tv The Evening Edit FOX Business June 17, 2020 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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acceptable. lou: and that's it for us tonight. investigative reporter john solomon, just the editor, and dr. michael pillsbury among our guest tomorrow. we'll take up china. what is going on? thanks for being with us tonight elizabeth: stocks ending mixed today after three days of gains as investors grew concerned covid-19 pandemic coming on strong in up number of states as well as china. joining us tonight, house intelligence ranking republican devin nunes on the justice department proposing new legislation to hold big social media firms like google accountable and are republicans now warning americans you are not getting the full balanced news online from outfits like google because they're now involved in yet another censorship controversy about double standards involving shutting down conservative media outlets. we break it down. also with us tonight, former
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whitewater independent counsel robert ray on the news that john bolton is saying the house should have investigated president trump for impeachable events beyond ukraine this is coming in bolton's book. also alleging that the president tried to stop criminal investigations in china and turkey in order to curry favor with dictators there the white house battling back. this debate in washington. firing up why did john bolton stay silent, why didn't he bring this up during impeachment? democrats like eric swalwell now blasting john bolton. the question is this. is this a go nowhere book in washington? ford o'connell on the news that a curious crowd now wants to stop and block the president as rallies including stormy daniels lawyer and far left. ford o'connell will address their silence on lack much social distancing during rioting and looting. with us arizona senator martha mcsally on controversy
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involving dr. anthony fauci admitting that the federal government initially told americans do not wear face masks as the covid-19 pandemic was bearing down. why? make hospital workers to insure they had an adequate supply of masks. general jack keane on a story we brought to you. china trying to corner and dominate the market on covid-19 drugs and vaccines now to the point where they are spying, infiltrating u.s. laboratories and universities. also this, the push to defund cops nationwide. will that endanger the battle with notoriously brutal street gangs like ms-13 now murdering americans in communities, including immigrant communities across the country. we have acting cpb commissioner mark morgan with us tonight in a fox business exclusive. thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪.
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elizabeth: welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. well sparks were flying on capitol hill today as democrats and republicans fought over police reform. republicans say they have got the right plan. democrats say they don't like it. south carolina senator lindsey graham firing back saying democrats, you had eight years to start working on this. you did nothing. we're doing it under -- >> getting a little tired being lectured to by my democratic colleagues all this is trump's fault. you had eight years under president obama, justice and policing ability, none of it was taken up virtually. so let's knock that off. you're making no points with me. elizabeth: let's get to hillary vaughn in washington with the latest. hillary? reporter: republicans and democrats in congress at least both agree the top priority for the legislature right now should be police reform. the house marking up their bill today that would make police use of force standards national law.
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making chokeholds and no knock-warrants illegal but the senate has a different approach they say respects states rights. senator tim scott's rolling out gop proposal piggybacking off the president's executive order yesterday. the senate bill tries to strike a balance with strong-arming state and local governments and bringing reforms nationwide. the bill allows them to make changes but the democratic lawmakers that the bill is full of half-measures that don't legally require police departments to actually make these reforms. senator kamala harris says the gop bill does not save any lives because it does not outright ban chokeholds or no-knock warrants. number two democrat in the senate dick durbin accusing african-american senator tim scott police bill being a token approach. >> kind of like serving up a glass of cherry kool-aid without any sugar in it.
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baby steps when this is a problem that is full grown. >> let's not do something that is a token, halfhearted approach. reporter: that accusation did not sit well with senator scott called durbin as use of the word token and race baiting. >> considered a token piece of legislation because i'm african-american, only one on our side of the aisle. i can tell you this date to have those comments again hurts the soul. >> there is about 80% overlap between what democrats propose an and what senator scott's bill proposes. that is a lot of common ground. reporter: senator durbin's office said durbin apologized to senator scott for his word choice but when it comes to common ground between what is in the house bill, and what is in the senate bill time is of the essence because leader mcconnell says he wants this bill to hit the floor next week.
