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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 23, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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hitch. connell: thank you, grady. we'll be watching. thank you everyone for watching us. we'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow. "lou dobbs tonight" starts right now. [♪] lou: good evening, tonight we begin with breaking news in the southwest regional of the country and louisiana as a severe weather system has produced powerful storms that killed at least 7 people in texas, oklahoma and louisiana. the storms generating two dozen tornadoes that struck those states. the storms are moving across the south and headed towards the carolinas. the storms downed power lines and trees and damaged 100 hours homes and businesses. one tornado hit parts of georgia
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today. no reports of injuries. stay at home orders remain in effect, and the contagion continues to worsen. as of this hour the chinese coronavirus labeled covid-19 has affected 856,000 americans and killed 47,000 more. this as the left wing national media once again pushing headlines that don't match stories. the financial times using leaked data from the world health organization to report that gilead's drug remdesivir flopped in its first trial. the headline had investigators selling on wall street until gilead pointed out that study was terminated because it had low enrollment. and as such the study is simply inconclusive.
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we'll have much more on this study. also the latest developments in the fight against the virus later in the broadcast. there are breaking developments on capitol hill where house lawmakers are voting on a $484 million rescue bill to help small businesses to provide more money for hospitals and testing. the bill's passage bringing congress' response to nearly $3 trillion. new jobless numbers show 4.4 million americans applying for unemployment. now 26.5 million americans have applied the last five weeks. the money congress approved has new rules attached to it. the small business administration today issuing
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guidance making it less likely the publicly traded companies would have access to this round of money. for more on this we turn to edward lawrence in washington. reporter: you talked about the unemployment numbers. kevin mccarthy says the democrats owe the american people an apology. some of those americans would have been able to keep their jobs had the program went forward. he blames nancy pelosi for allowing it to run out of money for seven days. >> this bill is 16 days too late despite the denials you heard. we could have agreed on this bill in 16 minutes, republicans and democrats. it got held up for
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extracurricular stuff. it was delayed. real people lost their jobs as a result. reporter: the focus after it passes the house is it will go on to the white house. president trump will see that house tonight on his desk. democrats tried to tush -- to turn this debate back on republicans in the senate. >> we are trying to get to the place where we think we are giving the needed resources. we think the initial request was short changing hospitals and testing. reporter: of all of those things, republicans say they are all important. but the only program running out of money was the payroll protection program that kept employees in their job. the sba is already look at
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guidelines so they can go to banks on friday and the loans can be processed through on saturday or sunday. lou: thank you very much. joining us tonight is national economic council director, larry kudlow. what will be the immediate effect of this legislation, the $484 billion? >> it's going to help. as much cash and liquidity that we can pour into the economy is part of the largest rescue effort in the history of the united states. kudos to kevin brady. we knew it was going to run out of money. the president and mnuchin were ready to work on it. now we'll get it done. small businesses will absorb
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this rapidly and hopefully payrolls will be intact. five weeks of unemployment insurance. those are rough numbers. there is a hardship here. the whole story is because of the virus. let's try to swim through this as we can. let's try to shoulder through this and put this money to work right away. keep people employed. those who are unemployed, we are giving them checks from the treasury. plus $600. 175 million people will get assistance during this rescue. i can't wait to reopen the economy, just between you and me. lou: 330 million americans are with you on that view.
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when you talk about the money the government is putting back into this economy, including the federal reserve. it's a staggering amount of money in short order. is it in your judgment anywhere near enough? >> that's a hard question to answer. that's a difficult question. lou, here is the key point. it's all about the virus. the numbers moved towards reopening the economy. health and safety must come first. president trump repeats that again and again. the numbers, new case numbers have come almost to the flattening point. plus 3% daily rate of increase. there was 45% a month ago. that gives me hope in terms of your question. that gives me hope we are entering a transition period.
