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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 6, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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thanks so much for watching. and remember, you can't take it with you. starts right now. lou: good evening, president trump and the coronavirus task force are set for an update. we'll go to that as they take the podium. and globally tonight we must report that 1.3 million people have contracted the virus almost 74,000 people have been killed. in this country the numbers stagger as well. 356,000 cases, and more than 10,000 americans have been killed. president's task force said they are bracing for what will be a hard, difficult, sad week for all americans.
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dr. birx pleading with americans to stay home, avoid simplest tasks trying to contain the spread. and surgeon general providing an assessment of what country must endure in the next two weeks. >> this is going to be the hardest and saddest week of most of americans' lives. this going to be our 9/11 moment all over the country. lou: as nation prepares for the worst, president trump is expressing hope, tweeting this morning he sees light at the end of the tunnel. steep rise in deaths in new york from wuhan virus seemingly leveling off, a hopeful sign that president social distancing guys lines are working in the mostly thamost -- lethal hot spe country new york, markets
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responding positively to the news, dow closing ahead, a big rally 1627, and s&p gained 175, and market gaining 2 trillion dollars in market cap today. new york governor andrew cuomo sharing in some of president's optimism, but adding there is a real danger to being over confident too quickly. the 7 state still faces a dire medal crisis that governor cuom admits -- cuomo admits his health care system is hardly prepared for. >> there is no hospital that needs ventilators that does not have ventilators, there is no hospital that needs ppe that does not have it within the state system. nobody does not have what they need to their job. are we managing this situation the best we can, yes.
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have we lost anyone who we could have saved? i don't believe so. lou: the health of his counterpart in united kingdom is increasingly worsening. british prime minister boris johnson has been pr precautionay moved to icu in london, with symptoms from the wuhan virus, worsening over the last 24 hours. president had this to say. >> all americans are praying for him, he is a friend of mine, a great leader, a great than, he was brought to the hospital today, i am hopeful, and sure he will be fine. he is strong man. strong person. >> international poll more than 6,000 doctors rating
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hydorxychloroquine as best treatment for the wuhan virus. 37% say most effective out of 15 possible treatments, and poll found 72 doctors in spain prescribing hydorxychloroquine and 49% of doctors polled in italy. only 23% are prescribing it in the united states. >> joining us tonight, dr. mehmet oz, host of the dr. oz show. it is great to have you with us. a more hopeful monday than might have seemed possible at the end of last week, where do you think we are? >> i was -- interest he having a couldn't veraaconversations witf
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icu this weekend. most thought they would run out of ventilator by inof this week, but we got more, i am optimistic, there are issues with dia --? nurses. we're at that state, we're getting better of people who are critically ill, the new codre people coming through have too get new ventilator, but optimism is a word that could be used, if this is the peak week, i am hopeful it is. >is. >> new york hospitals overrun with patients in need of medical
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care. and our doctors and nurses, all our healthcare workers i have to believe at the point of exhaustion in this city and state. >> they are pastiic it. they are developing physical problems of their own, when you are sick with covid-19 you are alone in the hospital, the last percperson that sees you if you pass, is the doctor ea or nurse. it is lonely experience. i am impressed, i get goose bumps thinking about the brave souls who work countless hours in case of personal health peril to keep the system floating. >float. lou: we're all grateful.
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our hearts go t to all of the victims, families, doctors and nurses who give such care, our gratitude to them and you dr. oz. the trials, i know you were supporting trials for hydorxychloroquine. and we heard very little about it. we heard a lot of talk about trials, and second stage if you will, we desperate po lear -- tn more. >> the trials that i was helping with at my institution was shut down when governor banned use of hydorxychloroquine for prescription use for outpatients, i was trying to see -- rather there is a prevent i should be triapreventiontrial t. i want to treat early disease and replicate what was done in china and france, but the trials have been held back.
