete, martha maccallum here, you may not think pizza and fashion go hand- in-hand but that is not the case in the big apple. a couple of business owners are teaming up to serve those on the frontlines of this pandemic. it's america together. >> my name is adam elder. i'm the owner and chef of every day hospitality and we have five
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restaurants, and three pizzarias we decided we would donate 20 pizzas to local hospitals and we put that on social media and we told people if they bought a pizza for donation we would match it and bring it to the hospital a well, and then it kind of started. we had a lot of people going on to our delivery site, they would buy a cheese pie for a hospital, and then we would send two out, and as of yesterday, we had delivered 3,000 pizzas to local hospitals. >> they came to us and saw what we were doing with the local hospitals and they made a nice donation, which helped us be able to go and support a bunch of nurses and doctors. >> we started vivrelle.
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it's a membership club that provides access to designer handbags, watches, designer jewelry, and our first donation was a soft pizza at the local restaurant, so we loved the idea of helping out a local also small business, and at the same time, giving and donating food to hospitals so we started there and then we moved on to city harvest, so filling more plates of new yorkers and then because we are a national company, we also wanted to get involved nationally, so we donated masks through americare to help everyone on the frontlines. >> we consider our members family and we wanted all to contribute together and we wanted them to know that being a member of vivrelle is helping out directly and on the frontlines and we're lucky to have a membership base who also wanted to contribute as well and a lot contributed directly to the cause we're donating to. >> the messages that we get are
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great. we get a lot of messages from doctors and nurses and people that are working in the hospital they're saying thank you and they're saying that, you know, it's just i think the biggest thing that we're doing is we're letting them know that we appreciate them. >> to all americans and businesses going above and beyond to help others in need we thank you for what you do. pete? pete: pizza and fashion, now that is a marriage made only at a moment like this. thank you, martha. well, still ahead on america together, how can you get that coveted hand sanitizer? the unlikely company coming to the rescue. plus, we're all facing it. home schooling. like many of you, my kids are my pupils now, and i am the principal. a sneak peak at the hegseth school for higher learning.
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the child mind institute is the leader in the field. it's the place where kids are getting better. and the place that is doing the research and developing the programs that will change the landscape of children's mental health. to learn more visit ♪ >> hi, i'm currently stationed at ems station 46. >> my name is michael and we cover the areas of coronavirus beings jackson heights and elmhurst. some of the current challenges we're facing is the surge in 911 calls and now we're averaging 6,000 jobs a day. it's hard to keep up but we're doing the best we can. >> i can speak for my co- workers and colleagues when i
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say we are exhausted but every day we wake up and ready-to-serve the city of new york and we took an oath to be here for the public and help the city out and i would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for their moral support and for their donations. >> and for all of you folks who stay home, please stay home and help us flatten this curve. pete: that was a video diary from the fdny, on the frontline s of this pandemic. america hears them and is answering the call to help. one of the keys to defeating covid-19 is keeping your hands clean. i know i'm washing my hands these days. we all know you can't find hand sanitizers on the shelf but there is help. my friend laura ingraham, host of the ingraham angle has that story. >> laura: you've been hearing it over and over and i know you're sick of it. because clean hands can save lives. wash your hands during this cov id pandemic but hand sanitizer, i know, we could find some, but a lot of people can't
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find it, the manufactures can't keep up with the demand, well, enter crazy aarons. the pennsylvania-based toy company is shifting their operation from making putty to producing much-needed hand sanitizer. the founder and executive chair of crazy aarons told fox & friends that how the company made it in just 72 hours. >> we started thinking well what can we do to contribute? if we can't produce our signature toy, what can we do and we realized we had a lot of materials to make hand sanitizer , just as part of our normal process. the response has been really positive, really overwhelming, very touching for me personally, as a first responder and volunteer firefighter here in our community, to kind of understand the trepidation and concern that people have about going into these coronavirus situations without the proper protection and now the ambulance can sanitize p
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