tv The Evening Edit FOX Business May 11, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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attorney sidney powell, investigative reporter john salomon, dr. michael pillsbury, who is the asian expert on this broadcast. please be with us tomorrow. follow me on twitter. lou dobbs tonight. good night from sussex. elizabeth: president trump announcing a short time ago from the rose garden new testing on covid-19, concluding that the 10 million americans will be tested by the end of the week. promising that the american economy and jobs will come back big time. saying this pandemic should never have happened. it should have been stopped at the source. we have the latest on all of that. president trump going after president obama over the bungled botched case against michael flynn saying obama committed the worst political crime in american history. the president calling it "obama-gate." we have sidney powell, michael flynn's attorney. she also now accusing obama of
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framing michael flynn. others with us tonight. former independent counsel ken starr. new evidence confirming what many americans long suspected. that the debunked steele dossier was bankrolled by the dnc and hillary campaign. we have proof after taupe hillary clinton official saying that on the record. house judiciary doug collins on serious questions mounting now whether former senior fbi official doctored and altered a key document in the quest to nail michael flynn for trying to get him to lie to the fbi. thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. the"the evening edit" starts rit now.
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elizabeth: you're watching as president trump focused on a payroll tax cut and about potential second wave. watch this. >> i want to see a payroll tax cut. i want to see various things we want. i want workers to be taken care of. we're negotiating with the democrats. we'll see what happens but as i said it is a transition. this is really going to be, in my opinion, we'll see, i think it is going to be something very special. it is a transition to greatness and greatness is next year, right from the beginning, i think we're going to do fantastically well. elizabeth: let's begin with north dakota senator kevin cramer. great to see you, senator, thanks for coming back on. >> thank you. elizabeth: senator, but the house democrats are still not back from recess. i think they're coming back on friday. they will push for a trillion dollar rescue plan. how come they're not back in today? >> well, liz, i suspect the
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reason they're not back now because they haven't gotten their orders from the speaker yet. whatever big package they're coming up with, there is no they, there is her. it appears to me this will be a top-down driven process and it is going to be loaded with all kinds of goodies. looks like a taxpayer-funded bribe in the making. they will put enough stuff in there there is something in there for everybody, every governor, mayor, every person, in hopes they have the vote. i don't frankly see it as a serious effort to actually growing the economy and stimulating it the way we need to. elizabeth: it is a big fight now. the white house and republicans say also the democrats want federal taxpayers to pay out badly-managed states and cities. we're hearing the price tag for that could be $680 billion. small businesses as you know, they're getting annihilated right now.
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the democrats are talking about rolling back the 2017 tax cut, bailing out failed government union pension plans. why don't you say what the democrats are talking about won't be enough? >> well, first of all the economy right now, you will never stimulate enough with either tax cuts or tax increases or printing more money and spending it until people can go back to work. the economy is not driven by how much money the government puts into it. the economy is driven by jobs you create, the private sector create and wealth they create having willing buyers and willing sellers. we need to the get country back to work. there is plenty of liquidity right now. my goodness, we already appropriated some $3 trillion of federal dollars most going to states and local communities and as well as workers and their employers. we'll see how that works out
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first. not to mention all the credit facilities the federal reserve has come up with and is coming up with. elizabeth: right, right. >> we need to get the economy going again or open again before we see how much more stimulus it needs. elizabeth: 47 states are now moving to open this week. white house advisor larry kudlow, he said about president obama now attacking the trump administration, saying that the covid response is, quote, chaotic. he says that president obama said that about the administration. kudlow is saying you know, this is darn political. what is president obama talking about? we stopped counting after 91 federal agencies is on the move, nih, hhs, military doctors, nurses, scientists, is he talking about dr. fauci, dr. birx? who is obama talking about being chaotic? he didn't specifically say it was president trump. he said the administration. >> right. yeah, i don't know. i suppose what he is trying to do is just throw, cast some
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doubt about the administration given the fact this is an election year where the sitting president is up for re-election. let's face it, we never been through anything like this before. i have to say i think the president has done a marvelous job and administration. the thing most unique president trump and appreciates cooperative federalism. he provides guidelines he gets from the task force. his task force is not one or two people or a couple of folks at the high up in the administration. it is everybody. it is doctors, it is the cdc, it is the treasury department. then the commerce department and agriculture department, the energy department. he puts it all into the blender and then he comes up with the balance. i think they have operated very well as an administration and doing something that has never been done before at a very fast pace and -- elizabeth: you don't hear, california governor, sorry,
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california governor gavin newsom, also governor andrew cuomo of new york state say, listen the administration has been responsive to us. >> yeah. elizabeth: so has the republican governor of maryland saying the same thing, senator. they're not saying, they're not saying what obama is saying. so by the way many obama officials are still in the administration working at these various agencies. again we counted more than nine dozen. i want to got your take on fight over reopening. now we have 77-year-old michigan barber talking to "fox & friends" yesterday. he stayed open. he kept his barbershop open in defiance of michigan governor gretchen whitmer's extended shutdown order. listen to this. >> absolutely brought me to my knees. i couldn't do that. i'm a small business owner. she has no concept at all the damage that she is doing to our state. you know, it is, to families.
