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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  April 15, 2020 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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robot the way you tax the human being. i was fascinated about that. he has a lot of good ideas. that is mark cuban. i leave you with the market down 600 points. that is where it has been almost all morning. the nasdaq is down. s&p is down, dow jones is down. red ink across the board. neil, it is yours. neil: a lot of grim economic news and fueling the selloff. we're simply giving back the ground we gained yesterday by and large. the dow putting it way back in perspective here a little more few weeks ago was trading a little more than 18,000. now 23,318. it is a long way from the 30,000 it was flirting with back in february. seems eons ago before the whole coronavirus situation. the states and presidents try to fine tune, exactly how, when to reopen the economy or do it in stages. the details on that are still fleeting. we don't know a whole lot.
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we do know some options that they have. we'll explore that a little bit later. meantime, i was telling you about a lot of depressing economic news. latest home sales are expected to fall at least 15% this year. that adds to a string of stunningly weak numbers. i say stunningly weak. wall street was bracing for some bad numbers but to connell mcshane, i don't think they were bracing for this bad. to you, my friend. connell: i think that is the point, neil. in many ways to your point what we learned on both the economic front and when it comes to earnings is soar of confirmation what we already knew. that this economy, thanks to the coronavirus inspired shutdowns is in very rough shape. but when you look at things like retail sales and drop we saw there, this, is even worse than we thought. i mean the largest drop that we've ever seen in retail sales on a monthly basis. so that's march. economists know april is likely
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as bad or worse. this comes from the commerce department, only been tracking it, only tracking since 1992. worst on record since then. you have all people stocking up on household items but they're not obviously spending on other things. you're not buying clothes, cars, furniture. all of that type of discretionary spending pretty much fell off a cliff. when you talk about falling off a cliff. factory activity was the other thing we saw, this 45.4% drop is the largest decline in industrial production since 1948. we talk about the supply chains being disrupted all the time. this is evidence of that. the largest component of this particular economic piece of data is manufacturing output. that was down by 6.3% in the month of march, give you one more note on the economy. we're swimming in oil, we pretty much already knew. inventories we saw this morning,
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increasing 19 million barrels last week that is the biggest build we ever had on record. so demand has been falling and supply is piling up. the price below 20 bucks on oil. quick on earnings. our focus this week has been on banks. we had some big ones with goldman sachs, bank of america, citigroup. they are really similar, if you run through those with notes on all three. go ahead man, profit down 46%. they're all 45, 46% drops year-over-year. but the goldman cfo sums it up, saying we were on a good role through january and february. then came march. that is what we're dealing with. bank of america setting aside 3.$6 billion to deal with bad loans. citi setting aside five billion to cover defaults. put it all together, neil, we're down 600 points on the dow. we knew times were tough as you started before my report saying we maybe didn't know they were this tough. this is confirmation how bad things are economically and again this is only march, most of this data, looking forward.
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it could get, be as bad or not worse when the month of april starting rolling in. neil: true enough. connell mcshane, thank you very, very much, my friend. we'll go back to you momentarily. that is weighing on stocks, weighing on so-called do we see light at the end. tunnel or not? in the virus some cases we are. you can understand the growing pressure the president is feeling from ceos and the like, you know the sooner you reopen our society or the lockdown, the better this thing will get, and numbers will improve. now of course there is the medical issue to address here, whether you risk doing that too soon. do you actually create more problems, again with more cases, more potential deaths and gyrations the likes of which some countries like china are seeing already now? that is the debate. now the president has this panel of experts. he is it going to democrats, republicans, those who like the president, those who don't flip
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over him, who weigh on this, with the 50 governors as well. it is enormous task. blake burman what he is hearing so far. hey, blake. reporter: hi, there, neil, enormous task and enormous list the president will speak to throughout the day. a series of rolling phone calls as the president continues to push the idea reopening the economy sooner rather than later in some spots in the country, maybe at even points throughout this month. the president was already set to have one phone call already today with the leaders of, we'll sort of scroll through them here for you, leaders of the banking, financial services, food and beverage, hospitality and retail sector. that was the first call this morning. right now at this moment he is set to speak with those within health care, tech, telecommunications and transportation. then later this afternoon, after that he will move on and spike to the folks who head up the agriculture, construction, defense, energy, manufacturing, some of the think tanks as well. you can see how big, how broad,
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how expansive this is. to end off his afternoon he will talk to commissioners all throughout the sports world. the president was talking about potentially getting sports open sooner than later as well. the white house this morning continuing to buildout their argument, neil, why some places could reopen within weeks, if not, even maybe sooner than that. listen. >> 24% of the counties in this country have no outbreaks. 29 states are probably well-suited to reopen pieces of the economy, depending on industry, depending on the location, depending on infection rates. it is exciting it is all coming together. reporter: neil, tomorrow president trump will speak with all the governors across the country about the reopening of this country. there was a quote, yesterday, neil, from the president, that caught my attention. he said after that phone call tomorrow, he would be quote, authorizing each individual of each individual state to
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implement a reopening and very powerful reopening plan of their state at a time and manner as appropriate. so i reached out to the white house a little while ago, neil, and asked them what authority does the president think he has as it relates to these individual plans from the states when it comes to reopening? a white house official told me that the process that will be in place or at least what they envision they do not think that the states will have to submit their plans to the white house for approval, hence authority or authorization, authorizing, a word the president has used. of course neil many would point to the constitution itself saying that the president doesn't have the authority over it anyways. neil? neil: by the way, it is old news now but i'm curious when the president did make that tweet a couple days back he is the authority on this issue and states have to listen to him, obviously had not run that by many lawyers i would assume because he is just wrong.
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there is the constitution and there is past history to consider. so he seems to have you know, pivoted a little bit here i will work in concert with the states. he certainty out a proviso if they screw it up i'm on them, all that. he kind of dances on the fence here. reporter: he has been certainly on both sides. it was quote, unquote, total authority. to yesterday talking, that was on monday. to tuesday, talking about a potential mutiny should there be governors pushing back. they were he said we'll i'm going to be working in conjunction with the governors and then, it was this quote here last night in the rose garden which he said he would be authorizing each individual governor. but then, when i spoke to the white house this morning, they said it is not like the states will have to submit a plan. yes, he has been on couple different sides, saying he has total authority working with the states. one question i wanted to put to the question the other day, neil, which i haven't gotten the
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chance to, has white house counsel told you you have quote total authority. i haven't heard a answer to that there is that the president wants to have some hand on this process even though governors will have their hands on a lot of this process within their states as well. neil? neil: we were wrong on the whole "mutiny on the bounty" thing, with my captain bligh impression that seems to be resolved. keep it available for viewers want to hear it again. "mutiny on the bounty" disrupted. there you go, buddy, thank you very much, blake burman. tom kaine former new jersey governor. co-chaired the 9/11 commission looked into origin of mistakes leading up to that fateful day. governor, thank you for taking the time. >> thank you for having me.
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neil: governor, first as a former governor, you know, of the constitution inside and out, you do things in concert with the president but the president seems to have backed off my way or the highway of a lot of governors will decide for themselves. governor murphy in your state of new jersey has indicated right now he is watching everything closely and do it in concert with the governors of new york, connecticut, what have you. what strategy wins out do you think? >> strategy has got to win out is cooperation. you can't have federal government going one direction, the states trying to go another. it has worked very well. i think, if you listen to governor cuomo as we all do these days he has been talking about how well he has been able to interact with the federal government, and how cooperative he has been with trump and how trump delivered what he asked for from new york. that is what we got to have and we got to have, recognize that different people, different authorities and everything else but this is a national crisis and there is no real -- don't
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need people going off in their own direction. neil: so, governor, what are your thoughts, if the president says at the end of this month as we go into may, it's time we start reopening business but governors from some of the biggest states, like new york, new jersey, in that case two of the hardest hit virus states, they ought not to? obviously that would take some of the economic bang for the buck the president is envisioning and others hoping for away because these states might delay getting back to business? >> no way the economy comes back if the new york area is still shut down. that is just too big of an engine of the economy as a whole. now, i listen, we all do, dr. fauci, and dr. fauci basically says the virus will make that decision. when the virus, you see that spike going down and down
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significantly, then you can talk about reopening but if you don't, the virus may come bouncing right back at you. you have to shut it all up again that would be the worst thing of all. i feel very strongly that the virus is going to make the decision. if you see these curves start to bend down, we hope we start to see that, you know, then you can consider opening up. then you probably have a phased opening up. very considered. got to be phased, starting to open up again. i think it will be a while before people sit next to each other at baseball games, theaters, stuff like that. that will just take a while. neil: yeah. i think you're right about that. one of the other things came up, governor, i talk to a lot of folks that work in manhattan, normally they're sandwiched in there six inches apart around work cubicles and work spaces. they all can't go back to that.
