tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 8, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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the visa problem was not included. a recent study done by the university of maryland found up to 50% of the state income is lost because of this problem, so they want a cure. it's not coming right away. ♪ ♪ melissa: wow. lou: good evening, everybody. there is rising evidence of former president obama's unusual interest in the details of wiretalk abouted conversations between -- wire tapessed conversations between michael flynn and sergey kislyak that could implicate former president obama and the deep state and radical dem' efforts to bring down president trump. former president obama's knowledge and his role and in his administration's investigations of the trump campaign have long been a central curiosity. they are now quickly becoming
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large questions. and today president trump said this about his predecessor. >> there's more to come, from what i understand, and they're going to be far greater than what you've seen so far, and what you've seen so far is incredible especially as it relates to president obama. if anyone thinks that he and sleepy joe biden didn't know what was going on, they have another thing coming. lou: president trump teeing up possibly what could be the release of even more documents that would shed light on the doj, fbi and and perhaps other members of the conspiracy to overthrow president trump. two sources tell fox that anytime between now and early next week the acting director of intelligence, richard grenell, will release a large number of new records further revealing how the likes of adam schiff, other radical dems and members of the deep state knew for yours
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that there was no collusion between russia -- for years that there was no collusion between russia and the trump campaign. and, in fact, schiff and his co-conspirators may well have known their actions to subvert and to overthrow president trump under the pretext of the russian investigation were in line with russian counterintelligence objectives and their disinformation and propaganda campaigns against the united states. these new documents to be released may further link the obama white house to the conspiracy to undermine and cover throw the president. overthrow the president. one such link has already been so far canned. in the department of justice's motion to dismiss the case against general michael flynn during an interview at the office of special counsel robert mueller, former deputy attorney general sally yates told fbi special agents and two of mueller's prosecutors about what occurred in that now-infamous
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oval office meeting on january 5th, 2017. in that meeting were president obama, vice president biden, sally yates, john brennan, james clapper, susan rice and james comey. yates9 i says after the meeting president president president obama asked her and comey to stay behind, as she put it. obama started by saying he had learned of the information about flynn and his conversation with russia's ambassador, kislyak. obama specified that he did not want any additional information on the matter but was seeking information on whether the white house should be treating flynn any differently given the information. this document goes on to say that yates was so surprised by the information she was hearing that she had a hard time processing it and listening to the conversation at the same
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time. just why did sally yates learn about michael flynn's contact with the russian ambassador from president obama? it's a question we'll be taking a deep look this evening. and along with questions about president obama's role in the investigation and attempt to bring down president trump. there's also a new focus on why special counsel robert mueller pursued former trump national security adviser flynn for so long and is so viciously. in a new interview, attorney general william barr laid out why the justice department decided to seek a dismissal of the criminal case against flynn, and the attorney general said this about the general: >> our duty, we think, is to dismiss the case. a crime cannot be established here. it did not have a basis for a counterintelligence investigation against flynn at that stage. >> does the fact remain that he lied? >> well, people sometimes plead
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to things that turn out not to be the crimes. lou: federal judge emmett sullivan has yet to sign off on the department of justice decision to drop their case existence general for instance. against general flynn. the justice department's intervention, however, raises new questions on capitol hill about how information vindicating flynn and the president was held back. for more on this, we turn to congressional correspondent chad pergram. chad? >> reporter: good afternoon, lou. dropping the flynn case undercuts the big case brought by robert mueller. prosecutors wanted to know why flynn lied about talking to the russian ambassador. now, president trump was emboldened today to lash out at adversaries in a way not seen since he was cleared in the impeachment trial. listen. >> shifty schiff making the statement today to try and save
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face when we have him cold on the papers of the documents in about 19 different ways. it's so bad and so sad for our country. >> reporter: republicans are now ramping up their probe of what they believe were justice department abuses unfairly targeting those close to the president. the chairman of the house judiciary committee, jerry nadler are, is calling for the justice department inspector general to investigate barr. democrats like california senator kamala harris see a trend. >> the president has his attorney general, the hand of the president, doing his political work, his personal bidding in the face of what should be a justice department doing the work of preserving justice and fighting for justice in america. but that's not what we're going to get and, frankly, again i will say he should resign. >> reporter: this has been a tumultuous 24 hours here in washington. we got 6,000 pages of transcripts yesterday from the
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intelligence committee, and there was no direct ed of collusion -- evidence of collusion from the kremlin according to both democratic and republican witnesses. hugh, back to you. lou: -- lou, back to you. lou: hard to make a case out of innocence, isn't it? but the radical dems certainly did try. chad, thanks so much. chad pergram. the new hi-released congressional transcripts revealed more lies from former obama administration officials who were forced to admit privately while under oath that what they claimed in their it's appearances about -- it's appearances -- television appearances about russian collusion was all a lie. take, for example, evelyn farkas, a former official in the obama administration: in her 2017 appearance on msnbc, she urged members of the obama intelligence community to spread incriminating information about the trump campaign within the government and potentially even leak it to the media.