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elizabeth: so this is what's happening. you heard that, senator, right? you heard what he said? what is your take? >> my take, this is what happens when people get full of themselves. so you know, cooperative federalism works well when you have a president that appreciates the role that 50 different governors play. now each of those governors, you know, behaves differently because they have a different situation. there are a few, that certainly the governor of michigan is one of them that has overplayed their hand, seems to be so full of themselves and full of their own power they actually think there is a law in the constitution that allows them to dictate these things to private citizens. i just think it is playing out right in front of us, the difference between a liberal totalitarianism, bottom-down, top-down philosophy, versus grassroots philosophy that again, represents, better understands, not just that we're a democracy. not that we're 50 different state has are economists, but
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we're a self-governed nation. the exceptionalism of america, not that we're a democracy, that we're self-governed. the people themselves are going to make the decision whether they go to the barbershop or not. the barber ought to make a decision himself whether he will be open or not. i think this -- like him are great examples of america. elizabeth: i hear what you're saying. he received a cease and desist order friday delivered by state police after he reopened on monday. governor whitmer extended closure of non-essential businesses until may 28th. states are releasing from prison, now we're tracking thousands of unmates, close to majority of the states due to covid-19. government investigations of food-borne illnesses, food recalls plummeted to the lowest levels in years. u.s., fda, the usda also. they're postponing in-person inspections. this is dangerous about what is
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happening with the food factories. they used to have 900 inspections by the government a month. now plummeted to nine or eight. your reaction to that? >> that is interesting, liz. i was having trouble hearing some of the specifics what you're saying, with regard to the food supply chain, the united states of america has safe, reliable, low-cost food source in the country because we protect the entire supply chain, however, back to my previous point about this federalism around states rights, i think it does demonstrate a vulnerability, this covid-19. it is actually illustrated lots of vulnerabilities in various supply chains, including pharmaceuticals, food, energy, oil, and gas but i do think this is an area where we should have a long look back after all of this. the talk about appropriateness of consolidation of things like, like food supply, meat supply, for example, maybe empower states more, use interstate commerce the way it was,
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initially thought of. that is having state inspected facilities closer to the situations and then allowing more, you know, interstate commerce with food that is protected at the state levels at very high standard. elizabeth: okay. >> i think a lot of this comes down to philosophy. elizabeth: all right. senator cramer, thanks for joining us. really appreciate it. thanks for coming in. >> my pleasure. elizabeth: we have a special programing note for you. coming up later in the week texas hair salon owner shelley luther, she is the new face of the reopen movement. she was freed from jail after defying orders to reopen, so she could feed her family. shelley luther will be our guest this coming wednesday night. next up, president trump yesterday, sharply intensified his criticism of former president obama by saying obama is behind the bungled and botched michael flynn investigation. as republicans say president obama was more involved than
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realized in a trump russia probe. we'll put it all to michael flynn's attorney sidney powell coming up. stay there. >> "obamagate, it has been going on for a long time. it has been going on from before i even got elected. it is a disgrace that it happened. if you look what has gone on. if you look now all of this information that is being released and from what i understand, that is only are the beginning. ♪ family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. we're working hard to answer your questions. like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. we're more than a financial company. we're a "together we can get through anything" company. now, more than ever.
