tv Varney Company FOX Business June 26, 2020 9:00am-12:00pm EDT
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maria: thank you, everybody. great show. dagen, allie, jenna, thank you. see you soon. have a fantastic weekend, everybody. that does it for us right here. see you on sunday morning futures on fox news. "varney & company" begins right now. stu, take it away. stuart: thank you, maria. good morning, everyone. all right. start with this. there are a few red flags a'flying this morning. the warning signs are flashing. the virus is back. the president gets a warning from the "wall street journal" and the market gets a warning about the election. not that we're going negative to end the week, because hey, it's feedback friday. it seems a lot of you rather like the show. i will call that a positive. you also still have time to send in your comments. e-mail them to, please, varneyviewe we will start with the virus
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which is indeed making a comeback. the latest numbers show a sharp increase in new cases, running to about 40,000 a day. the virus task force reconvenes today for the first time in two months. some states are pausing their reopening program. that is a warning to the nation's economy and the rebound. the "wall street journal," this is an important warning for the president. the powerful editorial board bluntly said he's heading for defeat. that's a warning for wall street, too, because a biden win would be a real challenge for stocks. so where are we this morning? warnings duly noted. i've got some red arrows there. the dow is down about 180. the s&p down about 10. the nasdaq down about 15. red arrows for three indicators. all right. i'm going to call this a positive. remember the mob that threatened to take down the lincoln emancipation memorial? they were supposed to attack it at 7:00 eastern last night? well, it rained. the limited number of people who
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showed up retreated to shelter. the lincoln emancipation memorial still stands. "varney & company" is about to begin. stuart: i'm searching for positives rather desperately. i found one, i think. big tech stocks, all of them are positive for the week. except facefacebook. that's a special case. the rest of them may be down a fraction today but for the week, they are star performers. i've got a real winner right now. look at the gap. soaring. kanye west partnering with the gap for a ten-year deal to sell his clothing line in their stores. it starts next year. the gap is up 15% on that. how about the big banks? all of them on the downside. the federal reserve has capped their dividends and suspended stock buy-backs. every single one of them in the
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red this morning. we keep looking for positives. here's one. a market watcher who is still expecting stocks to hit new highs. despite it all, brian bellski is bullish. you love that alliteration, i know you do. let's deal with this negative first of all. shouldn't the market be worried about a possible joe biden win? that's a negative, isn't it? >> good morning. yes and no, i would say. first off, it's already kind of built into the consensus opinion and is very very consistent. by the way, by the time it ends up in the "wall street journal" and newspaper, you know everybody is thinking that. so our predominant questions with respect to our clients are how do we position. you clearly think about the first sector you have to worry about are financials. you covered that already this morning with respect to what the fed is doing in terms of capping buy-backs and dividends so no buy-backs until september but they didn't say stop paying dividends. they said you can't grow the dividend. need to take a look at financials in particular. they are still paying dividends.
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financials have been down and out for 11 years now, almost 12 years, so that's an area that i think is already fully priced in some negativity and yeah, we are going to have increased regulations and further scrutiny on financials but again, that's a sector that's already down, stu. if you think about the platforms with respect to democrat and republican, democratic platforms are still more positively skewed toward technology and technology companies are up. so i think a lot of this is already kind of built into the market and i think people are way, way, way getting aled head their skis. stuart: give me 20 seconds. you still think the stocks will lit new highs this year, correct? >> absolutely, because the wave is there, in terms of positivity. we think the market is going to hit new highs by the end of the year. stuart: stay there. i will bring you back in a second. let me deal with a couple other things. first of all, nike. it is a dow stock. it will be a drag on the dow today. sales down during the pandemic.
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lauren, tell me how bad was it? lauren: well, it was a surprise loss for nike of $790 million because its stores were closed and shipping sneakers and then returning them is pretty expensive. 75% rise in online sales could not counter the cost of all that. the quarter for nike actually covered the period ending may 31st so pretty recent numbers. now 90% of its stores are back open but i want to leave you with a positive. i know you are looking for them. in china where the nike brands, the name holds a lot of value, sales there have recovered. they are now higher than they were last year. still, dow component, stock down 3.5%. stuart: got it. thanks very much, lauren. let's get to the virus numbers. america saw its biggest single day spike yesterday with nearly 40,000 new cases. ashley, why don't you go through florida and texas? they are still being hard hit, i
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think. ashley: they certainly are. as we measure that on a 24-hour basis, we are continuing to see a large number of new cases. texas, for instance, new cases there surging nearly 6,000 just in the last 24 hours, 5,996. total cases, 131,000, 47 deaths in the last 24 hours. governor greg abbott yesterday putting the reopening plans on pause. he said he's not going to close existing businesses, he says the state will not go backwards, but he will put a pause in effect so that they can corral, as he put it, the spread of the virus. now, in florida, we have seen 5,004 new cases in just the last 24 hours. that brings the total to 111,724. 46 deaths also. by the way, of the 111,000 cases, 30% of those have been
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recorded in just the last ten days. so no doubt we are seeing a rise of those cases, especially in florida. stuart: got that. thanks, ashley. let's get back to brian belski. we are talking negatives here. you're not concerned about a second wave which seems to have hit texas and florida. >> well, a lot of people are talking the second wave as you say is happening right now. i think to extrapolate that throughout the country, i think is a mistake, especially if you kind of dig a little deeper into the numbers that are lappihappe in texas and florida. it's county by county, not statewide. that's number one. i think the texas governor is doing a great job in terms of communicating and stopping the advance with respect to businesses but not shutting things down. i think that's the right messaging in terms of building confidence. we need to rebuild confidence in our country with respect to the virus. i think at the end of the day, come fall will be the truer test to see how we're doing. the president has been very clear we will get a vaccine. i'm glad we will have our
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briefings again because people want more information. but remember, too, the more we test, the more cases so again, some of this is common sense. stuart: fair point. brian belski remains bullish. i think you balanced it out for us this morning. thank you very much indeed. see you soon. thanks. >> thank you. stuart: all right. news on facebook, about facebook. verizon pulling ads. susan, tell me more. susan: largest advertiser yet to join the coalition call by these nonprofits to stop advertising on facebook and instagram. verizon joining the likes of ben & jerry, northface, also an advertising firm yesterday that represents the likes of bmw. they are all joining this hash tag stop hate for profit, which is a movement being backed by groups like the naacp and anti-defamation league. they are calling on brands to stop advertising on facebook because it allows hate speech and also calls for violence. getting in touch with verizon, they tell us here at fox business that we are pausing our
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advertising until facebook can create an acceptable solution, they say, that makes us comfortable. facebook themselves have not gotten back to our requests but according to one marketing researcher, verizon spent around $1.5 million on facebook from may to june and around half a million on instagram during that same period. stuart: well, facebook is the one big tech stock that is not doing very well this week. tell me how facebook is responding to the latest advertising boycott. susan: according to reports, facebook executives have been trying to minimize boycotts or e-mails and calls with large advertisers and ad agencies over the past week, according to the "wall street journal." what they have been telling advertisers is that they take hate speech and misinformation seriously but they are also maintaining that business interests and business interest will not dictate their policies. zuckerberg himself reiterating the company's principles of neutrality on the platform and said political content can be seen as egregious by one side, maybe not by the other so we are
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not the arbiter of truth. we have seen the type of activist boycott that remember back in 2017, advertisers started pulling ads off youtube. that didn't really hurt the bottom line at alphabet or youtube. what it did do was accelerate youtube's policing of offensive, harmful content. maybe that will happen this time around on facebook as well. stuart: facebook down a couple bucks at $233. thank you. look at the airline stocks this morning, please. they are mostly higher, except united. the ceos, the big carriers, they will be at the white house this afternoon. blake burman is with us. blake, is a second bailout on the table? i know that's what the unions want. reporter: well, the unions do want it but i'm told what the discussions at the white house with the vice president this afternoon are going to be about, safety measures, especially with the need to reopen and all the reopening we are seeing across the country going forward. here's the executive that will be in the room with the vice president, so i am told. the heads of united, american,
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delta, southwest and jetblue. i'm told, stu, the conversation more will be along the lines of things like temperature checks and face masks as there is this reopening all across the country. also, the issue of contact tracing likely to come up in those discussions as well. remember, the airlines have some issues, private companies handing over data to the federal government on their passengers should there be the need for contact tracing because of something that happened on that flight if there's a case on the flight. so all of those issues, i am told, really, that's what these conversations are going to center on. 2:00 hour this afternoon at the white house. stuart: i would love to be a fly on the wall listening to that. this is a complicated and difficult subject. i'm not going to be a fly on the wall. that's it. thanks very much indeed. we still have red ink if we look at the futures. we will open the market in a few minutes and will be down across the board. not a serious selloff, though. ford has redesigned the f-150 pickup truck. first big change in six years.
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the f-150 is america's bestselling vehicle so what's new? i will tell you. an onboard generator plus a lot more work space. we will show you. one of disney's most iconic rides is getting a makeover. the big changes coming to splash mountain. thanks to the cancel culture. president trump going after democrat-run cities. watch this. >> take a look at detroit. take a look at what's happening in oakland. take a look at what's happening in baltimore. it's like living in hell. stuart: strong words from the president. so why the silence from the democrats? there's a story for you. we are on it. back in a moment. ♪ ♪
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they're going to do something with seattle. we're going to do that. we're going to go in there because what's happening, they're taking over american cities, by the way, in all cases it's democrats. they're democrat run in all cases and joe biden would have that be the whole country. stuart: there you have it. the president on hannity last night sounding off against the democrat run cities, letting protesters run wild on the streets. lawrence jones is with us, fox news analyst. lawrence, the silence coming from the left here, why don't big city mayors and other democrat leaders, why don't they say something about this lawlessness? are they scared? >> well, then they would have to talk about the environment that they created. i mean, you know, stu, i spent the entire year last year going to seattle, philly, baltimore, chicago. i reported on this for the channel every single week, all
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these different, and the hopelessness and the crime and the poor education system. and so they have to deal with it and they're not willing to deal with it. but then the question becomes, if these are all democrat ran cities and it's such a terrible place to live when it comes to, you know, the economics there and the crime, why aren't republicans presenting an alternative to beat them? it would seem that it would be pretty easy to defeat such reckless policies. stuart: i think the president has done that. you've got opportunity zones, we have heard a lot about that, but the message doesn't get out because the media doesn't want that message to get out. go ahead. go ahead. >> the problem is, stu, the president can only do things on a federal level. that's government 101. he can only do so much when it comes to federal. the republicans have to do something when it comes to the local level.