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i have been searching for that one spoken about. there one at university of michigan. i spoke this morning to famous french phoeni infectious disease specialist, he is sharing results of his first,00 thousand patiences on hyp hydorxychloroq. i am upset because people call the data around hydorxychloroquine anecdotal. the reason is it is not anecdotal, a case series of a thousand patients is not anecdotal there was a randomize trial from china, patients put in one of two groups, the group with hydorxychloroquine had shorter time until fever and cough resolved. and most personally their
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ct scans showed dramatic improvement in resolution. we have to do much more. but, i don't think it fair to call it anecdotal, this is beginning of database that would support its use for early treatment. lou: the success rate in smaller trials, case studies if you will, have been so impressive. french study in particular, 350 patients. and 100% success. to not after everyone has cried out for these trials, to not be hearing progress of those trials, and to see something of a half-hearted effort it seems on part of some particularly state government of new york, is really disappointing. >> well, i'm upset, because i wanted to do the trial, and i
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wanted it to be legal in my state for a doctor to talk to their patient about covid-19 treatment. the fda approved it they said do what you need to do. we had an embrace of the approach, not that it is right approach but you go to war with the army you have. we should be allowed to have that discussion with our patients in network. i get why it is hard to to a trial in new york, they are underwater. in is no time, you need people of action. thankfully in university of minnesota there is an on going trial. sometimes they take a while to come back, in the meantime, i think that physicians should be allowed to make a decision on their own, i had a interesting discussion with one of head of lupus society, leup lupus commuy is not seeing a lot of covid-19, we have not found one, i am
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asking people too come to my web site, if you have lub lupus andu are on hydorxychloroquine and have covid-19 please let me know. the head of leup lupussies socid in his practice, he not had a single patient of his develop covid-19. and he said a lot of talk about side affects he is stunned by, they have used the drug for decades without cam communications, they don't check ekg's, he does not understand why there is such a hoopla about it, he is sending a letter to the fda accordingly. lou: it is a county intuitive.
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lupus patients are certainly immune compromised if any would be at all. for it to -- for that to -- that result, to be this overwhelming, 100% in case of the doctor you mentioned with 800 patients, that is impressive, isn't it. >> i have cautioned everyone this very rudementry. we may not have caught the people with covid-19, maybe their symptoms are so suss el becaussubtle.we'll use big datap analytics and share care, the company running this, has been through a couple million records, and some seema verma has been very supportive of this. and big hospital system they
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give data to us to figure out if it is just a blip, or something real. we don't know. and i don't want people too jump up and down this is proof, listen, we have the ability in america to begin to answer important questions about covid-19 using some of the tools that are made this country great. having to to with basic analytics and big data. lou: -- doctor, always good too have you with us, we join you in cautious hope, keep our feet on the ground, we know what is ahead of us, we hope better than projections and estimates, thank you dr. oz. >> a time when tens of millions of americans are out of work, american businesses are hiring immigrants for low and high-skilled job, last week department of homeland security halted approval of 35,000 season
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worker visas, at order of the president, the department is processing 85,000 winners of so-called h-1b visa lottery for white collar jobs that would start in october, most of those workers from china and india, this at the time when people like senator mike lee want to make it worse with his proposed bill, the fairness for high skilling immigrant act, he continues to try to pass without debate or hearing. he has too many supporters in this senate. and analysis by the nonpartisan congressional research service last month, concluded that senator lee's bil bill would clr way for more from india and china to compete against american workers, at the time we're told to expect 30%
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unemployment in this country as a result of the coronavirus cann this is outrageous, i urge trump administration to create a full on pause, in immigration, legal immigration. and to enforce the borders and ports of entry rigorously. this is the least the american people should expect of their government at the time in which millions of losing there are jobs, millions will go sometime without a paycheck. despite efforts of the administration to move 2 trillion in support in to the economy. a pause on immigration that should be forceful, it should be loud. and absolute whole of government policy of this administration. >> well, friday, president fired michael atkinson, inspector general of intelligence
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community for his handling of whistleblower blower complain that radical dimms used to launch their impeachment farce. atkinson said that president fired him because he handled the whistleblower complaint proper properly. and other swamp creatures stood in his defense, say horowitz saying quote: >> you may recall, that the intelligence community whistleblower, was never named, never called to testify. and the chair of the intelligence committee refused to name him. fisa chief justice james
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mosberg wants to know who the fbi of targeting. in the applications. all of it uncovered last week, by the inspector general horowitz, telling fbi some of those fisa application did no the have any ifd. ifevidence.judge now wants the o conduct own review of the applications in the name of target by june 15. you would think that they could find a independent investigate or to investigate the fbi. and the fisa courts. >> well, to take that up, joining us now, tom fitton. president of judicial watch. good to have you with us. let's turn first to this defense among the ig's of atkinson, it seemed obvious he went to some
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lengths to make that whistleblower a whistleblower when there is great conflict over whether the unidentified whistleblower actually was that. >> yes, it looks like we need apanig investigation in at lease actions of handling this alleged whistleblower. he was not really a whistleblower under the law, the fact that this operative treated him as a whistleblower shows he should not be not job, it involved undermining president of the united states, applying the law to president where it had no business being applied. and working with congress improperly to share this information. and mr. atkinson needs to be investigated in addition to fired had. over how he handled it. these igs they sometimes put out good information, in high experience there is a political,
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next appointee, they are often involved in cover-ups as the folks they are pretending to investigate. lou: that has been the experience of this president. his administration. and the rest of america to see the investigators after 3 over 3 years, fbi investigation, special counsel, congressional impeachment farce investigation, and only ones, only ones discovered to be politically corrupt, and at very least, illegal and unethical, were the investigators. the president, stands exonerated, vindicated and we learn that democratic house leaders' to pursue him again. it is -- is there nothing we can do to stop this outrage.
