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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 14, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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money in the states. lou: rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel and pastor robert jeffress here tomorrow. see you tomorrow. good night from sussex. elizabeth: all three major averages ending the day in the green. the dow up more than 300 points. senate republicans on the move ready to launch hearings into obama administration abuses of power including origins of trump russia probe including unmasking of americans by widen group of obama officials and spying abuse. what does this mean for the biden campaign and president obama's legacy? we have senator bill cassidy, byron york and debbie lesko.
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a lot to talk about. democrats, republicans in states like kansas, california, texas, republicans trying to take back control to reopen from democrats. we'll bring you those fights. president trump visiting factories in pennsylvania that make health supplies for health care workers like n95 masks. we have the story. newly-released documents that show hillary clinton campaign started it all for laying the ground work for the trump russia probe. at evening edit, we don't follow what the other media are doing or and we do what nobody else does. we dig into government documents and government footnotes. what the documents show look like a significant abuse of power under the obama administration and it began with the hillary clinton campaign. thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald.
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"the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. senate judiciary chair lindsey graham announcing senate judiciary will hold hearings in june into the origins of the trump russia probe. senator marsha blackburn was with us last night. they are going to issue subpoenas. ron john in homeland security will do his own hearings this is bun masking campaign officials and special counsel and origins of the probe. senator graham is cool to president trump's demands that president obama testify. senator graham is saying he would like to invite both obama and trump to come in. welcome louisiana senator bill cassidy. senator, should obama, thanks for joining us. should president obama, should
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president trump, should biden testify? >> if they have something to offer, if they think they can add absolutely they should. right now there is a lot of uncertainty. were there people in the oval office ordering fbi to investigate the trump campaign? that's the question. i would not, i would not want that to be my legacy. i don't think president obama does either. if he has something to add i think it would be pretty good. >> you know republican doug colins spoke on all of that. he spoke on newly-released documents showing obama's inner circle including joe biden, james clapper, james comey, john brennan, samantha power, obama's chief of staff all individually tried to unmask michael flynn's identity during the presidential transition. unmasking is unconstitutional eavesdropping. let's listen to doug colins here. >> we've been talking about this for some years and really nobody wanted to believe at the highest level of obama administration, obama, biden, joe biden can hide
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in the basement. he can't hide from the facts here he was in these meetings. moving it forward we're starting to see it is all unof developing with the general flynn case, mueller investigation, it was all an attack on president trump, at the time candidate trump. elizabeth: so, senator, they couldn't get the fisa warrants to go look into what michael flynn was talking about. instead they went to the nsa. these are not intelligence officials. these are political officials looking into it. your thoughts. >> this gives americans pause. we want national security but if there is politicalization of those authorities to go after political enemies that is what happens in venezuela. it shut not happen in the united states. that is what the americans people need to have this cleared. we, we need to have trust in our institutions not own always wondering i wonder if they are coming after me because i'm a political enemy?
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that is not good. elizabeth: officials in the obama administration asked for flynn phone calls before he talked to the russian ambassador, weeks before. james clapper refused to answer questions on cnn on who leaked to "the washington post" the flynn information. i mean u.s. attorney john durham is reportedly investigating illegal leaks from the media. that's at the heart of this, right? who leaked it to "the washington post." >> who leaked it, but who was politicizing national security information for their own benefit? no matter what party you're in, that should give you pause. roy blunt says whatever happens becomes the new normal. this should not become the new normal. only way to make sure it doesn't become the new normal, punish anybody that deserves punishment but make there be a price for doing it. elizabeth: a striking rise in the amount of unmasking requests under the obama administration and a striking rise in the
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number of fbi fisa warrants under the obama administration. this is meant to catch, you know, terrorists who are going to attack u.s. cities, new york city subways which the nsa helped with that but this is now about using these powers to go after political opponents. for two years democrat adam schiff and officialing including james clapper went on television, including places like cnn and msnbc saying there was quote, significant evidence of trump russia collusion but behind closed doors at house intelligence these former obama officials said we didn't have any evidence of that including james clapper. i would like your reaction to these sound bites sir, after this. watch. >> what a case officer of vladmir putin is. he knows how to handle an asset and that is what he is doing with the president. >> the russians offered help. the campaign accepted help. the russians gave help. and the president made full use of that help. and that is pretty damning.
