tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 9, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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in our more rural areas. elizabeth: i'm elizabeth macdonald, you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us. thank you so much for watching. join us tomorrow night as we stay on this developing story. have a good evening. lou: good evening, number of deaths as a result of wuhan virus contagion crossing a grave threshold today, world wide more than 1.5 million cases, 94,000 people killed. by the virus. and united states more than 16,000 people killed by the disease, at least 452,000 more infected. the rising death toll a reminder that even as united states begins to show signs of a turn around in the the fight against the disease, the numbers will still rise, the virus taking its
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toll on the economy, labor deputdepartment announcing 6.6 million americans filing for unemployment last week. the senate adjourn until monday after the radical dimms blocked effort by g.o.p. to raise funding by a quarter ther trilln for the paycheck protection program, a program that has expended 500 thousand loans to small business worth $128 million, and securing hundreds of thousands of jobs. on the floor today, senator mitch mcconnell blasted the dems for holding american's paychecks hostage. >> country cannot afford unnecessary rangling or political maneuvering, treating this as a normal kind of partisan negotiation could cost
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americans their jobs. lou: earlier today treasury secretary steve mnuchin said he believes that united states will be back open for business next month. u.s. surgeon general jerome adams laying out tw two -- metrs required before that can become reality. >> number one, standing up testing, make sure we have testing availablable rapidly, and we have testing for surveillance, and we have antiboantibody testing and we wd like to see cases come down for two weeks. we can then reopen in places that have flattened their curve. lou: breaking news, departments of justice, homeland security, defense, state, commerce and u.s. trade representative represents that fcc revoke and
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terminate china telecom authorization to proceed internationall international telecom services in the u.s. including its vulnerability of up flew einfluence and control e copniscommunist government. to control to spread lies in american media as communist party worked to cover-up their involvement in spreads of wuhan virus, chinese officials have denied the virus was discovered or engineered in a laboratory in or near we han wuhan, despite documented evidence that the coronavirus and bats were studied at wuhan institute of virology, and they are trying to
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convince all americans that calling it wuhan virus will thwart efforts to fight the contathethecontagion. here to take all of that up and more dr. michael pillsbury. leading expert on china at hudson institution. we're learning that there is considerable uncertainty now about the origin of that virus. some who had said out right it could not have been engineered now reserve judgment based on further study. your thoughts about this information campaign. much of which is directed of shutting down in this country, the united states, any discussion of the an accident in
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wuhan laboratory or worse, an engineered virus that escaped. your thoughts. >> that is right, i think the chinese are getting alarmed at the discussion on the worldwide basis. it began in india, that virus could have escaped, partially man-made, not an accident, this is terrifying to the chinese, they release a huge document yesterday, a day-by-day chronology, how they have always been telling the truth. problem is, that evidence that something within wrong in wuhan, from chinese scientists themselves. there are a few articles at least 5 in lancet, science, nature, the best in the world about their experiment on the coronavirus back to sars, and even ebola, and chinese cannot deny there are 4 books by
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chinese generals that talk about using biological weapon like coronavirus in a new type of warfare, the 7 domain. most country in world signed a treaty. we won't use biological weapon, china sign a treaty, now when there is a request for a inspection, china turns it down, this suspicion is growing. growing. i now one should think this way with what china are trying to knock out. >> interesting that chinese have energized their disinformation campaign here to shut down the discussion, using the political correctness that is abroad on national media, left wim wing ma and society as a way to if you will, cover-up what has happened to avoid discussion of what
