tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business June 16, 2020 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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affected by social distancing but he does say, absolutely, we'll get back to a full recovery. he moved market up and down all morning long. right now we're up 460 on the dow. my time's up, but neil, sir, it's yours. neil: thank you, stuart, very, very much. he did give something to everybody. you can play with whatever angle you want if you're a bull or bear. we're following up on impact of his statement, stuart, and again the impact on traders. meantime we want to let you know we're waiting to hear from the president of the united states. he is shortly going to outline his plan, not only to satisfy those who say we have to rein in police departments whether they get too aggressive, going particularly after minorities but not so much so that we lose sense of law and order. it will be a delicate balance. an executive order we're told will be sweeping but again not too sweeping. whatever that means. blake burman following it all from the white house. reporter: we should hear from president trump mother-in-law
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terrellly in the rose garden. you're seeing some live images from there. the white house says this will be president trump's vision going forward, executive order. as it relates to police reform it will really have a three main components to it. let me walk you through them real quick. first off credentialing, certification. make sure there is incentive for recertification that highlights newest best practice. information sharing on use of force which will allow police departments to make sure one officer can't necessarily go from one department to the next if they have too much on their file. secondly what is being described as coresponder programs to address medical, psychological and homeless incidents. that would also allow social workers to go on non-violent calls. that senior administration official adding in advance of this, quote, the goal of this is to bring police closer together with the communities. we're not looking defund the
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police, we're looking to more to incentivize best practice. president trump also continued to hit his law and order message. listen. the president said yesterday, and i will quote, he said the overall foal we want law and order, we want it done fairly, justly, safely, but we want law and order. this is about law and order and also about justice and safety. part of the message from president trump, neil, we're told the president will call for congressional action as well. keep in mind this is just an executive order. if he wants more to be done, congress will likely have to step in as well. we've seen a plan put for the by democrats. at top of the list by democrats is what is known qualified immunity, shielding police officers from law suits. the white house is saying that is a nonstarter as it relates to legislation. republicans are also putting forth their measures as senator tim scott for republicans is putting forth that bill. we're told by our colleague
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hillary vaughn that a part of the scott measure will not include qualified immunity. so it seems as if that could be one of the friction points between democrats and republicans going forward. in any event, this executive order to be signed by president trump here shortly. neil? neil: my friend, thank you, issue like that as you indicated, that gets to be a thorny one with police unions and all the like. you see bill barr, attorney general, other top white house officials as we await to hear from the president on the executive order. we already heard, as stuart was telling you at the beginning here from the federal reserve chairman who has outlined that he is going to do anything and everything he can to keep this recovery on track. i'm paraphrasing here but that includes buying up a lot of bonds, treasury bonds, municipal bonds, corporate bonds, junk bonds, trillions of dollars worth over this entire ongoing crisis with the virus that has eased a little bit. he optimistic it eased enough right now to sort of dial back
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but not anytime too, too soon. edward lawrence on that before we hear from the president. edward? reporter: they did not give, neil, did not give an end date to that buying as you talked about with the bonds. federal reserve chairman jerome powell believes that the retail sales numbers is sort of a further example of a bounceback in the economy. we saw 17.7%, blowing away estimates, a record month over month. they did say that the fed chairman says very positive report building upon the last may jobs report. however, this is the comment that really spooked the market and cut the expansion so to speak. listen. >> just that there are parts of the economy that will struggle to return to their old ways of activity because they involve getting people together closely in large groups. reporter: he is saying that until the public is confident the virus is under control it will be unlikely for a full recovery. now powell says that he is
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seeing some data showing a modest rebound in some areas. he says the unemployment rate may have reached its peak in may. >> there's a broad expectations that we'll see big numbers of people coming back this summer and we certainly hope that turns out to be right. but also, that those people who work in the service industries that are going to take longer to recovery, to recover, there will be a lot of them and they're going to need, you know, they will find it hard to get back to work as quickly as the others. reporter: powell urged senators there saying congress should do something to help those workers having trouble getting back into the workforce, either retail, bar, restaurant industries there. federal reserve chairman jerome powell said he will keep interest rates near zero until he believes the economy weatheredded the storm. he will continue to buy treasurys and mortgage-backed securities at the same level and roll out the 11 facilities they have already out there and are
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starting to roll out and continue those with no end date as of yet. neil. neil: all right, edward, thank you very, very much if only the fed chairman could speak english like you just did there so i could understand what the heck he was saying earlier there. thank you my friend, edward lawrence on all of that. danielle dimartino booth, pretty good at speaking fed speak and understanding and interpreting it for us. danielle, he is open up to more stimulus, fiscal stimulus and more the federal reserve can do. we're running a enormous deficit on top of a enormous debt, but i guess that will continue to be case. what do you think? >> i think that chair powell was saying that printing press is waiting for you, congress. just pass that stimulus and we will monetize the debt just as quick as you can say go. and, what's interesting though is that he is speaking about
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income disparity, income inequality, opening up, asking questions of hard-line questioning, senator warren for example, but he is not able to articulate fed policy really can only help rescue the corporate sector and investors. it really does come down to congress and only role that the fed can effectively play for the little guy so to speak is printing that stimulus money, buying those treasurys up. so there is an interesting distinction going on as you see. the stork market going haywire because the fed will come in and buy junk bonds as you were saying versus what it can actually do to help out employees on the ground which is its second mandate to maximize employment. neil: danielle, seems like conservative groups wince a little bit at added spending. one in particular saying enough already. buy and large most who want to see the president reelected improve republicans chances are
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throwing that aside, whatever it takes to close the deal in november, then we'll think about this stuff, what do you make of that? >> right now there is a lot of winking and nodding going on, right? they are saying no to extra $600 a week going forward but at the same time, we're hearing from the president that there might be a bonus. it is like we'll give you a bonus payment, voters to vote me into office. then we'll talk about fiscal frugality after that. it is like they're trying to thread a needle between universal basic income and an extra $2400 a month, versus giving a little bit more stimulus just to make people feel better, get through the summer, get into voting season. neil: where do you see rates going? if federal reserve says we'll keep them at or around zero, rest of this year, likely next year, into 2022, i can't believe i'm even quoting those figures, what do you think of that? >> i think it is essential at
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this point. you cannot have credit in america completely shut down. that is not feasibility. we did see 30 year conventional fixed-rate mortgage break 3% on the downside. now you have a mortgage that is 2 point something which is historical in nature but at the same time you have 29 1/2 million americans out of the workforce, whether you're counting continuing claims plus what was provisioned for in the cares act. that amounts to 17.9% of the u.s. workforce currently collecting unemployment benefits. you've got to keep interest rate as these low levels with respect to the fed, in order to accommodate as much credit as you can right now to the household sector that is clearly struggling. neil: all right. danielle, always good chatting with you. thank you for the heads up on all of this stuff we should be watching. some will no doubt take leave of this. danielle dimartino booth. right-hand side of your screen, the president is about to
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outline plans on executive order, to rein in police behavior but not so much that the battle for law and order is lost. howard safir, the former new york police department commissioner joins us right now. commissioner, what do you want to hear out of the president? >> well, i want to hear what i've heard about the executive order which is addressing things that really have need to be done and needed to be done for a long time. the first one is certification and credentialing. uniform requirement across the country. because right now the requirements from nypd, requirements for a cop in boise idaho are very different. so we need to have uniform standards so we get quality people on to the police forces around the nation. the other one is a database of misconduct because what happens now, you can be fired from one police department and go to another, and even if you were involved in brutalitity or corruption, it is very hard for
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the other police department to find out. so that is a great thing as well. and having social workers and health professionals accompany police on non-violent cases, makes some sense. neil: you know, commissioner, we're told that, again we don't know the details to your point but that police officers will likely continue to be shielded from civil lawsuits. that is a big issue for police and other unions. and that sticks in the craw of a lot of obviously the protest movement and other good policemen and women who say that there should be strict accountability on these issues. your thoughts? >> well, qualified immunity is just that, it preserves the families of police officers, that is what they're looking at, their economic stability but it doesn't shield them from
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criminal prosecution and there are other exceptions if they're shown to be totally, intentionally brutal. so it is not the kind of immunity that you think of when a criminal is given immunity from prosecution for testifying. neil: so when you hear other issues that might rankle some officers including limiting deadly force, a number of cops i talked to across the country commissioner, said, that's a problem because your definition of deadly force and ours, referring to officers, might be very, very different and you might be limiting me to put down a threat. what do you think? >> well, if you limit the ability of a police officer to use lethal force when required, which is, across the country is in defense of yourself or another, who you think will be seriously harmed by the criminal, you're going to get mission hesitating.
