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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 1, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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bringing it to us from out in the field. we appreciate it. that does it for us, "after the bell." thanks for watching. have a great weekend. "lou dobbs tonight" starts now. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. we begin tonight with breaking news. first, an encouraging late-breaking development in the fight against the wuhan virus. the food and drug add administration has just authorized the emergency use of the experiment ifal antiviral drug remdesivir. the drug, produced by gilead, has proven to be a promising potential therapeutic treatment for the virus. gilead's ceo announcing the company will donate 1.5 million vial ares of the drug and help -- vials of the drug and help get to patients in create a call need. and explosive new developments in the case against the politically corrupt obama era
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fbi and justice department officials who conspired to set up and to frame former national security adviser general michael flynn. sources familiar with the investigation tell fox news that u.s. attorney john durham has reviewed the recently released documents from the flynn case and that durham now believes the corrupt actions laid out in those documents are sufficient to bring charges against members of the fbi and the department of justice who carried out criminal acts against general flynn. durham is said to be speak regularly with attorney general bill barr and is building what some sources call a a serious case against those fbi and doj officials. durham is expected to wrap up his investigation by tend of this summer. by the end of this summer. president trump has been briefed on the case, we're told, and had this to say about the radical dems' and the deep state's
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actions: >> ultimately, they were looking to destroy the presidency. they were looking to destroy a duly-elected president who beat the hell out of a horrible candidate called crooked hillary. lou: and also newed today, former vice president and prospective democratic presidential nominee joe biden denying for the first time that he sexually assaulted a former staffer back in 1993 during his time in the senate. biden called for a search of the national archives for any records that might pertain to those allegations, but he refused to approve a similar search of his senatorial papers currently sealed at the university of delaware. listen to this. >> why not, why not approve a search of her name in those records? >> approve a search for her name? >> yes, and the only thing that might be related to tara reade
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and the university of delaware records. >> there is nothing. they wouldn't -- they're not there. and they -- i, i, you know, i don't understand what you're -- the point you're trying to make. the material in the university of delaware has no personnel files in it -- >> why not do a search for tara reade's name in the university of delaware records? >> look, i mean, who, who does that search? lou: well, the trump administration continues to lead the world in the fight against the wuhan virus and communist china is still doing everything in its power to deflect international blame and to cover up, to lie about their response to the virus that they unleashed on the world without warning. british doctors today warning health officials that 250 chinese-made ventilators recently bought from a chinese company will harm or kill wuhan
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virus patients using them because of faulty oxygen supply and design. china's commerce ministry says more than seven countries -- 70 countries have signed almost 200 contracts for chinese medical supplies priced at $1.4 billion. those countries include canada, the netherlands and finland. they all receive millions of chinese masks that weren't safe for their health care workers: other countries such as spain and the united kingdom received faulty testing kits from china. communist china also infiltrating american universities as we now know. the education department is reportedly asking the university of texas about their relationship with the wuhan institute of virology and other chinese universities and companies including huawei. that laboratory at the center of a u.s. investigation for its role in the origin of the wuhan virus pandemic. president trump saying he has
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seen proof that the virus started in that wuhan lab. >> have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the wuhan institute of virology was the origin of this virus. >> >> yes, i have. yes, i have. the world health organization should be ashamed of themselves because they're like the public relations agency for china. lou: as the trump administration continues its investigation into the origins of the wuhan views, the radical dems -- virus, the radical dems are teeing up another investigation of president trump, if you can belief that. house speaker pelosi is signing democrats to serve on the battle led by james clyburn. among them, maxine waters, jamie raskin, carolyn maloney. house minority leader kevin mccarthy calls those appointments of the panel purely
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political, and he doubts republicans will even participate. well, joining us tonight is a member of the leadership, house minority whip steve scalise. congressman, it is great to have you with us. and let's start with that panel. the idea that republicans would not participate. your thoughts. >> well, lou, i think when you list those names that you just mentioned, i mean, those were all people who have been very rapid people that have just been focused on the impeachment of donald trump regardless of fact. they all voted for the hoax impeachment. you seeing this whole thing blowing up with the latest papers that showed they were targeting flynn, they tried to set him up. the dirty cops other at the fbi, i i wish they were focusing on that so that the vast majority of our fbi agents who do such a great job defending our country