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could be possibilities. that is alarming in and of itself that the federal government our government failed so far to blunt that disinformation campaign by china. which has succeeded in shutting down free speech in this country. >> they are trying to drag dr. fauci into this, i noticed in this long document, they claim among the world health organization team, that went to china was one of dr. fauci's colleagues. they also covered up the fact that the team did not go to wuhan. that the chinese continue to refuse even to today, to let qualified american scientists visit wuhan to the laboratory. and chinese cdc office is also in wuhan, that would clear up some suspicion, that seems to be bobvious thing to do, but they
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won't do it. lou: they won't do it again we have a government, run by president trump that is unafraid of the consensus of the national left wing media, he calls it as he sees it and acts in interest of the country, which has to be frustrating to the chinese as well. how much jeopardy is the historic trade agreement that president trump negotiated with u.s. trade representative robert lighthizer, treasury secretary mnuchin how much agreement is that in. >> i think there is a debate in china, we can see in press and talking with chinese delegations one group wants to glow of blowe agreement and continue cheating, the shor other group that xi jig
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seems to be with, saying go ahead and honor it as of today, still look like president's trade deal will work. if it does, it is the biggest effort that has been a success by the u.s. government to influence chinese behavior ever. we have to root for this agreement to be implemented, we will not know i think for at least another week. that is why i hesitate to link an inspection of wuhan laboratory that would be very provocative, make then angry versus please implement your 95 page agreement, that itself would be a revolutionary move. so far it seems to be implemented. lou: interesting also, absence of behavior you would expect from a civi a -- civilized nati. they have not offers a excuse me
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i am sorry to world for unleashing this virus across the globe, the loss of life, terrible destruction of so many lives, this is in and of itself to me abho abhorrent. and the president's language at-this-point has been very restrained. measured. >> yes. lou: his secretary of state, pompeo saying this is not the time for retribution. when kind of time is this? when the world seems afraid to say, china, what in the hell have you done? how dare you? and demand and insist that world world health organization join in this demand for tran person y and absolute access to every facet of everything that happened in wuhan laboratory. >> there are a number of
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senators talking about cutting off funds for w.h.o., moodily and ousting dr. tedros adhanom who has a 5 year term. the idea of punishing china while we depend on them for data and progress on the vaccine, this is going to require great balancing, the president told me many times, he is not only a deal maker but now that he is president, he has to be a diplomat, i think to plans he wilbalance these. think that intelligence community despite criticism, they seem too have reported something in november, that is not discussed so far. lou: the defense department denies that out right, saying that did not happen. it was false.
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which is the correct view. >> the source of this, i'm not confirm or deny, abc is pretty solid there is inte intelligence warning that began in en of endf november. lou: defense department says no, i have to tell you without evidence, with unnamed sources again, in hands of left wing national media will not accept it for one minute until there are verifiable sources. >> i, agree with you on that. lou: that is just me. >> i agree. it was an effort to embarrass the white house, i think probably false, the key thing to
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get our people who wuhan, wuhan is opening up inned today, theye 500 people in hospital, this is last city not opened in china, they are bragging that china is now open for business and america is not. taking advantage of our situation, lou. lou: well. it is incumbent to me on president trump to wipe the smirk off their lying faces, michael pillsbury i apologize for using crude language. >> you are a diplomat too, lou. lou: great to see you. >> i know it. lou: i would remind all that president was not elected because he was a diplomat or a politician but because she is hs donald damn trump. >> thank you. lou: personal equipment almost
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gone, the n-95 respirator, masks, face shields medical equipment and supplies almost economexhausted. 10% in reserve for a federal response. senator kamala harris calling president trump a drug pusher. because he promoted hydorxychloroquine. the comments by senator, well in left wing media, they were applauding like the dickens, attorney general william barr rising to president's defense saying. >> before the president said anything about it, there was fair and balanced coverage of the very promising drug. as soon as he said something positive about it, the media has been on a jihad to discredit the
