tv The Evening Edit FOX Business May 26, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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dr. marc siegel, gordon chang, congressman jim jordan among our guests here tomorrow evening. we ask you to join us then. thanks for being with us tonight. see you tomorrow. good night from sussex. liz: stokes soaring. the dow up about 530 points, almost hitting 25,000 on fresh new hopes for a big economic recovery and on renewed hopes that a covid-19 vaccine is just months away. at the white house and the rose garden, the president announcing a new deal to cap, put a ceiling on insulin costs for seniors with diabetes who rely on medicare. as we come back from memorial day weekend, honoring those who served our country, the other new debate that few are covering. how people who want to serve our country, who want to work for the government, who want to protect americans, our liberty and freedom, do things like catch the bad guys, they're really angry that they were
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politicized by an obama administration to try to attack and undercut an opposition party. that is the republicans are know talking about as they open a brand new front, a fast-growing probe into obama administration abuses, as dni, outgoing dni rich grenell declassifying more documents related to the flynn case. on other documents that could show how senior intelligence under the obama administration manipulated evidence to get the trump russia probe kick-started. now this debate. what about the next generation wants to serve government, would they do that if the government does that? not just a matter of coverage. dubious policies like putting six covid patients in nursing homes like states like new york. critics are questioning media coverage of trump russia collusion. the steele dossier and michael flynn story. the question, is the media
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giving you the story? are they giving you the facts? what are they telling you? what are they not reporting? we have that story tonight. with us is lara trump, kelly bolar of the independent women's forum, kelly armstrong, mark daniels on the covid-19 crisis in the nation's prisons. new supreme court ruling on that, nearly 68,000 inmates were sent back early to the streets in most of the 50 states. we'll talk about the supreme court decision now hitting ohio. we also have howie kurtz, media critic on the media meltdown. all of this unfolding. the white house is talking about a new commission to look into internet bias against conservatives at facebook, google and twitter. that could involve the sec and the scc. critics say that is not the way it goes. market could fix it off. given how the media botched coverage on range of issues, the
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question now is, can it fix itself. thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. liz: l welcome back. thanks for joining us. lots of talk as we come back from the memorial day weekend about new york state governor andrew cuomo now saying that covid-19 models were wrong. that he is getting out of the covid-19 projection forecasting business. those models were used to shut down the economy which put tens of millions out of work, caused small businesses to collapse and put companies like hertz, jcpenney, neiman marcus now in bankruptcy proceedings, news coming in, amtrak is about to lay off 1/5 of its workforce. now watch the new york governor on this. >> the question is, at what point do the numbers drop to the
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reopening threshold? now people can speculate. people can guess. i think next week. i think two weeks. i think a month. i'm out of that business because we all failed at that business, right? all the early, national experts, here's my projection model, here is my projection model, they were all wrong. they were all wrong. liz: okay. let's welcome back, in a fox business exclusive, trump 2020, campaign senior advisor lara trump. great to have you back on, lara. your reaction to governor cuomo saying the models are wrong? >> he is right about that. i think we all can agree the models were wrong. remember the hysteria by the way at the very beginning of this thing, that the president needed to produce for this country like a million ventilators. there was not a single person liz, in this entire country that needed a ventilator that didn't have one thanks to this president. the trump administration and the
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coronavirus task force really went above and beyond to make sure that they did everything possible to look out for americans and make sure that they were on top of these things but i think a lot of people probably do feel that way. i think we all feel like we've done what was asked of us. the curve has flattened. the projections were not thank god, accurate, when it came to just how bad this might get. so i would say probably a lot of people agree with that sentiment. liz: you know, jpmorgan chase, lara, is saying that the cases are going down in states that reopened. we're seeing, let's give you the trend line. 21 cases seeing cases going down. 14 states are seeing flattening of cases in growth there. 15 states seeing increases. lara, weeks ago the attacks were on basically the media. the media was attacking the states that were reopening and attacking the trump administration. the @lan -- at lantic magazine