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distancing must be maintained. maybe they don't make it six feet. three feet i don't know. means a lot of those boileds not just new york, anywhere in the country and your state of new jersey where it weren't be the same. so i'm wondering about how you think that part will go? >> i think it is not going to be the same at all. i think it will likely go in shifts. liable to be told come in 9:00 to 5:00 or something like that. no, you come in 8:00 to 4:00. work at 6:00 at night, what have you. in order to keep a distance for a while we'll have to do shifts. that will be difficult for businesses and for people, i think for everybody. but i think to stop the thing from coming back, that is the prime object. probably we have to change the way we have to do work schedules. neil: governor, as co-chair of the 9/11 commission that looked into the origins of the 9/11
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attacks, who knew what and when, who botched it you started to stay above the party fray, you listened to detail on the blunt report that was partisanly phrased. a lot of people say they want to start a commission even now looking origins who knew what and when in this country, notably about the white house, around the virus, whether they were aware of this severity. is now the time to do that governor? do you think people should wait a bit, what? >> no. now is not the time to do it. you got to let a little time pass. you got to look at perspective. then you have got to make sure, you got to do this, that you do it right. no point doing it if it gets people yelling at each other and with the partisan stuff. then they will do it. you have to do it right. don't do it in middle of a war. we're at war right now. then you can decide and the
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commission, defend, like our commission not simply to be -- people, people were doing their best. some of them could have done better but they were trying. the problem is, you want to do so -- report gives recommendations so it can never ever happen again. that is way to go over it. if you go over give american people a report as we did to 9/11. they gave a number of recommendations. they were implemented. we haven't had a attack 9/11 since then, respect to our recommendations and implementation. the same thing here you will have a blunt report. by reading you can decide who did what when, how around what they should have done maybe instead but the prime part of it should be to prevent this ever happening again. what do we have to do as a government make sure we don't is another pandemic like this. neil: governor tom kean, good
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shattering with you as well, governor tom kean. talking about stages may be lifted in waves, in michigan, they went other way, battened down the hatches even more with stricter stay at home provisions that prompted protests likes which michigan hasn't seen in years. over a governor who protesters say just weren't way too far, after this.
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neil: all right, we're not sure in this country when we will loosen up the lockdown provisions in effect for 94% of americans but we're getting a hint of things to come at least in other countries. germany, angela merkel saying they have agreed to a gradual opening of schools from may 4th. so from monday may 4th, kids return to classes. relaxation of the lockdown she goes on to say will depend on infection rate and how it develops. we have little room for manuever here. saying she will continue to talk to state premieres and germans
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must continue to practice social distancing but the first sign after major western power hit by this although not nearly as severely as italy or france, as things stand, kids go back to school may 4th. keep you posted on that. we'll keep you posted on lockdown similar provisions in the usa. particularly in michigan where the there upped the ante a little bit. that has a lot of michigan residents steamed. grady trimble following all of that. grady? reporter: neil, this is what a protest looks like in the age of social distancing. we're on the bed of somebody's pickup truck to give you some perspective what they have called operation gridlock looks like. there are cars and trucks as far as the eye can see protesting the governor's executive order to stay home. they say they're not upset with the order. they're upset with the parts of it that seem too arbitrary and are bad for business. for example, somebody who owns a
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lawn care company can't go to mow any customers lawns, even if they don't come into contact with anyone. you can go on a canoe or sailboat but not the motor boat. one thing has people here, many of whom who have two homes upset, they can't travel in the state to their second home. listen. >> i can't drive from one house i own which i pay taxes to another house i own on which i pay taxes. i had done it the week before. never saw or talked to another person the entire time. that is going too far. reporter: governor whitmer says she supports the rights of the people who are here today but she wants them to stay safe and keep social distancing. i can tell you the majority of people are staying in their cars but you see people lined up on the steps of the capitol building. there are state police here. i have asked them whether they're going to enforce social distancing measures of these people who are not following them? i have yet to hear back, neil.
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but for the most part, like i said, most people keeping a social distance and staying in their cars. neil? neil: grady, i know the governor has been saying look, we're the third highest incident state behind new york and new jersey. i had to toughen things up. you pointed out inconsistencies here. in state residents have a second home can't visit their second home. out-of-state residents who might have a home in the state can. it is weird. reporter: yeah, that is exactly what people here are protesting. i live in illinois. i drove into the state to be here today. if i had a home here i could visit it but people here with two homes can't. that is part of what they're protesting as well as the fact they say it is bad for business and they need to get back to work at a reasonable time, whenever that may be. neil: buddy, thank you very much. monitoring the latest in michigan. grady trimble. my next guest is a very calm,
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reasoned, step back from all the hyperventilating going on, he had warned sometime ago about whatever we do to address the coronavirus situation that we don't make the cure worse than the disease itself. i want to share something from nolan finley, the "detroit news" editorial page editor, when he talked about the prospect of drugs that might eventually hit the market. in the meantime he said we may have to live with more risk than we are particularly comfortable with, to exercise precautions and to protect ourselves and others with a settling of normally. the alternative is to allow the economic and social systems to unravel, breaking supply chains and our unquestioneddability to provide for our nation's basic needs. he joins us right now. nolan, i thought you laid out a compelling case where you're balancing the medical and economic needs. and a lot of leaders are worried about going too far with one over the other.
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in states like michigan where the governor just upped the ante, isn't that going too far in both directions, on the medical side and on the economic side? >> well you see what's happening in lansing today. i think what we're seeing there, you know, all hell breaking loose on the streets of the capital, it is very encouraging. it is encouraging to know people understand there are limits how much freedoms you should forfeit, how many much your civil liberties you should chuck aside in the name of safety and security and the governor just went way too far. folks were with her when they found her orders reasonable and they believed they were designed to protect them. when they became arbitrary and capricious, when she said hey, get in a canoe, not in a motor boat, you can go in a store, to buy hand sanitizer but if you stop at same store, stop by the potted plant aisle to buy a plant, then you're subject to
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1000-dollar fine. people getting pulled over because they pulled out of a garden store with a load of mulch and getting fined 1000 bucks and threatened with jail. it just became too. of a police state. i think you're seeing the reaction today in lansing, i think that is a very positive development. neil: you know all of this is supposed to sort of unwind, that is sheltering provisions and the rest despite what you're governor is doing, the end of the month. we're going to address this again. do you think the governor is such, that if the president were to say it is already to go back to work, we can do it in stages, that she would comply with that? if she toughened things up, these protests notwithstanding i cannot imagine she would even slightly unwind that, i'm not making political aspersions here to -- >> yeah. that is what we're wondering, neil. will she take the risk to unwind? remember she is auditioning for
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vice president. that is coloring a lot of her decision making. i predict michigan will be the last to turn wind and will once again get hit hardest by an economic downturn. some of the stuff as you your reporter mentioned just plain doesn't make sense. you can't get your lawn mode by an individual who is running a one person landscaping shop. you can't go through a drive-through car wash where you have no interaction with another person. some of it just doesn't make sense, it is starting to chafe people on the right and the left. i just don't see, now that she has gone so far, how she backs off. she is putting herself in a position where it is going to make it very, very hard to ease off. neil: you know, you wrote, expressed this far more eloquently than i, i think there will be a tough faustian choice to make, there is indeed risk to
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opening up again. you don't want to tempt the fate and risk. some might in fact die but, it is a very tough kind of a balance. do you think we as a country are near that balance yet? >> i think, as we understand more about the virus and how to protect ourselves from it we're going to have to hit that balance post, point. we'll have to look an continue to protect the most vulnerable with, you know, stay at home measures and and other isolation tactics but i think for for most people, for the young, healthy, precautions, wearing facemasks, constant hand washing, i think we can start going back to a normal life with extreme precautions. you hope that very soon, you know, we get a treatment for this. i think once people understand
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that you can get this disease and it won't kill you, we'll be more comfortable going back. and i hope that day comes soon but, you know, here in michigan, i think people are just looking for common sense, reasonable measures, to follow what other states are doing. my colleague had a column in the paper today talking about how much tighter michigan is than the federal standards, than in our neighboring states. you know things plain don't make sense. not being able to go from your primary residence to your second home. just, just doesn't make sense. we're going to have to move past them very, very quickly i think. neil: yeah. you're probably right about that, but i thought it would be lunacy to say all right you can't hop across the street to visit a family member, am i reading this right. >> it's true. neil: i like the way you think. lay it all out. "detroit news" editorial page editor. great thinker.