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drug, this is quite strange. lou: more than strange. it is disgusting and appalling. and harris should offer an apology to the president straight away. >> national institutions he'll h toward starting a clinical trial, testing effectiveness of hydorxychloroquine against the wuhan virus. more than 500 patients who have been hospitalized by the virus will receive the therapy. >> joining suss dr. mehmet oz, host of the dr. oz show. and we're delighted to see you again. appreciate you being here. let's begin with the controversy surrounding hydorxychloroquine and the z-pak therapy, why does
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this set off particularly left, and left wing media when straight forwardly -- it had positive results and outcomes. >> dangerously, we're politicizing science. i was in medical school a lifetime ago, i was taught to ask the brave answers, to treat patients. independent of any political leader's belief, now. pundits get involved, they don't have md, degrees they cherry pick ideas, and unwil. we do recognize that science wins. if that gets influenced by
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political persuasion that is a problem, it also complicates the doctor-patient consultation, that is precious, this does not serve a public who is already confused and needing help, i wish, this never came up in a white house briefing, and never been brought to bear, those of us who study hydorxychloroquine before this. we were curious, today well-known french infectious disease specialist, he met worry 3 1/2 hour with their premier macron. i don't know the purpose of that meeting, but within france, there is a real discussion about where it has merits, some crownrie countries are blocking its export. there is a pria trial that chine did that it improved fever,
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cough and ne pneumonia rate, its interesting. the french doctor has a shoes td patients he told me about, shows it was safe, he got results he was proud of, i am happy that the nih is doing critical trial, here is the question for america. what to we do in meantime? the trials can take months. but, what do the doctors in front lines do, they should to what they think is right based on information they have, not influence by pun bit pundits wht is dangerous or not dangerous, or work or not, there is a little bit of humbling with covid-19. lou: there has never been to my knowledge a disease created such political controversy in almost
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every aspect perspective of whether it be origin of the disease, role of the chinese. or it with the testing and the way with which the trump administration has act se acceld access to patients. you spoke of the french doctor who is being attacked because of his study, his recommendations. it is just does not feel right. it is appalling to behold. >> we can do better, i hold my head high, believing physicians, i get feedback from both sides of aisle. i had countless physicians, patients, and folks who are knowledge able on my show talk about aspects of this, i believe there is a truth.
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it is not whether it works or not it is -- if it works, who does this work in, for people on a ventilator i don't know if that makes sense, early on makes sense, giving it people without symptoms does not make sense. there are questions to be answered, this is not a simple yes or no, and by the time we have answers a lot of people will have been ill, and they are helped or not helped by it we should free the medical profession to do what they do, here in new york city, it still band for petitio physician to pe this outside of a hospital, i know it was concern because of the hoarding, but i think if we have enough pills now, only the governor team knows, that i am told several million were shipped, i think we should free the doctors, otherwise do you
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know what happens, doctors do it illegally, they will help their patients, they will not have someone interfere, they will fine a way of getting the meds for their maribe make patients. lou: there seems to be absence of modesty, science is demanding of evidence, fact, logic and reason, as you say. but at the same time, you talk about all of us. patients and potential patients have to be more modest and humble and accept that the doctors can only do what they think is best. and bring the best se science. but we don't always govern the out come, that is in hands of someone above all our pay grades, this is a interesting time to see so much i have
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th-- buildaround a profession ts saving so many lives, it is appalling to watch. and a president, a coronavirus task force that is doing its best to manage resources of government. again, it is appalling what they have didn't do this president, in every way from the left, this is a broad ever broader attack s trouble, dr. oz we appreciate your voice of reason, where do we stand right now in hot spot of hot spots, new york? with equipment? with therapeutics? anti-virals? how goes the fight tonight? >> well, we're on the brink, we were short on ventilators over the weekend, i was worried. we are doing okay, now, we're short on basic medications, we're seeking those.
