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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  May 8, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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ing the curve, but there's been almost no kind of guidance or timeline. [bell ringing] >> liz: tim courtney thank you very much. markets wrap up the week on a high note even as we see major job losses for the month of april. that'll do it for the "claman countdown", see see you monday. >> melissa looking ahead to the recovery the major averages closing up more than 1% today and ending positive for the week , snapping a two- week losing streak welcome to after the bell i'm melissa francis. connell: and i'm connell mcshane , we're back on long island as we continue our focus on small business and on jobs, today reporting to you from the downtown cafe, which is a restaurant as you can probably tell behind me that is closed but they have a pizza place next door that is open for takeout and delivery. we'll talk to the owner about
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how he's been getting by in these challenging economic times and later in the hour we'll check in with healthcare workers on the frontlines of the covid-19 fight to see if the situation here in new york has been improving. so all of that, is coming up. first though our top stories of the day fox business team coverage with blake burman following the latest news out of the white house. lauren simonetti on the markets we begin though with edward lawrence live in washington. edward? reporter: yeah, connell we all know that headline number 20.5 million people lost their jobs in april, the unemployment rate at 14.7%, that is the highest recorded unemployment rate since 1948 when they were keeping track, and if you dig deeper into these numbers almost half the job losses are coming from industries directly related to consumer spending. retail lost 2.11 million jobs, leisure and hospitality lost 7.65 million jobs, stores closed , cruise ships docked, hotels not taking reservations in april. one more shocking number
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education and health services lost 2.54 million jobs, and now some of these will be temporary job losses for example, when hospitals start opening up again doing elective procedures doctors offices will start opening again people will largely go back to work in those sectors same for hotel and airline industries but retail may have permanent job losses as we've seen two big names file for chapter 11, j crew and nieman marcus. the administration not sugar coating these numbers instead looking forward. >> the second half of the year should be very strong and then i think if we can get a pro- incentive policy mix which the president firmly believes in , 2021 could be a fantastic year. reporter: and believe it or not the job losses were not as bad as expected still when you look at the labor force participation rate it's at 60.2% dropping 2.5% that is the lowest number since
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the month of 1973 when president richard nixon was inaugurated for his second term in office. back to you, connell? connell: all right edward lawrence, live for us in washington. melissa? melissa: lauren simonetti with more on the market reaction. lauren? lauren: and melissa well markets are closing out a solid week for the dow and the s&p 500 as well investors brush aside that dismal data and unlike the rest of the week markets rallied into the close the nasdac was the outperformer on the week, up for the week 6% and for the year, up 1.5% and we saw a rotation today into those economically sensitive sectors whether it was energy, industrials, materials, even the small caps all winners today , so is oil, oil up today also up this week up 25% on the week, and exxon one of the best performers on the dow jones today, baker hughs reported an eighth consecutive
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weekly decline inactive oil rigs , so supply coming off the market we hope demand continues to go up and investors are cheering that demand, the start of the reopening of the economy take a look at apple apple will open stores in four states next week with safety precautions and you can see when that news was announced how the stock just took off closing at $310 right near an all-time high, and take a look at this. uber reported a near $3 billion quarterly loss but cost cutting and a recent rise in ridership hasselberg investors buying the stock on the hopes of future profitability. tesla is hoping to restart production in california today these stocks all surging. then there's casinos and airlines and the retail stocks, many of them rallied in a big way today as well and it shows how forgiving investors are because some of these sectors as edward just said were the hardest hit in the employment report for april
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that we got today so investors very forgiving melissa and connell looking to the other side of the recovery and we don't know what shape that takes melissa: thanks, lauren. connell over to you. connell: next up melissa is blake burman following things in washington and the latest out of the white house on a friday. blake? reporter: hi there, connell the president's top economic advisor larry kudlow even acknowledged he's not even sure if this jobs report is as bad as it will get but as it relates to president trump, well he is looking many many months down the line and in fact when we saw the president on camera earlier this afternoon from the white house, since he was sitting down meeting with republican lawmakers the president coined a new phrase as to how he views where we are in the economy rate now. the president says we are in a " transition-to-greatness." listen. president trump: it's a great term, it just came out of this meeting. it came out by sent.
