tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 28, 2020 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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the justices are ruling that president trump, saying the president was absolutely correct in focusing on detaining illegals and making it easier for the dhs, to detain illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds, the high court also agrees with the president that he indeed has the power to deny green cards to immigrants that require government welfare and assistance. and the justices also supporting the president's remain in mexico policy, ruling that president trump and the department of homeland security can return illegal immigrants to mexico while they await asylum decisions. >> this president has taken on the powerful open-border and
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amnesty lobbyists, who control the congress and the white house for decades, he's not just taking them on, but beating them and decisively in court to. put it another way, president trump has been right all along and president trump is right again. following the president's big victories in the supreme court, he's roaring back on the campaign trail. the president and vice president are both on the road today going to two key battle ground states to celebrate the creation of new manufacturing jobs in america, the re-opening of this nation, and the massive project of rebuilding america's military. president trump in wisconsin is touring a shipyard in northeastern wisconsin, and vice president pence is touting the production of a new american-built all-electric truck at a ford factory in lordstown ohio.
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the president's trip to wisconsin, follows the award of a 5.5 billion dollar naval contract to the ship yard to build guided missile friggets, and it will keep those employees in wisconsin working for the next two decades. the president is keying in on the chief focus and winning messages from his presidential campaign on: the economy and national security. recent approximately polling shows 56 á aft americans approve by a strong margin the way the president is handelting our economy. >> handling our economy. >> the visit to the hartland is a sharp contract to the itinerary of his adversary, joe biden. it's clear the former vice president is propped up by a
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captive left-wing media and they are struggling and they are also noring the frequent in-- ignoring the frequent inability to stay focused or hold a press report in almost 84 days. making a rare venture out from his basement to talk about expanding obama care in pennsylvania. the former vice president might as well have remained in his basement. only a handful of people decided to be in attendance for his remarks. >> well, new questions being asked this evening about whether or not attorney general william barr, will consider obama, as targets of the investigation. >> ruling in favor of president trump and the former national security advisor, michael flynn.
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the clinton-appointed judge was told to follow the orders to dismiss the case to pay some attention to our constitution and immediate dismiss the criminal case against generallynn. >> judge á sullivan seems to be defying the justice department and has not immediately dismissed the case as the court orders, he has only suspended the hearing for july 16th and he continues his partisan circus. it's almost as though he's trying to distract the public's attention from the larger political circus, namely the actions of the obama white house in the mongs and days leading up to the inauguration of president trump. specifically the origins of obama-gate, and general flynn,
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was the principal victim. the frame-up investigation of general flynn. >> what did you know about the moves to investigate michael w nothing about those moves to investigate michael flynn. >> you say you don't know anything about it but you were to be in a meeting and you and the president were briefed on theb fbi's ability to question. >> i thought you asked me whether or not i was involved in him being prosecuted. i was aware they asked for an investigation but that's all i know about it. we know quite a bit more about what was going on. >> lou dobbs: and the indications are that the vice president knew quite a bit about what was going on. a newly revealed handwritten note from the disgraced fbi agent struck, suggests biden
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is ... well, lying. general flynn's attorney wrote: struck's notes believed to be on january 24th, 2017 refeel former president obama, á james comie, apparently susan rice discussed the transcripts of flynn's calls and how to proceed against him, and they said, "the right people" should be assigned to investigate general flynn, causing comie, to acknowledge the obvious, the calls appear legit. and that's the quote according to struck's notes. it appears vice president biden raise raised the logan act becoming
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a pretext to investigate generallynn. >> further connecting the obama white house to the radical demand deep-state's efforts to undermine and perhaps try to overthrow president trump. everything, it seems, was known at the very top. so far, attorney barr, has not questioned obama. as you listen to what he told our reporter about the flynn case it is his department that withheld the excupatory evidence against general flynn >> the flynn investigation took place á before i started and by the time i started it was in the hands of the special counsel's office, it's something in my view raised serious concerns and
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questions, which is why i ordered an after-action review by our inspection division, to take a look at whether or not the fbi's policies and procedures need to be changed and if there are any current employees left who ... um, may bear responsibility for misconduct? >> he seems highly animated and determined to root out evil in his do main ... hardly. >> only current employees will be looked at. it's about time that changed. former president obama and vice president biden are clearly aware of the reasons behind the greatest political scandal in american history. they should, of course, answer for that. and if chris raycan't see that, it may be time for president trump to make more changes. desperately-needed changes. >> the president says he will sign an executive order by the