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the fact of the matter is that all of these cities are run by democrats. that means that republicans aren't in leadership there. so they have to take back these cities. it wasn't always democrat-run cities. if we are to present an alternative to what they're doing, i think that the american people would go for that in these cities. you just can't say the president's federal policy because in many cases, that doesn't affect people on the local level. stuart: understood. lawrence, i'm going to put the latest fox news polling up on the screen as we go through this. it shows mr. trump is struggling with black voters in some battleground states like north carolina. biden is looking at 83% of the black vote there. in georgia, same story, biden looks at 83% of the black vote. trump gets 7%. your home state, texas, biden gets 85% compared to mr. trump at 6%. now, this is not just black voters. the president is underwater with
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women, millenials, independents, the black vote. he's really underwater here. lawrence, give him some advice. how does he get -- how does he get beyond that? how does he turn it around? >> well, from everyone, from the standpoint of everyone, the president has to get back on what matters to average day people. that's the economy, the issues that impact -- i saw the president talk about school choice. from a national standpoint, he has to get back to the issues. joe biden is sitting in his basement right now so he's not having much interaction so there's not any fire coming his way. when it comes to black issues, the president is going to have to not only talk about the issues but there's a race relations problem in this country right now. there's a disconnect in understanding when it comes to the community and the police and they didn't just start here with trump but it has been brought to the forefront right now. so it can just be from a policy standpoint, i know the president has worked on criminal justice
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reform, i know there's talk about policing reform, but there has to be a tone shift. i think there's a disconnect right there and the president's going to have to close that gap. stuart: a tone shift. i can see that. all right. actually, that's pretty much what the "wall street journal" editorial board said this morning. >> i like those guys, stu. stuart: so do i. all right, all good stuff. i'm sure we will see you again. have a great weekend. see you soon. >> thanks, brother. stuart: you got it. i want to get to this story big-time. straight from tesla's elon musk. listen to this. he's thinking about taking the cyber-truck under water. what's this, susan? susan: kind of like the james bond movie in 1997, that underwater lotus that was a car that worked underwater. we know musk is a future thinker and he's tweeting his approval of a tesla fan video showing an underwater cyber-truck. musk saying i think we can make that work. you have to i guess take his promises with a grain of salt because he promised the tesla roadster would come with a cold
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air thruster. that didn't happen. then he also promised a flatulence app and flame thrower which both of those he actually delivered on. but this is not the first time musk has promised that cars could go and work underwater. remember a few years ago that musk said the model s could also work underwater. the experts say not really, though the battery pack is sealed and is waterproof. the model s could theoretically float for a few minutes but you never want to bet against elon musk. stuart: all i've got to say is thank heavens for elon musk and his tweets because that's terrific material on a friday morning when there's so much negative stuff out there. good video, too. susan: that was your favorite james bond movie, "the sfpy who loved me"? stuart: that was 1977, i think. i remember the good old days of the early '60s when sean connery was james bond. it was "dr. no" back then. susan: did you ever own a lotus car?
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stuart: no. never had one of them. not yet, anyway. all right. here's what i've got for you coming up. i have been waiting for this. we will take you inside ford's f-150 pickup, the new version. it's a hybrid, first time. we had that marketing guy on earlier this week talking about lie flat seating. we will show it to you next. by the way, we are looking at red arrows for the market which opens in six and a half minutes. i promise we will take you to wall street shortly. got it.
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this truck is going to set a new bar in terms of capability, torque, payload, towing that our truck customers need. we will have a hybrid version that gets great fuel economy and have an onboard generator that can actually power a whole work site or your home for a short period of time. stuart: i like the sound of that. the new f-150 has got a generator on board. let's see it. gary gastelu is with us. he's a car guy. i think you are sitting in one now. here's what i want to know about. >> i am in a car because i don't do the bookshelf thing. stuart: okay. number one, i want to know about the generator and about this lie flat seating. tell us, please. >> yeah. the generator comes standard
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with the hybrid, first-time hybrid for the ford f-150. it's a value add if you go with that power train. it's completely integrated into the vehicle, doesn't take up any cabin or cargo space. according to ford, the 2400 watt version can run up to three and a half days on a tank of gas. this can power a campsite, work site, if you have electric motorcycles or something in the back, you can actually charge them while driving the vehicle wherever you go. this is a breakthrough feature. no one else has ever done anything like this before. really could help move the hybrids but it will also be available on several of the conventional gasoline powered f-150s as well. stuart: do you regard it as a real breakthrough? >> absolutely. you know, this is a work truck. that's where they sell them. that's where they are selling them right now, as the market is recovering. people are buying them for work more than for play at the moment. this is a big feature that's going to be appealing to someone who is running a landscaping company, construction company,
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and again, you can use it recreationally as well. stuart: that's ford's big profit center, isn't it? that's the most profitable vehicle, the bestselling vehicle in america. >> yeah, absolutely. f series is the top vehicle, the f-150 is ford's top-selling vehicle. again, a lot of that is commercial sales, especially when you talk about the super duty trucks which don't have this feature yet. i'm sure it will in the future. right now we are talking about the f-150. stuart: why are you sitting in a car that's not the f-150? >> it's not out yet. they did the reveal last night virtually from michigan. nobody was allowed to go there yet. nobody has seen it in person except for the folks at ford. stuart: i'm sorry. i got it the wrong way round. i thought you were actually sitting in one of these things and could show the lie flat seating. next time. next time, please. thanks very much. mr. gastelu. moving on. we have 30 seconds to go before we open the market. it is a friday morning. there's a few negatives out there. not many positives. that's maybe why you are seeing
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so much red ink across the three major indicators. that bell starts to ring in two seconds and then we start trading on a friday morning. it's been a volatile week. who knows where we will close but i'm pretty sure we will open on the down side. here we go. we are off and running. it's friday morning. let's see. right from the get-go we've got the dow down 170, 180 points. that's about .75%. for our radio listeners, the left-hand side of the screen shows all 30 dow stocks, all of them that have opened so far are down. they are all in the red. this is a pretty broad-based selloff. the dow right now is down about 190 points. home depot was the lone positive dow stock. it just turned to unchanged. a lot of red out there. put it like that. the s&p 500, where is that opening this morning? i will tell you, it's down about a half percentage point. the nasdaq composite, let me have a look at that one, please, down 25 points. that's .25%.
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want to show you american airlines. if you want to change your flight because of the virus, they are going to continue to waive that fee through the end of september. they are going to start limiting capacity on their planes. that starts next week. interesting. the stock is 13 bucks a share. nike reported profit yesterday. sales down big-time. the closure didn't help. they ended up losing $790 million in the quarter. that stock is down 3% as we speak. now, that's a dow stock. it's down and nike is costing 25 points off the dow industrials. microsoft, big news just announced. they are going to close all their physical store locations. as a whole, the nasdaq is on pace for its second up week in a row. amazon's up, apple is up, microsoft, alphabet, facebook on the downside. the cruise lines, you have to keep quoting them because they are all over the place. they have been through another
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rough week. downgrades from analysts on those stocks. credit ratings in the tank, delays on getting back to sea. the three big ones are up a tiny fraction at depressed prices. now, here's a mover. gap stores. lauren, kanye west is going to have his clothes in gap stores. is he going to save the gap? lauren: he could. look at this. the stock is up 23%. okay, so gap and kanye inked a ten-year deal. he's a rapper, a fashion designer. his brand is very expensive, very trendy. he's also married to kim kardashian. when he was a teenager in chicago he worked at the gap and he once said i want to be the steve jobs of the gap. he's getting his chance right now. his clothing line will debut at gap stores early next year. the goal for his brand is to bring in a billion dollars in sales in five years. here's your context because gap is struggling.
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they have $4.5 billion in global sales last year but are reporting losses because the stores are closed, they are in shopping malls which are struggling. here comes kanye and maybe investors think this is something. stuart: it's up 22%. maybe they're right. let's see. thanks, lauren. banks, got to take a look at them, are trending lower pretty much across the board. ash, bullet points on why they are all down, please. ashley: yeah. it's been a rock and roll kind of 24 hours for the financials. first they were up because of easing of the volcker rule allowing banks to invest more in venture capital funds but now the fed says after its latest stress test that the banks must cap their dividends for the next -- for the third quarter, suspend any buy-backs. they say the stress test showed that some banks, of course, they don't name them, could get close to minimum capital levels in a worst case scenario of the
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ongoing pandemic. because of that, what you give, you take away. the financials are now down again after making some gains yesterday. stuart: down across the board. got that right. thanks very much. now then, here's an ongoing story. apple and store closures. what now, susan? susan: so we have 14 more stores across florida that are closing and that adds to the seven in houston that was announced earlier this week and 11 across four states announced last friday. that brings the total to 32 stores that are reclosing after only recently reopening most of the 271 apple stores across the u.s. after being closed since mid-march because of covid-19. apple said they are evaluating on a store by store, city by city basis and which store should remain open and which should close. as i mentioned to you, it looks like the onus is now on the companies themselves and even if the state governors don't mandate closures, the individual companies are taking the initiative on their own and we should note that apple stores,
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like microsoft, it doesn't account for a lot of revenue for the company, from what i understand and from what i see on the balance sheet, apple stores only account for maybe less than 10% of sales. so closing stores isn't that big of a deal for the bottom line but it does hurt market sentiment if america's largest company doesn't feel comfortable, right? stuart: for an entirely different reason, microsoft is going to close all of its stores permanently. they are taking a $450 million charge to do that. susan: again, not a big part of their business. i think it's the sentiment that it sends to the markets that maybe this reopening isn't 100% just yet and maybe there should be a pause in some of these stocks. by the way, i should reiterate that wedbush has reiterated the 425 street high target price on apple this morning. stuart: for what it's worth, i didn't think microsoft's stores were anywhere near as good as apple stores. even though i was an investor in microsoft, those stores didn't make it for me. susan: i haven't even been in a microsoft store.
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i don't remember being in one, really. i have been in apple stores, obviously, where you have the music and you have all the new gadgets to try. what do you get in a microsoft store anyways? stuart: i just found it rather dull. lots of examples out there but it was dull. that was the point. all right, we are moving on. check that big board. the virus and virus scares, especially in florida and texas, really hurting the market this morning. if we stop the reopening phasing in of reopening of those economies, we slow down the overall economy, the market doesn't like it. we are down 230 on that. the ten-year treasury yield this morning is .66%. the price of gold this morning is $1762 per ounce. the price of oil this morning is $38 a barrel. how about big lots, discount retailer. posting some good news on their own reopening. they are seeing a nice rebound in sales. more demand over the past few months. they say they will continue, that will continue through the
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second quarter. the stock is up 19%. draftkings, sports betting people. stock has been upgraded to a buy from rosenblatt securities thanks to the rumored return of live sports. not much change for the stock price. harley davidson, another company hit by the virus. they are cutting 140 jobs in america thanks to continued cuts to production. the stock is down 2.25%. lauren, we talk a lot about spacex. but another company had a successful launch of a space craft. tell us more. lauren: yeah. that is virgin galactic. they are one step closer to commercial space travel after they tested a second flight in new mexico yesterday. basically this is how it works. it's pretty cool. a mothership travels 15,000 feet, then releases a spaceship which reaches a glide speed of mach85 and then touches down on the run way. considering very promising news for future space travel. stock is up 3.5%.