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can be exonerated. frankly, i think some need to go to jail. that's where the focus needs to be, holding china accountable, not this continuous drum beat of just harassing the president. they've never wanted to work with him, they just want to harass him every day. they impeached him, they'll probably try and do it again. let's focus on getting our economy back open so we can get americans working safely, dealing with this virus not just the daily i drum beat of trying to find something to beat the president up on. lou: you couldn't be more right about the dems and these radical dems and their investigations and hearings and nonsense that have one design, and that is to subvert the president of the united states and distract from his extraordinary achievements, historic achievements in three years despite their worst intentions possible. let's turn to that very issue. i have to say i'm proud of you and the rest of the leadership
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for considering and, i hope, refusing to participate in another absolute farce of a hearing or investigation that would be led by james clyburn. who, by the way i should remind everyone who might have forgotten, he's the one who basically turned it all around for joe biden. four members of those democrats are already announced ardent, feverish support orers of joe biden -- supporters of joe biden. it just makes all the sense in the world not to participate. what have with your colleagues -- one of your colleagues yesterday, devin nuñes, who i i think has been the stalwart for standing up against this president and against the politically corrupt, toxic fbi, justice department and special counsel, he suggested that not even to participate with left-wing news media outlets because it's just like walking into the dnc -- i'm paraphrasing -- walking into the
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dnc and sitting down for coffee while they take notes. your thoughts. >> well, look, devin nuñes has been right from the very beginning, and you can go back over, you know, years ago before the mueller investigation even started when devon said, boy, he's seeing things that are really concerning within the fbi, with people that abused the fisa process. i saw some of that classified investigation, and it concerned me as well that enough wasn't being focused on people who abuse their power, lou. you've highlighted this. but devon was beating that drum from the very beginning, and we saw all this like jim jordan and mark meadows raising alarm bells. the democrats wanted to cover it up because, as it turned out, these were very pro-hillary clinton people that hated donald trump, and they were using their badge, in essence, using their positions of power, abusing their positions of power to try to take down a candidate for president of the united states, and it continued when donald trump got elected. they literally tried to set
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flynn up, they tried -- comey tried to set the president up. these people need to be held accountable. i don't think it stops at strzok and page, i think that's just the beginning. and the durham investigation's been going on long enough. we've seen enough to know there are people that need to be brought to justice today, and i think a lot of these people are going to roll over on the folks higher up. it may go as high as comey, i wouldn't be surprise. i wonder if president obama knew this was going on right under his nose with his fbi trying to take out a candidate for president of the united states. nobody, republican or democrat candidate for president, should have agents of the fbi abusing their power to try to undermine an in america. we're already concerned about russia. we need to make sure we're doing enough to stop russia which, by the way, they tried to interfere with our election when obama was president. but we shouldn't have our own law enforcement agencies doing it. there needs to be accountability, people need to go to jail starting with strzok at the top there.
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lou: and as you said, they need to go to jail, there's no question about it. this is, this is about right and wrong as well as what is lawful or unlawful. to try to overthrow a president of the united states, it's an obvious conspiracy -- >> yeah. and a -- [inaudible] lou: the deep state -- yeah. >> and trying to tarnish the name of good people along the way. lou: general flynn -- yeah. and destroy them. this, talk about the democrats' fondness for the politics of destruction, this is case number one on that chart. congressman, it's always good to have you with us. we thank you so much, and we hope that everyone there in louisiana is ready to get back to business. how soon do you think that'll happen? >> not soon enough. look, we had a great flyover today, just blocks from my
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house, one of the places where the great doctors and nurses, front-line workers are taking care of people. new orleans, of course, was a hotbed of coronavirus. they did a flyover today to pay tribute, b-a 32s and f-15s, you could feel the roar and the thunder. i posted a video on my facebook page, and over on twitter we sent out a video of this flyover. it was just -- it gives you goose bumps, reminds you just what's great about america. people are ready to start getting out knowing we're going to be doing things safely. this isn't about taking risks or letting our foot off the gas. it's about saying we know this disease is out there, but we're america, we need to start opening our business again. people want to get back to work again using safer protocols, but we can't keep this economy shut down for another month or two months and think that there's something to go back to. we've got to start getting this going, and it was a great tribute to see that flyover.