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some states may come in before may 1. but may will be a transition period and that will get us to a reopening. hopefully that will lead to better economic conditions. we'll take brutal data. i can't sugar coat that. many of those people are furloughed. many of those people will come back. if we can save as many businesses. we can keep families afloat we'll do the best we can. but i look forward to the hope -- maybe it's more prayer and a hope -- but the new case rate not only flattens but starts to hook downwards so we can start opening up the u.s. economy and come back with a great revival. lou: the president demonstrated what he can do in terms of his leadership in terms of driving
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this economy to 3% growth without short so order. the demands will be even greater this time on the administration and all of us to make sure we have got this thing moving straight ahead. i listened to a number of beautifulo -- a number ofbillios almost alter capitalism. how in the future we'll have much, much higher taxes. that may or may not be true. they are waxing philosophical about this. and so many of them calling for great changes in capitalism. it's stunning that they are ignoring what has to be done about china and the export of deadly viruses by china. >> there you go. that's a great point. this has nothing to do with
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capitalism. if we come through this in the next few weeks and reopen as i hope and pray is possible, we'll show a big rebound. this is about a virus that took off exponentially and nobody believed could happen. the source of that virus is china. and yes they will be held accountable at some point for this. why do we have to raise taxes. maybe billionaires are okay with tax hikes. i am not. president trump talked about a payroll tax holiday for middle blue collar income workers. he would like to see pro-investment taxation. we did this once with his tax cuts and regulatory cuts, did we not? and better trade deals? why can't we ambu late those policies in the next few weeks? why not an infrastructure bill,
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why not 100% expensing. tax incentives for restaurants and ball parks. why do we have to raise taxes. let's let people keep their own money. get them a job and let them keep their own money. the trump formula works. lower taxes across the board. >> blue collar boom -- a blue collar boom ensued. better trade deals so we can export more in fairer trade. i don't want higher taxes. i want the country to come roaring back. and my hope is in the next few weeks we can get it open so we can start. lou: with that i will say hallelujah, i couldn't agree more. excitement is not a bad thing. thanks so much. up next.
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secretary of state mike pompeo issuing a warning to the world health organization. we take that up and much more with dr. michael pillsbury. house republicans issue offing a memo laying -- issuing a memo laying out the response to the wuhan virus.
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lou: breaking tonight. republicans on the house oversight committee are fighting back against the radical dimms' attacks against president trump and his response to the wuhan virus. the memo presents a clear timeline of the president's actions and the misinformation from the chinese communist party and world health organization working together in a disinformation campaign against the world. and there is more breaking news. the radical dimms in the house voted to create a new panel to monitor the wuhan virus relief efforts led by president trump. house republican leaders say it's another political weapon
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devised by the radical dimms to try to take down president trump. the panel will be led by jim clyburn who told house democrats that the relief bill was a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision. the committee will be made up of 7 democrats and 5 republicans who will have seen a power to depose trump administration officials, if you can believe that. jim jordan, ranking member of the house oversight committee and the house judiciary committee. your reaction to the passage of the $484 billion bill that pelosi seemed intent on delaying in perpetuity at one time. >> she tried to delay it here. but there is help coming for
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small business owners and families. i wish we didn't have to send this kind of money, but when the economy of is shut down because of this virus, you have to help. this is the latest version of how we are going to help small business owners and families until we get our economy up and running. lou: let's turn to this house committee designed it seems to weaponize whatever power the house has to subvert and even overthrow this president. here we go again. >> that's exactly right. the first version was before the president was even elected when the fbi used the dossier that
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was completely baloney to spy on the trump campaign. then it was the ukrainian phone call charade they did, now this select committee to go after the president. we already have 8 different entities doing oversight on the cares act. but the democrats say that's not enough. thet -- the 9th they just created is to look after joe biden. everyone can see sit for what it is. they are going to pass it. we need to make sure the american people get the truth when this committee begins its work. lou: when it begins its efforts top subvert this president, maybe try to overthrow him. the same would be the same with
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pushing joe biden with the american people with this committee. >> mr. clyburn, our colleague is the biggest supporter in congress. the biggest endorsement that won south carolina for biden. that's who nancy pelosi announced as chair of the committee before the cares act even passed. she said we'll have a select committee and named mr. clyburn the head of it. they are going to go after the president as they have been doing for four years. lou: is there a strategy, an opportunity for the republicans in the white house and capitol hill to stop this committee and end its nonsense? this is outrageous? >> no, it's going to happen. lou: just by a stroke of the pen
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in the house? >> it's going to happen. we just have to call it and describe it for what it is. it's another attack on the president. we can communicate the truth and that's what we have been doing for four years every time the democrats attack. they saw the mueller investigation turned up nothing. the impeachment investigation showed there was nothing wrong. the footnotes that have been declassified in the last few weeks showed us that effort was ridiculous. it was based on russian disinformation. they knew they were getting played. each time they tried it backfires on them. let's call it for what it is, this is another attempt to go after the president of the united states. lou: another sickening episode led by the party of hate. they have become so outrageous
