tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 30, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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okay so, everywhere. elizabeth: got it. sidney powell thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. you're watching "the evening edit." join us tomorrow night. we'll have a jam-packed show. lou: good evening, everybody. as of tonight, there is no question that fbi agents and some of the highest placed officials in the agency tried to frame general michael flynn. an explosive new court documents are up equivocal evidence of rampant political corruption within both the fbi and the department of justice. these documents reveal the fbi actively tried to entrap, and succeeded in end trapping, former national security adviser general michael flynn as participant of their larger plot to -- part of their larger plot to overthrow the president of the united states.
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top bower row potential -- bureau officials discussed their motivations, and they openly questioned whether their goal was to get him to lie is so we can prosecute him or get him fired. those are their words. president trump today said this about the fbi's disgraceful, criminal acts: >> he's in the process of being exonerated. if you look at those notes from yesterday, that was total common if ration. these were dirty, filthy cops at the top of the fbi. you know the names better than i do, and they were dishonest people. now we have to see what's going to happen. but general flynn was treated like nobody should -- and i'm not talking about generals, i'm saying like nobody in this country should be treated. lou: the interview of general flynn conducted by two fbi agents, that interview took place at the white house on january 24th, 2017. four days after the president
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had been inaugurated. it was not arrangedded with white house counsel, however, but set up directly by michael flynn without representation. something corrupt former fbi director james comey once smugly and proudly admitted was not standard protocol. >> i sent him something i probably wouldn't have done or gotten away with in a more organized investigation, a more organized administration. the fbi wanted to send agents into the white house itself to interview a senior official. you would work through the white house come, and there'd be discussions and approvals on who would be there. and i thought it's early enough, let's just send a couple guys over. lou: a couple of guys, said the disgraced james comey. one of the, quote, guys -- as james comey put it -- that he sent to interview flynn is
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disgraced former fbi agent peter strzok. earlier today 12 more pages of documents were unsealed. they were released to flynn's attorney, sydney powell, by the u.s. attorney revealing that strzok pushed for the case against general flynn, code name crossfire razor, to remain open despite recommendations that it be closed because there was no evidence against the general. for more on what's in all of these documents, we turn now to fox news correspond david spunt in al alexandria, virginia. >> reporter: good evening. the fbi had discussion of even closing down the case about 16 days before president trump took the oath of office, about 20 the days before that interview on january 24, 207, as you mentioned -- 2017. the case against flynn the was originally called crossfire razor, and we're learning more
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in these documents. i want to put up a graphic though. you mentioned peter strzok, the foreman fbi agent -- former fbi agent. in text messages he wrote, quote: hey, if you haven't closed razor, don't do so. his colleague texted back: it is still open, and i'm still case manager. strzok replied, roger, please keep it open for now adding seventh floor involved, that means the highest levels of the fbi. michael flynn as you know, lou, has been in legal limbo since 2017. he pleaded guilty twice the lying to the fbi but since has withdrawn that plea. he wants his case thrown out. one of the pages of fbi notes obtained by fox news is handwritten, sources tells us, by former head of counterintelligence bill presap. this had one sentence: what's our goal, truth, admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute if him or get him
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fire. another one says: if we're seen as playing games, w.h., white house, will be furious. protect our institution by not playing games. president trump, as you mentioned, weighed in on this today from the oval office. listen to this. >> i hear there's a lot of other stuff coming out. if i believe everything i'm reading, because i like to stay out of it. i don't have to stay out of it at all, but i like to stay out of it. >> reporter: lou, this document release is an effort by attorney general bill barr to re-examine the flynn case. sources confirmed to fox news more documents will be released in the coming days. the foreman fbi director, james comey, the current director, christopher wray, not commenting on this case as well as those other fbi officials that have been mentioned on these pages. lou? lou: david, thank you very much, david spunt reporting. we'll be taking up who else was involved in these extraordinary and, obviously, criminal acts