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really brilliant writer. puts this all in perspective. we're going to be hearing from new york governor andrew cuomo. he outlined some of the plans. they had surprising bump in cases now reversing this trend where the numbers are steadily improving. i don't know the implications of that, but as you look in times square in new york, the ongoing saga continues where few people are showing up.
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(vo) in this world where people are staying at home,
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one call to newday usa can save you $2000 a year. how? by refinancing at today's all time low mortgage rates. and best of all you can do it from start to finish without leaving the house. it's fast, too. with our va streamline refi, there's no income verification. no appraisal. and not one dollar out of pocket. our team is standing by right now to help every veteran who calls. ♪. neil: all right the president has assembled this advisory board now. quite a few individuals from all walks of life. former fda commissioner. we have mark cuban, host of others, all political stripes and industries represented, including jay timmons from the national association of manufacturers. very good to have you, my friend. >> good to see you, neil. neil: how do you find out if you
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know you will have a conference call a meeting, how will it go down, do you know? >> we'll be meeting virtually today at 2:00. the president has been meeting with several of these industry groups throughout the day. they will be meeting with them at 2:00, over the phone. neil: all right, now, you're one person on that virtual call. if you had your recommendations to the president what to do at the end of this month, it would be what? >> well, if you're asking if there would be a recommendation whether to call for a reopening or not, that would not be our, that would not be what i would be on the call for. the way i see it, what manufacturers offer, we can offer protocols that we put in place over the course of the last six weeks to keep our workers safe because most of them have been declared and deemed essential, and they have been on the job throughout this period, all across the country.
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we put in place protocols to keep our workers safe, to keep them healthy. i think that is what we can offer to this task force. as governors and local officials make the decisions when to open the economy again in their areas, manufacturers can help them in transitioning to the new way that we're going to be doing business. neil: it sounds like, i don't want to put word in your mouth to, a man or woman in the business community, they would obviously like to see us getting back to work or slowly getting back to work and maybe your association provides the blueprint how you do that. but there is also the worry about this virus can refester, reemerge, and can be a problem much as the spanish flu was back in 1918 and 1919. do you worry about that, how much of the medical part comes into the decision making? >> i think it is at the top of
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the list, neil. the safety and health of the american people have to be absolutely paramount. manufacturers very first thing we did when all of this crisis occurred or began to occur, is we made sure that our workers had safe and healthy working conditions. we believe that that has to occur on all sectors of the economy. there is going to be different ways that we go about living our lives in the future, there is no doubt about that. there is going to be distancing for the foreseeable future until we have therapies and vaccines that come out. manufacturers can help share our experiences over the last six weeks to two months, to help other sectors of the economy reemerge. on a slow but thoughtful and common sense basis. neil: all right. we'll see what happens on that slow and common sense basis. jay timmons. national association of manufacturers.
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be safe. >> be save neil, thank you. neil: we have distressing housing news today, and not a big shock, but when you hear some of the best and the brightest in the u.s. home industry expect sales to tumble 15% or more this year, one of the issues raised by governors on the backdrop of an economy that looks a little dicey. governor cuomo is addressing these and other issues. if we have can dip into that. the new york governor outlining some of his concerns. >> that's a fact. it is a fact that is good news. not my opinion. you see flattening of the curve, the new expressions that we never used before. plateau, flattening, rounding. net change in hospitalizations
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down. that's good news. three-day rolling average, because any one of these days of reporting, this is a new reporting system. it is imprecise. i wouldn't bet the farm on any one day's numbers but a three-day average starts to be a little more accurate. icu admissions is down. that's good news. intubations are down. that's very good news. just on a real life level. when a person is intubated, they're on a ventilator. 80% of the people will never come off the haven't late tore thereabouts. that is good news. a little reality check, you still have on day-to-day basis about 2,000 people who are being diagnosed with covid.
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so we're out of the woods. no, we're still in the woods. the good news is we showed that we can change the curve. good news is, great news in my opinion we can control the spread. that is great news. can you imagine if we couldn't control the spread. if we did all of this and the spread kept going up? so we can control the spread. but you still have about 2000 people a day who are new diagnoses coming into the hospital system. so, it is still a serious public health issue. lives lost yesterday, 752, which is the painful news of our reality day after day. they are in our thoughts and prayers. you see 707 in hospitals, 45 in nursing homes. people are interested in, in
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that, in those numbers and how those numbers are changing. but you see the terrible news is basically been flat over the past several days. again the number of death is quote, unquote, lagging indicator. it is almost disrespectful to put it in scientific terms but these are people who were probably intubated. they were on a a ventilator. again a period of time on a ventilator. normally has a bad outcome. the total losses, total number of deaths number, the cdc changed guidelines how they want information reported. they want deaths and then and another category of probable deaths. which is a new category that's done by the local department of health or the coroner.
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so we're going to rationalize those new reporting requirements with local governments and get that information out as soon as we can. we're also, since we have a little bit of a period to take a breath, we're going to contact nursing homes and facilities to find out if there were other people who passed from covid who were not necessarily in a hospital or in a nursing home because there is a sense that there may be additional people who passed away and they weren't included in the count because they weren't in a hospital, they weren't in a nursing home. so we'll be going through that. but basically the health care situation has stablized. the fears of overwhelming the health care system has not happened. thanks to the phenomenal work of our front line workers.
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thanks to. neil: all right, we're monitoring andrew cuomo, the governor of new york. he has talked about hospitalizations and other things that have curved in a positive direction, in other words the rate of increase continues to slow. what is having though, they did have a situation where new york and new york city there was a day over day increase in both cases and deaths. that is why the governor stepped back, you might have heard at the beginning we joined this, a three-day average is more reliable, in the latest 24 hour period, there was an out and out increase but the three-day average, that trend and other governors by the way have been reporting remains something that is very, very positive. i want to go to dr. nicole saphier on these developments and, doctor, it is among obviously some of the things you look at, right? the trend, the number of new cases, hospitalizations and all of this. in new york at least for the most part that trend remains favorable here.