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that will cause injuries or get police just stepping back, letting crimes go on because they fear for their jobs and their families. people have to understand that the criteria for deadly force and using lethal force is that you believe that your life is in danger or the public's has their life in danger. and i don't think that need as great deal moved modification. chokeholds, i could live without chokeholds. neil: when you hear the president, police commissioner, talking about changes the way we go about doing our job and this in the backdrop of so many cities looking at defunding or cutting funding forepolice departments this exact -- executive order i'm told to meant to stave that off bit or slow momentum. momentum gain as lot of steam in
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areas. seattle comes to mind. portland, oregon, come to mind. what is going on in atlanta, what do you fare from all of that? >> first the cities you name have a long history of not supporting their police. so that's one thing. end up having having very progressive, leftist administrations but we should be very clear we'll support our police. defunding police or giving police administration over to community groups will be a disaster and i looked at a poll recently from monmouth college showed that 70 plus percent of caucasians, african-americans hispanics support the police and want safe policing. there will always be abuse but you can't broad brush the 800,000 police officers in the united states with a few incidents as damaging as graphic as george floyd's murder was but yet, you can't throw the baby out with the bath water.
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neil: commissioner, the president has been very critical, we got the two minute warning 30 seconds ago, waiting for the president, very critical of governors and mayors states, and cities tolerate protesters all of that, even allowing some of the destruction we've seen although not as bad as it has been. the president is sending a message we can never give up on just maintaining law and order. his critics is saying he is more focused on that than anything else. what do you say? >> i think he is absolutely right. ceding six blocks where good people and taxpayers and businesses are to rioters are vandalizing and walking around with ar-15s is not law and order. we are a country of laws. we should let peaceful protesters protest.
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as new york did before this administration, there were no riots during my administration because the mayor and i were on the same page which was, we would support and protect peaceful protesters but we would not tolerate vandals, looters and rioters. neil: all right. commissioner safir. thank you very much. now the president of the united states, he is going to outline his executive order on policing the police today, with a number of top law enforcement personnel, attorney general of the united states, now the president of the united states. >> thank you very much, please. and thank you all for being here as we take historic action to deliver a future of safety and security for americans of every race, religion, color, and creed. we're joined today by law enforcement professionals and community leaders. though we may all come from different places and different backgrounds we're united by our
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desire to insure peace and dignity and equality for all americans. i've just concluded a meeting with incredible families, just incredible families that have been through so much. the families of ahmad s. h rber. john and antone rose,. >> medical jamll roberson. jefferson, michael dean, darius tarver, cameron lamb, and everett palmer. these are incredible people. incredible people. and it is so sad. many of these families lost their loved ones in deadly interactions with police. to all of the hurting families i want you to know that
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all-americans, mourned by your side. your loved ones will not have died in vain. we're one nation, we grieve together and we heal together. i can never imagine your pain or the depth of your anguish but i can promise to fight for justice, for all of our people, and i gave a commitment to all of those families today with senator tim scott, attorney general bill barr. we are going to pursue what we said. we will be pursuing it and pursuing it strongly, tim, right? okay. i want toe recognize attorney general bill barr who has been spent so much time on this and other matters like this. bill, thank you very much for being here along with the great job you're doing. [applause]
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along with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and tim scott. they are going to be working on a senate bill also that can go hand in hand with this. and also representatives kelly armstrong, louie gohmert, jim jordan, guy rest thaler. thank you to florida attorney general ashley moody. the president of the fraternal order of police, patios. president of international association of chiefs of police, steven cast stevens. many other law enforcement leaders will join me at the signing. today is about pursuing common sense and fighting, fighting for a cause like we seldom get the chance to fight for. we have to find common ground but i strongly oppose the radical and dangerous efforts to
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defend, dismantle, and desolve our police departments especially when with achieved the lowest recorded crime rates in recent history. americans know the truth, without police there is chaos. without law there is anarchy, and without safety there is catastrophe. we need leaders at every level of government who have the moral clarity to state these obvious facts. americans believe we must support the brave men and women in blue who police our streets and keep us safe. americans also believe we must improve accountability, increase transparency, and invest more resources in police training, recruiting and community engagement. reducing crime and raising standards are not opposite goals. they are not mutually exclusive. they work together.
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they all work together. that is why today i'm signing an executive order encouraging police departments nationwide to adopt the highest professional standards to serve their communities. these standards will be as high and as strong as there is on earth. the vast majority of police officers are selfless and courageous public servants. they are great men and women. when others run away from danger police run straight into harm's way, often putting their lives at stake to protect someone who they don't know, or never even met. great danger. police officers run straight toward this incredible harm, take the world trade center. they ran straight into the twin towers of 9/11.
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many of them never returned, never returned. vast numbers of new york's finest, never returned. last year i presented the medal of valor to six heroic police officers who ended a murderous rampage so professionally in dayton, ohio. hundreds of people would have been killed surely without them. we ask our police to put on the uniform and risk their lives for us every day, the least we deserve, and the least we can do, because they deserve it so much. they have to get our gratitude and we have to give them great respect for what they do, for the job is one of the most dangerous jobs on earth. one of the most difficult jobs on earth. last year alone 89 law
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enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. in recent days two members about law enforcement were killed amid riots and looting and hundreds of police officers were injured just recently. one officer was shot in the head and is now laying in a hospital almost totally paralyzed. despite our very good record on crime law and order must be further restored nationwide and your federal government is ready, willing and able to help. as we did in minneapolis after it got out of control for four days. sent in representatives, commonly known as the national guard and it was all put down very quickly. we're willing to help. we're willing to help in seattle. we're willing to help anywhere you want and we'll be there very
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quickly. it won't take long. there will no more looting or arson and penalty will be very grave for those who get caught. violence and destruction will not be tolerated. we cannot do that. the looters have no cause that they're fighting for. just trouble. every day police officers make great sacrifices to keep our communities secure and safe. in 2018 our police arrested nearly 12,000 people for murder, 25,000 people for rape, and nearly 1.5 million for assault. very dangerous criminals. in many cases local law enforcement is underfunded, understaffed, and undersupported. 47% of all murders in chicago
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and 68% of all hurts in baltimore went without arrest last year. americans want law and order. they demand law and order. they may not say it, they may not be talking about it, but that is what they want. some of them don't even know that's what they want but that's what they want. they understand when you remove the police you hurt those who have the least the most. nobody needs a strong trustworthy police force more than those who live in distressed areas and nobody is more opposed to the small number of bad police officers, and you have them. they're very tiny. i use the word tiny. it is a very small percentage but you have them. but nobody wants to get rid of them more than the overwhelming number of really good and great police officers.