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president trump is leading the way, and this was another good example of how the president supports those who support our first responders and our hospital workers. lou: yeah, it's a great tribute from the air force, from the navy and, of course, the marines. it's just, it's terrific -- >> and the air force -- [inaudible] lou: working the health care -- did i leave out the air force? shame on me. >> that's hurt. lou: b-52s all got together with those f-15s. thank you very much, we appreciate it. >> great being with you, lou, thanks. lou: up next, more trouble for joe biden -- thank you. the new questions about the person cast with vetting his vice presidential nominee. investigate i journalist john sol moan joins us with that and much more -- solomon. also how those new documents from the, well, the fraudulent case against general michael flynn, do they implicate former president obama?
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was it an attempt to overthrow president trump? general flynn's attorney, sydney powell, joins us right after these quick messages. we'll be right back. ♪ you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief their medicare options...ere people go to learn about before they're on medicare. come on in. you're turning 65 soon? yep. and you're retiring at 67? that's the plan! well, you've come to the right place. it's also a great time to learn about an aarp medicare
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about the efforts of the fbi and justice department to set up and to frame general michael blink flynn are further -- michael flynn are further evidence of the corruption that raged throughout the upper levels during the obama administration. increasingly, questions arise about the role of the former president. how did the justice department and his presidency become so politicized that the fbi could carry out criminal acts against a national security adviser, could conspire against a president of the united states with the obvious intent to overthrow him? as we told you here last night, these new documents show the fbi was moving to close the investigation of general flynn on the 4th of january, 2017. sixteen days before the inauguration of president trump. to close the file because there wasn't any derogatory information.
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but that same day disgraced fbi agent peter strzok frantically made certain the case remained open, even adding, quote: seventh floor was involved. meaning fired fbi director james comey. so where does the obama white house come in? well, the next day, january 5th, comey attended a meeting at the white house, a meeting in the oval office with president obama. joining them, vice president joe biden, former deputy attorney general sally yates and susan rice, also in the meeting. that meeting was memorialized by susan rice who wrote that president obama told the group to insure, quote: every aspect of the russia issue is handled by the intelligence and law enforcement communities by the book. susan rice's attorney provides more evidence that general flynn was being discussed in that meeting. in a 2018 letter to congress,
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rice said: those in the room were fear portfolio of sharing classified intelligence -- fearful of sharing classified intelligence with members of the uncoming trump team, especially general michael flynn. now, that's odd. remember, flynn had served as the head of the defense intelligence agency until he was fired by president obama. then the next day, january 6th, three consecutive days, and on the third james comey gave a briefing to the president about the fraudulent steele dossier in trump tower. clearly, comey had the intention of intimidating president trump. and less than a week later comey and sally yates signed off on the first renewal of the fisa warrant against carter page using the fraudulent steele dossier as a pretext with which to gain authority to spy on the
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president of the united states. our next guest this evening is general michael flynn's attorney. joining us is sydney powell, also a former federal prosecutor, best selling author and great american. sydney, the first of all, congratulations on all that you have brought to ground here, all the progress that has been made in less than a year as his defense attorney. give us a sense where judge sullivan is in this and whether or not you think he is ready to do the right thing, and i would like to get your opinion on the legal responsibilities of this sitting judge to exonerate, to end this hell in the legal system for general michael flynn. >> i wish i knew where judge sullivan were on it, lou. he entered an unusual order
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yesterday e that stops us from doing any further filings like we've done last friday and then this week to produce the new information that the government agreed we could file redacted as they provided it to us on the record. but now judge sullivan has foreclosed any further filings by us even with the agreement of the government until mr. jensening has completed his review. so i don't know when that'll be. i don't have any direct information of from the department of justice at all. i seem to be the last one to know when i'm going to get something -- [laughter] the news media knows more than i do about it. but he should dismiss the case for egregious government misconduct, without a doubt. it's established at every turn that the government has been hiding this evidence that shows their own crimes while they were accusing mr. flynn thoughtfully of any crimes because they made it all up. and the fbi's known that for three years, and special counsel has known that since day one and pursued this prosecution in the
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utmost bad faith and vindictiveness and maliciousness. lou: well, i frankly am tired of hearing judge sullivan take a look at evidence and the developments that are playing in front of his face and ignore them. and i think ignore them wantonly and certainly without care for the defendant in the case whose rights have been just trampled over the course of three years by the justice department and the fbi and whomever the parties were giving him, giving the justice department and fbi their orders. what is the likelihood that the evidence that you've unearthed here, these documents are absolutely just damning of the fbi and the justice department what in the world would it take for a judge to have the sense to end this now? in the name of justice?