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the question then is is it favorable enough, does it stay that way for the next couple weeks to slowly get people out of this sheltering at home that has been the case or will by that time be the case for the better part of a month? what do you think? >> well that's right, neil, we have to remain cautiously optimistic as governor cuomo says, we are still, we have come off the acceleration of the curve. now we're at that equalibrium potentially. we're looking, we want to see a decline in the new cases coming in every day. as he mentioned those number of deaths is going to lag behind it. so we're not looking at the death number, the death toll right now, we're really looking at the new hospitalizations. how many people are still needing to go into the hospital? he was still saying about 2,000. that is the number i'm watching because i want to know why so many people are still needing to go into the hospital. currently you have very limited resources for outpatient doctors ho are presenting for symptoms
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of covid. one it is difficult to still get testing if you can believe that, if they are presumptive positive they're being restricted how they can potentially treat them, whether with some potential drug combination therapies or not. we really restricted outpatient physicians how they can handle this, which in my opinion why we're seeing so many patients going into the hospital. we have to stop allowing all of this to take place in a hospital setting. we want to start treating patients before they get to the hospital. imagine if we were able to early diagnose someone, potentially treat them and avoid them from being in the hospital setting. if we can do that, then we're absolutely going to open up things much sooner because the whole goal is not to overrun the hospital system and the only way to do that is from the outpatient setting. neil: so if we're still gaining a couple of hundred cases versus a couple thousand by the end of the month, say in the new york area, that is still problematic,
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is it not? i know it would be sharply down from where we were but it would still be increasing albeit at a slower rate. what makes you comfortable, uncomfortable? >> well we're still also coming out of flu season. one of the biggest issues we've had over the last couple months is because the hospitals were quite full from a very active flu season. now that we're seeing the flu cases decrease, largely because of the social distancing measures and hand hygiene practicing but because normal seasonal effect of flu. so we're having decreased hospitalizations from the winter viruses we've seen. so our hospitals are better equipped to care for residual covid-19 patients if we have decreased flu, as well as people maintaining some level of social distancing. we're not seeing as many traumas come into the hospital. people are not driving as much. there are not as many motor vehicle accidents. there are many reasons why hospitals are not busy but we're delaying essential care, in
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terms of some cancer care being delayed. some elective procedures, when you say elective procedures, that doesn't always mean cosmetic plastic surgeries. there are a quote, unquote medical procedures being delayed. my goal, one of the things i'm really concerned about, we have to make sure we take care of all people and not just the covid-19 people. that is why we have to be very smart the way we're opening things up. but the bottom line we have can't necessarily wait for testing to catch up. we can't wait for the miracle treatments or a vaccine because they may never come. that is the harsh reality of things. we can't, there is not going to be some golden answer at the end of this. we have to what we're doing right now, but also try to slowly start opening up the system by stratifying risk factors, identifying those at higher risk, continue social distancing with them. you have to think about it, about 1% of people under 30 are actually requiring hospitalization with covid-19. we have to get a lot of that working population, specifically
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younger ones back into the workforce but of course, we have to do this in a very smart manner and it is going to take a lot of finesse and tweaking over the next few weeks and months to do it safely. neil: but i don't know how we ultimately do that safely, right? you know the new york metropolitan area, any metropolitan area people are squeezed into their offices like sardines. we might practice social distancing, cut six foot rule to three feet. even with with all of that it will be very tough, doctor. how do you -- i heard this arguement continue to practice that staggering this, those must vulnerable delay returns to offices. but it sounds like it will be a messy process? >> well of course it is going to be. that is why i'm very glad we have scientific task force and also an economic task force to make sure everyone is keeping an eye on what is best for our country long term. but the truth there are measures that can be taken.
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everyone is quite familiar with zoom and skype at this point. there should be some level of remote working, remote learning taking place. maybe not the entire workforce goes back. you shouldn't have everybody in cubicles but maybe every other person in cubicles. maybe certain school activities open back up. governor cuomo was restricting, lowering maximum capacity for some restaurants. maybe we'll have to keep doing that. the truth is, i don't really know. that is not necessarily my area of expertise but i think there will be safe measures that can be taken that will continue to lower the risk of infection but also getting things back open. one ever of the things we have to get better at though is contact tracing that is, if you look at taiwan and south korea and singapore, one thing that they did really well with contact tracing someone confirmed positive they immediately were able to contact the people they had been in contact with and whether they were tested or just self-isolated, that is how you really will lessen some of this community spread and
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unfortunately we haven't done that right here because the truth is that does infringe on privacy. someplaces are doing it with gps using cell phone data. you know there is a fine balance what is the best way to do contact tracing, impeding on people's privacy. that is debate i certainly don't want to be a part of. but the truth is contact tracing is going to be vital. neil: very quickly, doctor, you've been very patient, this notion that when we do loosen things up a little bit, it is going to be slightly more dangerous than it was when people were sheltered in their homes, right? that seems obviously. it is going to be a little bit more dangerous, right? >> well, let's say, dangerous in what sense? i mean yes, covid-19 is an illness that does have a mortality, fatality rate that seems to be much higher than the flu. so you have a higher propensity for tracking virus called
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covid-19 if you're leaving comfort of your home. we're seeing negative effects, we're seeing dangerous negative effects of mental illness or economic stability. there are multiple forms of dangers, the truth is, you are putting yourself increased risk of contracting the virus if you're leaving your home. that is why there are measures that need to be taken to continue to decrease transmission of this virus and a lot of it is going to be continued social distancing. maybe you will go to the grocery store, and wipe down the cart this time. maybe you will try not to squeeze yourself into amtrak or something like that. maybe that is where we start getting innovative, think about it. when it comes to air travel, train travel, subway travel. maybe at that point you do need to demonstrate you are negative for covid-19 before you can get into the tight spaces. that is not necessarily immunity card but you know, we have to start being creative in how we're going to decrease the spread of illness. especially, we're in very
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populist society. if you cram people into small spaces we have to figure out how to do that in the most smart manner. neil: yeah. that will be the challenge, you're right, doctor, thank you very much, dr. saphier. we're looking at. maybe we'll get a hint on that later today. the president meeting with the advisory board, a who's who, from the economic world, business world, some top medical names and the rest, where they will all try to coalesce around what is the proper time to do this, to sort of get us out of our homes but slowly, carefully, very, very carefully. stay with us. you're watching fox business. this is an athlete, twenty reps deep, sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric.
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options and rates to fit your needs oh, and happy birthday... or retirement... in advance.
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neil: all right. we still don't know what we will do in this country at the end of the month when it comes to unwinding lockdown provisions that have been in effect for most of the country here, but germany is going to reopen its economy or start the process on april 20th, five days from today. this is coming from chancellor angela merkel. she is also indicating that kids and school systems there will return to school on monday, may 4th. this is the first global leader who has outlined a plan to interrupt the stay-at-home provisions, the sheltering in place. they were never as dramatic as they are in other parts because of the number of german cases were not nearly as severe as in places like spain and certainly italy, to a lesser degree, france.
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germany appears to be moving full throttle back to business as kind of usual even though it won't be what it was before, beginning five days from now on april 20th. we have been monitoring a number of state governors who are talking about that, hinting about that, talk about the progress they're making in both cases and hospitalizations and that they want to continue that before deciding one way or the other whether to extend provisions on sheltering that are in effect, certainly in states like new york, from going further. charlie gasparino has been keeping a very very close eye on what's happening in new york right now, because of the praise the governor has been getting in handling this, and it's coming from a lot more than state residents, i guess. charlie? charlie: yeah. i mean, there is a growing movement inside the democratic party to draft andrew cuomo, the new york state governor, as joe biden's vp. i can tell you that i reported this out yesterday, it's led from what i understand by ned lamont, the connecticut governor, and a guy named wolf, i think his name is tom, is it tom wolf?
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i can't remember his name. he's the pennsylvania governor. both of them are apparently leading this effort. from what i understand, excuse me? tom wolf. not the noted author. but the governor of pennsylvania. low, low odds of this happening, for a couple reasons. number one, biden is said to, you know, as you know, he said he wants a woman to be on his ticket. there's already a race among top democratic women in the democratic party leading that, leading the candidates is amy klobuchar, the senator from minnesota. i think number two would be kamala harris and biden is going to have to really bite hard on not -- on reversing that position. then again, the cuomo people are saying look at what's going on right now. we have -- you have a potential running mate who is a media darling right now. people tune in to andrew cuomo across the country, as much as they listen to the president right now. that will tell you the amount of
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star power he has. obviously he runs the biggest state with the biggest city in the country, he's done a pretty good job at least presenting new york's efforts to mobilize, to contain the virus. he's doing it in a very straightforward way. his stature has risen dramatically over the last month. so people, there are democratic party insiders who say look at this, look at the fact that you have a guy that could step in immediately to be president, he's got that type of executive experience running a state, look at a guy that can raise money, look at a guy that's very energetic and will fight. andrew cuomo is one tough s.o.b., let me tell you. if you are worried about him not fighting, it's going to be an interesting campaign if he gets involved. also, look at the polls. andrew and biden poll very well against trump and pence. put all that together, they are pushing it. i still hear very low odds. it's just too much water under the bridge right now. biden kind of locked himself in.