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against the constitution and the civil rights of general michael flynn. joining us this hour, congressman devin nuñes and judicial watch's president tom fitton with us in just a few moments. the release of these document withs further reveal -- documents further reveal some of the radical dems' and deep state's efforts to overthrow president trump. some of the same agencies that have been charged to investigate the cover-up of the wuhan virus today released this statement. quote: the intelligence community also concurring with the wide scientific consensus that the covid-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified. it adds: the i.c. will continue to rigorously examine emerging information and intelligence to determine whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or if it was a result of an accident in a laboratory in wuhan. it's an interesting piece of timing that the dni is releasing
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this conclusion that purports to join with consensus, scientific consensus. but, in fact, there is no scientific declaration one way or the other as to whether or not the virus was, indeed, engineered or by whom. the president today said he has yet to see the intelligence report. he took the chance to correct the heft-wing national media's report that he ignored intelligence briefings about the virus back in january. >> well, i haven't seen the report yet, but i will tell you if you speak to the head of intelligence right now, you speak to the head, they did say that i was given a briefing when i said i was given it, not before. and they also said that it wasn't specific and it was not a panic briefing. it wasn't like, oh, we're going to be -- it was in january, later january. i think what you'll do, you'll
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speak to them -- in fact, i'll ask mark to make a report to you, because the news was totally, you know, as usual fake and corrupt. so intelligence is doing the report, and the report turned out to be exactly as i said. lou: while president trump and much of his administration are now focused on china's cover-up of the wuhan virus, there are new indications tonight that the chinese communeist party is trying to take advantage of the rest of the world, working to consolidate chinese influence around the globe. foreign affairs correspondent benjamin hall with that story from london. >> reporter: while the rest of the world is is preoccupied with defeating coronavirus, china is making significant moves on the international stage, exerting their influence, expanding their authority, doing things that, frankly, would normally make headline news. in hong kong over the last couple of weeks, numerous opposition figures have been
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arrested. it is the biggest round-up of prominent opposition figures in recent memory, a clearing up of defenses. in a single day, more than a dozen leading activists, high profile former lawmakers and media tycoon z were rounded up as one of them said hong kong people now face two plagues from china, the coronavirus and attacks op our most basic human rights. china has also capitalized on the world's distraction to expand its sovereignty over dispiewpted islands in the china sea. just last week china announced the formation of two new administrative areas, reinforcing the claim to an area that ebb compasses 1.2 million square miles. this effectively makes that area a district of china. they've pushed out numerous other countries, giving themselves full control of islands and the oil and natural gas and shipping lanes around them. and china is also flex its muscle if on other continents. in africa they have forced countries struggling with debt
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and coronavirus to happened over strategic assets in exchange for debt relief. whereas every other g20 nation has given strings-free debt relief, china has demand canned strategic state assets such as mines with handed over into beijing's hands as collateral. experts say when china see opportunities, it exploits them. well, there are plenty of opportunities at the moment, lou, and china's not letting them go to waste. back to you. lou: thank you, benjamin hall, reporting from london. finish and breaking developments this evening in the sexual assault allegations against the former vice president, joe biden, by a former senate staffer, tara reid. the former vice president is expected to make his first public response to her accusations tomorrow morning on msnbc. the new developments follow pressure from "the washington post" editorial board which urged biden to address the
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allegations directly. writing both me and his accuser should be heard. they also want him to sign off on senatorial records to be inspected, papers that are now sealed, to see whether there is a paper trail documenting reade's complaint at university of delaware. officials at the school have agreed to seal those records until two years after biden leaves public life. for now the school is sitting on biden's 1,875 boxings of photographs, documents, videotapes and fuels and 4 -- and files and 415 gigabytes of data. president trump today meeting with new jersey governor phil murphy at the white house. the democratic governor using that visit to thank the president for his help in combating the wuhan virus. >> i thank you for the enormous help in our darkest hour of need. ventilators, as you can see,
