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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  April 19, 2020 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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neil: been there, done that, do you ever feel tempt today say that? >> occasionally. i've been there twice. it's not romantic as it used to
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>> i wept to marilyn's house. i saw three or four members of the press and police officers. >> in the brentwood section of lapse. >> the blond bombshell, the film goddess was dead at 36. the landful of news photographers watched as an unmarked white station wagon pulled up it had been sent by the mortuary.
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stunned fans awoke to the breaking news reports on the radio. death was final. her many troubles one way or another slipped away in the bed of the only home that was ever truly hers. just after 7:00 a.m., the body of the world's most famous woman was covered by a blanket and spirited away. the growing contingent of media surrounded the funeral home and her house, walk up to the room where she had taken her last breath. >> i remember going to marilyn's side of the house where i knew the bedroom was. >> the glass had been shattered by her psychiatrist.
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he says he was forced to break in after check on marilyn and seeing her lifeless body through the window. the photographs from the scene will give the first clues to marilyn's cause of death, and also give ammunition to those who later would conclude that the investigation was rushed. they saw empty pill bottles on a cramped table beside the bed. also in the picture, marilyn's housekeeper. her vague and change accounts of the last hours would raise questions. well before the police had been called. marilyn's small bungalo was filled with a cast of characters that would spark conspiracy theories to this day.
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she would never rest in peace. her death result in opportunism and wild speculation. was it suicide, murder? >> marilyn being killed by jfq or bobby kennedy suffocating her. so many different stories. >> police said there was 15 bottles of medication on the night stand. the autopsy was assigned to juneor medical examiner thomas naguchi. >> i was notified 4:00 a.m. i was assigned to the case about 8:00. >> when he arrived at work he
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had not bend told the identity of the young woman only that it was a drug overdose. by 10:30 a.m. in a window less room deep inside the los angeles county morgue, the autopsy was under way. >> he didn't find any evidence of puncture wound, no broken bones, no trauma to the head. there was no evidence of any foul play on the body. >> two things were ruled out. trauma and illness. >> we were satisfied the cause of death is not a natural one. the presumptive opinion is overdose of drugs. it has to be confirmed by tox caly studies. d by toxicology studies. >> but for mode of death he
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circled both accidental and suicide in which he wrote in the word probable. the suicide team will be conducting a psychological autopsy to determine if it overdose was accidental or intentional. for now marilyn was placed inside box 33 in the county morgue in the complex housing the los angeles county courthouse. >> it wasn't the first time i utilized bottles of scotch to get into an area that was off limits. the next thing you know he was in back. he snapped pictures of the toe
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tag. he watched as they opened box 33, slid out the steel door and attached the tag. he says they uncovered her body and aloud him to shoot some of two rolls of film. >> the images he took lack to his own studio and claims to have processed, examined and quickly put into a safe deposit box. >> but he decided nobody should see the images of marilyn's naked corpse. but eventually a photo leaked out. the world was stunned. sadly, it wouldn't be her last indignity. >> she lay unclaimed for days. the most of famous woman in the
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world laid in the mortuary with no one claiming her. >> the house is sealed on orders of the coroner. with coronavirus spreading,
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people at higher risk must take extra precautions. you are at higher risk if you are over 65, or if you have an underlying medical condition. please visit for more information. many of life's moments in thare being put on hold. are staying at home,
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>> in a town built on a type of immortality. marilyn's star went nowhere. monday morning's newspapers were dominated by the tragic headlines. even as the soviet union conducted the second largest nuclear test in history. all people wanted to hear about was marilyn. >> the public felt they lost a family member or a friend, or a sister. she was one of those meteors that lights the sky in the middle of the day. >> the investigation is going on and no final conclusion has been reached. >> she was part of everyone's life all over the world. >> her former husband joe dimaggio finally claimed her body and made arrangements for
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the funeral. >> when she died it was a public event. >> the media machine that fed on monroe in life went into a frenzy over her death. >> the curtain falls, brief and simple rites mark the funeral of marilyn monroe as joe dimaggio leads a small group of friend. >> the footage of crowd of people hanging on to fences just to get a glimpse of the hearse. platforms were erected for the cameras. there was a portable phone bank brought in to handle wire services for the long walk where her body will be interred.
