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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 17, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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week. we have a market up 704 points on the day. that does it for connell and i. "lou dobbs tonight" starts now. [♪] lou: good evening, everybody. a number of important developments and all of them related to the wuhan virus contagion. the chinese coronavirus continues to spread around the world, infecting millions, killing tens of thousands of people. today the united states mounted what sources call a full-scale investigation of china's cover-up of the spread of the deadly wuhan virus while it was killing citizens in the hubei province the president xi jinping was covering up
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information. the result of the chinese communist party's lies and president xi's overt and deadly decision not to tell western governments about the disease he unleashed resulted in the killing of almost 150,000 people of worldwide. the sickening of 2.2 million more. the contagion is far from controlled. the pandemic unleashed by the chinese government killed 32,000 americans and infected 700,000 more. fox news has learned intelligence agencies are gathering information about the laboratory at the wuhan institute of virology, trying to piece together a timeline of what the chinese government knew, and the intelligence community will report their
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finding to the white house so the president can determine how to hold china accountable, whether to hold china accountable. while bureaucrats in the intelligence community have worked to undercut president trump. pieced together a report we already know. individuals and business owners continue to struggle. the radical dimms refuse to push through another 2 billion for the paycheck protection program. an economics advisor larry kudlow sharing the frustration of many american business owners and employees, demanding congress make it happen. >> 13.5% of the workforce is
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unemployed. it's not because of what they have done. it's not because workers are slackening off. it's because of the coronavirus. so what is the congress waiting for? lou: as that do-nothing group of democrats ignore the suffering of millions of american workers and their families, president trump is working tirelessly to restore the country's health and the three-year economic boom. president trump making plans to restart the economy saying states with lowering numbers of the coronavirus could begin to open the first of may, and perhaps sooner. ple -- three phases, each lastig 14 days. it includes good personal hygiene and washing your hands.
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employers developing policies to insure social distancing. more testing and contact tracing. and president trump emphasizing a return to normalcy. he says it will come one careful step at a time. president trump: we can begin the next front in our war which we are calling opening up america again. we must have a working economy. and we want to get it back very, very quickly. and that's what's going to happen. i believe it will boom. lou: but some governors who agree they can't keep their states shuttered indefinitely are still whining and finding a way to attack the president. just listen to this from new york democrat andrew cuomo. >> don't pass the buck with our passing the bucks.
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don't ask the states to do this. it's up to the governors, up to the governors. okay. is there any funding so i can do these things that you want us to do? no. lou: president trump making it clear today he has had enough of cuomo's caustic partisan moaning. the president unload on him in a tweet. it reads governor cuomo should spend more time doing and less time complaining. get out there and get the job done. stop talking. we built you thousands of hospital beds that you didn't need or use. gave large numbers of ventilators thanked you should have had, and helped you with testing you should be doing. we have given new york far more money, help and equipment than any other state by far. and these great men and women who did the job never hear you
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say thanks. your numbers are not good. less talk and more action. the president's private-public partnerships are beginning to pay off in the search for drugs and vaccines. more signs of progress this evening. scientists and doctors get closer to a treatment and possibly a vaccine with which to fight the wuhan virus. an experimental drug from gilead called remdesivir showing positive signs. patients in that trial had rapid recoveries from fees and respiratory symptoms and nearly all the patients in that trial with severe stages of the disease were released in less than a week. joining us is dr. mehmet oz. i must saved without too much
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emphasis on investors, but they seem to be at least in terms of practicing medicine, they seem to be very convinced that this drug from gilead is the real deal. your thoughts? >> remdesivir is a medication that has been used and tried for other illnesses in the past. it's very effective against the rna viruses because it gets into the cell and impersonates the enzymes that reproduce the virus and that stops the virus from growing. the anti-virals are promising across the board. they haven't been shown in clinical trials, it's too early. but this information revealed the sickest of the sick, it's resulting in patients being able to get past their fevers.