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it was a statement and it came out and you can't get a better one. we can go to madison avenue to get the greatest geniuses in the world to come up with a slogan but that's the slogan we're going to use. "transition-to-greatness." reporter: so we'll be hearing that meantime for the second day in a row an individual within the white house has tested positive for covid-19 and now the white house not specifically identifying that individual, though president trump did identify her as a "press person for the vice president named katie." the white house chief of staff says the white house has instituted new protocols in the last 48 hours and suggested that more could be coming as well. we may take some additional precautions as it relates to the vice president and the president in terms of just making sure that the people that come in contact with both of them are done, that it's done in a way
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that makes sure that we keep the president safe. reporter: testing within the white house clearly ramped up by the way connell and melissa you might remember last weekend the president went off to camp david and the president saying again today he will be doing that this weekend meeting at camp david with the joint chief of staff back to you. connell: okay good enough. blake burman wrapping up our look at the top stories of the day thank you, blake. melissa? here now is steve forbes, forbes media chairman. let me ask you about this transition to greatness how long do you think it's going to take? reporter: it's going to take several months and most will depend upon what congress does in the next few weeks there are two big things congress has to do. business is crying out for it and that is immunity from frivolous lawsuits. the trial bar is already writing a massive amount of lawsuits so congress is going to take that up if a company makes good faith efforts and principles of safety such as masks, physical
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distancing and the like they should not be subject to lawsuits only if you're legitimate, grocery negligent with your customers or employer s should be subject to lawsuit that is absolutely critical businesses are reluctant to reopen, and the other big thing that has to be donald i'm surprised republicans have been resistant to it is a payroll tax holiday that helps reserve jobs, create jobs gives a person making $40,000 a year a $3,000 raise, substantially lowers the cost of layer and those two things make a transition to a vibrant economy much more easy but if we don't get those two big things done then this is going to be a jagged recovery and understandably so. melissa: we're looking at the unemployment numbers right now and what maybe is most surpris ing to me out of the data that we got on these unemployment numbers was this idea that about 18 million people right now think that they will immediately go back to work and be rehired to the same job
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as soon as the virus passes, it's about three-quarters of those who are unemployed right now. do you think that that's a good estimate of what jobs will be waiting when people go back too high, too low? >> well i think it's remarkable that given people's concerns about their physical safety, understandably, that that many people are ready and raring to go back if they think they have a safe atmosphere and i think that is the best thing that came out in this report. the downer in the report was what they call the u 6 number, over 6 million people who have dropped out of the labor force which if you add back to the unemployment, it brings it up to about 23-24% catastrophic number people want to get back to work but they want to feel their efforts have been made to have a safe environment and also you have the conducive atmosphere for business which gets to the political campaign, what kind of regulatory environment tax environment are we going to have going into next year? so a lot of fireworks are going to be ahead, which way do we want to go?
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melissa: i don't know if you saw the mit study earlier this week that came out where they said they compared an economy where you had the shelter in place like we've been doing versus if you just had people over 65 shelter-in-place and those who had really weakened immunity that the hit to gdp in the case where we're all hiding inside is about 25% but if you just protect those who are over 65 and vulnerable and of course a lot of those people are retired anyway, that the hit to the gdp was only 12%. does that sound right to you and does it make you feel like maybe we've been doing the wrong thing >> well to give policy makers a little bit of a pass this thing is unprecedented, they are given models that show show showed absolute catastrophe out there so they were forced into it. britain was willing to ride it through but then saw that college estimate and they said
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oh, we better respond to it. i think the key thing for that study is this fall, when the virus may come back again, i think we're going to have a much more measured targeted approach than we have now and not the kind of economic hit we suffered now but also that study should tell governors you can open up much more perhaps than you realize now except in hard hit areas like portions of new jersey or new york or some of the other hotspots but most of the nation could take a much more pro-growth open up approach as this study shows as long as you know whose truly vulnerable you can cutoff most of that kind of really openness to that disease, covid-19. melissa: you know the last thing that was really surprising was this number that came out of new york yesterday that was about 66 % of the people who came down with the virus recently had been sheltering in place, so was this idea that even though they are home and not going to work and not supposed to go anywhere