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>> i was urging my former colleagues and, frankly, speaking to people on the hill. of it was more, actually, aimed at telling the hill people get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can before president obama leaves the administration because i had a fear that i somehow that information would disappear with the senior people who left. the trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about their staff, the trump staff dealing with russians, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods meaning we would no longer have access to that intelligence. so i became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open, and i knew that there was more. then i had talked to some of my form ther colleagues, and i knew they were also trying to help get information to the hill. >> a lot going on today. >> yeah. that's why you have the leaking. lou: farkas was scared to death they were all going to get
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caught. and guess a what? that process is now underway. she left the federal government, by the way, in 2015. she became an adviser to the clipton campaign. under -- clinton campaign. under oath and while questioned by former congressman trey gowdy, she was asked she would know about what the u.s. government knew about russia in 2017 because she no longer worked there. she said i didn't. then how did you know, gowdy responded. i didn't know anything, farkas said. so when you say we knew, or the real estate is you knew nothing, gowdy asked. correct, farkas finally responded. evelyn farkas is right now running for congress as a democrat from new york. it kind of fits in, doesn't it? we they checked. her campaign web site still includes a line about being, quote, one of the first to raise the alarm about president trump's corrupt ties to russia.
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there are more examples of obama era officials knowingly spreading the false narrative of russia collusion despite testifying otherwise themselves while urn oath. under oath. take a listen. >> i was speaking to the man who had just run for the presidency and won the election for the presidency and who might have done so with the aid of the government of russia. >> president putin's got a very high return on his investment, let me put that it that way. >> if you are somehow okay with people thinking that they should benefit from or potentially help a foreign adversary intervene in our democracy, i feel sorry for you. >> i do have concerns about the president's unwillingness or inability or whatever to call out the russian interference in the election.
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lou: but during their private hearings with the house intelligence committee, each one of these very same obama officials told a very much different tale on russia collusion. former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe said during his testimony, quote: there is a lot of information in the steele reporting. we've not been able to prove the accuracy of all the information. mccabe was asked about steele's reporting on carter page. quote: you don't know if it's true or not? mccabe replied: that's correct. former obama ambassador to the united nations samantha power was asked about collusion. she replied this, quote: i am not in possession of anything. i'm not in possession and didn't read or absorb information that came from out of the
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intelligence community. nothing. former obama deputy national security adviser ben rhodes, he said, quote: i saw indications of potential coordination, but i did not see, you know, the specific evidence of the actions of the trump campaign. and it goes on. rhodes' boss, former national security adviser susan rice, was asked about a conspiracy between the trump campaign and russia. her answer was, quote: i don't recall intelligence that i would consider evidence to that effect that i saw conspiracy prior to my departure. and former director of national intelligence james clapper testified this, quote: i never saw any direct empirical evidence that the trump campaign or someone in it was plotting, conspiring with the russians to meddle with the election.
