tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 7, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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automotive editor, white house briefings begin in a few minutes, we'll take you there live once it begins, melissa and i will see you with after the bell tomorrow this time, it "lou dobbs tonight," right now. lou: good evening, deadly spread of the wuhan virus goes on. worldwide, 1.4 million people have been infected. the virus has killed over 81,000 people. the number of americans infected has risen to more than 386,000. and the virus has killed 12,000 of our fellow citizens, tonight, as we enter period, president trump and all of his administration public health experts tell us will be the deadliest two weeks, there considerable reason to hope the number of americans who will die from the virus will be lower, much lower perhaps than some
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pandemic models have projected, robert redfield saying that americans have likely brought down the number of deaths. surgeon general today, sharing in some of his optimism. >> i feel a lot more optimistic, because i'm seeing mitigation work. i believe we'll come in under the projection as long as we can continue to do our part for 30 days, staying home, avoiding unnecessary travel, not gathering in large groups. lou: today the president made it clear he and his administration are committed to taking unprecedented acted to rescue small american businesses and to save millions of american jobs while sustaining the economy. the small business administration extending 225,000 guaranteed loans, amounts to 70
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billion so far. treasury secretary steven mnuchin will request another 250 billion from congress that will be added to the fund this week, president trump hints cell notee long before this country is back at work. >> the greatest economy in history, and anyone has had, one day, they say you have to close it down. because we have to get rid of the plague. that is what we had. the plague. it is -- we're seeing light at the end of the tunnel, you see it, i see it. i think we'll go like a rocket ship went on we're back -- once we're back in business. lou: we're expecting to hear more from president trump, and his coronavirus task force during this hour. as they detail their latest efforts to stop the deadly contagion and save the lives of
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americans. >> human testing has begun on a second vaccine candidate against the wuhan virus, pennsylvania based firm, novo, company said if trials are successful, they will be able to produce up to a million doses of the vaccine by the end of the world. more people sharing their positive results from using hydorxychloroquine to fight the virus. take a listen to what a democratic michigan state lawmaker told fox news last night. >> if the president had -- if president trump had not talked about it, this is not something that would have been accessible. it saved my life. lou: joining us tonight is dr. ian lipkin. at columbia university. and good to have you with us,
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also to see you looking better than the last time we spoke. last week. i hope you are feeling as well as you look. >> good to see you, lou. at-this-point where are you in your recovery. >> i'm out of the tunnel, i am doing well. lou: a little bit of a metaphor. we're delighted to see you do well after going through all you have. your since about we've been told that next two weeks, that president his task force, every expert, seeming leo boar, on boh view next two weeks will be difficult if not profoundly tragic for america. president and his experts say, perhaps, perhaps, worse case
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scenario will not be hitting us, your thoughts? >> i'm sorry lou, i have bad audio. i missed your question. i really apologize. lou: well, i apologize, do you believe that the projection that are favorable, do you agree with the latest review. >> yes, i think that is as we stay the course. we continue with the social distancing. that we are going to come in under the worse case scenario. less, i should say less mor mortality, we're moving in the right direction. i just wish we had a unified policy across the united states, everywhere we use social distance we get terrific results.
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lou: and when you talk about unified policy the administration made it clear what people should be doing whether it is social distancing. >> the advice that is coming from task force, emphasized by the president so target, social distancing is key, it will remain key until such time as we have a vaccine. and i am as you know quite bullish on plasma therapy for treatment, and for prevention. but the next big focus really has to be on getting a vaccine out as rapidly as possible. that the take to us get back to life as we wen once had it. lou: if anyone can make it happen this president has proved she ihe is the right fellow in e job attempting that, we is eager to restart this economy without
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question. we have two firms to your point that i'm aware of, ma maderna and i -- novio to me ths is a very fast, if createds a new vaccine, your thoughts, does that fit to what you think? >> it fast, to come up with 3 that using different platforms, you find winners. and you try to promote them get them to production as rapidly as possible, there is safety testing that is critical, that is called phase one trial. the later phases of the trial, i think could be expedited. everyone is trying to do that as best they car, we'r can. we're in uncharted territory and
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trying to be creative. lou: certainly innovative, when looking at antivirals to see the latest antivirals whether they are hydorxychloroquine or any of the others. this is really impressive so many of attempted as least used in the attempt to provide a real -- at least an antidote to this virus. >> we're doing creative thing, we use a method called repurposes, drugs that are used for other applications, that have been already approved for human use. you test them, for activity geaptagainst the virus, if theyw promise you promote them
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rapidly. we have talked about this in the past, right now we're moving at warp speed. the medical community, scientific community in the united states is first tier. and they are doing our best. we are. >> it is wonderful to see and i would say, the medical and research community, scientific community in this country is meeting americans' expectations, doing -- moving it trump spied, warp speed, call it what you will. doctor, i have to ask you this, have you got advice to the millions of americans watching you, to how to deal with cabin fever? isolated and quarantined. and how to meet adversity head on?