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we have been able to get what we need as we need it it is tight and depressing. the teams are warn down, we're running out of folks, i put a call out to someone watching my show, a nurse and no dialysis call new york presbyterian hospital or any new york city hospital we're short on dialysis. on my web site, yo it tells you where to go, if you have power, come help us we'll pray for your travel, not new york city you may' to visit but a new york city that needs your help. lou: that is, thank you so much. >> if you want to share your thoughts on this share your comments, follow me on twitter u dobbs. >> kt mcfo mcfarland will be our
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guest tomorrow. and new numbers joining a number of americans blaming china for the wuhan virus. the man that calls it worse cover-up in history, we talk with former ambassador to japan, bill haggerty, he says that the chinese have committed a great crime. we continue in one moment. i know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance that that's the last time. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. i might be crazy but i'm not stupid. having an annuity tells me that i'm protected. during turbulent times, consider protected lifetime income from an annuity as part of your retirement plan. this can help you cover your essential monthly expenses. learn more at .
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oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top? yeah. yeah, i could see that. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. lou: a new harris poll finds overwhelming number of americans say that china is responsible for the deadly wuhan virus pandemic. 77% of americans blame china for the wuhan virus, poll finds 67% of registered democrats and 90% of republicans
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and 75% of independents now blame china as the origin of the pandemic. japan will spend more than 2 billion of its stimulus package that it created to help its manufactures move production out of china. china has been japan's biggest trading partner but imports from china cut in half in february, half company surveyed said they were already moving production out of china. joining us tonight to talk up a lot of important issues bill haggerty, running for u.s. senate in tennessee. and ambassador great to have you with us. let's start for the reason that so many americans and particularly you believe that the chinese should be held accountable for being the origin of this disease. no matter the way in which was unleashed on the world.
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>> it is great to be with you. i appreciate it i call this is the cover-upa grayis great mustp in human history, they silence doctors that try to speak out about it. they put campaign ahead of citizens, they lost control of virus and turned on chinese propaganda machine, to suggest that u.s. government was responsible for this. it has been a costly cover-up. it cost now over 94,000 lives world wide. here in america. 16,000 lives have been lost, still counting. over 17 million jobs. and approximately 5 trillion yorworth of economic damage, tht is why i call this the crime of the century. lou: a lot of people agree with you. certainly that china is the origin of this. as the origin they have not been
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apologetic let alone contrite about any part of role they played. whether intentional or accidental. your best judgment, how much of an impact would transparency on part of the chinese. how much of a difference would that have made to what became a worldwide pandemic? >> it would have made a tremendous difference, they have abe onobligation, china unleashs viewer out world, china it responsible for loss of 17 million u.s. jobs, china put the world at risk. i am delighted with results of harris poll, the american public see that. lou: there has been a tremendous campaign --s s a disinformation
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campaign from the chinese. thaparticularly the world health organization. your thoughts. the president talked about cutting off funds to the world health organization your thoughts about it? >> this is one of reasons that president trump has endorsed me for u.s. senate. he knows i will stand with him, as a strong voice in u.s. senate to protect american taxpayer daldollars and used to benefit of america. w.h.o. is clearly closely aligned with china, one of my friends, deputy prime minister of japan, called the w.h.o. the cho, under scoring chinese influence. i look forward to bringing that
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organization t to account. their complicity in this caused the delay, they repeated chinese prop ganpropaganda, you recall,g it was not transmitted human-to-human. the w.h.o. did not do their job. the delay they caused cost lives. lou: and your thoughts right now, to who -- which is the greater threat right now china or russia to u.s. national interests. >> i think it has been china all along. chinese using economy might to reach around the world, they are one belt, one road initiative is nothing more than a an it to project their influence on a global basis, they are
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militarizing south china sea, and using any type of means. intellectual property theft, forced they are using heavily subsidized chinese industry, like huawei for example to project their influence, economic, military and streak ic around the globe. lou: how troubled are that you chamber of commerce in this country is more aligned with chinese than the trump administration, u.s. government on the issue of trade. on the issue of national security? including huawei. chambechamber of commerce, busis roundtain il taibtable and wall. >> i cannot imagine a ceo, inoy corporate boardroom make a decision to go with china now, after this cover-up has been
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exposed, after chinese effort to hide this disease have been uncovered had. i can't imagine any american company wanting to do business with china. i think this would accelerate movement of supply chain from china back home to america. larry kudlow talking about movement back. president started this he talked about this while a candidate. he deregulated the u.s. economy right after he was elected. clearing out red tape. then, with tax reform, we brought our corporate tax rate to a level more whic competitiv. supply chains have already starred to move back. lou: incentivizing them, seems to me, a solid idea. the japanese as you know have
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already begun that process, great to have you with us. come back bill haggerty. >> up next awaying president trump and coronavirus task force, we'll bring you president and we'll tell you about attorney generally william barrr with john durham's role in sky skygate. attention veterans with va loans. mortgage rates are now at all time lows. by refinancing, you can save $2000 a year -- with one call to newday usa. our team is standing by right now to take your call. and from start to finish, you can do it all without ever leaving the house. with our va streamline refi, there's no income verification. no appraisal. and no out of pocket costs. one call can save you $2000 a year.
