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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 15, 2020 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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i'm going grilled. [laughter] melissa: good for you. and good for all of those businesses finding a way to get by. good stuff. thank you so much. that does it for us on "after the bell." thank you so much for joining us, "lou dobbs tonight" starts now. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. there's a small nation-state being constructed within one of the country's large cities, and that city is redefining itself. gaining national attention and a i growing audience, the area in seattle once known as the capitol hill autonomous zone has been rebrand over the past week. it is now to be known as the capitol hill organized protest, or c.h.o.p.. we'll have a look tonight inside their borders and take a look at their numbers and what president trump plans to do about it all here in just a few minutes.
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but first, in this country we are rife with conflict and some considerable contradiction among our leaders. the radical dems thirsting for power in the guise of social justice, all of that being undercut in almost every instance by the reality, the left's insistence on redefining the nation, for example, and shunning those who refuse to inform with their view of the world is often destroyed bier they own -- by their own leaders or their followers. or their friends in the left-wing national media. or by wall street and the spineless rinos who have long abandoned any of the ideals they claim to stand for. for months we've been reporting on the left's obsession with president trump and his handling of the deadly china virus. we detailed their efforts to cover up china's responsibility for unleashing the deadly contagion on an unsuspecting world. we told you about their unrelenting attempts to besmirch
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the trump administration's efforts to contain the virus as well as their panicked narrative used to scare investors, used to drive the markets down. and through it all, they shamed anyone who scoffed at their idea of wearing a mask in public or who didn't adhere to guidelines put out by the white house on social distancing. scoff, laughed at and then they were the ones mortified at the idea of people even showing up for anti-lockdown protests. that was, of course, until the murder of george floyd at the hands of the minneapolis police department. that changed just about everything. the dems, sensing a new opportunity to use race to further divide the country, squanderedded their perceived opportunity and sense of, of course, moral authority in favor of being woke. mass protests, riots, looting,
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arson is, even murder all excused by the left in their name of social justice or what they would pretend to be social justice. there was very little mention, if any at all, of how these large gatherings could spread the china virus further. many americans experienced unimaginable scenarios in which they were blocked by the largely democratic leaders from entering hospitals to say good-bye to dying loved ones. but those same leaders welcome and embrace the street criminals robbing, vandalizing and in some cases setting fire to their cities. that double standard -- and it is all of that and more -- has played out everywhere, it seems, over this past weekend thousands of people congregated in brooklyn to rally in support of black trans lives. nbc described the event as such, quote: rally for black trans trs lives draws enormous crowd in
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brooklyn. we checked and nowhere in that news article's 802 words did it mention the coronavirus. yet an hour later nbc wrote of president trump's upcoming rally in tulsa, oklahoma, and this is what they had to say about that. quote: president trump plans to rally his supporters next saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus. but health experts are questioning that decision. end quote. pretty easy to follow what's happening here, isn't it? large gatherings are fine as long as they're in the name of, well, civil unrest and so long as they conform to whatever the left agrees with. otherwise you're just dangerousically spreading the china virus -- dangerously spreading the china virus, particularly if your name is president trump and hundreds of thousands want to join you in a rally for the 2020 presidential campaign and election. nobody has contradicted
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themselves more than new york's democrat governor andrew cuomo. here's what he had to say on the 4th of june as riots ravaged cities and towns across his state. >> i believe this is a moment for national change and national reform. and i think it can be a positive moment for this country. lou: a positive moment, a time for change. friday governor cuomo signed a police reform executive order. notice no mask, no social distancing, but an awful lot of i kowtowing to the radical faction of his party that is driving, seemingly, the entire party toward their policy decisions. the executive order he signed set a deadline of april 3st of next year for new york's -- april 1st of next year for new york's police departments to reform or lose state funding and jobs.