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>> it is reasonable to ask if he could be working on behalf of russian interests and not u.s.'s? >> it is a reasonable question. there is clear evidence on the issue of collusion. >> have democrats found any evidence of collusion? >> yes, we have. you can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion. elizabeth: so you see that. the american people have seen that for two years. senator, there is still the belief out there that all of what they just said is true and behind closed doors obama officials saying no, we didn't have evidence of it? >> yeah, again it is incredibly concerning. people wonder why folks don't trust political institutions. you see that sort of cynicism, that sort of cynicism knows apparently one thing but for political advantage pursues another. there should be something beyond political advantage that should be the truth. loyalty to the american people to give them the truth. we see lots of examples of that.
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this is particular bad example. i hope it comes back to haunt them. it will come back to haunt institutions here in washington, d.c. elizabeth: yeah, senator. so when you look at it, we've been digging into the documents and doing timelines of this, you know, we have mounting evidence that the fbi did not have the goods in the trump russia probe. they knew it by january 2017 and then it is sort of like they moved on to go after flynn. do you see that as well? >> you know, i can accept that i think we have to establish what the narrative is. i think senator graham and senator johnson kind of uncovering that narrative, john durham going after that narrative. that is it what we need to fill in the gaps. i don't want to jump to conclusions like they did on the left going after trump. i would like to know what the truth is. the truth is important. we need to restore faith and confidence and we need to punish anybody that did something wrong. we get there by first learning the truth. elizabeth: what effect will this have on joe biden's campaign?
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>> i don't know. i think that is going to be for the american people to judge whether or not political, apparent politicalization of national security secrets is something that should be punished a the ballot box. we'll wait to see what mr. biden has to say. he has to defend it. he needs to be forthright. let's hear what he says. elizabeth: senator bill cassidy, thanks so much for joining us tonight, we really appreciate it. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: coming up later in the show we have newly-declassified house intelligence documents that reveal hillary clinton campaign officials began the big push to set the media narrative on trump russia collusion just three weeks after donald trump was inaugurated president. house judiciary debbie lesko joins us on that coming up.
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♪. elizabeth: welcome back, we're getting to the reopening. in michigan, heavily armed protesters again turning out. many of them, really upset with the state's stay-at-home order, mingling in with the crowds not armed. all of this unfolding amid a case there that has national attention. a local barber in michigan, carl menke, refuses to close his barbershop after the
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administration and governor gretchen whitmer suspended his operating license for defying her shutdown orders. the local barber reopened his barbershop, after he was turned down for unemployment three times. he went a month 1/2 without a paycheck. welcome byron york a great guest and author. this is big showdown of a fight between a little barbershop and the state government of michigan. >> you know we're going to have to have, this whole coronavirus crisis created a new air of the law. i think we'll have to have some guidance what powers state governors have in these situations, that you know, whitmer has been saying, look when i issue an executive order, it is not a suggestion, it is the law. even though, you have majorities in the house and majorities in the senate, the statehouse and senate, who oppose what she is doing. so there is going to have to be
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some sort of resolution here. she has been one of the most aggressive, gone the fartherrest, some people think she is auditioning to try to be joe biden's vice-presidential pick. it will create big legal questions when this is over. elizabeth: you know, this is how crazy it is getting for people in michigan. watch this local sheriff in michigan explain on his facebook page why his department will not be enforcing government gretchen whitmer's executive orders because they're arbitrary and really confusing. listen to this. >> you're asking my men and women to enforce orders, like i said 78. some of them rescinded, others are in whole or in part, to make it more confusing you have pages and pages of frequently asked questions that seem to give the, you know, the law, or the lay of the land but are not in the