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>> just don't despair. please stay the course. we're going -- we're doing our best, and moving as rapidly as we can. during the interim, stay in, stay safe. lou: amen. dr. ian lipkin thank you, great to see you looking well. >> thank you. lou: breaking news, now, from the white house, former trump campaign national spokeswoman kayleigh mcenany has replaced grisham as press secretary and alyssa fera, stephanie grisham to return to first lady's office, will be chief of staff for first lady melania trump. >> and united kingdom latest in a growing list of nations
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receiving faulty medical supplies from china. the u.k., joining those nations, it bought 17.5 million antibody test kits for the wuhan virus. the tests are unreliable outside of patients who are severely i ill. nigel farage warns the united kingdom from taking any aid from china. farage said -- i wonder when the price of the ventilators. is i wonder if this is continuance of china inside our 5g network. a number of companies and countries discovered aid that china sent them is defective. and china communist party had a seat at the president's daily press briefings, watch this
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exchange yesterday. between president trump and a reporter from hong kong. >> i hope they will honor the deal. >> china -- who are you working for, china? >> no. >> who are you with? >> hong kong tv. >> who owns that. >> china, it is -- >> hong kong. >> is owned by the state. >> no a privately opened company. >> okay good. lou: president zeroed in -- reality of moment. the largest investor in the state owned china mobile is run by a former propaganda officer for people's liberation army, what a connection. president trump today condemned the corrupt world health organization. for its role in wuhan virus pandemic and the delays of this other nation's around the world faced in many cases tragically. president tweeting, w.h.o.
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really blew it. for some reason funded largely by united states yet which are a centric. we will be giving that a good look -- why did they give us such a faulty recommendation. to explore that issue, and many more,d dr. michael pillsbury. great to see you, the president raises an important question, why would w.h.o. failed to understand the severity of outbreak in china. >> i'm glad you mention the president's tweet. the way i read it, he will have an investigation to do something about this. after the crisis is over. he has been consistent in last month to not try to punish china
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openly now to call them, what -- when they tell him direct lies, he noticed we pay 20% of w.h.o. and china plays 1%, yet they have a great deal of influence. i am not convinced that china told everyone t everything -- everything to the w.h.o. and spurned president's request that americans go to wuhan and work with th the institute of biology. to we have to do it today. i think that is what president's message was. >> it is becoming difficult to rationalize tolerating the kind of conduct that we are by china. they have control basically of the w.h.o. i should not say basically, effectively. and. also have as you put it stiffed
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us, they are behaving like a rogue nation, when they are trying to pr pretend they just t to be another peaceful of world community, they are far from it and there is no guesswork in this it is straight forward. and then i have a question for you. why didn't our intelligent agencies know what was happening in w wuhan at the moment that virus broke out? >> i think some people in our government did know about wuhan, first cases have been trace bad coulbackto mid november, but intelligence does not necessarily happen in one minute,. you have to assess and analyze. lou: i know all difficulties, but -. we're relies on w.h.o. >> president tried first in his january 6 phone tal call with xi
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jinping, he tried to have our people go to wuhan then the team in embassy -- >> as we reportd. >> yes, they kept saying no, they still say no, they are holding back on crucial stuff about the very naish of the nate virus, they put up the genome, gave it to w.h.o., but they are still holding back, how the virus works is it true kids under 10 years old almost never get it. president is trying still to work on this but these are tough customers we're dealing with this china, thing they are most afraid of he will try to enforce the trade trade agreement, and e them spend 250 billion to buy our products, that is what he said yesterday, i think he means. but china has not gone all of way yet in what they promised in the 95-page deal, we'll find out whether or not the chinese will
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dare to cheat or not, my hope is they will not, if they do i think that president will change his polite demeanor toward them. lou: he has been polite. here are the facts for all. china lied. and millions of people will pay the price for it. in this country, the loss of lives, the infection worse than any other. but when china lies and people die, there have to be consequences. what should the consequences be? >> well, there is one set of consequences already put together. there more than 50 pieces of legislation that call for punishing china in various ways. up fortunately, many of -- unfortunately many of them have 3 or 4 cosponsors in house or senate, white house staff is wary of putting presidential seal of approval on legislation without a lot of support. i think if more senators and