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they want to get it passed before the 4th of july recess. liz? elizabeth: hillary, thank you for your reporting. to another big story today, the justice department backing legislation chipping aat federal protection from lawsuits that media a giants and facebook and google enjoy about they censor political speech they don't agree with including other reasons as well. we have top republicans including senator ted cruz and marsha blackburn raising fire engine red alarms that americans are not getting balanced information an balanced news reporting on the internet because internet companies like facebook, google and twitter are censoring conservatives. we have congressman devin nunes, ranking member on the house intelligence committee. good to see you again, congressman. what do you think about this story about google? >> this is the story of the last three years, ever skins the 2016
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election the democrats and left learned not enough to have 90% of the media on your side. you also have to run it through a funnel and that funnel is facebook, google and twitter. they have to control that it started right after 2016 election. they said, oh it is fake news is the reason why trump won. so there is not a more important issue than this issue. the american people are being censored. conservatives are being censored. the information that is flowing to the american people is being censored. it is just the bottom line. the most important issue that we have headed to the next election? i think it is very difficult for republicans to win if this censoring continues. elizabeth: yeah, congressman, here is what happened. seems derogatory reader comments, just reader comments, showing up on the conservative website, the media outlet, "the federalist," negative comments about looting and rioting were enough for google
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to threaten "the federalist" it would get kicked off google's advertising network. google is the world's biggest purveyor and publisher of news. it is a advertising behemoth. that is the story t has massive power. it can bankrupt anyone that disagrees with by blocking them including the little guys. your take? >> you're exactly right about demonetizing, bankrupting people, going back to what you said, i think it is important for the awe yearns to know, it was the comments. it was not even the story that was written own "the federalist" website it, was the comments section. you know as well as i do, if you ever, in anybody that is out there, comment section on any website anywhere, most of the time you can't even track those people. so, and i promise you this. if i was to copy all of the supposed comments that were on "the federalist" web site and i just copied them, went over and put them on "the washington post," or cnn,
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or "the new york times," do you think there is any possibility, remote possibility that google would have done the same thing to those mainstream media outlets? hell no, they wouldn't have. elizabeth: yeah, that's right. they're virtually the same reader comments. nbc is in on the story too. nbc basically worked on a story they made errors in it. google saying effectively nbc got it wrong in its coverage here. that google never blocked "the federalist" as nbc initially reported. critics say nbc here particularly egregious, congressman, because nbc reporter brought "the federalist" and the other sight, zerohedge to google's attention, citing complaints from overseas left-wing watchdog groups. i want you to take a listen to chris bedford of "the federalist" last night on this. let's take a listen. >> i can tell you for certain there has been a massive reaction on behalf of "the federalist" now allies on capitol hill, allies in the media, people saying this is
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flat-out wrong to try to censor us. it is very ham-fisted attempt by nbc news to try and censor. it will be sorted out pretty quickly. elizabeth: watch "the federalist" cofounder sean davis with tucker carlson last night. let's listen to him. >> here we have a foreign unit at nbc, with orwellian name the nbc news verification unit. irony there is enough to make you laugh, seeking with another left-wing foreign group to deplatform an american media organization. we have a big audience. we have a lot of influence. we were able to stop this now most people, 99.99% of people who get canceled or deplatformed by these marxist cry boys, don't have any recourse. that what is happening to them is the real crime. elizabeth: congressman, so an nbc reporter is getting criticized, she applauded on her twitter account on her collaboration with two overseas
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groups in europe that helped nbc in its reporting get google to go after the conservative sites. your take on nbc here? >> well look, nbc is part of the 90% that are extreme left and the reporters are even worse than the companies and the management. so the that they would work with all the so-called non-profit independent groups, there is no such thing out there anymore. there is no such thing as a truly independent, non-profit, that is not engaging in politics. a true fact checker so to speak. fact checker is only in one's mind and that's why these internet companies were given these special privileges so that they're not treated like you, liz, like fox business. they're treated differently because this was to create the superhighway so that everybody could communicate and there could be an open square, so that companies could be developed and they could use that internet access. that's why these companies were
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given this, this exclusive capability under the law so they couldn't be prosecuted. but the reality is, is, i mean we can change the law but i actually don't believe these companies, i think google already is not even, they shouldn't even be covered under this. i think technically they're not and i think if people begin to bring lawsuits against them, like i am against twitter, i think you will find that judges ultimately will find that this is not going, this is not going to stand. elizabeth: and what an irony that google is moving to censor the federalist for third party reader comments on "the federalist" website as google still wants that federal government protection from lawsuits for third party content on its website. isn't there common sense here? final question, google doesn't need to go scorched earth and censor. it could say you know what? we'll not show ads on reader