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joe dimaggio slowly walks by my camera. his son was in a military uniform. you can see the pain not only on his face. but the tragedy on his son's face. >> only 25 people were invited to the service and no screen stars were in afebruary dance. >> there was only one man in charge. that was joe dimaggio. no frank sinatras. it was those who lived their lives with marilyn. >> ashes to ash, dust to dust. >> prior to her death she had gone on her first blind date
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with retired new york yankee slugger joe dimaggio. >> joe saw her picture and he found someone to arrange a meeting with her. it got serious very quickly. >> she was not get a mega celebrity. but 1952 was a huge year for her. >> marilyn monroe, the glamorous new star of "monkey business." >> in those days they groomed stars. they would set up publicity. they would charge for her image as much as you could imagine. >> i am very preparative to all of you. >> it seemed the quickly rising star met her match in joe
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dimaggio. >> he really loved her. he did fall in love with her. >> joe dimaggio was such a famous figure, it made her even more famous. >> marilyn had arrived. >> she than formed into this screen goddess when she was on film. she had that x factor. >> marilyn monroe and jane russell are welcomed as they arrive to make their imprints at the gra chinese theater in hollywood. joe dimaggio wins america's number one glamour girl as his bride. >> they married in san francisco. marilyn is on the brink of
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superstar come. >> the marriage attracts a record crowd t to the san francisco court where the marriage ceremony was held. absolute chaos followed their every step. >> pandemonium reigns in tokyo. >> joe, he's a forgotten man, which is something in japan where baseball is so popular. never underestimate the power of you know who. his patience is exhausted. >> an army general visited their hotel room and invited marilyn to fly to korea to meet and entertain the troops. >> i was told you would be
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working because somebody important was coming in. the helicopter land and out comes marilyn monroe. she had a blue sequined cocktail dress. this was february, and it was cold. she went out on stage. she had done a good 45 minutes. she beguiled many of her fellow citizens, many of whom had a rendezvous with death. >> after she completed the tour, she was so excited. she said joe, you can't believe it. you can't imagine what that love feels like. he said grimly, i can.
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>> joe dimaggio believed in the old school arrangement of a wife should be home and having children. he goes to new york to film the exterior for "the seven year itch." >> i'm looking forward to it have much. >> the skirt blowing in the seven year itch when she is standing on a subway grate and her dress blows up. >> they couldn't use the film from that night because there were so many cameras flashing. >> joe dimaggio came out to watch it. and to watch men watching her as
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her dress blew up. >> dimaggio was insanely gel owfs her career and the people she worked with. >> they went back to the hotel and there was a huge fight. and it's believed that was the beginning of the end of their major. >> in 1954 joe drove away for the last time. a marriage worthy of the screenplay would not get a hollywood ending. >> miss monroe will have nothing to say this morning. all i can say as her attorney is that this is what we'll say with the conflict of careers. >> there were moments in her life where she was able to get in front of the camera and smile and speak and this was not one of those times. of those times. >> i am sorry, i have to
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♪yea, you can be the greatest ♪you can be the best ♪you can be the king kong ♪bangin on your chest ♪you can beat the world you can beat the war♪ ♪you can talk to god while bangin on his door♪ ♪you can throw your hands up you can beat the clock♪ ♪you can move a mountain you can break rocks♪ ♪you can be a master don't wait for luck♪ ♪dedicate yourself and you can find yourself♪ ♪standin in the hall of fame ♪yea ♪and the world's gonna know your name, yea♪ ♪and you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame♪ ♪you can be a champion ♪be a champion ♪in the walls of the hall of fame♪ ♪be students, be teachers, be politicians, be preachers♪ ♪yea, yea ♪be believers, be leaders, be astronauts, be champions♪ ♪standin in the hall of fame
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♪ >> the ward was abandoned and falling apart in 1958 when a team of psychiatrist to get over and opened the suicide prevention the quad. three years later they would be called upon to perform a psychological autopsy of marilyn monroe to determine effort overdose was intentional. >> we thought it was important that her lifestyle had to be evaluated before we could arrive to the conclusion. >> they were able to come in and look at marilyn's state of mind and a past mental health concern, interviewed her inner circles. >> toxicology results found high levels of the barbiturates, the drug used to treat anxiety along with a large dose of chloral hydrate, sedative used for insomnia.
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written in the margins where the words, lethal dose. >> when you look at a coroner's report of forensic pathologist will have five boxes to check, natural, accidental, suicide, homicide or undetermined. >> the doctor left the box is unchecked but wrote it? next to suicide. he wrote the death was due to acute barbiturate poisoning, ingestion of overdose. >> he was able to determine that the barbiturates had gone through her stomach lining and had digested she had died of a barbiturate overdose via oral ingestion. >> on the morning of august 18, 1962 a restless press corps packed into the overcrowded inquest room in the basement of the los angeles hall of justice. it has been two weeks since the body of marilyn monroe was discovered by her housekeeper and psychiatrist.
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they frantically grabbed press releases from the coroner's office they said chief medical examiner sat down and lit up a cigar. >> on based on the information obtained [inaudible] >> he said the glare of the spotlight would bring spotlight on suicide. >> [inaudible] it is my conclusion that the mode of death was probable suicide, lethal dose, has been positively identified by the toxicology report. in addition, a large dose of [inaudible] >> doctors explained the evidence was large quantities. >> [inaudible] >> mood changes were abrupt and unpredictable.
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sleep disturbance was prominent and for which she had been taking tentative drugs for many years and well aware of the dangers. >> suicide prevention team evaluated marilyn's life and determine she met three previous [inaudible] >> she expressed wishes to give up to withdraw and even die. on these occasions she had said she had been rescued. the same pattern had been repeated except for the rescue. >> they wanted to know [inaudible] >> i sincerely hope.


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