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congressmen and women would support this legislation, 50 pieces. if we saw more support from congress, i think you would see president immediately say, we have to do this. by the way, the strongest supporters this is strange, president on china is nancy pelosi. of all people, she backed him up at this conference in munich and she supports trump's china policy, but we need more republicans, the moderate republicans who are still kind of in love with china. they are those who are signing on on bill by marco rubio or josh holly. many of these heroes in house and senate are not getting support from their colleagues yet. lou: they are not getting support from the rinos which has been and may be not only a critical issue but the republican party, itself. but maybe it its down fall, the
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rinos whether it is immigration or trade policy they fight this president, doing the bidding of wall street and corporate america and beijing. by the way. without fail as you well. as we look at this issue of aid, 6 countries have taken chinese aid, that have turned out to be medical supplies the equipment that is broken, defective. without consequence. there seems to be as well a quid pro quo at work here. take our aid, and you will be obligated nigel farage of u.k. said, by including huawei, in 5g in networks in united kingdom. and elsewhere in europe. could it be? say it isn't so?
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>> well chinese it will me in their press lou, concerning this they believe they are in a race with us to be the first to recover from the virus, they are falsifying their numbers and dead in total cases, they didn't shut town all o -- down all of t the center. china, other parts stayed in the industrial production, they are restarting, their hope is for the year, they can exceed our growth rate, this year will be the one where they surpass united states we have to make sure that will not happen, that is how i understand the president's goal with this wonderful trade agreement, to get china to be honest, not must in medical exports but everything. using counterfeit materials and commerce as much as 30% of their products are counterfeit, they have a whole lo list of sins thy promise president trump in
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writing, we with enforcement thy will not do more, that is what we're waiting to see in next couple of weeks. >> have we seen a lighter hand on part of chinese in helping themselves stealing our intellectual property? >> you laugh. we don't think too highly of wall street pro-china bankers. one thing that chinese promise to do, they would open up to our top 6 banks. the chinese financial and insurance market. april 1. well guess what. >> they pu published regulation, they are opening up with no chinese partner our big investment banks can go in to china. ironic first big step that chinese take to implement president's trade agreement is to help wall street, maybe they know something we don't know, lou. lou: perhaps. dr. michael pillsbury we
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appreciate you so much. >> thank you. lou: we would like to hear your thoughts on all this. follow he on twitter. >> a programming note, congressman doug collins, and dr. marc siegel and gordon chang among our guests tomorrow evening, up here could more changes in the trump administration. acting navy secretary thomas modley resigned his post, asking calling out of th a. >> he criticize captain brett crozier, after leaving a memo. to help his sailors, under secretary of army, james mcpherson to succeed modally. great news for republican congressman collins in his senate race against rino senator
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kelly loeffler, leading all candidates in georgia senate race, loeffler polls behind leading democratic candidate, among georgia republicans, collins support is up questioned, 70% of republicans backing collins now, 20% loeffler. >> radical dimm house speaker nancy pelosi, who led the part of hate in its efforts to try to over throw the president is now accusing high supreme court of trying to undermine democracy. for ruling against extending wisconsin a absentee voting for today's primary election. here we are. >> you have supreme court of united states, undermining the -- our democracy. it is really shameful. 5 to 4. surprise, surprise. lou: surprise, surprise. no surprise that nancy pelosi
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would be oblivious of ir irony d hypocrisy of her remarks. >> ed rollins is joining us tonight, what do you make of nancy pelosi having the gall after leading a witch-hunt and an effort to over throw the president of united states tokin suggest this supreme court is try turning under mine democracy. >> don't think thises speake thk ser done yetspeakeris done yet. just think could appreciate off an election, they said that they could not do that. we had elections they move on. pelosi will go crazy next several months because the