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>> president can redirect any cooperation with another impeachment effort again him. this commission they are proposing schiff is leading it, he is implicated in the coop attack with atkinsons to be reject -- >> let me -- i am sorry. why isn't the senate judiciary committee investigating schiff? why isn't the senate judiciary committee and lindsey graham, he has done nothing in a year and a half. >> senate leadership does not top confront the democrats, democrats can easily under the current rules, stop subpoenas from happening, they don't want to fight over it. and it is inexcusable to me, i don't understand it, this is why we have judicial watch. we don't rely on senate or congress to do something. schiff will try to harass the president further. and you can bet any commission
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will be designed to destroy trump and protect china, that is for sure. lou: and as we look at mesberg, he is looking part of a sincere, concerned judge as he is examining what happening with the fisa courts until he said turn it over to fbi for investigation, your thoughts? >> i think that judge shi should institute criminal proceedings with what happened here. and now there are potential 29 more crime victims as reported by the ig of justice department, and asking fbi and justice department to explain bureaucratically what they did. if we did this, if judicial watch lawyers went and lied to
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the court repeatedly we would be hauled in and taken to jail. yet they talk about reforms, as opposed to prosecution. this is not stand. if i were president, i would appoint a special counts to investigate justice department and fbis and other agencies involve not only in spygate but abuse of other americans. lou: what does this portend for attorney general and john durham's investigation, looking toward the prospect of the chiefs of the intelligence agencies under going contribute also scrutiny by the effort of u.s. attorney john durham, he heard nothing, william barr tells american public, patsous thus on the head, says be patie.
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don't expect too much, that hardly the justs they most americans expected rendered as result of attorney general barr and u.s. attorney durham. >> yeah, i wish we had good news today. but, the state department justice department, went to appellate court and said that hillary clinton should not be able to avoid testimony. court ruled she should be able to testify on her e-mails and the benghazi attack records, at least they have stepped back a little bit from protecting her. but broader point, that the justice department, and fbi, institutionaly can't inves invee themselve, and barr would have to hand write the indictments himself he is surrounded by thousands of james comey and strzoks and mccabes, they don't top do the work, he can't do it by himself, president should help him, with a separate
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special counsel that has separate investigators and prosecuters working for them, as opposed to deep staters that we are relying on now to investigate themselves. lou: tom fitton. president of judicial watch, thank you. good to have you here. >> you're welcome. lou: despite china's poor response to the wuhan virus outbreak. its cover-up, and lack of cooperation, it is now joining controversial united nations human rights council panel, they will be able to choose 17 human right investigators who focus on arbitrary detention, freedom of speech, the regime violated all of those human rights and does so to this day. united states left council in disgust, in 2018. >> perhaps there is reason for more disgust now. lou: more than 400,000 people
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have reportedly entered u.s. from china. this year. including 40,000 since january 31, date when president banned all foreigners who had traveled to china. many of these arriving after. there you travel ban entered because of the exemptions allowing people with relatives of american citizen to enter from china with minimal screenings if any. some americans when flew back said they got minimal questioning or follow-ups and customs and immigration at airports, joining us, congressman lance gooden. a member of house committee financial services. we're delighted to have you with us. give us a sense of where you think we are right now with the issue of oversight, with the president's stimulus package. the conflict that seems to have developed already. and efficacy.