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executive order. elizabeth: it's so confusing. this is not just this sheriff having to deal with this. fights like this are happening across the country. majority of the states. your reaction to what the sheriff just said? >> most people would be own the sheriff's side. they're trying to do themselves if they feel they need to be careful or stay inside, they're doing so. so i think that a lot of law enforcement people in michigan view some of these things as guidelines. they want to take part in education, help tell people what would be best practices, but they don't want to be arresting and cuffing somebody for walking around or for trying to get a haircut or for doing some reasonable, normal, legal activity. now all that said i do want to say one thing that is kind of a personal opinion but when you have protesters showing up with
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ar-15s, other serious weapons in the state capital, you know, there are differences all around the country which state capitals will allow firearms inside and under what circumstances it is really, really not helpful to their side to be in this sort of paramilitary get-ups with, you know, major weapons in their hands. elizabeth: critics are saying that is an intimidating and threatening message. the fights to reopen breaking out between government officials in states like kansas, wisconsin, texas, california, top republican lawmakers in kansas moved to take back control of how the state reopens from the democrat governor there. over in texas the attorney general is saying to dallas and austin, listen, your stay-at-home orders are much more strict than what we on the statewide government level is saying. so it's president wild what we're seeing right now, byron,
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in terms of the states now fighting with their local counties and communities. >> i don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. just as we knew nationally, there will not be a one size fits all policy fits all states, it would be terrible idea to impose it, we also know between states or inside states there are significant differences between and urban area, suburban area, rural areas. you're not going to have one policy that fits everybody. and also i do think what you're seeing here as well, depending on the governor, you're finding some legislature saying, wait a minute, we're not chopped liver here. we should have something to say in the law, in enforcement of the laws we, the legislature wrote. you will have these conflicts going on. elizabeth: you know, byron, separate story. the president is really pushing hard on a public/private partnership for vaccines. he is going to enlist the military to help out in that endeavor.
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we're seeing gilead, remdesivir may work in a cocktail with other drugs. gilead moving to make generic -- in other words they're seeing good news on cures and vaccine front. gilead is working to make a generic version of it. roche's antibody test, 100% accurate. convalescent plasma treatments working. johns hopkins, mayo clinic finding that as well. we're seeing good news on that front. are you seeing that too, you know, there is positive news there? >> look, there are a lot of very smart doctors and researchers in this country and the world and they have been learning as we go along, have been improving the way they treat people who have coronavirus. i think one of the most heart rending things we saw when reports came out several, several weeks ago about how, how use of ventilators was not effective in many cases, physically repositioning the patient was much more helpful.
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it was tragic, you thought people who had been treated before they came upon that. so, treatments are improving every day. when you, when you look at this, this flattened curve, it is actually going down nationally. part of that is reflection of just better treatment. elizabeth: byron york, great to have you on, come back soon. love having you on. >> thank you. elizabeth: up next, the latest twist by the judge on the michael flynn case, ordering the appointment of a retired federal judge to argue against dismissing flynn's case even though that retired judge already pre-judged flip's case in an op-ed for "the washington post." saying doj dismissing the flynn case, quote, weeks of improper political influence. we're going to bring on former federal prosecutor jim trusty to ask him if michael flynn can ever get a fair hearing. that's next.
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♪. elizabeth: welcome back. to the latest twist in the michael flynn case. judge many met sullivan just ordered ordered retired federal judge john gleason to argue against dismissing michael
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flynn's case. welcome former federal prosecutor jim trusty. we love having you on, jim. great to see you again. can flynn get a fair hearing? this judge gleason just coauthored a op-ed for "the washington post" prejudging the flynn case. judge gleason said doj dropping the flynn case wreaks of political influence. he coauthorrd that piece. can flynn get a fair hearing. >> he might but doesn't want a hearing. motion to dis, a very rare a federal judge will go against a motion to dismiss, but we're in unusual but not unconstitutional territory to start with. reality is, i mean, judge could have signed off on a docket entry yesterday that said this case is dismissed per the government's discretion. that is not happening. that is bad news start no matter what this is heading towards some form of hearing.