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♪. elizabeth: president trump yesterday sharply intensifying thinks criticism of former president barack obama saying obama is behind the michael flynn investigation. his fingerprints are all over it. last week attorney general william barr's justice department dismissed the case against michael flynn. now vice president mike pence is talking about welcoming the idea of bringing michael flynn back into the administration. we have, the sound bite coming up with the president talking about the flynn case saying it starts with obama, the administration of obama targeting michael flynn. listen. >> he is a great gentleman. he was targeted by the obama administration and he was targeted in order to try and take down a president. what they did, what the obama administration did is unprecedented, it has never happened, never happened. a thing like this has never happened before. elizabeth: let's welcome michael
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flynn's attorney sidney powell. sidney, always great to have you back on. is obama more involved than realized? >> yes. in fact the testimony just released from james comey and sally yates makes that very clear. we know that strzok and page texted each other about the insurance policy they discussed in the case in august 15, 2016 before the election. general flynn was in crossfire hurricane their operation, before they opened the file. after the insurance text message they opened file on general flynn. comey and mccabe set the age sent was supposed to be a trusted presidential briefing with flynn and nominee trump to spy on both of them, to assess and gauge flynn's mannerisms in case they needed to interview him later, i.e., if trump was elected president and flynn wound up in the white house. fast forward to january 4 and 5,
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of 2017 after the legislation and before the inauguration, comey and yates are talking about meeting in oval office which yates learned for the first time from mr. obama himself that he knew about flynn's conversations with ambassador kislyak, which by the way were perfectly lawful but intercepted i guess by nsa. transcripted provided to mr. comey around the fourth of january. who immediately notified obama's dni clapper in the meeting of january 5th. clapper asked for copies, plural of those transcripts. all of sudden everything else unfolds with the media leaks and cnn and buzzfeed running with the fact of the steele dossier after comey left that meeting to go to new york to brief president trump only the salacious aspects of dos yay. obama, clapper, yates rice, in oval office on january fit. rice's memo she wrote back on
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inauguration day but, to be about that meeting and catherine ruemmler's letter on behalf of susan rice where they talked about flynn at the meeting. elizabeth: was flynn the insurance policy that page and strzok were texting about? >> i'm sure he is the cornerstone of the insurance policy i'm sure it carried through with the specs counsel operation not long ago after they started talking about that thereafter. flynn was cornerstone of the insurance policy carrying through with the special counsel prosecution, where they prosecuted flynn to maintain the obstruction hoax against president trump. elizabeth: so why is obama talking about it now? why is he out there in the media -- by the way is he misstating and misleading. >> okay. >> saying there is quote, no precedent anybody can fine for someone charged with perjury getting off scot-free. michael flynn was not charged with perjury.
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lying to an fbi official. why is obama even talking now? what is he worried about? is he worried about the durham criminal probe into the trump russia probe? >> he must be. that is the only explanation for it. he is obviously desperate. i'm sure desperate efforts will be mounted on his behalf from the leak of that phone call to 3,000 of his alumni. that was clearly rally the troops to help here because they are all in deep kimshi. elizabeth: sidney powell, come back soon. we ran out of time. great to have you on. sidney powell. >> thank you. elizabeth: sure. next up, former independent counsel ken starr on newly-released house intelligence documents revealing that despite heated denials by democrats, top clinton official john podesta testified under oath that yes, the dnc and the hillary campaign did split the costs 50/50 of the now debunk steele dossier that has been set to have russian disinformation in it. remember that was used by the
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fbi to launch the whole trump russia probe. ken starr next. ♪. here's the thing about managing multiple clouds for your business. when you've got public clouds, and private clouds, and hybrid clouds- things can get a bit cloudy for you. but now, there's the dell technologies cloud, powered by vmware. a single hub for a consistent operating experience across all your clouds. that should clear things up. "show me what you're made of."