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that just the mere fact of going out for groceries is dangerous enough, or ordering in whatever they are doing or however they get exposed was dangerous enough for 66% to then contract the disease, or of the people contracted at 66% of them were hiding inside. i don't know, how do you parse that data? >> well i think in terms of vulnerability, we know this disease was extremely infectious, but i also think we're in an environment now you wouldn't know it from the weather today but with warm weather coming, you want to have people get out, because the thing about that disease is even if one person you come in contact with can infect a whole household, so i think again the key thing is we know whose vulnerable and we know especially those who are going to be vulnerable to mortality who are dying from this disease, we're now focused in on that and so yeah nobody wants to get the disease but we want to prevent those who are most
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vulnerable from getting it and that's why the real scandal coming out is what happened in nursing homes, why people are shoved back into nursing homes which is a hot house environment and that's a huge scandal, and hopefully that is never done again but it's still going out there. melissa: steve forbes thank you so much for that we appreciate it. nearly 1.3 million cases in the u.s. and 330,000 here in new york. we're going to talk to an emergency room doctor in new york city about his experience on the frontline and a healthcare worker as a patient in the icu. connell? connell: and we'll have more melissa from here at the downtown cafe in glenn cove which is a city on long island that's really come together in the fight against covid-19. just across the street from here is another restaurant called henry's that's been around forever, since 1929 and you go inside, and it looks like a throwback, that the old school
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booths set up and no doubt a place like this would usually be packed with people on a day like this in normal times but now, it's takeout only. earlier today i checked in with the owner joe talking about the impact of the shutdown and the desire to get back up and running at full speed. >> we're probably down three- quarters of our daily routine is down for sure. we're rotating every couple of days we give everybody a shot to make a little bit of money. we're going to do the best we can. the store has been here 90 years we're not giving up. we want to be here for another 100 years. my age-related macular degeneration could lead to vision loss. so today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision... because he said a multi- vitamin alone may not be enough. and it's my vision, my morning walk, my sunday drive, my grandson's beautiful face.
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melissa: fox news alert, gavin newsom just signing an executive order to send every california resident a mail-in ballot for the november election making it the very first state to do so amid the pandemic. the governor says walk-in voting will still be available and the state is working unsafe places for voters to show up in- person. connell? connell: as we come back to you from long island i want to tell you a little bit about the downtown cafe which is where we are today. i think it's fair to say an integral part of the downtown here in glenn cove, and we're sitting in the restaurant
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section of this cafe and you can see behind me they got the chair s on the tables, there's nobody allowed to come in and sit down and eat, so normally be a friday night, and people getting set to watch a game or something you can't do that. next door they have a pizza place that's still open but only for takeout and delivery so how long can a small business like this keep going like this? we welcome in the owner of the downtown cafe, john, first of all thank you for hosting us today. >> connell thank you for coming in and showing what the restaurants are going through. connell: which is a tough time obviously. that was a fairly simple question i guess of asking how long can you keep going like this. how have things been going? >> we've been holding our own because we were set up for pick-up and delivery before hand, and we've been holding our own to keep most of our employees here. we are losing a lot of revenue because the restaurant as you can see is closed down, the bar business, everyone having
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cocktails or ordering an appetizer or sitting down, you know, having a couple more appetizers with their meal. connell: which is how you make more money leads to more revenue you brought up staff already. how did you figure that out? we knew it was going to be terrible but we had the terrible jobs report this morning from all around the country 20 million jobs lost in a month how did you manage your staff through this? >> we had to lay off a few people, lay them off for a little while but we hired like our main full time employees to do other things in the restaurant like a couple of our waiters or managers are delivering pizza now, trying to keep as much of the kitchen staff their hours intact, they did lose a couple hours here and there but -- connell: you're being creative with it. with the expanded unemployment in the state did that have an impact in terms of tough to get people to come back to work or do they all want to be here? >> well when we are allowed to
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open up more, we will find that out. right now, we're not at that point, so when new yorks restrictions come back a little bit in phase ii or phase iii, we will see if it's hard to get people back because some people are making a lot of money on unemployment and might not want to come back so we'll see how that works. connell: some of that might depend on timing when that runs out versus when new york and a restaurant like yours is allowed to reopen. what did you do in the interim in terms of loans? we talked to so many small business owners they all had different experiences, not all but many, what was yours? >> that's a great question, connell. i've been talking to a couple people in the restaurant industry, a lot of pizza friends i have all over the u.s. and we're all talking about our different places and how everything is working out. we did get approved for the ppp loan but we don't know if we'll take it because we're in new york and once you get the loan in your bank account, you have to start using that within eight weeks to get