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>> well, it's going to have to be ended now. there's no way this can proceed forward with the evidence that's come out in the last ten days. it's -- the only crimes are by the fbi, and that's obvious now more is so every time we get a new document, and i've heard that we're going to get a lot more documents by the end of next week. the judge did order them to respond to our latest filing by may 11th, so i would think that would be the latest date by which the department of justice itself will probably move to dismiss this matter, as they should, to start restoring credibility to the department itself because they've gotten a horrible black eye thanks to the fbi and the special counsel operation and the fact that nobody has spoken out about this until mr. jensen rain mr. barr and mr.-- and mr. barr and mr. durham got on it and produced these documents. lou: well, good for them and good for you. we're going to continue with
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sidney powell. next, we'll take up how the media treated these explosive new developments. you may not be surprised by the number of left-wing news outfits who decided to ignore it altogether. imagine that. stay with us, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. safe drivers do save 40%. tell me, what did verizon build their network for? people. and when people's every day is being challenged... that's when a network shows what it's made of. verizon customers are making an average
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♪ ♪ lou: as more information comes out about the deep state's clear deception in its efforts the frame general mike flynn, the left-wing mainstream media is largely trying to ignore the explosive findings, and the following are just a few headlines from the past few days with the few outlets that did take note. "the new york times," for example, its headline, quote: flynn liars seize on newly-released fbi documents. wow. cnn: handwritten note shows how
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fbi official approached the key michael flynn interview. well, and one of the ways was to frame them. they left that out of their headline. "the washington post" writing with, quote: fbi notes on michael flynn unlikely to convince drug he was entrapped, legal experts say. they need new legal experts, i believe. and the post wrote, quote: the michael flynn revelation, bombshell or business as usual? well, in the swamp it can be both. it's business as usual in the swamp, and this is definitely a bombshell. we're back with general michael flynn's attorney, sidney powell. sidney, i have to believe that you're gratifieded to hear the fox news report that sources close to the investigation believe that john durham in his investigation now after looking at the documents that have been revealed believes there is a basis for criminal proceedings against some of the fbi agents
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and justice department officials. your reaction. >> yes. i think any reasonable prosecutor looking at these facts would have to see that, particularly when they compare the statements and the fbi agents' own handwriting or text messages to lies they told to congress and to other agents. it's going to be a significant prosecution, i expect, and there are multiple offenses that have happened; obstruction of justice, conspiracy, false statements to the, to congress and to other officials. there's a lot to unearth there, and mr. durham seems to be the perfect person to do that. we can tell from the documents he's provided as they've been marked to us that some of them came from his investigation. so it's a credit to him and others. the fbi's been hiding most of what we've been given for at least three years. that is extremely concerning, you know?