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john podesta testified under oath at the dnc and the hillary campaign did in fact split the cost, 50/50 of the now debunked steele dossier used by the fbi to launch the trump russia probe. that dossier was created by christopher steele, whose own sources told the fbi that steele embellishes and can't be trusted. the cia called it internet rumor. the doj inspector general says it has russian disinformation in it. that is what the democrats paid for. bring in former independent counsel ken starr. great to have you back on. your reaction on podesta here? >> liz, thank you. the more we learns worse it gets for the clinton campaign and the dnc and shame on then. at least john podesta is an honest person who testified under oath what we really knew, this was political campaign stuff which never should have been used by the fbi, and it
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launched 1000 ships. it launched all of this destruction which continues to this very day, and so, it is better to know than not to know but shame on them for having done this to begin with, and relying on the steele dossier to again launch this russia probe, affecting carter page and others. as well as now the latest clear victim. it all fits together, general flynn. elizabeth: you know what? at the same time what was also damaging republicans and the administration say are media leaks. you know, obama officials going on the air, on tv saying, trump is a russian asset. and constant media leaks coming out of the fbi. and now, house intelligence documents, new disclosures show, these same obama officials, why they were going on the air saying all of that, behind the scenes, behind closed doors in testimony saying we have no evidence there is any trump
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russia collusion. watch fox news jesse watters break this down. listen. >> case officer of vladmir putin is, he knows how to handle an asset. that is what he is doing with the president. >> do you still believe the president could be a russian asset? >> i think it's possible. >> president putin has got a very high return on his investment. >> he has taken a series of steps that had vladmir putin dictated them, he couldn't have mirrored more effectively. >> these horrible people were lying on national television, they knew they were lying. they just didn't think they would get caught. well, we caught them. when house republicans put them under oath in 2017, every single one of them said they had seen no evidence of collusion. so american patriot, ric grenell, acting director of national intelligence, released the transcripts of these low-lives admitting never collusion. ready, james clapper, never saw any direct imperical evidence.
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samantha power. i'm not in potential of anything. susan rice. i don't recall evidence to that effect. andrew mccabe on the steele dossier, we have not been able to prove the accuracy. so the obama administration, wiretapped, spied on, investigated their political opponents and they never had any evidence of collusion. they didn't have any then and don't have any now because there was no collusion. elizabeth: ken, your reaction? >> liz, even for washington, d.c., this is grossly unprofessional, irresponsible, and in the process, crimes may have been committed. it is not a crime to go on television and tell a golly whopper, but it is a time, at least potentially a crime to release classified information. clearly "the washington post" got information, along the way, that was, this is even prior to the inauguration, that should
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not have been released. so highly unethical, unprofessional, conduct, they really should be ashamed because the integrity of those people who then made their public statements, their integrity is in shambles. that is unfair to us all. it was terrible of them and unfair to the american people. elizabeth: ken, come back soon. we love having you on. ken starr, great to see you. >> good to see you, liz. elizabeth: coming up, the fbi and homeland security now preparing to issue a pretty serious warning that hackers and spies in china and countries like iran now working to steal research from the u.s. on covid drugs and cures and vaccines. we're bringing back retired army lieutenant colonel james carafano on this story. stay with us, we're coming back after the break.
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♪. >> so what else is new with china? what else is new? tell me. i'm not happy with china. they should have stopped this at the source. they could have stopped it right at the source. so now you're telling me they're hacking. so, i just say this, steve, what else is new? we're watching it very closely. elizabeth: president trump addressing a disturbing story we reported to you last week. now this, the fbi and homeland security preparing to issue a warning that hackers and spies in countries like china and iran are working to steal u.s. research on covid drugs and vaccines. let's welcome back to the show, retired army lieutenant colonel james carafano. colonel, great to have you back on. we're hearing iran is hacking into or trying to hack into gilead which is maker of remdesivir. we've already reported china tried to grab the patent on remdesivir starting in january.