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it taken back. connell: you're pretty much shut down on this side. >> yes, exactly so if that eight week starts immediately once we get it, we're not hiring anybody back, just yet, so now do we take the loan, or not, because we might not be able to use it all. connell: when do you have to decide by? you don't have the money yet. >> no it should come in next week some time. connell: could it take a while to get there? >> we need to get to phase i because our business wasn't big enough. connell: meaning that the big banks or you're working with a larger bank at the time? >> exactly and we went to a smaller bank and the smaller bank got us approved right away. connell: okay. well that's good at least and now you have to make that decision. before we wrap up i want to give you a chance to talk about some of the good you're doing in this community i mentioned that glenn cove is coming together and everybody is working with each other you've been helping out the hospitals with this through meal train. tell us about that how it works maybe how people can help out. >> a friend of mine works at
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the glenn cove hospital and she recommended this that she heard from another hospital that people donate money online to the individual restaurants and then we make food for the hospital workers, so as of today, we're about 1,200 meals into making for the hospital, and about $16,000 so far. connell: that's great. i believe it is we'll put it up on the screen too. >> i think every individual one has their own page. connell: well that's great good luck with that thank you for having us and we hope you're back up and running at full speed. >> thank you. connell: this is the downtown cafe, and you know john was talking about the hospital workers. later in the hour we'll check in with some of those frontline workers at the glenn cove hospital which he referenced. they were really hard hit in this area by the virus but today they actually have some encouraging news to share with you about putting the worst behind them, so that's coming up a little bit later you'll want to stay tuned for that plus what else, melissa?
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melissa: florists giving back this mother's day, and a rainbow is made entirely of flowers outside of lenorelennex health hospital and it is a special tribute to all mother, healthcare workers and patients braving frontlines and the whole display will be revealed later tonight. happy mothers day to all of those moms out there.
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melissa: the trucking industry is taking a hit and shipping rates dip. jeff flock is live in south holland, illinois with for on this. jeff? reporter: it's interesting, melissa, yes, rates are down but the truckers say they need help but they don't want a bailout. they don't want money. what do they want? they want government regulation. let me explain. take a look at those rates that you mentioned the freight rates are trucks that you see behind me, these are semi trucks.
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back in march, we were getting about $1.87 a mile for a load, and that's because you know the stores needed to be restocked people were stocking up at home and all of that sort of thing. we're now down to about $1.51 because demand has fallen off, flatbed loads similar numbers way down these are four to five year lows in terms of rates. the truckers and the trucking company say the problem actually dates to before coronavirus, they said they got a problem with the folks that do the brokering of the loads. they're getting gouged. they sent a letter to congress and i quote to it when i say developing the next covid-19 relief bill congress must include the trucker's measures to prevent brokers from continuing to circumvent existing federal transparency requirements. what do they want? they want government regulation. what does president trump say? well on fox & friends today he said he's open to it.
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listen. president trump: they are price gouged in fact they were in front of the white house it must have been like 1,000 trucks honking, honking all they want is to be treated fairly and we're going to treat them fairly. you know what they are asking is almost nothing in many cases. reporter: essentially they're not asking for money melissa. what they are asking for is addition all regulation and it's an irony in some ways the trucking industry for a long time said it needs less government regulation and in this case, they don't want government regulation except when they want it and it makes some sense because they are really getting hit hard. melissa? melissa: all right, thank you for that, jeff. the first significant step forward, select businesses across california are reopening today with limitations as the state starts rolling back its first in the nation stay-at-home order that's next. plus, businesses booming for disneyland shanghai, within minutes the parks website sold out of tickets for its earliest
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days of reopening after closing its gates in january. starting monday, the park will be operating at a reduced capacity with several coronavirus precautions in place unbelievable. connell? connell: here we go, melissa and as we wait for this state to reopen one thing that new yorker s aren't banned from doing right now is getting out and playing golf. but the problem with that is many people don't yet seem to have the confidence to tee it back up and we check in at a local golf course in a moment that may speak to some of the complications we might face when reopening our economy even if the government gives us the green light to do so. i was born in '37... it was a very struggling period of time. up and down. depression to exuberance. and you could name many, many cycles like that over the years.
