tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business June 2, 2020 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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of this week we'll be joined by larry kudlow as the president's top economic advisor, we'll get more on what this new package may contain, also, the all-important jobs numbers, reported on friday. could see 19% unemployment. neil, sir, it's yours. neil: incredible. stuart, thank you very, very much. let's see where we are. right now we have the dow up 116 1/2 points so continuing on the advance the market saw yesterday. by the way my thanks to david asman filling in my absence here. again the same issues. firms of all we were concentrated what is going to happen right now with the virus, getting people back to work. this is another reason why that could be delayed here. also, growing talk about whether national guard troops will be wanted in the area or not. let's get the latest from christina part -- kristina partsinevelos with that.
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kristina. reporter: you have words like stay strong, be safe on 19th street. unfortunately the wooden planks were not strong enough. now the city will grapple how they will move forward. given you had curfew at 11:00 p.m. yesterday. there were tons of protesters, looters and thieves targeting locations on scooters and cars. mayor deblasio issued a statement. let's listen. >> there will be peace and order today and tonight and all week in new york city. i am extending the curfew which i announced would be beginning again at 8:00 p.m. tonight, going until 5:00 a.m. wednesday morning. we're going to continue that curfew for the remainder of this week. reporter: so it is still a lot of shock and surprise to a lot of people including ones around me, you have the curfew until sunday, that is june 7th that would be 8:00 p.m. everybody needs to be indoors. yesterday i was talking around a lot of neighborhoods. a lot of grocery stores were
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closing earlier around 9:00, so probably expect that even earlier, so all the store clerks can get home safely. today we can show you visuals. we've been around the city filming up how many stores are cleaning, very, very early this morning. i spoke to police officers unfortunately have had to work double shifts. one guy was on 27 hours straight. he told me in their particular precinct which is around 34th street, they had 73 people arrested just there. four people per cell. so that is a situation too. the city is going to have to mitigate, the more arrests come throughout this, they will to move them to different locations. across the city, macy's at harold square also looted by a lot of people. seems like you have protesters on one side of this. but you have thieves, looters, taking advantage. one police officer told me looks like they're going on google maps, pinpointing it, going to the location. so all the police officers go
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there. they switch to try to steal from another store. you name it, they have hit it. so unfortunate for business across the country. back to you. neil: kristina, thank you, be safe. kristina partsinevelos in the middle of this. there is friction between the new york governor and new york mayor continues right now with the governor hinting at remarks as he was addressing the press the mayor doesn't really appreciate the scope of that problem. that is echoing pretty much what the president of the united states has claimed about both governor cuomo and the mayor. blake burman with more on that, blake. reporter: some news out of the white house right now i would like to get to if you don't mind real quick. i was just hearing the white house next steps, what potential next steps the white house could be pushing forward as it relates to economic measures because of covid-19. i have am told according to a senior administration official that president trump will be meeting with his economic advisors at some point this week to discuss the upcoming package that they want to put forward,
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and potentially decisions could be made at that meeting or the president could tell his advisors to tell them to do more work. i've been told four things moved to the top of the priority list for the white house at this point. first off liability protection. that is something talked about for a while. something mitch mcconnell, the top republican up on capitol hill wants to see as well. secondly a payroll tax cut. president trump talked about this for weeks now. you know what that would entail. third, reform to the 600-dollar plus-up part of the cares act f you went on unemployment, for those still on unemployment. they get the state benefits then a 600-dollar plus-up from the federal government. concern from the white house is, that 600-dollar plus-up, by the time you add that on to the state benefit, they fear is disincentive to return back to work. what i've been told batted around maybe reducing that by half, somewhere into the 250-dollar or 300-dollar range. then the fourth idea is for a
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tax deduction or a tax credit if you were to take a vacation. this was described to me taking a vacation during a defined period of time. if you're wondering what that time period is, i don't know. this is very early, very early putting all this together. there would be things like, hotels and meals. you stay in a hotel, go out and eat at a restaurant, on avacation defined period of time, that would be a write off or a deduction. these are things that the white house is debating internally, talking about internally. democrats have put out their idea up on capitol hill. mitch mcconnell talked about liability protection. we've been awaiting the white house who said for weeks now, they kind of want to see how all this plays out to eventually move forward. by the way, neil, one thing i've been told not necessarily risen to the top of the list is a capital gains tax cut for investors, something had been talked about by this white house
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for a couple weeks now. i'm told that is not necessarily at that upper echelon. the bottom line here, discussions will be had this week. we should hear from the white house what direction they want to go. of course that would have to get matched up with democrats to put some sort of legislation forward. neil? neil: easier said than done. blake burman, thank you very, very much. by the way we're still monitoring new york governor andrew cuomo who said he stands at the ready with the police force to protect those who might need it and a message a mayors across the entire state of new york that he also stands ready with national guard and state police to help them as they see fit. that might have come in handy over the weekend certainly in las vegas where one officer was shot and is in guarded condition right now. we saw five shootings just yesterday for them. of course indiana area, many others that are again being tied to demonstrations, pretty much across the country.
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randy sutton is former las vegas police lieutenant, joins us now via skype. lieutenant, thank you for taking the time. there does seem to be this shave chafing among some to use the national guard, call out the national guard, for that matter to beef up police ranks in these cities. what do you think? >> i've been listening and monitoring the statements by cuomo and mayor de blasio and the hypocritical discussion between the two of them is, is nonsense. neither has supported law enforcement. neither has come forward. in fact, they have actually been stumbling blocks for the law enforcement efforts. so, i almost have to discount anything that comes out of their mouths because i don't believe them. law enforcement is on the edge. there has never been a more dangerous time to be a cop. we have over 100 law enforcement
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line of duty death this is year so far. two this week were murdered. you don't even hear their names in the media. i really, i ask your viewers to pray with us for the life of the officer here in vegas. excuse me. neil: you know, we do have overnight shootings that have occurred. one of the ones that is interesting, indiana, was actually st. louis. four people shot. >> st. louis. neil: one severely. we know of course what's happened in vegas. i'm wondering, as more demonstrations are planned, do you think these curfews are going to make a difference. what do you think? >> they will make a difference. law enforcement knows how to handle it, but they literally had their hands tied by politicians like de blasio, like the mayor in minneapolis which of course was the epicenter of this insanity.