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comments on everybody's website, including "washington post," cnn, everybody, instead of censoring to your point? >> look i'm quite sure as i said the legal arguments are sound. it is just a matter of bringing the right cases in court. i'm sure "the federalist" would have a case in court if google would follow through. which sounds like they backed off. just on the face of it flies in the face of common sense that you can go out and edit what people are commenting on. that is the whole point, that he have this the law, they're supposed to allow that. that is why they have the protection. elizabeth: yeah. congressman nunes, always great to have your insights on the show. come back soon. great to see you again. >> thank you. elizabeth: another hot fight, former whitewater independent counsel robert ray on the news about john bolton's book saying the house should have investigated president trump for impeachable events that go beyond ukraine. is this book now landing like a thud, like a dud in d.c., now we
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have house democrats eric swalwell and vanya shivashankar saying, john bolton, why didn't you bring this up during impeachment. why did you stay silent? it's a hot one. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ wherever you make go, lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers. get zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. tums ver(bell rings)la stick experience amazing when heartburn hits fight back fast... ...with tums chewy bites... beat heartburn fast tums chewy bites
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the president wanted to block criminal investigations of turkey and china order to curry favor from their leaders and that even supported concentration camps in china. former whitewater independent counsel and member of the trump impeachment defense team, robert ray. good to see you. what is your reaction to this? >> peter baker has a piece in "new york times" tomorrow that john bolton is complicated and controversial figure, which i guess is the understatement of the year. he is apparently now teed off both sides. i agree with your lead-in segment this book, basically just drops as a dud after all is said and done. it is a kiss-and-tell book. he is trying to remain relevant. he has policy disagreements with the president and under the guise of you know, arguing that there is more out there with regard to impeachment although he never says there are any
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additional impeachable offenses he is essentially you know, suggesting that, there were improper things being done but really what he is saying he just disagreed with the president's foreign policy. i think it is going to be ultimately seen as such. so i suspect that it is going to pass after not too much longer to be much ado about nothing. elizabeth: yeah, you know, house democrat adam schiff and eric swalwell talking about john bolton, why were you awol during impeachment? why did you stay silent not bringing up allegations you're bringing now? for example, that the president wanted to aid, help, financial ad to ukraine frozen in order to get ukraine to play ball in order to get them to investigate joe biden and his son? what is your take here. >> they're not propping him up if you listen carefully. has no friends over there as far as the administration is concerned justice department through the civil division sued
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him for breach of contract and other things. i don't know they will prevent the publication of the book. looks like the book is in hands of among others like "the new york times" and scheduled to be released on tuesday. they may put a contractual claim around any profits derived from the books. he has no friends any place. he managed to antagonize both sides, in washington which generally means this is going to pass without a whole lot of notice. elizabeth: so it could force him to forefit his advance and royalties? i think it is something like the lawsuit would basically cost him millions. it would require him to create a constructive trust for any of the profits from it. so you know -- >> right. elizabeth: if he alienates republicans, alienates democrats, doesn't make money off it, it could end up like that, right? we're not sure but that is what the indications seem to suggest. >> you know, his lawyer has been out there with op-ed pieces. now bolton's got an op-ed piece
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for "the wall street journal." i mean they're trying really hard to get all of this out there but you know, as much as the democrats wanted to make this a book about you know, john bolton has the keys to the kingdom regarding impeachable offenses i submit to you, liz, when you look at this carefully and you read the people that are not necessarily friendly to the administration characterize the book, again it is largely what kiss-and-tell books are about. he just fundamentally disagrees with the president's foreign policy in certain areas and that is his real beef. elizabeth: all right. robert ray, always great to have you on, sir. come back soon. >> thanks very much, liz. take care. elizabeth: sure. you too. next up, republican strategist ford o'connell on the news about a curious crowd now gathering together to block, to stop the president's rallies. it includes stormy daniels lawyer and the far left. ford o'connell will address their silence on things like the
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lack of social distancing during the rioting and looting. that story next. ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. (vo) at whether on the track,that exhor the everyday drive.ty, today, that philosophy extends to how we connect with you. we call it, audi at your door. whether a remote test drive, shopping, trade-in, or even service pickup, audi at your door can do this and more at participating dealers.
