tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 5, 2020 5:00am-6:01am EDT
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and remember -- maybe you can take it with you. bs tonight" stt now. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. we've been watching for days and nights the sorry, sad sight of violent protesters and vandals and arsonists torching, looting and destroying businesses, badly injuring citizens and bystanders as too often has been the case, city officials -- most often democratic officials -- told police departments to stand down, to stand back and to let the anarchists, thieves and looters own their streets. we've been told for days now that these left-wing-led protests and riots are righteous. righteous and just, claim the radical dems and the left-wing
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media, because they are in response to the injustice of the police killing of george floyd in minneapolis. an obscene equivalency has been created in the media and in the left and in the minds of anarchists and radical dem protesters and activists, unleashing wholesale violence upon these cities, looting and burning across much of the country. targeting law enforcement officers, wounding them in clashes, attacks and outright assassination has occurred. and we watch of in some cases as police and national guard troops have been persuaded to kneel before the protesters and the demonstrators as if they were the transgressors. what is going on in this country? if can -- can you imagine what the chinese, the russians, the world for that matter, must think as they watch all these images? at least 307 officers of the law
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have been injured and wounded, 2 that we know of have been killed since the riots began. there is no moral equivalence is city between the murder of george floyd and the murder or assault on those cops. it is an unjust response to atrocity that took place on memorial day in minneapolis. but city and local government leaders -- again, mostly democratic leaders around the country -- are allowing these outrages in their communities, many of them virtue signaling towards thugs, the street criminals, the anarchists tearing through their streets. virtue signaling is, of course, the act of joining a social movement or campaign to make it seem like you care about the issue driving that movement or campaign, demonstrating if you will solidarity without actually doing anything. no one is better at it than
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leftist politicians, rinos, of course, and the national left-wing media. but hollywood liberal elites are the best of them, telling us what's morally right, believe that they have some power and are somehow arbiters of virtue no matter their individual moral corruption. virtual -- virtue signaling has now taken a deep hold in american life. our political leaders, our members of the armed forces, law enforcement, professional athletes and, yes, just us ordinary americans all taking part. you may have noticed on social media the hashtag blackout tuesday. users posting a black image to supposedly show solidarity with the african-american community. it really didn't amount to much. it did clog up social media feeds. it did drown out messages,
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sometimes important messages. tuesday was, of course, also a primary election day in eight states. information for those who wanted to know where to go to rote for local leaders -- to vote for local leaders who could potentially make great changes all blocked out by the virtuous. all so somebody could earn likes on social media and maybe some followers. maybe a lot of followers. the virtue signaling doesn't stop there though. with careful planning on the part of the radical left, former president barack obama last night provided new marching orders to his followers. >> bring about real change, we both have have to highlight a problem and make people in power uncomfortable, but we also have to translate that into practical solutions and laws that can be implemented and we can monitor and make sure we're following up
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on. lou: pretty, pretty words devoid of real meaning, however. made most uncomfortable by all of this, it seems, is los angeles mayor eric garcetti. he has caved in to the mob of protesters making demands in his city like these: to defund or even abolish the police. >> city council members and all our elected leaders that -- [inaudible] lou: garre itty announced a -- garcetti announced that he is cutting around $122 million from the los lang police -- los angee department's budget and declaring a moratorium on people in the state's gang day -- database.
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>> this is bigger than just a budget, but i want you to know we will not be increasing our police budget. how can we at this moment? we will put a moratorium on putting people in the cal gang database, require officers to intervene when they see inappropriate use of force, to always report misconduct. lou: according to mayor garcetti's proposed budget for next year, the lapd would have an operating budget of more than $3 billion. that $122 million to be cut by garcetti amounts to about 4% of the overall budget. not surprisingly, this math isn't going over too well with blue check twitter or the community that it was supposed to appease. so what did mayor garre itty do next -- garcetti do next? well, it's very popular to do so, so he knelt in front of the very protesters who have destroyed parts of his city. supposedly in solidarity.