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we should point out one more thing. we reported last night that warren, elizabeth warren, who was running against joe biden, and she obviously dropped out of the race recently, she was about to endorse him. she did endorse him today. i hear that she is not really among the frontrunners to be his vice presidential candidate. again, too much -- too many policy differences between the two. maybe a cabinet position. but you know, not -- i don't hear she's on the top candidates for vp. again, low odds on cuomo but there is an effort led by top democratic governors to push for it. we'll see what happens. back to you. neil: all right. thank you, my friend, very very vp. charlie gasparino. that would be a big 180 if joe biden had to take back a promise he had made to put a woman on the ticket in favor of andrew cuomo. among the women that he has apparently been considering as well is the governor of michigan, in a world of controversy right now with some of the strict provisions she's
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added, the stay-at-home provisions some are saying is over the top and it's bringing out protests the likes of which we have not seen in years, saying she simply went way too far. grady trimble has been following all of that. what's the latest? reporter: well, some people here say that governor whitmer is putting such strict provisions in place because of her political aspirations. that's the complaint of some people. you can see it's hard to estimate how many people are here, but i would say in the thousands but there are cars and trucks as far as you can see and they are all protesting that stay-at-home order, not necessarily the fact that they have to stay at home but certain provisions of it that they say are arbitrary. for example, you can go on a canoe but you can't go on a motor boat. if you go to a big box store, you can get groceries and medical supplies but you can't go into the garden section to
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get seed to plant something at home, you can't go into the home improvement section. that's what they have issue with. that's what i have been hearing over and over from the people i have talked to today. listen. >> ten days, 15 days, 20 days. those days make a difference. our entire economy is tourism-based and they make it in a hundred days of the summer season or they're in trouble and they are already hurting. reporter: governor whitmer has said she supports the freedom of speech of these protesters but she doesn't want them to jeopardize the health of people like this gentleman who is coming too close to us right now. and all of these people on the steps -- i'm trying to keep my social distance, i apologize. it's difficult to do. i have reached out to michigan state police about whether they are going to do anything to enforce all of these people who are not social distancing right now and what they have told me is that so far, it's been peaceful and most people are in
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their cars social distancing so they have no need to do that. but you can see a host of people behind me who are not. neil? neil: to put it mildly. please be safe. thank you very much for that latest update on what's happening in michigan, where they are not looking at easing any of these provisions right now. if anything, tightening them up a little bit. so who will and how will we decide ultimately when these are lifted? my next guest might have a role in that. the co-founder of home depot, bernie marcus, on the phone with us right now. he is, we are told, going to join an elite group of leaders who is going to have a role in advising the president on this. among them, mark cuban, steve forbes, jeff bezos, tim cook, condoleezza rice, jamie dimon, mark zuckerberg and again, as i said, bernie marcus, joining us now, not on the phone, on skype. i can see you. very good to see you. >> good to see you. i can't see you but i'm hearing you very well.
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neil: all right. that will have to do, my friend. i'm glad to have you on. are you going to be on this advisory board and what are some of the things you would like to advise the president on when it comes to sort of easing up on restrictions? >> well, i think that the story you just filed with the michigan governor is a perfect example of a lead-in of what i would say to the governor -- to the president of the united states, and that is look, you are a businessman. i don't think anybody in congress or anywhere understands business as well as you do. you understand it's what made you successful and you are not going to allow the government to get involved where they should not be involved and here's the perfect example of bureaucratic stupidity. i mean, being able to have a canoe and not have a motor on the canoe, all those things just don't make sense when it comes to running businesses.
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if the doors open, when they finally open the doors which i hope happens shortly, this can't go on too much longer, let's say two, three weeks from now, businesses have to start thinking about how they are going to deal with it and my advice to the president is they know how to deal with it better than anybody else. a banker versus a retailer, an industrial guy versus a small restaurant, they are totally disparate and the same rules don't work for everybody. so where government can help is the areas they can help. newt gingrich put a paper out which i thought was a very interesting one and it brought up very great ideas. number one, to allow businesses to expense all capital ventures immediately. number two, fica. disallow fica for at least six months to give people the
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ability to build cash flow because business is not going to be the way it was. it's just not going to be the same thing. restaurants, when they open tomorrow, you think that people are going to start running into restaurants? it's not going to happen. i know when i walk down here, go out for my exercise and i get near people, they walk away. people are distancing themselves and if you think a restaurant opening and he has 400 people in the restaurant, it's just not going to happen in the future. he's going to have to figure out how to deal with smaller groups of people. he's going to have to figure out how to protect his employees, protect the customers and how is he going to get them back into the stores in order for them to come. everybody has a different issue they have to deal with. the airlines industry has their issues. but they are bright people, they are smart, they are already working on it.
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my advice to the president is open up the government. do the things that government does well. make sure that the numbers stay, that we have enough testing kits to take care of those people who do go to work, give some suggestions, for instance, people who are compromised, people who are older perhaps should not be moving back into the mainstream. we should be leaving that up to their own good judgment. but other than that, each industry will have their own way of dealing with it. they are smart enough, they have done it building businesses and government doesn't do a good job in this area. neil: what happens, though, bernie, if the governors and the president see things differently, the president thought he had the constitutional power to just say this is what we're going to do and obviously he doesn't have that power, but he does have the bully pulpit to sort of say this is something that we really need to do, but if governors in
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places like new york and new jersey say you know, we're not quite ready for that, doesn't that stagger the effect of this getting back to work, if key states are not part of that at least right away? >> i think his press conferences are really bad. that's my personal opinion. i think he should not have them. i think he should make announcements from the white house. it's a belligerent area, the attitude when they walk in, if you look at their faces, they are all angry, i'm talking about the reporters. the story was that he plans to open america, that he wants to get america back. he actually said the same thing, the governors will make the decisions. but when they egged him on and egged him on, he gets angry and fights out and that's not the story. the story is that the governors will open up their each states, each state is different. new york maybe a delay compared
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to nebraska compared to ohio and the governors are on site, understand what's happening in their state, know how many cases they're having, understand whether it's flattening out or whether or not it's serious, and i don't think the president meant anything like that. i just think they goaded him on and i think he said it and that's the headline. the headline should be the president wants to get this country open. that's what he wants to do. he set up his organizations to ask for advice. he's going to listen to everybody and then he's going to make decisions based on the collective agreement of all these people. which is a smart way of doing it. that's the way you do it. and listen, he helped build this economy. unfortunately, he was in office when government destroyed the economy. i leave it in his hands to help bring it back up. he's smart enough to say government, we're staying the
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hell out of your way, guys, you run your businesses, you do it the right way but you better protect your employees and you better protect your associates and your customers and make sure it's a healthy atmosphere. when it's not -- neil: fair enough. that is the goal, that is the goal he wants and he does get into these fights with reporters, and he did tweet that thing about the constitution but you're right, let bygones be bygones, mistakes be mistakes. i want to know as someone who has been very generous, yourself, very helping hospitals and the like recently, your foundation gave a little more than $2 million to the grady health care system in the greater atlanta area to address a surge in covid-19 cases. the reason why i bring it up not only because you are very generous and give millions more in the same regard, if we still have cases and still have people coming down with this and maybe say it's in the hundreds, no longer the thousands, by the end
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of the month, do you feel safe going back or trying to go back to something resembling business as usual even though as you said at the outset it won't be business as usual, in that environment where cases are still developing in this country? >> if we are going to wait until the last person has coronavirus before we open this country up, there will be nothing to open it up to. we'll have to take the risk at one point and that determination will come through the cdc, the nih, the people who really understand what's happening on a nationwide basis and that's why the governors will have to be involved. it's not going to go away. compromise, people. life will not be the same. people my age, people who are compromised, it's not going to be open where you can just go and do all the things you did before. but i think that most people
