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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 6, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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you. [laughter] lou: good evening, everybody. the adam schiff era of rank political corruption and abuse of power appears to be nearing an end. the lying schiff is now in a showdown with the direct or of national intelligence -- director of national intelligence, and it is a confrontation that schiff can only lose. richard grenell is a top official in the u.s. intelligence community. he's called out the thuggish chair of the house intelligence committee for blocking the release of transcripts for two years, transcripts that are reportedly exculpatory and in one instance reveal ares,sedly, that vladimir -- reportedly, that saturdaymy putin --
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vladimir putin preferred hillary clinton to win the 2016 election. he has cleared all transcripts for release, and if schiff were to refuse to release them, grenell would then directly do so so. grenell telling schiff the 53 transcripts of testimony should be revealed to the public to honor schiff's previous public statements as well as the republican members of the intelligence committee who have demanded the release for months and months now. as well as a unanimous committee vote back in 2018 to release all of the interviews. director grenell says if schiff won't allow the transcripts to be released, he is, quote, willing to release the transcripts directly from the odni. the office of the director of national intelligence. a house intelligence committee today spokesman accused the dni of being, quote, overtly political. overtly political for releasing the letter that reveals the
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transcripts are unclassified and now ready. the spokesman dud not, however -- did not, however, characterize adam schiff's public lies and his refusals to release those transcripts that are no longer classifieded. the committee spokesman if also failed to acknowledge that congressman schiff's credibility has been utterly destroyed after he endlessly spun lies about evidence of russian collusion. >> i think there's plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight. there's clear evidence on the issue of collusion. you can see evidence in plan sight on the issue of collusion. there's ample evidence of collusion in plain sight, and that is true. lou: we'll be taking up those developments in this evening's broadcast with two people close to the story, ranking republican member of the house intelligence committee devin nuñes and award-winning investigative journalist john solomon. both join us here in just a few
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minutes. president trump's resilience in the fight against the deep state's efforts to overthrow his presidency, well, that resilience showing up again in his fight against the wuhan virus pandemic. the president today announce9 after further discussions he will leave the white house coronavirus task force intact and, for now, indefinitely. but then charged the task force with a renewed focus on reopening the country. his decision comes as the death toll from the virus has reached more than 72,000 americans. the contagion also infecting 1.2 million more in this country. president trump today delivered these harsh words for china, placing the responsibility directly on china for those american deaths. >> the worst attack we've ever had on our country. this is really the worst attack -- this is worse than pearl harbor, this is worse than the world trade center.
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there's never been an attack like this. and it should have never happened. could have been stopped at the source. could have been stopped in china. it should have been stopped right at the source, and it wasn't. lou: the president's communities come as we learn new details about the chinese communist party's efforts to cover up the severity of the wuhan virus release and pandemic. fox news correspondent gillian turner following the story. she joins us from outside the chinese embassy in washington with more. gillian? >> reporter: good evening, lou. fox news has learned that the chinese government is cracking down on coronavirus victims as well as families of who have lost members to the pandemic inside the country. now our national security sources tell us this is all part of the ongoing with chinese communist party's efforts to conceal the true extent of the
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virus' outbreak across the country. now, the crackdown against the bereaved includes online censorship, shuttering support groups, police interrogations and threats against lawyers representing coronavirus victims. finish the secretary of defense says it's all part of a very clear pattern to try and save face at the expense of people's lives. take a listen. >> they need to still allow us in to talk to early patients, to talk to the chinese researchers and scientists and to have access. what are they doing? they're trying to capitalize on this by promoting their own image if, that somehow china's the good guy here. >> reporter: now, the crackdown is particularly harsh inside wuhan, the epicenter of the virus outbreak back in december. "the new york times" first to report that officials there have been paying off families to the tune of $420 per family member lost to the pandemic. china's ambassador here in the u.s. is pushing back today in a
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new op-ed accusing u.s. politicians of scapegoating china in order to distract from their own failures. he writes: behind the mindset of always blame china is a kind of dirty politics championed by a few people who shift the spotlight for political gain. now, as the u.s. and the international community continue to ramp up pressure on the chinese government, an important reminder coming from overseas as the chinese people are equally eager and desperate for an accounting of how their government managed this outbreak from day zero. lou? lou: well, gillian, that's a difficult ask, i think, of the chinese people given they're in a communist state that tolerates very little under president xi in the way of dissent. but to the issue of the chinese government, the ambassador, no representative of president xi, the communist party or china has