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it's beyond description. comey, mueller, our good friends. we are learning more and more about them as a result of the declassification of parts of the fisa examination investigation. your thoughts about what new we learned and how important is it and how likely it is now that we are actually -- the american people will have some accountability as a result of their outrageous crimes against everything this country stands for? >> bill barr has done an outstanding job. his interview a few days back where he indicated mr. durham is looking at this. and the problems he sees there. i look forward top in durham's investigation which i think will come this summer. and mr. horowitz has zon outstanding work. he issues his report and looked
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at 29 different cases, random sample. 29 cases where the fbi went to the fisa court to spy on american citizens. all 29, the underlying evidence was not there. there were problems with he single one. in four of those 29 cases they couldn't even find the woods file. the standard the fbi set up for itself they weren't following. that's in he sense what his interim report told us. that's how bad it is. people need to be held accountable specifically for what they tried to do to the president of the united states. lou: we need also i think a very strong report from capitol hill from almost he quarter about the relationship between the party of hate, the deep state, and the national left-wing media.
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because their relationship is made possible, this brazen, bald assault on the presidency and the constitution. do you agree? >> yes, the mainstream media and the democrat press are one and the same. it started in july of 2016. when the fbi went to the fisa court using the russian disinformation. used it to get a warrant to spy on the trump campaign. that's where it started and it never stopped. it manifested in the mueller investigation. then you say the with the crazy ukrainian phone call impeachment. then the latest effort what happened on the house floor. the select committee, mr. clyburn, joe biden's biggest supporter will be the chair of his select committee when we
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have 8 different entities doing oversight. we have the inspector general. in the cares act itself there was a session commission for oversight. nancy pelosi just put miss shalala on that committee. but all that's not good enough. we need a 9th committee chaired by joe biden's biggest supporter going into an election year. the democrats will never stop attacking this president. lou: never. this promises to be the most extraordinary elect year ever. it has all the makings. up next, mike pompeo issued a warning to the world health organization as china tries to exert more power.
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michael pulse bury joins us later -- michael pillsbury joins us later. and a vaccine trial moving faster than expected. i know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance that that's the last time. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. i might be crazy but i'm not stupid. having an annuity tells me that i'm protected. during turbulent times, consider protected lifetime income from an annuity as part of your retirement plan. this can help you cover your essential monthly expenses. learn more at . i have always wanted to be a teacher. i've been teaching for over 20 years. with everything going on,
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[♪] lou: breaking news from the nation's hottest hot spot for the wuhan virus. new york, governor andrew cuomo reporting another decline in deaths over the past 24 hours saying a randomized test found 14% of all new yorkers were infected and have antibodies in their systems. that means 2.7 million people in new york have been infected and the death rate appears to be .5%. these numbers come as a new study found 94% of patient hospitalized in new york city
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because of the contagion had an underlying disease such as hypertension or obesity. the median age of the patients is 63 years of age. a. pharmaceutical company says they are moving at an unprecedented speed to develop and vaccines' after the chinese made the gerks nome made public in january. joining us is the dean of the national school of tropical medicine at baylor. dr., professor, great to have you with us. give us a sense, if you will,
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you worked on vaccines for some time including the sars epidemic on which you were working on a vaccine. how soon do you think it's realistic to hope for a vaccine? >> thanks so much for having me. our charge is to develop a vaccine over a year to 18 months which is an aggressive timeline. we have two vaccines we are trying to advance to clinical trials. i think you will see a dozen or more vaccines undergoing clinical testing. you might say why do we need so many vaccines. the reason is we don't know which ones will and out. vaccine development is a high risk business because up to -- up to 90% fail to show they
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actually work and are safe. the strategy is to get as many vaccines into the pipeline in the hopes of two or three making it to the finish line. maybe one will be ours but we don't know for sure. lou: we wish you the best of luck. and everyone work on it, the sooner the bert. the -- the sooner the better. 12-18 months. your thoughts if that's adequate for the second wave of this wuhan virus. >> that's the worry. the director says he anticipates another waive in january. and they are predictive models looking into this number. we haven't been through a full year for this virus. this is a new virus agent so this is speculative. but there is so suggestion this
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could come back in january. in the meantime we are getting up at 4:00 in the morning and working on our vaccine and going to bed late trying to meet the mandate of 12-18 months. we have never thrown resources at this problem like we have now. this is why americans have been investing in the national institutes of health. now it's coming back and all these new technologies -- remember it's not just vaccines, it'it's -- it's new antibody thr is. the. the u.s. invests more than any other country. this is the result of that. the new exciting technologies for covid-19.