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stuart: i love this stuff. it's ideal friday morning material, is it not. good stuff. all right. let's see where we are now. check that big board. we've got the dow 234 points down. goldman, jpmorgan, nike, they are dow stocks. taken together, they account for 100 points taken off the dow industrials. joe biden leaves his basement for a rare campaign stop in pennsylvania. he made this gaffe. just watch. >> -- don't have a job, people don't have anywhere to go, they don't know what they're going to do and a lot of people, you have unnecessarily now we have over 120 million dead from covid. stuart: 120 million dead. the president wasted no time calling him out for that. we will tell you exactly what the president had to say. still to come, my interview with former white house security adviser john bolton. he's calling the president a danger to the republic. he says he won't vote for biden. he will be in our 11:00 hour
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there are times when our need to connect really matters. to keep customers and employees in the know. to keep business moving. comcast business is prepared for times like these. powered by the nation's largest gig-speed network. to help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. and a team of experts - here for you 24/7. we've always believed in the power of working together. that's why, when every connection counts... you can count on us.
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stuart: all right. 13 minutes in, we are down 280 and falling for the dow industrials. i'm going the repeat this. jpmorgan, goldman sachs, nike, they are three dow stocks, they are costing together, because they are all down, 100 points. so if it weren't for those three, the dow would be only down 180. the airline industry, wow, have they been hit hard by the virus or what. there are predictions that the industry as a whole will lose $84 billion this year. jeff hoffman is with us. he knows a thing or two about travel. let's get right at it, jeff. when do you think, if ever, the airline industry as a whole will
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return to the passenger levels that it had in february of this year? >> so stuart, they have more than one problem to deal with, and the hard part is some of those problems are out of their control, right. the first problem they have that was in their control is making everybody feel safe flying which i have to say, the airlines are doing a very good job of making us feel like the airplane itself is safe, but that's not the biggest problem. the biggest problem now is we are wondering if it's safe to get off the airplane. new york, new jersey and connecticut suddenly announced these 14-day quarantines from nine different states, travelers that had just booked trips said wait a minute, not only can i not go there but should i even go to those nine states. the fear is not that, you know, you have multiple fears. is the plane safe, will i catch covid going to a state that has a rise and will i get quarantined somewhere. these are problems they can't control. meanwhile, they are taking on massive debt. united and american are floating about $2.5 billion, $3 billion
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worth of bonds now so they are constantly adding debt to their bottom line so their balance sheets, which can be tough to recover from -- stuart: i'm reading between the lines of what you're saying. you don't expect a return to the february passenger levels any time soon, probably not in years. have i got that right? years? >> i think that's exactly right. you know, we saw with leisure travel and what they need is business travel. business travel is 12% of the passengers and 75% of the revenue comes from business. stuart: i said on this program and i will say it to you, i don't think that business travel will come back anywhere near what it was in february of this year. in fact, i think it's going to be down 20%. what say you? >> i completely agree and that's the number that i'm hearing on the streets from ceos. they are saying at least one in five business trips that they would have made then, they will not be making going forward. they will be using technology
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like you and i are right now to do their business. that's at least a 20% hit to the travel that will probably never come back. stuart: well, that's tough to take, i must say. jeff, you've got the numbers there and we appreciate you being with us as always. mr. hoffman, we'll see you soon. thank you, sir. now, let me get to what i'm going to call the great american summer road trip, because i think that's what's coming at us. on the left-hand side of your screen, you can see it, the average price for a gallon of gas right now is just $2.17. that is cheap by any other standard. patrick dehaan, gas buddy guy, is with us now. okay. it seems to me that we are perfectly poised for a big-time summer of road trips. i mean, it's like perfection, isn't it, for the road trip society. go. >> yeah. absolutely, stuart. you know, looking at our pay with gas buddy demand data, it does look like the big recovery. we are seeing gasoline demand come back pretty quickly. in fact, we are starting to get real close to pre-covid demand levels for gasoline.
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now, that's not necessarily saying a whole lot. pre-covid demand would be february. so we are still down about 18% year on year, but indeed, it's a great time to hit the road, if you can do it safely and bring your masks, of course. the national average is still 50 cents lower than last year. stuart: $2.17, let's call it $2.20 for the summer, is that the lowest level in how long? if you adjust for inflation? >> well, it's going to be the lowest level, stuart, probably since the early 2000s so long as there's not some huge spike in the second half of the summer in terms of gas price. i don't think there will be. we are talking about the cheapest summer prices since 2004-2005. memorial day has already been the cheapest since 2004. july 4 could come right in that category and labor day, if things don't improve greatly, also could be in that category. so really, the only thing to watch out for the rest of the summer is how quickly we see
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covid-19 recovery and hurricane season. stuart: okay. i will take a road trip myself. thanks very much for joining us, patrick. always a pleasure. see you soon. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: yes, sir. thanks. now the story about amazon getting into the self-driving car business. what's going on? susan: they just confirmed this. they are buying zooks for a billion dollar. it was valued two years ago at $3 billion. amazon has been invested in self-driving, this is the latest on top of amazon's investment in another autonomous car startup called aurora innovation. they have been putting money into an electric car maker and it makes sense for amazon if there's a self-driving delivery truck to say deliver your amazon packages in the future because that cuts down on costs and that means more amazon control end-to-end of the delivery process. this is a thousand person self-driving startup. they have been testing toyota suvs in san francisco and las vegas. amazon, i should remind you, we are on pace for a record close later on today. stuart: i think the only business that amazon is not in
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is tree farming. susan: they have done well with their purchases. yeah. zoox, whole foods, you name it. stuart: everything. safe to say the president is not happy with former national security adviser john bolton. just watch this. roll tape. >> everyone thought he was crazy because all he wants to do is bomb people. you know he'll fight russia, let's fight russia, let's fight china, let's take them on at the same time. he's crazy. stuart: well, john bolton is here on the show later to respond to that. that's in our 11:00 hour. disney redesigning a classic ride, splash mountain. the question is, is this the beginning of more changes to classic rides still to come? we will try to figure it out for you. we'll be right back.
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my name is ken. how may i help you? hi, i'm calling about kohler's walk-in bath. excellent! happy to help. huh? hold one moment please... [ finger snaps ] hmm. the kohler walk-in bath features an extra-wide opening and a low step-in at three inches, which is 25 to 60% lower than some leading competitors. the bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders. kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. are you seeing this? the kohler walk-in bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohler-certified installer. and it's made by kohler- america's leading plumbing brand. we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind. ask about saving up to $1500 on your installation.
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stuart: disney is changing the theme of its iconic ride splash mountain. the new theme will be based on the princess and the frog. eddie is back with us, a former disney imagineer. does this open the door to other changes in other rides? >> well, you know, stuart, this is called an enhancement. back when i worked there, the edict has always been that walt disney said disneyland will
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never be completed as long as there's ideas. walt himself would sit at the exits of his attractions and see if people were really enjoying themselves and if it wasn't the funnest thing they had ever seen, he would always change it. the funny thing about splash mountain adaptation is disney was already working on it. i worked on indiana jones for years, back and forth before they finally green-lit it. long before these protests and recent events, disney for the right reasons said why can't we refresh this with a property that a new generation really loves. this idea of change, even taking twilight zone, a very dated piece of intellectual property, and turning it into the guardians of the galaxy, it really improved business and was a wonderful update. disney kind of is about change as long as it's motivated by being funner and more exciting and of course, with covid, and so forth, i think at the time this opens this will be another reason to go back out to the park.
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stuart: i don't want to be unserious here, eddie, but there are going to be a lot of people who object to princesses, if that's the theme of this ride. you are going to get some people who don't like that. talk about privilege. who is in a more privileged position than a princess, know what i mean? >> i think -- i don't know where that came from. i know in the sense of princesses, i believe it's the largest licensing and most popular category. children dress up as princess just to come to disneyland just to be with their favorite princess. so you know, sometimes it's not all of the audience. i know disney fans are crazy about the princess. they love them. stuart: but you like the idea of changing what i used to call the log flume, right? this is a good thing? you are happy with this? >> i think this is a great call for disney because they are keeping the park relevant. remember, there's a generation of kids who love that film. it's an oscar-nominated film. it's got great music.
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my old boss, tony baxter, the imagineer who did the original attraction, is being brought in by disney to advise on this, from what i read. i think they are going to do it right. they are really going to do a great job with it. it will be more fun. that's what we're there for. stuart: that's for sure. eddie, thanks for joining us. see you again real soon. thank you. >> thanks again, stuart. stuart: sure thing. there are no limits to today's cancel culture and i think the silence from political leaders just makes it worse. i will explain why i think the woke mob has gone too far. there are some powerful warnings directed at the president about his re-election chances. we will deal with that in my take which is next. ♪ just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. sofi helped me pay off twenty-three thousand dollars of credit card debt. they helped me consolidate all of that
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into one low monthly payment. they make you feel like it's an honor for them to help you out. i went from sleepless nights to getting my money right. so thank you. ♪ so thank you. ♪ (announcer) reliability is everything. so, if your network's down, you're down. verizon knows your customers need to reach you seamlessly. your team needs to work from different places across many devices. plus, you want the security trusted by some of the largest companies in the world. and that's why you trust us. the most reliable network in america.
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stuart: all right. we have had 30 minutes' worth of business this friday morning and we are down close to 300 points on the dow industrials. that's about 1.1%. so we are down across the board, i'll tell you that. now we are down 22 on the s&p and down 80 on the nasdaq. this is significant selloff right now. i think the virus, the spreading virus in especially florida and texas, that is hurting the market this morning. i'm going to show you the stocks of the dow 30 which are the biggest losers, pulling the dow down. goldman, nike, jpmorgan. in that order. better check out microsoft as well, along with all the big techs. microsoft is closing all of its
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stores. they will take a $450 million charge to do that. that's not really affecting the stock so much as the overall selloff. they are back to $197 now, down $2.65. we are just 10:01. that means we have the latest read on consumer sentiment. ashley, what have you got? ashley: we do. it came in at a 78.1. what does that mean to anybody? well, we were looking for a 79. the june preliminary number was 78.9 so we actually dropped a little. so modest miss, i think, is what you can call this. the may final was 72.3. so we are edging up slightly but to give you context, stu, the february reading before the pandemic was 101. so right now, we are at 78.1 for june which is a little disappointing, but we are slowly heading in the right direction. i'm trying to find a bright spot here. stuart: keep trying, son. keep trying. the market didn't particularly care for that.
