tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business June 29, 2020 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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days, stay at home on others. you might save on child care, come muting, still get the face-to-face interaction. stuart: that is huge. new york city has a real problem on its hands and it got a lot worse today. the dow is up 370. neil, it is yours. neil: i was thinking that, stuart, by extension, radio city music show and that is a tourist attraction. very sad news. thank you, my friend, very much. we're following up on a lot that stuart outlined here. but new york city is slowly reopening but we emphasize slowlily. stuart outlined what is happening on the broadway front. maybe phase three that could include indoor dining in new york city could be pushed back. that may be a mixed signal we're getting out of new york city mayor, bill de blasio.
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governor andrew cuomo ultimately calls the shots. looks like that could be pushed back. governor cuomo speaking to the press, noted a lost spikes in cases happen particularly in states that opened up indoor dining too soon. no way to verify that. the fact he wants to be cautious about that at same time he is ripping federal government response on all of this, is obviously going to get a response from president of the united states either with a tweet or something, later on. he has full throttle criticizes the federal government minimizing the entire coronavirus situation. others middle east disagree with that. we should also say that is the latest period on june 28th. eight deaths reported in new york state. we should emphasize that is record low number and is down substantially from the 800 daily highs we were seeing in march and april, it is still a stubborn trend that remains as do hospitalizations also going down here. the number of new cases is an issue that has come up again and
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again. there was an interesting read on this from a key numbers watcher at "marketwatch" who was saying that the overall trend here in younger people who are getting the virus, actually a positive development. they're not as vulnerable to dying from this. many sadly still do. but that could be a constructive development proving that testing is working. this is christopher with global head of equity at jeffries quoted in market watch saying among other things it is a good trend to see most of the cases we are getting confirmation on are young and that the deaths are still declining markedly. in fact precipitously, not only states like new york. he goes on to say across the country. when you hear new cases it is very, very alarming. it is optimism built on the idea that this could be the worst it gets. in other words the hike in cases as long as it is juxtaposed
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against the decline in deaths or worrisome cases. now there is still that added drama building in states like texas and florida, certainly arizona, where, certainly if in texas, and certainly in arizona where we've had you know, a push on icu beds and the rest, it hit almost a limit in texas, very, very close to 100%. having said all of that, the developments naturally are seen as positive. that is one of the reasons why we have the dow advancing right now. texas is maybe to some people's thought an outlyer here. texas was among some of the states. i think andrew woman cuomo was referring toth process. casey stegall following that and other developments across the country. he is in dallas right now. casey what are we looking at today?
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reporter: the data that suggests more younger people are becoming infected. in texas, a lot of states experiencing a surge in new coronavirus cases younger people do account for the majority of those infections. out in california, for example, nearly 57% of the positive cases are people that are between the ages of 16 and 49 years old. it's a driving force behind the governor's decision they're to close bars in seven of california's counties that happened over the weekend urging another eight counties to do the same though not required yet there. and for context, also expand on what you were talking about, people above the age of 65 still account for the vast majority of covid deaths. we're also seeing some similar statistics coming out of florida where the median age of new cases is about 37 years old and that has prompted officials to order local beaches to close in a growing littles of counties
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for the july 4th holiday weekend. that includes the florida keys, miami, and palm beach. bars, you remember in the entire state have been ordered to stop alcohol sales. while in texas, the governor says younger people also driving up the number of new infections, houston continues to be the state's epicenter. which is why the county is on red alert and encouraging people to stay at home if they can. area hospitals are holding. officials are most certainly worried about the coming weeks, listen. >> a lot more -- we are way down compared to where we were in march and ape with the icu patients. so we managing all this appropriately right now. we have capacity to take in a lot more cases but however i do with a word of caution that this is not long and sustainable. reporter: yesterday vice president mike pence and dr. deborah birx meted with
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governor of texas and health officials here in dallas. they encouraged residents across the state to keep wearing face masks and practice social distancing, hand washing all the things we've been hearing about for months. the vice president also pledged additional federal support to the lone star state not only in the form of testing but insuring that all the medical providers have all the ppe needed to handle this spike. neil. neil: thank you very my friend very much, casey stegall on all of that in dallas. i want to go to blake burman in washington where this is the epicenter. a the health and human services secretary alex azar, the window is closing in his words to manage the resurgence of the virus. right now 42,000 new cases since saturday. that is an all-time spike high throughout this whole virus situation. that raised some alarms and obviously governor cuomo
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pouncing on that to say that the federal government is sort of blinking through this. that is just a quick read on it. no doubt the president will respond to that. so far i don't believe he has of late following developments. they are fast moving at the white house. hey there, blake. reporter: talking about alex azar his department is at the story front of some of the news here in washington. we know how much it will cost to treat coronavirus patients with remdesivir. that is of course the drug produced by gilead specifically administered by a doctor in hospitals and treats patients in those hospitals fighting against covid-19. two different costs here, federal government 3.90 a vial. for private insurance companies, private insurance marketplace, $500 a vial. over the five-day treatment that involves $2300 for government programs. a little more than 3100 for private insurers. the announcement important for a couple different reasons.
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because gilead dough donated vis through the end of the month but keeps the government in charge of distribution method for hospitals basically through the rest of the summer, through sept. despite the price tag, gilead ceo says this will be a substantial savings. here is what he said in a letter quote, taking for example, the united states, it will have hospital savings of $12,000 per patient. even considering immediate savings to the health care system alone we can see the potential value that remdesivir provides. you mentioned azar, over the weekend the hhs second had a pre ominous warning say, quote, the window is closing end quote when it comes to combat covid-19 spread. he was asked about that this morning, neil, and what exactly he meant by that here? >> this is a real call to action. we have all got to as americans act responsibly as we reopen,
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get back to work, get back to school, get back to health care, we have got to practice social distancing. we have to use face coverings when we can't practice social distancing. reporter: you heard him say we have got to use facial coverings, when you can't practice social distancing. the top democratic lawmaker, house speaker nancy pelosi said over the weekend that the cdc, centers for disease control should mandate the use of face masks. and she says, that she doesn't believe they have done that due to pressure from the president trump. pelosi said, neil, the president should be leading by example on this one. neil? neil: all right, blake burman thank you very, very much. right now when we talk about these spikes in cases, blake touched on it, that is a big concern obviously by alex azar the issue becomes whose fault is it, and to hear from governors of states where they're experiencing spikes it's a fault of a lot of citizens, particularly younger folks who
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are not adhering to social stancing, capacity policies and forcing governors hands that might have to force the issue themselves and demand everyone wear masks, keep six feet away from the next nearest person, you know the drill. florida, south carolina, nevada have recorded their highest new infections in a single day. first time single back-to-back days. florida, for example, 9585 new cases on saturday. that was followed by 8530 cases on sunday. the governor desantis has been urging young people not to ignore social distancing rules which may be the main culprit spreading the virus. other governors who i chatted are strong, strongly recommending everyone wear masks. governor mike dewine of ohio where they have had a pretty successful rollout of easing conditions right now still wants to keep it voluntary and recommend people wear masks but
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holds out the possibility they might have to demand that if there were a spike in activity. that is not the case in ohio. it is very much the case in some these other states. i want to explore that a little more closely with dr. tom price, former secretary of hhs under president trump. of course a former georgia congressman as well. secretary, always good having you. your successor has been talking increasingly about the closing window of opportunity to get ahead of it. are you worry we're behind it? >> anytime you have a an increase in cases means you're not doing all you can to make certain the numbers go down as opposed to go up. the case rates are going up for a couple reasons. there are more tests being done. you have to appreciate, one of major reasons people are going out and not necessarily being responsible as they ought to be