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>> i think that president is doing a fantastic job. he surrounded by i think pretty good people that are giving him good ha advice, he is absoluteln control of the efforts, there are politics at play, speaker pelosi announced she is forming a 9/11 style commission, which i think is very premature, and a distraction. but the president is accustomed to doing business of the american people, even if democrats' to play politics. lou: and will at the same time president is used to witch-hunts, and amongst those, who is going after the president, china's role is a cover-up, he faces a disinformation campaign that becomes more intend, not less with each passing week. and now we have seen china be
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appointed to human rights council. >> your reaction? >> first, it is crazy. i filed a bill friday, that allows u.s. to open an investigation into the origins of this virus, if it say bioweapon, did china do something intentionally. we don't know answers to because china has continued their propaganda campaign, that you now want that carry if to united nations, my bill amended foreign sovereign unity act that was passed in 70s that said you can't sue a foreign government, or form an investigation if there is wrong doing, i believe that u.s. needs to investigate cause and origins of this virus, if there were bad actor at play, they need to be held accountable, i am talking about china. but even if this was an accident, they have lied since this happened, we would have
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been able to really get with the program sooner than we did. had china been honest with us. >> a lied to our doctors and the american doctors who went to wuhan, trying to provide assistance. the disinformation campaign was comprehensive, whether emanating from world health organization or agencies in china. and with our medical experts, being bamboozled, from a government trying to pose as a new member of the enlightened community of nations of the world. it is for that from that, this a communist, totalitarian state, that is expan expansive in his
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ambitions and vicious in its disinformation campaigns. >> you are right, we can't just sit by while liberal elitist media calls president racist for calling this a china virus, this is. the president is only person in world stage, only leader i said leay let's shut the flights from china. joe biden, called president's racist. said he was a xenophobe after announcing the ban on fliets fls from china, thank god the president acted when he did, otherwise where would we be today, it would be much worse. lou: and let's be clear. not only did the president but t that ban in place over the objection of medical advisers whether the centers for disease
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control, nih or world health organization or european union, they were calling him racist and ignorant names. meanwhile they followed in his path went weeks, european union, world health organization, finally acknowledging what a great job that this president has been doing, and his carona task force, stunning to see national left wing media ignore, contacts, reality, causal relationship between the president's action they decried as racist and effectiveness of his policies and saving american lives it outrageous. what he has to contend with. every -- i'll say it every damn day he has to put up with an oppositional left wing media that is more idea --
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>> i think that this commission this nancy pelosi announced is a fore shadowing of what is to come, as soon as things calm down, just when country get box to work and congress should be getting back to work this summer, you watch, final months leading to election will be nancy pelosi and adam schiff leading another witch-hunt, it is a shame, this why election matter, i believe that trump supporters will turn out like never before. and president will be rewarded and live are saved, we are in a difficult time but things could be much worse had president not taken early act, when he did, i am grateful for, that as are my constituent. lou: i think most americans are. congressman gooden thank you, we appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. lou: we'd like to hear your thoughts on this share your comments follow he on twitter at
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lou dobbs, well, up next, we're still awaiting president trump and his coronavirus task force, they will have to begin this week. their updates and their important counsel to us, we'll bring you there remarks -- their remarks, once they gain o begin, that should be within next 15 or 20 minutes. >> and the president's respond to wuhan virus. he and his administration have done an out righ blend splendid. and democrats should know better, they are not about knowledge, the democrats have become the party of hate, we're talk about their latest gambit from radical dimms, you won't believe it you will it
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outrageous. stay with us, we'll be right back with ed rollins and michael back with ed rollins and michael woodwin, after these qui i wanted more from my copd medicine that's why i've got the power of 1, 2, 3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved once-daily 3-in-1 copd treatment. ♪ trelegy ♪ the power of 1,2,3 ♪ trelegy ♪ 1,2,3 ♪ trelegy man: with trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, i'm breathing better. trelegy works three ways to open airways, keep them open and reduce inflammation, for 24 hours of better breathing. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. think your copd medicine is doing enough? maybe you should think again. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy
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lou: california governor gavin newsom says he is taking personal responsibility for california's backlog in coronavirus testing. instead of blaming president trump, most left wing governors have gone, newsom takes full
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ownership, saying more testing need to be done, he is praised president's effort to help california in the midst of this wuhan virus pandemic. >> democratic house majority whip james clybur burn will be forward look displg my, this coe forward looking, not looking back. on what president may or may not have done, back before this crisis hit. that crisis is with us. american people are now out of work. millions are out of work. lou: national left wing mead cra said thayeah saidmediasaid that,
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and that obama administration left him with a depleted stock pile of the critic hig criticald n-95 masks, saying it was true. writing: lou: joining us former reagan white house political director fox business political ca analyt ed rollins. fox business contributor michael goodwin. i am delighted to see you are well, and safe. >> thank you. lou: and i am safe and well too. let me start with you, ed, the president vindicated again, as so many in on left charges him with a falsehood and "usa today," hardly a right-leaning organization, bearing him out.