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saying appeasing the trump dealt cult. jennifer rubin reopening would cause people to die. on governor desantis and death cult. how many will die for the dow? you could call this reverting to hype. what is the reaction to this headline? >> president was very clear during the pandemic that the cure cannot be worse than the disease. i give credit to the governors reopening their states the way they have. we have to get normal at some point, liz. people are desperate to get back to work. have their kids go to school to get back to normal life. every parent dealing with the zoom classes online with their kids can appreciate how much we make our kids back in school some september. i give a lot of credit to ron desantis of florida. liz: but can you -- yeah, reopen
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schools with mitigating risk though? >> i mean i think you can. look, at some point we have to weigh the costs of keeping things closed and the reality is, i understand, i think all americans understand that we needed to shut down for a certain period of time but if you stay shut down forever, it doesn't work. businesses all across this country will close forever. we will go bankrupt ultimately as a country. it does to the work. you have to think about the health on the other side of the coin. people not getting diagnosed for, you know, life-threatening diseases like cancer out there. think about the mental health toll taking on people. people who rely on alcoholic anonymous groups things like that, are not able to get health and treatment they need. at a certain point you have to open things back up. again i give a lot of credit to governors say let's try it. take it slowly, see how it has gone. you see how well it has gone. you look at florida, where three per 100,000 people in florida
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has come down with the coronaviruss versus 27.5 per 100,000 in the state of new york. so ron desantis did -- liz: new york has, new york has, new york has 14 times more fatalities that an 14 has but you know, florida didn't follow the guidelines from the cdc about taking covid patients back into nursing homes. new york governor again trying to blame the trump administration for that guidance to put covid-19 patients back into nursing homes, killing nearly 6,000 people. florida has 1.2 million more senior citizens than new york. he is blaming cdc guidelines and trump administration on that. your take on that? >> well, i mean that is easy way out. you look at the fact that ron desantis really prepared the nursing homes down in florida and made sure that they had thorough instructions how to test things and getting people back into nursing homes
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post-coronavirus. they did a really great job down there. it is easy to point finkers in a situation like this. we have to give contract ultimately to the president doing the right thing from day one. you have to remember, liz, when this president shut down travel from china to the united states, was the same day nancy pelosi was handing out her impeachment pens to democrats and democrats were trying to impeach this president. thank god we had donald trump in the white house actually looking out for the health and safety of americans instead of trying to politicize this whole thing. liz: getting the economy back up and running, citigroup is now warning 44 million, 44 million could be at risk of losing their jobs. 31 million of them would be women. that is what citigroup is now warning. joe biden is trying to attack the president on handling of the pandemic and damage to the economy. dr. fauci warns about permanent damage to the economy saying lockdown. your take on joe biden planning to attack the president for handling of the covid pandemic? >> easy to say that when you
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have been locked up in your basement. all we have to look again january when the president like i said, stopped travel coming here from china save countless lives. who knows how many tens or hundreds of thousand of lives the president saved making the call. joe biden called it xenophobic and fear-mongering. during the open obama-biden administration, handling of h1n1. you don't want joe biden handling this. h1n1 came to the united states in april of 2009 it was not declared a national emergency until million people had it by october of that year. easy joe biden to say, i would do a better job. this president and this administration you have to give full credit for their handling of this entire situation. no one in this country that needed a ventilator went without one. liz: i hear you. >> there were no hospitals
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overflowing. ultimately people have followed guidelines. we've all been happy to do it. liz: the cdc, by the way under obama did declare it a public health emergency before october. i hear what you're saying about a national emergency. tell you what is going on in the states. lara the blue states are really getting hit hard. 40% of leisure hospitality, construction jobs wiped out in blue states. again you cite florida. florida is seeing a fraction of those jobs losses. governor decided to exempt certain workers and move ahead and move forward to keep the economy open there. i want your take on the democrat governor of michigan, gretchen whitmer now in hot water. the owner of northern michigan dock company, her husband tried to use his status as governor's husband to cut in front of line to get the governor's boat back in the water before memorial day on in a region she shut down.