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from a social standpoint. distancing, face masks, make certain folks are washing their hands, do things everyone knows about now because of instructions and education over the last three or four months. it is absolutely vital to do so. you mentioned younger people were having increased incidence. that is the case. they're not having a severe as disease when they have it. their incentive is to make sure other folks are not getting the infection they may be carrying even though they may not have a difficult case of the disease itself. neil: nancy pelosi has said, doctor, congressman, secretary, a lot of titles there, that this should be a federal edict then. for example a mask policy. should be demanded across the country. what do you think of that? >> public health by and large is a local issue. what needs to happen in one place doesn't necessarily need to happen in another place. i know that the default of the speaker is always to have the
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federal government tell folks what to do but i would rely on the local individuals at state and local levels. there are many places right now that are requiring it and demanding it. if the numbers continue to go up i think we'll see more states do that, and more localities do. that is where it ought to be local level, public health departments, folks that know what is going on on the ground. neil: you probably heard, secretary, that governor cuomo was very critical of the federal response even now, minimizing how bad this upsurge in cases is, what did you think of that? >> well, sadly politics is being played with everything now and to play politics with health, on either side i think is not wise. the fact of the matter is this is a new infectious disease. it means we don't know all of the answers to all of the questions that we would like to. we will ultimately. there will be treatment that is
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high quality treatment. there will be a vaccine i believe. but until that happens, it is incredibly important that everyone, everyone, take responsibility to make certain that we're not transmitting this disease across our society in ways otherwise would be preventable, and act with individual responsibility. neil: sir, always a pleasure catching up with you, dr. tom price the former hhs secretary. we're still monitoring these developments closely. secretary, always good to see you. be well. with all the concerns in uptick in cases the collective read of the street maybe this is as bad as it gets and we start looking at details and underlying trends in those cases. this is the wall street impression. i'm not saying it is even justified or accurate. because it skews toward younger individuals, those likely to be more resistant to the disease progressing and those even who have tested positive certain dying from it that could be a sign that the testing is working. that the mix of patients getting
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it is, you never want people to get it, but if people, like young people get it, that is a better scenario for eventually getting this thing under control. that and promising vaccines and others expensive as they are being considered right now that could get ahead of this. even dr. fauci is among those that say, that is not a magic bullet. it is not sort of something that will be immediately effective for everyone. maybe more like 70% effective rate but it is something. that is the street's way of saying that these are positive underlying trends that we're seeing. that depends on the day. some days they could see the half empty glass. today the half-full glass. boeing disproportionately helping the dow today, with the faa clearing the way for more 737 max testing. we'll get into detail with alicia levine, bny mellon investment chief strategist. aalicia, good to have you back. what do you they have the street
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response today, pretty much similar mine must boeing, to the same news on friday when we had the huge selloff. same spike in cases, same concern this could get out of control but a very different reaction what do you think? >> very different reaction. great to see you, neil, nice to see you again. neil: same here. >> today action is being lead by the cyclical stocks in the value sectors which is actually astounding because if anything you would think the reopening is slowing down there are a couple messages here. which i think the street is taking the news over the last week as essentially a warning sign to course correct. that we can fix this as a nation with certain changes with mask wearing and a little bit more deliberate approach towards what we do on the inside, whether it is restaurants or supermarkets or salons or anything like that. this is a course correction. the other thing is, we have so much stimulus coming at the u.s.
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economy from the fed and congress, and the news of last week actually increases, that we get another fiscal stimulus sometime in july. neil: could be a big one to your point, right? i think they're talking now, that is even republicans, some of whom might not be keen adding to the debt, are saying it will be more than a trillion, maybe as much as $3 trillion. you're quite right to point out all the behind the scenes work, not all behind the scenes by the way, but the federal reserve is doing trillions more. some of that has got to stick, right? >> it already is sticking because if you think what happened to personal income here in the u.s., it has gone up enormously because of the ppp money, the direct payments and also the unemployment insurance. so we really supported the economy here and now that the virus is spreading in the southern states, you will have other senators more interested in a larger stimulus to keep the
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u.s. economy going. ultimately that is going to support the stock market. so i think in the next few weeks in terms of market action we're going to have choppiness. we'll try to retest some levels here. i think ultimately congress and the fed will try to support this thing going forward until we get to a place where we have a cocktail or some news on a vaccine. neil: real quickly, i don't want to get into politics and you and i try to avoid that but i know the street isn't red or blue, i get. that i think the street loves green. they like to make money. they liked it under bill clinton. they certainly liked it under this president. how much of a factor it could be if the president's poll numbers still stagger and looks like he is in trouble in the fall? would the market interpret that, regardless of your personal impression of the president, that friendlier market environments are not to be had and that things could get tougher as far as invest
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something concerned? >> that is a great question and we're getting it from a lot of clients really in the last few weeks, how to think about what happens with the election. for the most part the market ignores politics of it until the august before the election. so three months before the election the market really tells you where we're going. the market likes incumbency of either party, of either party and for the last 84 years the market has correctly predicted the outcome of the election. so if the market is up from august to november, you get the incumbent. if the market is down, you get the challenger. that is really are the same for either party. so something really to look at. there is a discomfort with the new administration coming in just because you're not sure if the policies, that really goes back 84 years. so that is something to look forward to. neil: you're right about that. >> yeah. neil: all right. thank you very, very much, proof of that was of course donald trump when it looked like he was going to win late in the evening counting up electoral
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state wins future were tanking, then quickly re versed themselves, quickly on the belief that guy wants to cut taxes and regulations. what happens now is anyone's guess. stay with us. ta-da! did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i should get a quote. do it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> i don't know about but i am tired of every generation of us having to have this conversation. if we can remove -- we can go on to do other conversations and we can do that while honoring -- neil: controversy over that emancipation mem mother-in-law statue featuring abraham lincoln freeing a kneeling slave, many just want the statue removed. my next guest says how about putting harriet tubman in its place? harriet tubman, the famous abolitionists, former slave, freed dozens of slaves during and after the civil war herself. the person advocating that position, marcus good man, candidate for the district of columbia city council. sir, good to have you,. >> thank you for having me on. neil: let's discuss it, the statue itself, how do you feel about it? is it the presence of the
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kneeling slaves that bothers you, or the fact that maybe harriet tubman would be a less controversial statue in its place? >> well i think your characterization there is indicative of part of the issue. it is not a slave. that is a freed citizen standing at the knee of abraham lincoln there. we first want to talk about being a freed citizen, a liberated person, who needs to be depicted as someone who is empowered. this conversation about the statue is emblematic about the relationship between the united states of america and the african-american community. so i'm happy that bringing this conversation forward with the petition that i created has contributorred to our national dialogue about how we treat and produce imagery in public spaces and in the way that our economies and societies are built that reflect african-americans, their
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stature, their position and how we can make improvements. that is what all of my advocacy has been about. how do we elevate ourselves from a depiction of someone kneeling with an an emans emancipatetor is standing above us, that we should feel grateful, versus how we create a equitable society of for all people. i'm talking at very local level, how do we create a issues-based platform reflective of those values. neil: i'm sure you know the background of the statue, it was to herald the emancipation proclamation, abraham lincoln announced he wanted to free all the slaves. that was news to the south all the time, who argued you can say that all you want, mr. president, your edict will not change that. this recognizes the slave himself first getting that news. now we can go back and forth
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whether that merits him kneeling, to your point, i get that but i'm wondering in this environment whether we're going too, too far? you know, do you think that the efforts here, and what you want to do you know, harriet tubman, which is a valid alternative, is it addressing the underlying problem that you want addressed? >> and i think what you've articulated is part of the revisionist history we learn in our schools today because we learn about people that were enslaved and then magically were liberated. of course it took 2 1/2 years for the emancipation proclamation to make it to galveston, texas, why we have the juneteenth celebration today. neil: that is right. >> we need to recognize we're not totally liberated. when we look at the status of the criminal justice system that incarcerate over a million african-americans to this day. when we look at housing and economic development.