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i don't think even though mr. gleason in his op-ed piece opines the judge can ignore the motion to go to sentencing, i'm not convinced judge sullivan will go along with that notion. judge sullivan cite as case in the order makes it really clear you cannot undo the executive branches decisions when it comes to prosecute or not prosecute that could be good news, but picking mr. gleason after the op-ed can be troublesome. if you're representing mr. flynn, he picked one lawyer on record saying something we don't think is right which the judge can ignore a motion to dismiss and go to sentencing. that is rough stuff to have to talk to your client about when it looked like the fbi's misconduct was being acknowledged and the case was finally going away. elizabeth: judge sullivan also is asking judge gleason to consider whether to hold michael flynn in contempt for perjury, apparently because flynn under oath first pled guilty to lying and then reversed said he never
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lied to the fbi about his contacts with the russian ambassador? >> right. i mean look, there is a motion, there is a declaration in association with the motion to withdraw his guilty plea where he specifically says, i'm an innocent man this is after the judge conducted what they call a colloquy, a conversation to get him to accept he was guilty. in other words, have the defendant making this decision knowingly, intelligently, voluntarily. judge sullivan kind of takes offense that a person would go through the conversation with him, comeback later, by the way i'm innocent. but even though judge sullivan is very prone to ruminating on the record, saying things, thinking aloud out of level of experience and competence he has i don't know that is where he is going to end up. that is a little hard to read the tea leaves saying judge sullivan will pursue a contempt charge. you remember, general flynn, right or wrong has been through one hell of a wringer over past
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couple years. this is a very strange kind of aftermath to get through the prosecution where the prosecutors end up acknowledging misconduct and turn around give what could be a steeper sentence for criminal contempt based on perjury. i suspect we have to wait and see. that will be a hell of a day for tv to see the hearing, hear what the judge will have to say. i think he will take a pound of flesh out of a lot of people in the courtroom but i don't think he will overstep his bound and go with the criminal contempt charge. elizabeth: it should be noted that judge sullivan was appointed to judgeships by ronald reagan and bill clinton and judge gleason was appointed by clinton. let me back up, can michael flynn's legal team take the case to another judge? we know judge sullivan has been accused of bias, overreacting, asking flynn's prosecutor if flynn could have been charged with treason. he said of flynn working for the turkish government before he joined the trump team, that
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undermines everything this flag over here stands for? what do you think, can they go for another judge. >> motion to recuse is kind of your ultimate situation of if you're going to shoot at 9 king you better kill him. if you lose on a motion to recuse all you have done you thoroughly alienated the course. i'm not sure there is enough basis right now. the judge is doing unusual things they are not blatantly unconstitutional yet. i don't know they have a position to get judge recused. i will say this, whatever happens, if there is criminal contempt or somehow john gleason's op-ed wins the day and the judge chooses to ignore the motion to withdraw or deny it that is the type of writ of mandamus. they would go to a higher court in d.c. very quickly to try to undo judge sullivan being that activist in his approach. it will be a while before we know if it plays that way. we'll have to wait to see. elizabeth: always good to have
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you on. jim trusty, always appreciate your insights and perspective. thank you very much. >> good to see you. elizabeth: same here. coming up republican senator josh hawley slamming the abuses of power by the obama administration, abusing the fisa court, unmasking of trump campaign officials by opposition political officials. and now he wants a special counsel to investigate the whole trump russia probe. we'll take it to former fbi deputy assistant director. danny coulson is with us next. stay there. to everyone navigating these uncertain times... whether you're caring for your family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. we're working hard to answer your questions.