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president will get stronger and stronger. and getting the economy moving back again. lou: i want to ask about collins, this looks like mitch mcconnell made a huge mistake in backing loeffler and opposing doug collins that support, for the state of georgia, i mean. do you first, do you believe that poll? and if it is accurate, what are the prospects, it seems this victory is almost assured for colins? >> nothing is assured but collins say tremendous candidate, i endorsed him on your show moneys ago. president wants him. the senator, which mitch mcconnell is supporting, she is richest person in congress, a romney-type republican, only claim to fame and i will still
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be richest person in congress. and i bought a jet. to fly back and forth, collins has defended president every turn and a great member of congress. support the people who have been on -- sens lou: i want to turn on the white house, new communication director and press secretary and chief of staff, mark meadows, your thoughts. its positives and if any negatives. >> all positive. three are excellent, congressman meadows a strong supporter of the president, a good friend. only thing that is bad is timing, he has to come in running full speed, two ladies they have appointed are superb, they have been battle tested. what is clear that president needs a good press secretary, not that stephanie was not, you
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need someone active, fighting every day with the pretty pressl november. yothey have been on your show in the past, all of the choice are excellent. lou: president has the team he wants, and that is critical. and terrific people they are. let's turn to what the president faces here now. with the national media continuing to snap at his heels, they are the. it is unrelenting to see ignorance displayed by the white house press corps, day after day, not all but most of them. the businesses whether it is comcast or at&t, they mean to
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harm the president. it is ugly to watch. luckily we have a president. >> i think reality is president trump has given more access that anyone president in a time of crises to media. to white house. press corps. my counsel to him, dow don't std up there every day with an hour and a half, give them 5 minutes, tell country what you want. to know then get off stage, let someone else get in fight with the press for an hour and a half. president's time is too important to stan there every night for an hour. lou: all right. ed rollins good to see you. thank you so much. >> my pleasure stay well. lou: you too. up next, we're moments away from daily brief briefing and presidd his coronavirus task force we'll take you to that as soon as it begins.
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and we'll have much more on china's disinformation campaign, the intensity only rising we'll take that up with sebastian gorka. we'll be right book after these quick messages, fly. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you're always so late. i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that's the nicest thing you ever said to me. so get allstate. stop bossing. where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. this is my son's favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? [tina] you're an old lady. that's why lincoln offers you the ability to purchase a new vehicle remotely with participating dealers.
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but when i started seeing things, i didn't know what was happening... so i kept it in. he started believing things that weren't true. i knew something was wrong... but i didn't say a word. during the course of their disease around 50% of people with parkinson's may experience hallucinations or delusions. but now, doctors are prescribing nuplazid. the only fda approved medicine... proven to significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions related to parkinson's. don't take nuplazid if you are allergic to its ingredients. nuplazid can increase the risk of death in elderly people with dementia-related psychosis and is not for treating symptoms unrelated to parkinson's disease. nuplazid can cause changes in heart rhythm and should not be taken if you have certain
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abnormal heart rhythms or take other drugs that are known to cause changes in heart rhythm. tell your doctor about any changes in medicines you're taking. the most common side effects are swelling of the arms and legs and confusion. we spoke up and it made all the difference. ask your parkinson's specialist about nuplazid. lou: on -- on wall street stocks closed lower today, coronavirus
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fears and sharp decline in crude oil. eboil. volume on big board 7.1 billion shares, and listen to lou's reports 3 times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network, lou. lou: david thank you. >> it was quite a day in the market giving up 500 points. at least the losses were minor. give us your thoughts about the importants of two thing, one that president seeking a quarter trillion in more aid for the small businesses. and second that opec-russia discussion about supply and production. >> first, let me take second part, this is a oil today started up, then it came down
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went on it release u.s. producers were producing more than they expected, the supply gut on oil, caused that drop in prices, not only russia and china but hard to turn off the oil spigot here in the u.s., that is how successful our own energy program has been. and that is one reason why the prices came down at the end of the day, because u.s. producers continue to produce a lot of oil. as to the first, i think that reason why the market had a surge in the beginning of this the day, with less to do with oil than an analysis of trump program, on all fronts has been firing full blast. now, there are a lot of reinceso contributcriticize bureaucrats,n all fronts whether phy fiscal ft