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some of them are standing with me and with me in the audience today and i appreciate you being here. [applause] thank you. great job. what's needed now is not more stoking of fear and division. we need to bring law enforcement communities closer together, not to drive them apart. under the executive order i'm signing today we will prioritize federal grants from the department of justice to police departments that seek independent credentialing, certifying that they meet high standards and in fact in certain cases the highest standard. that is where they do the best. on the use of force and the escalation training. for example, many people believe that proper training might have prevented the tragic deaths of antwan rose and boltam john.
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as farther of this new resdentialing process, chokeholds willed be banned except if a officer's is at risk. i will say we have dealt with all the various departments and everybody said it's time. we have to do it. additionally we're looking at new advanced and powerful, less lethal weapons to help prevent deadly interactions. new devices are being developed all the time and we're looking at the best of them and cost is no object, no object. under this executive order departments will also need to share information about incredible abuse so that officers with significant issues do not simply move from one police department to the next. it's a problem and the heads of our police departments said whatever you can do about that, please let us know.
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we're letting you know. we're doing a lot about it. in addition my order will direct federal funding to support officers in dealing with homeless individuals and those who have mental illness and substance abuse problems. we will provide more resources for coresponders, such as social workers who can help officers manage these complexer encounters. and this is what they have studied and worked on all their lives. they understand how to do it. we're going to get the best of them put in our police departments and working with our police. we will have reform without undermining our many great and extremely talented law enforcement officers. president obama and vice president biden never even tried to fix this during their eight year period. the reason they didn't try is because they had no idea how to do it and it's a complex
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situation. beyond the steps we're taking today i am committed to working with congress on additional measures. congress has started already, and they will be having bills coming out of the senate and possibly out of the house and hopefully they will all get together and they will come up with a solution that goes even beyond what we're signing today but this is a big, big step, a step that hasn't been taken before. but in order to make real progress on public safety we have to break old patterns of failure. many of the same politicians now presenting themselves as the solution are the same ones who have failed for decades on schools, jobs, justice and crime they're all, the often unfortunately the same
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politicians running the cities and states where help is most needed. it is an attitude. and it's not working. today's action is a big part of the solution to restore, renewing and rebuilding our communities. for the last 3 1/2 years my administration has been focused on creating opportunity, fighting for equal justice, and truly delivering results. nobody has ever delivered results like we have delivered. nobody has come close. [applause] and we work with some very great people. we work with fantastic people to get it done. we enacted landmark criminal justice reform. something that nobody else could get done. they tried and they couldn't even come close. we got it done and we got it done powerfully and people
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appreciated it. but it is something that with all the work and all the talk for so many years, criminal justice reform, nobody else could get done. we secured permanent and record funding for hbcus, that's historically black colleges and universities. numbers that they never thought were possible and long-term financing because they would come back to the white house after my third year, i said, why are you here again? great people, about 42 people, the heads of black colleges and universities. great people. they do such an incredible job. i would see them after the third year, i say why are you doing this? we need money again. i said don't we set it so you have like a 10-year program, a five-year program? no, sir. for years and years we have had to come back every single year. i said well the only bad thing
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about what i'm going to do, i will give you long-term financing and i will up the amount but i won't get to see you anymore. so that is the bad part. but you can focus on education now instead of worrying about dealing with us in washington. so we did that for the historically black colleges and universities. i'm very proud of it. they're incredible. they're incredible people. got to know a lot of head of those colleges. they do unan unbelievable job and don't get it right of notoriety they should have. we created opportunity zones with senator tim scott, brought it to me. we didn't know if we could get its passed, right, tim? but we got it passed and i think it is one of the great things we've done in this administration. tens of thousands of jobs. bills and billions of dollars
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brought into areas and neighborhoods that would never, ever be taken care of monetarily. areas that didn't have 10 cents put in them for years and decades and now people are investing, thriving and the jobs have come back. we achieved the lowest black, hispanic, and acre shurn unemployment rates -- asian unemployment rates in american history panned we will do it again. we'll do it again. we're fighting for school choice which really is the civil rights of all time in this country. frankly school choice is the civil rights statement of the year, of the decade and probably beyond because all children have to have access to quality education. a child's zip code in america should never determine their future. that is what was happening. so we're very, very strong on school choice. i hope everybody remembers that.
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it is already happening. we had tremendous opposition from people that know she shouldn't be opposing it. school choice. all children deserve equal opportunity because we are all made equal by god. so true. agreat jobs market, and thriving economy is probably the best thing that we can do to help the black, hispanic, asian communities. we sue that just recently prior to the virus, that came in from china, just a few months ago. what a horrible thing it was all over the world. 188 countries now. i just want to say we've done incredibly well. we're doing well. things are happening that nobody can even believe. our country is opening up. and it is opening up rapidly. we had the best unemployment and employment.
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we had best unemployment and employment numbers. think of that. in the history of our country. we're up to almost 160 million people working. there was never anything even close. and that is for almost every group including black, hispanic, asian, women, young people, old people. young people without a high school diploma. every group. everybody was thrilled. everybody had, just about, high-paying jobs. our country was never in a better position and we were planning on massive growth. it was happening. it was already there. including big salary increases which were already taking place for the last 2 1/2 years. big, big increases, record increases. nobody's seen anything like it. and then we got hit by the virus along with the rest of the world
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and now i'm building it up again. here we go again. but i'm building it up again and it is moving fast. and it will be even better than before because weless learned, it will be better than before. jobs are rapidly coming back. retail sales that were just announced two hours ago, just a little while ago, they're up a staggering 17.7%. [applause] amazing. the projection was anywhere from six to 8%. we're up 17.7%. and what does that mean? the stock market went through the roof. these good numbers, they drove it up to a level that we're almost at the same level, hard to believe, we're getting very close to the level we were before the pandemic and before all of the things that you have seen happen happened.