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that, that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we have been put upping -- putting up with over the course of three years; lies, lies and truth only under desperate, desperate oath. up next, radical dems and the deep state on the run as their hateful effort to overthrow president trump is being revealed day by day by sorry day. we continue our coverage this hour. investigative journalist john solomon, judicial watch president tom fitton, house minority whip steve scalise join us here tonight. we'll be right back. so you only pay for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lou: breaking news, the radical demsd deep state exasperated by the exoneration of general michael fl wants a hearing with the attorney general, william barr. former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe called the decision, quote, pure if politics. watch adam schiff whining about that decision. [laughter] >> this really puts us back in the category of almost an emerging democracy where the
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rule of law is not yet firmly established where prosecutorial decisions are made on the basis of politics. lou: adam schiff, it's just incredible that he can sit there with a smile on his face spewing blatant lies. schiff following that familiar pattern of lying when it comes to the russian so-called probe. the intel committee chairman issuing this statement on the release of transcripts completely undercutting all claims of collusion. quote: the trump campaign and donald trump himself invited illicit russian help, made full use of that help and then lied and obstructed the investigations in order to cover up this misconduct. wow. a man committed to truth, or huh? well, joining us tonight is john solomon, a award-winning investigative reporter, editor-in-chief of jus the
5:19 pm -- just the and, john, good to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: i must say, adam schiff doesn't mind lying a bit, does he? he does it with ease, he does it with seeming pride. >> listen, aye talked to a lot of people in the last few days who feel like he's a modern day joe mccarthy, that he is willing to impugn people's reputations with innuendo rather than fact and to say whatever needs to be said in public and to watch people on it's say one -- on television say one thing and go behind closed doors and tell them the truth, which was completely opposite. yesterday was a bad day for adam schiff not only because the flynn prosecution got thrown away, but because his transcripts undercut his three-and-a-half year investigation of russian collusion. every witness couldn't provide a single piece of evidence of collusion. lou: it is really very impressive going through 53 witnesses, 57 transcripts and
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the only people lying are the people conducting the hearings, seeking the testimony and, of course, the investigators themselves whether from the fbi or the d work j. you said e -- doj. you said the big loser on your site on just the news was certainly, unequivocally,da schiff. your thoughts. >> yeah. i went through ten statements he made on the floor of congress, on television and newspaper interviews, and i show what he said versus what was known at the time he said it in the intelligence community and ten out of ten times chairman schiff's statements were directly contradicted by the evidence in the case. one of my favorite ones, and i think also one of the most important ones, he read into the record on march 20th, 2017, parts of the christopher steele dossier or that today thanks to declassification that attorney general barr gave us, we now
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know that ed was russian -- ed was russian disinformation served to christopher steele by the intelligence services. it has to be embarrassing to adam schiff and his constituents to know he read into the congressional record what turned out to be russian disinformation. lou: and the relationship between the motivations of the radical dems, the radical, the radical deep state, they were perfectly aligned in many instances with russian counterintelligence objectives and misinformation, propaganda campaign objectives. it just -- that coincidence, or do you see a reason to investigate why there is the a basis for potential collusion between the democrats and the russians? >> listen, i think vladimir
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putin's interests and the democratic party's interest just happened to collide. i don't think that -- [laughter] with the exception of the crank call that adam schiff fell for, i don't think they were directly talking to the russians. i have a book coming out in a couple months, and it's going to really show the real reason they tried to put donald trump on defense on russia is that the democratic party had its own stream of eight years of fail with russia. the effort to create the collusion case and to fan it all through the beginning of the presidency to handicap president trump was really an effort to cover up eight years of failure of policy under barack obama, joe biden and hillary clinton. people are going to be surprised how many things the obama administration was trying to hide from the american public. lou: it looks as though they had even more to hide than their severest critics imagined, and this conversation in early january in the oval office with sally yates, joe biden and comey