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ppe, testing sites now i i think we're going to be in a very good place, and thanks to you and your team as it relates to expanding testing dramatically so that we'll be able to given to take those steps to reopen. lou: golf murphy sounds -- governor murphy sounds like a man looking for money, doesn't he? murphy's comments come as more u.s. companies are beginning to reopen. macy's today, for example, announcing it's planning to reopen 68 stores this coming monday with the intention of opening 50 more a week later. macy's saying if virus rates slide, they can receive the okay if local authorities and have all 775 of their stores reopen by mid june. when asked today how the united states would get out of this current economic decline, president trump once again expressedded his trademark on the michigan -- optimism. >> well, i think we're going to
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have a great third quarter: that's going to be a transition. when i say great, i think the transition's going to be really terrific, and we're going to take it into the fourth. and i i think we're going to potentially have a great fourth quarter. there's tremendous pent-up demand, i don't know if kevin said that or larry kudlow, but they're telling -- if i feel it, i will say that i think next year's going to be a spectacular year in terms of growth, in terms of bringing our country back. i think we're going to have a really good year. we want to be where we were, and i think we can actually surpass where we were. we were the strongest anywhere in the world, we were the best that we ever were, but we were the strongest in the world. lou: and coming up next here today, we'll take up the damning new evidence released uncovering more about the fbi's corrupt criminal attempt to frame general michael flynn and to overthrow the president of the united states. congressman devin nuñes, judicial watch's tom fitton is with us tonight.
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also red storm rising, we take up china's quest for global dominance and how they're using the wuhan virus to aid them in achieving that object u. dr. michael pillsbury among our guests. stay with us, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else. so why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms which most pills don't. get all-in-one allergy relief for 24 hours, with flonase.
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♪ ♪ lou: breaking news, congressman jim e clyburn recently told house democrats that the relief bill from the coronavirus was, quote, a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision. we're now seeing more of these radical dems using basically the same rhetoric to describe the political exploitation of this pandemic for their agenda. take a listen. >> seems to be part of a much large arer system that eventually and quickly, i hope, gets us to universal health care. this would be a terrible crisis the waste, as the old saying goes. >> this is a moment not only of crisis, but inherent in that crisis is opportunity. we have a real challenge to insure that voters are able to access the ballot by mail. >> when i go down and when i vote against these relief packages, out gives me no pleasure.
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we are not giving relief to tenants, and we are not giving relief to everyday people, then we should not be supporting packages that help bankers and the wealthy and the rich and do little to nothing to everyday people and mom and pops. lou: well, former top fbi attorney james baker saying he's cooperating now with the justice department inspector general's investigation. judicial watch first released documents yesterday which show communications between baker and washington post reporter david ignacius. ignacius published leaked information on general flynn's call with russian ambassador sergey kislyak speculating about the violation of the logan act law -- which, by the way, has never, ever been prosecuted previously. joining us tonight is tom fitton, the president of judicial watch. tom, great to have you here. let's start with these
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revelations. i mean, it's extraordinary. this is, this is now laid bare for the american pluck to know what -- public to know what corrupt, criminal characters were leading the fbi, parts of the justice department and agents who were their minions. >> you're right, it is terrible corruption. let me quickly correct you, lou. there's another james baker, he was at the pentagon, whose documents we released who was in communication with the washington post. that was the same -- lou: i apologize. >> you're right, this is ors you know, the fbi is a terribly sick agency in terms of corruption. and we see a dramatic evidence of this with these new documents. they had no viable case, and that's a quote from the documents, against general flynn like they were doing with trump. they were abusing their authority to spy on him, and they still couldn't come up with anything.
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and when they went to shut the case down the documents today show you had strzok intervening on behalf of fbi leadership -- and i mean comey and mccabe -- to keep the case open. and, of course, that led to later the effort to try the fire, have him fired or prosecute him by this ambush interview that was corruptly done at the direction personally of james comey. lou: so let's talk about that leak and the implications here. we were told that, you know, that this was a major part of the investigation. it's clear that that is nothing more than an artifice, a cover for what the fbi meant to do which was destroy general flynn. right? >> yeah. you have to wonder if the league was -- the leak was part of the operation against flip. i don't know who leaked it. sydney powell has alleged baker may have been the one who leaked it.