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>> president, has a tremendous task to lead this country, and make sure each of the states gets provisions they desire he had great results with some governor, some have not, annuitm has been up front, and accepting all help we can get, the state is in better shape than the rest. he and president should be applauded. lou: do you think that president and republican on capitol hill michael should take james clyburn's word for it? >> that will is optimistic. i agree with ed on. governor's issues. that you know you see a lot of governors acting as though the federal government is just there to back them up when they need help. but meanwhile they want to have a sanctuary city and states.
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i think you can't have it both ways. if you want to be inn be -- be independent of federal governments and laws you cannot pick and choose the ones you want to enforce. i think a lot of governors did not repair, i want happy to hear gavin newsom say that. he bears the responsibility, we have not heard that from many governors or mayors, in particular bill de blasio in new york city. lou: absolutely. and now governor cuomo says that there are plenty of ventilators that he said there was such a critical shortage of, he never , buhe is acknowledging he has been supplied plenty by federal government. ed, turn to you. the idea that this president, has performed remar remarkably s
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is his administration, were there early missteps? sure but missteps by democrats and world health organization, and public health agencies as well on whose advice he was acting, your thoughts. >> i am a new york right new, i grew up in california, there are thousands of people in new york whose lives will have been saved by the action of president and administration. putting the ship in, and cor cos of engineers coming in creating a hospital, out of a convention center. pimas -- people's lives will be saved. >> thank you very much. >> this week america continues our aggressive effort to defeat the virus as we enter a crucial and difficult phase of the
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battle, we continue to sense our prayers to the people of new york and new jersey. and to our whole country, but right now new york and new jersey are hot zones. and we're with them, with everyone. your strug sel struggle is our , we will beat this virus together. i want to send best wishes to a very good friend of mine, a friend to the nation, prime minister boris johnson, we're saddened to hear he was taken to icu this afternoon. a while ago. and americans are all praying for his recovery, he has been a really good friend, something very somewhere, strong. resolute. does not quit, does not give up. we have made tremendous progress to therapeutics, i had a fantastic call today. and i asked two of the leading
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companies, brilliant companies. ebola, ai aids, they have come h collusionsolutions, i asked theo contact london immediately, they have offices in london, major companies, more than major, more they are genius. i had a talk with four of them today. and they speak a language that most people don't understand. but i understood something. that they have really advanced. therapeutics, and they have arrived in london already. london office has whatever they need, we'll see if we can be of help, we have contacted all of boris 's doctors, we'll see, thy are ready to go, you get brought into intentive care that is --
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intensive care that is very serious with this particular disease, two companies are there. and with what they are talking about, and it is rather compplex and had incredible results, we're working with the fda and everyone else. but we're working with london. with respect to boris johnson. across the country, we're attacking enemy on all fronts than collude medical, scientific social, logistical and economic. and our military has been incredible, we sent 3,000 public he'lhealth personnel in the newk area, they will be at javits center. at the great ship. and you probably have heard, and i was informed that governor
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cuomo already told you, announced he called me up, asked whether or not it would be possible to use the ship with respect to fighting the virus. and we had not had that. in min. but we'll let him do it we're also going to let new jersey governor murphy, we spoke with him a while ago, and new jersey will use it also, new jersey is a hot spot. so governor murphy and governor cuomo are going to use the ship. new york, new jersey, it is a big ship, no set for ke covid-1, hopefully that will be very helpful to both states. the javi javits center, will be manned by military, they should be in place tomorrow. they will start sending quite a few people to the javits center,