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your reaction to this new story? >> well, you know without even knowing the details of the fbi and the homeland security report it is consistent with past behaviors of both regimes. there is two really important points here. one is, we have seen this with iran before, working with north korea and russia and china. iran often mimics the behavior of other adversarial powers. they see something, they copy, they supplement. that is very consistent behavior for them. from the chinese perspective it makes the point china doesn't see military competition and economic competition. they fuse all this together, so for them, everything is fair game and there are no legitimate boundaries in what you lie, chat or steal about. elizabeth: google is reportedly identifying more than a dozen nation-state hacking groups. it is not just china and iran. it is vietnam and south korea. there is also this, you know, these countries are taking
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advantage of softer security as millions of researchers and scientists and workers being suddenly forced to work from their homes. there is another story coming out. it is something we've been reporting on for months. that the uk is, scientists and researchers in the uk is now saying, colonel that the covid-19 outbreak in china and wuhan started earlier, possibly, looks like to them in october. so if it started in october, then the coverup and the concealment in china is way deeper and more profound than we realize. now we've got 18 state attorneys general, bipartisan push, they're both republicans and democrats saying house and senate, you got to launch hearings right now what is going on with china covering up. your reaction to that? >> this reflects on something we talked about before, china's more aggressive behavior of late, acting out in the south china seas, going after
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hong kong dissidents. pressuring, threatening other countries, if they don't, essentially duplicate chinese propaganda, they will be cut off or punished. i think the chinese are in a bit of a panic mode here. they have never had pushback and bad press like they have now. so literally they're just throwing everything they possibly can at these problems to figure out a way to get on top of this. elizabeth: colonel, great to see you, come back soon. >> thanks for having me. elizabeth: next up, serious questions mounting now over whether former senior fbi official under the obama administration doctored a key fbi record. it is interview document for michael flynn, altered it, edited in the quest to nail flynn for trying to get him to lie to the fbi. house judiciary republican doug collins with us next. stay right there. ers
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and my side super soft? yes. with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes. by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise. prove. during the memorial day sale, save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, now only $1,799. only for a limited time. to learn more, go to
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♪. >> the fbi agent essentially said look, there is nothing to see here, flynn wasn't lying. that is what we were told on the record. so we knew this at the beginning of 2017. so you can imagine my astonishment when it began to leak out in the press general flynn was being busted for lying to the fbi. they had no possible way to bust him or indict him for lying to the fbi because then that means that the fbi had lied to us, okay? now so what happened, what happened is that report was doctored, maria. and that report, we know it was doctored because the lovebirds, we have the text messages of them doctoring the report. elizabeth: that was republican devin nunes talking to our maria bartiromo about the original fbi 302 interview form documenting the first time the fbi, the initial interview of michael flynn by peter strzok and
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another agent on january 2017. that record was key to getting flynn prosecuted for lying to the fbi. let's talk about it with republican doug collins of house judiciary. great to have you on, sir. your reaction to what you just heard? >> it is just disturbing, liz. good to be on with you. this -- devin nunes talked about this early on. he was one of the first to raise the flags of problems of corrupt cabal of strzok, page, mccabe. what we're finding out with flynn, he was set up from day one. it was not just a set up. they were going through flynn to get at the president. they were starting as a candidate. now he is president. comey laughed about the fact he thought he could get away with this because they were in early stages of transition. this should scare everybody in america, because if they can get a candidate for president and a sitting president, try to do it through with a three-star general, it is disturbing the abuse of power that was shown here. elizabeth: yeah, the president