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but really in defeat. garcetti isn't the only one to have done this. joe biden took a knee in his first non-virtual campaign event this week. nobody in the left-wing national media complained he was band perking though. so why are so many of our leaders willing to do this? they're selling, apparently, the idea that more black americans are killed by police than other races. the facts, of course, are difficult because the numbers say the exact opposite. for the past three years and more, white americans have been more likely to be shot and killed by police. last year 370 white americans were killed by police. 235 were black. but for all politically correct society and our idealogically bound left-wing national media and, of course, those radical
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dems, these numbers are simply ignored. not overlooked, they're ignored by those radical dems and the left-wing media. it's why virginia's governor, really north a.m. -- ralph north a.m. has managed to survive in office. by pandering, pandering at every chance he gets to the radical dems that he embarrassed. so he is virtue signaling himself to a high fever pitch. now he's trying to remove a confederate statue of robert e. lee in richmond, a popular target of the left. of fairly meaningless to the rest of society. and northam is still in office. drew brees, on the other hand, was forced to apologize because he made statements about his personal beliefs, making these comments: >> i will never agree with
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anybody disrespecting the flag of the united states of america or our country. it brings me to tears thinking about all that has been sacrificed. not just those in the military, but for that matter, those throughout the civil rights movements of the '60s and everyone and all that has been endured by so many people up until this point. and is everything right with our country right now? no, it's not. we still have a long way to go. but i think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart is it shows unity. lou: and for that, brees has been forced to apologize saying, quote: it breaks my heart to know the pain i have caused. end quote. senator ted cruz responded with an accurate assessment of what happened to drew brees. quote: sadly predictable, said cruz. pro sports have become p.c.
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speech police, terrified of offending the angry left are. words you can no longer say in today's nfl, quote: i pledge if allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. we must look like con founded fools to much of the world, at least in that irrespective of our politics we are definitely now in solidarity with one another. well, or turning to, turning to breaking news now, attorney general william barr says he has evidence that antifa and other extremist groups have played a role in the violent protests that we witnessed playing out this week and last across the country. >> we have evidence that antifa and other similar extremist groups as well as actors of a variety of different political persuasions have been involved
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in instigating and participating in the violent activity. lou: we'll be taking up antifa and exactly how they are getting away with fomenting violence on our streets in this country. on wall streeted today stocks finished mix. the dow up 12 points, the nasdaq dropped 67. volume on the big board, 6.5 billion shares. crude oil, flat, $37.24 a barrel. fewer than two million americans filed for unemployment last week. that's good news because the ninth straight week of layoff decreases, a signal that higher employment may be ahead. and a reminoredder to listen to my -- reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. coming up here next, we'll be talking about ron johnson who has made a big move forward in his obamagate investigation
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while lindsey graham has flipped on his chance. we take it up with jason chaffetz here next. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ sell a security if it's down in value that way you capture the loss for tax purposes and then sell some of the investments you own that are up in value, where there's a profit. the loss offsets the gain so that everything...
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will be no curfew tonight, the mayor saying no one was arrested in last night's demonstration. she also wants 3,000 national guard troops from other states to leave the district. and also breaking now, three new york police officers were attacked last night. the suspect, an immigrant from the balkan region, recently shared anti-police posts on social media. one officer was stabbed in the neck. the two other officers were shot in their hands. all three are expected to recover. and also break tonight, the senate homeland security committee has given chairman ron johnson authority to issue subpoenas for top obama era officials about the obamagate scandal including james comey, james clapper, john brennan, samantha power and susan rice. meanwhile, the senate judiciary committee debated for two hours
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today about whether to approve subpoenas for former obama era officials about crossfire hurricane, the hillary clinton investigation, but chairman lindsey graham decided to delay a vote until next week. joining us tonight former congressman, former chairman of the house oversight committee, jason chaffetz, also a fox business contributor and author of the book "the deep state." great to have you with us, jason. let's start with the development of, first, the remarks by the attorney general talking about foreign maligned actors and understanding clearly that antifa and he also mention other groups but did not name them, presumably across a broad political spectrum but, again, not stated as such. your reaction. >> the attorney general's been very clear and very precise in saying that there are outside actors that are taking advantage