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that is a great thing because ultimately it is about jobs, the government can never do anything like a great job for a person where they look forward to getting up in the morning and going to work and getting a much bigger check than they could ever get otherwise. today and over the last 60 days we've had one of the biggest stock market increases in the history of the stock markets. two weeks ago the 50-day increase was the single biggest. unless my formula is tampered with, we will soon be in a stronger position than we were before the plague came in from china. when the numbers reached the point, i know they will, there will again be a great unity and a great spirit in our country. people will have their job back that they might have lost. they will be making even more
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money than they did before. we have some brilliant people working with me and put it together. we did it once and we're very easily doing it again. we're way ahead of schedule. you will see that. you will see the third quarter numbers will be very good. you will see fourth quarter will be really good. you will see next year will be one of the best economic years this country has ever had. [applause] and it is all happening very quickly, way ahead of schedule. i think you will see that. people can't even believe what they're looking at. but on top of all of that before the end of the year i predict we will have a very successful vaccine, therapeutic and cure. we're making tremendous progress. i deal with these incredible scientists, doctors very, very closely. i have great respect for their minds and they have come up with
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things and they have come up with many other cures and therapeutics over the years. these are the people, the best, the smartest, the most brilliant anywhere and they have come up with the aids vaccine. they have come up with, or the aids, as you know there are various things and various companies are involved but the therapeutic for aids. aids was a death sentence and now people live a life with a pill. it is an incredible thing. the ebola vaccine and others. these are the people that have done it or these are the people that have been around it an they're all competing. it is an incredible thing. all of these brilliant firms, labs, companies are competing and i will tell you we're very far advanced. we've already started tests and trials. so i think we're going to have a very, very good answer to that
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very, very soon. i always say even without it, it goes away but if we had the vaccine, and we will, we had therapeutic, or cure, one thing sort of blends into the other. it will be a fantastic day and i think that is going to happen. and it going to happen very soon. americans can achieve anything when we work together as one national family, to go forward we must seek cooperation not confrontation. we must build upon our heritage, not tear it down and we must cherish the principles of america's founding as we strive to deliver safe, beautiful, elegant justice and liberty for all. i would like now to invite our great friends, because they are, our great friends from law
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enforcement, the officers representing their groups to come up as i sign a very important executive order and we're asking mitch and tim and all of the people that are here from congress to go back and see if they can get something done. i see louie and jim, jim jordan. we're all here. a lot of our representatives from congress and the senate. if they can go back and add to what we're signing today it will be, it will be a big moment, it will be a big moment. this is a tremendous step. this is a step could have been taken years ago but people chose not to do that. that was in my opinion a big mistake. could have solved a lot of the problems that we have now. so if i could, law enforcement, if you could come forward. we have had, please come up. we have had the endorsement of the federal law enforcement officers association, the fraternal order of police,
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international association of chiefs of police. international union of police associations. major county sheriffs of america association. national association of police organizations. national district attorneys association. national sheriff's association. sergeants benevolent association, and many others. they have worked on this with me and my team and have been fantastic. i want to thank my team. what a team it is. and we have taken very much into mind what they are saying because these are the people that keep us safe and they have done an incredible job. thank you all very much. thank you. [applause]
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to the point the president signing antec sieve order which does, police today, in so doing reminding people law and order comes first but maybe reining in some of the more controversial practices such as chokeholds, limiting deadly force. that sort of thing is warned right now. he bemoaned the fact his predecessors didn't move on this sort of thing in the past. he is saying here, this is an opportunity to make sure law enforcement is still free to do its job but not go too far. one of the more controversial features from this some police unions are not a fan of the ease which an officer fired in one area of the country can suit up, sign up and join a police force in another area of the country. there will be a database now that will keep track of that, much as the catholic church had with wayward priests who simply were reassigned to another diocese. so it works in the same way. they will have a database to keep track of that, make sure it doesn't happen.
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it also avoids some of the sticky issues concerning officers who would continue in their present capacity and absolve themselves from any litigation or any lawsuits as a result of behavior in one area as they wait that out. but by and large, it is the first step to the executive order to address some of the matters that came up post the george floyd killing in minneapolis some three weeks ago. let's get the read on all of this from blake burman. blake, i did notice the president referred to the fact that mitch mcconnell was in the audience there and other leading, you know, republican figures of congress because an executive order is one thing. putting a stamp on legislation that ultimately becomes law that would be quite another, right? reporter: the executive order, yes, is what the president and the white house can do from the executive branch at this moment but it is also, only has a reach so far. if you want something to become
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the law of the land that is exactly and more permanent because it is the law of the land that is exactly where congress comes in. that is the next step, you're right, neil, where all of this goes because before this moment we had seen what democrats had put forth with their plan and now we're awaiting here in washington, now that we heard from president trump, what republicans are going to put forward. it is senator tim scott who is the one tasked with that in the republican party to put forth that measure. our hillary vaughn is reporting today, this idea of qualified immunity, reducing qualified immunity off the table that would lessen the legal shield of which protects police officers for actions that they take on the job, something that democrats have in their bill, that they have put forward, that is already passed but something republicans will not take upon and something the white house will not support as well. what we saw today from president trump just moments ago, this executive order but it was also interesting, neil, to sort ever
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mare from the president list the things that he believes have served black communities all across this country. he talked about criminal justice reform, funding for hbcus, opportunity zones. the how unemployment rates that had been in effect precovid and he said we'll do it again. he talked about school choice as well. this almost seems, we almost forget, neil, that we are 140 days until an election and this is remarkably unique election period. it almost seemed what we heard the president from the rose garden do today, talk about criminal justice reform but also try to make a statement what his administration has done and will do going. >> an election because as you also noted and joe biden, former president obama they couldn't tackle this very issue. the president was also, one thing i picked up on, neil, the president said, quote, unless my formula, unless my formula is tampered with, we will soon be in a stronger position than we
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were before the plague came in from china. so the president making a statement there, again talking about broader other issues of the economy saying it is his formula. don't mess with it as we head into an election year when voters will have a decision come november. neil? neil: all right. blake, thank you very, very much. blake burman. when we come back we'll look at all of this addressed in a number of cities and why a number of truckers, for example, are very leery going into those cities especially when police forces are being defunded or seeing their funds cut. we'll have jeff flock on that. get the latest on nascar. the audiences are coming back, maybe some big audiences in the stands, after this. robinhood believes now is the time to do money.
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♪. neil: all right. welcome back, everybody, we talked about the president's initiative, executive order to rein in on some of the unrest we've been seeing in american cities, certainly since the death of george floyd, ex-pass serrated by obviously events in atlanta over the weekend. that might not be enough for the nation's truckers who are probably more concerned what cities or localities are doing to defund or out right cut their
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police departments. jeff flock is following all of that. hey, jeff. reporter: absolutely right, neil. truckers are certainly concerned. it's a dangerous profession, people don't think about that. think back to the rodney king riots. think back to the recent unrest, difficult profession to start with, particularly in times of unrest. a poll bit website, cdl, that is commercial driver's license, showing among 1200 respondentsed ask a question would you pick up or deliver to cities with defunded or disbanded police departments. almost 80% say they would not. comments from the drivers, i already told my dispatchers i will not do all loads to cities with defunded police department. some say that you do not need to act fearless and look like a fool saying no. another driver, if something was to happen, you have to take matters into your own hands you
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risk being prosecuted for protecting yourself. as we said trucking is a dangerous profession. how dangerous? well, according to the bureau of labor statistics, neil, in 2018 this was the deadliest profession of them all. next on the list was production workers. then farmers and ranchers and finally maintenance workers. tough for truckers. not to say that the truckers are not sympathetic to the george floyd situation. in fact one african-american trucker posted on the cdllife web site, we say black lives matter, we know not only black lives matter but all lives matter. we need your help now because black lives seem to be in danger. all viewpoints represented by the nation's truckers. neil. neil: you know, jeff, i'm curious though, obviously they're on runs and a lot of truckers are independent operators. they have to deliver to locales and stores, what have you. their bosses are those who are
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put in those boxes in their trucks, they will want them delivered. i'm just wondering if that is causing any frackfriction? reporter: you know. you hit an issue for truckers. they felt they were underpaid for a long time, they felt forced into a position not being compensated fairly by regulation and the rest. we have a shortage of drivers. at some point, push may come to shove, drivers may start to hold a little more cards on this certainly sympathetic to the plight of guys and women are delivering stuff we need to have a society that functions. neil: all right. thank you, my friend great reporting as always. jeff flock in the middle of that. as he pointed out, these are the ancillary effects an side stories that develop in the middle of unrest in all of these cities. not only for the protesters involved but those who have to
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continue doing business or try to do business in the middle of all of that. easier said than done. meanwhile you're attention to what is happening on the dow jones industrials. now we're up 575 points. jerome powell played a very central role in the markets today. every time he warned of lingering concern he had for the coronavirus and the outbreak the markets were dipping. every time he said yeah, but this will all work out and stimulus is on the way the markets were rejoicing. right now erring more on the side of liking rather than disliking what they're hearing. the dow up 577 points. the nasdaq up 183. stay with fox at mercedes-benz, nothing less than world-class service will do.