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so much as said we a apologize or attempted to explain why they destroyed evidence. your thoughts on their peculiar and, i think, implicating silence. >> reporter: so, lou, talking to national security sources here in washington, both of them have told me that this is sort of classic chinese communist party propaganda maneuvering in the wake of this virus. rather than admit culpability, rather than can the international community for help, they have doubled down on their early claims which is the virus is not transmissable from human to human and that the extent of the spread is not going to be as vicious as others here in the united states are from predicting. they have stayed closely sort of hand in glove on that government wide. we haven't seen any deviations, but we do know that anybody who's spoken out against these government reports has been silenced pretty quickly whether through police intimidation or
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even imprisonment. lou: there has been briefly, dr. michael pillsbury taking note of some complaint within state-owned media in china of the hawkish response of the government, but those -- that report that he was referring to was lifted in a matter of hours and is no longer in that media publication. this is just, as you put it, classic authoritarian government in the way it responds. and for the first time, it seems the american people are having to confront, to face the reality that china is a communist nation and no amount of posturing or interpretation to the contrary will work. meanwhile, we are dealing with agencies in this country and organizations like the chamber
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of commerce, the business round are table, wall street who are supporting in many ways the chinese narrative here which is to, frankly, to frustrate u.s. foreign policy, is it not? >> reporter: lou, i think the role of the u.s. private sector in all of this has been, you know, has really paled in comparison to the degree to which the u.s. government has been taking on chinese officials day in and day out whether it's secretary pompeo, secretary of defense's per or president trump himself, white house official peter navarro. peter navarro most recently leveraged a quite shocking claim against the regime which is that part of the reason that they lied about the real numbers coming out of wuhan during the earliest days of the outbreak was because communist party officials there wanted to buy time in order to stockpile and hoard or ppe and key medical
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equipment. whether it was to use in their own hospitals or to sell at increased prices around the nation remains to be seen. but looking into that next as we're moving forward the next front of the investigation. lou: right. and that part of peter navarro's charge against the chinese documented by the trade numbers, imports and exports of gowns, masks, gloves over the course of january and february of this year. it's utterly indies pilot bl empirical evidence precisely what he charged. the motive, however, for why they destroyed specimens of the virus and why they cleansed the virology laboratories in wuhan, that is quite obvious and has a far more sinister motivation, or i think, straightforwardly. at least in my inference. gillian turner, as always, great
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work. we appreciate you being with us. thanks so much. gillian turner from washington. joining us tonight, u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo. mr. secretary, great to have you with us, and the president today moving straight to that issue saying this is the worst awe tack -- attack, the pandemic, that has truck this country and claim -- struck this country and claimed so many lives, is the worst attack in american history. give us your thoughts. >> well, lou, thanks for having me on. s it is undoubtedly the case that we've now had alternatives of thousands -- tens of thousands of lives lost here in the united states, enormous economic wealth destruction here in the united states and all around the world. what's taken place didn't have to be. we know this virus came from wuhan, china. we know that the chinese knew about this at least by december and didn't act fast enough. the world health organization, at the behest of the chinese, failed to declare this a pandemic in a timely fashion. these are the kind of things
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that caused this problem. i must say, or or lou, even today as i sit here as we do this interview, we still don't have the information we need. we still continue to implore the chinese government to turn over the samples, to allow westerners in to look at these labs. we still need information not only to work on this particular crisis, but to do everything we can to take down the risk something like this could happen again. lou: yeah. the reports that the chinese -- the ccp ordered the wuhan laboratory, the virology laboratory there to absolutely clean out, to destroy all specimens of the virus that they had on happened, all samples from the epidemic that broke out in wuhan, is there any -- have we confirmed that? has the united states government confirmed that? >> lou, i've seen those reports as well. i can't say much about the
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intelligence we've collected with respect to this. but we know enough now to be confident of this: we saw what they did to the journalists that they kicked out, american journalists they kicked out, we saw what they did to some of the doctors who early on raised the flag and said, hey, with we've got a problem. we saw that they wandered off not to be seep again. we've seen this kind of behavior, this kind of activity. it's what authoritarian regimes like the chinese communist party do. they hide, they dis'em bl, they propagate information that we saw when they tried to pin it on the united states seems like forever ago, but a few weeks back. those are the kinds of things that regimes like this do. it's why democracies flourish and authoritarian regimes treat their own people. there were thousands of lives lost in china too, treat their own people with such little regard for life. lou: and complicating this, the world health organization and its role, hardly a acting as an independent united nations