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is now calling it "obamagate." do you believe that obama was behind this? and also, the belief that struck edited flynn's initial interview form to make it appear michael flynn gave definitive yes or no answers, when flynn was saying i can't recall or recollect conversations with russian ambassador. black and white, yes or no answers to get him cornered like he was in a perjury trap. do you think this was orchestrated from the top, all of this? >> it seems to be an interesting theory now. i believe president obama, we've always known this was lot higher. the obama department of justice had gotten very political, many times corrupt. we see this going back to the hillary clinton investigation. we see obama weighing in on, he is saying on her case. then we see comey and his big, recusal of hillary saying she didn't do anything wrong. we're we're seeing it building along. sally yates expressing how much
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surprise president obama took interest going on with general flynn. it shows he had inordinate interest in this. even talked about it before. this goes back to why it needed to be investigated. bill barr has done a great job making sure durham gets all the information he needs. sydney powell, works so hard to make sure now we see general flynn exonerated. they got released transcripts from the closed-door intelligence hearings, none of the folks, clapper, powers, rice, none said they had any exact knowledge of collusion. last year when i released the transcripts from the oversight and judiciary committee, transcripts we started seeing same thing, this budding cabal that was intent on taking out this president. from president obama, attorney general lynch and others this is just a problem that needs to be investigated and shows real corruption. elizabeth: you know, we've got now republican representatives jim jordan of ohio and mike johnson of louis sending a
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letter to christopher wray at the fbi saying we want the other fbi agent who sat with peter strzok to interview michael flynn. that is agent pienca. they want him to sit down for a transcribed interview or testimony. are you guys going to do that? sydney powell says we know from additional text messages that the 302 alterations for the initial flynn interview are concerning, that there were changes made. are you guys going to call that other agent in. >> i would hope so. two parts, number one i address, if chairman nadler, chairman of judiciary committee was encouraged to actually find the facts about what happened in this whole cabal, he actually would start processes to call but he is chairman. i guarranty you it blows their whole theory up. they don't like the president. they will do anything to keep the narrative going this president is somehow in cahoots with the russians or anybody else because they don't like him. chairman nadler used his chairmanship to abuse trust of
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american people to investigate this president since last january. i fought this tooth and nail over year-and-a-half. frankly it gets old. they found nothing but yet keeping up the narrative. i would love him to do his job. do i have any faith he will? no. remember the 302s, we go back into the inspector general we report we found recently when they went to the fisa court, almost every application of the fisa court had problems, serious problems. they were missing evidence, 302s were missing or changed they were missing facts that actually would bring to the court as it should be. this should not be surprising. if chairman nadler wanted to be chairman of judiciary committee to be get to bottom of something. he would call this don't wait up. he won't do it. he doesn't like where it leads, exoneration further of this president and people involved in, shows very much indictment against comey, strzok, mccabe, page, lynch, rest of them in that cabal who did not like the
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president and out to get him from day one. elizabeth: how strong was the flynn probe? how concerned should americans be what happened? how strong was the legal foundation for the probe and how concerned should americans be? >> americans should be very concerned. i make sandcastles to the ocean with waves coming in that make better foundation than what they had for the mueller investigation. elizabeth: congressman come lines. 78 come back soon. >> liz, always good to see you, take care. elizabeth: you too. coming up, you saw it here a few minutes ago. flynn attorney sidney powell, saying president obama, yes, knew a whole lot more than the sordid flynn affair than america knew. we'll talk to kelsey bolar, from independent women's forum about that bombshell coming up. ♪. ancestry...gave us context.