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in washington, d.c., the capital of the wealthiest nation of the world, we have 81-1 wealth gap between black residents and white residents. median net worth of black families in the district is 3500. the median net worth of white families is $284,000. the same extends to -- neil: if you made it to the council, how would you correct that? what would you advocate? >> we need more home purchase assistance, down payment assistance and long term relief. someone, like my mother who is able to purchase a home 30 years ago, now pays more in property taxes than she ever did on her mortgage. long-time homeowners need opportunities from relief for property taxes so they're not systematically priced out of the city, especially if they're part of the working and middle class we've seen consistently priced out especially our african-american community, especially from homeownership,
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from business ownership and from educational opportunities. we still have a segregated education system in this city and other major cities such as new york city because when people who gentrify traditionally african-american communities have children come of school age they leave. they start to put their children into a private school system. so the issue is not just the statue but it is that we're talking about a conversation that we're asked as african-americans to take a leap of faith to tuft and understand that america and american dream is accessible to everyone. we've never seen. that not in 1865, not in 2020. we need to have a conversation not about past statues that have been up for 144 years but about the future. that is what my campaign and my message is all about. neil: we'll watch closely. marcus good win, thank you for taking the time. good to have you on.
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>> thank you, neil. neil: marcus goodwin in washington, d.c. we reached out to his potential opponents. we have not heard back. i believe we have not heard back. if and when they get back we love to get them on. give everyone their fair say. as we were talking here, boeing is confirm right now that the 737 max is set to begin, faa certification test in about 30 minutes. 10:00 a.m. seattle time, 1:00 p.m. east coast time. this is a significant development here because it could be the first sign yet that the 737 max might be back in service, or the start of that. we'll follow closely. boeing is up a lot. accounting for a big chunk of that 447-point gain on the dow. after this. ♪.
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♪. neil: all right, as we get out of our homes the airbnb chairman saying whatever happens it won't be like anything we've ever seen before coming out of this, as far as travel is concerned. historically, well, we'll never come back to what it was. is that read accurate? what does it mean right now if there is, if there is a recovery, where will it be? jeff flock following all of that very, very closely right now. hey, jeff. reporter: you know when they say, neil, when things change, things change. i give to you, the quintessential summer resort town. this is new buffalo, michigan, here on the shores of lake michigan. kind of dead in the winter but in the summer it comes alive. these are the kind of towns they think might benefit from the stay at home, do a road trip situation this year. take a look at the numbers, in terms of travel way down this summer, but down around 3% when it comes to travel by car to
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places like this, travel by air down 76%. other kind of travel down even more. the folks at airbnb, have been surveying this. they say 60% of their bookings so far, since april, have been 300 miles or less of homes in terms of people traveling. 43% up though, people traveling with their children. so, i guess that is good news. what do you get the kids somewhere? the other piece of good news i have for you with regard to gasoline prices. take a look at the numbers from aaa. these are projections for q3 which would take in the summer, 225 a gallon. that is a 15% decline. get in the car. go somewhere. not that far somewhere in america, like new buffalo, michigan. neil. neil: one step at a time, my friend. jeff flock, very, very much appreciate that read on travel. it is going to change
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significantly. we're already seeing that. happening right now, john schwartz with us right now, the market watch senior reporter, but social media, sort of i guess gotten to be a parade of those going after facebook, wanting to disassociate themselves not only with that company but twitter and a host of others. starbucks just the latest to say, you know what, better part of valor might be ditching advertising on this venue. they follow the likes of pepsico and diageo and so many others proctor & gamble, now is not the time to be in bed with someone who sponsors hate speech. that is their view of it. obviously facebook disagrees with that but where do you think all of this is going, john? >> well i think it is kind of pushing facebook into a corner. what congressional hearings and threats of antitrust regulation and basically a mutiny among the facebook employees couldn't reach, a boycott might force its hand.
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it did a little bit on friday when zuckerberg made some concessions that facebook would change the rules how speech is approached on the platform. i think in a sense this is the biggest crisis he has faced. when people like unilever, coke, starbucks abandon you, if not most if not all of your revenue is from advertising, it reached a point where facebook has to make a fundamental change and they haven't gone far enough. neil: one bullish analyst i think said something to the effect for all the boycotts and advertisers bolting we're talking about five to 6% of revenue here. obviously to your point that could grow mightily. it was almost poo-pooed as a result. what do you think about that? >> that's a good point. the one significant advertiser, marketer that dropped out was unilever because in a sense they represent things like dove,
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jerry's high-end brands. that might have an impact, right? but in the case of facebook we have a history here. you're right, we have a history of this company being challenged year after year, for five years at least in the way they handled content, they make minor concessions to only to have a flair-up. there will be a flair-up before the elections which might result in advertisers dropping out. unless a significant number of them do, they're not going to make significant change unless they are absolutely forced to. that is the nature of this company. neil: yeah. when you've got conservatives and liberals for various reasons going after you. >> right. neil: twitter by extension, different kind of case i grant you, you wonder where this ultimately leads. john, thank you very, very much. we'll watch it closely. i appreciate it. go ahead, finish that thought. >> i was going to say, it has led as i think you mentioned the
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emergence of a social media app like parler you have different views expressed without the threat of being filtered or censored in some cases. neil: yeah. we talked to the head of parler who is saying everyone you're welcome here. come here. so we'll see what happens. john, thank you very much. good chatting. meantime the dow is up 4 58 points. we talked earlier about the presidential polls, they have not been looking good for president trump, give what you will of them, might be not good for wall street. that could be a factor down the road. wall street is very crafty, always preparing for what sometimes some of them might not like to see. charlie gasparino, how some, at least are building a biden portfolio. we'll explore it. ♪
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♪. neil: it is still early and we had a guest a little while ago, not until around august or september to you start taking polls seriously enough or the financial community take them seriously enough to either be celebrating or worry. right now polls show donald trump is in a world of hurt right now. as things stand, even chris christie some closely tied to him worry he will lose. wall street tend to look at things through the money angle, not red or blue but green. they made a lot of money under bill clinton and made a lot of under donald trump anything that could dissuade that or upset that applecart would obviously be seen as a negative for them, regard let's what you think about the president. so how do they prepare for that possibility? maybe joe biden winning and changing the tone and tenor in washington? charlie gasparino has been looking at that, what are you hearing first off hon their views of a biden victory? >> this is not the joe biden of
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obama which i think they could, obama presidency which i think they could live with generally. there were some progressive overtones to it. there were some crackdowns on wall street. a lot of it was rhetoric, obama calling them fat cats. it was dodd-frank. but for the most part it wasn't a far left agenda. what they are worried about with joe biden, particularly as his poll numbers start to widen over donald trump, but again, it is still early. they worry about him elizabeth warren will make her way into the white house, will be impacting fiscal policy in some way, maybe even becoming treasury secretary. a lot of, a lot of people believe she is not going to be his vice president running mate. that he is likely to pick an african-american woman for that, but she will have a role in the administration. treasury secretary could be it. so they're worried about how that will impact fiscal policy. how that will impact regulation as lot more.
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how that will impact taxes. a lot more of them, on companies and individuals and how that might impact the stock market. again, it is very early. here is what weigh do know. brokerages for these presidential analysis on their clients portfolios the research teams wait until the fall sometime, maybe, late august, definitely into september where they start to sort of reassess how the markets might impact say, if trump gets elected for another four years around if biden gets elected and donald trump gets defeated. they're weighing, i can't say they will do it definitely but i have spoken with officials at the major brokerage firms, merrill lynch, morgan stanley, others like that. they're weighing maybe expediting that, particularly donald trump's poll numbers find some bottom and start to rise a little bit. why is that? for all the reasons i mentioned. the likelihood is biden gets in
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there is that the senate is likely to turn democratic as well. then the likelihood is we are going to see a very progressive economic agenda just given what joe biden did to get elected. he had to make peace, even with bernie sanders to a certain degree. and aoc. they're going to have roles in this administration. they will impact economic policy as will the massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, which, which biden who is, you know, mainly a liberal moderate i guess in his past lives, now is becoming much more progressive because of those alliances. that will have an impact on fiscal policy. that will certainly have an impact on the markets. now again, the other, there are many other factors that stocks trade off of including fed policy. we heard from jerome powell, probably never in his entire lifetime as fed chairman, i guess next four or five years he will ever raise rates again.