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through mortgage payment relief efforts. helping local businesses in their vital role in the american economy. and helping hundreds of local organizations provide food and other critical needs... when you need us, wells fargo is here to help. connell: we've been talking about how it's going to be a while before new york gets back to anything that resembles normal but there are some leisure activities that are already allowed and golf is one of them, so we drove out to the glenn cove golf course earlier today. it's a public coursend i this afternoon. now the weather isn't great today so that may be part of it but we were told that things have been quiet throughout the pandemic and that of course has a trickle down effect. for example, there's a restaurant at the course called the view grill and we spoke with the executive chef about how things have changed.
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>> it's different. it's a different ballgame now and we're facing challenges that we've never had to deal with before, so we're trying to re invest the restaurant industry and our restaurant. we lived on it and now we have nothing and a lot of our business is gone. connell: what are you doing to reinvent? >> changing the menu around, a little more comfort food, and do family specials every day affordable so people can have a choice and just trying to come up with new things. connell: is it helping out the hospitals? >> absolutely yeah and that's something we do with a lot of pride. that's important to us right now helping the hospitals and help people that don't have any food right now or have no access to anything. connell: but business overall,
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how much is it down? >> business overall do you know what? business is it's down by at least i think by at least 75%. connell: really tough. i did talk to her and her workers and asked if she's had any trouble getting them to come in as we were talking to john earlier with the extended unemployment benefits being so againers and she said that actually has been an issue for one or two workers but for the most part she said the staff they can't wait to come back and if they are working now they are willing to accept any work they can get even if it's much less than what they were used to in the past, but everybody is adjusting, so there you go. melissa back over to you. melissa: wow, all right i'm driving out there because we couldn't even get on the course we go to because it was slammed, all the tee times are gone we'll come to glenn cove meanwhile california beginning the process of reopening today, clothing and sporting good stores among the businesses now open for curbside pick-up. claudia cowen is in nappa,
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california with the details. reporter: melissa businesses like this one appreciate the chance to reopen if they want to under strict health and distancing rules. they have been closed to the public since march 18, some 50 days and managers made a few deliveries, but weddings and other celebrations were postponed that was their bread and butter this and business like so many others took a huge hit but now the doors have reopened for curbside service the staff is keeping safe space, wearing masks and arranging hundreds of bow kays ahead of mothers day, managers just hopes customers show up. >> almost all of our employees have been laid off until the last couple days and we're bringing them back taking orders and just trying to get back going but we don't know after mothers day what it's going to bring either so hopefully, our local customers will keep us going so that we can continue
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our business. >> the modified order also applies to some clothing retailers and stores that sell books, muse being and sporting goods really just a sliver of non-essential low risk businesses and manufactures, able to get back to work because california has flattened the curve and hospitals have plenty of capacity. counties that want to move more quickly can but they will have to meet strict guidelines including going two weeks without any covid-19 deaths. california governor gavin newsom says these reopenings will be monitored closely any significant up-tick in cases could mean restrictions are put right back into place. we're moving forward but we're doing it always with an eye to be led by data, by the science, by public health. reporter: this pandemic has up ended california's finances the >> governor: under announcing it $54 billion deficit down from a $21 billion surplus just four months ago and 4 million people have filed for unemployment benefits. many are thrilled to be going back to work today and this
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weekend as california takes its first baby steps on the road to economic recovery. melissa? melissa: all right, protecting those on the frontlines hear how one healthy new york city doctor went from treating ill patients to becoming one of them in the icu, plus connell? connell: well here in nassau county where we are today this area was among the hardest hit in the country by covid-19, but hospital officials we've been speaking with do tell us things are finally starting to turn the corner. you'll hear from them when we come back.