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this modest number coming in. we are down 310 points. but let's see if we can find some lockdown winners. come on in, susan. tell me why square and paypal were lockdown winners. susan: they are doing really well. we are talking about 60%, 70% increases in the share price and this is because of accelerating banking trends and more people banking online and on their phones. if you are even doing it, i mean, that is a bullish signal. paypal owns venmo a money transfer app and they are gaining market share. we heard from the ceo himself saying that april was probably the strongest month for paypal since they became a public company. that momentum apparently has continued into may with record, they say, adoption of platform users on to venmo. square headed by jack dorsey, square also has a very similar app called the cash app, very similar to venmo. you saw direct deposit volumes
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on its service jumping three times in the month of april as customers moved to store more than $1.3 billion on the cash app during the month. yes, a lot of that comes from stimulus checks that were doled out by the government. square, some people say, is in a very interesting position because it will benefit from some of the moves in mobile payments, also takeout orders they are offering now, but then they are suffering as businesses shut down. hopefully they will continue to reap the benefits as states continue to reopen across the u.s. as i said, if you are banking online, that is a trend setter right there. stuart: absolutely. at my age, i'm a trend setter. i don't think so, susan. nice try. the home renovation stocks or companies, i should say. that's another group that's done really well during the lockdown. tell me more, lauren. lauren: yeah. housing continues to be a bright spot. take a look here. you are looking at home depot and lowe's, sherman williams, builders first stores, they are all up at least 25% in the past
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three months. lowe's is up 50%. i'm going to continue here. take a look at the builders. they are benefiting as well. look, they are not doing well today, but they are higher by at least 30% since the public health emergency was declared. as people demand space and they demand privacy and guess this, zoom is spurring home renovations. a poll finds 64% of americans are uncomfortable showing their homes in a video call. we just feel a little self-conscious or maybe the bed's not made nice enough or whatever the issue is, they are actually doing some do-it-yourself projects to make it look better on zoom. stuart: but zoom, we've got to say, is a lockdown winner. a huge lockdown winner. i don't know how much the stock has gone up percentage-wise but it's way up. i think it's at least tripled since february. i think. i better check that out. thanks, lauren. next case. joe biden picking up a lot of steam in the latest fox news
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poll and other polls and now wall street is warning clients about a biden win. watch out. he might win. jonathan hoenig with us now. you are a market watcher. what do you make of this election risk? do you think it is a factor in the market at the moment? >> well, look, stuart, if you just look at the raw numbers, historically, this is just the numbers, markets have actually tended to do better with a democrat in as president, not a republican. but markets have done the best, again, just going by the numbers, with a democratic president and republican senate. now, you have to kind of write these figures off, like statistical anomalies. we know correlation does not show causation. in fact, further studies demonstrate there really is no statistical difference. going by presidential party alone, between who's in the office and what's going on in wall street. what does make a difference isn't the party but the policies. we know time and time again, there is a strong correlation
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between freedom in the economy and prosperity in the economy. that i think is what the market will pay attention to. stuart: are you hearing this, look, i talk to a lot of wall street people. lot of them say to me you know, i'm a little worried here, joe biden is looking strong, he's ahead in all of the polls, i'm a little worried, i'm selling a few stocks, i'm selling a few positions. you hearing that? >> well, look, there's lots of reasons to be worried from an investor's perspective. you talk about volatility. volatility is the highest it's been in years because the presidential election no matter which side you fall on the aisle, that's only one thing. you talked about potential for more covid lockdowns. the trillions in governmental stimulus, the fact the market even now is overbought and expensive, and a potential for more tariffs and further regulation of not just banks and financials, we heard about the stress test, but also technology companies. we talked for a year last year about the fear premium being
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built into names like facebook and amazon and google given the potential for regulatory reform. that's going to happen under trump or biden. so investors have a lot to worry about these days. the presidential election is just gilding the lily. stuart: thank you very much for being with us. i notice the market has turned south. we are down more than 330 points. i think we have a reason. ash, come in, please. you've got news from texas. ashley: yes. we have a new executive order from the governor, greg abbott, basically saying bars where more than 50% of the sales come from alcohol must close by at noon today. they can only stay open for delivery and takeout. also, the governor saying the capacity at dine-in restaurants across the state must now be reduced back to 50% from 75%. so this just adds to the pause he put on the reopening phases in texas yesterday as we have seen a spike in certain areas of
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the state. i think there was close to 6,000 new cases just in the last 24 hours. stuart: yeah. understandably, that's hit the market because that implies a slowdown in a very large economy there in texas. all right, thank you very much indeed. the dow is down 330 as we speak. now this. today, the "wall street journal" delivered a warning to the president. it is an editorial and it's titled "the trump referendum." the powerful editorial board is bluntly telling the president you are losing and you have only got four months to turn it around. well, the warnings are coming from all sides. economist peggy noonan writes the week it went south for trump. he hasn't been equal to the crises. he never makes anything better. very well-known columnist, peggy noonan. investors may be sending out their own warning. watch out, mr. president, biden may win. that is now a factor on wall
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street. talk about warnings. look no further than the polls. the "new york times" puts biden 14 points ahead. every poll that we have seen has joe biden in the lead. i think the president's exasperated. his tax cuts produced a truly dynamic economy which was then shut down by the virus. all that wealth and job creation wiped out. you can understand why the president is not happy and with the media goading him, he turned sharp-edged and confrontational. i don't think that went down well. so what to do now? well, here's the advice from the "journal's" editorial. get out there with an agenda that calls for opportunity for americans of all races, school choice, more choice in health care, build on opportunity zones, revive the economy and restore the gains that workers made in the first three years of his presidency. it's very hard to disagree with that. and if he can't pull it off, here's the "journal's" warning. quote, he's headed for defeat
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to, of all people, sleepy joe. tammy bruce is with us. it's friday morning, after all. she joins us now. have you got any positives out there this morning for us? >> well, if the polls were right, stu, this would be hillary clinton's second term and it's not. so let's be honest here. also, though, at the same time, you don't want to be complacent. you don't want to take things for granted. you've got to operate as the president has from day one, i have to say, he faced everything in the campaign, they never let up, his energy has been overwhelming, he has faced everything there is to face and this of course is fascinating, anything you can throw into the lap of the president of the united states really has happened in the last three years, and it's an extraordinary event and he has been up to the task. i stopped a long time ago second-guessing this man but at the same time, i put up a tweet and i think people realize, the
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"wall street journal" lineup is a good one when it comes to ideas. clearly that's what all americans want and that's what we expect from a president. every president, though, faces unique environments. right now we are seeing an organized during an election period of mass civil unrest. it is not organic. what people aren't seeing is direct action. he took a very good step in saying you're going to go to jail for ten years if you mess with federal statues and federal government, you know, property. that's good. but we clearly see democrat governors and mayors, you know, not helping along, really in a way thinking that chaos will help them politically. every decision this year will be about politics. the president must stand up and show that he's in charge of this nation. stuart: i want to go to the other side for a moment. joe biden emerged from his basement yesterday and as you are about to see, he's still got problems. roll tape. >> people don't have a job,
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people don't have anywhere to go, they don't know what they're going to do, and a lot of people, you have unnecessarily now we have over 120 million dead from covid. stuart: well, obviously that's wrong. it's not 120 million dead from covid. the gaffes keep on coming. i suspect that his campaign people will tell him go back to the basement, stay quiet. i think that's what they're going to tell him to do. >> well, obviously, we saw this even through the primaries, the less attention any candidate gets including somebody like bernie sanders as an example who nobody paid any attention to, people are going to have a better opinion of them because there's nothing ever negative. the president is facing negatives every day. that's a unique dynamic for him. but you notice the attitude there is almost as though americans are infants, like we don't know what to do, where are we going. we know where we're going. we know what we want. the president is the president for a reason. we expect him to be president for eight years but we also expect him to be able to adjust and adapt to the environment
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which i expect he will. but their problem is clear. it's the candidate himself and i think, you know, we will see some good news. america can solve its problems, all of them, in november in 130 days. stuart: yes. 130 days. you got it. tammy, thanks very much indeed. i'm going to go straight back to the market because we are now down 400 points. the reason being largely that the governor of texas is saying bars serving alcohol, you got to close by noon today. and the dine-in capacity of in-dining, in-restaurant dining, that's going to be cut back to 50%. market doesn't like it. we are down 400. later on today, the president is going to sign an executive order which is all about hiring skilled workers rather than those just with college degrees. that seems to me to be a real shift in federal employment. we are going to tell you all about it. we are also talking to john bolton. remember, he was a frequent guest on this program for years,
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he was often slamming the left. the critics are now saying well, he's using the left to sell his book. he's on the show. that's coming up later. conservatives and trump officials ditching twitter over claims of censorship and they are heading to a new platform. we will tell you where they are going next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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we are down 400 points. how about verizon and facebook. verizon is pulling ads from facebook and instagram. that's the largest advertiser to join the group of companies which are calling on facebook to crack down on what they call hate speech and calls for violence. both stocks are down. facebook is down significantly, that's a 5% drop right there. conservatives and some trump officials are ditching twitter for a new social media platform which is called parlor, p-a-r-l-e-r. lauren, which conservatives have already moved? lauren: devin nunes, ted cruz, donald trump, rudy giuliani. they have left twitter which doesn't mean they don't use the site but they are also using parler, an unregulated social media platform billed as an unbiased alternative to twitter and facebook because those sites are flagging and fact-checking the president and others' tweets
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and messages. so they are migrating to parler because it's unregulated and helps them get around what they call silicon valley censorship. stuart: p-a-r-l-e-r. okay. we will figure that one out. thanks very much. crime in new york, well, i think you can correctly say it's surging. 125 shootings just in the first three weeks of june. the homicide rate is at a five-year high. the number of people shot, up 42% from last year. pretty damning statistics. bring in city councilman joe borelli. why do you think that the crime is kind of surging here? why? >> well, look, we saw from the beginning of the year when this state passed bail reform package that basically guaranteed that all but the most violent criminals would be free from jail the moment they were arraigned by a judge. we started to see those impacts right before the coronavirus case and now after it, we know
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that the police have sort of been forced to take a back step approach to crime. they are not as aggressive as they used to be. you know, the commissioner stopped the anti-crime team which was responsible for taking more guns off the hands of bad guys on our most dangerous street corners than any other unit in the police department. so i'm not surprised that crime is now ticking up, and i'm just surprised at the lackadaisical attitude of addressing it that we see by the mayor and city council. stuart: now, the mayor of new york city, bill deblasio, he wants to cut $1 billion from the nypd budget. the police say that would put crime back 30 years and cut 22,000 workers. what do you think would be, really, what do you think the impact would be? you take $1 billion out of the police budget, what happens? >> well, it's a very real impact. look, the "new york post" did a great study the other day, i think they got some documents from the police department themselves, which showed the response times in the ten most
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violent precincts in our city going up between two minutes and three minutes. these are people actually being victimized by a crime in progress who will have to wait an extra two or three minutes for a uniformed cop to arrive. we haven't seen these police levels since 1991, 1992, and that's before the nypd added all of its community policing officers, that's before they added all of its anti-terrorism and counter terrorism component. so this is going to be uncharted waters and i can only promise the viewers that new york city will be more dangerous as of july 1 when the new budget takes in effect than we are today. stuart: do you think it is effective if, instead of sending a police officer to a dispute of some sort, you send in social workers? does that work? >> no, no, it doesn't. look, we have tried that before. we have tried cases where we have teamed up social workers and police officers to address homelessness. look, there are certain scenarios where we don't need a police officer to respond.