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she said this was funny. the governor saying this was meant to be a joke. your reaction to this controversy? >> she should ask the people of her state that, did the people of michigan think it has been a joke when they have been losing jobs left and right. they have been desperate to get back to work. these people have been begging to get their rights back she has taken away. you can get an abortion in the state but you can't go buy paint. like the whole thing is so crazy. what she has done there so i think i would ask the people of michigan, do you find that funny? i don't think it is very funny at all. i think instead of trying to run for vice president running mate for joe biden, maybe she should have been thinking more about the people of her state? liz: lara trump. come back soon. great to have you on. >> thanks so much. liz: sure. be sure to catch the fox business "america works together" virtual town hall this thursday may 28th, at 11:00 a.m. eastern time with host stuart varney.
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stuart will be joined by best-selling author and radio host david ramsey. send your video questions to invested in you at they might answer your questions during that upcoming special. not just over the top coverage, reporting opinion as fact, things like that happening with the trump russia conspiracy probe, the debunked steele dossier, the michael flynn case, it is also coverage of dubious covid-19 policies that put economy and lives in danger. critics are questioning that too. kelsey bolar of the independent women's forum takes that one on just ahead. ♪. so, when you get a check... you can deposit it from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. you can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. and you can pay your friends back from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?" you can tell them: here's my bank.
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(♪) find and honor your ancestors who servered in world war ii. their stories live on at ancestry. ♪. elizabeth: look, there is lots of talk right now how the media is not covering dubious coronavirus policies like putting nursing home patients, recovering ones back into nursing homes. not covering how shutdowns will hurt the u.s. economy and not doing things like covering how 69, nearly 69,000, 69,000 prison inmates are now being released into the general population for compassionate reasons because of cove individual outbreaks in prisons? here is what is also going on. they're getting rearrested for doing things like burglary and assault. here is another story. the media is getting criticized forgiving a lot of coverage but not questioning a former florida state health worker. she claims she was fired. she said that florida was
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censoring and manipulating covid-19 data in order to paint a rosier picture to reopen. the media touted her as a whistle-blower. but look at this. the associated press now says you know what, media, you got it wrong? the state health worker rebecca jones was misleading the media because that florida data she claimed was censored was never being censored. it was made available to the public early may. here is how jones' story was covered on other networks. watch this. >> new yes, sir about how trump's allies may be shielding coronavirus data from the public. florida's data chief was removed from the told, reportedly to censor information. >> look it is really worrisome. hard to fight a pandemic if you don't have accurate data. hard for the public to know what to do if they don't have accurate data. >> jones said she spearheaded florida's launch of covid-19 data portal. she says she was fired after she
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was quote, asked to manipulate, delete and hide data. and refused to do so. elizabeth: okay. let's welcome independent women's forum i don't remember poll sy analyst, kelsey bolar. can you break down what this will happen? >> you can bet you will not hear what happened from the media we have emails from the department of health staffer showing she repeatedly violated department protocols and standards for releasing unauthorized data and speaking to the public. we have also learned there was no data manipulation going on, any changes to the data, governor desantis was very transparent about. and what is really going on here, the media is trying to deflect, deflect what the real scandal is. if we want to talk about data manipulation, talk about what is happening in china. let's also talk about --
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elizabeth: wait, wait. we have to break this down, kelsey. we don't have a lot of time. stay there for one second. we don't have a lot of time. we're running out of time. forgive me. here's what happened, the governor of florida said we'll show you, had a press conference bit, april 24th. we'll show you new trends in the covid outbreak going forward. here are the hot spots. here are the new cases going forward. she tried to say they're changing state tax not showing prior, prior positive cases that showing all new positive tests going forward. she claimed florida is filtering out people already previously tested positive, florida already made it data on the website. everybody can see it. it was not a secret behind the scenes change. the governor had a press conference, want to show you trends going forward. she never questioned, collection of what the data on cases were, hospitalizations and deaths in florida. she never questioned that. she actually announced that florida was transparent. how did the media get this wrong? >> look, she had internal
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disagreements with colleagues which is normal in any work place but what she did after that is to violate her department's protocols, go speak to the public. the media made her out to be a big whistleblower hero. turns out florida department of health has been doing everything right. other states should be following their leadership on this front and yet, i assure you will not hear corrections about this story in this evening's news. elizabeth: yeah. kelsey bolar. you're terrific. florida saying i have will show you a new number. not censor the old data. show you new trend data. kelsey, thanks for breaking that down with us. appreciate it. coming up we'll talk about the collateral damage in the obama administration alleged abuse of power. people who want to serve the government. they want to protect america's freedoms. we talked to them. we talked to people in government. places like fbi, cia, nsa.