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♪. >> we have a pattern here, whether it is michael flynn or whether it is the lying to the fisa court to get wiretaps on the trump campaign, we have a pattern of abuse at the highest levels of the fbi and the justice department in the last administration. it is unlike anything i have ever seen. it reminds you of the worse days
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of j. edgar hoover we read about from decades, decades ago. we got to stop. we have to get to the bottom of it. elizabeth: that was republican senator josh hawley on the abuses of power by the obama administration. the fbi abusing the fisa court. obama officials who are not intelligence officials unmasking the names of regular citizens and more of the trump campaign. senator hawley, he wants a special counsel to investigate the origins of the trump russia probe and more. welcome former fbi director danny coulson. danny, does this require a special counsel? >> absolutely not. that is the last thing we need. we done special counsel cases. i done iran-contra. we don't need that. we need durham to do his job which he appears to be doing. if not, we'll create separate records, two different entityies doing two separate investigations is a bad idea. we need to diverge off to a
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independent or special counsel type case. we don't need it. sit back, relax, find out what happens. durham has a grand jury. he is doing a good job i think. and we'll see. we don't need another one, lord knows. elizabeth: barack obama said last week that the justice department's decision to drop the case against michael flynn is quote a threat to rule of law. obama said the trump russia probe launched by his administration was quote, lawful, legitimate this sets the context for it, in terms of the american people understanding what happened. "the national review" now has a story that says under the standard set by the obama administration, why doesn't the justice department open criminal investigations into john kerry, who is now on the biden campaign, for meeting with iranian officials over the past four years in violation of the logan act? why doesn't the doj and fbi now spy on biden's campaign over kerry's interference in trump's
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iran policy and leak john kerry's name to the press and get fbi to entrap kerry in a lie. oh, have the republican national committee fund a fake dossier on biden or kerry. that kind of sets it in context, don't you think, danny? >> well, i think that is kind of ridiculous. nobody's ever been prosecuted for a logan act violation. i don't see that. elizabeth: no what i mean to say wait, hang on, danny, wait. what i'm saying, take out the words and put in democrats in terms of what the obama administration did with their abuses of power. in other words, turn it around and say what if the trump administration did this to joe biden's campaign, what was done to their campaign. that is how "the national review" is saying look at it. your take. >> okay. i agree with that. a crime's a crime. we shouldn't politicize it. we shouldn't allow any kind of political interests get involved in it. one thing i want to i say,
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remember senator stevens was indicted against the department of justice. charges were dropped against him because of improprieties on the part of the department of justice. there is precedent. it is not political. it doesn't reflect anything bad on department of justice. it is rule of law and justice. that is what we need to focus on. take out injustice, all the hypotheticals what we do, that doesn't matter. follow the law and follow the evidence where it takes us. if there are criminal violations let's go for it. elizabeth: watch tucker carlson on the obama administration using the nsa to do political surveillance, watch this. >> the obama administration wanted to monitor mike flynn's private communications. legally they could not do that. they didn't have a fisa warrant. so instead they used the nsa to do it for them. the nsa forwarded all surveillance reports that
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included mike flynn's name to the white house where mike flynn's name was promptly unmasked. this was a domestic spying operation. that is what it was. it was hidden under the pretext of national security. once you see the details that is very clear. plenty of the 39 people who saw flynn es name, who unmasked had no reason to know his name. they were not national security officials. they were political hacks. that is not an exaggeration. elizabeth: so, they were not intelligence officials. they were political hacks, domestic spying operation. do you agree with that? >> i do agree with that. you have to remember that the ability to initiate an nsa intercept has to have a predication. it can't be predicated on a request from an official without some documentation. i think the whole idea of unmasking and all these issues we're talking about today needs to be reevaluated. to get access to intelligence
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information, you're supposed to have a need to know and having a high position in the government is not a need to know. i think hopefully, after this, kind of smoke kind of clears here we take a new look at our intelligence community. we need to assess what they do, how they do it, and how it can be used for political purposes, and that needs an inquiry. i don't know we need an independent counsel. i don't think but somebody needs to look at that, total revaluation of how they do their business and who approves it what they need to know. that is super important. elizabeth: great to see you, danny, come back soon. thank you for your insights. >> always great, liz. good night. elizabeth: same here. former cia senior analyst fred fleitz on this stark reminder to all-americans, that history has shown politicians will abuse the u.s. domestic surveillance to spy on political opponents. a warning from a democrat senator from the 1970s.