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but at the end of the day, unfortunately, a lot of people and a lot of interactions with the police aren't pretty because of the actions of the person they are going to speak to or arrest. unfortunately, you know, in a lot of these places around the city, the people who are the victims are the ones who are going to get hurt the most. when we make these cuts, i'm sorry, i'm just so emotional over this because it's just so backwards, we are talking about police officers and we spent three months of protests making them out to be the enemy of the people, yet here we are knowing that multiple new yorkers will be the most affected. stuart: i just don't see how this helps new york city make a comeback. joe borelli, thanks for joining us. see you again soon. got you. the dow industrials now down close to 500 points. i'm showing you amazon. listen to this one. they are buying the naming rights to an arena in seattle. they bought the naming rights. okay, susan. what are they going to call that arena? susan: not the amazon arena.
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it's going to be called the climate pledge arena. doesn't really roll off the tongue but hey, if you are jeff bezos and the richest man on the planet worth $140 billion, who knows how you spend your money. anyway, it's set to open in late summer next year, 2021, and the climate pledge arena will be home to the city's incoming nhl franchise, also where the wnba's storm team will play. so this new climate pledge arena apparently will be fully powered, 100% powered by renewable electricity and talks between amazon and this new nhl arena began just about a year ago. there hasn't been an arena, looking back in history, that was named after a social cause but back in 2010 and 2013, kraft foods sponsored to name a college football bowl game called the fight hunger bowl game. i don't know if you remember that. but look, this comes as part of a move by amazon, bezos, part of their climate pledge, i guess their climate pledge program they announced last september and this is by the way only
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after years of criticism that amazon was not disclosing their climate impact and not taking action which was in line with their size and influence. but this arena will cost $1 billion set to open next year. stuart: the climate pledge arena. okay. susan: there it is. i was looking for that. stuart: there it is. showing it to you right now. all right. thank you, susan. got to refer back to the market because we are down 460 now. that's 1.8%. look, the problem here is an announcement from texas governor greg abbott earlier this morning. bars in that state have got to close by noon today. you can do takeout, you can do carryout, you can do that, but can't sit there and have a drink, not after 12:00 noon today. that's texas. all bars. and the dine-in capacity in restaurants has been cut to 50%. look, the bottom line here is that texas has an explosion in new virus cases. they have reacted to that by slowing down the reopening process. in fact, they are going backwards.
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there seems to be a massive disconnect between... ...what's going on in corporate america >> there seems to be a massive disconnect between what is going on in corporate america and what investors are believing is going on in corporate america. the message to you, don't trade because you think you're going to get rich quick because --
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stuart: this is a selloff. we are down 480 points on the dow industrials because largely explosion in virus cases in texas created a situation where the governor has reversed the reopening process, closing bars in texas as of 12:00 noon today, limiting capacity for in restaurant dining. if other states follow suit, reversal of the opening process, you get a reversal of the economic speed up we have been seeing, down goes the markets. the dow's biggest losers are goldman sachs, nike, jpmorgan, they are all down, down 6%. they are still at 2739. they are buying a self driving car called the zooskt zoo.
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kanye west will sell his clothing line in their stores, tenure deal, retail watch, kristin is not impressed, she calls this lipstick on a pig, the market is up 32%, $13 a share on the gap. donald trump will sign an executive order directing the government to prioritize hiring based on skills rather than a college degree. wilbur ross with us now. mister secretary, this is a new hiring policy, employment based on skill, not education. is it worth going to college? >> it is still worth going to college but not necessarily the be all end all for all jobs. federal government is the world's largest employer, 2.1 million people and 30% of those job descriptions now call
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for a college degree. in a lot of cases that is not necessary because there are other ways to attain the skills needed for that work so this is trying to make it skill-based rather than label based. stuart: the news as relates to texas and the stock market is there is a reversal of the opening up process in texas, bars will close by 12:00 noon, let restaurants limited to 50% capacity, this seems like a real roadblock for the economy as it tries to expand and get out of the mess we've been in for the last few months. >> there will be some little interruptions as we come out of the pandemic but the key thing in my view is consumer spending will continue to lead the recovery, a -- up 8.8% in the
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most recent month. all-time record percentage increase in that is being achieved despite the fact that consumer savings rates are enormously high, average 17.7% for the five months of this year. roughly doubled and they were last year, the most recent month, 20%. what that means is the consumer has plenty of dry powder to purchase things. my only question is when will that be unleashed. stuart: would you make any change to your forecasts, and economic rebound in the second half of the year. larry kudlow said precisely the same thing to maria bartiromo, it is the third strong quarter.
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and and to some degree in florida as well. >> those states lagging a little behind what they hoped to accomplish, the others are opening more rapidly and getting the cumulative effect. maybe there might be a little slippage from q3 to q4 but at the end of the day the important thing is the direction is a good direction. the direction is a strong upward direction and that is what matters, not the last tenth of a percentage point. >> i think they have all described it as a pause to do what they think is best, they are the ones on the spot and
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the ones who have to make the day today decisions. i'm not going to second-guess any of the governors. governor abbott is a serious individual, i know he is studying the situation carefully, he will do what is best for the citizens of texas. stuart: thank you for joining us, we do appreciate it. the markets are down 560 points, better than a 2%, down to the 25,200 level. i've got google on the left-hand side of the screen, the justice department close to wrapping up their antitrust probe of google. >> reporter: the justice department and the doj looking at final documents in antitrust
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probe which will result in a formal loss against google by the end of the summer so the doj looking at dominance not only when it comes to online advertising and web search but control over the advertising technology in order to sell space for the display ads, that was looked into by authorities at the time in 2010 in google abuses the android operating system used at 60% of the world's smart phone, this is a doj investigation, state attorneys, and they might combine their cases so this lawsuit, you can compare it to what happened to microsoft, settled by the way in 2001 and the reason we look at google's gains being captive here compared to other big tech and silicon valley competitors. we are expecting a lawsuit by the end of this summer. stuart: i will go back to the
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market, serious losses in the big-name stocks, 574 loss for the dow, apple down 8 bucks, microsoft down 5, amazon down 25 under pressure from advertisers down $15 a share, tesla down $19 and so on. this is a significant selloff all across the board. there is a new bill being proposed that would give every taxpayer a $4,000 tax credit to take a vacation, $4,000 tax credit just get out of here and take a vacation, a driving vacation in the united states. i guess it is an attempt to revive the tourism industry. we will deal with it. speaking of travel, rv sales and rentals skyrocketing. the great outdoors is calling. we are definitely on it.
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drop. facebook is down one.9%. the reason for the selloff is what texas governor greg abbott said he is going to do because of the rise in cases. spell it out. ashley: all bars across the state must close by noon, the restaurant dine in restaurant capacity must now be reduced from 75% to 50% and this is on top of yesterday when the government paused the reopening phases in texas. because of the spike in cases, 5 or 6000 cases in the last 24 hours, the government taking more steps, closing bars at noon today and scaling back the capacity to 50%.
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stuart: i wonder if any high caseload will do the same kind of thing. that would really upset the market if somebody else did. >> florida report cases of christopher liddell rose higher than the previous week's average of 4.5%. that concerning the market as well. we have investors typically selling off into the weekend because there are a lot of unknowns globally and they don't want this type of risk in a weekend where they can't selloff if a bad headline flashes and we are heading into the july 4th holiday when volumes are sitting in losses get exaggerated with you shares exchanging hands. stuart: arizona republican senator martha mc sally is proposing a bill that would give people tax credits if they take a vacation in america, a
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driving vacation. tell me more about this. >> it is called the tax rebate incentive program, $4,000 per individual for a tax credit for a vacation, $8,000 for joint filing and additional $500 for children. it is good for all of 2020 or all of 2021 for the tax credit. it is in the senate finance committee, they are of using the proposal, only included for a vacation more -- 50 miles from your primary residence. if you own a home in florida and live in new jersey then you go to the home in florida, the transportation there, food, lodging, food would be considered part of the tax break. if you wanted to take a trip to the united kingdom, a great breakaway against manchester city, they were not included in
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outside the united states it is only inside the united states. stuart: that was very good. you got me at the end. a strange idea, isn't it? on your screen, a remarkable number, 1000% jump in recreational vehicle rental since april 1st. that is the stunning number. according to aaa, 97% of vacation this summer would be road trips. why not bring in jeff reynolds, president of keystone rv which is the largest maker of towable rvs in the united states. if the situation is so good, how many have you sold? >> our dealer inventories are lower than we have seen in years and given everything going on around us, that was unexpected.