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it's not a randomized trial. when they report out the results, it won't be a randomized trial. it doesn't mean it works as well as we think it has to work to get past the muster doctors usually have. lou: the excitement among investors with these anti-virals. i should disclose i own a number of the stocks. none of them purchased before the public's knowledge of these potentialities. i think the anti-virals are really taking on a lot of the attention. the prospect of vaccines. there seems to be more of a balanced view on that, understanding it's going to take a while -- i say a balanced view of among investors. what is your judgment on the prospect for a vaccine in has it
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improved much since we last talked? >> i believed the vaccine technology is advancing very rapidly. there are clever ideas we are already developing that saved a lot of time in the development of these vaccines. instead of years with the ingenuity of inventors around the world we'll have vaccines within a year. which means the other drugs like remdesivir and that family of medications can play a role in keeping people healthy. particularly people with preexisting conditions that represent 90% of the hospitalizations. the cascade that happens when people yoaf react to the virus and by mistake start hurting their own cells. they are all cutting edge because the virus is brand-new. but i'm encouraged by the early
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data. lou: your reaction to the three phases the cdc put forward for a return to normalcy in slow and safe steps? >> i got to say i think most folks who study public health agree these are wise paths to take. but they are the public health measures which is testing and tracing, there is health system issues, do you have enough capacity of beds. will you have have enough ventilators, protective equipment, masks and hats and gloves. and the individual responsible. social distancing, if you are less than 6 feet away for more than 10 minutes you not social distancing.
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develop eve quaitiono -- develop equations in your own minds. and personal hygiene. there is a getting criteria. there will be 14 days of continually watching how many cases come in. if the cases are decreasing that means you are doing well. and theoretically an area could move through in 1 1/2 months. and people who are vulnerable with chronic illnesses and co-morbidities. these folks you don't want them out in the public in the early phases because i don't want them getting sick. the management of these patients is much more complicated when they get ill. lou: doctor, as always we appreciate you being with us. thank you so much. stay safe. up next, the fbi's christopher
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way is under some considerable pressure two republican senators. they are urning him to provide answers about the fbi's politically corrupt investigation of president trump. investigative journalist john solomon joins us with more. communist china sought to dominate the world and america's military, america's economy and intelligence for years. how close are they? we take up their thirst for power and how it helped them cover up the spread of the deadly wuhan virus. customizes your insurance, so you only pay for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lou: china not content to try to dominate global economy and decimate the united states with the unleashing of the deadly wuhan virus. according to a new report since february 1 electric panda, a china-linked hacking group carrying out cyber attacks on the united states is trying to steal u.s. classified information from nearly 40
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government contractors that specialize in healthcare technology and china meanwhile also continues to try estimated to be to steal $600 billion of u.s. intellectual property every year. they have shown no signs of abaiting. china's efforts of trying to sabotage the united states and penetrate u.s. intelligence began years before the wuhan virus pandemic. comien a had jailed or -- china jailed or killed a dozen cia assets? china. china even shot one of them in front of a government building as a warning to others. joining us, general jack keane. retired four star general, fox
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business strategic analyst. he recently received the presidential medal of freedom from president trump. these are perilous times and becoming by the day more so. this is -- we have very little in the way of intelligence about china. at least that has been publicly learned. how difficult does that make what is being promised to be a full-scale investigation of the wuhan be laboratory and the virus president xi unleashed on the world. >> the chinese communist party is have much a closed organization and has only elites around them. to penetrate that is certainly difficult. it would be almost impossible to be able to get conclusive evidence without an informant or without china's willingness to
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investigate and talk to the scientists and doctors who worked there. and that's not going to happen. the circumstantial evidence around this leads one to conclude it likely did come from there. and we know china has not conducted any full-scale investigation to determine what the origin is. they had two stories out there. one is the u.s. military brought it to the world in october and that's been debunked. the other one is it originated in a so-called wet market in wuhan city. but that's been debunked because the scientists inside china already revealed information that the original people who were infected by the virus had not been in the wet market. so we know that china has been deceptive about the origin. they have been deceptive about the spread.