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literally held law law enforcemt back from doing their jobs. if this had been stopped at precinct 3, when they attacked and basically the orders of the mayor there, they ceded the precinct to the rioters, you know this isn't about protests anymore, neil. this is about rioting and about destruction and about killing. every single day now we are seeing officers shot, stabbed, beaten, run over and, reality is this. very often they don't get the support that they need. in fact my organization, the wounded blue, which assists disabled and injured law enforcement officers, is going crazy providing peer support for these men and women, who feel literally under siege, not physically, from the physical danger but from the emotional traumas they are facing right now. i have had more discussions than ever before in my history as a cop with cops telling me they are taking fire and there are
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afraid to fire back when literally having their lives endangered, taking rounds. this is insane. neil: yeah. you think about all those people with the smartphones and they're always at the ready to take pictures or video of anything that comes up. we'll watch it very, very closely. randy, thank you very much. for taking time. randy sutton all that. >> thank you, neil. >> former governor george pataki. governor, i was thinking of you with handling what happened certainly when we had crises in the past particularly after 9/11 when you had to deal with that. people who were shunning downtown manhattan. i remember that famous video of you and robert de niro going out to visit store, shops, in the area. we'll need a lot more than that today because there are a lot of people already concerned, right, about getting back into this post-covid-19 world in new york. then all of sudden they hear and
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see these demonstrations. what do you tell people? >> well, neil, it is a hard question to respond to because new york was the epicenter and still is for the covid-19 crisis and that scares people away. now you have just complete loss of control for days in manhattan, the bronx, brooklyn and a response that has been feeble at best. so the first thing you have to do is restore order, it's that simple. let's pray we have order tonight but it just has been a complete failure of leadership. failure to do appropriate policing. a failure to keep covid positive patients out of nursing homes and new york just has to change the direction. you have to believe what you're saying is true before you tell us about -- saying new york is safe either from the virus or rioters and looters. you can't make that case. neil: you know i'm also getting a sense, governor, that the
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present governor, andrew cuomo and new york city mayor bill de blasio are clearly not on the same page. the governor saying, new york city police and the mayor did not do their job last night. he said as i mentioned here, he believes the new york city mayor underestimates the scope of the problem. so already quite a bit of fingerpointing going on. what do you think? >> neil, this is just disgraceful. you have to work together. put aside personal differences. for the governor the day after to be critical, you should have been on the phone or in contact with the mayor constantly asking him yesterday, asking what help he might need, whether the national guard, earlier curfew and other steps trane by the state and to criticize -- neil: do you know who calls those shots, governor? do you know who calls the shots say something going on in the city, you were governor three terms, you doesn't like what you're seeing? you and rudy giuliani handled that pretty well. i'm wondering if you're saying we have to have guardsman or more police or stronger security
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presence, doesn't the governor have the power to sort of force that issue? >> absolutely. government has the power to call up the national guard, to declare a curfew, if necessary to supersede the mayor and take the mayor's powers away and assume control of the city. on september 11th, you mentioned it, neal, i talked about it in my book, beyond the great divide, then rudy sent up a temporary command headquarters in lower manhattan. i thought for a minute and i went down there with my entire response team, for that day, days and weeks after we were in the same room so we had constant communication between city and state officials at all level to make sure they have a seamless response. now they don't talk to each other this is unconscionable, when you see this horrible, horrible rioting, terrible response to the covid crisis. it has to stop. put aside personal differences. sit in the same room with the key players and work together.
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neil: so, governor, with when the present governor is saying new york is still on track for june 8th opening, referring largely to the new york city metropolitan area, the five boroughs including manhattan, do you think that is still doable? i do think it is doable. the virus cases continue to go down and it is just hard for me to believe we won't have law and order safely on the streets of new york by next week. i think it is doable. i think from a virus standpoint it is. meanwhile, i don't think social distancing seems to be that important when you have thousands of people roaming around together and the governor doesn't seem to be concerned. restore order. it should be down now and certainly will be done by next week. continue to push the covid cases down. yes, there is no reason why the city can't open. neil: we'll watch it closely, governor. thank you very much. good catching up with you.
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even under these circumstances. thank you, sir, governor george pataki. we have a lot more coming up including what you're seeing on the right corner of your screen, whether that is not in sync with what is going on. what if i told you the run-up in the stocks is exactly in sync with what going own? what the market sees that maybe others do not. after this. ♪ limu emu & doug
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪. neil: all right. with all the violence and protests across the country here you might be thinking stocks would be tanking. when all of this started they were actually higher than where they were and higher again today, with the dow up 144 points. what are they seeing that a nervous world so far is not? jonathan hoenig has some ideas, fox news contributor, capitalist pig hedge fund manager, much, much, more on what the heck is going on. what's going on? >> thank you, neil. we always remember that markets are forward-looking mechanisms. stocks had an unbelievable may, one for the record books. even these very difficult and just awful scenes from all over america, by and large haven't slowed this market down, neil, as we talk about, stocks are
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forward-looking mechanisms. despite the tremendous run up. i think there are opportunities. you have to be more selective than ever now. last time's winners like big cap tex, for example, or even some travel names i don't think will be the leaders for the next bull market. i think now is a time to be optimistic, neil. you never made money betting against america, betting against this country. as i said, i think lockdowns, as restrictions continue to come off you will see again opportunities to make money. that is what the market is telling us. neil: but if the market's overly factored that in, you're right, the long-term time horizon for stocks is always very favorable if you have patience for these whipsaws. very little whipsawing going on. i'm curious, you probably saw "the wall street journal" and others talking about this market is rich now based on forward earnings, 21, 22 times earnings based on that, the problem we
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don't know what earnings will be but that a murky science. what do you think this market ignores way too much or is it justified? >> it is a rich market meaning it is a expensive market but also a concentrated market. so much of the gains over last number of years or number of months, are "fang" stocks, facebooks, amazons, the apples. i'm actually forecasting a period not unlike the first decade of this century, there was a lot of flat movement in a lot of big cap names, and tech names. the real money is made underneath the surface. we're looking for areas like gold, emerging markets, like biotech, weak currency plays. areas where you make money potentially even if the rest of the market is flat or even down. now is the time to diversify more than ever. neil: okay. we're looking at activity in foley square. that is downtown new york. and you know, there is concern
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that we're going to see, you know, more of these protests. these look very dignified and peaceful and they start out that way certainly. others depending on who you believe, jonathan, hijack it, it becomes quite all together different. they got this early curfew in new york tonight. i think it kicks in 8:00 p.m. rather than 11:00 p.m. officials across the country seem to be in a conundrum how to handle this every single night over the past week. what do you think. >> neil, it is tremendously distressing and in my neighborhood, literally every business, many of them happen to be if not minority owned a lot of minorities work there, not like all that matters but their businesses have been destroyed. let's not begin the broken window fallacy. no one benefits from wanton destruction. exchange of ideas, neil, protest communication, that will benefit the market and benefit the country. this unbelievable nilistic destruction is only bad for business owners, business