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of a situation and instigating violence x. those people need to be dealt with. they need to be targeted by the police, they need to be put in jail, they need to be prosecuted. i'm sympathetic to those that want to protest. i think it's the american way, people have a first amendment right to do it. but those that are going to commit violence, property damage, looting, assault on officers or military personnel, we cannot stand for that ever. that's not acceptable. and so i think the attorney general's right, i'm glad he's on top of it, and i'm glad that the president designated antifa the way that he did to give focus across the nation to law enforcement on who we should be looking out for. lou: and yet we're watching primarily democratic mayors, democratic governors, democratic city councils giving, just giving a free pass to apprehended rioters, looters. it's really quite something to
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see, an ideological alignment amongst those breaking the law and those who are designated to enforce it. >> and i hope they pay a big political price for it. you were talking earlier, lou, about eric garcetti who's the mayor of los angeles. now wanting to cut the budget. it's going to be somehow vogue to just defund or get rid of the police in these -- are you kidding me? and if the l.a. mayor is serious about doing it, why don't we start with getting rid of his own personal security detail. because i gotta tell you, he's transferred all around los angeles everywhere he goes with l.a. police officers, they're by his side to protect him. if he wants to get rid of the police, show us where your money is, mayor. get rid of your own security detail, then tell me if you need the police. lou: he could show us where his heart is as well in sol solidarity, he could eliminate police protection for bel air,
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for hollywood, for the wealthier areas in los angeles. i suspect he would get a quick response from the citizenry. i'm just guessing. what do you think? >> yeah, i think if they got rid of the police and defunded them there at city hall and for the city council and all that, i think they'd probably have a little bit of an attitude adjustment. but the mayor can show us by example if that's what he believes, then do it to himself first and see how it goes. give it maybe 72 hours, see how he's feeling about it. lou: i think that's about, i think that's about right. preposterous mayor. i mean, that is just a preposterous person. >> yeah. lou: i just cannot figure out a way to understand, to comprehend why the city puts up with him. let's turn to ron johnson. senator johnson really common -- demonstrating real character and commitment to getting to the
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bottom of obamagate, and i have to say i do nothing but applaud him. and now he has subpoena power. i would say john brennan and a few other folks have got some real problems developing very quickly. what do you think? >> very disappointed in lindsey graham for delaying yet again an investigation that should have started, quite frankly, about six months ago. hats off, though, to senator johnson in being able to get after what is one of the biggest political scandals ever in the history of this country. and i'm glad that senator johnson is taking advantage of his chairmanship to do what he should be doing. to do anything else would be malpractice. lou: and lindsey graham, my gosh, it was a love fest, telling rod rosenstein basically, you know, i'm with you, and we don't want the create too much fuss here, so go ahead and do as you will. it was really a stunningly pathetic performance for a guy
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who had been talking about he was going to be a regular, a real investigator and get to the bottom the corruption, the political corruption of the fbi, the justice department and their effort to overthrow the president of the united states. it looked like he was having simply a walk in the park, didn't it? >> well, at least they had the hearing. i thought senator mike lee, senator hawley, certainly ted cruz took it the most seriously, asked very pointed questions and drew testimony -- it's pretty stunning that the political targeting of an opposition campaign, rod rosenstein didn't even read the fisa application, if yet he's the last line of defense to make sure everything's in order. he signs off that it's verified but also testifies that he never read it. and he says he's going to take full accountability? i don't buy it. this is -- it's just, it's so sad, it's so wrong. but i got, you know, all our chips now are on what mr. durham
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and attorney general barr are doing because i do think there are the people that lied to rod rosenstein, that's what he testified to. if they lied to rod rosenstein, they should be in jail. they should is have handcuffs on 'em, lou. lou: yeah, i think there's quite a few candidates for that honor being -- >> yeah. lou: and like you, i wouldn't mind watching those person -- perp walks for the politically corrupt in the doj and the intelligence agency upper levels. it would be quite, quite something. jason, thanks for being with us. great to see you. jason chaffetz. we'd like to hear your thoughts on all of this. follow me on twitter @loudobbs. we have quite a few comments this evening. like me on facebook and follow me on instagram @loudobbstonight. and a programming note, national security expert jim hanson, investigative journalist john solomon and pastor robert
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jeffress among our guests here tomorrow evening. we hope you will be with us for that. and coming right up, establishment rino senator kelly loeffler comparing herself to the president as she struggles to retain her seat. her top challenger? congressman doug collins. he'll be here. stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ motorcycle riders love the open road. and geico loves helping riders get to where they're going, so to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. and because we're committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. the geico giveback. helping riders focus on the road ahead.