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it is right in the middle of everything. so that will be something great. we appreciate governor cuomo's nice statements and like wise governor murphy. we have worked very well with both of them, and with all of the governors, vice president pence had a call this morning with them, that lasted for close to two hours. and i understand that there was not a negative person on the call, 50 governors, just about 50, i think they were all on from what i understood. and they were positive about everything. their federal government has been doing for them, you will hear what is rather amazing actually. nationwide, army corps of engineers building 22 field hospitals and alternate care sites in 18 states, have you a
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combination of 22 fee field hospitals and alternate care sites, this is a little bit of a smaller version of the hospital. we have a lot of them, they will go up in ain' in -- 18 differen, we deployed 8450 hospital beds. from federal stock piles, if you think this is done over a period of really a period of weeks, it is incredible. actually, more than 8,000 ventilators been sentiment from the national stock pile. to the cities and states. backed by defense production act. which we have used strongly, powerfully. so powerfully we don't have to use it too much, this is nice we're getting more than we bargained for. american industry is stepping up, marc.
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we are ready to roll with almost 10,000 that we have in federal stock pile. when i say ready to roll, i mean, what that states. we're -- wherever that monster goes, we're able to move with it, great flexibility, trem drowse flexibility, and people waiting, and they are ready, will expwill and able but waitio bring them where it may be if they need i. it is possible it won't be needed, numbers are coming in because of what th the american people are doing we're having fewer hospital visits that could be case in new york, could be case in a few other states, and fewer beds, fewer hospital visits mean fewer ventilator, we'll see whether our original projection were right, but, i had a good talk with both
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governors. i think they are happy, happy about the what we're doing for them. and going all covid, so that will take place almost immediately. fema and hhs have directly distributed 11.7 million n-95 respirators. think of that. get that number, 11.7 million n-95 respirators. 11.7 million, 26. 5 million surgical masks, 5.3 million face shields, and 4.244 surgical gowns and 22.6 million govs. gloves, and arranged for vast quantity of material to be allocated through existing supply chains.
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and given medical material and supplies throughout 50 states and territoryys and brought planeloads of vital supplies to the united states from overseas. we had an additional 3, massive planes. big planes, they are very big, powerful, and they are loaded to the gills with supplies. rather than bring them to stock pile, we bring them to the different locations where they are needed to save a big step. because of my actions, under the dpa, i can announce today that we have reached an agreement, amicable agreement with 3m. for the delivery of additional 55.5 million high cal quality fe
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masks each month, we get 166.5 million masks for our front line health care workers. so 3m saga ends happily. we're very proud to be dealing now with 3m and its ceo. i just spoke with him and thanked him for getting it done. mike was happy to get it done, a great company. we get 166.5 million masks, and mostly that will be for the frontline health care workers. okay, that is 3m, thank you, 3m. i want to thank apple, one of many great american companies that taken -- really lepgh leapo action, they are producing plastic face shields for health care workers, rate at 1 million a week, these are shields you
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see on television. they are at highest level of quality. and safety. we're grateful as well to sales force. which has donated 48 million pieces of personal protective equipment including masks, gowns, suits, and face shields, thank you very much in sales force. and i urge our nation's governorsen to sure that massive deliveries we made to your states over the past pew few weeks -- few weeks are distributed as quickly as possible, we working well with the governors. they in a see you and say, oh, we're not happy, they are happy on the phone. mike pence is a straight shooter, he had a great phone conversation with all of the governor, teleconference. and they are happy. every one of them. were there any negatives. >> no, sir. >> see, i told you. mike is the greatest. mike, have you done a great job, i appreciate , whole country appreciates it.