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nearly a million tickets sold according to the campaign. now this. lawyers in oklahoma including the lawyer for porn star stormy daniels, it is her personal lawyer, plan to take their lawsuit to try to stop, to block the president's rally if there is no social distancing. they want to take it right to oklahoma's top court. this after a federal judge in oklahoma blocked their lawsuit. now this. we've got a far left democrat progressive from wisconsin basically saying, he wants legislation to stop waivers that the campaign is asking for, for attendees at these rallies to sign to say, if you get covid-19, you can't sue the campaign. that is according to this new legislation that mark pokan of wisconsin wants. let's bring in top conservative strategist ford o'connell. ford, great to have you back on the show. you're always terrific. wisconsin democrat mark pokan,
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chair of congressional progressive caucus, he wants to stop attend east signing that waiver, you can't see if you get covid. what is your reaction to this what is going on? >> the democrats only con concern about public health only convenient. at a time slipping in polls, the rallies the base, they energyize the president. it energized voters they need the most in november, african-americans and voters under 40. elizabeth: ford what is your take on porn star stormy daniels personal lawyer, clark brewster a plaintiff in the suit of the trump rally trying to stop it over fears of lack of social distancing and covid-19 infections? your take on that? >> obviously clark brewster
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brings into doubt sincerity of the public health claim. what the federal court said the bok arena in tulsa, up to the business owners discretion and trump rally and precautions they're taking do not violate oklahoma laws despite kicking and screaming from a lot of democrats and many in the national media. elizabeth: let's listen to this. nancy pelosi also has criticized the rally as not safe as have other critics of trump campaign. let's watch the media here. let's listen. >> trump is going to be in tulsa, yes, this tulsa where this is what is going on right now, for a big congregate rally. >> completely violating guidelines from his own government against large gatherings. >> i have particularly think it's a bad idea for states seeing increases in cases to then have these large, this perfect storm set-up. elizabeth: your reaction to that, ford? >> well it is all bunk because the trump campaign and
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precautions they're taking in oklahoma do not violate oklahoma guidelines. this is a false narrative this is about trying to depress and denormize trump voters. has very little to do with public health. we know this, emac, very simply where we were during two weeks of protests riots. all these very same people were silent because they like the where it was politically and fit their narrative this is hypocrisy is very easily explainable. elizabeth: yeah the trump campaign says it will hand out masks, hand sanitizers, water to keep people hydrated. potentially could be moved to in an outside venue as the governor is looking to do of oklahoma. watch this doctor, he is also going after the trump rallies. let's letten to the doctor. take the sound bite. >> it would be extremely challenging to have a indoor mass gathering be safe in the current environment. we know there are going to be cases there. there is likely to be exposure there. think about the health department, contact tracing team will have to go to work trying
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to identify who was in contact with whom. that is it why i think even as they move forward, as we start to get back to normal life, mat gatherings especially those indoors will being very, very challenging and very hard to keep safe. i think that is going to be the case at this rally. elizabeth: okay. you know, ford, we did, we did a media check. we didn't see any of these critics talking about the rioting, the looting, the protests. now we're seeing democrat leaders of states where there was massive turnout in the streets, saying we will not ask people who took to the streets about, they're knot going to ask them about contract tracing. so we're hearing that coming into our studios. do you see what is going on there? listen, people support, you know, taking action and marching for social justice, free speech, of course but there seems to be a die coat my here, a -- dichotomy here, a split. take it on ford. >> they only care about the free