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agency and arm but, rather, as a satellite, if you will, of the xi government. the doctor simply ec ecoing the propaganda emanating from beijing and wuhan province about what had transpired. and i know the administration is considering a number of alternatives, amongst them creating an agency that would supplant, replace the world health organization itself. can you tell us where the administration stands on that as of now? >> i sure can, lou. so the white house secretary azar and myself are all trying to evaluate what's the best path forward. our mission given to us by the president is very clear, allowing the health organization to fail again is unacceptable. to put hundreds of millions of american dollars to the world health organization if it's not going to deliver on the outcomes is unacceptable. so we're working to deliver.
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what does that look like? we've tone this before. we've done with this pepfar where americans went in and took on the challenge of aids. we know how to run international health operations, and we are determined to find a good way so that we can be, as we was always been, the leader in global health policy. president trump has demanded that we do that in this situation as well. the w.h.o. simply didn't accomplish what its intended mission was, and as the president says about organizes that are multilateral in nature, if they work, fine. if they don't, we're simply not going to be part of it. lou: well, that's, that's straightforward. mr. secretary, the motivation of the chinese here, what happened in wuhan in that laboratory, the idea that this was a naturally occurring virus in, or a virus that emanated from nature doesn't really answer the
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question was it in any way a virus that was manipulated or engineered in any way as a bioweapon. we know the chinese have a sophisticated biowarfare structure and capacity and, led by general he at least in the planning and research stages. why are we not hearing more discussion about the actual construction of this, the construct? i'll put it that way so as not to imply outright engineering, the construct of this virus, and why are people so is eager to dismiss it -- and by people, i'm referring to some of the public health authorities -- to dismiss it as simply a natural phenomenon and that there's no sense looking at the evidence here that is the capacity of china in biowarfare? it shouldn't even be considered, some are saying. >> lou, we've seen what our intelligence community said
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about this. i have no reason to disbelieve what they've concluded. but your point about the origin of the virus, the nature of it, how it got out into the wild in the way that it did is something we still have lots of unanswered questions about. i have said before i've seen evidence that this likely came from the wuhan institute of virology. happy to see other evidence that disproves that. we should get to the bottom of it. we've been asking for months now to give westerners access to this information. the people who can answer these questions, lou, that you just described are the leaders of the chinese communist party. they have an obligation to the world. not one from last month or two months ago, but one for today. they have an obligation to the world to share this information, to open up, to be transparent. china claims that's what they want, they want to be part of this great civilization of nations all around the world. to do that, to be a reliable partner you have to be transparent, and they have done exactly the opposite here. they've e done what authoritarian regimes do, and
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that's not only caused loss of life so far, but it continues to be a danger and a threat to the american people. lou: well, as we wrap up, met me ask this: are you in active conversations with the foreign minister, president xi's office, with the communist government of china right now? >> yes, we are in active conversations urging them to do what i just described. to help us not just the united states, but the world understand how this could possibly have happened and how we take the actions to make sure that these high-end labs that the chinese are running operate in a way that's safe and we don't end up with infection all around the world again. lou: secretary mike pompeo, always good to see you. thanks for being with us this evening. appreciate it. mike pompeo, secretary of state. john solomon, investigative
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journalist, joins us right after these quick themmings. stay with us. so i listen to audible almost any time that i can. it's my own thing that i can do for me. since i don't have time to read, i mean i might as well listen. if i want to catch up on the news, or history, or learn what's going on in the world, i can download a book and listen to it. i listen to spanish lessons sometimes to and from work. yea, it makes me want to be better. audible reintroduced this whole world to me. it changes your perspective. it makes you a different person. see what listening to audible can do for you. it makes you a different person. our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence. yeah, they help us with achievable steps along the way... we can spend a bit now, knowing we're prepared for the future. surprise! we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us. oooh, well... i'm good at my condo. oh. i love her condo. nana throws the best parties. well planned, well invested, well protected.