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they have been lying through their teeth about all of this. the world is coming to grips with china because it revealed so much about who the ccp, the chinese communist party, really are. nations will have to reassess their relationship with china based on what happened here. they are paranoid about their public image internationally and domestically. this has rocked them, what is taking place on a world stage. and how they are being looked at through a different prism. i am hoping this will have a positive effect on the feckless european nations who have their arms around china but are looking at it through a different prism. lou: at least one of them, the
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united kingdom has apparently come to grips with the fact that they seriously misunderstood who the chinese are and already announced they are undergoing a reevaluation of their relationship. to me this is a moment that is so vivid for everyone. that there should be very little discussion necessary amongst the allies of this country. we know for a fact it's not just simply a view, we know for a fact that president xi refused to tell the western world that he had unleashed this disease. and we can discuss all we want the circumstantial evidence revolving about what happened in that laboratory. but the reality is the communist government of china knew what they were unleashing on the world and didn't tell a single leader of the western world what was going to happen.
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he absolutely directly without any question is responsible for the deaths of now 150,000 people of. wele alwe -- we all know that nr will rise, hopefully not dramatically. buff it will rise in the further infection of people all around the world. how can we ignore that basic fundamental reality? >> i totally agree with you. what is most revealing about the intent and absolute reckless behavior is when he shut down wuhan city and hubei province he shut down all the air traffic coming out of there as well as the ground traffic surrounding the place to even sure it was closed in. he was trying to protect his power centers. , and the financial power centers.
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but he did not shut down international flights. and if he knew at that time that he had a serious epidemic on his hands that would threaten him and his power center in beijing and was taking that draconian action, but yet he:permitted international flights, doesn't that reveal to the world his intent was to let it spread, let it become a world pandemic. that alone puts him right in the bull's-eye. lou: i think you are exactly right. it's unequivocal what he did, and it's unequivocal his intention. the fact of the matter is the world will have to come to terms with it because he just killed 150 million people. and we have allies trying to talk like this is an academic issue that bears further study.
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another european union report. i hope this government under this president doesn't indulge in this nonsense as a cover to inaction and passivity. this president rolled back all of the so-called strategic patience of the obama regime. it would be a shame for anyone to find comfort in that approach in this serious matter. how should we respond, general? >> i think it's a huge strategic opportunity. if we can work it with the other nations, and secretary pompeo is out front on this. and stitch together a huge multi lateral response to this and hold them accountable for it. people are talking about retribution for money. china doesn't care about that. what they truly care about is their image. that's their achilles heel.
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if we come to an agreement of that china spread this as a pandemic and hold them accountable for that in a way no country has been held accountable in the world before, that will truly get to them. what are they trying to do? they are trying to protect their domestic base. they know their problem has always been, and the thing they fear more than any adversary in the world is they fear their own people. and their own people's lack of trust in their government. they have a basic social compact with their people. you can be prosperous in this country and seek as much economic benefit as you want. but you will let the communist chinese party have authority over you. that's the basic social compact there. if this could break that compact, they are in veal
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trouble. lou: general, we appreciate it. good to have you with us. more than 30,000 americans have been killed by this virus unleashed by the chinese. the accounting will get much larger by the day. we thank you very much, general. general jack keane. new evidence of corruption and disregard for any kind of law and order by the fbi leadership itself under president obama. during its politically corrupt investigation of the trump campaign it only got worse. o qur every move. like this left turn. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you're always so late. i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that's the nicest thing you ever said to me.
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president trump for being too soft on china. that's peculiar because a year ago biden dismissed the chinese as not a threat at all to the united states. too china is going to eat our lunch? come on, man. they are not bad folks. they are not competition for us. lou: whose soft on who? -- who's soft on who? ron johnson is asking christopher way to hand overall documents from the crossfire hurricane investigation. they want to know what part of the investigation was infected by the discredited fraudulent
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dossier. and claims they knew as early as the summer of 2016 when the president was a candidate and while the fbi was spying on him. joining us tonight, investigative reporter john solomon and editor-in-chief of his new media outlet, "just the news." more and more is being revealed. it's great to have you. more and more is being revealed but it all is much the same thing. it's all about fbi official political corruption. and this is even more emphatically damning because it's very clear that the fbi under presiden --that the fbi ut obama knew that's a dips information russian campaign
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with pane mi-6 former operative was at the center of the investigation and effort to overthrow the man who would become the president of the united states. this is outrageous. and it gets more outrageous by the day, because no one has been held accountable. >> in my worst nightmare i could never imagine what would have come out this week. the level of information that the fbi had that raised red flags that they should never have entertained christopher steele as a confidential informant is overwhelming. one of the people he was talking to was a russian intelligence official who was under surveillance. they had a separate fisa on him. his other source disowned it. he's paid by hillary clinton. some of his information is disproven right away.
