tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 30, 2020 5:00am-6:01am EDT
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thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance." and remember -- you can't take it with you. tomorrow. "lou dobbs tonight" starts right now. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. this country's radical left seems caught in the throes of madness. the radical dems caught in rabid evil as they're compelled to confront their head-banging failures to confound and try to overthrow president donald trump. they've tried desperate gambit after gambit to stop trump using vile, dirty tricks to upend his candidacy, you remember, in the final months of the 2016 presidential campaign. then they conspired with the left-wing media, the deep state to overthrow the trump presidency with absurd claims of russian collusion that were
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conspicuously and, yes, absurdly fraudulent from which the radical dems tried to manufacture and did a specious special counsel investigation that amounted to nothing. and then they conjured a woefully inept and grotesquely phony impeachment inquiry that left the radical dems and their leaders looking like ever greater fools and criminals. and now they've sent the left-wing mobs to assault not only our historic president once again, but also democrat-led cities that welcome the left-wing mob's violence and its destruction. rioting, looting, burning or occupying city blocks. they attack the very idea of our great nation, our heritage as they topple statues, demanding reparations, trying to deny our history as they, indeed, distort history and truth itself. the criminal mob demands change from lawmakers, thereby
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endangering the lives of law enforcement, innocent americans and anyone else who would dare stand in their way. demanding, for example, the police -- the very same police who protect them -- stand down, be defunded. the left insanely calling on anarchists to aa sure law and order -- assure law and order. the radical dems are mad as hares, and few in the left-wing media have taken note. democrat-run chicago, home to more violence and death this weekend, gun violence spreading across chicago, the city's police department reported at least 63 people shot this weekend. of which 16 were killed. including three children. one of them just a year old. police officers in new york city suffering through their own hellish weekend. eleven people shot in 12 hours saturday. this, this democratically-led
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city just torn by violence just as they talk about changing all for the better by defunding the police department. and violent protesters throwing glass bottles at officers, three people reportedly slashed on the streets. here's the scene caught on a cell phone. [background sounds] [inaudible conversations] lou: the latest round of violence in new york city is part of a growing trend. you've, i'm sure, noticed. there have been 112 victims and 83 shootings over a 9-day period ending saturday in new york. the new york police department says the number of people shot up 42% from this time last year. murders have risen near wily 24% -- nearly 24%. all of that violence, all of the tension that is rising also
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increasing police retirements. 272 of new york's finest reportedly filing to retire since the protests over the death of george floyd began back in may. that's up 49% from the same time a year ago. all this happens as hundreds of protesters, demonstrators if you will, whatever you will, they camped outside new york city hall demanding new york's, well, socialist mayor bill de blasio defund the new york police department by a billion dollars. so the city's, well -- [laughter] the leading socialist in this fine city venderred to their -- surrendered to their demands earlier today. here we are. >> my office presented plan that would achieve a billion dollars in savings for the nypd and shift resources to young people, to communities in a way that
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would help address a lot of the underlying issues that we know are the cause of so many problems in our society. lou: there's one of those radical dems of which i spoke, mad as a hare. at least 64 cities and states across the country have expressed interest or are moving to defund their police departments. the leaders of those cities need look any further than seattle or minneapolis for the deadly future that they have embraced. at least two men were shot this morning near seattle's capitol hill organized protest area known as c.h.o.p., which is one of the most ridiculous names. one of those people is now dead, the other in critical condition. their wounds, their deaths lie at the feet of seattle's mayor who more than a week ago promised to take back c.h.o.p.
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as it's affectionately called by the anarchists and back lives matter. the search for that shooter, by the way, still underway. this is at least the fourth shooting in the c.h.o.p. area within the past nine days. police chief carmen biest and mayor jenny durkan says something needs to be done about the violence. let's see, the police chief says that and the mayor, and they have no idea what the hell they're doing. they vow to retake the police department's east precinct. they are so far simply talking, neither of them with a clue. they laid out a timeline and a strategy but have kept it to themselves, apparently. in minneapolis local reports say 911 calls have gunshots -- about gunshots have doubled from a year ago. the city council is unanimously moving forward with its plan to abolish the police police. that's timely, just when they particularly need it.
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taxpayers are also footing the $4500-a-day bill for private security to protect three city council members. that's right, these city council members are spending taxpayer dollars to do the jobs of the police that they are throwing out of both jobs and the city. by the way, they're all democrats, you should know. president trump has long brought up the fact that much of this violence is taking place in cities run by democrats. the anti-trump army at "the washington post" mobilized against that way of thinking and searched out any way, any way to prove him wrong. and the brilliant minds at "the post" came up with a report that instead backed the president's claim. in the 20 the cities with the most violence, 17 of them run by democrats, 2 by independents. there is one, jackson absolutely, florida, run by a republican, but that -- he was just put into the post in the past year.