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neil: all right. market rally ensues right now. we've got the dow up about 608 points. a lot of this is built on a very strong retail sales report. the president even mentioned it in his remarks in the rose garden a few minutes ago. they were up close to 18% in may, that was the biggest monthly jump we have seen ever. of course, it follows the biggest collapse we have seen ever. but the president's optimistic, a lot of economists bhaear him t on this, that we have seen the worst of them and from here on out they will start to improve.
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even the fed chairman jerome powell was indicating that in some remarks today in which he outlined the possibility that yes, we could have spike in cases, yes, that could make predicting the course of the economy difficult and yes, there have been problems broad with particular sharp spikes in cases like beijing and india. so much so in beijing where they re-entered a lockdown. more on that later. by and large, the trend is the market's friend. that does appear to be the case thus far. who knows. anything can happen. jonathan hoenig stepping back from all of it to see what really is the underlying market right now to his eyes. jonathan, what do you think? >> look, eye-popping volatility, whether you are a bull or a bear. look at today. the dow futures have shown a 1,000 point range so big ranges in a myriad and a lot of it has to do with what you alluded to, not just uncertainty about the virus, will there be more lockdowns and quarantines but also about the tremendous
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stimulus. jerome powell was doing something we have really never done in this country, including buying corporate bonds as a government. there's an old saying that says when elephants dance, mice get trampled. one thing i'm sure we will see is more volatility. my fear is that after this record-breaking run, not just for the economy as the president alluded to but for stocks since march, my fear is we could start to see some of these gains give way even if the news on the virus gets better. neil: you know, jonathan, this might sound like more of a political question. i don't mean it to be. but there's a school of thought that maybe this past weekend at west point where laa lot of peoe were worried about the president slurring his speech, walking down the ramp, he said they were making a big deal about nothing, i will leave it up to the doctors who have questioned whether he might have some limitations. leaving that aside, at the same time we have seen all this unrest, his own poll numbers
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drop and i have always felt whether you like the president or not, if you are in the markets, you like what's been happening under his watch. if there is a fear that he doesn't get re-elected, is there a fear as well that this market gets derailed? what do you think of that? >> there's a fear about the market. look, there are some echoes of 2000, in fact. the top ten names in the nasdaq account for something like 30% of the entire index. the market isn't cheap. if you're looking for a bargain here. this has nothing to do with the president's health. look, no matter what side of the aisle you're on, you should hope the man is healthy and able to fulfill the rest of his term but there is tremendous uncertainty coming into this. ironically, there's no correlation between who's in office and how -- i should say what party is in office and how well the market does. the only correlation we know is that the extent that those socialist anti-capitalist policies are enacted, whether it be high taxes or tariffs, that
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tends to retard economic growth. so jerome powell was speaking this morning, for example, we are hearing about all this stimulus. that's given i believe the market a short-term adrenaline high, if you will, but historically, we know that whether it's obama in 2008 or even bush in the early 2000s, the extent we stimulated the economy, we actually retarded that future growth. so it's an uncertain time which i think now more than ever, you got to go back to your own context. if you are in your 20s, 30s and 40s, a few thousand points shouldn't matter too much in the dow for you. if you are nearer retirement, i think there are reasons to be concerned about the next movement in the dow and the market writ large. neil: yeah. when you get to be my age, dinner tonight is long-term. we will see what happens, my friend. always good catching up with you. jonathan hoenig, best of the best. we have been following this phenomenon out of dallas where a number of states are reexamining
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their phased reopenings, if you will. texas, i don't believe, you can correct me if i'm wrong, if changed anything yet but there has been pressure to slow things down. what's going on? reporter: yeah, there has been a lot of pressure from local leaders and we will talk about that more in a minute. first i want to alert you there is a press conference scheduled to begin. we are waiting on that to start. it happens at the top of the next hour down in austin. that is going to have governor greg abbott and some others and what they say they are going to be addressing is the hospital situation in this state, because as we reported on this program yesterday, the data shows the number of covid hospitalizations remain at an all-time high here. more than 2500 patients. they keep ticking up and up and up each day. a major medical system in houston now reporting a 30% jump in hospitalizations in the month of may. so what we are saying here is there's growing debate now over
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how much authority local governments have on going against the governor's phase three reopening orders. so far, the governor has showed no signs of changing that or putting the brakes on reopening. however, austin leaders have now taken matters into their own hands, extending the stay-at-home mandate through mid-august. they are asking businesses to voluntarily reduce capacity to numbers lower than what's allowed by the state. houston has considered doing the same thing, but leaders there say their hands are tied because it contradicts the governor. meantime, the mayor of miami also taking matters into his own hands after a spike in new cases across florida. he has decided to hit the pause button, not allowing the city to move into the next phase of reopening while the rest of the state does. a similar move from the mayor in nashville, tennessee. growing cases there prompting
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the city to temporarily halt moving forward with reopening planned until the trajectory changes and then you also have the governors of utah and in oregon making the same decisions, at least putting things on hold in terms of the reopening, for one week so they can reassess the numbers. one leader saying that they are not the ones setting the timeline here, it's the virus setting the timeline. so to be continued. neil: all right. i look forward to that, seeing what happens. casey, thank you very very much. meantime, for those of you just tuning in, besides the market up about 600 points, the president outlined his initiative around an executive order to limit deadly force, essentially stop chokeholds and the like, but beyond that, a lot of this would only go so far, be it executive order, there's only so much you can do. i want to go to judge andrew napolitano on that.