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lou: the battle against it so far has been fought hard and fought well. ile also -- i'm a little realistic about vaccines. to have a veriologist of your esteem, i have to ask the question. influenza, they have a checkered performance level. we never know precisely or even closely how well they will perform one year to the next. does that also concern all of you working on this new vaccine? >> yes. that's a good question. a little bit. flu is different. it has to undergo a lot of mutations and vary from year to year. with influenza it's a carefully orchestrated dance. we have to identify what the strain looks like and make a new
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virus every year. i think one vac seem will work on it. lou: doctor, we thank you very much. come back soon. up next. michael pillsbury. with va mortgage rates suddenly dropping to near record lows, my team at newday usa is helping more veterans refinance than ever. the newday va streamline refi is the reason why. it lets you shortcut the loan process and refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. one call can save you $2000 every year. call my team at newday usa right now.
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lou: secretary of state mike pompeo says the united states may go further than just a freeze on funding to the world
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health organization. >> even more than that it may be the case that the united states can never return to underwriting to have u.s. taxpayer dollars going to the w.h.o. lou: china donated an additional $30 million to the w.h.o. bringing their funding to $80 million a year. the united states had contributed $135 million so far this year. china has a long way to go to catch up. joining us is dr. michael pillsbury, the director of chinese strategy at the hudson institute. he's author of "the hundred-year marathon." we talked earlier with larry kudlow talking about the number of billionaires in this country, talking about reforming and changing capitalism and the way
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we live. my question is why in the hell aren't they talking about the virus, the deadly con tape june china unleashed on the world without -- deadly contagion china unleashed on the world. >> it seems to me china is very worried about being held accountable for the virus so they have taken a number of steps. the most obvious was yesterday when dr. shir who used to be touted as the one to know about the viruses. now she is telling the "wall street journal" that she has a lot of bat viruses, but not that one. her lab director went the day before and said nothing happened. china is trying to get out of being held accountable at the same time they go on the counter
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offensive around the world with their disinformation program. lou: did i just understand -- i'm sorry to interrupt you. did i just hear you save they went on the defense by going on the offense leading a global disinformation campaign against the united states? >> that's what i said. lou: i cannot -- >> that is what i said. i can get you some of the exact quotes they are using worldwide, lou. lou: we have been reporting it here for weeks. this disinformation campaign. but my point is, there is a couching here in terms of the chinese. they want to say they are defending themselves when they are the ones who are the aggressors. they are the ones who are the malign actors in this.