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stream live tv, on demand shows and movies, even your dvr recordings. download the xfinity stream app today to stream the entertainment you love. lou: joining us now is the editor-in-chief of "just the news," and he is the lead investigator on this story that
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was blocked transcripts for two years. and richard grenell, the head of the office of the director of national intelligence, put schiff exactly in a place that schiff must absolutely hate; that is, a very simple choice. either he releases those 53 transcripts, or the office of the director of national intelligence will do so directly. your thoughts. >> yeah, absolutely. in fact, a couple of weeks ago i put in motion some of this process by filing a freedom of information act request. normally congress is not subject to freedom of information act requests, but when they send documents to an executive branch agency, a reporter has a right to then request them. so my foia is ticking, and if adam schiff doesn't release them himself, i have a high degree of confidence that my foia request will result in the release of the transcripts in the not so distant future.
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lou: well, we've just gotten word from the committee that their spokesman saying they're looking forward to releasing these transcripts which the republicans have been demanding, as you know, for two years. >> that's right. lou: and now, now the spokesman is saying that the republicans are at fault, the white house hijacked the process as they prepare, by the way, to release these transcripts, they say. >> yeah. lou: but adam schiff, as you well know, is not a man known for veracity. >> well, let's challenge that statement he just made. the white house could not have played games with these transcripts. here's why. the letter i obtained a few weeks ago and talked about on your show, in it adam schiff instructed the odni not to share the transcripts with the white house. therefore, the white house couldn't see them, couldn't play games with him, couldn't slow them down.
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and so the, at the office adam schiff trying to keep these triplets away from donald trump and his lawyers. and the white house back in 2019 when the mueller report was coming out, probably because they contained exculpatory information that would is have helped the president. lou: exculpatory information. to be more specific, the suggestion that perhaps as well that might, that vladimir putin, the russian probe might have been refocused had we known more, that he preferred hillary clinton in the presidential election of 2016. >> well, listen, one of the things i did today on the, right now you can see it, is an article that says the biggest loser in declassification may turn out to be adam schiff, and here's why. he made a stream of statements on television and newspaper articles, and these newly-declassified documents we've gotten in the last few
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weeks thanks to attorney general barr and ric grenell, they now show most of those statements are false. and in some cases, he read into the record information that the fbi and cia had determined was russian disinformation. we had a congressman who read russian disinformation into the congressional record. vladimir putin must be sitting back throwing back a vodka right now extremely happy by adam schiff's behavior. lou: and everyone who's interested in seeing justice and this government reformed and the responsible radical dems in all of this brought to heel have to be cheered by what is happening right now. ric grenell, the director of the office of national -- the director of national intelligence, i mean, i think he deserves all of the credit. he and the president, for doing exactly what has been done here today to bring adam schiff up
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short on what has been a career made in the last two years of lies and conscienceless acts after -- he has been downright evil, do you not think, john? >> well, i'll say this as i try to keep my opinions to myself, but i think the most important thing is there was a long history that intelligence matters were one of the things of congress that didn't get politicized, that everyone would come together and say we don't play politics with intelligence. we now know that adam schiff jumped the gun, touted the steele dossier before it was known to be accurate or true and was actually being debunked at the time he touted it, and there's the been no consequence. the media hasn't held him to account, his open party hasn't held him to account. so now is the time for rick redwell, attorney general -- ric grenell, attorney general barr to hold him to task. his words to not hold to fact.