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37 other cities and states are also considering or defunding outright their police departments. while the city of atlanta is not on that list, their democrat mayor, keisha lance bottoms, told orders new police reforms in the response to the killing of a black man friday night. rayshard brooks was found sleeping in his car at a wendy's drive-through. brooks was pleasant with police until the officers tried to handcuff him for falling a breathalyzer test. during the ensuing scuffle with those two officers, brooks managed to grab one of their tasers and to break free. brooks shot the taser in the direction of officer garrett wolf who dropped his own taser and shot brooks twice. in the back. officer rolf has been fired, and the other officer has been place on administrative leave. atlanta's mayor says the deadly use of force wasn't justified.
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the local district attorney seems to want to make an example out of officer rolf. >> what we have to realize that we've got to move beyond just being upset about it, beyond just protesting about it, and we have to make some statutory and policy changes that are nationwide. otherwise, sadly, i believe that it will happen again. lou: well, the police chief in atlanta resigned right away. more and more of these local decisions are having national implications. corporate america, for example, has draped middle america's -- drained middle america's jobs and workers and consolidated what they didn't send overseas to left-leaning coastal cities and urban centers. that leads to more shots being called by inexperienced leaders
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there who are hell bent on radically changing the country's customs and norms. no greater example of that can be found in seattle. for a week now, protesters have barricaded and occupied a section of the city's capitol hill neighborhood, using it as a cop-free utopia. the area has gone through a recent rebranding, as i said, and president trump is vowing to take the area back. correspondent jonathan hunt is in seat and has the latest for us. jonathan? >> reporter: lou, it is exactly a week now since the seattle police department withdrew from the east precinct which is just up to my left in what is now called the capitol hill occupied protest zone. you heard president trump talking about that a short time ago. he has a very distinct view of what is going on inside here. listen. >> these are violent people that took it over. these are not people that are
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nice people. i saw on your network today, john, i saw what went on with the hitting and the punching and the beating and all the other things going on in seattle. and you have a governor that doesn't do a damn thing about it, and you have a mayor that doesn't know she's alive. she's talking about it's going to be a love fest this summer. no, they don't do the job, i'll do the job. >> reporter: now, lou, i have spent many, many hours here over the weekend and again today, and i can tell you that the president appears to be watching very selective video clips from twitter if that is his view of what is going on here. have there been two or three incidents of violence among the hundreds and sometimes thousands of people who have been inside here? yes, there havement but this has been a 99.9% peaceful protest as far as we have seen. has one business been looted in the last 48 hours? it appears so.
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has a street preacher who appeared to have some mental health issues been thrown out of here? yes. but to describe this as the president did as violent thugs taking over part of seattle, quite frankly, is wrong as we have seen it on the ground here. lou? lou: well, you said 99.9%, jonathan. it's 100% owned, all of that, by other people than those who are in control of it. what are we to make of that? is that right or is that wrong? >> reporter: we have -- yeah, we have, and we've spoken to some of the business owners who have their businesses inside the zone, lou. thaw mainly support -- they mainly support the aims of the protesters. they obviously have concerns about the effects on their business. some of the businesses have seen a distinct dropoff. this taco restaurant, for instance, over here has seen a pick-up in business. so you have different views. they are concerned about how
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long this might go on and the effect that it might have on their businesses, but for the most part they support the aims of these protesters. they support, certainly, the black lives matter movement, and they are behind the protesters for the large part. obviously, any business owner in this situation is going to have some concerns about the long-term effects. the police chief has said she wants to get this resolved as quickly as possible but also as peacefully as possible. lou? lou: yeah, one would hope so. that just hasn't been the case in city after city. and you wonder how long it can remain peaceful when people are taking property that isn't theirs and taking dominion over it. it doesn't sound, well, somehow right. jonathan hunt, as always, your reporting is righteous, and we appreciate it. thanks so much, jonathan hunt from seattle. or capitol hill occupation -- what is it?