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when "the washington post" examined the per capita data, they have found none of the 20 most violent cities run by republicans. so the president is, as we is say here, right again, still right. and, oh, my goodness, "the washington post" still so wrong. without the facts to back up their claims, they make the claims anyway, and the post still ran this headline: trump keeps claiming the most dangerous cities in america are all run by democrats. they aren't. oh, my goodness, "the washington post" got the president on that one, didn't they? the left-wing national media, the radical dems, the rinos and anyone who opposes president trump have abandon reason and truth. i mean, to see "the washington post" pull a stunt like that is appalling. in their search for social justice, the left in this country is making every play they can to both appease and to fuel the mob. that includes, of course, using race to sow division among americans. in a now-deleted tweet another
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luminary at "the washington post" added her thoughts to the race discussion in america. karen athea warned white women they are lucky black people aren't seeking revenge on them. for, among other grievances, voting for president trump this this is the kind of ignorance at "the washington post" that has taken control of that once-great publication. lies and threats like that don't work in america anymore, if they ever truly did. president trump now enjoys 29% support from the african-american community according to rasmussen, and that's a more than 20-point jump since his election in 2016. it could is have something to do with the fact he's done more for african-americans in this country than any president in the last 50 years. it's a devastating number for the radical dems, of course.
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that's why they are in the throes of madness, at least part of it, as well as the mob that has -- president trump has vowed to destroy in this country that is seeking to destroy this nation. over the weekend the national left-wing media, establishment rinoss and the radical dems were seething after a new york times report based on, of course, anonymous sources. "the washington post," "the new york times" not white what they once were, suggesting russia offered bounties to taliban forces to kill our troops in afghanistan. "the times" also reported president trump was briefed on that matter by intelligence. turns out, in fact, he wasn't, because that's the only fact. the fact that sunday morning anchors and guests, well, some of them simply didn't want to pay attention to the fact, they'd rather read "the times" and spout off. they attacked the president for allowing this to happen. it didn't. >> this morning the president is
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denying that he was told about intelligence from the u.s. that russia has offered bounties to taliban-linked terrorists to kill coalition troops including american troops. how could president trump not have been briefed about this? >> so i asked myself this morning, i've been puzzled over the tweet of the president saying i don't know anything about this, although this sounds like a story i could have written on page 372 of my book. >> this is appalling. this is beyond -- the list is a long one in terms of ignoring what russia's done. >> now we have a report that, in fact, the president of the united states was given a briefing of what the russians were trying to do to our troops. that is a major crisis of leadership. >> do you think that part of the, that the president is afraid to make putin mad because maybe putin did help him win the election, and he doesn't want to make him mad for 2020?
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lou: that is one of the most id e yachtic things that has been said on that -- well, i'll be kind. that is just idiotic. but congressional rinos, republicans weren't far behind, and none other than the president's good friend lindsey graham used the story to promote keeping u.s. troops in the region. he tweeted this: if the trump administration continues to withdraw forces in spite of intelligence reports that radical islamic elements like isis andal al qaeda are growing in afghanistan, then the trump administration would be making the same mistake that obama made in iraq. ah, preposterously ambiguous about his views; that is, senator graham. liz cheney tweeted: if reporting about russian bounties on u.s. forces is true -- it's not -- the white house must explain, one, why weren't the president or vice president briefed, was the info in the pdb, the
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briefing; two, who did know and when -- very good; three, what has been done in response to protect our forces and hold putin accountable? now, i'm sure none of those questions would have occurred to the national security adviser, the president of the united states, the secretary of state, the secretary of defense. thank god you have rinos like these. and senate armed services committee chair jim inhofe tweeted: right now, though, we need answers. i've asked the administration to though share what it knows -- to share what it knows, and i expect to know more in the coming days. we'll be talking with retired four-star general jack keane in the broadcast here tonight. communist china finally allowing an investigative team from the world health organization to find the origins of the china virus and how it began. admittedly, it's like watching like a murder investigation when the police are only allowed into the scene of the crime after it has been well cleaned some six
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months after the murder, or in this case murders. the china virus has killed more than a half million people. 503,000 people at last count. more than 10 is million people around the world -- 10 million people around the world infected. 126,000 of those depths, 2.6 million cases in the united states. on wall street today, stocks moved higher, much higher. a big rally on wall street. the dow gained 580 points, the s&p up 44, the nasdaq up 117. volume on the big board, 4.6 billion shares. crude oil up about 3%, just under $40 a barrel. a reminder, listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. up next, more on the russia-taliban bounty story. of what this if actually happened? it didn't. why didn't our commanders know about it? well, we'll find out what the truth of the matter is, and we'll take it up, including the