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that has an impact on markets too. you can't put the money someplace else. where do you put it? in stocks. that said if you starting to raise taxes, if capital-gains taxes go up, if you have a massive expansion of government, if you're going to go into more debt because you will forgive college loans, if the government goes on a spending spree to essentially finance a a progressive agenda, that will have impact on interest rates because you're borrowing more, impact on markets, companies. if you're raising the corporate tax rate back up to 35% from where it is now. i believe it is 20%. donald trump gave it a massive tax cut, that will impact certain things. just less, on its face there will be less stock buybacks. that means share prices probably will be lower for a lot of companies that could buy back stocks. neil: all right. >> this is stuff research departments on wall street calculate. again they calculate later in the year of the because of the poll numbers, because it doesn't seem like donald trump is getting his footing in terms of
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his re-election chances, they may expedite. when i say they, the major brokerage firms, morgan stanley, you know them all. merrill lynch a subsidiary of bank of america, ubs they're all out there, neil this just gives you an indication how people are starting to discount donald trump, not just in the political sphere but on wall street. but again, they have been wrong in the past. they said he would lose to hillary and they didn't. neil: thank you, thank you very, very much. i don't mean to jump on there. charlie gasparino. we'll follow that. that is a worry for the financial community here on pure money making terms. you probably heard the supreme court struck down a louisiana abortion law. what you probably did not know the conservative justice who tipped the balance.
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those tests will take place in seattle. the faa said the tests would start friday this is a new development. remember the 737 max jet has been grounded for 26 months after people were killed involving that plane. it was a huge human tragedy and also had a bad impact on the stock as well. remember the stock was trading jugs under $400 when the last crash happened on march of 19. boeing has done its own tests and made critical changes but this test by faa regulators would validate the work boeing has done here. the faa is emphasizing the fact that more valuations will have to take place t could take several more months for this to happen. this is the most definitive step to putplanes back in the air. the goal is to have them up and
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running by end of the year. boeing conducted 2,000 hours of flights to test fixes it created, neil. we're watching that stock, and also watching the market up 462 points. back over to well, in case you're counting once again, chief justice john roberts has sided with liberal justices on a crucial abortion ruling. again, as i said, it is not the first time and not just for that justice. what happened to the conservative majority? we'll ask the judge after this. ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ y-yeah ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ hey, hey
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i was blessed to be part of building one of the greatest game shows in history. during that time, we handed out millions of dollars to thousands of contestants. and i thought, what if we paid the contestants their winnings in gold instead of cash and prizes? back in 1976, we had a wonderful contestant named lee whose three-day winnings were valued at $12,850, and you know what? that was a pretty big haul back in 1976. so i wondered, what would have happened if lee had put $12,850 in cash and then put $12,850 in gold in a safe, just sitting there side-by-side from 1976 until now? well, i went back and i ran the numbers, and what i found was amazing. we all know that $12,850 in cash would still be sitting there, but it would be worth a whole lot less than it was in 1976.
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u.s. money reserve is one of the most dependable gold distributors in america. neil: all right. the scene right now at the white house, we are waiting for kayleigh mcenany's briefing. as soon as she steps to the podium we will of course go to her. this on the same day we are learning the supreme court has struck down a louisiana law that sharply limits abortions in the state. what was surprising about the decision is that the balance was tipped by the conservative chief justice, john roberts. not the first time we have seen a conservative justice go the other way. there have been examples before and that raised a question as to whether we got what we thought we would get on this court. it does seem to be a heated
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exchange among liberals and conservatives interpreting and following every tea leaf reading we get out of the highest court in the land. judge andrew napolitano joining us right now. on this abortion case, judge, your thoughts, because there are other issues i want to get into as well. but what did you think? >> well, i would start from the perspective of someone who is pro-life and who believes roe versus wade is not mandated by the constitution, and ought to be reversed. but that's not what happened. what happened is the state of louisiana enacted legislation requiring abortion, physicians who are abortion providers to have admitting privileges at hospitals within 30 minutes of the venue of the abortion. the trial court struck down the statute -- excuse me, the trial court upheld the statute and the fifth circuit upheld the statute. the supreme court found today that it imposes an undue burden on the ability of a woman to choose to have an abortion and
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you're right, it's the four liberals with the chief justice as the swing vote. he's been the swing vote a lot. this is john roberts, who is a george w. bush appointee. many times he has sided with the four conservatives, as he did in the consumer products case, and many times he's sided with the four liberals as he did today. there's two ways he can look at it. he can say look, we struck down a texas statute, we upheld a texas statute that was exactly the same wording as this and i dissented from that. should i be consistent in my dissent or i'm the chief justice, should i uphold what we call the legacy of the court, stare decisis, things have already been decided. he opted to decide for the second one. instead of voting the same way he voted on an identically worded statute which came from texas eight years ago, he voted to uphold the statute in deference to the texas decision
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because he doesn't believe the court should change its mind when the political winds blow differently. this obviously is profoundly upsetting to conservative republicans, to evangelicals, to the president, to the pro-life people in the united states. it should be uplifting to people who worry that this court is going to nibble away at roe versus wade. it does not appear that that will be happening. neil: switching gears, then, i would like to get to another decision that kind of fascinated me, this right the court thinks the president has to fire, in this case, or remove from office the head of the consumer financial protection board. that's a quasi-government agency. but you could use the same and say the same about an independent agency like the federal reserve. does this then empower the president if he wanted to to fire jerome powell for whom he has apparently lost his love,
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and i'm just wondering, would this decision justify that? >> in a word, yes. this is a very sweeping decision which is very critical of the independence of independent agencies like the food and drug administration, the environmental protection administration. it didn't mention the federal reserve or the post office or the social security administration, but it basically said under the constitution, all, not some, all executive power is given to the president so if the president has people working for him who disagree with him, then they are taking some of the executive power away from him. stated differently, the president has the power to fire or dismiss without cause anybody who runs an administrative agency and that applies to the federal reserve as well. the language was broad and the
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language was sweeping. in fact, it was even broader than that, because the concurring opinion by justices thomas and gorsuch basically says this is a myth of independence. they should not be independent. all these agencies should be in the executive branch but shouldn't be some entity in the federal government that's alien to the constitution and that nobody can control and that is not accountable to the constitution or to the people. neil: but it does not give the president power to shut down these independent agencies like the consumer protection board or for that matter, certainly the federal reserve. you can fire the head, maybe some other key players. you can't shut it down. >> correct. correct. they do have a lawful obligation and the lawful duty to perform those obligations. but the president can change, when you have one person running an entire agency like the consumer protection agency, one director, nobody else there, so it's not like the fda where you have three republicans and two
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democrats or vice versa. this is just one person. that person has to be subject to firing by the president. otherwise the separation of powers doctrine which reposes all, all executive power in the president, would be violated. now, you have a number of members of the federal reserve but still, the head of an agency can now be fired by the president of the united states without cause. neil: and this does not apply to financial anchors the president might not like, right? >> or to judicial analysts. thanks be to god. neil: see you in the gallows, my friend. we were just curious. just wanted to put you on the spot for no reason at all. he's the best. meantime, we are following this spike in cases that's been going on in the country. lots of worry today for the