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they should have exposed this a lot sooner. lou: you know, sean is a great friend and a a great broadcaster. he may have to revise that percentage -- >> i think we're all going to have to revise it. lou: -- the corruption -- yeah. it's the, this is a much bigger problem than anyone suspected. it's not only the officials at the top, there had to be a lot of agents who knew what was going on and held their tongues and didn't say a word over the course of these three years. it is really, it is a terrible moment for the nation and for, for the agencies of the fbi in particular and the department of justice. i want to ask you about some of the people involved in this. two agents were there with the president. we know peter strzok was one of them. who was the other, and why don't we hear that name?
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>> when general flynn was interviewed? lou: yes. >> that, that agent, they're still redacting his name, and it's under a protective order, so i can't say his name. but he's the same agent that we just learned from the inspector general's report in december was the one who was slipped secretly into the presidential briefing back in august of last, of 2016 when trump was the nominee to spy on general flynn and president trump. so he's been in it consistently and a big part of the problem, but he's apparently still in the fbi, and his name is still redacted. i mean, christopher wray has been sitting on all of this for this length of time since he was installed as director of the fbi. nothing has been brought to light, and the media hasn't just been helping the left, they've been conspiratorially complicit in a lot of it because, don't forget, many members of the media were paid by fusion gps and by dianne feinstein's former
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chief of staff who raised $50 million right after the election to keep promoting the russia hoax that they all knew was a lie. lou: it is, it is just an extraordinary moment in history, and for the left to simply ignore it -- forget about their complicity, forget about their aiding and abetting. to absolutely ignore their responsibilities to let the public know what is happening, it's just stunning. and the corporate masters of those organizations who permit this are just as scurrilous and just as bereft of any conscience whatsoever or obligation or sense of duty to this country and the public they're supposed to serve. let me ask you this, can you conceive, can you conceive of the fbi and the department of justice doing all of this without the, if not direction,
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the certain knowledge and tacit approval at least of the president of the united states. >> no. i mean, from the text messages of strzok and page, the white house was running this. the white house knew everything. james comey's meeting in the oval office on january 5th, go back and look at that memo that comey wrote to himself on january 5th. that alone is damning. they talked about general flynn there. they talked about the steele dossier there. they sent comey to trump tower the very next day to brief the nominee trump and president-elect trump only on the salacious aspects of the steele dossier. they did that specific iically to set -- specifically to set the news hook for cnn and buzzfeed to run with the whole steele dossier story that they all knew was a lie. it was all carefully orchestrated with the media, the cia, the fbi. john brennan was at that meeting, clapper was at that meeting. clapper then takes ill shus to -- ignatius to take the kill
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shot on january 10th. they were planning and orchestrating every bit of it. lou: sidney powell with the best, most succinct and perfect rundown of it all in just a matter of seconds. thanks so much. we appreciate it. sidney powell. congratulations. we'll be right back. managers don't understand why.y because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those. so, what's in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. which is why when it comes to his dentures only new poligrip cushion and comfort will do. the first and only formula with adaptagrip cushioning technology.
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the national republican senatorial committee are on a slow to real trouble. an internal polling by the georgia house gop caucus finds congressman doug collins is up 18 points over his primary if rival, senator kelly leffler, the establishment choice and incumbent senator from georgia. leffler has a 20% approval rating. georgians give her a 47% disapproval rating. the national republican senatorial with committee clearly backing the wrong candidate and, of course, they are led eventually by mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader. on march 2nd the committee said collins was on a, quote, political kamikaze mission in his run against leffler. on april 1st a spokesperson told the washington examiner there is, quote, a special place in political hell for attacking loeffler for insider trading and profiting off the pandemic. that committee sent a memo
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saying in part, quote: don't defend trump other than the china travel ban. attack china. in other words, separate from the president who is assuring them of their political future. it is, it is so reminiscent, it resonates with 2018, doesn't it? only this time it's in the senate and the house when paul ryan famously told republicans not to run on the president's record, and they got slaughtered. so connell and the leadership -- mcconnell and the leadership on that campaign committee obviously not learning much and not knowing much more. joe biden selecting former democratic senator from connecticut christopher dodd to run biden's search for a vice presidential candidate. now, dodd was the foreman dnc -- former dnc chair back in the '90s when the committee accepted illegal foreign donations from china.