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end of the week to protect public statues and federaleral monuments to protect them from mobs. hundreds of national guard soldiers brought you by the president and put on standby to help protect historical monuments. the radical left is trying to tear down history, even tearing down those who fought to free the slaves, including general grant. joining us, kevin mccarthy, majority house leader who wrote on this on fox and who has strong opinions about all of this that we see from the radical dems and the left-wing mob, that is somehow ... managing to get away with destroying property and heritage, contemporaneously. your thoughts, congressman, if you will, on how in the world
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so many mayors are allowing mobs to run through their cities and destroy monuments and to behave unlawfuly? >> well, there's simply not upholding the law. á there are laws on the books where those individuals should be prosecuted. i give president trump a lot of credit for stopping it. what he's done is bring in the national guard. this left-wing mob is trying to tear down abraham lincoln's emancipation. they said they will do it tonight at 7 o'clock. when they show up, there will be the national guards around. that's what cities should be doing around the country and if they do not do that they shouldn't be getting federal money, if they don't uphold the law they don't get taxpayers' money. we do not need these autonomous zones. this is >> america's too great for a
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small stupid idea like that, if the mayors will not do it, we will. >> i congratulate you. i will point to people not standing up but first let's share with the audience, the president's views and what he has said about this. here is president trump on this very issue: >> i think many of the people knocking down these statues don't have any idea what the statue is, who it is, what it means that. look at george washington, thomas jefferson, not gonna happen, not gonna happen, not as long as i am here. >> the president, making it very clear. where is the conference? where are other republic ans, s mobs "stop it now" and to the principally democrats that are mayors and governors, "stop it now". i can't believe what what we
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are watching, we are permitting ... we have elected and law enforcement officials permitting wanton destruction. >> the silence of the democrats on the destruction is shameful. inside the republican conference, we see legislation, the president standing up time and again. a lot of these are local, and so how do we make sure they stand up for the rule of law, look atinance -- nancy pelosi's district. st. sarah got torn down. in 2015, i stood with nancy pelosi and the pope and prayed before the statue of st. sarah in the capitol. she said nothing about this. they want to go after general grant, look what they did in wisconsin. they tore down a statue of someone who fought slavery,
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they knocked out literally, someone who fought slately. >> and, when it comes to the institution and others, one of the greatests we -- foundations we have in america is the rule of law. they are going against the rule of law. if we break down the rule of law we lose society, that's the goal of a lot of these people, if you ask them their beliefs, they are marxist and socialist and they are trying to tear down the history of this nation and we all should stand against it. >> i hope both democrats and republicans, will follow this president's lead. >> thank you, again, congressman kevin mccarthy. >> and joining us after this quick break ...
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all of the polls, 14 points. against the man who puts america first, and makes america great. how in the hell could anybody be 14 points of a man who has done all of that? >> i don't know, the economist is supported to be a reputable organization can you imagine if hillary clinton had won the election, no one would hear about this, they would cover it up, people would be in charge. i gotta tell ya, you wanna wake up with a snile on -- smile on your face, look in the mirror and say "i am so glad that hillary clinton is not the president of the united states" and your day will be often rolling in the right direction. >> i feel better knowing president trump is president. that suits my day just fine.
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and i don't understand, perhaps you can give us insight into it, i don't understand the number of republicans on capitol hill who are doing the same "stupid nonsense" they pulled in 2018 to throw away the how was representatives? talking about ... and this is coming from mitch mcconnell, in the senate, saying "separate yourself from the president on these issues and don't follow the president's lead, ignore him"? >> i mean that was a disaster for republicans in 2018. it will be a disaster for them again. you and i both know that. what in the world >>: what are they thinking? >> if you are a republic an, but you pretend to be conservative and can't articulate the agenda, america first, how hard is that to sell to the friends, neighbors and potential votors. that's not a difficult lift.
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voters >> people try to be soft on it, appease, but they do it to their own peril, they show they don't have a backbone, they are not willing to stand up as fundamental as "america first" and decide, you know what? we have an agenda in this country, it is moving in the right direction. as long as you get behind and support what the president is advocating. look at what he's been able to do on the supreme court, what he's been able to do on the bench. look at how he built the economy, i believe if you are going into the 2020 election, who is in the best drivers' seat to build the economy again? you better get behind the donald trump agenda. >> right, because, guess what? who's been right? who's been right about the economy? who has been right about russia? who has been right about china? who has been right about the wall of illegal immigration? the supreme court, for god's sake, is supporting his entire ... all but his entire agenda.