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and brennan, this is ugly stuff that a president knows more about what is happening on wiretapped phone calls with an incoming president's national security advisor than do the counterintelligence folks in the fb i. >> yeah. no, listen, i said for some time barack obama has gotten a pass, that he and joe biden have not been asked the hard questions that they need to bed to be askt a what did they know, when did they know it. if you look at barack obama's record, he did not like general flynn. he fired him in 2014. he tells donald trump in november north korea and mike flynn are the two biggest threats he faces, and right after he makes that comment, the conspiracy to get michael flynn begins. and as the attorney general said the other day and if you actually read the evidence, it shows they opened a case without legal cause against flynn. they did an interview that they had no legal right to do, and
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then they falsified what he said to make it look like he lied. barack obama has to own some responsibility, and the real question is did he encourage james comey or anyone in the justice -- intelligence system to go after flynn? that's something that is worth investigating this spring and summer. lou: and now in investigation, and we can be hopeful that the investigation of the investigators will come to a swift and revelatory conclusion. john solomon, we've had a lot of revelations this week. it's been a great week for everyone but the deep state and the radical dems. that means it's a great week for america. we appreciate your being with us. thanks so much, john. john solomon. up next, one republican lawmaker warning the party could lose in november if china doesn't pay for unleashing the wuhan virus on the world without warning. house minority if whip steve
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scalise joins us later this hour. also russian investigation transcripts reveal just how much more president obama knew about the efforts to try to overthrow president trump. we'll take that up with judicial watch's tom fitton. for him it's been a three year invest. stay with us, we'll be right back. and wells fargo employees are finding ways to do our part. by helping people stay in their homes, through mortgage payment relief efforts. helping local businesses in their vital role in the american economy. and helping hundreds of local organizations provide food and other critical needs... when you need us, wells fargo is here to help.
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♪ ♪ lou: explosive new documents in the russia probe reveal the fbi cut off ties with the fraudulent dossier author christopher steele as far back as november of 2016. during a 2017 interview with the house intelligence committee, an unnamed special agent said steele was barred from helping the fbi in november 2016 after he allegedly shared information
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with the online magazine mother jones, the left-wing online magazine, i might add. despite cutting off ties with steele, the fbi proceeded to use his fraudulent dossier which had ties to a russian disinformation campaign in order to secure fisa warrants for the fbi to illegally spy on the trump campaign. spygate. spygate, one of the largest, if not the largest political scandal in this cup's history. joining us tonight is tom fitton, president of judicial watch. you've had some time to go through all that is happening, the. applications for president obama. the implications for president obama. this man had a curiosity and an unusual interest in the wiretap it is of his former dia director and president trump's incoming
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head of national security. what do you make of it? >> well, you know, that january meeting, that january 5th meeting was important in two respects, lou. in many ways it launched the conspiracy, the coup attack against the incoming president in so many ways in the sense it ratified it out of the oval office. you had barack obama there, joe biden there. they talked about two topics, dossier and the flynn wiretapping. and according to sally yates, the way obama was talking about it, he -- she looked back at it in retrospect and said, my gosh, he's talking about throwing the logan act at flynn. and it helped explain why comey was trying to get around the justice department and target flynn with that sham investigation and that ambush interview to try to get him to lie about the wiretap that they
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already knew about, meaning they had the information about what he told the ambassador. so why don't ask him any questions about it, what are they investigating? either he did something wrong or he didn't. in the head of barack obama who cast his minion comey who followed through, earthly, by targeting -- evidently, by targeting mr., general flynn. and then you had the dossier that also his minion comey ambushed then-president-elect trump with the next day not to brief him, not to provide a briefing, but according to comey's own admissions to the i.g., was to find out how he would react. and what did comey do after that meeting? trump was very angry, obviously. he ran down to his car, started typing the his little memo about what allegedly transpired and then ran to the fbi headquarters and had a secure video teleconference with the crossfire hurricane team, strzok
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and company. that was -- obama knew, biden knew, yates was there, brennan was there, susan rice was there. the fact that durham or, frankly, anyone hasn't questioned think of these people substantially about what went on there, to me, a miscarriage of justice thus far. lou: it raises another question too, tom. clapper, james clapper, the head of -- the director of national intelligence, he said testified as we now know in these transcripts that he a had not a scintilla of evidence. there was absolutely not a scrap of evidence of any basis for an investigation of president trump or any of his organization, and they pressed ahead. clapper knew that. yates knew that. the list goes on. they all knew that.