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employees and the country writ at large. neil: if you don't mind my switching to technology companies that seem to be playing a role in helping those who want to protest protest where they should be, where they should go, chronicling almost a guide depending on the site how you go about this. the companies come back and respond, they're an information service. they share what you know, users are sharing but obviously it is hitting their stocks on the idea they're almost protest co-conspirators. it is hitting the stocks. is it justified? >> i don't think it is justified although as we talked about before i think these are very expensive stocks. look, these big tech companies provide tools. they're used for very beneficial ways. many of us enjoy, profit from them every day and they can be used for very malevolent ways. for me someone who throws a poll tiff cocktail or a brick at police officer, that is not a
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protester, that is a criminal. unfortunately a lot of the tools are used by criminals, neil. look, the attitude among the population towards big tech has been abhorrent for years and it is pretty sad. back in the 90s, big technology companies were the lions. now for some reason they seem to be the devil. that is a sphere moving forward for the market, neil, antagonism disgust with big tech continues, as president already alluded to, more regulation, more control, that always has a negative impact on stock prices. i point you to microsoft while under antitrust surveillance from the government from 2000, to 2010 was basically dead money. more regulation against big techs, the more stocks reflect flat or downward trajectory. neil: you know that is the next wave if this continues, right? we'll watch that very, very closely, jonathan. as jonathan was speaking as he astutely pointed out the impact
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♪. neil: 46 cities across the country had protests some way, shape or form. california has in every major city. william la jeunesse in santa, monica california. what is going on now?port police are making arrests, i am pounding vehicles, making arrests. there were 200 people outside the liquor store. the looters had broken the window, they were ready to empty it out, when the guy's neighbors came out with long guns, nine
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millimeters. they deterred crime. it was not getting worth shot over a few cases of jack and they stopped looting. >> basic community policing, when the police are busy, no one else to do it but us. >> absolutely. i'm fortunately live in a nice community and the people here care a lot. reporter: similar scenes with other family-owned groceries and smoke shops. up in the valley, owners of a liquor store took their firearms outside to protect their livelihood. happened live on the fox affiliate. a half dozen wood-be looters were trying to rob a shop. they were turned back by the liquor store owners. the reporters became a to the police. >> vehicles drove up in front of the buy gold. they started arguing about it. after they arguing about it,
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that is when they started to flag you down. reporter: l.a. saw protests that turned violent in hollywood and van nuys. 350 arrests by lapd. 46 for felony theft. that means police can hold them in the jail, not release because of the covid virus. 19 cars impounded used, basically as getaway cars for the looters. they put paper over the license plates. police in some cities knelt down with protesters saying we are basically with you on message in terms of solidarity. on the other hand, they also enforce curfews later on. also want to say in las vegas, neil, two police involved shooting. one police officer in grave condition and the would of be assailant in another shooting has been shot. i will say four officers in st. louis have been injured by gunshots but they're in good condition. neil, back to you. neil: thank you. be safe, my friend. william la jeunesse in the middle of all of that. we'll keep you posted on these
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new, more restricting curfews going into effect there we'll see if they do any good. right now they're bickering in a lot of east coast cities but hope to limit them. that is the hope. they don't drag on. i believe in new york's case good for monday. t-mobile stores. other small businesses. he knows the effect on how it has impacted him, those stores have been ransacked and looted. the guy is trying to make a living, just trying to keep people who he employed having a living. that is proven a lot easier said than done. rick, where are things standing right now for you? >> morning, neil. things are very grim right now. you know, we thought we were just getting over the hump of getting past effects of covid, being able to potentially reopen this month and welcome customers back in full effect. then we were hit with these riots and protests.
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that led to less than, more than half a dozen of the stores being looted. our oakland store has been completely demolished. does not look like a store anymore. these are stores, i built from the start, from the ground up. so seeing something that you cherish so much and you built with blood, sweat and tears, you know, it is like i said it is a very grim situation right now, neil. neil: irony is, i heard your eloquent statements on this, you identify the treatment of george floyd and how that all went down but this is not the response you expected. do you think, outsiders have come in to target stores like your own, that was prevailing argument, that now depend on city and locale i grant you but do you know anything about the people who came in and looted and damaged your stores? >> you know, everybody was wearing either a mask or a face
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covering. something of the sort to be able to conceal their identity. we tried to go through as much footage as we can, but it would be, i would be very remiss to see if any of these folks are from our local cities where our stores are, where businesses are. i work very closely with our local communities and all of the cities and counties where we have our locations and i just could not see whether it be the youth or adults or anybody from any walk of life taking a protest and turning it into a riot, looting, destroying small businesses t has to be i believe people that are caught in this mentality and unfortunately, unfortunately tarnishing the memory of george floyd. this is not the way to do it. there are ways to protest. this is not the way to do it. neil: you hire minorities, you have helped minorities. yet the irony being you are now on a financial brink because of all of this. how do you feel about it, either local, state politicians
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response, president's response? are you angry about it? >> i'm more disappointed than angry. it is something that we wish would have been prevented by being able to take more diligent steps bringing everything to light, making sure it was done the way it would have been against anybody, be it somebody that is a police officer or not and i think that is what made people target while going on the protest and rioting any business. you don't know when you're walking up to a business if it is owned by a minority like myself but unfortunately a lot of businesses, looted and destroyed are owned by minorities like myself. neil: what you built is amazing, rick. i was looking at your background, how you started all of this. it is an american success story. i wonder with the curfews continue in effect, depending on the locale earlier than they were, do they do any good, will they do some good?
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>> the last curfew we saw was alameda county last night. we got the alert on iphones, that was 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. i have been seen personally santana row, mixed use, retail shopping area, people beginning to show up, groups of young individuals, among others showing up as early as 4:00 p.m., as 5:00 p.m., gathering and plotting which store or which area they would go to first. it is not a matter of let's go protest have our voices heard. going to areas where they are going to benefit the most and destroy businesses they can benefit the most for themselves. it is not about making a point anymore. so i like i said, a lot of disappointment in how this has all gone out. neil: all right. hang in there, rick, so sorry what you're going through, people are going through, your families. hopefully this doesn't go on much longer. cooler heads to prevail, or at least police those trying to
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prevail. rick merza on all of that. not all the news has been bad. the launch of america back into space right now, what elon musk is doing with spacex, were timely reminders, what we needed about the greatness within us. we're not only ones who are proud of that. you should hear from his mom. you will. after this. hthouse has weathered many storms. seeing the break in the clouds before anyone else. together, we'll weather this storm.