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>> thank you, sir. >> you do, right, everyone does, everyone appreciates mike, a special man. so a lot of the things that we have done, again going to directly to state, states seem to be happy, if not that i can call me or mike directly, we'll make them happy, tremendous progress has been made, i think, personally, progress has been made before the sun surge. the next week, or week and a half will be a big surge the profeprofeggals -- professionall us, i think it is good timing, we have a loot of different resources to various locations where the surge is looks like it will take place. resourcing from national stock pile need to reach our warriors,
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young, many cases, many cases older but they walk into the hmght, they arhmght,hospital. they put on gowns, that doors open, they go in, this is not too safe. they go in there, they are putting the outfits on and their masks on, and their -- it is incredible. it is truly like no different than you watch the war movies, you watch the old clips of war. running up hills,. to me it is the same thing. men and women, young, and old, but, a lot of young people, just going in there, they are not thinking about gee this is dangerous, they are not saying woe, i don't want to go in they are warriors, they run through the doors, this is most incredible thing, it a beautiful, thing. resourcing from the national stock pile, need to reach the warriors. in the hospitals, immediately. and we're making sure they do.
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this states, have that responsibility, but we're working with the states and we're getting state a lot of things they can distribute or they tell us we bring it directly to the hmght from hospm the federal stock pile. or planes that land, if any states has difficulty distributing supplies we urge you to use the national guard to assist in the delivery. i have to say, you have done a fantastic job. deborah you have done great, toib have yotony you have done a job, i appreciate it whole group, incredible. a lot of stars you have, i tell you that. the military has been incredible. i thank them for all of us. if state believe its has surplus equipment or supplies, this very important, we have gotten so much to some states they can now
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-- they have done a fantastic job, they kept that line low. and we have some states that have surplus equipment and supplies. and they are working with us to rapidly . we thought that might happen. if it worked out well, that is what was going to happen and it is happening. i want to thank governor gavin newsom who is doing a tremendous job who has announced california will send 500 ventilators to be some are going to washington, d.c. 500 excess ventilators from the state of california. we're going to get them taken care of wherever they have to go. those decisions are being made right now. the members of the white house
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task force and i are in close touch with mayors and governors and hospital administrators across our country. and we're told that the present time, at present time, most of the critical need are being more than met. states have to continue sharing detailed information in the amount and utilization rates of medical supplies so we know what to resupply them or they can get it directly. that includes ventilators. they can get it directly. ideally if they can get it directly, if they can't, unable to do it, we have tremendous amounts of supplies and we're building it up very fast and this is before the big surge. this information is fundamental to our ability to deliver the material when, when and where it is most needed. now, mike in his conversation today, i think got some information as to a couple of locations where we're going to
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be delivering large numbers about ventilators and large numbers of medical supplies and we'll take care of that but some of the states are very happy, even governor pritzker from illinois is happy because he may not be happy when he talks to the press but he is happy. he is a very happy man. we're increasingly hopeful that the aggressive mitigation strategy we put into place will ultimately allow our hospital system to successfully manage the major influx of cases that, that we have right now. again, i say that we're finding, because of the incredible job done by the american people, in conjunction with everybody, governors, the military, federal government, state government, local government. had a lot of conversations with new york city and mayor de blasio. gotten to know him. i didn't know him. gotten to know him and, a lot of people are working hard,
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everybody is working hard. a lot of people are doing a great job, i'll tell you that, a lot of people are doing a great job but the goal is all americans have been sacrificing to achieve these last few weeks things that a lot of people thought were not possible to achieve, and i think we've more than achieved but we have to go through again we'll have a rough week. we're going to have a rough little more than a week but there is tremendous light at the end of that tunnel. i said it last time, sad it last night. there is tremendous light at the end of the tunnel there is so many things happening with therapeutics, with vaccines, things we really want. deborah, tony, they're all working so hard on this, the therapeutics, the vaccines. lou: you've been watching the president's daily briefing with his coronavirus task force the president hitting positive notes even as he is cautioning everyone about the weeks ahead, difficult as they may be.
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dr. ian lipkin and michael pillsbury among our guests here tomorrow. we hope you will join us. thanks for being with us tonight. good night from sussex. ♪ >> pretty much this. this is what we talked about, this is what everyone is talking about, this is what they want to talk about and he gave me his point of view and i fully understood that and we just had a very friendly conversation. lasted probably 15 minutes and it was really good, it was really good, really nice. i think it was very much so i appreciate his calling. as we continue our efforts to develop treatments and cures this afternoon i spoke with leaders of the american pharmaceutical companies and just to give you their names, amgen,


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