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markets because same spikes we were talking about friday when we were in a free-fall. steve harrigan has been following this better than anyone i know. the latest cases in atlanta, cdc territory. what's the latest? reporter: the south and the west are both getting hit very hard by spikes in new coronavirus cases. florida, texas and california have all had to take steps backward and tighten up their economic reopening to some degree. 14 states overall across the country are now either on pause or introducing new restrictions on their economy due to spikes in the coronavirus cases. of course, florida, several counties now deciding to shut down the beaches for the upcoming fourth of july holiday. florida had 9,585 cases, single day cases on saturday. that set a new record for florida. the numbers are five times what they were in florida two weeks ago. one thing to keep in mind, though, look at the bigger picture, the death rate from those cases in florida, much
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lower. so while the numbers of new cases rival new york at its peak, the death toll at about 10% of what it was in new york, in part because those getting infected are younger. the average age of infections in florida now just 36 years old. the governor of florida is saying the young are driving the new infections because they are not practicing social distancing. >> most of the transmission we're seeing is not because people are going to work. it's because they are being social. reporter: california, too, seeing a major spike. the governor there has shut down bars in seven counties, including los angeles. again, it's the younger demographic in california, 41% of those infected are between age 18 and 40. so while the death toll might be low in that demographic, they can certainly pass the virus on to more vulnerable groups. back to you. neil: what's interesting in that state, a lot of these governors in the affected states are strongly recommending that people can obviously practice
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distancing, be aware of capacity limitations, even wear masks. i haven't seen any rush to demanding it. in other words, making it a state edict, which might be telling in and of itself. reporter: you can see the heated debate in florida, in west palm beach, really dramatic with people screaming they are not going to wear masks. it's a sore subject in a lot of places. neil: yeah. especially hot places. they are uncomfortable. that's the debate back and forth. steve, thank you very much. following all of that in atlanta. all right. in the meantime, this back-and-forth on this has a lot of people wondering about how bad it's getting in places like texas, for example, where we are told there's, you know, intensive care beds that are at full capacity right now. michael burgess joins us. he is a medical doctor and congressman from that beautiful state. congressman, what is the latest in how intensive care units are
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faring in your state? we are told a number of hospitals statewide were at capacity now. is that true? >> that's what i have heard out of hospitals in houston. i represent an area of significantly north of that. we have not seen that in the counties north of the dallas-ft. worth metropolitan area. in the city of dallas itself, discussions with some of the big hospitals there at the end of last week, their census was increasing. one of the things that's struck me about what is going on now is the increasing community spread of the illness. it's not congregate settings, the areas where we all thought about the people who were at risk before, more diffuse distribution throughout the population and as mr. harrigan pointed out, it's a younger demographic. neil: do you think, this is a
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topic of you as doctor and congressman, the governor should force the issue, you're not going to listen to me, almost like a parent telling their kids i gave you an opportunity to do this on your own, you're not doing it so i'm going to force the issue, that could apply to everything from distancing provisions to the governor's already done, shutting down bars, but maybe even demanding masks. what do you think? >> look, everyone wants to be past this virus. everyone is sick of the stay-at-home orders and the shut-in orders. in fact, maybe there's a case to be made for getting out in the fresh air. maybe one of the reasons our case rate is increasing, because it has been warm in texas, it's driven us all indoors to be in the air conditioning. bear in mind that as things were starting to open up at the beginning of may, you didn't see the increased cases until six weeks later. you would have thought it would have occurred at two weeks, if the normal biologic behavior of this virus. i don't think anyone has all the answers here. you know this. every one of us has been humbled by this virus when we make a
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prediction or a statement that seems to be iron-clad or set in stone. the virus proves us wrong. i tend to stay away from those types of proclamations. neil: yeah. and you have the expertise to stay away if you want because you can read it from a doctor's pef perspective as well. thank you very very much. on the left-hand side of the screen, kayleigh mcenany a few minutes away from a briefing that might address some of these issues. jonathan hoenig, the same worries about spikes and everything were tantamount in the markets on friday when we sold off. same kind of concerns today but now we are buying. is there other stuff going on here that we are not appreciating? i get the boeing thing and testing the 737 max, but that's not the entire story. what's happening today? >> there are innumerable winds buffeting this market now, everything from a real legitimate question of what is going to happen with covid, what's the potential for any type of a cure or remedy, to all
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the political questions. you mentioned boeing. there's a slew of companies now that the federal reserve is actually buying their corporate bonds, big-time, millions and millions of dollars. we haven't seen that before. we haven't seen intervention on a scale like this, even going back to the obama bailout in 2008. you've got that but you have also got real legitimate economic growth, names like apple, like amazon, are powering forward. they are not only the most expensive stocks in the market but they are also the strongest stocks in the market. so we always say the market hates uncertainty. it doesn't necessarily hate it today but it's really been flummoxed by all these winds buffeting the market and the economy writ large. neil: you talk about the strong economic numbers. these pending home sales up better than 44% in the latest month. that's a record pace. if that doesn't show pent-up demand, i don't know what does. i'm wondering what you make of that, because a lot of that was
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occurring through these spikes. >> i mean, this has been a difficult market to really get a handle on. i think because so much of that economic data we saw, the real dire economic data, was influenced by the forced shutdown and even the best economists have gotten it wrong again and again. even back in may they forecast a major drop in employment. we actually saw an increase month over month in employment. i think what's important for me right now as a money manager and someone who is trying to save and invest for his future, is not to get fixated on one particular data point as the prophesy. focus on yourself, what your own exposure is, not in terms of just assets but also debts and liabilities so that whatever the market does, whatever the economy does, we as individuals cannot only survive but thrive. neil: what do you tell people who pounce on these polls and say whatever you think of donald trump, we are worried because
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the environment that he unleashed, lower regulations, lower taxes, to send these markets racing forward, that could all end if he loses and watch out for the democrats. to be fair, people had the same worries and views of bill clinton coming into office and we had the internet boom and you know, very targeted moves to ease the nation's debt, get rid of deficits so you never know. i get that. but what do you think of the impact of polling right now, the closer it gets to election day, if it doesn't change? >> well, look, what was the economic polls will change but the data when it comes to stock market returns is pretty concise and there is no correlation between who's in office, political party, and how the market does. in fact, if you go by strict data, the best combination politically is a democratic president and republican congress. maybe that's a system of checks and balances actually at work. once again, my advice, you
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mentioned bill clinton. the market was pretty strong under president obama. there is not that correlation between a political party and economic return. neil: any, your chief worry right now would be what? >> well, my chief worry probably could be the lack of worry. we are still seeing, as we talked about a few days ago, not only stocks being expensive, 40, 50, 60 times earnings, that's getting into that so-called bubble era mentality in valuation but even more specifically, the concentration. i love the big tech companies, neil, names like amazon, they have changed the world and changed our lives for the better but it's getting to be as we talked about, these are the few stocks that are almost holding the rest of the market up. i don't think now's the time to run for the hills when it comes to risk but as we talked about, to get your financial house in order because i'm not saying a
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revisit to those march lows is likely but it certainly could happen even if the economic data improves, even if the coronavirus situation improves. the market fools economists all the time, it fools money managers all the time. truly, no one knows what's going to happen. get your own financial house in order and you will be ready regardless. neil: you know what's going to happen. you have a pretty good track record. i'm going with you. jonathan, thank you very very much. jonathan hoenig follows all the developments. right now, the dow is up 459 points. the nasdaq at about 100 points. to jonathan's point, pretty much the same environment we had friday where we were selling off. there are a couple underpinnings here that you are seeing that people forget. we do have a very sharp rise in coronavirus cases in this country. i hasten to add that that sharp rise is dominated by young people. i hasten to add as well they are generally more resistant to this whole disease and it progressing than old farts like i would be.