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with the right kind of protection, with the right kind of testing, will be assured to go back and work their jobs. now, this doesn't mean we're going to open up stadiums because i think that people sitting on top of each other is not going to work for a long time and i think they're going to have to figure out a way how to get these games going, how to get sports going, how they will work that issue. again, i go and say it's up to them. they're smart, they will know how to do it. look, what about a dentist? think about a dentist who works on a patient who is six inches away from him. he's got to determine, he's got to get back to work, people have to have their teeth done. by the way, that's a very deadly way of getting an infection through your teeth. and they have to get back to work the same way the hip doctor has to get back to work. there are going to be some risks but we have to be smart enough to understand when the risk is serious and somebody has to relate to that risk and make
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sure it doesn't happen again. we are smart enough now to know that there are risks out there. we didn't know this before. remember, american people, do what you want to do, go have parties, go to nightclubs, do those kind of things. that's not the way life is going to be. i think everybody today in america is sensitive to the fact that there's a new norm out there, a new norm that's not the old norm. it's a new norm that says don't be very close to people. listen, for years, i have been fist bumping. this is about 15 years now, i have been fist bumping and people thought i was crazy. they thought i was nuts. finally i had to tell one woman got very upset with me and she said you know, are you too good to shake my hand. i said no, i have a deadly disease. if you want to shake my hand i will be happy to do it. i mean, the world will change. by the way, that's an actual thing that happened with me. but i fist bump and people that
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know me automatically fist bump. i met with the president, he went to shake my hand. that's the first hand i shook in two years. but normally, i fist bump. from here on in i hope the president fist bumps or finds another way to say great to meet you. it's a new norm. it's a new life. let's get used to it. and the american people are pretty damn smart. they don't want to get sick. they want to work, they want to be out. well, they're going to have to be more careful and all the businesses that operate are going to have to be out there to adjust to them. neil: bernie, well said. now i know why people were walking away from you or walking down the street here. it's the whole fist bump thing. now i have closure on this. bernie marcus, always wise words. thank you for that and your constant generosity to help a lot of these hospitals who need that help. bernie marcus, co-founder of
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home depot. who knew, a fist bumper, all this time. i have known this guy, didn't know that. by the way, as bernie was speaking, we are hearing some rather startling news out of governor cuomo in new york, where he is going to issue an executive order that everyone in the state must wear a facial covering in public places where you cannot guarantee social distancing. in other words, walking down the street, crossing an intersection, et cetera. he is giving a three-day notice to this. if you're not on board with this, you better be within three days. separately, he's saying that new york is going to be sending 100 ventilators to michigan and 50 to maryland. he's convinced right now to pay it forward, much as the state of oregon, you recall, had done for new york, sending 400 ventilators to new york when it was in need. he had promised them if another state needed help, new york was over the worst of it, he's convinced new york is, he would return the favor and so he is. 100 ventilators to michigan, 50 to maryland. all right. we have this later on, this 2:00
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p.m. conference call, i guess you call it conference call, it will involve a lot of people, lot of governors, this advisory board that's growing by the minute, about what their issues are as far as reopening the government, getting things back to as i say something resembling normal. blake burman has been hearing a lot of the various industry groups pitches for that and what's at stake. he joins us now. hey, blake. reporter: hi, neil. these calls are coming throughout the day. there's four different batches. we are just getting our first readout, our first statement from what happened earlier this morning on the 10:00 call. that included the retail sector and the national retail federation has just put out a statement after that call in which they were involved with the president and on that call, and i want to read to you part of their statement. two sentences here, which sort of caught my eye when i was given the statement. here's from the national retail federation. they say quote, in the first three months of this crisis, it is possible that 6.1 million
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retail jobs will be lost. when the health conditions are ripe for reopening, our members will be ready to provide service to customers with effective safeguards and protocols in place. so a couple things there. for all the talk about what the president may or may not be able to do or what the governors may or may not do within each of their individual 50 states, a reminder from the national retail federation that they say they will be ready to roll when there are effective safeguards and protocols in place. such as meaning private businesses are going to have a lot of say in this as to when they want to bring their workers back, no matter what the president or no matter what governors and local mayors think or say. but also secondly, when you look at that, 6.1 million jobs lost figure, three months, i don't know if they are talking about february, march, april or march, april, may. in any event, it is a fairly staggering number when you see one industry alone, retail, the
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national retail federation predicting 6.1 million job losses alone in over just a 90-day span or so. neil? neil: that is staggering. blake, thank you very much. blake burman. still following governor cuomo and his remarks. he's going to be visiting -- this facial mask rule when you are out in public, you will be wearing them. he says the state will begin conducting 2,000 antibody tests per day starting later this week. that's the test that lets you know whether you have the antibodies in place or did. you might have had this virus and never known it. it could be a valuable tool to use about your proximity and contacts and a good gauge to use when deciding, for example, in this case, if and when to reopen the government or stagger that schedule. we are following that and the governor's plans to work in concert with the federal government in testing that it is
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doing. so the governors and the president on the same page here. a lot of that fighting that was going on and arguments over what the constitutional power to do what versus the other, that is more a moot point right now. organizing and working in concert on the issues that matter like testing, like more antibody testing, more drug testing, that is something they are all on the same page on. it's a new day for veterans all across america. home values are up, and mortgage rates are at record lows. that's good news for veterans with va loans. that's me. by using your va streamline refi benefit, one call to newday usa can save you $2,000 a year. that's me. there's no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. that's me. put your va home loan benefits to good use. call my team at newday usa.
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neil: all right. the president coming down hard on the world health organization and threatening the funding or at least the american part of the funding which is a good chunk of their funding. hillary vaughn on the latest battle back and forth because i guess the chinese are not pleased. reporter: that's right. in fact, we did get new reaction from the world health organization, the director general saying he regrets the president's decision to press pause on donation, saying they
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will find a way to make up that gap in funding from other countries. they also defended the initial criticism that they gave the president back in late january for choosing to put a temporary ban on incoming flights coming from china. the w.h.o. saying today that they did that because at the time, they did not know how contagious coronavirus was. >> we were dealing with a completely new virus. all potential, in the initial reports, where there was no mention of human transmission, there was a cluster of atypical pneumonia or pneumonia of unknown origin. reporter: the united states is the w.h.o.'s biggest donor. 20% of the budget comes from mandatory dues paid by members and the rest is voluntary donations. in 2018 and 2019, the united states handed over more cash than any other country and gave ten times more than china did. the u.s. donations topped $893
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million. china shelled out just $86 million during the same time frame. white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany tweeting today the 90-day pause on donations to the organization is about holding them accountable for what they call its bias favoring china. the president yesterday said the data coming from china was misinformation meant to mislead other countries. >> this would have saved thousands of lives and avoided worldwide economic damage. instead, the w.h.o. willingly took china's assurances to face value and they took it just at face value and defended the actions of the chinese government, even praising china for its so-called transparency. i don't think so. the w.h.o. pushed china's misinformati misinformation. reporter: neil, the president says he won't consider resuming those donations until the w.h.o. makes major reforms and he even floated an idea yesterday of
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starting his own global partnership like the w.h.o. with other countries. neil? neil: hillary, thank you very much. hillary vaughn following all of that. we've got darrell issa joining us, the former california congressman who wants to be a future california congressman. darrell, what do you make of this back-and-forth over funding for the world health organization? whatever people's views on it, do you think now is the time to be waging it in the middle of fighting this pandemic? >> well, there's always a good time to wage the argument about whether or not you are getting the truth and facts, whether you can rely on it. let's remember they already have nearly a billion dollars of our money in their operating fund. the cdc and all these other agencies are taking care of the united states so essentially, we have given them a gift to help the rest of the world but let's understand, if there is simply going to be a billboard for information coming from member countries, you can run a