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certainly there's communications saying he was close to ignacius who published the information in "the washington post." durham's supposedly investigating the leak. that was classified information, it looks like to me, so to there may have been crimes committed targeting general flynn. in addition to the crimes we're seeing in the evidence of the documents this week. and i want to know who's responsible for the cover-up here. these documents have been in the possession of the fbi for years, evidently. these page, strzok e-mails have been withheld from judicial watch. or in fact, they are sitting on right now the fbi has 8,000 pages of page-strzok e-mails they've yet to release to judicial watch because they only can release them at the rate of 500 a month. we'll be getting them in the next administration. lou: isn't it clear that wray running a cover-up? and, by the way, doing so under the auspices of president trump's attorney general william barr. it is time for somebody to start
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leading the damn agency and the damn department of justice. this is corruption at its worst, it's laid bare for everyone to see unless they don't have any attorneys in the justice department who don't understand civil rights or have the intelligence to see what are plain facts that are being witnessed by the american people every day in part because of what judicial watch has turned over to the public. >> yeah. wray is, is a disappointment, i think. i would hope -- lou: disappointment? [laughter] >> i'm being nice. and tone general barr -- attorney general barr has got to step up and pull back this prosecution of general flynn. if he doesn't, the president should order him to do it. lou: it's about time somebody got an order over there, because
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it's clear the justice department can't seem to manage the wherewithal and capacity to understand the difference -- forget about the law for just a minute, as thaw often do apparently at the justice department and fbi. how about just plain, simple right and wrong? how about just plain, good old american decency and treat people correctly instead of trying the destroy them. >> well, we appreciate these documents came out. the law required they came out, but they're still covering up. we just got a response today about meetings between the fbi top lawyer baker, the one you mentioned, and the clinton campaign team temperature lawyer. you know what the response from the fbi or doj was? we can't con firm or deny it took place. the cover-up continues, lou. and these agency heads, if they're not going to be transparent, then there's no accountability, and they don't respect the rule of law, and we're at square one in terms of
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getting some accountability for this great, the worst corruption scandal in american history. the targeting of flynn was about targeting trump, and and that's where the coup had its origins. lou: and it is so obvious what has been done to general flynn, what was attempted to be done to president trump. i cannot for the life of me understand why william barr -- and i don't know the man, i take him at his word, but his word is taking a very long time to do what seems so obvious to millions of americans; right the wrongs and straighten it out and do out -- do it now. and, by the way, judge sullivan, what does it take for him to understand that he's dealing with corruption of extraordinary, unprecedented, vast dimensions in the justice department as they go after general flynn?
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that case should be thrown out by the judge instantly. and instead everybody's pretending somehow that this is a judiciary seeking only justice. it's, it's pure bull and far worse than anyone could have possibly imagined. you get the last word, tom. >> well, it's going to be a big task for both the judiciary and the justice department whether the rule of law's going to prevail or whether they're going to allow this coup attack to continue through toes auspices of the justice department and just using the courts like a play thing. you've seen it with judge sullivan, they used the courts like a play thing with the fisa courts. i would like judge sullivan to institute criminal contempt spreadings against the justice department and fbi, officials responsible for this just as the fisa courts should have done, frankly, two years ago. lou: and still has done nothing. and, by the way, administered by none other than the chief justice, john roberts, who has
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sat on his hands and hidden behind a robe, cowardly, corruptly, in my opinion. tom fitton, good to have you here. thank you. >> you're welcome, lou. lou: we'd like to hear your thoughts. follow me on twitter@lou, do like me on facebook, follow me on instagram @loudobbs tonight. and a programming note, general michael flynn's defense attorney, sydney powell, will be joining us tomorrow as well as john solomon and sir robert jeffress. they're among our guests tomorrow, we hope you will join us then and all that they have to say about these extraordinary events. up next, the new developments today that can soon make congressman john ratcliffe the head of the country's intelligence agencies. we take that up and much more right after this quick break. congressman devin nuñes straight ahead. ♪ ♪ you ever wish you weren't a motaur?