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they're red, white and blue. they say they only want to protect the country, protect our freedom. they are outraged that the obama administration tried to politicize many of these jobs. we'll talk to fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett about that story next. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief
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♪. elizabeth: this just in. outgoing dni, this is just breaking, this is just breaking outgoing director of national intelligence richard grenell declassified a new batch of russia probe related documents on his way out the door. he will leave the decision whether to make those files public. will leave that up to newly sworn in dni joan ratcliff. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. great to have you own. transcript of michael flynn's phone call with the russian ambassador and more documents that could show how the obama administration manipulated intelligence to the got trump russia probe launched. your reaction to this news? >> well as the attorney general has pointed out there was never a legitimate basis to even launch the investigation in july of 2016. so i think what we're going to see here, if it is fully declassified and made public, that the intelligence, if you can even call it that, was
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manipulated to target the trump campaign and the second thing is, you know, we're finally going to get to see these telephone calls between ambassador kislyak and michael flynn but why haven't they been released or given to the defense attorney? how in the world can you prosecute somebody for lying about a conversation if the content of the conversation is hidden? the answer is, you can't possibly do it. one of the reasons i think underlying why prosecutors decided to dismiss the case against flynn. elizabeth: you know, greg, also sidney powell, flynn's lawyer, they can't find the original notes to the interview. it wasn't recorded. to your point how can you prosecute? they don't even know what the notes said and the fbi agents were quoted as saying they never felt flynn misled. they never felt he was intentionally misleading there was no derogatory information about flynn to keep the trump
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russia probe open but peter strzok at the behest of james comey kept it open. >> yeah, isn't it interesting, liz, the original handwritten notes by the fbi agents who interviewed flynn. can't seem to find those notes, they're missing. judge sullivan, says, stuff happens. things get lost. no. you never lose the original, handwritten notes of an interview with a suspect you later charged. there is summary report, i quote it verbatim in my book, witch-hunt, which you're correct, the fbi agents told therapy superiors that flynn did not lie. again you cannot prosecute a guy for lying when the only two witnesses say he didn't lie. one of the reasons why the department of justice is saying wait a minute. all of this was hidden from the court, from flynn's lawyer. we have to dismiss the case. elizabeth: yeah.
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you know, here's the other thing, we keep hearing from government workers, notably at the fbi and other places saying hey, we're red, white and blue. we wanted to serve the country. that is why i wanted to work with the government to protect the country, protect our liberties, freed tops, catch bad dies. they're angry the obama administration they feel politicized their jobs. they don't like it. you got to talk about the next generation. will they want to serve a government that does that? now senior what is going on with the dni, declassifying information, greg, it may show how the obama administration basically manipulated intelligence to get the trump russia probe launched. what do you think that's about? >> it is exactly what william barr said a week ago on monday. he said increasingly there were attempts made to weaponize law enforcement and the criminal justice system for political reasons. i think these documents you're referring to will demonstrate
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that quite clearly but you're right, the rank-and-file at the fbi realized like people like comey, mccabe, peter strzok, others really ruined the good name and reputation of fbi agents which will take probably a decade to recover from. i just received a couple days ago an email from pa former head of counterintelligence at the fbi who thanked me for exposing this information and is really quite angry what comey, mccabe, peter strzok, lisa page did to damage the reputation of the fbi. elizabeth: gregg jarrett, you're great. you're a great author. buy gregg's book. he is terrific. come back soon, okay? >> sure. elizabeth: okay. coming up, media critics saying it is not just coverage falling down on covid-19 policies, eventually found to put both lives and economy in danger, in danger. critics now saying also things like media coverage that went
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awry with trump russia collusion. they didn't cover correctly what was wrong with the steele dossier, the michael flynn case. we'll stay on the story. is the media giving you stories, just reporting just the facts or acting like change agents like ag barr warned about? what are they not reporting? we bring in house judiciary kelly armstrong to weigh in on that and much more. stay there.