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billboard for less than billions of dollars. if they are going to be a source of real analytical research and medicine and people who they dispatch to get the truth, that's what we paid for and ten years ago, i visited them during a previous minor pandemic by comparison and they told me then that they didn't have the ability to stop a pandemic, only to spot it early and alert the members. in this case, they failed in what they said they would do, which was spot it early, and honestly alert the members. neil: you know, congressman, when we hear this finger pointing at the world health organization, what it knew and how much it knew, do you ever hear the president's critics who say it's just a way of him taking the attention off of him and whether he has any culpability here? a lot of signs, a lot of fears were missed by a lot of folks,
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but that this is a way to say this isn't me, this is the world health organization? >> well, there's plenty of blame to go around. in china, obviously, they lied to us about what they really had on their hands. the world health organization was culpable and should be held accountable. the cdc and many of our leaders, including the mayor of new york, lots of people in both parties, gave us false statements including just a few weeks ago, nobody needs masks, please just let the health care people have it. today we are about to be told you must wear one. so i think there's plenty of shifting truths here. we as -- neil: you know what i get, congressman, on this story, the one thing that worries me, though, sir, is that it's a lot of finger pointing and that might be warranted, and talk about, you know, they bought what the chinese are saying hook, line and sinker but the president was among those who said china has been working very
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hard to contain the coronavirus. he said this back on january 24th. the united states greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. so i'm just wondering, if we're looking at culpability or we're looking at people who botched something, shouldn't we be fair and balanced and consistent about it? by that measure, the president was hoodwinked and fooled or at the very least ignored warnings by people like peter navarro who said there is a crisis, a virus crisis on our hands. i'm not saying the world health organization doesn't have some 'splaining to do but doesn't the president have some 'splaining to do? >> first of all, i have known peter navarro for a very long time. he's always on one side of an issue so he's predictable. the president is a two-handed leader. he will always talk about china in the most derisive terms for what they do wrong. he will also talk about his friendship on the other hand with xi and with -- and
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essentially give them credit. that's his style. i think it's worked for him. people know that he is no better friend but he also will turn on you when you are doing wrong. in this case, that's the kind of behavior -- neil: congressman, he called them transparent. he called the chinese transparent. he said and insisted they were transparent and they were doing good work. so you can't have it both ways. if, for example, he regrets saying that now and maybe in retrospect it was a poor thing to say, then it wasn't only the world health organization saying it, right? >> well, look, there's no question at all china is not transparent. china is not forthcoming. today china is not giving us honest answers. we can look at how many people are being cremated and it doesn't match the amount of people they say are dying. so there's no question at all that there's some ambiguiity
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there. to a certain extent i will take that one as appropriate. even now, the w.h.o. is still trying to say the president was premature in shutting down travel from china even though it turns out to have saved a great many american lives and if he had to do it over again, i'm sure he would have shut down travel from europe, particularly people who had become infected in italy, sooner. but you know, you can't do these things over again. you can only do the best you can do with the information you have at the time. today, we are having an argument about what is an essential service in california and i got to tell you, a marijuana clinic is essential and a church isn't. it's not like any of our leaders aren't making tough decisions, some of them just not right. neil: congressman, thank you for taking the time. just wanted to get a little bit of clarity on this. we will see how things go in your fine state and whether some of these provisions are loosened. the dow is down about 500 points here. when we come back, maye musk,
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you know her son elon, but maye is a fascinating figure. how she has been helping out and helping the fashion industry in particular in the middle of all this coronavirus stuff, because that's an industry that has been very very hard hit by the way, among so many others. her prescription to get them back on their feet, after this. i have always wanted to be a teacher. i've been teaching for over 20 years. with everything going on, we've had to alter our classroom settings. we have to transition into virtual learning. on the network, we can have teachers face-to-face with a student in live-time. they can raise their hand and ask questions. they can type questions. we just need to make sure that the education is continuing. (vo) at verizon, we're here and we're ready to keep students and teachers connected to the world.
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that's why verizon and "the new york times" are offering 14 million students free digital access to "times" journalism.
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neil: governor cuomo certainly making a lot of news today. the latest steps he's taking to make sure everyone honors the crackdowns that are in effect, then what happens after that. jacq jackie? jackie: that's right. while everyone is staying at home obeying the orders to socially distance, you are going to see some construction sites here in the city still up and running because essential business needs to get done.
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of course, there is some question about what is deemed essential and that's quite controversial. right now, it's being classified as essential as emergency work, anything that has to do with emergency services like water, heat, gas, electricity, work that affects life, health, safety, that kind of thing. on this site that i'm standing at here in midtown, this is an mta site. it is deemed essential. i spoke to a couple of construction workers here who told me they are not being paid extra to work right now, but of course, they are doing it for their paycheck and to make sure that they have a job when this is all over. but they are concerned whether they can social distance, whether their ppe equipment is actually the most effective. most of them don't have n95 masks, they just have paper masks. now, there's no federal mandate on construction projects right now. the states are taking it into their own hands. in new york city, if you go to a website, you can see what projects are essential, what projects aren't, but there are a lot of housing projects where
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people are still working. actually, you can see behind me even though they have masks on, they are still quite close. it's difficult to get this work done and socially distance at the same time. they told me they are scared, they are worried they are going to contract the virus and they are wondering how much longer this is going to go on. now, the question of course is when life goes back to normal, whatever normal looks like for you, me, for these workers here, are they going to continue to want to work as seven million of them are employed across the country and the president is saying infrastructure and hiring for new projects is going to be one way to get everybody back to work, neil. neil: thank you very, very much. as jackie talked about that one sector and one state that's peeling the pinch right now, but think about all the industries, the restaurant industry, what's happening in manufacturing, that has been seriously buffeted by what's happening on the coronavirus and stay-at-home provisions that have all but stopped business.
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then there's the fashion industry. yeah, the fashion industry. it has been hollowed out right now because, well, people can't leave their homes, everything is stopped, and along comes maye musk to turn things around. the supermodel, cover girl model, bestselling author and oh, yes, the mother of that elon musk guy, joins us right now. maye musk, thank you for coming. good to have you. on the phone: thank you very much for inviting me. neil: let's talk a little about what you are trying to do for the fashion industry. i was reading through a lot of your stuff, what you are talking about here, but it is i would widespread, that industry has been decimated like so many others and you are trying to help out. how are you doing that? >> well, img models, i model for them and the fashion industry has been supporting models all my life. i have been modeling since i was 15 and now i'm in my 70s. when img models said would i
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help support runway for relief, in other words, models will walk the runway at home, safer at home, to raise funds for initiatives for young struggling designers who have had to close down and so families still have to eat and people forget about the people who are making the clothes, people who are working in the stores that are closed, the truck drivers who are driving the clothes to the stores, they are all now out of work. we need to think of these young struggling designers and see if we can support them so we have this initiative together with "vogue." neil: you know, you are that standout in the modeling industry that you are over 70 years old, you don't look it, but you have taken an industry that's known for young people
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and turned it upside down, and i'm wondering how you pulled that off. because if you think about it, it's a tough environment for models, period. now you have a wild card like the whole virus thing where older workers, models as well, i guess, have to be very very careful. what about you? >> well, of course all my modeling jobs are canceled and also my speaking engagements and book launches, all that kind of thing, and we just have to wait it out and see, you know, how the decisions are made and if you have savings, you are very fortunate. however, for many people, it's going to be really hard and for most of my life, if i had to stop working even for a week, i don't know how i could have fed my three children, so i feel for these people because where do you find funding. this is why i'm so happy there will be a fund to help these
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struggling designers. neil: do you take any precautions yourself with the virus? you are in that group where, you know, they have to be extra careful, you have to be extra careful, gosh, i have to be extra careful. has it changed the way you live? >> oh, it changes everyone's lives. you are pretty much at home and wear a mask and gloves when i walk my dog which is three times a day, just a quick walk. and you just have to look after yourself, stay in your house if you can. i eat very well, i definitely think [ inaudible ] cinnabon because we are at a high risk, in the high risk category. fortunately, i don't have any underlying factors. of course, i do eat very well and i stay active so i'm fortunate that way.