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♪ ♪ lou: the senate intelligence committee planning to hold a confirmation hearing next tuesday for director of national intelligence nominee congressman john ratcliffe. president trump nominated congressman ratcliffe back in february, he's a former prosecutor, one of the most vocal critics of the mueller investigation, the impeachment trial and defender of president trump and his administration. joining us tonight, congressman devin nuñes, ranking member of the house intelligence committee, a member of the house ways and means committee. and, congressman yes, nuñes wasi believe, the first to stand up this corrupt, rotten effort against the president and do what he could with, frankly, a corrupt leadership of much of the intelligence community itself. congressman, it's great to have you with us. finish i want to start with
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these documents, if i may, that are being released. to me, they present unequivocal ed of criminality -- evidence of criminality, of a rogue fbi working against the constitution as well as trying to overthrow a president. your, your thoughts. >> well, if you remember, lou, i i was on last week i talked about investigations that needed to be done. now you're seeing the fruit of that investigation. i talked about the u.s. attorney out of missouri that was looking at the mueller dossier, the mueller report. we now find out it's not -- and the media is going the try the downplay this, but the mueller team was corrupt, lou. plain and simple. there's so much there, this is probably only the start of it. there's a lot more. we even know now from the important document that was released that they essentially were closing the investigation
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on general flynn on january 4th, 2017. they wait three weeks while they plot and prey on general flynn. to set him up. to set him up. lou: they -- to see the language in there talking about bill priestap, this language talking about what's our goal, i mean, it's hard to imagine that the head of counterintelligence at the fbi, what is our goal? if we can put up this full screen, please. what is our goal, truth? admission? or to get him to lie so that we can prosecute him or get him fired. extraordinary. >> yeah, and, look -- lou: it's just hard to imagine. >> remember, the fact that -- there's so much here, okay? there's so much here. let's try to unpack a couple things. they had already opened a counterintelligence investigation into general flynn in 2016 during the campaign.
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then on january 4th it was thera violations. all the swamp creatures in washington, d.c., these laws have been around forever. you get a slap on the wrist, you pay a fine and you just go register. you don't get a full-blown counterintelligence operation on you, they don't start spying on you, going through all of your records. they don't -- especially to the former head of dia, a three-star general, a war hero. i mean, you know, think about that for a second. you're the genius fbi g-man, and you're like, oh, we're investigating the former head of dia? my god, can you believe that? i mean, can you imagine the conspiracy that would be? our dia director would be corrupted? incredible. it was false. it was fake. totally fake. lou: and in an effort to overthrow the president. we're going to be back with
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congressman devin nuñes. congressman, if you could stay with us through the commercial break. as you put it, let's unpack a couple of other things that are sure to just leave every, every concerned american irate when they hear what else is going on in our government. at least in a great part of it. stay with us, we'll be right you think of people in a place. but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. so, when you get a check... you can deposit it from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. you can save for an emergency from here. or pay bills from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?" you can tell them: here's my bank. or here's my bank. or, here's my bank. because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. visit
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lou: we're back with congressman devin nuñes now. and, congressman, i just want to touch on something. it just strikes me that you're talking about the special counsel robert mueller's legal team that just hounded this president in that horrible effort to really overthrow a president and nothing more. we're talking about the justice department, we're talking about the fbi, politically corrupt as they can be. we're talking about the intelligence community. three heads of three agencies obviously politically corrupt as they can be. and adam schiff, the chair of the house intelligence committee. nancy pelosi. it is not an accident that all of these people were moving in concert, simultaneously toward one end that was obvious; and that is, to unseat the president of the united states. >> yeah.