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speech they agree with. it is not free speech, it becomes covid-19 shaming. a group you're agree with aligned okay to talk, someone you don't talk, like in this case with much of the national media, democrats when it comes to president trump, he can't do what he does best, which is go out there, campaign and energize his supporters. let me tell you, after about 70 to 90 days of the lockdown they're concerned he will flip the script energize his supporters and he will win a very narrow election in november. elizabeth: all right. ford o'connell, thanks for joining us. really appreciate you coming on. come back soon. >> thank you, emac. elizabeth: sure. next up, a major story, it is raising a lot of concern. it involves dr. anthony fauci admitting that the federal government initially told americans earlier this year, do not wear face masks, don't buy them. as covid-19 pandemic was bearing down. why? to make sure hospital workers had an adequate supply of masks.
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was the public misled here? we will ask arizona senator martha mcsally about this straight ahead. ♪ when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. so, when you get a check... you can deposit it from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. you can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. and you can pay your friends back from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?" you can tell them: here's my bank. or here's my bank. or, here's my bank. because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. so visit
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♪. elizabeth: a story that is raising a lot of eyebrows, "the hill" magazine in washington reporting that dr. anthony fauci, he is a leading infectious disease expert, he is a member of the covid, white house covid-19 task force, he basically is admitting that the federal government advised the public earlier in the year don't wear, basically don't buy face masks. why? because hospital workers needed them. at that time the covid-19 pandemic was bearing down on the american population. we welcome back to the show senator martha mcsally of arizona, the author after terrific book. senator, great to have you back
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on. when you saw this story, what was your reaction? >> well, liz, thanks for having me back on and my concern is, i remember back then. in fact they were telling us to tell our constituents don't wear a mask, if you're not a health care worker, you don't need to get masks. you know at the time we were taking them they're the experts. they were not really protect you. you touch your face more. only protects others if you're sick and other things. i don't know what their motive was as people were making a run on toilet paper i don't know if they were trying to insure people were not making a run on masks? my concern is that we have certainly learned a lot about this virus, right? when it came from china we didn't know a lot. china keeps covering it up still, so we're still learning more. we don't want people to be so set call they don't trust anything the experts say because we are still learning thing every single day about this virus and we need to be mindful of that because the virus is still among us.
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until we defeat it we need to take the right precautions. i don't want people to tune out what experts and leaders are saying because things are evolving certainly as we learn more and more about this virus. elizabeth: yeah. senator, you're right. we tracked it. it was don't wear masks, they don't work. they were it was you can work at home to make masks out of scarves and bandannas. >> yes. elizabeth: the story was out there in march there was concern hospital workers needed the masks, the push wagon don't get the public to buy them. what about the public safety? i think that is the issue. by the way 35% or so of covid-19 patients are asymptomatic, they don't show stops. we found that out after the fact. >> right. elizabeth: the mixed messages, the mixed messages are of concern, right? >> yeah. like i said we learned a lot over the last several months because of china's coverup we're learning ourselves. as you mentioned we didn't know, we thought, take temperatures, if you're sick stay home,
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remember that? we realized there is a lot of asymptomatic people might be transmitting the disease and then we had w.h.o. saying maybe asymptomatic not doing that. we're learning more about the virus every day but they could have been i think more up front with us at the beginning. people could have worn ban nan bandannas, that is the not same as n 95 they wanted to make sure the health care workers had. but we are where we are. elizabeth: yeah. >> let's look forward, not back. make sure people are being honest with us, as we learn new energy, get it out to people. not just trust experts. that is my biggest concern. people don't know what to believe, what to trust anymore. elizabeth: yeah. i hear what you're saying. you know, we reported of course every night what was going on with covid-19. we remember this sound bite from february 29th from dr. anthony fauci. let's take a listen to it.