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they killed thousands and thousands of people, and we have got people talking about capitalism for god's sake in the united states. this is a disinformation campaign being aided and abetted by billionaires on wall street. corporate america, and national left-wing media for crying out loud. >> you saw 25 democrats in the house write president trump a letter saying please don't cut off any money for the w.h.o. so to some degree the chinese have their supporters inside our political system. they know that, by the way. they brag about it. lou: apparently with some good reason. today the secretary of state made it very clear where he stands and where the president stands. they are talking about the prospect of that being a permanent defunding of the world health organization. meanwhile we have got chinese
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ships directly confronting the united states, and this president by putting them in the south china sea against our warships. who the hell do they think they are? >> they moved their aircraft carrier down to the area in the south china sea. president trump warned them saturday not to have bullying tactics towards other countries. in particular, malaysia and vietnam. they are trying to i tim date th -- theyare trying intimidatee malaysians to stop drilling. talking. sinking an american aircraft carrier to teach the americans a lesson. it's hardliners in china saying this kind of thing. we don't want to slide into a
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crisis, unless they want to put biden in the white house. lou: what is your choice? i don't understand. i don't see how you avoid a crisis when you have a nation that without apology has killed hundreds of thousands infected millions of people and is also an aggressor in the south china sea which is not the chinese province in any way. it is also a critical component of open navigation for world shipping. this is outrageous what we are watching. this aggressive and i think deadly aggressor do despite the united states insisting that we won't put up with it. >> well, lou, as you know, the australians just joined us in
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the south china sea with one of their warships in the last couple days. we have three ships there now. the chinese are challenging japanese territorial waters at the same time. lou: we may have to interrupt you for the president task force. please go ahead. >> the australians have joined us with their ship. the chinese are also threatening japanese waters. it seems to be a challenge of president trump at a time when we are distracted the chinese believe by the coronavirus at home. i think it's dangerous, lou. lou: it's very dangerous. and it'sle also very clear -- it's also very clear the chinese, irrespective of the trade relationship the president constructed, they are now moving
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in military terms and fashion to challenge the united states. there is just no doubt of it. do you think? >> well, we heard president trump say several times, i think correctly. the chinese want a patsy to replace him so they can have a much bettering deal and easier path towards world domination. they have given some signs of starting to you fourth joe biden's candidacy. lou: this is one of the most extraordinary moments in history. we are watching a president and administration of the u.s. government that has to thread several needles simultaneously and preserve our national security and the safety of all americans against the threat of viruses and geopolitical adversaries who seem at least one of them want to be
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considered outright an enemy. dr. michael pillsbury. thank you. we appreciate it. up next we'll be talking with tom fitton of judicial watch. nope we are not, here is the president of the united states. president trump: we expect the house to pass the paycheck protection program. and healthcare enhancement act. i'm grateful congress is answering my call to deliver these additional $320 billion in relief for the american worker and small businesses. at a time when many americans are enduring significant economic challenges this will help small businesses keep millions of workers on the payroll. states are starting to open up now. it's exciting to see. it's you a inspiring. we are coming out of it and coming out of it well. and we are really very happy the governors have been doing a good
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job working with us. and it's really pretty impressive to see. i have spoken to numerous leaders of countries the last 48 hours, and they are saying we are leading the way. we are leading the way. so many different ways. while most are pleased that harvard and stanford and princeton and numerous other universities and colleges also large businesses have isn't funds back to us. in some cases i stopped funds that i looked at and we are pleased to report that the funds have either not gone out -- it's about $350 million. and they either have not gone out. or we renegotiated it and they are not getting them. so it's a couple of cases they are sending them back immediately. so i think it was nights. i want to -- it was very nice. i want to thank harvard.
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they acted quickly and decisively. they agreed when they heard the facts that they should not be getting it. princeton, stanford and other institutions. it includes $30 billion to support small lending institutions, helping african-american and hispanic american small businesses. as we continue our battle against the virus the data and facts on the ground suggest we are making great progress. in 23 states new cases declined. in the peak week 40% of american counties have seen a rapid decline in new cases. 46 states report a drop in patients showing coronavirus-like symptoms. that's a big number. to keep america gaining momentum he citizen needs to maintain village lens. we understand that -- maintain vigilance. good high jeans, practicing
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social distance and the voluntary use of face covering. it's very exciting but it does not mean that we are letting down on our guard at all in any way. on the contrary continued diligence is an essential part of our strategy to get our country back to work. to take our country back. we are winning this and we are going to win the and we'll keep watching closely for the invisible enemy. with each passing day we are learning more and more about this enemy. the scientists at dhs have released a report offering a number of insights about how the virus reacts to different temperatures, climates and surfaces. the findings confirm the virus survives better? cold and dry environments and does less well in warmer and humid environments. we'll have somebody up -- bill
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will be up in a while on a great report he gave. he will be talking about how the virus reacts in sunlight. wait until you hear the numbers. you won't believe them. the u.s. trials of the covid-19 have been going on and have been approved in the united states, germany, u.k. and china. that's big news. and a lot of trials are going on. we have a lot of great brilliant minds working on this both from the standpoint of a vaccine and therapeutics. we must be eafl in all con -- we must be careful in all conditions. but we'll get this done. we are close to a vaccine. unfortunately we are not close to testing. when the testing starts, it takes a period of time. but we'll get it done. i want to thank the head of dhs science and technology, bill brian for what he will be doing and the report he's about to give. i think it will be something that nobody has ever heard of.