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mother of elan minsk musk. all her children are incredible. done successful stuff. maye, good to have you with us. >> glad to be back, thank you. neil: you were there for the launch. what did you think? >> first of all you get very anxious before the launch because you want him to be successful. it is a very important launch. of course they are astronauts for the first time but you try not to show your anxiety bass you want everyone else to be calm, especially elon. then when it went off it went off so smoothly, it was incredible it was so exciting and we jumped for joy. neil: oh, i can see why. you weren't the only ones. we were covering it. we were doing a lot of jumping which for me is very hard to do. let me ask you, maye, about your
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son, how he was for the launch. obviously i'm sure he had some butterflies about all of this. how was he the day of? >> he was very calm because, of course, and he was actually laughing quite a bit because he was with the engineers and he was with the nasa engineers. neil: right. >> getting things sorted out. they just, it was, when it comes close to launching, then they are quite serious about it. i was in the fire room which is next to the mission control center. i could see all the people, i saw the backs of their heads. so i couldn't see the expressions of their front. the family was in a small room that is very exclusive. so we felt very special. neil: did he want to be a astronaut growing up? any hint of that? >> always wanted, he was always into space travel. i don't remember how --
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[inaudible]. neil: oh. i think we lost her. we're going to check to see if we can get that again. maye, looks like we had a brief freeze in your video here. i think you're good now. i guess i was asking did he have any interest in this when he was a kid. obviously had a lot of interest, i know that, but anything about eventually becoming a astronaut? >> he doesn't, he has never said he wants to be a astronaut but always been interested in space travel and exploring the planets and he would get every book on the planets and astronomy and just loved it, loved studying that. neil: you were very big with all your kids, learn, learn, learn. soak up things like a sponge. they all took you up on it, including obviously elon. i'm curious though, the timing of this couldn't be better for an uplifting moment, right? between what has been happening, you know, the covid-19 virus, i
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mean it is dramatically disrupted your book tour even though you're still selling them out. the fact of the matter is, you can't go on a global tour in the middle of this. you have to do it virtually. you had protests going on. that obviously affected a lot of people. so in a way your son and the launch of this rocket did a lot of good, didn't it? >> brought a lot of joy to the world actually. it wasn't only to america. the whole world was watching. neil: yes. >> people putting posts on my instagram, saying i'm from scotland, russia, australia, they all got excited. neil: if i can ask a family question, you had a new grandson right now and last time i looked , maye mathematical formula, you have a simpler way to refer to him. what do you call him? >> call i am x.
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neil: just x? >> i have 12 grandchildren now. neil: none of them are named x? this is the others you have more traditional names, what did you think you heard, your son and his girlfriend came up with this very long, i guess formula to name this child? >> well, i think they are very special people and they would do something original. so i was quite happy about that. neil: yeah. but you as gram, grandma, whatever you want to call it, you're sticking with x unless someone has updated name. >> right. x. neil: that makes perfect sense to me. it is a lot easier to say. the world this child is growing up to, your 12th now, a lot of people look hopefully at this launch, about the potential, great things that can happen,
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but as you know, they also look at kind of things going on around the world right now. you're no stranger to friction your whole career started out that way. talk about difficult times, you overcame them but a lot of people are looking right now, the battle between things that looked so promising and hopeful and we're reminded of our past, protest and hatred, how would you balance that out in your own head? >> you know, i try to think of the positive side, otherwise. i don't sleep well at night, i'm so sad about it. we're just getting over covid and now we have the looters making it a little dangerous for us. it will pass. we will get it all together but it is a hard time now, and, you know, i'm doing okay because i can, my book is being published in 20 countries. i'm look a lot of interviews
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from all different countries. so that keeps me busy. and then i can give uplifting stories that, how we going through sad times. neil: it is a very hopeful, a very uplifting book. i learned a lot about you, that started out modeling as a plus size model. i don't know anything that is possible, you're anything but plus side today. it has hope for all of us that are plus, maybe extra plus. maye musk, you are very proud. model. much, much more, woman make as plan, a runway best-seller, even though doing it virtually, not too shabby. like mother like son? more after this. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking
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hard what to call him, they said charlie. charlie gasparino. >> they call me lot of things that you can't say on tv. neil: many things. how are you, my friend. >> you don't want to relive my childhood. neil: no, no. >> we do want to talk about stimulus because apparently, not apparently but our congressional sources are telling us it is all quiet at least publicly right now between mitch mcconnell and nancy pelosi. behind the scenes aids are telling our sources are essentially lobbyists for banks and big financial firms but something will come before the july recess and it will be shaped in large part, neil, by the riots, and i'll tell you why in a second. let me go through a couple headlines here. they are taking, behind the scenes, the leaders are taking initial steps towards a stimulus. the effort is going to begin with a house vote as early as today, essentially on loosening
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requirements of the ppp loans on the loan recipients there are all these requirements that loan recipients have to do x. they have to pay it back in two years. apparently they're going to fix some of that in the sense, make it less stringent, two-year payback will be extended to five years. there are other measures that will come first. we understand that is coming either today or tomorrow. there is going to be a vote on that very soon in the house and they will clear that up. once they clear that up, that's when behind the scenes you will see a lot more talk, meetings of the minds trying to figure out how much money to give and how it should be delegated. the initial read that we've been getting from our congressional sources, these are again lobbyists, who deal with people in congress, is that after a weekend of riots, that are continuing as you know to today, and cities being devastated there is going to be some degree of aid to cities. that is, mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader was
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initially against that. he saw it essentially a bailout of states and cities, states like illinois, who have been running massive budget deficits before the pandemic but now that this is going down with major destruction of u.s. cities, he softened up to that. you will see aide to states, distribute aid to cities. from what we understand, that aid, there will be talk about less strings attached. meaning if they have to, you need to plug unfunded government pension fund, you might be able to do it. at least that is the initial read coming out of the weekend. things may change. we've called up mitch mcconnell's office, spokesman for him says, said they have no comment on the matter other than what he said publicly. he is saying very little publicly on this lately. again he was initially against it. we heard he is changing on that. another thing we should point
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out, if you look at timing, the timing will be before the july recess, right? that means, the rubber meets the road in couple weeks. that is when you see stories here. clearly behind the scenes, neil. there is a lot of talk, a lot of push. the aid to states is on the table. mcconnell will want his pound of flesh which will probably be liability protection waivers for businesses, so they won't get sued on the coronavirus if they bring people back sooner. neil: thank you, good talking to you. charlie gasparino on all of that. the dow jones industrials sprinting up 157 points, but could protests especially if they escalate, change all of that? also the tenor in new york city where the governor and mayor are clearly at odds. could it change because of that? >>
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neil: all right. we have a lot of shutdowns in cities across the country tonight, this idea being if people kind of stay home and don't go out, they will be okay. a lot of these curfews changed to reflect the new reality that, you know, starting of late, does no one any good so in arizona, they go from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in other words, starting at 8:00
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p.m. in atlanta, 9:00 p.m. to sunrise. beverly hills, california, to protect businesses there, 4:00 p.m. charleston, south carolina, 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. in new york right now, they are moving this back a little bit as well. so all of this comes at a time when they talk about 7:00 p.m. curfews. the earlier you can start them, the more productive and the more, you know, positive outcome you'll have. grady trimble is following all of this in illinois, where the subject has come up, what best to keep the peace. they don't know for sure but they have a couple of ideas. grady? reporter: the city of chicago is a very hard place to get to right now. it's essentially locked down to anyone who doesn't work there, is an essential employee, or live there. the fear was last night that the looting and rioting would spread to the suburbs and that's exactly what happened. we are in cicero where this liquor store was looted and police put up these barriers to stop people from getting into that neighborhood.