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lou: am i making too much of what are just mere historical coincidences? >> no, you just forgot the really important actor. you named a lot of the bad actors in this horrible tragedy, but you forgot the biggest one, the ten ablers, and -- the enablers, and that is the mainstream media who might as well move their offices into the democratic national committee. they were in on this from the start. if you look at how they're reacting over the last 24 hours, you know, they're just in denial. now, these are the people that ought to be looked at for treason, okay? because a lot of these people knew about the clinton paid-for dossier. they were briefed on this, and then they were given these transcripts, okay? intelligence transcripts, they were given this information. that's all legal. those leaks are illegal, all right? never should that have happened. so the fact that you still have these lunatics out there, there's probably a-up of them,
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lou, that -- a hundred of them t were kind of the official russia hoaxers. they are out there still today accusing general flynn of being some type of russian agent. this is the media. that's why it's so important for the american people to understand that the media worked for the democrats. and it's important for republicans to understand it, especially republican elected officials including the president of the united states, lou. he needs to quit calling on these people. stop talking to them. you know, how many of us as republicans would walk into the democratic national committee and say, hey, i'm here for an interview, let's go. i mean, just like how many democrats would walk into the republican national committee and say is, hey, let's go. put me before a board and ask me all your questions. this is lunacy that republicans are even talking to these people. sorry to off on that tangent, but it's important. they were the enabler of all of this. they gave the platform for this whole coup to be started, for the investigation to be started that then turned into a coup and
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trying to take out the president of the united states. lou: yeah. if i may if, i would like to add one other element of this for consideration as well. and that is, the corporate owners of these outlets. this is beyond fake news, it's also fake ownership because this is not happening without the at least tacit approval of the corporations for whom they work. and as they conspire against the president, that is cheerily obvious -- clearly obvious to very smart people who run "the washington post" and who own it, jeff bezos. it is also apparent to not only the board of at&t, but its ceo. and it goes on and on. disney -- >> yeah, they, they know that, they know defamation so occurring. there's defamation, there's slander, they know they're political.
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they're effectively just part of a political party, okay? it's oddly very familiar to the old soviet union and pravda, familiar to how putin does in russia today. it's also very familiar about how the chinese communist party control their media in their country. it's the same damn thing. you have 90% of the media in this country that's owned by the democratic party, okay? solely owned subsidiary. and, you know, i was talking to somebody today about the russia hoax and spydate, reporting on that -- spygate. that's not a conservative or liberal thing. if you take the ten reporters that have been talking about this russia hoax, okay, doing a real job, you realize none of that is -- that's not conservatives that are reporting, that's the only reporters we have in this entire country that are actually true investigative reporters trying to get to the bottom of this mess. lou: congressman, thanks for saying that and thanks for being
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here. we appreciate it so much and all that -- >> my pleasure. lou: -- standing, standing as an exemplar for the republican party and reminding many of their members what courage looks like. thank you, congressman, we appreciate it. >> thank you very much, lou. lou: china's communist party using the wuhan virus -- yes, sir -- using the wuhan virus to advance their goals all around the globe. what's the united states to do? we'll take it up specifically with the hudson institute's michael pillsbury, one of the country's leading experts on china. he joins us in one moment. he joins us in one moment. please stay with us. i came across sofi and it was the best decision of my life. i feel cared about as a member. we're getting a super competitive interest rate on our money. we're able to invest through the same exact platform. i really liked that they didn't have any hidden or extra fees.
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us tonight is dr. michael pillsbury, director of the center for chinese strategy at the hudson institute. he's the author of "the 100-year marathon." mike, good to have you with us. let's start with what seems to be a real change in direction on the part of the white house. it seems to me that their language has firmed quite a bit. the president's language himself. and this suggests to me at least a change of direction in the
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relationship with china. your thoughts. your read. >> well, i think that's right, lou. i think the first three years the president focused on his campaign promise, to cut the trade deficit, to make it so we can be fair with our companies in china. stop intellectual property theft, these things. the president had a historic success in that area with the trade agreement, and the chinese promised to continue the trade talks. the president did not do anything about the other areas of the relationship, so the military exchange programs, our 50 agencies in beijing who are helping china in various withdraws. he didn't touch that. i think now he's starting to review as part of this investigation -- lou: well, how about, how about this? [inaudible conversations] how about the defense advisory board, mike, and all of the obama holdovers that are on it?