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lou: and as you mentioned, devin nuñes, who, i think, courageously up to this absolutely rancid political corruption led in part by adam schiff. he deserves, i think, immense credit. give us your sense of his contribution to truth and to the defense of the president during all of this. >> yeah, absolutely. chairman nuñes, congressman nuñes was a leader. of he saw the fisa abuse process before anyone else, and he tried to blow the whistle on it only to have adam schiff and the committee file an ethics charge against him frivolously. anything the democrats could do to try to throw devin nuñes off the trail, they try thed. in the end, he persevered. and because attorney general barr and ric grenell and because a few reporters have stuck with this process, the truth that devin nuñes set to get out is now finally coming out three, three and a half years later.
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lou: and also to the intrepid if reporting of -- reporting of one of the world's great investigative journalists, john solomon. john, great to have you with us. thanks for being here. and we'll be talking with congressman deafen uniyes, sir -- devin nuñes here next. sir -- devin nuñes here next. stopen road and telling peoplehe that liberty mutual customizes your insurance, so you only pay for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. she's confident, protected, her strength respected. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you.
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us now, as i said, congressman kevin nunez -- devin nuñes, member of the house ways and means committee. and as i also said, the -- one of the, if not the greatest heroes over the course of the past several years in fighting the radical dems' efforts to overthrow our president from the house of representatives. finish congressman, great to have you here. adam schiff, his spokesman saying that they're right now
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going through those transcripts, preparing to release them, but saying all of this delay is at the feet of the white house, that they simply -- and it wasn't their fault, that they just simply hijacked the process. your reaction. >> well, there's no reaction that's really necessary. that's a total joke. it's not true. we actually voted to do this back in 2018, all through 2019 people at dni worked with adam schiff's office to insure that these never got declassified. he actually sent a letter over to the white house -- to dni to say don't share these with the white house. all of this was smoke and mirrors because, look, he got caught again, the democrats got caught again like they always do. this was nothing but a publicity stunt to pretend that they were for transparticipant su. let's get -- transparency. let's get into what's in those transcripts. actually, i should say what's
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not in these transcripts. what's not in these transcripts is no russian collusion. and i think what you'll see is you'll see many of the democrats, those 53 interviews that we did, 53 times the democrats read names out of the russian phonebook except if, of course, when they were interviewing the obama officials, and then they were just playing cover up. look, there's not going to be any major bombshells in this because the democrats already leaked the supposed bombshellses and lied about them. i think for the real investigators that are trying to get to the bottom of the russia hoax and who was involved in it, there will be likely people who were not so truthful to congress, let's just say. lou: and we'll be talking about those people and what is in those transcripts. we'll be right back with congressman deafen devin nuñes. please stay with us.