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some of the thornier issues -- always good to have you -- one of the thornier issues, he really kind of put off. in other words, how far you can go with reassigning police who might leave one, you know, district under some controversy, end up at another precinct in another part of the country later on. i'm sure unions would fight that. your thoughts on at least the overall plan. >> well, no one is really in -- good afternoon, neil. always a pleasure to be with you. no one is really in favor, no one that i know of, of the federalization of the police department. every municipality, every city, every neighborhood is different. the president is not a cop and under the constitution, under the tenth amendment to the constitution, public safety is reserved to the states and not to the federal government. so there's a limit to what he can do. the executive order today seems to indicate that to the extent he can, and this is really congressional, not presidential,
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he's going to put some strings on the money that the feds give to local police departments to see to it that police are certified, that they meet certain standards to be certified and if they don't use certain deadly weapons or certain deadly techniques when they're not called for. i don't think this will solve the problem and i don't think this will address the issue the way the president's critics want. moreover, the republican proposals which i believe are coming out tomorrow over the signature of senator tim scott of south carolina, will not address the key problem here which is qualified immunity. the state laws, not federal, state laws that insulate police from being personally liable for their negligence and their intentional criminal use of deadly force. until that's addressed, this problem's not going to go away.
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neil: so you skipped around that one whether you can file civil lawsuits against officers now after the fact. i'm wondering where that goes, because that, that's a key issue that a lot of democrats, for example, are very hot to address. >> so under minnesota law, the estate of george floyd cannot sue derek chauvin for the 8:43 torture and murder of him because the police in minnesota, as they do everywhere in the united states, enjoy qualified immunity. the reason police enjoy qualified immunity is because the police unions are so powerful and they have persuaded politicians that the police ought to have this. if the police did not have this
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kind of qualified immunity, if derek chauvin feared he might lose his house before he started to choke george floyd, george floyd would be alive today and derek chauvin wouldn't be in jail. he would still be a cop. neil: you know, judge, there's another feature of this where it's so broadly worded, i'm not a lawyer, but i talk to you so much now that i think i am. i hear that it encourages law enforcement agencies -- you think i'm kidding -- it encourages law enforcement agencies to adopt high standards for the use of deadly force without specifying what those standards should be or what even constitutes deadly force. is that by design to leave the details up presumably to law enforcement, or to the local communities, or what? >> i can't say what's in the president's mind except that i think he honestly legitimately
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wants to quell the uproar that's in the united states today over police. it's been exacerbated by the regrettable killing in atlanta the other day. but i don't think what the president wants to do will work. there's two ways to address this. one is at the state level, to get rid of qualified immunity. the other is at the federal level to put strings on financial grants that congress gives to local police departments, but congress, not the president, has those strings. neil: real quickly, you are always patient with me, but i did want to get your take, nothing to do with this, with the dust-up in conservative circles on this lgbt ruling yesterday of the supreme court, the fact conservatives flipped on this, you know, justice gorsuch writing this opinion, and some are saying wait a minute, this is not the court we
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thought we were getting, it's not the first time something like this has happened. what do you think? >> well, it's not the first time something like this has happened in history, of course. it's not the first time something like this has happened with justice gorsuch. but if you know him, you know he has a libertarian streak in him. his opinion is based on the meaning of the word "sex." it's not just limited to gender. he said when congress wrote the civil rights act of '64, if they wanted to limit it to gender they would have said gender but when they said sex, and when hiring, firing or promoting someone yes or no because they're gay, because they have a sexual attraction to someone of the same sex, it's obviously included in the word "sex." i think this is an originalist, textualist opinion. i don't think justice scalia would have liked it because he was a social conservative but i'm not surprised that it's come from justice gorsuch. i think it's the right thing at the right time.
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neil: all right. very good having you, judge. always appreciate your insight into so much. judge andrew napolitano. i believe that's the lunch reminder at his fine estate. meantime, we have a lot going on here and you think of all the trouble here on earth. up above, that international space station is circling, including those two astronauts that, well, u.s. interests sent up for the first time in nearly a decade. we are going to talk to them next. you doing okay?
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who follow this very very closely, that would be sort of a game changer to put it mildly. more than 400 miles on a single charge in that vehicle. that is, dare i say it, a lot more than a lot of conventional gas powered vehicles get. i'm talking about fuel, traditional fossil fuel powered cars, get. and that could signal a change and wakeup call, so many competitors like volvo, bmw, mercedes that are coming out with sweeping electric lines of their own. we will keep you posted on that. by the way, the guy behind that is elon musk, the same guy behind the private return to space. remember when he with his dragon mission got doug hurley and bob behnken into space. there was a good deal of attention to how they got to the international space station but
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they are there now. i had a clahance to catch up wi them especially on what this mission means right now and how they are doing. take a look. commander hurley, i will begin with you. how are you feeling? >> we are feeling pretty good. both bob and i have exceeded our longest time on space station as far as our shuttle missions go. i think the longest we were ever docked to station was on the order of 12 days. so we have been here longer than that already and kind of settling in, getting our microgravity legs, so to speak, and trying to help chris manage the space station. it's a huge undertaking to try to keep it maintained, keep it cleaned, keep the science running and just staying physically fit, it takes up a full day. so we're just trying to kind of figure out the routine and then help chris as best we can while we're here. neil: i assume you are talking about your colleague, chris
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cassidy. two other cosmonauts on board. five people on board. it's a big place. commander behnken, how are you getting used to that? >> well, i think we are getting pretty well used to it. our previous experience, we had full shuttle crews on each of our first flights and then of course, doug's second flight was a little bit smaller but still came to a fully populated space station so still had ten people on board. from our perspective, it's actually kind of a sparsely populated, as far as space stations go, compared to our previous experience. they are able to deconflict things pretty well so we can do our tasks in different modules so we're not right on top of each other for the science activities or stowage activities or even the eba preparations, we are able to spread out pretty well to accomplish those things. we've got plenty of room up here. neil: you know, guys, you will be celebrating father's day in space. n you know you have been nicknamed the dads. you both have sons of similar
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age, i believe 6 years old. you have made a stuffed dinosaur famous. they have sold out of these things on amazon just because of that. so any message you want to relay to your son, commander hurley, about what you are seeing, what you're doing? >> well, it's actually really nice up here. we, once a week, we get a private family conference that's video so it's pretty nice to be able to share the experience, albeit my wife spent six months up here in 2013, so our son has a pretty good idea of what it's like. but he really enjoys seeing all the different modules and you can float around and kind of show your family what's going on. we also have an ip phone so we can call home whenever we get an available moment so it's pretty nice to stay connected, much better than it was when i was in the military and deployed. but it is special.