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they advise directly the defense secretary, as you well know. >> the defense policy board has not been changed. maaed-in albright is a prime -- madeleine albright is a prime china expert, she has a huge company in china as well. the obama holdovers on china, i would say, are about 100% or 95%. because the president was focused, quite correctly, on the trade deficit and the intellectual property theft, those things. now i think he's beginning to turn his attention to how many obama holdovers are there who advise the government work on china inside his government. lou: yeah. >> i think he's going to find it's enormous. lou: well, he's also finding out just what president xi thinks of the united states, indeed the world. this is the president of china who didn't warn a single -- as far as i know -- a single world leader of what he had unleashed on the world.
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and millions of people now infected by the wuhan virus. we have the chinese and the chinese subsidiary, the world health organization, you can't mention the fact that that disease originated in wuhan, china, because that's stigmatizing of china. i mean, we have each allies -- even allies carrying out chinese disinformation against the united states and this administration. it's stunning to watch. >> well, the world health organization's also involved in inspections of whether china has a biological warfare capability. the u.s. government accused china, 2005 and again this 2010, of maintaining biological weapons. that is germ warfare, virus warfare. china, of course, denied this, said no inspections. and the w.h.o. turns out to be the organization in charge of blessing china saying they only
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have these virus labs, they don't have bioweapons. that's the -- lou: closer to home the nih, well, the nih makes up some things of its own. indeed, subsidizing and granting, giving grants to chinese physicians, researchers and playing a role, apparently, in the creation of their virus program. what can you tell us? >> well, i saw a media report yesterday that dr. fauci himself was part of the approval process for this grant to the virology lab in wuhan because, apparently, as part of one of these many, many, many cooperation projects we have with china to help them work on vaccines and viruses. lou: well, that's -- >> by the way, lou -- lou: that would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that the
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there who was getting some of that money in that laboratory the, is she's working on ways to make viruses transmit faster and to make them more deadly, for crying out loud, as i understand it. is that correct? >> yes. she said that herself, lou. she's been tweeting, giving interviews. she's part of the chinese cover story, if you will, that this particular virus was not at the lab until it was brought to her december 30th. the whole thing is going to be part of this information, i think -- of this investigation, i think. and our own american role with the chinese is a really strange thing for americans to understand. how come we're helping china so much? how can we have these -- lou: well, american understand very well, americans understand very well, mike. they understand what is bull and what is righting and how long the idiots in the swamp have been running things. dr. michael pillsbury, it's always great to have you with us. we'll be right back with byron york. thanks, mikement good to see you.
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>> talks about the fbi exercising bad faith all along, using a pretext to interview michael flynn in 2017 in the white house. circumventing procedures to do that. just deciding, coming up with this charge. now, right now you got to think about this. flynn is awaiting sentencing in a trial. he has pleaded guilty. he wants to withdraw that plea. what effect will this have? >> i suppose the judge could go ahead, hard to see how you sentence flynn knowing what the fbi has done now. the judge could apply flynn to withdraw the guilty plea. that would send it over to the justice department and do you want to go to trial, toe try this man with this kind of behavior from the fbi. they could drop it all together. none of that requires a presidential pardon. this is a case should be resolved by itself. lou: well the judge, judge sullivan, who in my opinion, i
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couldn't agree with you more, he should have simply thrown this case out and, tom fitton suggested. order an investigation of the u.s. attorneys. >> still has that option. lou: thank you for joining us tonight. elizabeth: breaking news. michael flynn's lawyer filed a new motion to dismiss the government's case against michael flynn for egregious government misconduct after more smoking gun evidence surfaced that the fbi officials were determined to prosecute the former national security advisor. welcome michael flynn's attorney, sydney powell. great to have you on the show. >> thank you, liz, always a pleasure to be with you. elizabeth: can you tell us what is going on now with your motion to dismiss? >> yes, we just filed a second supplement to our motion to dismiss. this supplement includes 11 pages of documents, the united states attorney from missouri produced to us yesterday as a result of his
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