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♪. elizabeth: okay, ranking republican on house intelligence, he is devin nunes, he was on our show a few nights ago. he is now expanding what he told "the evening edit," that republicans have increased their investigation into the mueller team and people at the justice department under the obama administration, and at the fbi. they were above robert mueller. now republicans will be making criminal referrals in the comins
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against these individuals. we have republican kelly armstrong. great to have you on, sir. you're in house judiciary. he is wanting more documents too. what shoes are going to drop here? what do you think what do you expect to see? >> we need to continue to do this because we know at this point in time that for sure kevin clients smith lied. he altered an email that went to the fisa court. we don't think he was doing it alone. mr. jarrett was on before and he was talking about the flynn prosecution. we know comey and mccabe actually testified that the agents didn't think that flynn lied in the interview. it was only after the mueller prosecution came about with no new evidence. the person who conducted interview was not even in the room where they charged michael flynn. that is solely, there is a reason that you have conflict of interest as a prosecutor. and drew wise -- andrew wise man and every member of the mueller
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team, they had direct relationships to the hillary clinton campaign. they needed notches in their belt because they knew there was no russia collusion so we need to continue down this road. elizabeth: devin nunes said republicans made eight criminal referrals to the doj about potential violations of the law. leaks to highly classified material, those leaks used as a predicate to fuel further probes. lying to congress, perjury before the fisa court. he is saying it could actually involve more than eight people because there is also, there is conspiracy referral involved. that conspiracy, those, those stories involve eight people. now they are talking about a dozen, two dozen people in conspiracy referrals, criminal referrals. your reaction to that. two dozen people? that's a lot. >> we'll have to wait to see who it is. i agree with that, particularly on those issues. if they're leaking classified issues, if they have lied to congress, lied under oath, those
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are tight criminal charges where you can bring a charge and also get a conviction but there is no doubt they weaponized the media. look what they did. they tipped cnn and had s.w.a.t. team arrest roger stone. flynn's lawyers were asking for the 302s as late as first week november of 17. sunday nbc runs a story about indicting flynn's son. he proffers on monday. this happened all the time. comey leaked his memo. bob mueller was hired the next day. they were absolutely strategically utilizing a willing media to further their case and to put pressure own different on different people they knew they didn't have collusion investigation so they needed an obstruction investigation. elizabeth: here is the backdrop. 9/11 happens. powerful surveillance is put into place. now in the obama administration accusation that surveillance state was pointed at trump
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campaign and the intelligence officials manipulated the media to keep the investigations going when they didn't have the goods going. attorney general barr talk to cbs's catherine herridge, democrat steele dossier had russian disinformation in it and they used it to get wiretaps on the trump campaign. watch this. >> that is the one of the most troubling aspects of this whole thing. i remember i said in testimony on the hill, i can't remember if it was my confirmmation, i was very concerned that the dossier and steele's dossier were used as vector for russians to inject misinformation in the political campaign. elizabeth: let's watch how democrats like house intelligence chair adam schiff go on media, we've got evidence, got proof that the president is russian agent that there is
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trump russia collusion. watch this. >> what a case case officer vladmir putin is. he knows how to handle an asset and that is what he is doing with the president. >> the russians offered help. the campaign accepted help. the russians gave help. and the president made full use of that help. and that is pretty damning. >> it is reasonable to ask if he could be working on behalf of russian interests and not u.s.'s? >> well it is a reasonable question. >> he may be the first president in quite some time to face reprospect of jail time. >> there is clear evidence on of the issue of collusion. >> have democrats found any evidence of collusion? >> yes we have. >> you can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion. elizabeth: again, the mueller report found no conspiracy, no collusion. there was assertions that the trump campaign did welcome help from the russians, but again no collusion. russian disinformation in the steele dossier. take that on, congressman.