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project? [laughter] whatever it is. it's c.h.o.p. and seems to be thriving. as the united states continues to recover from the china virus, the united states commerce department today signed off on a rule change that will allow u.s. telecom companies to work with huawei to develop standards for 5g networks. last year the united states placed huawei on the commerce department's so-called enemy list, restricting sales to huawei because of national security concerns and purchases of their equipment. but now what turned out to be a somewhat confused decision because it, you know, eliminated some u.s. companies from being on volunteers standards boards in the development of 5g had to be rolled back a bit, and that's what the commerce department has done. in washington today the supreme court ruling that employers who fire workers because they are gay or transgender violates
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title vii of the civil rights act which already protects workers based on race, sex, color, rebigs and national origin. -- religion. that 6-3 ruling with chief justice roberts and justice neil gorsuch joining the liberal wing of the court focused on title vii's language that prohibits discrimination because of sex. justice alito dissented. neither sexual orientation nor gender identity is included in the law, a contest of, well, originalists on that issue in this decision. on wall street stocks rebounded after the federal reserve said it will buy individual corporate bonds. the dow reversing a 700 plus decline and gaining 158 at the close. the s&p up 25. the nasdaq up 137, and volume on the big board,ing strong
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trading, 5.8 billion shares. crude oil up 2%, $37 a barrel. and a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. up next, senator ron johnson doing more than any other senator in washington these days. he wants answers about the obama administration's influence in ukraine. he wants to know about spygate, and his questions on who was behind that bad behavior, we'll tell you about that. judicial watch president tom fitton joins me here next. spygate, spygate, obamagate. we'll be right back. effortless is the lincoln way.
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lou: breaking news now, the white house is planning to file a lawsuit to block the release of former national security adviser john bolton's book because it still contains classified information. now, the white house and the national security council say the book contains, quote, significant amounts of classification, a source telling fox news that classified information is, quote, part and parcel of the byer storyline. -- of the entire storyline. the book scheduled to be published on june 23rd. we'll find out just how much --
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[laughter] how much gusto bolton and his publisher have, because that would be in violation of the law. also breaking this weekend, senator ron johnson says he wants to know why the obama administration wanted to have former ukrainian prosecutor viktor shoken fired in 2016 as he was investigating burisma's corruption. the real question johnson should be asking is why joe biden forced the ouster of shoken and whether it was because biden. 's son hunter was serving on the burisma board at that time or whatever policy decision had been made by the white house. joining me now, tom fitton, the president of judicial watch. what grow -- what do you make of that declaration about finding out what the purpose was by senator johnson wanting to find out what the purpose was of removing the prosecutor? i thought that a part was pretty clear. your thoughts.
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>> well, obviously, it was designed to get rid of, to protect the biden clan from investigation. i'm pleased to see senator johnson raise the issue again. look, the democrats were so nervous about it, they were willing to commit a coup against the president to remove him from office for daring to ask questions about it. now, we have freedom of information act lawsuits and such asking for these records as well. the state department has used the coronavirus as an excuse, though, to shut down foia. so conveniently, joe biden's been protected by these absurd lockdowns. maybe senate will have a little butt more juices in getting the information -- a little bit more juice. i want to know what the justice department is doing to investigate this. supposedly, rudy giuliani has given the justice department documents. what have they done with those documents, with the investigative leads created by rudy giuliani, john solomon and, frankly, just what you read in the newspapers and what you're seeing in congress congressional testimony during the
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impeachable. i'm glad someone's asking questions. johnson may be late to the game but welcome. lou: absolutely. and it also raises your point, raises the question of at what point does a investigative agency like the fbi, the justice department itself, at what point do they become complicit in an effort to overthrow a president but not investigating, not moving forthwith and releasing information pertinent to the charge of trying to overthrow the president of the united states? >> you can't separate russiagate without investigating the ukraine connection. the ukrainians were in league with the clinton gang and the obama administration to try to subvert not only trump's candidacy, but then his presidency. that needs to be investigated. and we've only investigated, of course, for political reasons because obama was running the
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show and in many ways still is through the deep state the russia half of the interference in our elections when, in fact, the ukrainians were much more active and direct this trying to subvert or processes. -- our processes. lou: let's go to the most, this most recent, in fact, breaking news, the ukrainian officials intercepting a $6 million bribe attempt with the prosecutors? what is, what is going on with these ukrainians? burisma apparently connected here. your thoughts on what's going on and why is it e going on still >> well, burisma was a corrupt organization, corrupt entity. that's why it was under investigation, so it's no surprise more evidence of corruption is coming out. now, supposedly, it's not tied to hunter biden. but as we've been discussing, few legal authorities have been asking questions about hunter biden. still the, where is hunter?