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so there is that. and there's confidence here we have a better handle on it with dr. fauci, among others, saying the prospect for vaccines and treatments look good by the end of the year. some already right now being tested, albeit at a pretty premium price. the progress is there. the opportunities are there. the hope is there. more after this. usaa is made for what's next we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so they can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most find out more at
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neil: does anyone want our tourists to fly to their country? china the latest to impose visa restrictions on u.s. personnel behaving badly on hong kong related issues. it's a little different than we have the virus, cases are spiking, they just don't like certain personnel's views on how the chinese are treating hong kong but all of this, of course, occurring after the european union has said all right, we will be opening up for business again, accepting those who want to come into our country, but that does not necessarily apply to places like brazil and russia and oh, yeah, the united states. but this one on china that caught my attention, amber smith with us right now, the former deputy assistant secretary to john mattis. amber, what do you make of this? that's pretty high pressure
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threat there, keep this up and you're not welcome. what do you make of it? >> i don't think it's surprising, as we have seen similar tactics out of china before. they are unhappy with the west's response to what is going on in hong kong and so they are going to use any tactics and methods that they have in their toolbox right now to punish the west and let everybody know they are still in charge and they can punish where necessary. neil: separately, your thoughts on this report that the russians were putting a bounty on u.s. coal lin socoalition sources, b as well, and paying a bounty. and that the president knew it. it seems unfathomable to me. your thoughts? >> a lot doesn't add up with this. i think that it's a prime
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example of why president trump has largely lost faith in the intelligence community. these leaks are incredibly dangerous and damaging to our national security, especially if it's in the form of raw intelligence that can expose sources and methods. the intelligence community analysts, people who work in that community, need to be doing their job. that means maintaining -- being objective and keeping classified information classified. not leaking to the "new york times" on the projects they are working on when it doesn't get what they want out of it within their specific timeline. people in the intelligence community feel that strongly about politics that they are politicizing intelligence, they need to resign and run for public office. until then, they need to remain objective. the important thing to remember with these leaks that we are seeing is that they are often
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only one small part of a very complex and large puzzle. when you take and leak that information, it could mean something within that bubble but when you start gathering the bigger picture information, and you start connecting those dots and it goes from raw intelligence to this comprehensive and complete intelligence assessment that then makes it to the decision maker's desk, it could look different. so i think what we need to do here is get to the bottom of it, figure out where the breakdown was against the timeline and information flow doesn't add up, and we have even seen the national security council came out and said that this level of intelligence would 100% make it into the presidential daily briefing but it didn't. so where is that breakdown? neil: that tells you that it was stopped along the way, right? i can understand that. i think i misstated, jim mattis was your old boss, would it have
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even gotten up to his level? in other words, they want to make sure whatever they are passing along to the president is accurate because he could and probably would act on that, right? >> that is -- neil: i'm rudely interrupting you because kayleigh mcenany is speaking right now. no doubt this issue will come up. >> -- this dream comes crumbling do down. an ar anarchy in our streets is unacceptable and anger is not enough. you have a president committed to action. the doj has arrested over 100 anarchists for rioting and destruction of federal property. the doj has also charged four men in federal court for attempting to tear down the statue of andrew jackson in lafayette square. the fbi has over 200 open domestic terrorism investigations ongoing. ag barr has created a task force on violent anti-government extremists led by the u.s. attorney's office in new jersey and the u.s. attorney's office
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in northern texas. with 200 trump appointed judges confirmed, the rule of law will be upheld. democrats at all levels, federal, state and local, have done nothing. senate democrats blocked bipartisan police reform. minnesota's democrat governor failed to urgently deploy the national guard. it took president trump for that to eventually happen, his suggestion and the ultimate descent into chaos in minneapolis. three democrat minneapolis council members voted to abolish the police while they themselves were getting a private security detail. that's quite rich. democrat mayor of seattle called the chop zone theie ton mont ii zone the summer of love. it is anything but that with one dead, multiple shootings and desperate pleas for help by business owners and others. 11 people were shot in 12 hours
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this weekend in the democrat-run new york city and 61 people were shot in democrat-run chicago and 15 fatally killed. democrat states, a democrat city. president trump stands against defunding our brave police officers, caving to mob rule, and cancel culture which seeks to erase our history. let's be clear. the rampant destruction of statues is not a part of any ideology but that anarchy is aided by failed democrat leadership. as president trump has tweeted, these statues quote, are great works of art but all represent our history and heritage, both the good and the bad. it is important for us to understand and remember even in turbulent and difficult times and to learn from them. let's stand for law and order, for peace in our streets and against anarchy. this is president trump's vision for the future. with that, i will take questions. reporter: thank you, kayleigh. i know you said president trump was never briefed on the report
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about the russian bounties and whatnot but can you say that he was briefed today? >> i will say this. the u.s. received thousands of reports a day on intelligence and they are subject to strict scrutiny. while the white house does not routinely comment on alleged intelligence or internal deliberations, the cia director, nsa, national security adviser and chief of staff in all confirm that neither the president nor the vice president were briefed on the alleged russian bounty intelligence. reporter: but has he been since briefed since all these reports came out? >> so let me back up and say this. that there is no consensus within the intelligence community on these allegations and in effect, there are dissenting opinions from some in the intelligence community with regard to the veracity of what's being reported and the veracity of the underlying evaluations continue to be al gdebated. reporter: was he upset this intelligence was reportedly shared with the british government but not him?
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>> i have no further comment on that other than to point you back to the two assertions that i made previously. reporter: how could the president not be briefed on the russia story? was he out of the loop by the intelligence community? >> no, as i noted, there was not a consensus among the intelligence community. in fact, there were dissenting opinions within the intelligence community and it would not be elevated to the president until it was verified. reporter: [ inaudible ] overnight, what does that mean [ inaudible ] a full briefing in that conversation? >> i have no further details on the president's private correspondence. reporter: [ inaudible ]. >> what i can tell you about that is last night, the chief of staff, mark meadows, called both senator mcconnell and congressman hoyer and said that he would be briefing eight members from the committees of jurisdiction so there was a bipartisan invitation extended
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but no further details other than that. reporter: is that going to happen today? >> it was ongoing at the time i came out here. in fact, it started 30 minutes prior to my coming out here. reporter: [ inaudible ]. >> yes. reporter: i have two questions. one, isn't it concerning there was even a hint of credibility to this report that the russians were offering to pay taliban linked militants to kill american troops and the president was not told about it? has the national security adviser or anyone explained why the commander in chief didn't find out about it? >> intelligence is verified before it reaches the president of the united states and in this case, it was not verified. i would note that when the president is no stronger advocate for our servicemen and women than president trump. he never hesitates to act when there is a threat to our servicemen and women, for example, in syria in 2018, when dozens of russian mercenaries
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were killed if retaliatory defensive u.s.-led strikes so when our adversaries have directly targeted u.s. or coalition partners, the president hasn't hesitated to act but this was not briefed up to the president because it was not verified. reporter: i understand it has to be verified but not everything in his daily briefing, during the presidential daily brief, the written document, is airtight. they let the president know about what they are hearing. that's why it's intelligence. why would that not have been something that rose to that level, we are sharing it with other countries? >> the national security council and intelligence community constantly evaluate intelligence reports and brief the president as necessary. reporter: my other question is, if this does be borne out where the president believes it is true, what is he going to do to hold russia accountable and is he still going to invite vladimir putin to the g7, g8, whatever he's thinking about in the fall? >> i won't speculate on whether this intelligence is verified or not and i won't get ahead of the president on further actions but i would just point out that --
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reporter: no one is disputing -- >> there are dissenting opinions within the intelligence community. i can confirm with you right now that there's no consensus within the intelligence community on these allegations. further, i would just point out, i won't get ahead of the president on actions, but with regard to russia, this president has been extremely strong on russia, including sanctions on hundreds of russian individuals, closing two russian consulates, withdrawing from an imf treaty and several other actions. reporter: [ inaudible ]. >> i have no further notification for you other than to tell you there's no consensus and there are dissenting opinions from some -- reporter: you don't think this report is true? >> i'm telling you this, that there's no consensus in the intelligence community and that the dissenting opinions from some in the intelligence community exist. reporter: i wanted to go back to the tweet the president sent yesterday, then removed. this morning you said [ inaudible ] the phrase "white power" in the video and that
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[ inaudible ]. does the president retweet other people's tweets and videos without knowing full content of what he's tweeting? >> he did not hear that particular phrase when he tweeted out the video, and -- reporter: did he listen to the video before retweeting it? >> he did, and he did not hear that particular phrase. reporter: also, do you have any [ inaudible ] removing the confederate symbol? >> i would say that's a decision for mississippi to make and commendable that they took this action in a lawful manner and took the appropriate steps rather than trying to tear down statues and monuments. reporter: one followup on russia and on another issue. does the president have a specific message for moscow given these reports? >> a specific message for moscow? no, because he's not been briefed on the matter, as i noted. there's no consensus among the
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intelligence community and there are, in fact, dissenting opinions. reporter: all right. on a separate issue, jacksonville, florida is apparently issuing a mask order. that of course is where at least part of the rnc will be held later this summer. has the president's thinking about wearing a mask changed at all given that order and given the increased coronavirus cases in texas, florida, arizona and elsewhere? >> i talked to the president before coming out here. it's his choice to wear a mask. it's a personal choice of any individual as to whether to wear a mask or not. he encourages people to make whatever decision is best for their safety but he did say to me he has no problem with masks and to do whatever your local jurisdiction requests of you. reporter: there have been reports that some american service members actually were killed as a result of what information do you have on that? >> again, i point you back to the fact there's no consensus within the intelligence community and i would also note
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that for those of you that are always taking the "new york times" at their word, they erroneously reported that the president was briefed on this. he was not briefed on this. neither was the vice president. so before buying into full-fledged a narrative from the "new york times" that falsely stated something about the president that you would wait for the facts to come out and note once again there's no consensus in the intel community and in fact, there are dissenting opinions from some within it. reporter: you would say he wasn't briefed. does that mean it wasn't in the pdb either? >> he was not personally briefed on the matter. that is all i can share with you today. both the cia director, national security adviser and chief of staff can all confirm, neither the president or the vice president was briefed. reporter: okay. i have a coronavirus question. secretary azar said the window is closing. cases are on the rise, it's a very serious time. obviously the vice president held a briefing on friday.