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national committee, and clinton campaign, even though that source kept pressing him, to acknowledge that falsehood, that transcript was not included in fbi fraud fisa application against carter page. >> and william barr providing update to spygate investigation or russia investigation if you prefer, justice department working on that assignment. john durham,a. >> listen to this, he is looking to bring to justice people who are engaged in abuses if he could so there were criminal violations, this the focus is on. my view is that evidence shows
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we're not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness, there is something more troubling here, we'll get to the bottom of it. if people broke the law, we can establish that with the evidence, that's will be prosecuted. >> well i think you might say we heard all of that before. you would expected it of and honorable attorney general. but we have been told there is no guarantee of anyone being brought to justice by that attorney general and we're told, don't mind us as we take another year, and disappoint everyone who expect the justice department to bring justice to those who perpetrated this great crime against our government and way of life. joining us republican house minority leader kevin
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mccarthy. let's if we can begin with the idea that the attorney general is really dampening expectations as to who will be brought to justice. if ever. your thoughts. >> well. justice needs to be brought, they just put through this country through three year, now we find it was a nightmare, we knew it was a lie. you now have the facts those went to fisa court, lea lied to judges and tried to hold when i believe of a coop, because president trump was duly elected, they did not like him, they tries too misuse their power to change course of what people voted for? lou: people i think may already be forgetting the number of democrats in high office whether
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adam schiff. whether it is gerald nadler, the list goes on chairmen of powerful committees lying through their teeth about the president's guilt in all of this. and robert mueller, he as a prosecutor arguably, only ones who committed a crime. none of the targets of his special counts investigation, including president of united states were found to do anyone done anything illegal. >> they didn't. those who did illegal were almost our law enforcement. you watch higher echelon they falsify what was said to change the course of history, to go after this president. who had done nothing wrong, you are correct, adam schiff, head
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of intel committee, he said, he said remember he said he had proof, then proven young, then he used intel committee saying there was nothing wrong in fisa court, now we know they lied about that as well, these people need to be held accountable for what they have done to this country. lou: do you have confident in attorney general barr? he will do that. >> i do. but we should hold his feet to the fire. you know what, hold it to the rule of law. i don't' any special treatment on either side, but the way you loop alook at today with this r, they knew that president's campaign had nothing to do with russia. but have you a director of fbi, people in the justice department who did not uphold the rule of law, and tried to bend it another way to try to change the outcome because they did not like how the election turned out, we could never allow this
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in this nation, or future to anyone else who holds the was on the, we believe in rule of law, it was not upheld here, only way you make sure that is maintains people are held accountable for those actions and those lies. lou: well said, congressman. i appreciate those words. the democrats knocking down 250 billion dollars of funding for paycheck protection. why does this end with what has become a party of both obstruction? a party of hate? and a do-nothing party? >> i tell you, the democrats, nancy pelosi held this up last time. there are 17 million people who are unemployed in last 3 weeks because of this china communist cover-up of a virus. now what the democrats are doing we have a program that president trump put forward, that helps
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small business. this is not big banks this is small business this is keeping people in their jobs. paying their salary for the next few months, paying rent, these are restaurants that we love that cannot work now, mom and pop shop, entrepreneur we dreamed to become, and democrat say no, why? because nancy pelosi want to make sure prisoners and illegals get a paycheck, and green new deal getsism camme implemented,s concerned about sanctuary cities, that is not america i know, we should not stand up for it, this is about people of this nation, we should -- this is disgusting what they are doing today. lou: and the president adamant that everyone republican should be fighting this nonsense of mail in voting across the country. will you be successful in that opposition? >> we have to be. we have watched here in