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christopher steele should never have been shown a door inside the fbi. instead we sustained 2 1/2 years in an investigation into a false allegation that put the process through an unnecessary process. lou: this was an attempt to overthrow the president. this was an attempt to align the entire fbi with russian intelligence objectives and missions. and this should result not in a discussion about the unseemliness of a sordidly politically correct officialdom of the fbi under president obama. it should be about a sinister cabal operating in the fbi and the justice department and the intelligence agencies to overthrow a president. we have not been talking about the wrong things. but our leadership in washington has been caulking about the
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wrong things and feeding us pablum when in point of fact they are refusing to bring these people to justice. i say refusing. this is outrageous that we are having this discussion in 2020. it's outrageous. we are talking about four years ago. >> it's taken a very long time. part of the reason is the fbi and intelligence community are very good at object few skating and hiding the truth. falsify documents which they did in this case. they have donnell a good job. but there is some fairly significant evidence at this very moment, this week, the last couple weeks that there is some criminal investigative activity that will result in some actions. there could be a handful of indictments. i think one important thing. the fbi had something right.
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there was a campaign taking russian if and trying to influence the election. it just wasn't donald trump's campaign. it was hillary clinton with christopher steele and his russian informants. one of the documents that are still sitting out there unchallenged, the intelligence assessment. our intelligence community said the russians were trying to help trump win and hillary lose. that does not appear to be the case from the new body of evidence. lou: i think it's been clear for a long time. this is evidence supporting what we already knew in my judgment. i think it american people are just tired of getting shined on with pablum. thank you, john solomon. thanks. up next the naval ship come sport expanding its reach for treating patients with the wuhan virus. we'll stalk with the man who commands the ship when we come
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lou: the usns comfort, the u.s. navy ship is docked in manhattan, the epicenter of the country's largest hot spot for the wuhan virus. and it will begin seeing patients from the philadelphia area as well during the wuhan
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virus pandemic. the navy ship is treating 163 patients and has a huge capacity. as many as 1,000 beds available. joining us tonight is the man who runs the ship, captain joseph o'brien, captain, it's great to have you with us. we appreciate all you are doing for the fellow citizens struck with this awful disease. give us a sense, if this mission is as severe as you expected or more so? >> thanks for having us. our mission was to come up here and provide relief for the new york city hospitals. originally we focused on non-covid possible tough patients. but we switched to covid
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patients. they are getting high quality care from the doctors downstairs. they are doing good work and we are making a difference. lou: the capacity, the number of patients you are seeing we expected even more given the way in which the virus has been raining through the new york metropolitan area. >> we were a relief valve for the new york city hospitals. fortunately they weren't joe whelmed. we have been able to take some relief off of them. we are taking some of the more complex patients. we have 900 to a thousand patients we have seen. i think we are making a difference taking some strain off the hospitals. lou: we thank you for doing so. give us a sense of the types of
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illness and disease, and the treatments you are providing for patient on board the comfort. >> we have about 19 or 20 people on ventilators. that's pretty complex, and that's for advanced stage of covid. the good news is we are getting people off the ventilators. but they are coming with a lot of co-morbidities. and the doctors are having to treat not just the covid symptoms, but the patient as a whole. we are fixing issues with patients that come in. we are treating the whole people and covid is part of that. lou: the success rate you are having with dealing with patients with the wuhan virus. >> so the covid patients -- we are showing good results. a couple people are coming oven
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*s. which is always a good sign. they are doing prone feeding and manipulations to make sure better breathing for patients in the icu. we discharged 80 patients since we have been here. that's a good sign we are getting people get better and getting back into their normal lives. lou: we appreciate it, captain. we thank you so much and all the folks serving on the comfort serving the nation and of course providing such good care for the patients in the metropolitan area of new york and philadelphia. thank you, sir. we appreciate your time and all you are doing. >> it's good to be here and glad we can help out. lou: michigan's radical dimm governor gretchen whitmer attracts a lot of attention because she does particularly
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peculiar things. she is defending abortion in the midst of the wuhan virus. we'll take up year explanation with pastor robert jeffress. we look forward to his analysis. stay with us. nowadays you do more from home than ever before.