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i mean his victory, after victory. and these morons, walking around going ... clucking ... john thune, i would like to put up a quote for the audience, if i may. he represents milquetoast china. >> this requires a message that deals with substance and policy, but i think a message that could be perhaps a different tone, says john thune who has never done anything but follow chris mcconnell, around in close quarters. this is ridiculous. he doesn't suggest what a substantive policy would be, this president, meanwhile, has policy after policy, victory and achievement, unparalleled. >> who wants a former member of congress ... i have sat on the floor of the house while
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the president gives the "state of the union" address. and look at each of those that donald trump made wharks -- what he promised and what he accomplished. don't get distracted with the bells, whistles and sirens to the side. look at the core of what donald trump is fighting for, it's incumbent upon the republicans, tell us what you disagree with? it would drive the economy into the ground. they better get on ground if they want to win elections and continue to have the power-positions >> chairmanchampionships that we en >> chairmanships that we currently enjoy as republicans now. >> don't you love the fact that attorney general barr has decided to take upe up jerry nadler, that will be fun stuff, don't you think
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jerry nadler, can barely navigate the facemask, pulling it on and off, little alone matching the wits and wisdoms of attorney general barr. i think he should, and they need to have regular communication before the congress. attorney general barr is going to run circles around the attempts of the "masterminds" like ger nadler -- jerry nadler, and others on the committee. >> all i can think is, the average iq, will go up 30-40 points in that room. >> jason, you get the last word. your thought on where we are right now? >> no, but i gotta tell you, though, you were talking earlier about director ray? he is not getting it done. that guy needs to move on. i am a huge fan of what the
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attorney general's doing, but not the fbi director. >> jason shavitz, as always, he has it right. jason, thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. >> john bolton's betrayal. the under cutting of the secretary, the former national security advisor, >> stay with us, we will be right back. what'd we decide on the flyers again? uh, "fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service.
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ahead of truth and the rest of the country. joining us for this exclusive interview is secretary of the treasury, steven mnuchin, mr. secretary, glad to have you with us. i will start with the quote from john bolton, and i am sure you have read this quote. put that on the screen for the audience, please? mnuchin is a democrat and the views we recommended go light on sanctions on russia, don't sanction the chinese or north korea, a big business democrat, fine in a big business democrat-type administration. not only does he hate president trump, he hates the treasury secretary. what's the deal? >> lou, great to be with you. he doesn't like me, obviously doesn't like the president, because from day one he disagreed with the president's strategy. first i will say, i haven't
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read the book, i have seen parts of the book, people sent it to me. it's full of inaceracies, that's #1. #2, it's outrageous that any member of the president's national security team should be able to write a book without getting cleared and after the president is long-gone. the fact that john bolton was more interested in making millions off of a book than serving the country, is outrageous. >> and the judge, himself, roycelambert, acknowledges that he did not have written authorization from the security council review. he was gambling with the national security and, the judge said - and i am not sure i agree with him - that the "horse was out of the barn". i am not sure i agree with that at all. point of fact, we have had instances where judges have
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retreved published books but they were not sold. this is a bizarre moment in history where a judge says he's wreckless with national security, could have civil and criminal penalties against him as a result, but he wouldn't stop the book. >> lou, my understanding, and again without being an expert on the legal case, i can tell you my understanding is, when bolton left the white house he was asked to return notes and he didn't. and so i find it hard to believe that he sits in a principal's committee meeting in the situation room, which by definition, deliberations are confidential and classified, yet he must have an incredible memory if he remembers everybody's quotes. not only are many of the quotes inaccurate, even if they were accurate, bidefinition -- by definition
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they would be classified. we have done more in the president trump administration than in the previous administrations combined. for bolton to say we were weak on sanctions is ridiculous. when it comes to >> lou dobbs: >> to iran, the secretary pompeo were alined. and john bolton was not necessarily 100% aligned. but every decision á we made went to the president. and it was the president's policy, not john bolton's policy. >> let's talk about - if we may - decoupling robert rayheiser, raising highbrows when he said, "decoupling from china" after 100 + thousand americans were murdered by the policies and the decisions of the chinese president, and
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president trump made it clear it was a misunderstanding. but i wonder what your understanding is? >> i think the ambassador leigtheiser's comments were taken out of context, he lead the trade negotiations at the direction of the president. i sat in every one of those meetings and nobody has done as much on trade as the ambassador. >> there may be a time when we have a decoupling, the president will consider it. the president's tarriff's caused the phase 1 trade deal, which is more than any previous administration, democrat or republican in the office. >> i think at the forefront, complementing you and the president and the administration for achieving an historic agreement with the