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not one tried to stop it. now the point being when your heads of intelligence don't stop, that would suggest at least to me somebody is telling those heads of intelligence to go get it. >> yeah. i call it the great defamation of president trump. that's what was taking place. they all knew there was no evidence of rushing saw shah collusion. and, again, it was barack obama around the time of the election, it was all hands on deck. he'd call all the agencies together, and they concocted this smear ica report, this intelligence community assessment, about russia interference and smeared trump by putting in the falsehood and baseless allegation that putin wanted him to win when all the evidence was putin was preparing for hillary clinton to win. and more specifically, the fbi had information that pilot preponderance was actually working with hillary clinton -- putin was actually working with
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hillary clinton. and that didn't stop the fbi from trying to work with hillary clinton and her people too in a joint operation to take out trump. it's mind-boggling. and this is why the flynn unreallying was -- up ralphing is -- unraveling is important because it exposes kind of the fundamental basis for the whole mueller operation which was the flynn investigation and trump's concerns about it had no foundation. lou: right. oh, but there is, there is an explanation for the russian connection with hillary. don't forget she helped rush is shah get 20% -- russia get 20% of our uranium reserves. that was awfully helpful. perhaps they felt they should reciprocate in some helpful manner, who knows? >> tens of millions of dollars laundered into her foundation from russia interests. no investigation of that of. in fact, it was suppressed by the obama administration during the campaign.
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lou: just plain old reciprocity, i guess. we're going to find out a lot more and thanks for all you're doing to make sure we know what we know today. tom fitton, judicial watch. next, how the dems are using the wuhan virus pandemic to push their radical agenda. house minority whip steve scalise joins us here next. we'll take that up and more. stay with us. ♪ ♪ rks great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those. so, what's in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different.
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lou: house minority leader kevin mccr has named the republican house members who will be on the oversight panel to look into the administration's response to the wuhan virus. mccarthy choosing phi republicans led -- phi republicans led -- five republicans led by steve scalise and congressman jim jordan. the panel will have the power to subpoena, to depose trump administration officials. just another effort trying to subvert the president of the united states. one has the feeling it won't go very well for them if they do. well, joining us tonight is house minority whip steve scalise. congressman if, it is great to have you with us. this is a tough assignment that kevin mccarthy has given you. you're outnumbered and you're in the minority, and your job is to defend the president and the republican party and, indeed, the nation against these rather
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overzealous, partisan inquisitors. what do you make of it? >> well, lou, it's good to be with you, and we've seen this playbook before. you know, this is where nancy pelosi started with our majority. every single day from the day she took the gavel as speaker of the house was to harass president trump. they've done it before impeachment, they tried to build a case for impeachment. there was nothing the president did wrong. the mueller investigation didn't yield what they thought. then you had the whistleblower, and they thought the whistle blower was going to yield something. and frump released the -- president trump released the transcripts, something nobody expected, and it undermined their case because the transcript showed that the president did everything right, in fact, had a perfect call, and the president of ukraine said it was a really good call and appreciated talking to president trump. but yet they still moved on and impeached him anyway to appease their radical base and, lou, they haven't stopped. you can see with the creation of this committee there are, as we pointed occupant, a lot of oversight committees this
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congress that already have the ability to look into fraud and mismanagement of funds. they're not doing any of that, by the way. and there's inspectors general. they set this committee up specifically to keep harassing president trump and try to interfere with the 20ing 20 election that's coming up in november. this is all about politics for november. they're wasting millions of taxpayer dollars, by the way. and the real concern, lou, the real shame of all this is that if speaker pelosi was spending her time and her majority calling out china, actually holding china accountable and, by the way, helping families who still to this day are struggling with this tough economic time and trying to get businesses back open, they could actually be very effective at helping our country move forward. instead, all they want to do is keep trying to hit and bludgeon the president and hurt him from doing his job working for the american people. president trump doesn't let this deter him. he works hard every day for families while speaker pelosi's only concerned about her political power.