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brand-new information and important information. my administration continues to leverage the defense production act to increase the manufacturing delivery of critical medical supplies. we finalized three cross to -- s to produce 39 militar -- 39 miln masks. and we are going to sterilize the makes which will increase the use. people don't want to use it. they want to immediately get a new one. we are asking them to use the sterilization process. up to -- up to 20 times. we airlifted 750 million pieces of personal protective equipment
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into the united states through our proper air bridge which has been an incredible thing to watch. it's really a military operation. the vice president is now providing each governor with an exhaustive count by county breakdown of the privately distributed personal protect. this is equipment and things that are incredible. personal protective equipment. it's incredible, and it's all brand-new and at the highest level. we are getting only the highest level. and also we are looking at essential gear within the states and it's being delivered to different states quickly and as we speak. the governor should know what's being delivered through a private sector supply chain as well as through the project air bridge. we'll try to get it immediately from the plane to the state. when we can't do that we bring to it our facilities and get to
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the governors. we are getting it fast. governors can use this information to quickly even sure they get materials where and when they are needed. i want to thank our nation's incredible emergency management teams that have been working around the clock to serve their communities. help distribute critical supplies and save countless american lives. we salute these heroic officials on the front lines. the fda began an effort to stand access to plasma dough the wayrd from the blood of recovered patients.
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,000 patient are enrolled receiving trans -- 3,000 patients are enrolled in the proper nationwide. . saying i want to go donate blood. i want to donate whatever it is you want. i want to help people. really quite incredible. convalescent plasma will be used to manufacture a concentrated antibody treatment that does not have to be matched with a particular blood type this concentrated antibody treatment could be used as preventative measure to keep health care workers, and other high-risk populations from contracting the virus in first place, a very big deal. clinical trials of these products are slated to begin within weeks and maybe we could have a fairly quick solution. i urge americans to get in there and keep doing what you're doing because again we want those people recovering or recovered from coronavirus to contact
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their local blood and plasma donation center to learn how they can help. they have been so great and i just appreciate it. my administration also partnered with the leading, and we've been really establishing some great partnerships with leading technology companies and scientific journals to create a database of 52,000 scholarly articles on the virus that can be analyzed by artificial intelligence. top a.i. experts are using the wealth of date to gain insights to potential therapies and we're collaborating with tech firms, universities and our national labs to harness american supercomputers in the search for treatments and vaccines. that search is going on and it is being, i think you will see in the future, you will see it is very successful. ultimately till was tremendous success. great progress is being made at a rapid pace, a pace like no other. we have ever hope with the
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american might and science an technology and with the courage an devotion of the american people who have been so incredible we'll end this plague and together we will restore the full measure of american strength and power and prosperity. our country is going to do fantastically well. you see what is going on. there is pent-up demand in our country to get it back white where it was, make even better around that's what's going to happen. i with that i would like to ask mike pence to come up, vice president, to say a few words. >> thank you, mr. president and good afternoon. today white house coronavirus task force met and while our hearts are with the families of those who lost their lives to the coronavirus and those who are struggling with serious illness today our team led by dr. deborah birx informs us that the data continues to show promising signs of progress. the new york metro area,
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new jersey, connecticut, detroit and new orleans all appear to be past their peak and we are seeing consistent declines in hospitalizations and cases in regions across the country. our only conclusion is that we're getting there, america because the american people have put into practice the president's guidelines, of social distancing because you've been listening and adhering to the guidance of state and local officials. we are, we're making, we're making meaningful progress in a very real sense, sparing americans not to be exposed to coronavirus and no less extent saving lives. our task force actually believes, mr. president -- lou: vice president pence and the corona task force. that's it for us tonight. dr. mehmet oz, gordon chang, pastor robert jeffress among our guests tomorrow. please join us and a reminder to
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follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram @loudobbs tonight. see you tomorrow. good night from sussex. ♪ >> that he is repurposing the white house opportunity and revitalization council to focus on the impact of the coronavirus on minority communities. secretary carson will convene the council tomorrow and will be reporting tomorrow afternoon on their progress. we want to thank the more than 270 leaders of organizations dedicated to housing homeless necessary and improving the lives of people across our urban communities, not only being with us today, for the way they have partnered with our administration and partnered with state and local officials to put the health of all of their constituencies first. as the president mentioned we'll, you will


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