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we also have video of that happening. it was going on during the night and even in broad daylight. it became violent at times as well with two people shot and killed and more than 50 people arrested. then in naperville, a far west suburb of illinois, we also saw rioting and looting there. we talked to a business owner in the downtown area as folks gathered in large numbers to clean up this morning. he said there was a peaceful protest that went on for hours, but then as it got later, he describes what happened next. >> i thought that we would probably be pretty safe here because there was a good show of police last night. but the protests came and left and people came back and as soon as the fireworks started going off, it was like a signal. reporter: i should also mention thousands and thousands of people gathered on the north side of chicago outside of the downtown area in what was
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largely a peaceful protest. as we are dealing with all of this looting and rioting, we are also dealing with a reopening process amid the coronavirus pandemic. the city of chicago going forward with the reopening and expanding capacity in retail stores and outdoor dining starting tomorrow, despite all of this going on. neil? neil: grady, thank you very very much. grady trimble following all of that. in the meantime, hillary vaughn following damage in our nation's capital and what they're planning to do tonight with the crackdown on how many people can go out and when. hillary? reporter: hi, neil. i want to point out what's happening behind me. construction workers are turning this retail and office building essentially into a plywood fortress because this building was attacked on all sides by protesters. this is the bank of america. i want to point out and take you in here to show you some of the destruction. they broke through two panes of glass windows and actually
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vandalized the atm here. they left behind a partially melted trash can. you can see there's some spray paint cannisters left behind there. last night, protesters were pushed back from the white house. 300 people were arrested in this area. 54 people arrested just on this block alone. the attorney general bill barr deploying riot teams, also the fbi, atf, dea and u.s. marshals on the ground last night. barr was spotted walking the streets to survey the damage around the white house. he also came out to lafayette park to observe the line of protesters demonstrating there. meanwhile, house speaker nancy pelosi says they will begin work on legislation to address racial profiling by police and police action against those arrested. the different proposals are still coming together but one proposal from house democratic caucus chair hakeem jeffries would outlaw chokeholds, preventing police from putting pressure to the throat or windpipe, also making that a
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civil rights violation. that has caught the eye of the president's political opponent, joe biden, who spoke in support of the proposal this morning in philadelphia. >> congress can put it on the president's desk in the next few days. there are other measures, besides transferring weapons of war to police departments, creating a model use of force standard. that also should be made law this month. reporter: neil, joe biden also did talk about the president's trip across the white house lawn yesterday to pay tribute to st. john's church where he held up a bible and posed with it. biden criticized the president for that, saying he shouldn't be posing with a bible or using it as a prop but instead should open it and read it. neil? neil: thank you very very much, hillary vaughn on all of that. you know, it's not just democrats and republicans going after each other. in the city of new york, it's the democratic mayor and the
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democratic governor. take a look. >> national guard should not be brought here. we have 36,000 police officers. they are the best equipped to deal with the situation and you know what will help them deal with the situation? not the national guard. the people of new york city. >> the police must stop the looting and the criminal activity. that is the essence of the police force. they are supposed to protect the community, protect the property. they did not do that. i am disappointed and outraged at what happened in new york city last night. neil: so who's in charge here? the police benevolent association president is here. it's hard to know who's calling the shots. >> exactly right. what you find is that they are
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giving mixed messages. city hall, the mayor is saying we are going to have a soft touch and then saying we need to stop this violence. soft touch doesn't do that. then you have the governor blaming the police department for not doing its job. yesterday he said we used too much force. today we're not using enough force. they are really trying to cover up for the fact that they don't have a plan. they are supposed to lead us. the rank and file police officers are on the street doing the job. we're on the street doing the job all night chasing looters, vandals, gang members. we had violence in manhattan, we had violence in the bronx. last night brooklyn was peaceful. the night before, there was violence. so that's not the police officers' fault. that's your fault for a lack of support on all ends of the political spectrum. what we need is city hall and the state or the second floor of thegovernor's office to support
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us. they are blaming us for their lack of planning. neil: they also seized on images that become, you know, indelible in people's minds when in fact the images aren't quite what they appear. there's this story that made the rounds about this one officer who was all of a sudden getting -- brandishing a gun in the face of a protester. we discover later in a separate piece of video that steps back from that, because the protester might have thrown a brick at his superior. that didn't get much coverage. do you think your men and women are getting treated fairly? >> absolutely not. we are not getting the support from any of our elected leaders. they don't have the strength to do it. their cowardice comes forward because they know they didn't plan and this is happening because of them, not because of the rank and file police officer. they are trying to condemn us. we have the leader of the city of new york in the governor's office saying that police officer should have his shield taken and his gun removed.
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well, they are only looking at one part of the video. we did an investigation, you know, before you come to a conclusion, do an investigation first. we put the video out. the whole video. what did the whole video show? that a protester, a violent protester came and threw a brick at the head of a new york city police lieutenant, from a foot away, and what did that police officer do? save that lieutenant's life. saved the life of those other protesters and rioters. then you're going to condemn us? you're going to say well, they're guilty but we're going to have an investigation? that goes against the rights. police officers deserve the same constitutional rights as every other citizen. there's an allegation, then an investigation, then a conclusion. they got it backwards. neil: let me ask you about another video, the george floyd one, you are very familiar with. what did you think of that? what did you think of how the officer handled that situation? >> there is not one police officer across this country and
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certainly not in the nypd that is defending what happened in minnesota. that was a disgrace. it never should have happened. new york city police officers are the most restrained police department in the country. we need support. that needs to be acknowledged. something happened halfway across the country and there's looting here. that's an excuse. vandals are coming, they want to steal and they are doing it and they unfortunately, they know right now new york city is fertile ground to do that. they know city hall sent out the message, police officers, soft touch, let him go, let it burn out. the problem with letting it burn out means they are burning down our stores. a week ago we were worried about covid. a week from now, we are talking about reopening. what are we going to have to reopen? neil: when you've got this earlier curfew, will that make any difference or are your men and women still hold go light, don't overdo it?