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california, the fraud that democrat had. they go on harvest ballots, we watched one that could not be seated because of harvesting of ballot. democrats' to pass the cares acts nancy pelosi said no, she wanted to put change in the election box, all other things with nothing to do with coronavirus. number 3 democrats said, he said coronavirus is a perfect opportunity to restructure government in our vision, that is what nancy pelosi believes, instead of caring for those who are unemploy the and or small business owner who cannot open up today, instead of giving that bridge for next two months, she wants to stand in their way to restrikure governmenrestructurer liberal view, she is playing politics because we have a pandemic. that is pelosi's way, that is
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wrong. lou: congressman kevin mccarthy, house minority leader, thank you so for being with us. >> thank you. lou: stay well. >> thank you. lou: a army police officer in ohio found a creative way to continue his gym routine. a full service work out rig of timber. it took about 60 hours over two weeks span, for his to expwien all odesign itand build it, a r, chest press. a actually cable station. -- actuall pull cable station, h more, that looks heavy, a good work out, a grand scheme he pulled off there. >> wall street today shaking off another disappointing
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unemployment report. closing week, on a high. for more, let's bring in host of "bulls and bears" right here david asman. david: thank you so much. >> well as you said, stocks finished higher today, do you gaining 286, s&p 500 up 40. and nasdaq finished up 63, vol volume on big board 8 billion shares. russia and saudi arabia today agreeing on biggest oil production cut in decades, 10 million barrels a day in may and june. lou? lou: well david, the 6.6 million americans applying for unemployment benefits last week, 17 now over last few. these are difficult times without question. the economy though, this market, reacting positively today.
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your thoughts about how much liquidity we're pouring into this economy in an hour of desperate need. david: it is an extraordinary amount of liquidity, portfolio grown to 8 trillion, some believe it could go to 10 trillion, during 2008-09 crise its grow to 5 trillion. that scared some people. remember head of federal reserve and president were at laggerheads, but now encourages to us, and i think to markets that they are working so closely together on giving this economy what it needs to gets back on its feet once we can start working against as, only thing as you mentioned we need is for congress to get together and provide small business with extra bump it needs to get back in its feet, but saying that sba given out about 5 times as many
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loans in 3 days, as they gave out in all of between 2019, that is the work being done right now to get behind small business and business in general in america. lou: to get the money in hands of hard working families, middle class family, families that aspire to be middle class who are so critical to this economy. and to the credit of the president, and treasury secretary leading this fight, against the virus. president trump has assured they will get much needed money, and if nancy pelosi would step aside and work in the national interest instead of her own they could get that monsooner. david: absolutely. >> thank you. lou: appreciate it. president trump suggests that former president obama could knocouldnose something about --e
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biden. >> i don't know why president obama has not supported joe biden a long time ago. something he feels is wrong. he knows something that you don't know. lou: something you don't know. well byron york may no, chief political correspondent for washington examiner, fox business contributor, do you know what president was referring to? some secret to share? >> if it was a lot of pressure on president obama throughout the whole primary process, he did not endorse joe biden. he served under him for 8 years, as vice president. well, obama said he wanted to be fair, not tip the scale in a contest with so many candidates,
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but now bernie sanders is out. there is more pressure on obama. i think what president trump is referring to, you know he likes to make the point he believes that joe biden has lost a step. he is not as sharp as he used to be, i think that president trump is implying that president obama and other democrats know that joe biden is not really ship shape for this race. and they are nervous about it. i think that is what president is implying. lou: and will could he not just say it out right? but i say that, why is the national media not saying it out right? what the presumptive democratic nominee appears to be is going through a very difficult time he seems to have great trouble in expressing himself, sometimes appears lost on a stage.