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we want to know about the ukraine. we know burisma, there are still issues that need to be investigated there. and then you've got the china side which has gone uninvestigated as well. as i said, the state department's burying all this. and he needs, the president does, a rich grenell still in the administration. maybe mr. ratcliffe will continue to declassify and, frankly, just force the disclosure under law of all these documents that are covering -- that, frankly, in my view, would disclose corruption like we've never seen before at senior administration levels, namely in the obama administration. lou: where is, by the way, speaking of dnis, where's dan coats these days? i don't want read his name, i don't -- i don't read his name, i don't hear from hum. do you suppose he's turned state's evidence? what's going on? >> some of president trump's initial appointments were there just because they were next in line for a job like that.
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and it was a waste of several years with people like coats and tillerson in place. and pompeo and barr need to step up, and they need to step up soon in terms of getting this information out. i mean, the prosecution -- [inaudible conversations] what i think about the prosecution, that's almost done in terms of significant prosecutions. ain't gonna happen. lou: well, which one, the persecution of general flynn? >> oh -- lou: or the prosecution of, i'm making a small legal joke. >> yeah, well, you raise a good point because -- lou: [inaudible] it has to be a small joke. >> well, it's not funny because flynn would have been prosecuted but for the intervention of sidney powell. lou: yeah. yep, absolutely. tom, we gotta wrap it up here. a lot to talk about. we will continue the discussion. it's more of a conversation with tom fitton ongoing.
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we like very much what he and judicial watch do, and we like very much having them here to join us for your edification and mine. thanks so much, tom fitton, judicial watch. we'd like to hear your thoughts on all of this. follow me on twitter @loudobbs. like me on facebook, follow me on instagram @loudobbstonight, and a programming note, congressman jim jordan, general jack keane among our guests here tomorrow. please join us for that, and please continue with us this evening as up next, enthusiasm for the president is chi rocketing. record- skyrocketing. record-breaking fundraising, sky high support from republican voters. it's only part of the story. we'll have the rest of the story right after these quick messages. please stay with us. ♪ ♪ ...what's going on in corporate america and what investors are believing is going on in corporate america. the message to you: don't trade because
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lou: the establishment globalists are planning to bring more foreign
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workers into this country despite 40 million americans being out of work. that's brilliant, isn't it? that a makes me think of the chamber of commerce, how about you? last week they called the addition of more foreign workers critical, crucial for the economic recovery. how about that? if we could take more jobs and give them to foreigners ine ted of -- instead to amongst those 40 million americans who are unemployed, that should delight, for example, the koch-backed groups americans for prosperity and libra initiative, all joining the call wanting to influence the president. i'll bet you wall street and corporate america are just ringing that phone in the oval office off its hook. the groups writing to jared kushner and larry kudlow, quote: we respectfully request that this administration refrain from suspending, restricting or imposing additional barriers
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onion-immigrant vis a vis program -- visa programs. yes, that is at the top of the priority when a nation is crippled with 40 million people out of work. chamber of commerce, wall street, corporate america, you're smarter than that. start acting like it. hopefully, you will be more decent than that. great news for president trump, enthusiasm for his election is soaring. i know, "the new york times" didn't report that, but here it is. the republican national committee and trump campaign bringing in $14 million online yesterday on the president's birthday. happy birthday, mr. president. that breaks the previous online record of $10 million set back in october of 2016. campaign manager brad par scale today boasted that more than a million ticket requests have been made for the president's rally saturday in tulsa, oklahoma. that is the largeest number of ticket requests ever for any of the president's events, and he has set records with all of
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them. the polls are positive as well. last week's nbc/"wall street journal" poll finds repalin and leaning republican voters overthemmingly find themselves as supporters of president trump rather than as a supporter of the republican party. did you hear that, mitch mcconnell? did you hear that? and in a cnn poll released last week, 70% of 2020 trump voters or are voting for president trump rather than voting against joe biden. when looking at 2020 biden voters, only 37% are voting for biden. that's a gap. we call that the trump gap. joining us now, former ray egan white house political director, fox business political analyst, ed rollins. pulitzer prize-winning columnist for the new york post, fox business contributor, mike goodwin. ed, let me start with you. this president, according to "the new york times," struggling, and biden is surging. it's pure poppycock, isn't it?