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or tax policy or lending program, the federal reserve is been working well with the administration in getting as much liquidity in the market as possible, i could that investor realize as soon as we have turned the corner on the virus. the market and the economy, in general, more than just the market, but the economy is ready to produce. and once it produces, it has all of the backing of the u.s. government to put wind in the sails, that is giving some hope to visitors out there. lou: investors and workers who are sitting at home quarantined with much if not most of america. this a time according to latest polling where people are more concerned about their lack of income than they are with the threat of the coronavirus. to see the president turn his attention today beginning to tax
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tack toward the former state of the economy start the process, of whether it will be short or long. to restore prosperity. the president is doing a remarkable job, i think. your thoughts on the issue of the wags on wall street this morning talking about all about the rosier forecasts. and thoughts about the next two weeks, and how the projection from the models will be less deadly and less threatening than originally thought. and then suddenly all about crude oil by the end of the day. i'm thinking that this does not make a lot of sense for the wags on wall street. what do you think? >> i think that wall street hates to admit it. but that they have to realize maybe in their subconscious that
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wrevealing itself in terms there was greed and boosting up market. we have a businessman as president, a man as president of the united states who understands more about how the market works and more about how the economy works, than any president in my lifetime, lou. and that fact alone means coming out of a crisis like one we're in right now, is not going to cause the same kind of problems we would see if we had a professional politician in the role. we saw the worst recovery in history with obama administration, all ivy league specialists that came in had no experience in business. this president brought his own exper yeps iexperience in businw the economy can recover, but have never had a problem this big for a long time, since world war ii, but we have as
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president, a man who is focused on the economy. how the economy ca come back to where it this be providing support that it can from government. lou: all president has to do is succeed against every challenge and every threat, and more than any president has since world wd war ii faced. this is reason that i call him a historic president. the greatest president i believe that country has ever had. david, great to see you, thank you my friend. >> great to see you. >> david asman. >> thank you. lou: president trump saying that saga is now ended with 3m. the american medical supply giant, promising to produce more than 55 million face masks each month for the next 3 months, friday president trump said he
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was not happy with 3m for resifting his request to make enough masks to meet needs of american health care workers. monday, president had a deal with 3m. a deal for the american people. and jee xerox teaming up with vr tran medical, they will make about 40 thousand ventilators this month, they plan to ramp up to 200,000 by june. and machine costs 120 each, can be used by a single patient for as long as 30 days, they are disposable and price is right. >> up next we're moments away from president's daily briefing with the coronavirus task force. we'll take you to the white house just as soon as the president steps forward. sebastian gorka joins me here next, stay with us, we'll be right back.
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of the virus your thoughts. >> we're hearing incredible news, look like figures out of epicenter in new york are having that famed lowering of the curve. less people reported with coronavirus. on top of that, every single day, brings stories, not only of patients, of individuals near death's door and recovered within hours of taking president's recommended hydorxychloroquine and z-pak and doctors one doctor gave an interview he said every patient he administered that cocktail to, president's a game change irerrecovered fully from the vi. it looks like there is a light at the end of the the tunnel, as president told us this too will end. lou: it will, and president is keenly eager to restart this
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economy. and just discussing with mike pillsbury, china considered it to be a race -- i have to breakaway. here is the president, along with the vice president, president trump. >> today we continue to send our love to the great people of new york and new jersey. we support them fully. we grief alongside every family what lost a loved one, new yorkers are tough and strong and brave. new jersey are they are tough, strong and brave, they are hit hard right now. and for next week, hopefully not much longer, it will start to go in the other direction. off country is being hit hard. some areas have done so incredibly well, we're brought of them.