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neil: you know, in reading a little about you, your thoughts on your children, especially elon who you didn't show any favoritism for over the other two, very much achieved offspring here, but you did say his nickname growing up was genius boy. apparently he loved to read encyclopedias and would memorize them and spit out the facts. what was that about? >> well, you know, we were quite happy that he's a genius boy because it's a huge responsibility he's taken on and yeah, he can see the future, you know. it's just wonderful. neil: you had said people often ask me how i have raised such successful kids. i did it by letting them follow their interests. if they preferred to start a business and you think it's a good idea, support them. teach your children good manners, but let them decide what they want. you said i love my kids, i'm proud of them for everything they've accomplished, but you go on to say that you didn't spoil them growing up and you didn't
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want them having all these luxuries. at the time that was a luxury you couldn't afford. how did they deal with that growing up? >> they had no problem with it at all. if they had asked for something, i couldn't afford it. i mean, we ate very inexpensively, we didn't go to restaurants or movies or anything like that. and they just accepted that. they never complained and i think if they did, i wouldn't hear them. it was always a happy home. then of course when they were teenagers they started working. that's what's great. it helped me a lot. also, i worked long hours so they needed to keep busy. neil: you know, read one story about you, so many great stories, but one is that rather than -- you were intrigued by your son elon's tesla model, the 3, but rather than use an inside like yeah, i run this company,
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it's my son, you went online to order one. did he ever know that? did he ever say mom, i could have gotten you one? >> well, i went online to order one, then when it sate it's available, i said to elon i think i'm going to get the tesla 3. he said if you want a tesla, i will get you the new eest s. he got me the newest one so i have a beautiful new model s. neil: you know -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> we need to get back to runway for relief. neil: we need to get back to normal fast, one way or the other. you know, you have a background where you were raised in south africa, later in canada, now of course you are globally famous. the whole globe is dealing with this virus stuff and you've dealt with adversity, you dealt with a very very tough divisive
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divorce. i'm wondering, any tips you have for people looking at this and saying will this ever end, this is killing us, this is, forget about just being inconvenient, it's tough, lot of us are feeling the pressure losing our jobs and give them some advice. >> well, the thing is, it will get better. we still have to follow the rules because we need to stay healthy and safe. but you know, you need to keep yourself occupied at home, catch up on things, be sure to eat well, don't gain weight, you know, don't put yourself at risk. and we just need to know that it will get better and you know, my book has a lot of inspiration in it because i went through hard times and that's what my kids said i should do. but you know, the fashion industry supported me from all my life, you know, and now i'm
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doing couture work the last four years which has made me more famous. social media, get on to social media and see where you can make yourself happy. neil: all right. i'm glad we are talking to each other remotely because the stuff you said about watch what you eat when sheltering at home, i haven't done that. maybe i should follow your advice. maye musk, very good having you on. the book is "a woman makes a plan, advice for a lifetime of adventure, beauty and success." thank you very much. be well, be safe. >> thank you so much. neil: more after this. every financial plan needs a cfp® professional --
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neil: all right. here's how successful the small business loan program has been. it's running out of money. $350 billion worth, $250 billion in additional funding remains sort of tied up in political squabble. ed lawrence on the latest. ed? reporter: yeah, neil, administration officials are telling me the program could run out of money tomorrow. republicans and democrats both agree that more money should be added. they just can't figure out how to get there. the talks, though, still going on. treasury secretary steven mnuchin had a phone call this
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morning with senator chuck schumer to try and work this out, but just look at the numbers. the demand on this. 13 days into the program, it's already written 1,340,000 loans with help of more than $296 billion to small businesses. that's getting very close to the limit of $350 billion in the und if. now, john miller, the ceo of community bank in las vegas said this is vital for those communities so small businesses don't just close up and go away. >> i was born and raised in las vegas. it's a small town. driving down the strip and seeing lights out has been emotional and as a community bank, we feel that. everyone shows up early and stays late but the highs of the program have definitely been getting money to places like boys and girls club. reporter: he was getting emotional while talking about this help. he thinks more money would help
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more businesses in the communities there. it's just how to get there. community banks have led the way on this. in the beginning, the first ten days or so. then the big banks started to really process through. now, let's turn to those direct payment checks, the stimulus part of cares going directly to americans. a senior treasury official tells me that now 80 million americans have those checks in their bank accounts. that was ahead of schedule. the paper checks, i'm told, are also ahead of schedule to go out friday is the first ones being mailed to americans. i confirmed from an official the checks will have president donald trump's name in the memo section of those but again, ahead of schedule for that much-needed help. the irs also added a link to their website. what that link does, it allows you to check on the status of your stimulus check as well as change your direct deposit information if for some reason you need to or don't have a relationship with a bank that you had on your last taxes. neil?
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neil: real quickly on the $250 billion in extra funding, they wanted to have a virtual vote on that so they wouldn't all have to come back to washington but that doesn't look possible. they are pushing back the time they can physically get back to washington as a result, so is this going to happen? reporter: well, so this is why senator mitch mcconnell is saying that he will give a 24-hour notice for senators. they have already been put on this notice to get on a plane, come back to washington, d.c. that's why the treasury secretary is trying to work this out today so those senators could be back tomorrow or friday to add money to the fund but it looks like you added independent contractors and the self-employed and the numbers just ballooned. this fund is in a lot of demand right now and at $296 billion already, you have only got about $50 billion left. they are generating or processing loans about $22 billion a day. you can see how it's quickly running out. neil: edward lawrence, thank you
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i don't know if our next guest is middle of that, waiting for that. a mortgage banker by training, but runs the ale house in hoboken new jersey, popular drink establishment. joe, how are you holding up? i know your business had to close. i know how tough it is in the mortgage business, so you have a double-whammy. more to your establishment, you're trying to protect the workers but it must be getting tough. >> yeah, it is definitely hard, neil. i look at my ale house family i have to protect them. i'm self-funding the business, paying benefits, paying for my workers to do certain things around the bar to get them income as well as unemployment. i'm looking at this after i hit a wall with insurance for, you know, i can't get the work loss because it is a pandemic, i went to the sba. i go to the sba.
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sba tells me go to the bank. bank with capital one. capital one -- i can't even put in my application yet. it is been very difficult, very frustrating. neil: obviously you want to take advantage of this. now you're hearing, i don't know if you did, prior report, the money is quickly running out. you might have to wait for the extra 250 billion. you could be out of luck. >> i am hoping that is not the case, neil. my workers are my family. my business, i don't know how without the extra personal injection into the business how we overcome when we reopen. because things will change. i saw your piece, he is right, business is going to change. we have to be prepared for it. neil: how would you prepare for that, joe? almost everyone tells me you're the expert? you can crowd a lot of people in your place. it is very, very popular. you're a big reason why but if
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all of a sudden, distancing continues, how are you going to do that in your place? >> well, we're, luckily we're locally-driven joint. the locals have come together with a gofundme page for them. people are pretipping the bartenders right now to give them a little extra cash to get through this we will prevail, just a matter of getting locals back in, taking proper precautions to make everybody safe. we'll have to endure it, get through it. neil: i wonder, joe, we talked about this here, about americans who might be reluctant to go back out in crowded situations either in places like yours, certainly in stadiums and sporting events, movie theaters and the like that will be a different world to put it mildly. maybe for a while. does that worry you? >> it does. we've always been a local, a local you know, popular local place. we have our pool teams, we have
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our shuffleboard teams, weapon have our dart teams, people will come out around take precaution. almost like extended family. i think people will watch out for each other and making it safe for everyone. i just hope the, for me, for my purposes, i'm hopeful i get a little bit of assistance from the sba. i'll hoping time doesn't run out on me. neil: governor murphy in your state of new jersey, has been hinting things won't get book to normal, despite what the president recommends, joe, states like new jersey, new york, start up a policy everyone wearing masks that could be delayed. the nation gets back to business, not you new jersey, nt new york what do you think about that? >> what i was considering when they allow to us reopen, taking
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good with the bad. maybe we do ale house max, you have to have a mask when you come in. doing some type of branding product that way to get people to come out, look, we're safe. we're heavily trafficked bar for locals for puppies, dogs, maybe i don't want to say capitalize, give people a reason. look you have to be safe to come in here. we're taking precautions to keep it safe for you. doing all the bleaching, cleaning, purell stations at the entrance and exits. so we're going to try to do the best we can. this is unknown for everybody i believe. neil: all right. well good luck, joe. you're a big heart trying to look after your people to take care of them. it is hard to do. owner of ale house and mortgage banking. has a double-whammy. maybe generous to a fault but hopefully things work out. as he and i were chatting we're
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learning a little bit of that committee, that advisory committee that will help the president decide when and how exactly to reopen things, jeff bezos of amazon fame. mark zuckerberg of facebook joining the committee. that is a who's who, former fda commissioner bernie marcus a lost people. to charles payne now. charles: thank you very much. good afternoon, everyone, i'm charles payne. this is "making money." stocks are swinging back into the red today when we get confirmation when the economic off switch is abruptly hit. retail sales, empire state manufacturing, homebuilders confidence, industrial production, you name it, all confirming the pain but how might a recovery look? we're going to go over the potential types of recovery ahead and how your portfolio should be positioned. also president trump freezing funding to the w.h.o. over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic. is now the right time?


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