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we were heading into a good season, even though the circumstances were unfortunate it turned into a great season for us. stuart: you got to make a when the sun shines, you can't be sure things will stay as good as they are. >> know. going to the shutdown we didn't know what to expect. nobody did. no matter how much planning we did we couldn't have planned for something like this. stuart: is the market for your product, towable rvs, is that a hotter market than the big bus like rvs, like a bus, where is the best sales growth? >> i would have to say towables are leading the way but that makes this so unprecedented. the first - 4 people to toe the
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most with a vehicle spike but over the last several weeks we have seen that across-the-board. that makes this really unique, there is not just one market, one demographic, one space, motorized is hot, this is a great opportunity for us. stuart: sounds like good morning vietnam. the weather is hot. good one. jeff reynolds with keystone. you've got a great market going for you there. regrettably we've got to drag you back to the reality of wall street, down 500 points, close to the low of the morning for the dow industrials. we will bring you the story on fireworks sales, sky red getting -- skyrocketing. there are complaints of illegal fireworks, the nypd received 11,000 calls compared to just 54 calls in the same period
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mode, heavy selloff, actually. we are down better than 2% on the dow, 1.8%, the s&p, over 2% for the nasdaq. red arrows all over the place today. then there's this. multiple nfl teams reportedly interested in signing colin kaepernick. which teams, ashley? ashley: well, we don't know, but this is according to a reporter at the nfl network who, you know, let's face it, kaepernick is a free agent quarterback. he's 31 years old and it's amazing, he's not played since 2016 but this report says there are a number of teams out there who are looking at him. of course, all of that is complicated because the pandemic has shut down all sports and the nfl teams not expected to report to even practice facilities until the end of next month. it's going to be hard to get a sense of exactly where kaepernick is in his preparations. the nfl commissioner roger goodell has said he supports
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kaepernick's return to the nfl and even the president said look, he's in favor of the return as well if quote, he deserves it. so we'll have to wait and see. we don't know the names of the teams but reportedly, he is getting some looks. stuart: okay. let's talk about nike, with whom kaepernick has a relationship. nike reported a $790 million loss to their revenue side. however, lauren, the stock is down 5.6%, but lauren, the news is not all bad. tell me more. lauren: yeah. no, it's not. despite that loss and a 38% drop in sales because the stores were closed, these are the positive signs. online sales rose by 75%. sales on its app hit $1 billion for the first time. then you look at the nike brand. it's strong because it's been out front in its support of black lives matter. there's a harris poll that's out that finds that that support plus its commercials which featured colin kaepernick two
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years ago, they have only strengthened its brand reputation and then there's another harris poll that found 61% of americans say nfl commissioner roger goodell owes colin kaepernick an apology. goodell did issue an apology recently, saying the league was wrong but he never mentioned colin kaepernick by name, stuart. stuart: i heard you. i got you. thanks. i'm going to refer back to the market real fast here because we just dropped minus 600 just showed up on the screen. there it is. that's 2.3%. at risk of sounding like a broken record, i will tell you this again. the governor of texas is rolling back some of the reopening moves, specifically on bars. he's going to close them by 12:00 noon today. you can still take a drink out but you can't drink in the bar. so that's a reopening setback there in texas. the market's down 612. coming up, john bolton joins us. remember, he was a frequent guest on the program in our early years. he often slammed the left.
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now it seems like he's trying to get joe biden elected. we will discuss that and see what he's got to say. first, though, we are going to hear my take on cancel culture. i call it a farce. that's my take, coming up. airline ceos are headed to the white house. that's all about getting you on to a plane and making you feel safe in the virus era. more "varney" after this. ♪ in neighborhoods across the country, you'll see gratitude. communities showing support in their own way. our way is massmutual healthbridge, a free life insurance program just for healthcare workers fighting covid-19. ♪ so to all the healthcare workers on the front lines, thank you.
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stuart: all right. it is precisely 11:00 and the selloff continues. we are down 561 points for the dow industrials. we have this news out of texas, this is what's setting this market to the down side. the governor of texas, greg abbott, issuing a new executive order which reduces capacity at restaurants to 50% and he's ordering all bars to close at noon today. down goes the market. have a look at the drug makers. this is germane because we are seeing a sharp increase in many states of virus cases today. the white house will hold its first virus task force briefing in two months. all the drug makers are down but not as much in percentage terms as the overall market. all right. shortly we will be speaking with former security adviser john bolton. he's got his new book out.
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the president says bolton just wants to bomb people. he will respond to that in a few minutes. first, though, let's get back to this selloff on the market and bring in market watcher keith fitz. keith, looks to me like this is all because of the rollback of the opening up in texas. is there anything else to add to this? >> yes, i think there is, stuart. i think uncertainty is cached in the virus in texas which previously was deemed to be under control. you have the biden effect which real or not, is very much on traders' minds. and you have the fed with the dividends and bank tests, all of which are compounding to create a lot of uncertainty. people are taking money off the table today. stuart: the move in texas, according to many investors, is look, that's going to slow down the overall economy. if you are closing the bars, limiting capacity in restaurants, you are discouraging people from going out and about and spending and texas is a huge economy.
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so really, what the virus rollback is all about is the strength of the economy going forward. i think the market's taking a negative view of that. >> i agree 100% and i think you put that very succinctly and very eloquently, much more than i could do, stuart. you know, the fear here is that it expands beyond texas, because if this is happening in a state like texas, where supposedly things were under control, what does that mean for new york, for california, for florida? how do all the other industries where people have to function in close proximity get impacted? stuart: well, it's friday. the weekend approaches. would you sell anything today on the grounds that you don't know what's going to happen over the weekend, you don't want to be caught holding the bag monday morning? >> no, i would not. i will tell you why. because i continuously, as you know, bet on optimism. i bet on hope. and i bet on the human spirit. the holdings that i'm looking at are companies like microsoft, like intel -- not intel today, but microsoft, any of the
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pharmaceuticals. those are companies that are going to get stronger throughout this and on the other side. i'm looking at this as more of a buying opportunity but a day like today, you never want to sell into a panic. discipline, that's one thing. panic, no way. stuart: you are a brave man, keith. we thank you very much for sharing your bravery with us this morning on "varney & company." thank you, keith. good stuff. all right, everyone. now this. the cancel culture has become a farce. it's gone to such extremes. are we supposed to take some of this stuff seriously? change the national anthem to a woodie guthrie song? remove the statues of george washington? remove all statues and images of jesus? topple the statue of hans cristian hague and throw it into a lake? he was an abolitionist. he died fighting to end slavery. this happened in madison, wisconsin. in today's los angeles times, you can't believe this, in the times today, l.a. times, an
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op-ed with this headline. want to tear down insidious monuments to racism and segregation? bulldoze l.a.'s free ways. again, you may think this is pretty hard to take seriously because it's just so extreme, so far out on the fringe, but it's thrown at you constantly. i believe it's curdling the national mood. i simply can't believe that america sits back and accepts the trashing of our history. but those who object have no voice. we have been saying this for weeks. where is the leadership from business executives, from politicians of both sides of the aisle, state governors, big city mayors, joe biden, their silence is not helping. america is going into the summer in an angry mood and i don't think that's good. let's bring in steve hilton. what's he got to say about all of this. steve, i don't like this angry mood. i really don't. i think people are voiceless and i think it's making them really angry.
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what do you say? >> i think that's right, stuart. it's very superficial, that's the word i would use, because that's the sadness of it, really, because one thing that is true is that we do have racial inequality in this country just like so many other countries around the world, certainly in the uk, but let's just focus here in america. that goes back a long way. there's a massive wealth gap between african-americans and the rest of the country. that goes back to many policies over the years that affected things like education and housing and there are serious things we can do to remedy that, to bring more economic equality between african-americans and everyone else, things like opportunity zones that the president has implemented. things like school choice, which republicans are for but the democrats are against. these things increase opportunity, they are real substantive things that could actually lift up african-americans in a way that we would all support.
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that could be a unifying way to actually address this issue. instead, what you've got exactly as you say is this angry screaming at superficial things. yes, they may cause offense. i'm not against every single bit of this. there are some statues, for example, perhaps the confederate generals, that we can have a conversation about. certainly not have them torn down by a mob. do it through a proper process. but as you say, it's got so ridiculous when just about anything that's old is branded as racist. it doesn't actually help anyone, least of all the people that it is intended to help. let's focus on real policy change that can make a difference. stuart: bring me up to speed on california. i know that's where you live. we see in texas today, a spike in new cases and a rolling back by the governor of some of the opening moves that he's made recently. what's the situation like in california?
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because i know you've got a spike in cases. you think you're close to rolling back the reopening? >> i don't think so, actually. it's very interesting to listen to gavin newsom, the governor, just yesterday where in the sense the tables were turned. there was a time when he was being criticized for shutting down too much and for going over the top in order to control the virus. now it's the other way. literally, there was a headline on the local radio i was listening to yesterday which is the governor defending the continued reopening despite the spike and his argument frankly is a very strong one, which is yes, there's a spike, but because of the time that they have spent trying to build up hospital capacity, ppe, ventilators, all the rest of it, the system can cope with it. remember, the whole point of this, of the closures, was to flatten the curve so that the hospital system doesn't get overwhelmed. crucial piece of data, in california, right now, even with the spike, 8% of the hospital
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capacity is being used. the governor is saying we can handle this. we've got plenty of capacity, there's no need to slow down or take back any of the reopening. that's the current position here in california. i think that's good news. stuart: yes, it is indeed. all right, steve, thanks very much indeed. we will be watching you on the fox news channel. i think it's 9:00 sunday night? yes, it is. correct? yes. >> see you then. thank you, stuart. stuart: thanks, steve. next, take a look at microsoft, that stock. they have announced they are closing all their stores, all their retail locations, they are going to close them down. taking a $450 million charge to do that. the stock is down 1.5%. $197 on microsoft. ford just unveiled their new f-150 pickup truck. there's a hybrid version on sale. perhaps the biggest option is lie flat seats and a generator.