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>> certainly, biden's not surging, and the president's gone through an ordeal here for the last several month, but he's holding his base. the critical thing is he has to get independent voters. i think the sport from his -- support from his base is tremendous, and we have a long ways to go before this election's over. lou: oh, absolutely, no question about it. but, michael, there is a question about the way the national media -- this reminds me of 2016 when all of the nonsense started, much of it led by "the washington post," by cbs news, msnbc and the usual suspects. this decrying the president's position, his lag in polls. and when we're watching, i've never heard of such a thing because it's never happened before, a presidential event drawing a million, a million requests for tickets. i mean, that's stunning stuff, isn't it? >> it's remarkable. i'm not quite sure what the
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population of tulsa is, looks like it could double if everybody from oklahoma shows up for the event. but, you know, lou, what really strikes me too about the media you mentioned, and the story you reported before about how the distinction is drawn when the protesters are out there it's wonderful, it's positive, and for the president's rally, why, it's dangerous, i mean, the pandemic, doesn't he know, doesn't he care. lou: right. >> so, i mean, the double standards are always there. they always will be there. it's baked into the cake now, and it's remarkable. the one poll that was, the outlier in all the polls, the cnn poll, oversampled democrats. now, you have to know that that is intentional. that was done, you know -- lou: you mean they would do something that lacking in integrity and honesty and forthrightness and -- oh, my gosh! >> i don't want to make news here, lou, but i think the answer is, yes, they would. [laughter] lou: ed, what this president has
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had to contend with throughout, now he's got china that is responsible for killing over 100,000 american, infecting, you know, our population represents 25% of the number of victims of this virus, this china virus in the entire world. the same is true with deaths. it's awful, it is, it has to be dealt with, there has to be a reckoning. mike pompeo is head over to hawaii for talks with top chinese officials s and we don't know what the agenda is. your thoughts. >> well, again, it's always china's agenda, as far as they're concerned. whatever they tell us they're not going to do. the reality is whatever promises they make are irrelevant, they're not going to take what they see as an opportunity right now to move the ball forward. they always want to be the superpower in the world
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economically and militarily, and they see us in a weakened position, which we're not because we have a strong leader. but at the end of the day, i would not put any regard to anything they say. they're not going to play nice with us, and they're -- lou: ed rollins, michael goodwin, thank you both. we've got to hit this hard out. appreciate it. up next anarchy in seattle. we'll be right back. ♪ managers don't understand why. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those. so, what's in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different.