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>> hey, you know, we just had the governor saying the police officers didn't do their job, the rank and file. the rank and file police officers did our job. who didn't do their job is you. at the last minute you tell us there's a curfew, within hours, and all of a sudden we have to implement the curfew that hasn't happened since i believe world war ii? then it's our lack of planning? come on. you need both houses, city hall and state government, you need them working together. put your politics aside, whether we agree with it or not, work with us but certainly don't blame us after the fact. neil: thank you, pat lynch. very good catching up with you even under these circumstances. police benevolent association president joining us from lower manhattan. we are going to be checking in response to all this from new york's police commissioner, 4:00 p.m. eastern time on "your world" on fox news. we will be raising some of these very issues with him. ahead of that, the real problems for retailers who are dealing with just the covid-19
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issue and if and when they will ever get customers back. now a reason for those customers to be afraid for ever coming back. the protests that are ongoing. matt shea is with us now, national retail federation ceo. boy, you talk about a double whammy for your members. if there weren't enough concerns about going back, right now for customers who might be tempted to come back as more and more reopen, now you have this. what do you do? >> well, neil, i think we have to start by acknowledging what a tragic week we have had in this country and the great sadness we should all feel at witnessing the death of george floyd and so many other black men and women just needlessly, senselessly and so we need to recognize that. we've got a big issue to deal with. we've got a lot of work to do in healing the racial injustice in this country. at the same time, i think we have to recognize that one of the ways that we begin to heal the country and address these issues is to support these
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communities and to give people the opportunity to lift themselves up and to get back to work and to restore some normalcy to our economy and the retail industry is at the leading edge of that. it always has been, it always will be. we represent the largest retailers in the world. we represent main street and small retailers, independents, and they're suffering. more importantly, the people that they serve, the communities they serve, their employees, the millions and millions of people, 52 million that work in the retail industry, the most diverse industry in the world and one of the most successful, and i think the fact that the retail industry has great diversity appear is yet very successful, those are not coincidental facts. that's not a coincidence. neil: you wouldn't know it, you wouldn't know it, matt, from what's going on. they are clearly being targeted by the very folks, you think of cvs closing down about 60 stores as a result of protests, amazon
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limiting deliveries in some cities affected by the protests, target closing six more stores until further notice because they themselves are the targets of protests, starbucks reducing hours in affected cities because of this. i mean, they are reading the writing on the wall and they are nervous. should they be nervous? >> well, i think, i talked to the ceos of walmart, of target, of lowe's, mcdonald's, macy's, i can go on and on. a dozen walgreens, best buy, talked to all of them in the past few days. i can tell you that to a person, to a person, their number one concern is the safety of their associates, of their customers, of the communities they serve, and especially understanding the fears, the concerns, the heartbreak of their african-american, their black colleagues and customers in those communities. that's their number one concern. so in the short term, in the near term, as you just heard pat lynch say, until we can restore
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some calm to these neighborhoods, the smart thing, the safe thing, the right thing to do to protect the people they care about is to close some of those stores temporarily. but over the long term, over the next few weeks, what we need to do is reopen and get back to work. that's how we start to heal, restore some normalcy, begin to bring our communities back together. neil: do you inform that some of these protesters are not about, you know, what happened to one african-american man, but using this as a cause that has nothing to do with selfless, peaceful interests but everything to do with upending a nation? >> well, neil, as one very senior black african-american executive said to me the other day we don't want this destruction and the violence that's taking place that's being driven by small-minded, short termism, some opportunists, to
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detract from the real issues we've got to deal with, and there are real issues we have to deal with, and understanding the motives of those that are doing the destruction and the rioting and the damage is hard to tell. there will be a time and law enforcement is working on that very diligently to separate those that want to engage in peaceful protests from those that are simply engaged in senseless acts of destruction, and violent behavior, and we need to separate those two and at the same time, we have to recognize we've got issues we have to deal with. we've got work we've got to do and the retail industry can play a role in bringing people together to help achieve that, but we have to start to get back to work. so i think we do, as we said in our statement yesterday, have to recognize that while people are angry and frustrated right now, that the looting and the destruction is a distraction and it's not a productive way to address the issues we have to address, and we need to move beyond that and we all need to come together to make a commitment to face the facts
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about things that need to be addressed here, but the looting and the destruction's not the way to make that happen. neil: all right. matt shay, thank you very very much. be well, be safe. national retail federation ceo. a lot of retailers out of an abundance of caution are choosing not to even be open in some of these cities right now with everything else going on. not all of them, but a good many of them. regardless of the curfew time, now is not the time to be open. stay with us. in this world where people are staying at home,
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neil: there might be a lot of tension out there in the country, maybe across the world right now. in fact, there have been a lot of world protests based on what's been happening in this country. you wouldn't see it at the corner of wall and broad, where the dow right now is up almost 200 points and that despite what's been an up and down day for technology stocks. so what is it that wall street sees that maybe main street does not, or is there something quite logical going on here? charles payne, host of "making money" with us now on this. what do you think, charles? >> you know, i have said two things for the last couple months, particularly more
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recently. i think, a, the stock market, you know, even though everyone was saying it's tough because of vaccine hopes, i think the market is up because it believes we will learn how to live and prosper and co-exist with covid-19 until there's a vaccine. that's number one. number two, we always say the market's a forward-looking mechanism so it's not reacting to necessarily looting last night at macy's, but could macy's recover in six months, 12 months or 18 months from now. macy's was the number one stock last week, up 22%. i think the stock market is looking at a country like india, 1.3 billion people reopening real soon. that's why oil has come back, made the biggest rally in the history of oil in one month. it's just looking into the future, a better future, than the world we live in right now. neil: are you surprised, charles, at how much of these protests have spread and the degree to which, you know, city mayors, state governors, are
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enforcing these curfews, making them start a little earlier, making sure there's an extra police presence, even a guard presence if necessary? this is really mushrooming. >> it has mushroomed. you know, i got to be honest with you, i have been looking for something like this for a decade. i felt like this country sat on a powder keg for more than a decade and so i have been looking for summers, where, you know, the nation was if flames but i got to tell you also as we talk about governors and mayors and now curfews, they reacted so late. they emboldened the bad actors. they allowed the peaceful protests to be usurped and hijacked and i think the local responses to these things were so awful that they made things so much more worse than they had to be for everyone involved and hence now, they've got this problem. they trying to institute curfews. who institutes a curfew at 11:00
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at night like they tried in new york city? it's one bad decision after another and anarchy is the result. neil: i'm wondering too about the double standard from politicians. i want you to respond to this. new jersey governor phil murphy comparing protests. take a listen. >> it's one thing to protest what day nail salons are opening and it's another to come out in peaceful protest overwhelmingly about somebody who was murdered right before our eyes. neil: what did you think of that? as if the nail salon protests weren't peaceful. >> it ticks me off so much. people weren't protesting when the nail salon was going to open. they were protesting their right to earn a living. they were saying governor murphy, we don't want your welfare. we don't want your crumbs. move out of the way and let us pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. it's the same kind of -- the
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same ruse of other protests. it all goes back to the idea of americans wanting fairness, freedom. that's the bottom line. so you know, when he just blows it off like that, he shows just how disconnected he is to the average person out there and he thinks he can provide cover by using the killing of george floyd. it's ridiculous, neil. it's really ridiculous. no one was protesting when these things would open. they were saying allow us to get back to work, governor murphy. you happen to have a few hundred million in the bank. neil: yeah. it was very dismissive, even condescending but i was curious to get your take on it. i think i know where you're coming from. charles payne, thank you, my friend, very very much. >> see you later, neil. neil: 35 minutes from now. he speaks his mind and it's a fine mind, at that. stay with us. we've got the dow still sprinting ahead. more after this.