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ford stock down 2%. but i'm interested in that new f-150. check the rival gm. they are cutting around 700 factory jobs at one of their plants in tennessee. they blame it on a dip in sales because of the virus. $24 a share on general motors. we told you about texas earlier. all right, ash. tell us which other states are pausing the reopening process? ashley: yes. it's not just texas. also yesterday, delaware announced it, too, is going to start pausing its reopening plans. also yesterday, new mexico, earlier in the week we heard from north carolina and louisiana at the beginning of the month also saying look, we have seen the spike, there's no rush to fully open yet. we are going to pause our reopening. you know, just looking at the latest numbers, at least 32 states are now reporting increases in the number of new covid-19 cases. you know, we have seen spikes in california, florida and texas. now, steve hilton just told us
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california believes, look, we are okay, we can handle this. texas as we know has pushed the pause button but florida, you know, governor desantis just said look, we are where we are, we will never go back and we will just go by the numbers. so again, florida kind of taking the same attitude of california at this point saying we are aware of the larger numbers but we are not going to roll backwards, whereas in texas, they have reduced those capacities at restaurants. and closed bars. stuart: i think what the governor of florida said may have helped the market a little bit. we were down 600. now we are down 500. maybe i'm grasping at straws but we are down 509 as we sfe. let's go to texas. why not. casey steagall is in dallas. you are going to tell us all about the bars closing, i take it. reporter: yeah, you know, this is after texas has reported for the last couple of days a record number of both new cases and also hospitalizations. in fact, texas alone has
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recorded some 17,000 new coronavirus cases in just the last three days. what's more, the test positivity rate has also increased to about 10.5% in the last week or so. that has always been a red flag indicator that the governor has used when he announced the reopening seven weeks ago. so now to help combat the spread, just this morning, texas governor greg abbott issuing a new executive order that requires bars to close effective at noon. he specifically noted establishments that have more than 50% of their sales include alcohol, that they will remain open for carryout and delivery. he also noted that dine-in restaurants have to reduce their capacity now from 75% occupancy to 50%. that starts next monday. this also follows the governor's announcement yesterday that he's pausing the state's further reopening because more than 4700 people are now in texas
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hospitals, a figure that is more than doubled in the last week. in fact, icu beds in texas, specifically in dallas, houston, austin and san antonio, they are filling up rather quickly. so the governor has also halted elective surgeries in just those four cities to try and free up bed space. so again, elective surgeries halted in four cities but across the entire state, the entire state of texas impacted by these bars and restaurants. stuart: elective surgery suspended. that's a big deal. casey, thanks very much indeed. thanks for joining us. good stuff. all right. july fourth, what is it, just a week away. fireworks are already lighting up cities from coast to coast. there's been a huge surge in sales at the retail level. why is that? we are going to find out. new polls suggest president trump's popularity is dropping in battleground states. his campaign keeps shrugging off the numbers but they are hard to ignore. how can he win back support?
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only with xfinity mobile. now that's simple easy awesome. switch and save up to $400 a year on your wireless bill. plus get $200 off a new samsung galaxy s20 ultra. and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i really thought he was crazy because all he wants to do is bomb people. you know, he'll fight russia, let's fight russia, let's fight china, let's take them on at the same time. he's crazy. when i walked into a room with
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him, i knew that. when i saw bolton they always gave me what i wanted because they said trump's going to drop bombs on me, he's got this maniac with me. so in a way he helped me in terms of a negotiation but seriously, he didn't do a good job. he wasn't smart. he wasn't sharp. and he's the only man i think i have ever met, i knew him for a year, one year, whatever the time, short time. stuart: don't hold back, mr. president. he was talking there about john bolton who is our next guest. john bolton has authored what i'm going to call a tell-all book. john joins us now. john, welcome back. you were a frequent guest on this program -- >> glad to be back with you. stuart: for many years you were on the show. when you came on the show in years past, you would often bash the left and you would bash the media. now it seems like with this tell-all book, you are calling the president a danger to the republic. seems like you are trying to get joe biden elected. >> no, i'm not happy about that, either. look, the clip you just ran from
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the president demonstrates what the problem is. those remarks were childish and unbecoming a president. i'm really not going to respond to them. i can tell you i haven't become a squishy liberal democrat. really the purpose of the book is to describe to people what i saw, what happened during my time at the white house and they will make up their own mind. stuart: well, look, in the future, does the president have access to free -- to viewpoints and information which any president needs, if in the future he sits down with an aide and knows that that aide may just walk out of there and a couple of months later, publish a book that tells all about that conversation, what you've done is to restrict the president's access in the future to information and viewpoint. >> i don't think so at all. you know, during the years i was there, and before that, there were plenty of leaks out of the white house already.
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i didn't do it. i think that almost every subject i address in the book, the president himself spoke about publicly, and unfortunately, all too often, he didn't tell the truth. look, people are adults in washington. they know, they know that what they say is going to be transmitted to a lot of people, and i viewed my loyalty not to an individual but to the country and to a philosophy about how to make america secure. i think there's no better time for the people to know about the character of the president than during a presidential election campaign. stuart: are you trying to save america from this president? it sounds like it. >> i'm trying to give people the facts. i'm not going to vote for him. i did vote for him in 2016. i looked at the alternative and concluded that it was worth voting for him and considering the alternative being hillary clinton. but after 17 months of serving in the white house, i cannot in
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good conscience do that again. stuart: it seemed to me after you joined the administration that you had a real problem with venezuela. i think things seemed to start going south with venezuela. i remember you appearing on camera, it was on this program, i wasn't interviewing you but you were making a statement, you had really talked about the venezuelan generals about to take over and get rid of maduro, it was in league with the cia or somebody, trying to get maduro out and using the generals to do it but it fell apart. maduro is still there. was that the start of the trouble? >> no. look, the president waffled on the question of venezuela. i lay that out in the book. but i don't have any regrets about supporting the venezuelan opposition. they were the ones dealing with people in the maduro regime, it was all very well known in venezuela, in late april of 2019 they came very very close to
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overthrowing maduro. it's a tragedy for the people there that they weren't able to do it but the opposition continues. i still believe one day venezuela will be free. it's important for the united states not only for that to happen but to push out the cubans, russians, chinese and others whose presence in venezuela props up the maduro regime and threatens us in this hemisphere. stuart: the president says you want to bomb everybody. did you want to bomb the venezuelans? i'm not joking. i'm not joking here. i mean, the president said very clearly there bombs away with john bolton. i mean, that's pretty strong stuff. did you want to bomb any foreign country? >> no. look, the president is acting as he often does. i'm really not going to respond to it. these are serious issues that ought to be treated seriously. stuart: john, i think you should.
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look, if this is a tell-all book, you are telling everything that went on between you and the president in your 17 months in the white house, but now you won't make any comment when the president comes back at you. i think you should. >> i don't think i should. i think when you make those kinds of comments, it degrades the office of the presidency and i think people can draw their own conclusions from it. i'm not going to get into a situation where i'm engaged in exchanging petty insults with him or anybody else, frankly. stuart: okay. the other criticism is that you rushed publication so that you would get the book out there before the election. because that would affect the election. you did rush into it, didn't you? >> well, i didn't rush into it. i went through a pre-publication review process that lasted a pretty arduous four months and at the end of which is even the government concedes the
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review -- person in the nsc staff responsible for the review concluded there was no classified information in the book. i do think the timing means people have it open to them to consider for november but it has one other purpose, stuart. when a lot of the people on the scene today are gone in 50 years, the book will still be there. stuart: last one. you are also accused of just wanting to make a lot of money. you are going to make a lot of money. you are. you are. this is going to be a bestseller. you will make a lot of money. you going to make five million? >> look, i don't know if i wanted to make a lot of money i never would have gone into the government. i served in the reagan administration, in two different jobs, two different departments. i served in the bush 41 administration. i served in the bush 43 administration. and i served in the trump administration. if making money were my only objective, i wouldn't have done any of those. stuart: okay. look, thanks for being on the show today, john. we do appreciate it.
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when i get my free copy, i will read the book. john bolton, everyone. see you soon. thank you, john. thank you. let's move away from this. i want to look back at the market. we are down 500 points for the dow industrials. quickly take a look at apple. new report says one of the most popular apps in the world could be spying on you and is spying through your iphone. we've got that story for you. florida reporting 5,000 new virus cases in a day. will that shocking spike force the republicans to rethink their convention this summer? we will find out after the break. ♪ ♪
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liberty mutual customizes exyour car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ stuart: it's been this way for about an hour. minus 500 on the dow, minus 50 on the s&p, minus 160 on the nasdaq. lots of red ink. it's a selloff. all right, ash. i've got a feeling of deja vu all over again. don't you have that? it seems like we've got stories
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today that were very much like stories that we were bringing like in march of this year. like the nba story you've got now. ashley: yeah. to quote the great yogi berra, yes indeed. we have just gotten word from the nba they tested 302 players on tuesday. of those, 16 have tested positive for coronavirus. those players will now go into isolation. we know the nba is all going to reconvene at the walt disney world sports campus next month. 22 teams basically are going to be in a bubble there where they will restart the season on july 31st. there have been questions as to, you know, keeping the players safe. there will only be the players, coaches and team personnel. there has been some grumblings within the nba that they can't be with their family at all during this period because it could be -- last up to 50 days if these teams go on to the playoffs and finals. but that's the latest news. it just kind of adds, does it
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not, to the headlines and to your point that here we go again, having these headlines now of more and more people testing positive in this case, the nba. stuart: absolutely right. yeah. here we go again. same story. repeated. here we go again. all right. thanks, ash. moving on. the market, the virus, yeah, okay, they are going to have an impact on the election. i want to bring in tim murtaugh, trump 2020 communications director. all morning long, we have been talking about the warning signs that are out there for the president, bad polls, wall street's worried about a biden victory, the "wall street journal" coming out today and saying watch out, mr. president, you could lose this thing. you've only got four months to turn things around. how you going to do it? >> i think what we are doing is promoting the president's really incredible record of achievement on behalf of the american people and i think you see that with the report about people nervous about what joe biden would mean for the economy, those worries are well founded. we know he would raise taxes, he
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would impose the green new deal on everybody and four months is a long time. i think people need to remember that we only just found out that joe biden was going to be the opponent while the coronavirus crisis was under way already. and we are now beginning to define joe biden. we know that a lot of people know of joe biden but not very many americans know about joe biden. that's about to change. these public polls, we don't put any faith in them because we know what our internal numbers say and those are the numbers that we can trust -- stuart: i want to hear about that. i do want to hear about that. internal polls, i don't expect you to release nthem to me but you're telling me you've got internal polls showing the president winning in battleground states? have you got those polls? >> absolutely. stuart: you do? >> absolutely. we consistently track 17 states around this country and in a head-to-head matchup with president trump, joe biden just fades. president trump is strong in the states that we track, the states that we know will make a
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difference and which will decide who the next president of the united states is. that's just the fact. these narrative setting polls the national media, the "new york times" and cnn and the like try to put out there, all they are trying to do is write the same story that they tried to write in 2016. the news media should get out of the business of making predictions because they are bad at it and they are heading for another major embarrassment even bigger than the one they went through in 2016. we know the president is strong, he remains so today. he is going to be re-elected. stuart: okay. politico reports that the trump campaign is rethinking the nominating event that's set for florida, because of the spike in virus cases. do you have a plan b? >> well, the plan is to be in jacksonville. it's going to be television viewers and those who attend it will see it as really a celebration of the renomination
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of president trump and vice president pence and it is going to be a great event in jacksonville. it's sad what governor cooper in north carolina did. he made it virtually impossible for us to have the event in north carolina and i guess he just decided he didn't want tens of millions of dollars of economic development happening in charlotte and around charlotte. you know, we see that, he's a biden ally and he wanted to make life difficult for president trump so we will go somewhere where people will have a great time and the economic development will happen somewhere other than north carolina. that's a shame for the people of north carolina. but still, it's going to be a great event. it's going to be safe and it will be what people think of when they tune in seeing the renomination of the president of the united states. stuart: all right. tim, thank you for joining us this morning. we do appreciate it. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: joining us now is dan patrick, lieutenant governor of the great state of texas. sir, we've got this report this morning from the governor. you are closing bars at 12:00
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noon, restricting capacity in restaurants. that's a rolling back of the opening up process. your comments, sir? >> yeah, hi. good to be with you. stuart, i'm sorry, stuart. forgive me. it's been a long time. what can i tell you? forgive me. stuart, look, what the governor did today was to take the right pause on certain areas that we think are creating this spike. you know, i'm usually a fast talker when i'm with you and i want to be kind of -- i want to slow down and walk through these numbers because it's so important because the media, not fox, but the media in general grabbed the headline and run with it and i think it misleads people and sometimes can scare people. let me walk through some numbers that have been i think misinterpreted in this report, and quite frankly, it's the fault of some of the hospitals and medical centers, who have put different messages out. number one, we have seen a spike in our positive cases.