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they will beat this virus, we'll beat it. with grit and heart for some thewhichthey are known and our y is known, we appreciate everything that everyone is doing, we pray for prime minister boris johnson, he has become a great friend of ours. he loves the usa, he has always been good to us when we had difficulty he was with us, we appreciate it we pray for prime minister boris johnson, he is going through a lot. as we intensify our campaign against virus, i think that it must be brought out we have to thank american people for continuing to follow our guide lines, on slowing the spread. aan expression that more and moe people are thinking about, now everyone talks about slowing the spread, stopping the spread. even during this painful week, we see glimmers of very strong
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hope. and this will be a painful week. next week at least part of next week, but probably all of it. if one person dies that is painful. that will unfortunately happen, signs are that our strategies is working. and every american has a role to play. and winning this war. we're going to win it. win it powerfully. we're be prepared for the next one should it happen. but hopefully it won't. our massive airlift operation for critical surprise, project air bridge continued today, 5 massive planes, landed in the ussu.s. with personal protective equipment and our nation's heroic healthcare workers will be beneficiaries of that. 27 more flights are scheduled in near future over next couple
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weeks, army corps of engineers constructing facilitating supporting more than 15,000 hospital beds to treat patients in need, they build now approximately 15,000. they just completed the big one in new york. and in process of continuing in chicago. many other places. they are incredible, army corps of engineers, they will build the massive facilities in a short period of time, 2000 beds in 4 days that is something. i know, i was in the construction industry, you don't so that happen often. i want to remind governors and emergency managers that share real-time data with us about equipment and thiedes is very ny important. a lot of occupantsy is getting a little bit lower than
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anticipated that is good. we sort of thought it would happen. and we getting along well with governors, this whole situation with respect to talking to us about equipment, and equipment needs giving us a little bit of lead time, so important, all this supplies. we're getting it to everyone. like they never thought possible. but we'll ensure that we can rapidly deploy federal assets, where and when they are needed. especially on ventilator, we're getting some back, the state of california was great, they sent some back, they will not need. and washington state like wise. and we have some others coming back, we're using them in areas we need them, we're presses forward to the scientific frontier of the medical war. the companies that i have spoke to the 4 leading i call them genius companies.
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they are doing well with respect to cures and also with respect to a vaccine that will protect us, totally protect us. they have some great potential, it will take a little bit ill whil-- alittle while yet but the great potential, great early results, governor has been working hard, there has been great coordination. we're giving them a lot of equipment, a lot of ventilators, but a lot of equipment of all types. and i will protect you, if your governor fails, if you have a governor that is failing wild protecwe'llprotect you, the gove working well with us. today in our stock pile of ventilators, again we need the stock pile to immediately move them from place to place. where ever the monster hits,
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with 8675 ventilators right now in stock ready to move, and we have all sorts of incredible soldiers, our military, they will move them. should they be needed in as an example if we need additional in new york or the new york city area, you have state, you have stay -- city, i spoke with mayor de blasio we have a great well coordinated campaign with mayor de blasio, it has been good, i spoke with governor cuomo. great coordination. if they need something, we have it. if louisiana needs something, we have it same thing with michigan, same thing with illinois, there are certain spots that are hot. we'll see what happens, but we will know, we'll have time, we'll be able to move it. in addition to the 8675 ventilators, we have 2200 arriving on april 13.
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we have 5500 arriving on may 4, we're building these for most mart, an part -- part, we have t companies building them, ford, general motors, ge, and some great companies. on may 18, we have 12 thousand. on june 1, 20,000, june 29, we have 60,000 ventilators coming, 60, 6-0. so we have a total of 110,000 ventilators coming over a short period of time. i don't think we'll need them, hopefully we won't need them. we'll have them for future, and we'll be able to help other countries who are desperate for ventilators. the u.k. called today, they want to know would to be possible to get 200, we'll work it out, we have to, they have been great partners, united kingdom. and we'll work it out for them.
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so they want 200, they need them dedesperately. we have 10 drugs in active trials, 15 more to follow, as well as two vaccine candidates. in active clinical trials, we'll do whatever it takes to secure needed medical supplies and bring more production of essential medicine to the shores be we're doe that w doing that. we're bringing them back to the shore, some of the company, went haywire, they went away from great country and produced elsewhere, we're bringing them back, i have been talking about that for a long time, not only medical but a lot of other things. american continues to perform more tests than any more nation not world. i think that is probably why we have more cases. because you look a large country they have more cases but they don't report them. we have performed 1.87 million
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tests to date. think of that 1 million, 870,000 tests to date. now we're performing them at a 11 nobodlearn nobodied that see. sites in georgia and rhode island using rapid labs, we're down to 5 minute tests people can get their results back quickly. and we're actively engaging on the problem of increased impacts, this is a real problem. and it is showing up very strongly in our data. on african-american community. we're doing everything in ourure power to address this challenge, provide support to african-american citizens of this country.