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>> no, right now at this moment there is no need to change anything that you're doing on a day-by-day basis. right now the risk is still low but this could change. i've said that many times, even on this program. you got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don't need to change anything you're doing. when you start to see community spread, this could change. and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread. elizabeth: okay. dr. fauci does have widespread respect but this is, this is a sars coronavirus. we've been dealing with sars coronaviruses for years coming out of asia. they are very, very dangerous. not sure why he made those comments on february 29th. your take? >> well i think china is to blame here. if they had just shared when they first saw the virus, which we still don't know who patient zero is, they destroyed samples. they didn't share the genome gec
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see with doctors, they silenced doctors. we did not know a lot about the virus until it actually came to america. we were learning about it as it was devastating communities and killing people and over time we then realized would you, this thing appears to be rapidly spreading. the rate of infection, rate of transmission. still didn't understand the rate of mortality. look i'm giving everybody the ben it if the doubt they were given thes about information at the time with china's coverup. we were having to figure it out ourselves once it came to america. so ultimately it is communists who are still to blame and they're on a misinformation campaign still as we speak. elizabeth: okay. senator mcsally, thank you so much for joining us. please come back soon. >> thanks, liz. take care. elizabeth: okay. general jack keane with us next on what is going on with china as we reported to you earlier in the year, china is trying to corner the market on vaccines and drugs dealing with covid-19. now this, china's medical
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secretary of state mikepompeo me officials today and envelope. this is the first this face meeting since january. ms. killian, china said it will de-escalate tensions with india. after dozens of troops from india and china reportedly killed in a fight along their shared border. this is the first body clash between the two countries in decades. it could be or have a potential to spark even more violence. retired four-star army general, was great to have you back on . what was your reaction when you saw these two stories. guest: for the first one is a
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positive reaction. in fact, the foreign minister of china, and mr. young as meeting with the secretary of state pompeo. that is a good thing. clearly the amount of tension that our two countries have, has risen to a point of concern certainly. this is largely driven by china. the deception over covid-19, is one thing in the second thing certainly was when they knew they had transferre human to hun transfer, they still travel around the world. this friend epidemic that was localized in china to a worldwide pandemic. they own all of that. clearly that has created huge pushback on china in terms of the international community that is been stunned by this. and also, very uniquely i may add this, but it has created
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unusual bipartisan ship in the congress of the united states among democrats and republicans. everyone looking at china and the chinese communist party much more clarified then we have ever done before. and seeing them for who they really are. liars and cheats. authoritarians, very repressive and a negatively ambition regime at the expense of other countries and particularly the united states. so yes, the fact that they are talking to each other is a good thing. liz: leaders in europe, asia, also africa saying the same thing about china. on bring a story back in. earlier this year, china was trying to corner the market on and try to get the peasant braided china started to dominate the market on covid-19 vaccines and drugs. general, reports are coming in at the national institute of health, recently dispense reports of five dozen scientists
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resignation freedom of the ongoing trump administration . chinese and spies have infiltrated laboratories and universities in the u.s. to steal medical research and involves nearly 90 institutions and tens of millions of dollars in grant money . coming from china to back this research. what is your reaction when you heard that story. guest: how comprehensive china, trying to influence and steal information. intellectual property and stealth technology. missile technology, that goes on and on and on. the degree in which they do this is absolutely staggering. and just in our own country, a massive program as you suggest. it is impacting other countries in the world also with that advanced technology. and that we find that china, we should all be surprised by it, but given all of problems they
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have caused the world, with the deception of covid-19, another trying to steal the vaccines that the united states is developing. one to take credit for it in two for their own purposes. here they are, after all of this deception, they are still stealing. and of course their buying interface development. the meeting that is taking place, there are some opportunities there. i hope we can get the chinese to recommit to the trade and face deal that they had agreed to do. and secondly, we want to bring the men to nuclear disarmament notes with the russians pretty because they have a very rapidly growing nuclear arsenal that they modernized. if we can get them to participate in that, that would be something good for the world. whether they will do those two things are not remains to be seen. liz: general, that's going to have you. come back soon.