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lou: pollsters at gallup find republe proud of america, and democrats aren't. two-thirds of republicans are extremely proud to be an american compared to only 24% of democrats. that tells a very important story. independents almost twice as likely to be proud of america as democrats. joining us now, victor davis hanson, senior fellow in the military history department at the hoover institution, professor emeritus of classics at california state university, best selling author, national review contributor and great american. victor, great to have you with us. let's start with what we are witnessing. it's our pleasure, and we just want to have a broad historical, in depth look, broad and in depth, and that's why we turn to you to put some of this into
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context and perspective. to see what is happening in seattle, and our reporter, jonathan hunt, talking about a kauai yes, sir e sent scene right now, the president concerned what it portends. we've seen these outbreaks of violence across the country, another murder of a black man in atlanta. it is, it goes on and on, and it is deeply troubling to, i think, all americans. >> yeah. i think we're in a cultural revolution. it's not a political revolution. it's holistic, it's systematic, it's questioning everything from the statues in our parks to the cartoons our kids watch. and it's going to go on and on until there's these cultural revolutions, whether the french or the chinese cultural revolutions or the libyan, they go on until they're unsustainable, and they get chaotic, and they're full of anarchy. already we're starting to see a little bit of that. ross simone, the war lord who
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has created a kingdom of c.h.o.p. is being accused by his own supporters of having a homophobic record of tweeting. dan abrams, who's a very fierce critic of the president during the russian collusion hoax, got his tv program yanked. so we saw that with me too and now tara reade is a nonentity because that movement started to devour liberal-progressive hollywood celebrities, and suddenly they said we need due process, we need statute of limitations, we need the right of cross-examination. so when these revolutions start to be cannibalistic, they fade out. we're starting to see a little bit of that. i think the president is deliberating where this magical tipping point is. you can't have an independent sanctuary city within a city. we have 560 of them as it is. but it's a non-sustainable situation because it sends a
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message that there's an unequal application of the law. but on the other hand, this is a blue chief of police, a blue mayor, a blue governor, a blue population that want this. so the president doesn't know, well, maybe i should make this a spectacle of what happens when you have socialist chaos so people can see the consequences versus if i don't stop it, it shows that we can't apply the law equally. and so it's kind of a dilemma. i'm a little worried, lou, finally that we've had 12 or 13 very decorated, esteemed officers come out and criticize trump in really harsh terms for using the capitol federal troops in d.c., capitol police. and then we have four former joint chiefs that said, and they said terrible things about the president. and so i'm getting the impression that -- and they didn't give any evidence of how he obstructed the constitution, because he didn't. but if he gave a federal order, a very unpopular order apparently to the military, what
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would happen? would the joint chiefs and the people who have come out, the generals mattis -- lou: let me ask you -- >> admiral allen, what would they say? and they've said that he's already made a mockery of the constitution. one admiral said he should be, he should leave sooner the better, and i'm not sure that within the military that doesn't send a confusing signal, what are these officers going to do when their heroes and icons have come out so strongly against the president's ability to enforce order through the use of federal troops. lou: yeah -- >> we've never had that in this country before. lou: well, we -- no, we -- >> we've never had anything like that, never. lou: and not even macarthur when he was having his battles with harry truman was he ever so overt and direct. we're going to be back with victor davis hanson. i want to talk with him more about the yens and what the
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relationship will be going -- the generals and what the relationship will be going forward and whether or not they should be fearedded for what they have done -- fired for what they have done. stay with us, we'll be right back. i'm a performer. -always have been. -and always will be.
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lou: we're back with noted
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historian victor davis hanson. and, victor, i want to start where we left off, and that is with the generals. whether it is milleverything e y, the -- milley, whether it esper, the defense secretary, these people are talking as if they're running an hr department rather than the united states army and the united states military. it's deeply troubling. and as you pointed out, they were extremely unspecific in talking about the president is violating the constitution. that's pure bunk, and they have to know it. and that means they're lying. your reaction when they say -- i mean, they are spewing nonsense here. >> yeah. i mean, most of them are retired. but what gets me is that give an example of barack obama, he fired five four-star generals, cartwright, mattis, he fired
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general flynn, he fired retired general petraeus, and he fired general mcchrystal. and he did violate the constitution in some sense when he refused a congressional subpoena, he weaponized the irk rs to -- irs to punish political ebonies, he sicced the doj, fbi and cua on a political campaign. none of those people who were fired spoke up and said this is terrible, it's nazi-like. they didn't tweet pictures of auschwitz, they didn't call him mussolini. in other words, they obeyed by the code of military conduct that says retired officers should not disparage a sitting president. suddenly this president comes, he -- mueller found no constitutional abuse, no russian hoax, he was not convicted after this crazy impeachment. they can't cite any constitutional transgression, and yet they're all coming out, and the result of it is, lou, that it looks highly partisan, and it's really reduced the status of the retired military.