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even as cameras are rolling. but left wing media, the national media, seem set on ignoring, that democratic party it seems has a responsibility to be very careful of who the nominee is. this seems to be throwing caution on the wind to anyone even a casual observer of politics to see the state that joe biden is in. >> well, as i personally look at joe biden, and videos of him, 8 or 10 or 15 or 20 years ago. clearly much sharper. in the past. i don't know there is any doubt about that. but the fact is that this is the candidate voters have chosen. and democratic primary process more than 10 million people have voted for joe biden in this. lou: i understand.
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all of this stipulated, i am curious, you cover all of these politicians of both parties and various representatives of other interests, the fact is, is it not a transparent open, obvious and clear, condition that this presumptive democratic presidential nominee manifests oevery day. >> i ask asked democrats privately well this basically asking, do you think that joe biden has the stamina. for a presidential campaign, that say very long tough grueling contest. he does not have some advantage of that president trump will have like air force one. is he up to it? does he have stamina, they will say, i don't know. i think -- but the problem is.
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i know you take it as a given, those 10 million votes mean a lot. they have chosen joe biden, this is not somebody that party elders can say, i know you picked joe, but we want someone else to be they can't do that. lou: yeah. no, i'm not suggesting otherwise. i'm asking why in the world the national media isn't speaking plainly, reporting clearly, honestly before they see before their very eyes. at the very least the american people are owed that, don't you think? maybe i'm wrong. maybe he is in tiptop. an an tell intellect at work and flawless in his expression. am i wrong? >> this will probably become a subject at some time during the campaign. listen, you were talking to a reporter who has been writing that joe biden's too old to be
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president for a long time. i think i wrote it sometime more than a year ago. this is not a surprise. we never had a president who entered office at 78 years old. president, candidates, there is implicit bargain they serve eight years. having a president serve at 78 years old is uncharted in american history. this will be probably an issue during the campaign at some time. lou: looks like it will be a issue, byron, that the democratic party, who you're intimating is very referential about those votes they count for all of their candidates. i remember 2016 vividly. i don't remember too much reference on the part of the dnc, righteous support for fair and honest politics that the
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democratic national committee or for that matter the clinton campaign. but i take your point. you get the last word here. >> you're talking about in a competitive situation with republicans. this is inside the democratic party thing and the guy who wins the most votes it is a very, very big deal. again biden got a little more than 10 million. bernie got 7.2 million. there was a clear, clear victory on biden's part. unless something completely out of the blue, act of god happens, biden is their guy. lou: byron york, i want to be very clear. i have no problem whatsoever with joe biden being as you put it their guy. byron, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: kt mcfarland, kt mcfarland, john solomon, pastor robert jeffress our guests tomorrow. follow me on twitter on lou
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dobbs. follow me on facebook and instagram @lou dobbs tonight. coming up next president trump his coronavirus task force from the white house briefing room. thank you for joining us here tonight. good night from sussex. elizabeth: hi. it is liz macdonald with "the evening edit." you're watching the fox business network. we have breaking news, the white house coronavirus task force briefing has been delayed temporarily. the president is on a conference call, has been on a conference call with the leaders of russia and saudi arabia. that would be vladmir putin and king saloman to strike an oil deal. prices are plunging to generational lows. they're clawing back. there has been an agreement, reports coming in among members of opec to cut oil production by 10 million barrels per day. let's take it up with former
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