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what is the president's message to the american people and why aren't we seeing him publicly talk to the public, encourage them to do things to stay safe? >> i would note that there's a whole coronavirus task force briefing on friday where all the questions that the american public had were addressed. we're encouraged to see that fatalities are coming down, that this sunday i believe we had our lowest fatality rate since i believe it was march 22nd, so late march. what that signals to us is we are catching people in the communities. the people who are being infected tend to be those, as vice president pence has noted, half of those testing positive are under the age of 35. this means we are catching people in their communities. we are aware that there are embers that need to be put out, but these signs of decreasing fatality, increase in enhanced therapeutics we have identified four of them, convalescent
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plasma, dexamethasone, remdesivir and one other, they are working. remdesivir in particular reduces hospital time by a third. these things make us uniquely equipped to handle the increase in cases we have seen. reporter: there's a national conversation going on right now about the proper place of symbols of the confederacy, statues, memorials, names, and the president has repeatedly inserted himself into this debate. a lot of people are trying to understand what his view of memorializing the confederacy is and proper place for the confederate flag so a couple questions. one, does he believe, does president trump believe that it was a good thing that the south lost the civil war? and two, has he understood, for example, banning the confederate flag at his own events? >> your first question is absolutely absurd. he's proud of the united states of america. second, with regard to our
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statues, americans oppose tearing down our statues. there's a harvard harris poll released just last week that shows 60% of respondents said that statues should remain. 71% said local governments should block groups from destroying the statues. he stands on the side of preserving our history. reporter: the question is about the confederate flag at his rallies. [ inaudible ] flag at his rallies? >> that would be a question for his campaign but look, this president is focused on taking action, on fixing problems. that's why he had his executive order a few weeks ago to keep our streets safe and secure. that's where his focus lies. i think that those who are tearing down statues, they do appear to have no ideology when they are tearing down statues and defacing statues of mathias baldwin, an abolitionist, hans cristian hague who died fighting for the union army during the civil war, a memorial for african-american soldiers was damaged in boston and a monument to fallen police officers was
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vandalized in sacramento. this is unacceptable. it's why the president took strong action, why there's an executive order saying no tearing down statues or you will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. that's why four people were charged. he will not stand for lawlessness or chaos. he stands with the 71% of americans who say there is no place for tearing down statues at anarchists are doing across the nation. [ speaking simultaneously ] reporter: is he okay with displaying confederate flags at his events? reporter: i've got a couple. first, the president has been talking about this big infrastructure push, we are going to get a look at the proposal they are working on and secondly, i'm curious if you can give us information on how the phase four negotiations are going. do you get a sense that congress is open to the back-to-work bonus the president is in favor of? >> i don't have any updates for you on phase four or infrastructure but the president has mentioned for the last three years he's very keen on democrats coming to the table and working with us on infrastructure.
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he's keen on a phase four, saying a payroll tax holiday which helps low wage workers and those who need it most. these are real effective measures that could help the american people but the onus is really on democrats to come to the negotiating table. reporter: is there any indication this is going to be different than infrastructure in february? that was roundly denounced by the democrats. >> i won't get ahead of the president or those negotiations. steven? reporter: two questions. first, on the statues. i covered pretty closely the trump inauguration rioting trials and no one was convicted and i'm wondering if president trump is concerned about the possibility that the same will happen with the people who are charged [ inaudible ]? >> look, that will be a decision for the courts to make and for juries to make but the president is very keen on seeing these actions brought to justice
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because tearing down american monuments and defacing federal property and defacing the lincoln memorial are not things the american public want to see, as noted with that 71% poll. reporter: second question is over the weekend, president trump retweeted a contrast of his presidency and president obama's and there was a chart of the different things president obama did and president trump did. one of the differences was president obama proving the extrajudicial killings of americans overseas. there is a little bit of confusing earlier, president trump [ inaudible ]. are you able to clarify whether he opposes that? >> i would just say this. the president will always point to the difference between his record and that of president obama, which is what he is getting out with his tweet. you had on one hand the obama/biden presidency, the weakest economic recovery since world war ii. with president trump we got to the hottest economy in modern history. with president trump, you saw isis defeated. with vice president biden and
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president obama, this so-called jay vee team of isis became the varsity team and overran two separate countries. the president will always draw a contrast with president obama and those are just two of the many. he was drawing a contrast in that tweet. reporter: i have two questions on covid. first off, remdesivir, we found out today the pricing on it going forward, for roughly a five-day trial, $2300 for government-backed programs, $3100 in commercial marketplace. does president trump approve of that pricing, of that price point considering there's been some criticism as to whether or not that's too high? >> that's a really good, important substantive question that i think deserves a good answer to. first, the wholesale acquisition cost or federal supply schedule is about $3200 for a course of remdesivir, but remdesivir is an in-patient drug done by infusion and because it is an in-patient drug, the patient would be very unlikely to see the cost of the
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drug, and to pay the cost of the drug because the way that hospitals get reimbursed for in-patients drugs is that they are paid flat fees for admission. as secretary azar explained to me, this means in lehmannaylayms that hospitals have to pay the cost of the drug that is used. and that remdesivir drug, if it saved that patient time in the hospital, they only spend a third of the time in the hospital as a patient without remdesivir, that would mean the hospitals are actually profiting because they are getting the patient out early. so that basically all comes down to saying the patient will not see that cost. reporter: secondly, just picking up what jeff had asked about masks, you said the president had no problem with masks and that individuals should do whatever their local jurisdiction requests. however, the hhs secretary alex
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azar said this weekend quote, we've got to practice social distancing, got to use face coverings when we can't practice social distancing. so if individuals are going into an area and social distancing cannot be practiced, should they listen to the local jurisdiction in which face masks might not necessarily be mandated or should they listen to the hhs secretary who says wear a face mask? >> so the cdc guidelines are they are recommended but not required and the president would encourage everyone to follow the orders of their local jurisdiction and cdc guidelines. reporter: so one follow-up on that. i just want to be clear, there are congressional leaders [ inaudible ] the situation but the president was told nothing based on the situation? >> this has been asked and answered. the president is briefed on verified intelligence. reporter: how does he know if he hasn't been briefed, how is he certain that russia didn't put out these bounties? >> the president is briefed on
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verified intelligence and again, i would just point you back to the absolutely irresponsible decision of "new york times" to falsely report that he was briefed on something that he, in fact, was not briefed on. and i really think that it's time for the "new york times" to step back and ask themselves why they have been wrong, so wrong so often. the "new york times" falsely claimed paul manafort asked for polling data to be passed along to o lleg deripaska. they falsely wrote all 17 intel agencies had agreed on rush ssi interference before having to issue a correction it was only four agencies. they published a story claiming trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with russian intelligence which even james comey has said was almost entirely wrong, "new york times." "new york times" published a column in march 2019 by a former "times" executive editor that asserted the trump campaign and russia had an overarching deal