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dodd also accepted $36,000 in political donations from his good friend harvey weinstein. second only to the donations weinstein made to barack obama. and like joe biden, dodd has also been accused of sexual improprieties during his time in the senate. well, joining us tonight, a man who talked with someone who says she was assaulted by chris dodd. joining us now is one of the leading investigative journalists in the country, award-winning investigate irv journalists and editor-in-chief of "just the news." john, great to have you here. >> thanks, lou are. lou: first of all, chris dodd, of all people. it's just, it doesn't make any sense that biden would entrust -- other than his affection, apparently, for chinese money -- that he would entrust such an important role to someone with dodd's checkered career. >> yeah, i think that's certainly the question.
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within a few hours of the announcement yesterday, i started hearing from democrats saying this feels like a deaf ear appointment. joe biden has to deal with the issues of china not only the policy of the obama-biden administration, but also hunter biden's foray into making money in china on his dad's watch. so who does he pick? a guy who presided over the china money scandal in the 1990s that gave bill clinton and the democratic party a black eye. he's also trying to deal with these sexual assault allegations, and he's made a promise, biden has, to name a woman as vice president, and he picks one of the most famous womanizers, someone accused of sexually assaulting with senator ted kennedy a waitress at a restaurant that multiple eyewitnesses saw the attack. we interviewed that waitress, and she says chris dodd never apologized to her, and she considered it one of the most vulgar moments in her life. lou: well, it's all that biden
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needs is more of this china and at this particular moment when all of the questions and tara reid with her allegations -- tarareade this is madness. it's just inconceivable. tone deaf doesn't quite cover it. your thoughts on how this will resolve. >> i think joe biden's going to stick with chris dodd unless there's an outcry, but each of these things are piling up, and the danger is it's going to demoralize key elements of the liberal movement; the me too movement, young people, women, all who should be -- they're hoping they're going to be in his camp in the fall. all these little things add up in the back of people's minds, and they wonder is this guy really serious about the things he says, or is he just part of that good ole boys' club that we heard about. chris dodd is part of the ted kennedy club, and i think it's going to be a political
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liability unless he can move from it. lou: and let's turn to this recent poll from, the harris poll showing 53% of americans, john, 53% of americans believe the steele dossier was accurate even though the special counsel, the fed, the fbi all determined that it was, it was a fraud. >> yeah. no, well, what it shows you is that the main stream media with, which built up the christopher steele dossier and then stopped reporting on it when it unraveled in front of our eyes ors has done a bad job. as a result, the american public has been misled. the news media, "the new york times," "the washington post," cnn all are responsible for that misunderstanding in the american public. had they watched fox news, had they read my reporting, they would know long ago that the steele dossier had not only been debunked, but that it was likely
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russia misinformation on multiple instances. but because the mainstream the media has swept this under the rug, they built it up, they created a false scandal, and then they moved on and never corrected the record, the american public has that misperception. it shows some of the education that we all have to do for the american public over the next few months. lou: absolutely. as always, john, great to have you with us. thanks so much. john solomon. >> thank you, lou. lou: up next, church closures from the wuhan virus aren't stopping americans from losing their faith. we take it up with pastor robert jeffress right after these quick messages. stay with us. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now.
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♪ ♪ lou: on wall street, stocks closing lower. the dow selling off, down 622 points. the s&p lost 82, the nasdaq down 285 points. volume on the big board, only 4.8 billion shares, but it was enough for a selloff. a reminder, listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the say lemm radio e network. salem radio network. a new pew research survey finds 24% of adults say their faith is stronger as a result of the wuhan virus pandemic, even higher among african-americans who say 41% of them that their
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faith is growing stronger. well, joining us tonight is pastor robert jeffers, member of the white house faith initiative, fox business contributor, great american. pastor, great to have you with us. that is nice to hear, isn't it, that people are stronger in their faith as a result of this adversity that we're all experiencing. >> it is, lou. and i'm seeing it everywhere. there is an unprecedented spiritual hunger in america that we've never witnessed before. i mean, in our own ministry we're seeing millions of people every week tune in online to our program or watch on broadcast tv. just in the last three weeks 13,000 people have told us that they have prayed to trust in christ for the forgiveness of their sins. and it's easy to understand why. people are anxious, they're worried, they're not sure what's for real right now. they need assurance, and they're finding it in turning to god and faith.