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we are also testing 35,000 people a day compared to about half that about six weeks ago. so if i went out today, stuart, and tested another 100,000 people, guess what, we would have even more positives. so the positives are important because that's the first silo. the next silo is the hospitalization. again, we are seeing an increase in hospitalizations as a response to those out there who have tested positive but what has changed is the median age according to some of the doctors on fox as well, the median age has shifted from the mid 60s to under 40 now of those in the hospital. those in the hospital today are not there six, seven, eight and nine days. they are there closer to four days. they are recovering and going home. so the next silo is your icu units. there has been reporting that houston is 97% full and we can't handle that. well, four major ceos came out yesterday and said that was not accurate and that we can handle this. here's what is accurate. we have 7200icu beds in the state of texas. we can add 2,000 or 3,000 more.
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of those 7200 now, 5700 are occupied. of those, 4400 are regular cases. so 25% of icus are occupied. the last silo is the death. we have not seen increase. we pray and hope that continues matching that. right now we are seeing more cases, younger people that are out at a lot of bars and a lot of places where they gather and that's creating the increase in hospitals but we are not steeei it relating to deaths yet. stuart: thanks for setting us straight on the numbers, the actual situation on the ground. that's good. but i don't think you are going to deny that the restrictions you are now imposing, bars and restaurants, that is going to slow down the economic rebound. a major state like texas has a big impact on the overall economy. you are slowing down the rebound. >> well, we just opened the bars a few weeks ago and everything else, we are leaving open. we are not impacting beauty salons or churches or businesses. we are just saying to the bars
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in areas where young people primarily are gathering, that's probably related to the increase because quite frankly, stuart, they sat with their parents at home for 90 days, a lot of them living at home, and they said we got to get out of here. once they opened up, they went and socialized but they didn't social distance. there are a lot of young people who are single. they wanted to get out and have their life. they have gone out and maybe haven't been wearing masks, i would say not maybe, probably not, because i haven't seen many wear them, and they haven't been social distancing. we are trying to corral one area of the problem as opposed to locking down and -- that's the last place we want to go. and it would take a dramatic occurrence for that to happen. so i don't see that the same way. i just think it's an adjustment. people want leadership now, stuart. and from day one, i have been saying we can do two things at once. we are still doing that in texas. stuart: got it. lieutenant governor of the great state of texas, dan patrick, thanks for joining us.
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stuart: all right. we are still in the red to the tune of 550 points. that's your dow industrials. that's down over 2%. apple got caught -- they caught, i should say, they caught tik tok spying on millions of iphone users. they got in through a security hole in apple's ios system. the stock not reacting to that. it's just part of the general selloff today. apple is down four bucks at $360. albertson's, the restaurant -- sorry, the grocery store chain, they did an ipo today, went public, first time their shares are on sale to the public. they were priced at $16 and they have gone to $16.15. that's what you've got. so when they started trading they went up, what, ten cents on
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the stock. now this. really interested in this. fireworks sales, just ahead of this year's july fourth, absolutely spiking. that's interesting. let's bring in one of the biggest firework retailers there is. his name is bruce zoldan, the phantom fireworks ceo thereof. welcome to the program. good to see you. >> thank you for having me, stuart. honor to be here. stuart: why this year are you experiencing this just extraordinary surge in retail fireworks sales? why this year? >> well, i think there are several reasons. certainly being penned up, most americans, for three months or several months with home isolation, looking to go outside and have some type of entertainment and unfortunately, people aren't traveling now, they're not going to theme parks, they're not going to see big fireworks shows, parks are closed, so they are having
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backyard parties and the only entertainment at the end of the backyard picnic is consumer fireworks. so it's been a surprise to us, too. stuart: what's your percentage increase in sales this year compared to last year? 2019? >> i think our company had planned on a 15% increase in sales based on a saturday fourth of july, and we never expected it would be 115% or higher. stuart: sorry, tell me that again. i missed that. you are up 115%? >> yes. we planned on 15% and it ended up being 115% so far. stuart: okay. can you tell me, what is your best seller? >> well, the 500 gram repeaters which is like a mini grand finale, are certainly the top-selling items in the consumer fireworks world. stuart: are they all made in china? >> yes. 99% of fireworks worldwide come
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from china. stuart: you have to pay a tariff on imported fireworks from china? >> just a normal tariff, fortunately for the consumer fireworks, we weren't added on with any major tariff this year. so it's just the normal tariff for fireworks. stuart: you know, the number of complaints about fireworks are up all across the country. i mean, look at new york, for example. the nypd has gotten more than 11,000 calls about fireworks this year. it was only 54 last year. mayor bill deblasio says fireworks aren't a big priority this year. do you do anything to stop people taking fireworks across state lines? you aren't supposed to have fireworks in new york city or new york state, they are getting them somewhere. do you try to stop them taking them to non-fireworks selling states? >> well, there are certain types of fireworks that are legal in
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49 states and we certainly hope that people that are purchasing fireworks at our stores across the united states are using them in accordance with the state law of where they live. unfortunately, we know that some people take them and use them where they're not supposed to use them, and we as an industry discourage that, but there's little we can do about it. it's pretty much up to local law enforcement where they're using them. stuart: do you have any liability problems? if i walk into one of your stores, purchase a firework, walk outside, aim it at somebody, they get injured, are you liable? >> i think you would be shocked at the number of liability cases we have had in the last ten years. we have insurance companies begging for our business. stuart: so you have had no liability problems? none? >> almost nothing. very very little. stuart: you don't have liability insurance? careful what you say on public television there, bruce. >> no, we have great liability
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insurance. i'm saying there's several companies, insurance companies, that are striving for our business because of our low liability claims. stuart: okay. how many outlets have you got? >> we have 80 brick and mortar stores throughout the united states. we operate approximately 1500 seasonal stands and tents throughout the united states. and we sell to several major retailers in the united states. stuart: you are the firework king. bruce zoldan, phantom fireworks, thanks for being with us today. congratulations. you are having a great year. all good stuff. thank you, bruce. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: sure thing. we have been asking you to send in your comments about the show all week long and now it's finally time for what we are calling friday feedback or feedback friday, not sure which way it is. friday feedback. we will show you the good, the bad and yes, the ugly. we have some -- we are going to break some big news to ashley
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stuart: that's music worth playing. okay. let's not stop me now. friday feedback. here we go. we asked you to send in your comments and you did. i'm going to start with some of the kind of slightly nasty ones to start with. okay. first, m.l. hill says your show is on fox business channel, you should stay on business reporting and not politics. quit on campaigning for trump and making excuses for him. you sound like his campaign manager. no, that's not true, sir. i support president trump's views on the economy. i'm a big supporter of that. why not? this one from elliot janes who writes varney, he has a serious problem pronouncing bayer. it is spelled b-a-y-e-r. he always pronounces it "bayer." wait a minute. is this a speech impediment? wait a minute. again, look, look, let me go back to the company here.
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look, it is spelled b-a-y-e-r. it is pronounced bayer. have i got that right, guys? have i? susan: yes. lauren: yes. stuart: it's german. lauren: people confuse it with the aspirin, the medicine. i remember back when i first started doing tv my dad actually called me up, he said lauren, you are pronouncing bayer wrong, it's bayer, not bayer. but it's bayer. stuart: it is. that's right. thank you. let's move on. linda hagerman writes this. this is one of the good ones. love to see the very intelligent and successful women who are analysts and hosts on your show. love your accent and your sense of humor. sorry about your boeing stock. yes, so am i. congratulations, susan and lauren. i think that was a compliment to you guys. hoor here's a suggestion from rick. how about a ten-minute class on an economic topic and how it affects the economy and my i.r.a.?
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absolutely no way. if you think that i could hold an audience with a ten-minute deal on the federal reserve, think again. am i right on that one, susan, lauren and ashley? susan: yeah. lauren: no. stuart: thank you. chip writes this one. this is good. hey, ash, this is from chip, hey, ash, if you speak into your iphone and say hey, siri, how old is ashley webster, you will not like the answer. hey, susan, give it a try. susan: siri, how old is ashley webster? >> ashley webster is 119 years old. susan: 119 years old? i don't believe it. you look pretty good. ashley: thank you very much. stuart: how did they get that so wrong? they said you were born in 1901. that's it. ashley: i remember it well. yes. back in the day. right there with you, stu. susan: siri, how old is stuart
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varney? >> i don't know stuart varney's age. susan: she doesn't know stuart varney's age. stuart: 72 next week. thanks to everyone who wrote in. keep sending us your thoughts. i promise you, everyone, more "varney" after this. hey you, yeah you. i opened a sofi money account and it was the first time that i realized i could be earning interest back on my money. i just discovered sofi, and i'm an investor with a diversified portfolio. who am i?! i refinanced my student loans with sofi because of their low interest rates. thanks sofi for helping us get our money right. ♪ ♪ (announcer) reliability is everything. so, if your network's down, you're down. verizon knows your customers need to reach you seamlessly.
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about the show in our friday feedback. if you are not careful we will do it again. we thank all of our viewers. time's up for me this friday, neil, it is yours. neil: i'm glad mine got through. i was worried he would not get my e-mail. thank you very, very much. i thought it was funny. have a wonderful weekend, in the meantime take a look, we have a selloff going on, we were down a lot already unconcerned about the number of cases building in the united states, roughly 40000 back-to-back days, we have not seen that through the whole ordeal. and the fact that so many states, half a dozen were seen of taking cases by about 10%, the real news came out of texas because up until now, the state governor has either slowed down
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