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watch. >> yes, in fact the testimony just released from james comey and sally yates makes that very clear. elizabeth: let's welcome in independent women's forum senior policy analyst kelsey bolar. great to have you on. what do you think, is president obama more aware than generally known? >> this testimony raises a lot of important questions. i think americans have every right to ask what president obama knew about the investigation then and what he knows now. we also just learned recently that on a friday phone call with 3,000 of his surrogates and supporters, president obama was trying to spin the narrative about what is happening in this michael flynn case. you would think if he really wasn't involved at all he would not want to touch this with a 10-foot poll. but the fact that he is, he is guiding his surrogates into how, to handle this narrative, i think tells you he is quite
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concerned about the information that keeps trickling and trickling and soon is going to make quite a splash when we have attorney general barr's final report. elizabeth: you know, president obama is making mistakes. he is saying it never happened before that somebody was let off scott-free for perjury. michael flynn never committed perjury. he was accused making false statements to the fbi. president obama pardoned major general cartwright, he was accused, pled guilty for lying to fbi officials for leaking to the media about iran's nuclear program. so this whole issue of president obama speaking now, why is he talking now? is he trying to get ahead of the narrative and set the narrative again in the media as democrats have done in the past ahead of the john durham's criminal probe of origins of the trump russia probe? is that what is going on? >> it certainly appears that way according to a transcript of
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this phone call from friday. again, this is not a politically convenient narrative for the obama administration and in any way, and if he personally didn't have anything to do with it, again, why would he be out there trying to spin the narrative? i think, you know, ultimately i would want to ask president obama, what if an incoming administration had done this to you, and had basically set up your national security advisor in some sort of an attempt to get him to lie when really this was quite an innocent and normal phone call for him to be speaking to the russian ambassador? i don't think any democrat would stand for that. i don't think the media would stand for that. but i think president obama having these phone calls with 3,000 surrogates does have an impact. you see that the way the media is covering all of this news. elizabeth: yeah. republicans have often said it was president, incoming
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president obama who said to russian leader medvedev, i will have quote, more flexibility. just give me some time until i get into office. conservative columnist andrew mccarthy, former federal prosecutor, told fox news steve hilton's show, "the next revolution," fbi likely feared flynn would uncover illegitimacies, inaccuracies, with the origin of the russia probe. after a new president comes into power, that person is in a position to shut down or even look into investigation, when the president ultimately is a target of that investigation. so he is saying it would be natural for president obama to be speaking now because there is concerns what john durham is going to uncover. your reaction? >> i tend to agree with that, look, the obama administration was supposedly concerned about russian meddling in the election. what ended up happening according to all of the
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documents that have been released in recent days and weeks is that obama administration officials and intelligence meddled in an incoming administration's business. this is hugely problematic, something that really shouldn't be politically polarizing. again that the fact that president obama is starting to get involved now does suggest that he is trying to get ahead of the narrative and possibly is worried about what's to come. elizabeth: you know by january 2017, the fbi had heard that the steele dossier was an internet rumor. cia told him that. there was russian disinformation in the steele dossier. they doesn't have the goods on michael flynn. they knew by the spring 2017 that the russia probe was falling apart. they get, comey gets the mueller probe, mueller probe launched by special counsel getting appointed after media leaks. by august of 2017, kelsey, you
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have deputy attorney general rod rosenstein doing a scope memo, broadening beyond russian meddling and interference in the trump russia probe, to look at all sorts of different issues. then you have a broader basically per view of what happened with the mueller trump russia probe beyond what initially started out. so republicans keep saying, americans should be worried about abuses of power here. are you worried about it? >> absolutely and i think it is unfortunate how political this has become just because michael flynn is associated with president trump, many on the left are not concerned about the really severe abuses of power and we have to think about the effect this has had on a very honorable general. he has had to sell his house to afford attorney's fees and president obama made the case that michael flynn is somehow getting off scot-free. that is absolutely not the case.
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he has personally suffered, the trump administration personally suffered for this, dealing with this collusion conspiracy theory hanging over a cloud throughout the entire administration and really nothing has been proven to hold any water. elizabeth: you know, so quick final word, the media had on the air people saying trump is a russian asset. they are saying why are you covering the michael flynn controversy? should you be talking about covid-19? in other words they pushed the narrative, when pushback against it, won't cover it. final word? >> if this were, if roles were reversed the media would certainly be covering this alongside covid-19. elizabeth: kelly bolar, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. elizabeth: i'm elisabeth mcdonald. you have been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us. join us tomorrow night we'll have a lot more news and a jam-packed show ready for you
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tomorrow, tuesday night. have a good evening. thanks for joining us. states. that does it for us on "after the bell." ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. president trump taking questions this hour in the white house rose garden after he updated reports about his administration's efforts to test more americans for the wuhan virus. in his update the task force focusing on how the united states does lead the world on testing. about 300,000 tests each day. the president also sending billions of dollars and millions of tests and personal protective equipment to get states to reopen. white house task force testing czar admiral breath guroir says the country
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