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father's days are always special just like mother's days are. you know, you would really like to spend it with your family and i'm sure they want to spend it with us, but we will wish them all the best to have a little father's day celebration with their fathers 250 miles up orbitting the planet and that we love them very much and hopefully we will spend the next father's day with them. neil: i'm sure. you know, it's interesting, i hope you get royalties on those -- >> i would add to that -- neil: -- dinosaur sales. they are going through the roof. go ahead. >> all i would add for my son is i hope he can be on extra good behavior to make mommy's job easier while i'm out of town. it takes a family to raise a child and i'm not doing my part as much right now while i'm in orbit, so i'm thankful for my wife for accomplishing that while i'm gone, and my son, 6 years old, he's got to do his part as well. that's the message i always remind him of. neil: but it does get you out of
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chores, bob, in the meantime. so there is that. at least chores back on earth. you know, i have heard that they are looking at an august return for both of you guys. right now, there will be space walks if between, i understand. that's a long time. it will obviously break the record that you both have had in space yourselves. are you ready for that? doug, to you first on that. >> yeah, as far as staying on board for another couple months, we certainly had the idea that we would probably be extended through the summer to some extent and as we accomplished the launch, that was the first kind of thing that had to go into the decision tree as far as, you know, making that choice as to when we come back, the international space station has a lot of things that need to be done up here and we are able to help with that, as you mentioned
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with some space walks. we are going to do at least two starting next week. bob and chris will go outside and replace some aging batteries on the starboard side of the space station. so i think it's great that we can contribute to the mission up here as well as continue to get time in orbit for dragon which i also believe is important since the next crew coming up here will likely be up here a full duration flight, closer to six months. so anything we can do to get time on dragon helps the next crews just to give them the idea that the vehicle can handle a long time in space. neil: for those kids and sons and daughters out there who are looking to you guys and are inspired by what you're doing, my son among them, my son bradley, i don't know if he wants to be an astronaut but many times i thought of putting him in space and i'm wondering advice you might have for kids all over the world who are
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watching you and seeing what you're doing, seeing the pride you brought back to the country. what would you tell them? >> i think both of us would tell them that nothing is really more important than what you're doing right now and being successful at that. if you have dreams of becoming an astronaut, the path to that goal is accomplished by a series of successes. it's not just a single event that you can accomplish and then be selected to be an astronaut. it's an education of excellence, it's a career of excellence and folks are selected from that group. so really focus on trying to be excellent at what you're doing right now and of course, education is a critical piece of that. so both doug and i, i know, can look back at our younger years and find things in science or mathematics that inspired us to continue our educations, inspired us to go into engineering fields and inspired us to eventually go into the
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military to fly or work on airplanes, then on to be astronauts. so i would say search for that inspiration and just be excellent at it. for me, it was the early nasa planetary missions where voyager was reaching out, photographing a new planet, it seemed like, every time the world book encyclopedia upgrade came in, i would get a new series of number of planet updates, number of moon updates around different planets, so that really was my inspiration and find that inspiration, then strive for excellence. neil: thank you both very much. you know, you think about that, how big the space station is and that there are five astronauts combined with cosmonauts, two cosmonauts, three u.s. astronauts, the space station itself is the size of a soccer field. when they were first putting it together, it was about 20 feet long. it is now as i said, the size of a soccer field.
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it could if it wanted to hold dozens of astronauts. they are continuing to expand it. it is the launching pad for the next mission, three astronauts. it will include two u.s. males and a female. they will be on board for six months. if you think about that, and why i never became an astronaut because my parents said i would never fit in the capsule and i discovered that this thing is the size of whatever, whatever. more after this. ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ y-yeah ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ hey, hey
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you can count on us. i know the owners are 100% committed to getting baseball back on the field. unfortunately, i can't tell you that i'm 100% certain that it's going to happen. neil: by the way, he's not the only one. even this talk of an abbreviated season for major league baseball, probably 50 games or so, that too seems to be
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slip-sliding away and maybe the entire baseball season this year, truncated and now stopped. let's go to david sanford, former miami marlins president. david, it looks like it would be quite a leap to get things going again. i could be wrong. both sides could be posturing, that is players and owners, but what do you think's going to happen here? >> there is definitely negotiating going on, and when the commissioner said there was 100% certainty of a season, i think he was overstating because you still have the health and covid issues and the protocols that have to be taken care of, especially with spikes going on in many of the states where baseball games play. baseball has a whole season to play so they are not going to one place like the nba or the nhl. they've got to get an economic agreement, then a health agreement and then there has to be enough availability and ability to get the games in all the way through the post season. all of this is to say that it's definitely not 100%.
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the commissioner had to walk back that statement which he did and it got quite a bit of attention. neil: i'm wondering, is there in the back of your mind, if you were involved in this process, a drop-dead point at which you say all right, this is silly, we are still negotiating, talking about this, we are into july, there's practice time that we have to get the players ready, warming up, reshuffle schedules. is there a point at which you say forget it? >> so on my show, nothing personal with david samson, we have said from the beginning that august 1 is the deadline. it was never going to be july 4th. there was no way baseball was going to be able to begin that early. it would have been a nice story with independence day, i agree with you, but it was never practical or realistic. but an august 1st start is definitely possible, realistic, where you could have a 50 to 55 game season, then start the post season in october as scheduled. the one wrinkle is that if the
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networ networks which show the post season in baseball are willing to show games in november, then you could see a longer regular season lasting through october. that's a big wait to see, though. neil: and they might not, because they have their own contractual commitments, right? >> so that's the question. this is an election year, there's a lot, there's local, regional networks, then you have the large national networks like fox who has other things on its schedule. you have nfl will be playing, you could have the nba end the middle of october so there's a lot of different things going on. so what has to happen is there has to be communication and the worst part about what's going on in baseball is the lack of communication between the owners and the players. it's through letters and statements and vitriol and anger, and the public doesn't want to hear it anymore. they need to get on a skype or a zoom or get together and figure
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out a way to get past the economic issues, recognizing what has happened in the world with revenues going down so significantly that no one could possibly have planned for. neil: all right. we will watch it closely. thank you very very much. as you indicated, time is a'wasting. you had to back time from whatever time you are pushing it back. what a mess. david samson, former miami marlins president. also following up on other developments. on any other day with all this stuff going on, would have at least rattled the markets all over the world that north korea's destruction of an inter-korean liaison office that both sides use. in fact, the south built it. it's a memory now. they have destroyed it. the north koreans. they are angry, very very angry. after this.