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these were our most iconic, decorated officers, and it's a bad precedent because, as i'm speaking, there are six or seven articles in major journals that are talking about the possibility of the coup. i'm 66, i've never heard of that before. and when you have these people of this stature and they say things and write things that they do and it's not even behavior from administration to administration, then it's quite scary. even the chairman of the joint chiefs said he couldn't to a photo op. if i were to go back and show you all the pictures of decorated officers standing next to the president during a controversial decision, and am i supposed to believe that hasn't happened before? so -- lou: well, that's the thing -- >> they're all trying to continue or adjudicate their views according to a consensus that donald trump is somehow unpopular or uncouth. but it's not based on constitutional principles because if it was, they would say donald trump did this.
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and they haven't done that because they can't. [inaudible conversations] called in federal troops to restore order. lou: right. and it's preposterous, what they're claiming. they certainly must know that. and they also are speaking in unison. by the way, doing it at once, doing it from the psalm -- the same page as civilian politicians of the left. it is certainly not a coincidence that they have chosen this moment, this time to speak out against the president. now, a number of them have been against this president from the very beginning. but who cares what a retired military officer is? and as you point out, the military code says straightforwardly retired officers are to keep their mouths shut. >> well, subject to the code, yes. and section 82 says that.
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it doesn't matter what you or i say, lou, it's what joe biden says because he's already come out and bragged that the four former chairman of the joint chiefs skinned alive donald trump, and then he went further and said trump will cheat on the election, and he will lose, and i'm going to -- and he used the word and, the conjunction -- i'm going to call on they, they being the joint chiefs and active military officers, and they will get hem out of the white house -- him out of the white house birdies patch. so the impression they're conveying to a presidential candidate is that they're going to be activated to somehow be at the beck is and call of joe biden's theory that trump didn't -- lou: let's be honest, i mean -- >> yeah. what if trump wins the election? what if he wins the election and joe biden says he cheated, he won't leave the white house. is he going to call on these generals as he claims he is? lou: of course he is. >> it's really dangerous and
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leaves itself open to that misinterpretation -- [inaudible conversations] lou: what about -- victor, what about china and russia and their people as they are watching this. what kind of aid and comfort are these generals giving the russians and the chinese, the iranians for that matter? they are, they are absolutely undercutting the president of the united states in favor of the enemies of the united states. >> oh, well, they know that and, therefore, during the psychological process of projection they have claimed that donald trump is undermining us. that's what general allen and others said, i think mullens said that. trump making us look bad, therefore, it necessitates their intervention and criticizing him. but we all know that the united states famous for one thing, of our civilian and our military distance. and if the military obeys the president, he's the commander in chief. and they don't pick and choose
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when they think that they should or should not follow an order, because they haven't been elected. i don't know where they got this idea, but the intelligence and the military were not elect to newing. they're never -- they have not -- donald trump was elected. and so they don't have the prerogative -- lou: victor? >> -- to remove or disparage an elected, elected chief -- commander in chief according to their own statutes that they have sworn loyalty e to. lou: victor, we've got to wrap it here. come back soon, and let's continue this conversation because it's critically important to the nation, and they are, also as you say, they're conveying to the american people that mark's mar, the defense secretary the, works for milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and his friends who have retired. we'll be back with much more, and thanks to victor davis hanson. he'll be joining us one of these evenings soon. we'll be right back.
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♪. lou: that's it for us tonight. thanks for being with us. programing note, congressman jim jordan, general jack keane among our guests here tomorrow. reminder follow me on twitter the lou dobbs and instagram at "lou dobbs tonight." have a good night.
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see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪. elizabeth: stocks make a sharp turn-around soaring into the close after the federal reserve said it will make it easier for companies to borrow as the central bank for the very first time will now buy individual corporate bonds. this on top of corporate bond etfs that the central bank is buying t was a solid day for the indices ending in the green after a selloff earlier in the session fueled by concerns about a rebound in cases of coronavirus. tonight, we welcome kelly bowl lar bollar of the independent women's forum. prisoners released due to fears of covid-19. more than 80,000 prisoners have been released n


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