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you know. ben rhodes, obama's ben ross and loretta lynch, sam that powers -- samantha powers, ambassador to the united nations. susan rice. i mean, those are, it's a catalog of interesting names, to say the least. your thoughts about public reaction now that we're apparently going to see them. >> well, i think you named the ones that are most interesting, lou, and that is the obama era officials. this was the only reason the democrats have been covering this up. and, look, it's -- the other people that have been covering this up are the media. 90% of the media that were involved in this russia hoax. there's hundreds and hundreds of them. we talked about them last week on your show. the walls are closing in on the rats, the media rats. the rats are trying to scurry off the ship. thaw refuse to hold the democrats and adam schiff and his committee accountable even though they told lie after lie after lie after lie to the american people. that's why i always encourage people to go to defend
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because if you want to join us and join our fight, we have to stop this from happening. and, look, don't even get me started on where we are still with general flynn, okay? where is the media at with general flynn? we have a three-star general -- lou: i'm the wrong guy not to get started on that, because i think it's an outrage. >> it is, it is. lou: and we're going to put up, we'll put it up so that, as you suggest, people can take part in bringing, in restoring american values here. things like honesty from our public servants and maybe, you know, fewer people will try to overthrow a president. it's just something to me to realize what, you know, what has transpired here. the office of the director of national intelligence, ric grenell, he deserves great
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credit for putting schiff in this box, if you will. and apparently, schiff -- and i want to get your sense of this -- schiff going to release these transcripts, but he is going to play games, it appears at least initially. what do you expect to happen here? >> well, my guess is until someone in what they consider to be the media, the democrats' media, until one of them have to ask him a question, he'll continue to stall. there is no reason whatsoever that these can't be released immediately. now look, there'll be some redactions that we can go fight after afterwards, but, you know, this was voted on when republicans, when i was the chairman of the house intelligence committee. lou: right. >> and these were supposed to be let out. so this has been a long, orchestrated plan to keep these hidden. so you ask when you're going to see them, i guess if some of the russia hoaxers ask, hey, are we
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going to see these triplets, they'll be out in a -- transcripts, they'll be out in a nanosecond. if no one does, they'll release them on a friday night, you know, before thanksgiving or over thanksgiving weekend or something. lou: right. well, director grenell will have a lot to say about when those transcripts are released because he has promised that, indeed, he has no problem with them being released directly by the odni if, if schiff were to pursue -- >> well, the rules -- lou: what you describe -- >> yeah. and i think the rules require it, lou. because this had nothing to do with -- adam sure in the last congress when he was the ranking member and i was the chairman was commanding every week -- demanding every week that went by that we were covering up, hiding things. he even wrote an op-ed in "usa today." so he, you know, used this as a political stunt back in 2017 and '18. we voted on it in the last
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congress. as soon as the dni was done with it, they were to be release. really he has no say over this. he has to do what the last congress already said he had to do. and so i think ric grenell and the administration, it's clear they could release them anytime as far as i'm concerned because adam schiff has no power in this. lou: right. and those are, those are sweet words, indeed, because he's a man who's abused his power relentlessly and in absolute indifference to the national interests and the public's right to know. congressman nuñes, we thank you as always for being with us. up next, the world health organization may have violated its own guidelines in the early stages of the wuhan virus pandemic. we talk that up with former deputy national security adviser k, the mcfarland. she join us next. please stay with u u u u u i know that every single time that i suit up,
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♪ ♪ lou: breaking news now, house republicans on the foreign affairs committee are accusing both china and the world health organization of ignoring pandemic reporting guidelines implemented by the w.h.o. following the sars outbreak in
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2003. back in 2005 the world health organization updated regulations that requires member states to report events that may be an international concern within 24 hours of aassessing the danger -- assessing the danger of a virus outbreak. despite knowing the coronavirus outbreak had occurred by at least december 31st, china alerted only the w.h.o. that the virus was pneumoniament also taiwan alerted the w..opt about a virus -- w.h.o. about a virus that they had detected spreading between humans. according to the guidelines, the world health organization is required to investigate those rules. and reports. instead, it relied on chinese information that there was no evidence at all of human-to-human transmission and
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against the regulations, ignored taiwan and its alert. joining us tonight is kt mcfarland, former deputy national security adviser to president trump, author of the new book which we recommend to you highly, "revolution: trump, washington and we the people." kt, good to have you with us. i want to start, first, with mike pompeo, the secretary of state, and the president both talking about the worst attack in this country's history; that is, the pandemic that china unleashed on the world without notifying them of human-to-human transmission nor its deadly nature. >> yeah. i think they're absolutely right. this is in a lot of ways worse than world war ii, because it happened so quickly, and it was preventable. the chinese knew they had a problem. the world health organization knew there was a problem. they covered for china so that committee -- so that china could
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really corner the market on medical supplies and china could use this as a bioweapon to send around the world before anybody admitted that there was a problem. so, you bet, i think it's -- and the ramifications of this, we are going to feel the debt, the world is going to feel the crisis for decades. it's going to take us decades to pay this money back for our stagnant economy. and what does china plan to do? hike the u.s. did at the end of world war ii where the u.s. won world war ii and emerged as the leader of the world and rewrote the international rules of order to help others, the chinese plan to emerge from this in three or four years as the china that will be the dominant country in the world. and they have every intention of rewriting the rules of order of the world to their purposes. and they are not going to have a marshall plan, they are not going to be generous to those who have suffered.