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neil: they are off the lows of the day but a lot of technology stocks were under pressure under this notion they were helping protesters a bit too much, i don'ting theusing their social media sites to coordinate or at least inform where froefprotest rallies were. the companies say they are doing nothing of the sort but it's leading to friction that maybe these guys should be policed more than they are. it's a familiar theme, one that susan li has an update for us right now. susan? susan: social media is being flooded by messages and news surrounding the nationwide protests. in fact, there's so much noise, there really isn't room for much else. so one company says at the peak on friday, george floyd's death and resulting protests were mentioned over 8.8 million times. compared to the peak of the hong
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kong protests last year, mentioned one and a half million times. the french yellow vest movement was mentioned at its peak less than one million times. as you mentioned, social media also being used to coordinate some of these protests as well and used by extreme groups. there was this tweet this morning, saying accounts on twitter are telling far less rioters to be ready to brawl in philadelphia, transferring violence and destruction we have seen from property to people. president trump himself has classified antifa as a terrorist organization. attorney general bill barr says with the rioting that is occurring in many of our cities across the country, the voices of peaceful and legitimate protest have been hijacked by elements and they want to pursue their own extremist agenda. i want to be fair about this. it's not just the far left. there are also far right groups using social media to organize and spread misinformation as
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well including a group that is being i guess propelled right now by qanon. also, what about employees at the social media sites as well? they are upset in terms of the inaction and sometimes the action being taken so for instance, we saw facebook with its first ever virtual employee walkout yesterday over zuckerberg's refusal to fac fact-check or shield any of president trump's post. the verge obtaining leaked audio from an employee, all hands meeting, where zuckerberg actually said his first reaction was just disgust at trump's tweets last week but as zuckerberg goes on to say here, it says this is a moment that calls for unity, for calmness and empathy for all people that are struggling. i would agree with that. neil? neil: thank you very much, as always. susan li on that. kelly jane torance with us now.
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i want to get into the '68 comparisons a lot of people have raised but on social media being targeted for maybe helping protesters, what do you think of where this is going? >> i mean, this is a problem that people have been talking about for awhile. internationally, you know, in the rohinga there was talk of facebook to target them and go after them and sort of they fled to bangladesh. this has been going on for awhile. i'm for free speech, of course. i think that the more voices, the better. if we drive these people underground it will be harder to find them and target them, which law enforcement finds very important. of course, there's the question of what counts as a radical. you know, the radicals of the '60s are the establishment of today. you don't know who today might become tomorrow's establishment. the idea that you are going to police radical speech, i think
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is dangerous. of course, it all depends on who's in charge of the policing. i certainly think that most americans look at who's running companies like facebook and twitter and they don't -- they find they have very one-sided political views and they certainly worry that people on the right especially will be censored by it. neil: you know, as we watch these crowds gather in manhattan, they are expecting more big crowds particularly downtown, so this would be another night of those even with an earlier curfew, i believe 8:00 p.m. in new york, i'm wondering what you think average folks at home think of this. the reason why i ask, i'm old enough to remember how the '60 riots and disruptions, to say nothing of the assassinations of martin luther king and bobby kennedy, had given people a sense the whole world is falling apart. it ultimately hurt democrats, that election year, in that they were either part of or condoning a lot of this.
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while some of them might be rightly for racial equality issues then, racial equality issues now, but for people watching at home, i'm wondering if the reverberations are wow, this is crazy, this is out of control and actually, it actually hurts their cause. >> it does, neil. i think that, you know, your average american sees a peaceful protest and has nothing, you know, doesn't take any issue with that but we are seeing those protests in many cases, some people are coming in and turning them into something much more violent. i think people are nervous. i have to say, i looked back, i wrote a piece in july 2016 called "how trump wins" and i said that this is starting to look like 1968 and trump is positioning himself as the only candidate explicitly saying he will keep people safe.
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now, things weren't even as bad in july 2016 as they are right now. what you had then was you had there was more islamic terror than right now, there were other issues trump was addressing but you also had real unrest in american cities. the year before was the ferguson, missouri unrest, caused by a black man being killed by a police officer, and just that month, the first week of july, a black man was choked by a police officer in minnesota and in louisiana. so you were seeing a lot of unrest then. you were seeing a lot of protest. i thought then, donald trump is the only one explicitly saying i am going to keep you safe. i thought he could win on that and he did. now, of course, the reasons he won are legion and i'm not saying i had it perfectly right but i do think that was a factor and where you're looking at the
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unrest right now, it's much worse than it was four years ago. people are worried who's going to keep me safe. they're not seeing police in some cases are really letting rioters and looters run rampant and people want something done about it. they have already been suffering for months under these lockdowns. small businesses have been suffering, closing, struggling to survive. now they are being looted. i think americans are very concerned about what they are seeing on tv and they have been wanting to get out of their houses back to normal life and now they can't do it. neil: well put. you're not giving yourself enough credit. i remember distinctly some of the things you outlined that called candidate trump a credible force and one not to be trifled with and that has appealed to people who apart from the media community would realize that could be happening all over again right now, to your point. kelly jane, there is always a
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flipside on this that sometimes in an environment like this, they take it out if they're scared on whoever has control of the washington levers or certainly the white house. in 1968 they took it out on democrats even though lyndon johnson wasn't running, didn't help his vice president at the time, who was. could lightning strike twice and they just take it out on whoever controls that white house? we shall see. more after this. introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel, the first and only full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel available over-the-counter. new voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement. new voltaren is powerful arthunlike ordinaryef in a gel. wmemory supplementsr? neuriva has clinically proven ingredients
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neil: remember the protests when we were focused on other things like the quality of drugs and the safety of them coming from abroad? we still are, you know. those problems aren't going away. now a senate panel is looking to get to the bottom of it. edward lawrence following all that. edward? reporter: yeah, neil, the senate finance committee looking into the process that is going on overseas to bring those drugs into the united states and how safe that process is as it comes into the u.s.