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[ inaudible ] campaign for hillary for a new pro russian policy. that's why we call the russia hoax which was investigated for three years with taxpayer dollars before ultimately getting an exoneration in the mueller report. it is inexcusable, the failed russia reporting of the "new york times" and i think it's time the "new york times" and also "the washington post" hand back their pulitzers. reporter: why hasn't the president condemned white power, kayleigh? neil: there you go. that was short and sweet. a lot of the criticism on this bounty story that's been picked up by the "new york times" and others and since followed through that the president was aware of some intelligence that coming in, the russians were putting a bounty on u.s. soldiers, coalition forces soldiers including the british, never mind that that has not been proven and that the intelligence might be a little bit specious here, but the idea that the president was aware of it, again, kayleigh mcenany
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saying that is not the case, even though she seemed to hint that the president has now been made aware of the charges there and that they were ridiculous and without merit. all of this at a time here where we had the spike in cases in this country of coronavirus situation right now and how much the federal government plans to do to sort of either beef up protections or to make it a federal policy as nancy pelosi had said that everyone wear a mask and that federally, it comes from washington, d.c. and not the sort of 50 state different rules that are in effect, even those who argue for a bigger government role have a problem with the government, the national government setting that standard. dr. richard besser with us, former acting director of the cdc. doctor, thank you for your patience through that. on these spikes that you are hearing about, they seem to be from a good news side of this
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affecting the young, who are generally more resistant to seeing the disease progress and god forbid kill them, so there is that. and there is some inevitability to, with all the testing going on, to see such spikes. so that balance is something the administration had been stressing. do you agree with that? >> well, i think there are a number of things going on. one is that we are seeing a lot more cases in young people because of behavior, the activities that young people are engaged in. but what really concerns me is that young people don't keep to young people, and you have some young people who will have a bad time with this infection, most will be well, but young people can bring it home, bring it to older relatives who are at increased risk, will have contact with essential workers, many of whom have medical issues that put them at risk. what we are seeing in places that are seeing these spikes in
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young people being affected is that hospitals are starting to feel the burden. you are seeing many hospitals increasing the number of people admitted, shortages of icu beds, and there's delay. so if you think about something, say in florida, where young people are getting it from activities in bars and beaches, it will be a couple weeks before they are passing it on to someone else and maybe another week or two before you see the impact thererms hospitalizations and deaths. i do find it very concerning even though these early cases, the biggest increases are in young people. neil: you know, doctor, when you were running the cdc, how do you police an urgency to the american people to say all right, we are very serious about this mask thing, you have to wear masks, and a lot of people even when governors in these states are recommending it, they're not doing it, then there's pressure building, maybe you have to make it a statewide edict, an order, that they do this. how do you balance that?
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in that job with doing what you think is medically right, you know, versus the balance of a lot of people are annoyed by it, they don't like it, there are freedoms in this country. what do you do? >> well, i think we are seeing a clash of messages, where just about every public health official in the country is pushing hard on wearing masks, when you are out and can't social distance, keeping six feet away, washing hands, and political leaders are mixed. some are coming down hard and saying yes, you need to wear masks, and others are saying well, it's your choice. but aren't modeling that behavior. when i was at cdc, we tried as hard as possible to keep public health response away from politics. here, we need a real effort to capture people's hearts and minds so that there's a national sense that what we do has an impact not just on our own health, but on the health of those around us. until there's a vaccine or more
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effective treatments, these are really the only tools we have. there are certain groups -- neil: you would recommend as a doctor, i'm sorry, sir, as a doctor and former director of cdc, you would recommend that masks are a good idea, that some of the actions that have been taken to shut down bars in these states, florida and texas, where cases have spiked, those are good ideas, maintain social distancing, those are things even now states that are enjoying, you know, relatively low series of upticks, should practice? >> yeah, i do, neil. i see public health as a roadmap to sustained economic activity, that without practicing these public health measures, it's just a matter of time where with more people going back to work and increased social interactions, that the number of cases are going to rise and overwhelm the public health system's ability to track each case and figure out who people who had contact with and ensure
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people can isolate and quarantine. without that, without keeping the numbers low, there's no way public health can do those measures. we can provide as a society all the things people need to be able to safely isolate and quarantine. no one wants to be in this kind of lockdown situation. but you have to drive the numbers of cases down low and then go very carefully in terms of the activity people can do. neil: or you will be in another lockdown situation, to your point. doctor, you are always a very calming voice. i appreciate that. i get to be like crazy and i think wait a minute, let's talk to the doctor, he will calm us down. thank you. very good having you on. we have a lot more after this. you are noticing the dow is still sprinting ahead. boeing a big catalyst for that. had a big faa test today of its 737 max. don't know how it went. but a couple more days of such tests, and that could pave the way for a green light on that plane that has been side lined for the better part of two and a half years.
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stay with us. and because we don't know exactly when this crisis is going to be over... we don't know exactly when the stock market will reach its bottom, we've got to be prepared for this to last a long time. if you assume that you're out of work for nine months but you end up only being out of work for three... . .
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neil: all right. let's go to jackie deangelis. right now. she has been following the market craziness but it's a good craziness. it is very different from the selling craziness from friday. essentially though the same world. we still have spikes in cases but this time we're not kind of freaking out about it. what do you make of it?
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>> it is a little bit of a relief rally, right, neil? we had a bumpy, volatile week last week. look, the market and investors have been behind opening things up in the safest way possible. but after that coronavirus task force briefing where vice president pence talked about the age, younger population being the folks to account for most of the spike in cases, those are the people who are not necessarily being hospitalized, and not necessarily having a hard time with the disease. i think the market looked at coronavirus at this point, says, part of it has to run its course. we cannot stay closed forever. it is going to destroy businesses. it is going to destroy billion dollar corporations. pence said during the briefing, hospitalizations that started at 15% if you got the coronavirus in terms of positive cases are down to 5%. that is and encouraging sign. you just heard kayleigh mcenany talking about the therapies available to reduce the hospital times.
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i think market at least for today, is saying we might have this under control. nothing we can do about the vice russ and spread but let's be prepared to deal with it through the summer and through the fall. i talked earlier about boeing earlier in the show. that is accounting for a lot of the dow's gains. boeing is a really a side story that has nothing to do with the virus. neil: yeah, that's right. the fact that the 737 max could be closer to seeing a a day up in the sky again. i'm not sure the order of events f it passes some faa tests how soon it will be able to fly again. it used to be a huge moneymaker for boeing. of course sidelined since the twin accidents about 3:00 years ago. so we'll be monitoring that. jackie, always thank you very much. i leave it right now with the dow at 25,491. we're expected to get more
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briefings and updates on cases, the serious ones and not so serious ones, some states, limited not entirely down south not exclusively. we'll see. now to charles payne. hey, charles. charles: good afternoon, my friend. this is "making money." breaking at this moment markets are higher. history strikes again as we look at a continued v-shaped recovery, but in a year of winners and losers where should you be invested right now? what is the most important metric when it comes to the coronavirus. whatever it is i'm sure you not heard it in the news. boeing is taking major steps right now to bring back the 737. we'll have the latest for you. as advertisers like clorox continue to leave facebook, the biggest risk may not be economic or phony virtue signaling.
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