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melissa: defying expectations new york governor andrew cuomo says fewer healthcare workers are being infected. 12% of new york city health care workers tested positive for the coronavirus antibodies compared to 20% of the general public. cuomo says the number suggests health care workers are following the protective equipment protocols and here now is a doctor that's a new york city emergency room doctor and thank you so much for joining us what do you make of that data? >> hi, melissa. you know, considering that health care workers aren't at
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least a percentage of antibodies are lower i think testing is still ramping up we still need to test a lot more people and now, you know, since there's been a more appropriate response regarding the ppe, people do have more protection, but i think that it looks good for now melissa: yeah, you yourself were not so lucky you did contract the illness and you found yourself in the icu. as far as i know, this seems to sort of defy the logic of what we know right now because you're an otherwise healthy person are you not? >> yeah, you know, i'm 27 years old. i don't smoke, i don't ju. l, i don't have hypertension or diabetes. last time i got sick was like a sore throat a couple years ago. melissa: and so tell us, you know, what was that like to go from being a patient, treating patients to being a patient
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yourself? >> yeah, you know, i started to feel sick march 23 and absolutely horrible. these chills that are relentless and people who have had the virus can relate and then just every symptom under the sun really, loss of taste, loss of smell, nausea,gi symptoms, just everything, progressively worsening that tested five days later came back positive on the sixth day and then those two day, three days is when the fevers were relentless, fetal position on my bed, and you know, when i did report to the er, i became a patient, the main feeling that i had was, you know, i trusted my colleague s to take care of me. i trusted my life in their hands , and i'm grateful for them , because even the people downstairs in the er, up in the icu, everyone, they saved my life. melissa: yeah. you have a special important message today for the minority community who has been hit
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harder by this than the rest of the population. what is that? >> the message that i'd like to convey to the minority population is that seek help sooner. if you're feeling ill, you have fevers and the things you're trying at home, the home remedies and everything you've heard are not working, call someone. call an er, call a doctor, let your friends and family know you're not feeling well so they can keep an eye on you and honestly, i urge you to present to the er if you need it before things get worse, before things are too late. melissa: yeah, why do you think that doesn't happen? >> you know, there could be a number of reasons. as we've been seeing like there's the minority community in general is just more effected by this virus unfortunately, and it could be due to medical literacy, low socio economic status, and these are problems that are starting to come to
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light even more now, during this crisis, during this pandemic, and we need support from everywhere. there are many factors that go into this and people just need to know that if they need help they have to reach out for it. melissa: well doctor we have so glad you're feeling better and recovered and thanks for coming on today we appreciate it. connell? connell: all right melissa there are nearly 38,000 confirmed covid-19 cases here in nassau county, and over 1,900 deaths so it is one of the most heavily- impacted counties in the entire country. with that we were curious if the situation now is finally starting to improve so we checked in today at the glenn cove hospital not far from here with dr. brad sherbit, the medical director and also the hospital's executive director. >> one of the things people are interested in especially in new york which has been so heart hid is how things have changed now that we're into the early part
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of may. is it improving here,carrie ann, at this hospital and if so what are you seeing? >> definitely yes it is in our recovery phase that is also part of our recovery phase and basically what we're seeing is less admission for covid, we are seeing more of our medical admissions and of course, urgent surgical admissions coming back to the institution. we are seeing growth at glen cove hospital, we are running at a higher census than we have seen, we also are known as you know for our wonderful rehab program and we have designated one of those units as a covid unit to meet the needs of the patients that are coming out of the icu and the floors, not only across north but across many hospitals within the region
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connell: how does that compare dr. sherman to what we did see whether it was a month ago or at the height of this what was it like then? >> sure so we had a census probably closer to 150 patients in the hospital. we opened four units, opened our typical icu capacity is anywhere between 8-10 patients and we were up to 22 patients in our intensive care unit so really, we had a large surge that came very quickly. connell: wow what was that like? have you ever seen anything like that in your career before? >> i have not seen anything like that in my career because many patients that came in are very sick and required very high dose, high amounts of ventilation, and we wanted the patients in the intensive care unit we've had unfortunately like the rest of our health system a number of deaths which i think has been something different than what we've typically seen. connell: right and one of the stories we've all been following closely is are you guys getting what you need? what would you say about that on the ppe side are things improving there?