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now, 80% of the drugs that we get, critical medicines are sourced or produced in china. the senators are looking at faulty ppe masks that have come in, they are concerned the drugs, the supply chain coming into this country may have some issues. at this hearing this afternoon will be the head of regulatory affairs for the food and drug administration and they will talk about how they look into the supply chains in other countries to make sure it's safe. the trump administration is also looking at ways to move manufacturing back to united states. one plan that's being talked about would give corporate tax rates a cut in half of the corporate tax cut rate there, also talking about write-offs for moving facilities back here to the united states. there have been hearings in both the house and senate talking about medicine supply chains. senators today want to know that critical medicines coming in are safe and effective. for example, the american company gilead contracted with five pharmaceutical companies in india and pakistan to help
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produce remdesivir, the drug that was used in 127 countries including the u.s. the drug has been shown to reduce the symptoms from 15 days to 11 days and this is another thing, the senators want to make sure that process of making the drugs in other countries is safe, so when it comes into the u.s., it will work for patients here. neil? neil: all right. thank you, my friend, very very much. edward lawrence following all of that. in the meantime, we are focusing on another night of protesting planned right now, earlier curfews as we told you but a good many of them seem to be targeting retailers having nothing to do with the george floyd case at all. in fact, right now, it seems to be fairly coordinated depending on where you look. jackie deangelis looking at all that. hey, jackie. reporter: good afternoon, neil. i want to share a stat with you from the national retail federation. they published a report last year where they talked about organized retail crime, saying for every billion dollars on average retailers lost 700,000. they called it quote, a very
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serious problem for retailers. put that in context of what's happening right now with the rioting and looting on the streets of american cities, because officials are saying that the attacks on stores are not a coincidence. they are not necessarily being performed by the same people peace peacefully froeft protesting george floyd's death during the day. the looting and violence is coming from outsiders who are taking advantage of the situation and coming into the city. listen. >> california and all over the country, are getting paid to take this movement which is a good movement and turn it into violence against the men and women who love their communities. get them out of here. throw them out of here. why would anyone break into a store in your neighborhood? reporter: last night, macy's flagship was attacked in herald square and other high end boutiques on madison avenue as
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well, over the weekend in soho we saw the destruction at dior and lululemon. high end stores are being targeted very specifically and there's organization behind the break-ins. they are calling it sophisticated shoplifting, the term for organized retail crime. more than 7 in 10 respondents to that survey i mentioned said there was a need for a federal law to actually combat organized retail crime. the mayor of chicago also said, it was a similar conclusion she said with respect to what's happening in her city. >> people jumping out, using a metal device to pop the window, jumping into the store and then loading up the car, like an assembly line, as we saw. that's organized. reporter: also remember, neil, what is making this so much harder on businesses right now is the fact they were shut down, looking to reopen because of the covid-19 pandemic and now you have this double whammy sort of like two punches in the face to
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businesses and the rest of the country is saying when are we going to reopen for good. it's interesting because you look at the dow, up almost 200 points and wall street doesn't really seem to be looking at this side of the picture. back to you. neil: no, you're right. in fact, they seem to think it will be short-lived and everything will be okay. a lot of people think wall street is prescient and always playing the role of nostradamus. he did miss some things. just want to point that out. he might not admit to it but he did. more after this. you say that customers make their own rules.
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neil: we told you about reta retaile retailers, restaurant establishments, many owned by minorities themselves, targeted in this latest vandalism and looting acts across the country. one portland restaurant is affected by this. the owner joins us right now. sarah, what happened, first off? >> good morning, neil. thank you for having me on your show. i want to first say our country is really reeling from the gruesome and unjust death of george floyd. i want to offer my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. yes, it was a friday night. we were having a family
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get-together, as we have done many nights with this pandemic. and we were watching this riot all unfold. it was showing downtown portland and as we saw the rioters just inching closer and closer to our business. there was a target at the corner of the block and once we saw the rioters hit the target, very short while after that, our cameras at the restaurant just went offline. that's when we knew our business was in trouble. neil: that's got to be -- i can't imagine that. i mean, this is something you built from scratch, gone in an evening. what are you going to do? >> you know, neil, my parents were first generation immigrants. they came to america for the american dream. they put every penny that they had into this business. and they built it from the ground up. it's been there for 30 years. it is one of the only 30-year single family owned restaurants in portland.
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they welcome all walks of life. they have fed homeless out of there. they already were in such dire situation from the pandemic, then this. and you know, on top of that, it was a really scary situation when they went into the restaurant. there were still rioters and looters coming in there while we were there. we were advised by the police to leave as soon as possible. and i remember we were leaving and my father was walking the door to the restaurant and i said why are you locking the door, the whole restaurant is exposed. and as he's shaking and crying, he said to me i've locked this door for 30 years. it's heartwrenching. it's heartwrenching to see. neil: you know, were the police or local law enforcement, were they helping there, were they just overwhelmed? what did you see? >> they were overwhelmed. we didn't see any of them until just before we were leaving.
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one police car was passing by. i tried to flag them down but they didn't stop. they were dealing with way too much. as we were trying to get even a few of our valuables, just our personal items, out of the restaurant, i would see looters going in and out of that target. i was standing in front of the restaurant with two half full wine bottles, just in case we needed protection, not that i wanted to hurt anybody, but you know, my parents are devastated. they put their whole life savings into this. and you know, we saw a glimmer of hope when our governor said we could open on the 15th of june, and then this. looting and vandalizing is not a valid form of protest. it's a crime against innocent people and their businesses and this includes minorities. multiple businesses around us that were hit were black, were asian, were middle eastern. so we are all getting affected by this in our own community. neil: i'm wondering when you look at what you have
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experienced and see what others are experiencing, in a number of states, not all, a number of cities, certainly not all, a lot of it coming from out of town, in other words, these are appointment protesters who have nothing to do with what's going on in the community. do we know anything about in the portland, oregon area what's been happening, the people who have been looting, robbing and doing all of this stuff, destroying property like your own, might not even be from the area? >> i know firsthand because as the looters were running by, i said to one of them what are you doing to our city? and he said i'm not even from here. i'm up here from california. and nothing against california people, i'm just saying what i witnessed. so i do believe that they are coming from, you know, other cities. i do believe that people that are protesting in peace, which is what we should be doing. that's what's honoring the family of george floyd. they have been asking for us to
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protest in peace. and others are agitators. they are there for their own personal gain. i saw it. they were calling friends, people they knew, they were driving up in cars, they were just loading all the stuff they were stealing into cars, and you know, it's traumatizing to these businesses what we're going through. but i want to give you the upside, neil. you know, the spirit of portland and portlanders, the way that they came together, the way that they rally ied, it's been -- neil: i think they will. i think they will, sarah. i'm jumping on you because our break comes up whether or not but i wish you to hang in there, be strong. my best to your dad. he worked too hard to see this happen. more after this. . .
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