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they will be just the opposite. so this is -- i think trump is absolutely right. this is world war ii. it's not fought on a battlefield, but it's fought on a biological and economic battlefield. lou: it would be hard to explain that this wasn't a battlefield to the more than 70,000 americans who have been killed by this virus without even so much as an acknowledgment, met alone an apology -- let alone an a apology from the chinese government. what we have instead is a disinformation propaganda campaign launched against the united states the likes of which i have never seen, not by russia, and this one is something to watch. >> no. lou: because we're watching even "the washington post," another left-wing newspapers and media, basically line up with the chinese narrative. it's extraordinary. whether it makes it into the story or simply the headline, the impact is there.
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and i, i'm just stunned to see the commitment on the part of much of the national media to carrying the water of the commune u.s. chinese this -- communist chinese in this moment of crisis and emergency. >> they hate donald trump so much that they are willing to give world power to china -- lou: you know -- >> -- that they are willing to look the other way because they hate trump so much. lou: can i say -- >> it's destroying america. lou: can i say, kt, i have to disagree with you. it isn't because they hate, and you just got to the real issue. they don't hate trump. i mean, what kind of crazy rationale is in that the national media, left wing and every other wing, seems to have adopted that the little buttercups and daffodils of the left just are beside themselves because he was elected and they hate him. they hate his policies, they hate everything he is doing that has smashed the foreign policy orthodoxies, they hate
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everything that he is doing that is taking on an establishment that had crushed the forgotten man and woman in this country who he once again is focused upon and their families. this is a fight for the power to really make america great again, and now we're required to do it all over again. your thoughts about what i've just said in response to this business of hate. >> yeah. i mean, i think you're absolutely right. they're looking the other way. they decided that america first is so evil that they'd rather have china first. they're absolute witting or unwitting tools of the chinese disinformation campaign. and they're so narrow and shortsightedded, they don't realize where this is really going. china has a disinformation campaign, an economic plan to buy up western with technology and western businesses at fire sale prices because of this. and by the media continuing to
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hammer and hammer and hammer about trump should, you know, is going to get people killed, etc., etc., etc., guess who benefits the most the longer america stays locked down? china. lou: absolutely. and this is the president who, i keep waiting for the story in "the washington post" or "the new york times," maybe cnn or perhaps msnbc, abc news, nbc news talking about what great leadership to have prevented so many millions of deaths that could have occurred had not president trump taken the actions he has. kt, thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. always great to see you. we'll be right back with much more. please stay with us. ♪ you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist.
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♪ lou: secretary of state mike pompeo, our guest this evening. and he talked about evidence linking the coronavirus, the wuhan virus, to a wuhan laboratory. >> i have said before i've seen evidence that this likely came from the wuhan institute of virology. happy to see other evidence that disproves that. we should get to the bottom of it. why we've been asking for months now to give whenners access to the information. the people who can answer these questions, lou, that you just
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described, are the leaders of the chinese communist party. they have an obligation to the world. not one from last month or two months ago but one from today. lou: congressman mike pompe


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