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>> they knew the steele dossier was bogus when they filed the scopes memo. when they conducted the cowboy interview at white house. they moved forward knowing full well there was no underlying charge. more evidence comes out, we'll know that bob mueller's team, they knew almost immediately there was no collusion with russia and they continued an obstruction investigation with no underlying crime or no underlying conspiracy. that is perjury trap. it is, it is unfathomable that it happened. i agree with attorney general barr. at the very least these people should all be tarred and feathered, dispardon, not have cushy cable news contracts. elizabeth: congressman, great to have you on. come back soon. >> thank you, ma'am. elizabeth: okay. coming up, across the country protests now breaking out of prisons, families of inmates converging on prisons saying release our family members who are prisoners. we have got now more than 68,000
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♪. elizabeth: to the breaking news today, the u.s. supreme court declined to stop another new push, this time in ohio, forenow. they're declining to stop it for now. the decision could result in the release of more than 800 prisoners out of elton federal correctional near canton, ohio, due toe fears they could contract covid-19. that federal prison holds 2400
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inmates. nine have died. some are infected. look what is going across the country. aclu is demanding prisons release inmates due to covid-19. ucla is tracking more than 68,000 prisoners have been released from prisons early. look at the protests happen doing. places like lompoc federal correctional complex in california. families of inmates, groups like aclu, demanding that officials release prisoners early. let's welcome sheriff mark daniels of cochise county, arizona. sheriff, we always love having you back on. we understand the the compassionate release aspect of this. what do you think of the supreme court decision in ohio? >> that is scary. law enforcement and sheriffs number one goal across the country to protect americans. number one goal. this is a health epidemic.
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many people have challenges out there from economics, jobs, fear, uncertainty. last thing they need to worry about is public safety. releasing thousands of inmates that deserve to be in jail because of a health epidemic. it is going the wrong way. in my county we have three jails we have release nod one that poses a community risk to the public. if you drink a beer in public, you get a ticket, go to court later f you throw the beer at a law enforcement officer you're going to jail. elizabeth: sheriff, is a way to protect prisoners inside of prisons and jails from covid-19 without releasing them. >> there is, liz. we have three scales. one jail was turned into a hospital for those quarantined or show symptoms of covid. you have to use the preventative measures. those entering jail, temperature. all things you node to do, every organization in the country is doing right now. we should never mix a health
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epidemic with a public safety epidemic. we need to be protected by law enforcement and government leaders and that is not happening in some areas. elizabeth: ucla is tracking the data. more than 68,000 criminals have been released in the 50 states. places like ohio, the prisoners are elderly, that is the argument. but the majority that have been released, you know, the question about them are, will they basically go on to commit more crimes, even if they're senior citizens, sir? we're seeing senior prison inmates committing crimes again. look at new york state. 1500 prisoners released. more than 110 wasted no time recommitting crimes again, burglary, sexual assault. one in four arrests were made because of burglaries. talk to us about that. >> well, liz, they were sentenced to jail, to prisons for a reason because they posed a community risk. to release them now because of a
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health epidemic is wrong and in all aspects. it is dangerous. it is very reckless. i got my jail protested two weeks ago. they came in, free them all, let them go, sheriff. not one was released. we're not releasing anybody. elizabeth: sheriff daniels, come back on the show? we love having you on? >> thank you, liz. love being on. elizabeth: great to see you. we'll next up take this own, former head of cbs news saying the media just quote, passed the tipping point. he is saying the media is a liberal-leaning media and it is not good for the country. the white house is talking about a new commission to look into internet bias against conservatives at facebook, google and twitter. is that the answer, is that the fix? we debate it next. (music)
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