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lou: there is something awfully confusing about nancy pelosi's speakership. she's been branded by the president as crying, nervous nancy pelosi. she isn't, she isn't on capitol hill when she's need to be working on a national crisis, the greatest emergency we've had in this country since world war ii. it is the president standing tall day after day, hour after hour in the white house leading the nation. only a damn fool would think that the awe approach of the radical dems is going to play well with anyone in this country. your thoughts. on what it means for november. >> yeah. look, i've been in some of those meetings just in the last year and a half with president trump at the white house where nancy pelosi stormed out. it's happened multiple times, and other democrats stayed in
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the room. it's not like everybody left, and we kept conducting business. it's a shame that you don't have a willing partner that is looking out for the good of this country and the american people, they're only looking out for their own raw political power. and, frankly, i think that's what disgusts people about politics. you saw polling during impeachment, people got fed up with their quest for personal hatred against the president and the fact that they haven't let it go and can't pull together to try to work with the president to hold china accountable and help families get back on their feet. that's what every day should be spent on. for whatever reason, speaker pelosi wouldn't call congress in this week. the senate didn't have any problems. president trump, as you mentioned, with vice president pence and his whole krone -- coronavirus task force goes to work every single day. the president was paying tribute to our world war ii veterans today with the first lady, and yet speaker pelosi can't find the time to come back and fight for families. we're going to keep doing it
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and,, ultimately, i think that's backfiring on them and continue to. lou: it will, and the -- their ambitions to overthrow a president who happens to be in the time in which they were trying to overthrow him, to sub is accelerate him, president trump became the greatest president in history. achieving more in his first term than any president, and in his second term it looks like he's going to have to do it all over again and who better to do that, congressman? >> who better to do it. lou: than trump. your thoughts as we wrap up. >> that's why they say the best yet to come. who better to bring our country out of these tumultuous times than the president who is already rebuilding our economy and got us to be the hottest economy in the world and some of the best job numbers in the history of hurricane? we got there already under -- history of hurricane? we got there already, we will get there again.