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sthet *. lou:en wall street today a rally the finish be of the weak. the dew jones industrials rallying big. up 7005 points. the nasdaq up 118 points. a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio
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network. china forced dozen of churches to take down their crosses from rooftops arguing that nothing can be higher than the chinese national flag. telling churches in one province to stop all online prayers. and those churches today therk in secret will be rooted out. michigan governor gretchen whitmer continues to dwrab headlines. she somehow believes abortions are an ahe december session were -- she somehow believes abortions are an he session service. >> a woman's life, it's fundamental to life. it's not something 0 government should be getting in the middle
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of. lou: joining us tonight is pastor robert jeffress. pastor of the first baptist church of dallas. i want to get your reaction to whitmer. she is nothing if not a magnet for media attention. >> she is a lunatic is what she is. this is sheer madness. when you think about what she is saying. most states are banning elective surgeries in order to take care of victims of the wuhan virus. and by elective services they are talking about cancer surgeries or heart procedures. they are saying no to that and saying only essential surgery which would be taking care of these patients. here you have this governor saying killing children is an essential sum are you and she calls it life sustaining.
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life sustaining for whom? this is madness. it reminds me of the verse in the bible when it says whoa to those who call evil good and good evil. i think republicans in november need to make the democrats own this absolutely insane position. lou: an insane position. let's take a look at some of the businesses that essential in michigan at least. i'm sure you will be pleased with this list if we can put that up for everyone to see. the governor has decided these are essential businesses. liquor stores, abortion clinics, marijuana retailers and lottery vendors. pastor, there seems to be a real message in what the governor has approved as essential in
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michigan. doesn't there? >> it is. and it's happening in other states mainly run by democrat governors. in kansas you have two baptist pastors suing the governor because she is allowing other groups to meet in more than groups of 10, airports, malls, but infringing on the rights of christians. i just got off a conference call with president trump and faith leaders. thank god and i mean that literally, he and his department of justice are going after states that are discriminating against churches and providing so-called essential services. i'm glad we have a president championing religious liberty during this time. lou: in the consultation with the president and religious leaders on the reopening of
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churches today. give us what you think is the most important part of that process. >> we had a wonderful phone call about an hour or so ago. it included leaders from every faith group in america. everybody was on the same page as the president. wants to open houses of worship as soon as it is safe. not one minute before, not one minute afterwards. the president understands both work and worship are essential in american life. and we are all grateful for that. the latest statistic says 49% of americans are suffering from type of mental health issue because of the wuhan virus problems being caused right now. we are reminding ourselves in worship that there is a god who is in control and who loves us. the president understands that and that's why i often say on
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your show, this is the most faith-friendly president in the history of the united states of america. lou: he has been extraordinary. he has done precisely what he said he would do as a candidate. which is restore the church, faith, to the public square. pastor robert jeffress. always good to see you. we'll be right back. stay with us. understand why. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? . . . but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those. so, what's in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different.
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lou: on the show tonight general jack king said there is one key action that china she's in pink took as a wuhan virus was spreading that revealed his true intentions. >> he did not shut down international flights, and if he knew at that time that he had a serious epidemic on his hand that would threaten him and his power center in beijing and he was taking that action but yet he permitted international flights, doesn't that reveal to the world that his intent was to let it spread, but to become a world pandemic. lou: that decision not to tell world leaders about the disease, the virus that he unleashed is unconscionable.
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over the weekend next monday tom fitton, drew ferguson among our guests, we hope you will join us and have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. we thank you for being with us and good night from sussex. liz: i am elizabeth macdonald, welcome to "the evening edit", we are awaiting the white house coronavirus task force presser with the debate now, you're looking at a live shot of the press room, the debate right now is about the administration push for a number of states to reopen by may 1, even sooner, maybe as 29 states can meet the criteria that has been set. the dow jumped 700 points today on hopes of a coronavirus treatment, the drug remdesivir looks like it's working and with patients in chicago, look at this, nearly


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