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us tonight congressman doug collins, ranking member of the house judiciary committee, republican candidate for the senate in georgia, primarilying senator kelly loeffler. and it's good to have you with us, congressman. let's start with, first, the violence that we are all watching across the country and the terrible equivalency that has grown up at these riots no
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matter what damage they do, marley in democratic -- particularly in democratic cities, are being tolerated without, in most cases, consequences for those who even loot and rob. your thoughts. >> civil disobedience -- lou, good to be with you. it's the very fabric of who we are. it says how we as a people have always, you know, expressed our frustrations and our beliefs x. to see positive change. when you have demonstrators who are peacefully demonstrating but in their mid is antifa and people who just want to have a criminal escapade like we're see anything new york city, like we're seeing in other places, that's just wrong and needs to stop. it also offends me greatly that there's not been enough called out by many on the left about the ones who are shooting our officers, throwing rocks at our officers in cities that had nothing to do with what happened in minneapolis. and even in minneapolis it's not right for thieves to attack police officers who are trying
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to do their jobs. bad actors should be punished, the others should be encouraged to do the job that they're doing. lou: the, it's very, to me, amazing to watch eric garcetti, the mayor in los angeles, kneeling before the protesters and cutting his -- saying he will cut the budget of the police department. what did they do? what is the point of that? there is no claim against them. there is no dishonor. they're just trying to protect their city. it happened in minneapolis, in case all of these other folks in this country forgot. and it took a week -- and, by the way, i will say this, and it's, to me, it seems to be the absolute truth -- those demonstrations in minneapolis were necessary to bring those, the mayor and those local officials to their senses and to do the right thing. i mean, they had a video that's,
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that was absolutely self-evident of what had happened to that man. i mean, we will never forget that knee in the neck of that man. but everything that's transpired since, these riots, the vandalism, the killing of police officers, 307 wounded across the country, this is ignorance on the part of the national left-wing media, the radical dems, the left in this country to even tolerate this nonsense. >> well, let's just say it's sort of willful, i think it's a willful neglect or ignorance because they don't want to come face to face with the reality of what's actually happened. lou, you just pointed out something important here, it was actually -- it was civil obedience, it was uprising in minneapolis that finally got charges wrought against someone -- brought against someone who should have been charged with murder -- lou: absolutely. >> you can transfer this over to
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mayors like garcetti in l.a., give me a break. what do they want, a city with no rule, no allows? they're simply pandering. instead of honoring the life of someone who was killed in police custody, instead of honoring the police officers who do it right every day, we're pander to those voices. -- bannering to those voices. -- pandering to those voices. what we're seeing, and attorney general barr has pointed this out, we're seeing coordination. antifa and these anarchists need to be ready because they need to go after them and go after them hard. lou: you know, and i've talked with some top officials of our government about antifa. i was stun at one official in particular who responded that he didn't think, he didn't know anything about antifa being an international organization. it's, he doesn't know the history of antifa, he doesn't
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know its structure, and he's one of the people i would have expected, frankly, to know. the government is catching up and, obviously, attorney general barr knows what the hell he is talking about, and he's doing as much as we could ask, i believe, to come to terms with antifa. >> i agree. lou, could you imagine where we'd have been if president trump had not nominated attorney general barr? over the last year and a half, i've been able to work with him. he has cut through the bull of the left on impeachment, robert mueller, he has been open with the doj, he's actually started to go after those who did wrong, the corrupt cabal of comey, mccabe, brennan, rice, obama. and he's actually trying to put forth a reasonable response to bring the doj back to where it should be, someone that can be trusted by the american people. and for us not to investigate that, for us not to help him, for us not to get to the bottom of what they did to candidate trump and president trump is simply appalling.