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chinese. and i am now feeling lonely because i am amongst the few who believe this administration should be holding president khi, and the chinese government, for what i see plainly as the murder of over 100,000 americans. is there energy devoted to how that can be achieved? >> lou, i think there's energy. and i would start with secretary pompeo when he had the most recent meeting; it was very clear. we need answers. you know, it's not acceptable that china hasn't opened up, hasn't been forthright with what's gon with this disease. -- gone on with this disease. and it's no question the disease started there. how did it spread through the rest of the world but it didn't spread through china? that's what we want to know. >> why didn't they, when they did know what was going on, they didn't tell the rest of the world >> and that has cost ... a lot
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of lives. mr. secretary, we thank you for being here. and it's good of you to stand up and defend the president against a former national security advisor who does seem just a bit too interested in his book-vance, rather than -- book advance rather than the advancement of american interest. thank k k k at fisher investments, we do things differently and other money managers don't understand why. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those. so, what's in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different.
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>> lou dobbs: joins us now is bob woodson. a civil rights activist headed the league of criminal justice and is the founder of the woodson center, which helps residents of low income neighborhoods. bob, great to have you back with us >> lou dobbs: want to talk about what's going on with the police department. it's important. i would like to show the audience. the highest murder rates in the country, and leading the way is baltimore, with 58 per 100,000 residents. washington is next. imagine this ... the federal government is in the second most violent city in the country? 23.5 per hundred thousand. philadelphia. chicago 18. but, bob, as you know, violence in chicago, atlanta there have been a lot of call-outs and calls for officers to leave the streets;
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chicago had an immense tragedy over the past weekend. >> lou, it's important to understand, only about 14 blacks -- unarmed blacks are killed by the police each year. even that's too much. but for every black killed by a police officer, 270 kill one another. 270 to 1. but, black lives matter would have us focus on -- what we are doing at the woodson center, with the 1776 project, we will help the black community to rebel against those exploiting them by offering solutions that we have crafted over the last 20 years. this past week, we brought together from around the country some ex-gang members, police officers, who, 21 years ago we went into the most crime-infested murder capital
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of the city, and mobilized that community to heal itself. and we went from 53 murders in a five square block area, to less than 1 for 12 years. and so, we -- and so we are ... we have brought these back together. and we think that we spent 2 hours. we had 5-6 black chiefs, police officers, sharing in a live stream, sharing solutions. we have area of excellence, there's not been a shooting in the area, because of the effectiveness. we should invest, lou, in these kinds of interventions that heal from within the black community. but it's not being done.
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>> lou dobbs: it seems ... it's not being done, and there seems to me to ... there seems to be no interest in interventions or solutions; whether it's black lives matter or whether it be in minneapolis, for crying out loud. a mayor who made no sense before there before this crisis in his city; and certainly it was a disaster, a destructive influence when there was a crisis. so, i ... what is necessary to begin that kind of interaction between the cities' power structures and the young -- principally young men who carie out these murders. >> they have to be transformed, men who came together, they have been peaceful for 21 years. and there are hundreds of
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others who have walked that path. john ponder, our friend in las vegas, who had his first pair of handcuffs on at 12 years old. he has been redeemed. so the path towards redemption, we need to support those who are able to reach into those communities and reach into the hearts of the people suffering the problem, and show them another way. we have all kinds of models, lou, but it's a matter of us taking them seriously and investing in them; but all of our major corporations are investing in race grievance, and we must change that, empower the people. >> it's stunning, stunning that these corporations are investing in a ... in the black activists organizations of black lives matter, instead of the communities directly. it makes no sense. they are trying to align themselves with what they
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think is a prevailing "mood" when, in fact, it is calling for the destruction of the fabric of our society. >> it really is. and it's wholesale destruction. they must be converted and changed. by giving them money, they are getting validation, they are against the nuclear family. they say, you are a racist, they are against the christians because they say they are homophobic. >> bob woodson, great to talk with you, i like to talk with you often. every wednesday seems pretty good to me. we hope to continue this. next week, stay with us. we will be right back. ♪ hey, can i... hold on one second... sure. okay... okay!