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do you have everything you need here and if not what do you still need? >> i will tell you we are so fortunate being part of this. we've started to prepare one month prior so when we needed to open these units some that had been shelved from prior-years we were able to reopen them effectively. through our emergency management program and within our health system we received ppe, we were never short. connell: oh, really never short? never had a problem? >> no and that is really again i credit that to the excellent work of our health system and i'd also say the support of this community. i mean, glen cove has just been amazing. every day we have a different, the people whether it's be our restaurants, whether it be people coming to donate food, i can't tell you what that has meant to our frontline workers. our staff is amazing.
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we've never heard complaints. they are just super and also having the support of our mayor and our council people and also our legislator always reaching out, is there anything that we need, and i will tell you that means everything when you're part of a community. connell: we've been doing our show today from the downtown cafe, the owner there said he's been helping you guys out and as you said a lot of people have >> local restaurants have been donating every day, and congressman donated 2,500 researcher per ate or masks we were able to deliver to our nursing homes. connell: looks like we turned the corner right? hopefully the worst is over what would you say about the future? >> so that's a great question. i think for now we'll have decreased, we've turned the corner in terms of with the quarantining and the social distancing i think that's worked well. i think the big question is what
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happens when those people start the social distancing and then people start to recongregate will we see a surge and that's what we're planning for just in case that happens. connell: dr. sherman is telling me what they've done is taken an area of the hospital and set it aside to make sure they are as ready as they can be if that second wave does come. melissa? melissa: wow navigating un chartered waters, maryland's crab industry is suffering a massive double hit from the pandemic that has some fearful for its future we'll have that story, next. dolph lundgren, you've got a one-sixty i.q., a master's in chemical engineering and you're technically a genius... and it appears you're quite the investor. i like to trade. well, td ameritrade has pros ready if you need help, say talking through a new strategy... ... just in case things, you know, get a little rocky? i'm sorry
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♪ ♪ melissa: the crabbing industry in chesapeake bay hit by a one-to punch of fewer visas for workers and the coronavirus. doug mckelway has the story. doug? >> reporter: yeah, melissa,
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we're in the heart of downtown annapolis, the historic district, and as is the case across america, restaurants everywhere around here are closed x. that's an especially bad problem here because this area provides 50% of the blue crab harvest that is used in the united states. >> it's slowly running down. our sales aren't what they were before due to the restaurant being closed, and everybody's just worried about getting the disease. >> reporter: worse for the chesapeake bay watermen, covid-19 has added insult to a deeper injury, they can't find enough workers to pick the crab meat. >> it's pretty much got to be hand picked to keep the shell out. very, very tedious, very skillful work to pick good crab meat. >> the local people, unfortunately, just won't take the jobs. american workers are the best there are, but they moved on to year-round jobs.
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>> reporter: migrant laborers, especially women whose smaller hands are more adept at picking the meat in crabs will do this kind of seasonallal work, but the h2b visa program caps workers to 66,000 nationwide. the lottery that determines just how many workers any one seafood processer can get leaves some of those processers with no workers at all. >> you'll find communities like this all around the bay that are suffering right now because the cap has been met. if we're not staffed, we don't open. >> reporter: maryland is a heavily democratic state, but in some partses of the eastern shore some congressional districts of more than 80% of voters cast their ballot for donald trump. they say he could ticket this problem with the -- fix this problem with the stroke of a pen. on thursday president trump did sign an executive order protecting the industry from unfair foreign competition, but
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the visa problem was not included. a recent study done by the university of maryland found up to 50% of the state income is lost because of this problem, so they want a cure. it's not coming right away. ♪ ♪ melissa: wow. lou: good evening, everybody. there is rising evidence of former president obama's unusual interest in the details of wiretalk abouted conversations between -- wire tapessed conversations between michael flynn and sergey kislyak that could implicate former president obama and the deep state and radical dem' efforts to bring down president trump. former president obama's knowledge and his role and in his administration's investigations of the trump campaign have long been a central curiosity. they are now


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