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capitol hill needs to step up and help this attorney general do his job because he's actually doing his. lou: well, and the president of the united states who has been, as he always is, attacked by the radical left-wing media, the radical dems, this is a man who if he had not stepped up and told mayors and told those governors what they were -- which is weak and ineffective, i'll be very generous with the language -- who knows what would be happening. can you imagine a lesser president, the consequences of a lesser president in office? it's unimaginable. last word here, congressman. >> well, no, he stepped up. the president stepped up. he said what needed to happen. we saw it happen with states like georgia and others who the governor and mayors worked together to bring in the national guard, to bring in the police to make sure these peaceful protesters could protest but the criminals were going to get caught. that's happened across the
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country, and it's thanks to donald trump who said, look, we're going to make sure the bad actors get caught and the good actors get continue to do peaceful protests and protect our police and law enforcement at the same time. lou: congressman doug collins, thanks for being with us. good to see you. up next here, red storm riding. india's former ambassador to china warning the world of china's global ambitions and their readiness to carry out the plan. we take it up with dr. michael pillsbury here next. please stay with us. ♪
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♪ ♪ lou: a coalition of police unions representing more than 200,000 cops is angry at biden's recent calls for police reform. bill johnson of the national association of police organizations telling "politico," quote: clearly, he's made a lot of changes the way candidates do during the primary process, but he -- referring to biden -- kept moving left and fell off the deep end. for joe biden, police are shaking their heads now because he used to stand up for law enforcement, but it seems in his old age, for whatever reason, he is writing a sad final chapter when it comes to supporting law
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enforcement. well, the chairman for black lives matter in new york says the organization is developing an armed branch of, quote, peace officers in order to fight police brutality e in black communities. chairman hank -- rather, hawk newsom telling "the daily mail," quote: we have black special forces officers advising us, and we will teach and train people in our communities. we will build and train peace officers to keep the peace in our communities, to defend our communities, to keep our communities safe. well, joining us tonight is conservative author and speaker david harris jr.. he's also a member of the black voices for the trump coalition. david, good to have you with us. and let's start with, first, the biden campaign and what biden has done to alienate much of the african-american community, apparently, with both his positions -- well, with the
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number of shifts in his positions. your reaction. >> well, thank you so much, lou, for having me on this evening. absolutely love your show. you're always bringing the truth and the facts, and the facts of this is that biden is, obviously, just leaning whichever direction the liberal wind blows. and it's blowing so far to the left that now the police are obviously noticing that he doesn't support them anymore. you know, the liberal agenda has been, i believe, to truly tear this country apart. they'd love to see racial tensions explode. i believe that the liberal groups like antifa that are really more marxist groups have infiltrated the black lives matter movement. the problem, obviously from what we've seen, the other problem is a that the black lives matter protesters don't seem to be kicking them out. they're joined together. they're joined at the hip. and what they're suggesting is something that's just absolutely
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gross, grossly negligent for the peace of the american people. to for joe biden who wrote the '94 crime bill that led to the mass incars raying of black americans -- incarceration of black americans in this country, i've seen people who initially supported it come out vehemently against it and say it was one of the worst things to hit black america. joe never took responsibility, and now he's just throwing the police under the bus. i truly believe it's not just his old age, i think he's battling something else mentally. but it's definitely catching flak from a lot of people and waking up a lot of people in the process. lou: the president has a long list of accomplishments that are beneficial to african-americans. i would say, and i'd like to get your thoughts, i mean, he has done more for the african-american community in this country than, than barack obama and joe biden ever dreamed of doing.
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and creating amongst other things, quite importantly, the lowest unemployment rate in the country's history for african-americans, for other minorities as well. and i want to show you a headline in the "wall street journal." i apologize, we're getting cramped on time, but "the wall street journal" headline, democrats -- if we could put that up, democrats scramble to win over black men. there it is. >> yeah. lou: your thoughts, david. how -- [inaudible conversations] >> yeah. they are scrambling. they are desperate because i talk to, i travel all over the country, you know, my podcast, david j. harris jr. show i talk to and hear from individuals all around the country, and black americans are waking up to the facts and the statistics that you so often share, report on your show, that this president has done more for the black community from any past
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president i can think of. record funding for historical black colleges and universities. he gave more than obama ever did, and my questions is why didn't the first black president of the united states actually sign permanent funding for hbcus into law? he didn't do that. the president of those hbcus had to go back to government every single year to get funding. when donald trump heard this, he said not on my watch, and he signed permanent funding for -- lou: david harris -- he did it -- [inaudible conversations] lou: david, it's great to have you with us. come back soon. david harris jr. stay with us, we're coming right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪there are times when our need to connect really matters. to keep customers and employees in the know. to keep business moving. comcast business is prepared for times like these. powered by the nation's largest gig-speed network. to help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need.
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♪. lou: as we reported tonight at the outset of the broadcast attorney general william barr today putting some people on notice saying foreign actors and antifa have hijacked george floyd protests all across the country and with that, we invite you to watch us tomorrow evening when our guests will include jim hanson, john solomon and we'll be talking about insubordination within the pentagon itself. john solomon and of course pastor robert jeffress with us tomorrow. we thank you for being with us. a reminder to follow me on
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twitter at lou dobbs, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram @loudobbstonight. see you tomorrow. maria: good morning, happy friday, everyone, thanks for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo, job's day, friday june 5th, top stories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. the economic impact of the coronavirus, today 8:30 a.m. eastern we will get may job's report, decline of 8 million jobs lost and unemployment rate jumping to 19.8%. many hoping that the worst is now behind us. special coverage on jobs at 8:00 a.m. eastern this morning all hands on deck, futures pointing to rally at the start of trading, triple-digit move with dow industrials
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