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let's try again. everybody back to one. accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today. ♪. elizabeth: intelligence and law enforcement officials repeatedly tell us at "the evening edit" that the growing scandal about the obama officials doing eavesdropping of regular citizens without a warrant, the unmasking scandal, should send shivers down the spine of americans who don't want government eavesdropping on them. here's the thing. lawmakers saw this coming decades ago and they sounded the fire engine red alarm bells. people like late democrat senator frank church in 1975, warning americans, that the national security agency can be turned on regular americans at anytime, leaving them no privacy no, way of fighting back. but now the obama administration is accused of using the intelligence community to go after political opponents.
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bring in former cia analyst fred fleitz. fred, just like chuck schumer warned the intelligence community could go after you every six ways from sunday, we have senator frank church saying this in 1975. >> we do. i might add, i'm not a friend of, i don't like frank church because i think he was too hard on cia and made up stuff about intelligence abuses. we can talk about that some other time. i thought what tucker carlson said about that was interesting but what went on here is much more serious than what tucker said. we know obama officials were asking for large numbers of the names of trump campaign officials, not just flynn, to be unmasked. now how did they do that? what they did is they would ask for all reports involving someone like the russian ambassador or the china niece chinese ambassador. they would go through them, see references to person a, individual with political campaign.
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they would then ask for who that is. this is the way the spy on your political opponents without getting a warrant. i got it tell you it was much broader than flynn. the next step for the investigation is for the dni, or the justice department give name of all trump administration officials and campaign officials who had their names unmasked by the obama administration. elizabeth: so you know, samantha power had asked for seven different reports, majority of the flynn requests, obama's inner circle came before, before michael flynn even picked up the phone and called the russian ambassador. why do you say this is deeper than just michael flynn? because we reported last night that back in january 2016 the nsa inspector general found the nsa data abuse was being abused and the former nsa director admiral rogers found private contractors working for the fbi
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working on information from regular americans. from fisa documents could have been happening as early as 2016 the year trump was running for president. >> no question flynn was targeted but i think entire trump campaign was targeted. i think there are going to be many reports. why did the you know ambassador ask for seven separate reports that had flynn's name in it between election day and inauguration day? she asked for a total of 260 unmasking requests, as u.n. ambassador. i was at the state department, i handled some of these requests. i worked for john bolton. in four years he asked for 10. deputy secretary of state, richard richard armitage, had real need for this information, he made 100 requests in four years. elizabeth: we are seeing thousands of requests here. >> that's right. and what you said earlier, flynn had his infamous phone call with
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russian ambassador kislyak on 29th of december. most unmasking requests, 53 and all between election day and inauguration took place in mid-december. flynn did not call the russian ambassador until the 22nd of december. so these unmasking requests did not involve a phone call of flynn with the russians, had nothing to do with that. maybe it was flynn calling another foreign official. maybe it was russian official discussing flynn. we needed to know the context of these requests but clearly this alleged collusion and logan act violations that came up in the 29th of december call, that is not what this is about. there were many, many more requests. we need to know what was behind them. elizabeth: using the nsa database is supposed to stop terrorists from doing things like blowing up new york city subways. it is not supposed to be used for political opposition. after admiral roger who ran the nsa blocked outside contractors
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searching nsa database, dni head james clapper tried to get president obama to fired a myrl rogers, exactly when rogers was going to tell the fisa court about the alleged fbi abuses. this all started in 2016. >> well, you know, goes back further than that. when we set up a standing civilian intelligence service in 1947 there were many people who opposed it because they thought that this peacetime intelligence service would be turned against the american people. that is why we, you know, we didn't have a standing peacetime intelligence service before world war ii. we paid a price for that. but there was an understanding that this would be a foreign intelligence service. we would collect against foreigners. it would not be used domestically. no one even imagined that our foreign intelligence service would be used by an outgoing presidential administration to spy on officials of an incoming presidential administration. elizabeth: it is stunning.