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next up, the push to defund cops nationwide. here's the latest debate. will that endanger the battle with the notoriously brutal gang members and also gang members that have taken to the streets to murder americans of communities and attack them across the country. i think commissioner mark morgan joins us next in a fox business exclusive. se a new lincoln, we'll make up to 3 payments on your behalf.
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liz: welcome back, democrat elected official in long island new york in sussex county told fox news that if you defend the police, you will endanger the battle of the deadly gang. watch this. >> this notion of the defending the police and what it implies some help we don't need the police raided does not make any sense . and make make for a catchy slogan and a protest but as a matter of public policy, it just doesn't work for you and the fact of the matter is crime and not run away. every day there are bad people out there trying to do bad things. it could be property crimes, violent crimes, domestic violence incidents . a of our police officers breaking up
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trafficking rings. and battling brutal criminal organizations like ms 13 to get them off of our streets. liz: in an evening exclusively welcome back to the show, acting customs and border protection commissioner mark morgan . thank you for joining us again sir. what was your reaction when you heard that . mark morgan: he's absolutely right 100 percent . as a commissioner of the largest law enforcement agency in this country, everything he just said, i absolutely agree with. it is absurd and dangerous to talk about defunding the police. this is a time where we actually need more agents and more officers on the streets . to add to the statistics that he just quoted, and 2018, was over about 12000 motor investigation manslaughter investigations. 25000 rape investigations and 1.5 million assault investigations that have happened in this country. now is not the time to defund us, there is a time to do exactly with the president's executive orders is wanting to
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do. and best more. incentivize the use of best practices to better equip and better trying the officers and agents that are out there protecting the country. liz: if you defund the place, you slam immigrant communities who, families reeling from the crimes at the hands of people who come to this country illegally. some of them say democrats are ignoring them and fears that you defund the police, you have more families saying this. watch. >> hunting us to make a my class mate asking for a ride home, we found out that the trial that his intent was to murder josh for his truck. he brutally beat him. christians face. he beat him in the head. he strangled him over and over again and tortured him. behind them and dropped him in a field and set him on fire . >> intoxicated him from behind. probably hundred and 20 miles an hour pretty.
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>> he was killed on his way home from work. i repeat illegal alien driving drunk wrong way and headed slammed on head-on collision pretty. >> in drunk driver, was here illegally pulled in front of the ambulance. with no regard to anybody else. my husband's ambulance flipped over and he and his partner both lost their lives in the accident. liz: sir, wears fail at the pain of these families. see defendant the police . will more of this happen. mark morgan: here's what is definitely going to happen was . it will make it exponentially more difficult for the law enforcement agencies across the country to investigate those criminal actions . it is just, i can't believe you actually having a serious dialogue is country today year 2022 defund
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the police. the previous segment that you just run, ms 13, when i work for the fbi, i investigated ms 13, the most violence prolific again transitional getting this country has ever seen. the motto is to pray been kill. it is unbelievable that we would do something to be able to impede and deny our ability to go after criminal organizations like this in this country. it is absolutely absurd to . go ahead. liz: on sq. the systemic racism and the police departments and law enforcement across the country . mark morgan: absolutely not list pretty nothing gets me more frustrated. i have four for five different law enforcement organizations in this country. i know, i know the hearts of these individuals. i know the overwhelming majority of the men and women that with the badge on every day. they do so because i took an oath, to defend and protect those who cannot defend and protect themselves . in this country and they do so every single day . are all officers
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