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and, lou, it's my belief that after this pandemic has a passed -- and it will pass -- after it's passed there are going to be positive benefits that remain. america is going to end up stronger as a result of this. lou: you know, you and the president are very, very clear about your optimism, your outlook and, you know, god bless you both and everyone else who are keeping their heads high and staying committed to this country's, this country's destiny which is -- i join you in thinking it's very bright and that we will emerge from this stronger. you know, shaken maybe, inveepsed some -- inconvenienced some, terrific pain for others, but coming through it together. it just, it's nice to see everyone doing so well. we talk about american resilience, but we've had the, we have had strong reasons to
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see just how resilient americans are over the course of these past six difficult weeks. >> yes, we have. and, by the way, lou, you talk about the president being optimistic, i can tell you all of these reports about him being dour and sour and scare about re-election, that is all fake news. i'veed had the privilege of talking -- i've had the privilege of talking to him several times in the last couple of weeks. and, yes, he feels the weight of this crisis, but he is optimist in, upbeat. i talked to him one night at 7:00. he was in the oval office on a saturday night working for america. so i would just say to your viewers, don't believe this fake news about the president. he's doing a great job navigating us through this crisis. lou: he truly is. and should be no surprise to anyone who's watched all that he's achieved over the course of the almost three and a half years that he's been in office. it's stunning stuff.
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there are other issues too though. we've got falling marriage rates in this country. we have a society that is not always supportive of the american family. this president is working very hard for the american working man and woman and their families, but the society right now is not making it easy for families, isn't making it easy for marriage. >> no. we saw the latest "wall street journal" statistic about the number of marriages in america is at an all-time low, the number of people getting married. i would just remind people, lou, that america -- or that marriage is not man's idea or government's idea, it was god's idea. and when you with ignore god's principles for marriage, there's going to be sociological fallout. you know, sarah mcclanahan is a sociologist at princeton university, and she said the best environment to rear a child is one in which it's biologically connected to both parents. that's what god says.
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children need a mother and a father in a loving, stable, committed relationship called a marriage. that's god's idea, and god's idea is always the best idea. lou: amen. pastor robert jeffress, have a great weekend. look forward to seeing you february next week. we'll be right back -- seeing you nexthe week. we'll be right back. stay with us. finish i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that's the nicest thing you ever said to me. so get allstate. stop bossing. where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. this is my son's favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? [tina] you're an old lady. let's be honest. quitting smoking is hard. like, quitting every monday hard. quitting feels so big.
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lou: president trump leaving for the weekend for camp david just moments ago. the president was asked about whether he is considering imposing more tariffs against china to make them pay for unleashing the wuhan virus pandemic. and then lying about it. >> we will see what happens. a lot of things are happening with respect to china, were not happy obviously with what happened. this is a bad situation, all over the world 182 countries. but we will be having a lot to say about that. it certainly an option, is certainly an option. lou: and that is it for as tonight. we thank you for being with us and judicial watches tom fitton and the institute gordon chang among our guest monday, reminder to follow me on twitter at lou dobbs, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram at "lou dobbs tonight". we thank you for being with us
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today and we look forward to seeing you next week. have a great weekend. good night from sussex. ♪ . liz: i am elizabeth macdonald, welcome to "the evening edit". let's welcome former federal prosecutor doug byrne. joe biden interviewed on msnbc, did not go well. we are watching the reaction to it, it's been called a train wreck, disaster, he tried to categorically deny terror read sexual assault allegation in the interview. let's take a listen to this. >> the facts of this case do not exist, they never happen. and there's so many inconsistencies of what's been said in this case. so yes, look at the facts. i assure you, did not


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