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the couple of weeks have been for initial public offerings. now we have a richest to date, royalty pharma, they buy royalties for pharmaceutical companies, quickest way to put it, coming public at about $28 a share today. now up about 60%, in case you're counting, this by the way is shaping up to be the busiest week dollar-wise for initial public offerings. pardon my voice. i'm shell-shocked at that. also following developments halfway around the world in north korea. let's go to greg palkot on that. reporter: remarkable stuff, actually. north korea today blowing up something in north korea. that's right. the explosion and plume of smoke could be seen from south korea. it happened in the north korean town of caison, a few miles north of the dmz. indications that i have seen is they detonated, planted explosive material to create the
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blast. the building has had huge symbolic value. it opened in 2018. again, with some south korean money financing it. diplomacy was warming up between the north and the south and the u.s. they called it the inter-korean liaison office to facilitate ties. it has been closed since january due to covid-19 concerns and nobody was apparently inside at the time. it happened tuesday afternoon, korea time. the move publicly previewed, very interesting, over the weekend by north korean leader kim jong-un's sister. she has been taking the lead on pyongyang's relations with seoul and taking a bit of a leadership role in other areas as well. the actions according to experts i have been speaking with, mostly due to north korea being upset with south korea not delivering on deals and aid as their economy hit hard not just by sanctions but, in fact, by covid. none of this, of course, helps the trump administration's
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efforts to rein in kim's new missile program. also announced today, the north is moving or planning to move some elements of its military down more aggressively closer to the dmz and recently, they said they would bolster their own efforts to strengthen their nuclear deterrence against countries like, yes, the united states and neil, south korea pretty concerned about this. they held a couple of war meetings and national security meetings today with top officials and a u.s. official has told fox news they are aware of this blast and they are coordinating with south korean officials. everybody watching, everybody waiting the latest turn of events. back to you. neil: surreal, because the south koreans built this facility. greg, thank you very much. want to go to jackie deangelis right now in new york. she has developments regarding the police and maybe some tainted food. jackie? jackie: good afternoon. that's exactly right. shake shack actually responding to an incident last night involving nypd officers, three
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of them, in a tweet saying this. quote, our team is working hard to get the full picture, in the meantime we are relieved to hear the officers are all okay. what happened here, you ask. well, it was a little after 9:00 last night when the nypd officers noticed that the milkshakes they were drinking didn't taste quite right. pda president patrick lynch said later the officers had stopped at the shake shack on broadway near fulton street while on duty covering protests. lynch wrote this. at some point during their meal period, the officers discovered that a toxic substance believed to be bleach had been placed in their beverages. the nypd has said that it has found no evidence of criminality by shake shack workers in this case, despite the fact that all three officers who drank those shakes were hospitalized. reports indicate maybe there was some bleach left over in the machine, it wasn't cleaned properly, something like that. lynch also said when new york city police officers cannot even take a meal without coming under
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attack, it is clear that the environment in which we work has deteriorated to a critical level. we cannot afford to let our guard down for even a moment. we did reach out to shake shack and it did not respond to our requests for more detail but what we specifically wanted to know was when you make a batch of shakes in a machine like that, do you only make three or presumably, do you make more, and did anybody else complain that their shake was a little bit off. there are a lot more details here that we have to get to the bottom of. but shake shack saying they are looking into it and they are glad those officers are okay. back to you. neil: thank you very very much. we will keep following up on that if we get anything more for you. we have a lot more coming up, including what's happening right now in the markets here and the ipo offerings i told you about with this pharmaceutical powerhouse that buys royalties from other pharmaceutical players. the issue seems to be, you know,
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play conservatively and make a ton of money doing it. they didn't get too greedy and right now, they are up about 60%. it debuted today. that echoes what we have been seeing with other ipos in what could be certainly a record day for a single issue and maybe a record week for new offerings all together. stay with us. why bother mastering something? because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery is all the difference in the world. the lexus es. a product of mastery. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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neil: all right. want to go to my buddy, charlie gasparino. he was with us earlier talking about all the problems major league baseball is having. we just spoke to a former owner who's not entirely convinced they are going to get this resolved. i know you have been following that as well. for now, you are looking at another round of stimulus that should be coming and it will have a big price tag. what have you got? charlie: yeah. we thought maybe baseball would be somewhat of a stimulus but it looks like we got a long road to go there. yes, there is going to be another round of stimulus. that's what i'm hearing both from the white house, from my congressional sources, from lobbyists who are working with both the white house and congress as this thing shapes up. it's interesting, it's been described to me by white house officials as deep discussions with congressional leaders on this. now, as all these things work out, neil, you know the white house has its priorities, wants
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a lot of payroll tax cuts and other tax cuts. congress has its priorities. i wants a ton of aid to states, maybe $600 checks to individuals on unemployment and in the end, people kind of meet somewhat in the middle. here's what we understand the middle is like, is likely to happen. again, we are talking about a fourth round of stimulus here. the middle could be state aid. there's going to be some state aid. can't tell you how much right now but there's going to be multiple billions of dollars given to states that were hammered by the pandemic and the economic impact of it. there's going to be infrastructure spending. there's a lot of talk about a separate infrastructure bill, maybe the white house wants $1 trillion. i understand it's all going to be put into one, at least that's the thinking right now. congress would like to get it all into one bill, vote on it at once with the other stimulus measures because it just makes sense and they can do it faster than coming back after the
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august recess, they can do it all at once. unemployment extension, unemployment insurance extension. that's clearly in the cards right now. people talking about it. there's bipartisan support for that. also, there's a lot of talk about liability protection. republicans, it will be a tradeoff. the dems get some state aid, the republicans want businesses that reopen to have some sort of liability protection so they don't get sued by trial lawyers for possibly opening too early and people getting infected. they want some of that protection. that's apparently going to be in this bill. the last thing i hear that is interesting, the white house is pushing for something called return to work incentives. that if instead of taking extended unemployment insurance, you go back to work, you get a check or you get a payroll tax cut, you get something. exactly how that turns out, i can't tell you right now but there's a lot of discussion on
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that issue. again, the bill is likely to be large, more than a trillion dollars. we are talking -- and also we are talking about passed before the august recess. now, as in all things, this situation is fluid. i can't tell you exactly what's going to be in there. this is what i'm hearing as of right now. i think the general consensus is they are going to spend more money. the markets kind of like that, as you know. they are up today. the economy kind of likes that. the economy on a lot of different measures looks like it's really improving. maybe it's not quite a v but it's kind of a u and it's going up. you know, i reported yesterday that economist at wells fargo, jay bryce, essentially said we are out of the recession as his numbers are showing. so there's a lot of good economic news. there's a lot of spending that's going to be done. this stuff will impact the election. donald trump plans to run on the economy and one thing he needs, he needs to get unemployment
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down below 10%. if he does that, the trump people figure that they have a really good chance of beating joe biden, at least a fighter's chance of beating joe biden in the fall. back to you. neil: if the markets, charlie, i know it's just a guess, if the markets had a sense wait a minute, things don't look good for the president because whatever you think personally of the president, i'm just thinking markets, they like the environment, low taxes, cut regulations, all of that, is that looking to be in jeopardy? i would imagine it would not like it. charlie: yeah. it's hard to figure out is the market predicting a trump victory. listen, clearly people think that joe biden might not be up for the job. there's no doubt. you know, he stumbles a lot when pressed, you know. the president, though, has had a rough four or five months.
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doing his own stumbling. the one thing that he does have going for him beforehand was the economy, 3% unemployment. after the pandemic hit, unemployment as you know shot up. we were in with jay bryce, the economist i mentioned from wells fargo, he said one of the sharpest drops in economic performance ever but also he adds, the stimulus money came out, one of the quickest recoveries. trump will probably have the economy to run on next year, based on every economist i'm talking to. the markets are suggesting that as well. that again gives him a fighter's chance. again, he's also put his foot in his mouth a billion times. the tweeting, the attacks on joe scarborough, all this stuff amid a really tough time in america and it's going to cost him some votes. but people think the economy and his people think the economy will bail him out because unemployment will be going down below 10%.
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neil: yeah. anything can happen, my friend. we'll see. you and i are old enough to remember when michael dukakis led by 28 points. that was a different environment. back to 1988 then. all right. a lot more coming up. the dow is up about 490 points. stay with us. i know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance that that's the last time. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. i might be crazy but i'm not stupid. having an annuity tells me that i'm protected. during turbulent times, consider protected lifetime income from an annuity as part of your retirement plan. this can help you cover your essential monthly expenses. learn more at . . .
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little run today. gold continuing to have a nice little run today. we would be remiss if we don't show that. between supply cuts and economy picks up steam, wind at everyone as back including as i said gold. to charlie right now. sir? charles: thank you very much, neil cavuto. good afternoon, everyone. i'm charles payne this is "making money." breaking at this moment, neil just called it, another blockbuster report blowing away expectations. america can be the most vibrant economy in the world when it is not locked down. retail surges, the market respond. will this propel the markets to all-time highs and how much of a wild card is the federal reserve. >> today i'm signing an executive order encouraging police departments nationwide to adopt the highest professional standards to serve their communities. these standards will be as high and as as strong as the
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