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fred fleitz, come back soon. love having you on. >> good to be here. elizabeth: same here. next up, we have newly-declassified house intelligence documents that hillary clinton campaign officials really began the big push to set the media narrative on trump russia collusion just three weeks after donald trump was inaugurated president. house judiciary, house judiciary's debbie lesko will help us get to the bottom of that one just ahead. technologies advisor. me too. me too. and if you're a small business, we're with you. standing by you every step of the way. bye bye.
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faster than a call. easy as a tap. now that's simple, easy, awesome. ♪. elizabeth: republicans want to know to what extent former president barack obama and former vice president joe biden were involved in the flynn case in the trump russia probe. then there is this. remember at the final debate in 2016 hillary clinton accused donald trump of being, quote, putin's puppet. now we have this. newly-declassified house intelligence transcripts show that just three weeks after donald trump was inaugurated president, the hillary campaign officials including john podesta and others began a push to keep the steele dossier alive, a push to get it out in the media, a push to set it in concrete in media narratives, that trump colluded with russia. discuss elements with arizona's
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representative debbie lesko from house judiciary. great to have you on, congresswoman. they sat down with glenn simpson of fusion gps. political opposition research paid by the clinton campaign and dnc to create the steele dossier and to keep the steele dossier alive in the media. >> this whole thing stinks. the more we find out the worse it gets for hillary clinton and president obama, the whole gang, these top officials like you said, all of these top officials including obama in the oval office talks about investigating flynn. then you find out that his chief of staff, obama's chief of staff unmasked him. so did joe biden unmask flynn and than, you get this house release of these transcripts where you have john john podestf course the campaign manager for hillary clinton, talking to
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fusion gps who is involved in this whole russian hoax. this is just outrageous. i agree with president trump, this is, the whole thing stinks. you have dirty cops in the fbi, apparently working with top obama officials, maybe obama himself. then you see that hillary clinton campaign's manager is involved. i mean this is terrible. but do you think that, i call it the democrat controlled media will talk about this? no. they don't want to talk about this. but yet they want to spent all that time on the mueller investigation, all the taxpayer dollars, all, came up with nothing, i mean this is just outrageous. elizabeth: you know john podesta testified behind closed doors to house intelligence that fusion gps, they are behind the steele dossier, was quote, interested in trying to raise more money to continue fusion's investigation into russian interference and then another campaign official
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for hillary clinton testified that they talked about the steele dossier. you know, here's the other thing here, so hillary clinton and her campaign never really stopped campaigning against trump after she lost. i mean this is an unprecedented effort critics say. her campaign helped fund, push into the media now debunked dossier that trump secretly colluded with moscow to sabotage her white house ambitions. >> like i said this whole thing, the more we find out, the worse it gets, it wouldn't surprise me quite frankly, if the house continues down this road. they set up the oversight committee, pelosi's oversight committee to investigate trump's handling of the coronavirus. now, i'm sitting in, actually in a phone booth, outside after rules committee hearing which i've been in since 11:00 a.m. this morning, and they're going to pass a proxy voting, so that members don't even have to show up anymore.
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democrat members to vote. what are they going to do, another impeachment or something? it is just absolutely amazing. and just when you think you, you heard it all, you hear more and it is, it is awful. elizabeth: so, so they're going to volt by proxy? what is the next step here, congresswoman? >> yeah. they're passing a bill where they're going to allow members to stay home, to give their votes to other members. republicans are planning to show up in person and actually work just like nurses have to work, health care workers have to work but you know, apparently the democrats don't want to come to work. they want to vote remotely. elizabeth: all right. congressman less co, lesko. great to have you own. >> thank you. elizabeth: great to have you on. you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business. thanks for joining us.
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join us tomorrow night we'll stay on a lot of breaking news, developing stories. we're looking into the footnotes and government documents. have a good evening. ight" -- ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. we begin with breaking news from capitol hill. the senate has not only voted in favor of sending the fisa renewal bill back to the house, but by an overwhelming 80-16 vote. the bill renews some provisions of fisa through the end of 2023 but will go back with one change, a change proproposed by senators mike leahy -- mike lee, rather, and patrick leahy. a change that requires fisa court judges appoint a neutral third party observer in any case involving a, quote, sensitive


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