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to slash his office budget if barr wouldn't testify. the fearsome nadler, has intimidated the attorney general of the united states, into testifying. nadler, you know, doesn't stand a chance here. >> the radical dems are questioning a when i felt -- whistle blower, aaron zalenski, council team. accusing attorney general barr and others members of the department of justice of being too leniant, giving leniency because of his relationship with donald trump: >> he alleged all kinds of
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politics, you go after bill barr, the president, file a sentencing memo recommended 7-9 years and the next day your boss files a supplemental sentencing memo recommend will 3-4 years. recommending 3-4 years. >> 9 years later, judge firman jackson picks the 3-year sentence. >> hundreds of of faulty ballots sent to republican vote , an error, listed the democratic candidates and not the republican candidates. the post ran this headline: barring a landslide, what's probably not coming on november 3rd ... a result in the race for the white house. >> president trump, lage out
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-- lage out clearly what he thinks about the administration of president obama to overthrow his presidency. >> look, look. when i came out a long time ago i said, they have been spying on my campaign. i said qthey >> "they have been taping" a modern-day version of taping, it's all the same thing. they have been spying on my campaign. >> lou dobbs: up next, president trump, teasing a high ranking job for a man who did a splendid job in his previous role. we will talk with kimberly i'm a performer. -always have been. -and always will be. never letting anything get in my way. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis. new voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving.
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>> joining us now, kimberley strassel, member of the wall street journal, editorial board. great american she is. and, great to have you with us, kim. what a -- i want to start, if i may, with this linda-- lindsay graham. i am so tired of this tortured human being talking out of both sides of his mouth, and he is one of the top republican senators. what do you make of him and how much attention should we give him? >> i am happy he is roding with the -- proceeding to call
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in all of those characters that were part of the "russian clusion fantasy". i saw you earlier on the show á talking about his decision to honor blue slips. and not allow, well, basically not allow a president's new nomination to the southern district to come up, unless new york democrats agree. i profoundly disagree with that plan, because blue slips, by the way, they are not a rule, they are a tradition; they are a courtesy. they were designed to solicit home state senators with the idea of getting better candidates for the job. but democrats don't understand bipartisanship, and they are using blue slips to stymie the president's appointments, small or large. they shouldn't be afforded that courtesy. >> the last three years didn't happen in lindsey graham's
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mind. he is not aware of those are trying, with the deep state, to overthrow the president of the united states. what idiocy and why is this allowed by mitch mcconnell. the horse's left the barn, therefore i can't do anything? what a cocomamy excuse. i hope bolton is held liable for agredgious acts -- agregious acts against the president. >> we can quibble, there are issues with the fact that bolton proceeded here. this is an important point, we get angry at judges and you have to look at the behavior of those involved. it's unfortunate that bolton
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proceeded while the president was in office, and that the classification process was not completed. >> kimberley strassel wrote that the president needs to give voters a reason to vote for him. tell us about it, kim? >> well, i was just writing lou about with this idea of, make america great again for all, because despite all of the terrible things of the virus and these riots, what they have exposed is, there are a lot of disparities out fromthere in the country. it's not because of systemic racism, it's because of a lack of opportunity for too many people. the president has an agenda about expanding opportunity: school choice, for instance. better health care. better housing opportunities. better job opportunities. and this is a chance he should expand that and it's a way of dressing what we have -- addressing what we have and moving forward. >> and he's got a record to back it up. that's pretty helpful, too.
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>> kimberley strassel, always good to talk with you, thank you so much. >> michael pilsbury, john fenton, and john solomon with us today. we hope you will be, as well. we hope you will be, as well. thank you for joining harvey levin: the objects people choose to keep in their home define who they are. this is... these are the dice from "high rollers" on which you - were a contestant... - i was. who did not do particularly well. harvey: i'm harvey levin. this is the story of a man who's been welcomed into millions of homes across the globe for more than three decades. welcome to "jeopardy!" as we begin another week. alex was a young hellraiser in canada, something that enraged his mom. she would whack me pretty hard sometimes. if i did something that she considered... stupid. but after his parents divorced, alex was shipped off to boarding school,
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