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you hook are at joe biden, does anybody the u.s. him? look at his involvement in all of these scandals. my goodness, more devastating facts against adam schiff and this russian hoax that barack obama and joe biden were behind. i think president trump's doing a great job and will get reelected. lou: congressman steve scalise, always good to talk with you, thanks for being with us. up next, a red storm rising and china becoming more aggressive, it seems, each day. we take up the communist nation's rising ambition and aggression. general jack keane joins me here next. we'll be right back. ♪ if in my line of work, i come face to face with a lot of behinds. so i know there's a big need for
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♪ ♪ lou a good day on wall street, the dow up 455 points, the s&p up 49, the nasdaq up 142. volume on the big board, 4.9 billion shares. the dow gaining more than 2.5% to finish the week. the s&p up 3.5%, the nasdaq up a whopping 6%. crude oil up 5%. listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. a new editorial in the global times publishedded by the
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communist party of china calling for china to expand its stockpile of nuclear warheads to address america's superiority. the united states has nearly 6200 nuclear warheads, greatly outnumbering the 300 possessed with by china. the global times editor-in-chief posted on social media saying chai e that could expand its stockpile to 1,000 warheads which would include the latest intercontinental missile capable of striking the united states. somebody's getting all excited about a missile gap in beijing. well, joining us tonight, general jack keane, former vice chief of staff for the u.s. army, retired four-star general, fox business strategic senior analyst. great to have you with us. apparently, bioweapons aren't adequate for some people who are interested in building up the chinese military, general. what do you make of this call for greater nuclear warheads? >> well, it doesn't surprise me
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because china is the fastest growing military in the world, and they have been for a number of years now. they have built up their conventional forces rather dramatic chi. they have a much larger -- dramatically. they have a much larger combat navy than the united states navy which has supremacy in that area, and their offensive missiles that they have developed and they have along their coastline to take down, their anti-ship missiles take down shipping and also take down all the bases that we have from japan to taiwan, to guam where we have two of our own bases there is really quite dramatic. and we're in a catch-up because this has been going on for a number of years going all the way back to the bush administration. and this administration is the first administration that has looked at china, i think clear-eyed, lou, and said, look, china's not our friend. they're not just a competitor,
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they're not somebody we should just cooperate with once in a while, these guys are a predator. economically, politically and militarily. and they want to dominate the indo-pacific region at our expense and those of our allies, and they want to replace us as the world leader. and president xi has said all that multiple times, and yet we still have people that refuse to understand what is truly happening here. and this administration has fashioned a strang to deal -- a strategy to deal with it. lou: are any of those people in the pentagon? >> oh, yeah. the national defense strategy that takes off from the national security strategy president trump designed does just that. it identifies china as the long-term strategic threat to the nation. and the defense department under secretary esper right now, he's going through the all the services' budget, and he's looking at legacy programs that are not going to be part of a detenderness against china or a
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deterrence against russia, and he's sweeping those programs. and he built in a deterrence against china that's long overdue in term of military capability. he's got a laser folk on thissing, lou, and he's also -- focus on this, lou, and he's also being driven by the president and the national security council. but they are on it. lou: the president demanding the military be rebuilt and to be preif eminent in every respect. -- preeminent in every respect. as we look at the number of ships, the number of aircraft, those are -- we have, well, a considerable superiority this both ships and aircraft. but some of those aircraft, 40 years old. some of the weapons systems are out of date. ships that are not being built quickly enough and, apparently, we wouldn't is are the ability to -- we wouldn't have the ability if we were to go to war
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to quickly convert and put together a rapid construction of warships. give us your assessment of what needs to be done to assure that this country is full on ready to defend the nation. >> yeah. we've already started by doing the right thing, and that is look at your adversary, look at their ambitions, headache sure that -- make sure that we have an add adequate deterrent capability if against those ambitions. and deterrence is two things. it's, one -- it's the capability your adversary or knows it's real and, two, the will to use it. now, we have the will to use it, but we need to build capability. that's what you're talking about and that's what i'm talking about. it's going to take us a number of years. we need this trump defense build-up to go on for four or five more years to get the kind of detenderness that we used to have, and that's going to have to be done as quickly as we
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possibly can. lou: well, we know exactly how to do that. we can take care of that in november this year. general jack keane, thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. best to angela. we'll be back right after these quick messages. stay with us. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless.
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national committee chair ronna mcdaniel. they're among our guests monday. we hope you'll watch. be sure you watch sunday service from pastor robert jeffress at first and follow me on twitter at lou dobbs. have a great weekend. elizabeth: stocks rising on hopes that the worst of the economic plunge has passed. the dow closing up more than 400 points. tonight, after today's jobs report, 20.5 million jobs were lost in just seven weeks, that unemployment rate tripling to 14.7%. we've got 42 states now moving to reopen on a limited basis in coming weeks. now joining us tonight is north dakota republican kelly armstrong, he sits on house judiciary, also corey lewandowski, and former depp any
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