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who are go through a lot, but, it has been disproportional they are getting hit hard. we have tony here. maybe you become up and address that one, i'll continue, if you could address that, it would be great, tony. >> thank you very president. we have a particularly difficult problem of ex a ex asker -- bai- of health disparity. they are affects minority populations, unfortunately, when you look at the pro disposing conditions that lead to a bad outcome with coronavirus, the things that get people into icus, that require intubation and often lead to death. they are unwer unfortunately prt
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in the african-american population, it is very sad, we try to give them best possible care took void the come cakes. cakes. >> thank you very much. >> they are very, nasty numbers. terrible numbers. in total, 1200 abbott laboratory, they have been fantastic, their machines have been shipped nationwide, up to 500 more produced every week, and 50,000 testing cartridges are manufactured per day. that means a lot of very fast tests, no nation in the world is developed a more diverse and robust testing capacity than the united states, we're dealing with other nations, helping them out, our tests are accurate. some are not accurate out there we're working with othernyings
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to get them help. at the time when many americans are experiencing increased stress, agen personal loss, we t meet the mental health needs of computer strugglepeople struggls crisis, some people are getting to know each other, but a lot of struggling. thursday i will speaking with leaders and advocates from heene tamental he'll health organizatd talk 'resources and tools, they need help, it is a big problem, when you take something where it was most successful country in world, is stil is still is, thee world is shut down, we are to numbers that are incredible, i said yesterday, i think 182
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country right now, 182 are under attack. by the scourge. this virus. as we wage medal war on the mede virus, we had a meeting that was incredible with the banks, i spoke with leaders in the banking and finance industry about our effort to help american workers and employees as of today, small business has processed more than 70 billion in guaranteed loans, will provide much needed relief for nearly a quarter of a million businesses already. so we're going to be providing prem tprovidetremendous amountso the small businesses of our country that have been clobbered. we will keep them opening they will pay their employees, and they will be set to go, we'll have a rocket upward.
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i want to thank david salomon, ceo of goldman sachs. brian moynihan,, co-ceo of bank of america. and charles sharf, ceo of wells fargo, michael corbett, ceo of citigroup, al kelly, ceo of visa, michael mibach, ceo of mastercard. noah wilcox chairman of grand rapid state bank. and we had numerous others also on the call. i just appreciate them. we are, we're way ahead of schedule by the way, we're way ahead of schedule. the paycheck protection program has been incredible. so based on the incredible success of the program i'm announcing that i will be asking congress to provide an additional $250 billion for the
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paycheck protection which will help keep americans employed to facilitate a full and quick recovery. we're doing very well. we're looking very bipartisan. a lot of people want to do it. the plan is amazing. they're processing hundreds of thousands of loans. these are the big banks doing it, community banks. but the biggest banks right now in our country are doing it and they're doing it for a lot of reasons, one of them is they want to help people the w.h.o., that is the world health organization receives vast amounts of money from the united states and we pay for a majority of, biggest portion of their money and they actually criticized and disagreed with my travel ban at the time i did it and they were wrong. they have been wrong about a lot of things.
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and had a lot of information early and they didn't want -- they seemed to be very china centric and we have to look into that. so we're going to look into it. we pay for, majority of the money that they get and it is much more than the 58, $58 million is a small portion of what they have gotten over the years. sometimes they get much more than that. sometimes it is for programs that they're doing and it is much bigger numbers. if the programs are good that's great as far as we're concerned but we want to look into it, world health organization, because they are really, they called it wrong, they called it wrong. they really, they missed the call. they could have called it months earlier, they would have known and they should have known. and they probably did know. so we'll -- lou: the president expressing deep criticism of the world health organization bringing everyone up to date on the coronavirus outbreak and contagion in this country. that's it for us tonight.
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congressman doug collins, dr. marc siegel, gordon chang among our guests here tomorrow. we hope you will join us. from sussex, good night. ♪. ♪. >> and individuals like the banks i just told you about, the biggest banks in the world, they stepped up to help small business, their big business, small business, small business will some day be the big business, but the small business is 50% of our economic strength. people don't realize when you add them up but they just, they just rose to the occasion. everybody is rising to the occasion. it has been incredible to watch. to honor and celebrate the extraordinary examples of patriotism and citizenship we're seeing, i'm asking americans to use the hashtag, america works together, when sharing stories of how we're all working together to get through, getting
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