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intelligence. the issue comes, "the times" reported -- according to its sources -- that the president had been briefed, which has been categorically denied by every official in the administration including the heads of intelligence. what in the world are they, should be the repercussions for a publication doing that? >> yeah. we've seen so much of it, lou. it's really sad and tragic, to have that kind of false reporting. the facts are pretty clear. the intelligence agency, they're still trying to determine the facts. they have a source, it's probably not the most reliable source, and that's why they're going to other agencies to get verification and going to the other countries that are also in afghanistan with us. this is routine. this goes on every day, lou, in the intelligence community. and they're not going to bring that kind of information to a president yet. what they're going to do with him is, if it is verified, they're not just going to verify
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the information and tell him that, they're going to bring him some options what to do about it. so we've got a process in the government sort of make some sense and let the people exercise this based on facts, based on evidence and then realistic options to do something about it. and this process got truncated by the media, i think. and some of it, obviously, spun up to create much more of a crisis than what we really have here. lou: right. well, "the times" certainly has great, great responsibility in this, and one would think they would be deeply ashamed of themselves. irrespective of their ideological bent. but this is, this is obviously a leak from someone with some basic knowledge of what was being assessed by our intelligence agencies, and i would think that the dod would be a likely place to start for that, for that since this was in
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theater, and it would be, it seems to me, reasonable to expect that the department of defense would be one of the first places to look for the leak. >> well, i wouldn't, i wouldn't go to any agency. what this really is people who have access to intelligence, that's the intelligence community and the entire national security team apparatus, so it's interagencies that get exposed to intelligence particular ily as they're trying to verify that -- particularly as they're trying to verify that. the united states military has its own intelligence, the central intelligence agency, the national security agency and, naturally, the national security council. they're all involved in this. i wouldn't point my finger at any one of them, because we really don't know, lou. lou: well, i said start, i didn't say end. i would be looking at all of them too. my question is why in the world this would be, this intelligence
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would be there. i would think that the department of defense would want an urgent analysis and assessment of this. it is not the sort of thing i would expect to languish on the desk of soft minor analyst clerk -- of some minor analyst clerk. this should be a priority. on the other hand, do we -- have we had any if indications previously to your knowledge that russia was in any way behind a bounty program for the taliban to kill u.s. soldiers? >> i'm not aware of it. this is what we know about russia and afghanistan. one, they want the united states out of afghanistan. they don't like the idea of the united states' influence in a country on their southern border. that's not surprising. number two, they have provided material support, some arms and finances to the taliban. and also, but also in the last year or two they've been supporting the united states-led initiative in terms of the peace
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accord with the taliban, and they've also had meetings with them themselves. so that much we know, you know, in terms of what have they done in reference to taliban, afghanistan and the united states. well, this is the first i've ever heard of russian bounties to kill u.s. soldiers. lou: well, in point of fact, the united states when the soviet union was in afghanistan was supporting the elimination of as many russian aircraft as it possibly could as well as its war fighters through its support in afghanistan of the afghans, correct? >> yeah. oh, there's no doubt about that -- lou: the hypocrisy is not a rare or, you know, it isn't as if a pristine pool had just, you know, been violated. >> no. i mean, there's been tension in
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that part of the world for some time. and the russians have some frustration that took place. in 2018 in syria, their mercenaries were attacking a base where u.s. special operation forces were with pro-regime forces. the special operation forces and air power killed about 200 russian mercenaries. think of them as military people that work for a private security firm. think of them as russian military. that frosted the leadership in the russian military, for sure. whether there's any, anything that relates to this incident and that incident, i have no idea. i'm just speculating, but i want the american people to know there are some tensions there between the united states and russia, to be sure. lou: yeah, and with 120,000 americans dead as a result of what president xi jinping chose not to tell the world, namely that he had just unleashed the
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deadly contagion on the world, you know, it -- the proportion seems a little out of whack in terms of the general response here in the left-wing media in this country. don't you think, general? >> well, certainly. what the pandemic, what should have likely been a local and regionalized epidemic, the chinese had the capability to do that, to keep it hopingized. they proved that -- local arized. they proved that because a they kept it away from their power centers in beijing and shanghai. and not only did they deceive us about the origin of it, but i'm absolutely convinced that president xi made a decision to keep those international flights going out of the province because he knew full well that his economy would be set back, and he wanted western economies -- in particular the united states economy -- to be set back. and for that, in my mind, that's criminal behavior, and he should be held accountable for it.
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couldn't agree with you more -- lou: couldn't agree with you more, as usual. general jack keane, thank you so much. up next, mexico 's president still won't declare war on the mexican drug cartels that are killing mexicans at a record rate. what is the united states doing about the narco-terrorist state to the south? we take it up next with jason jones. stay with us, we'll be right devin, did you know geico is now offering an extra 15 percent credit on car and motorcycle policies? ok? that's 15 percent on top of what geico could already save you. so what are you waiting for? dj khaled to be your motivational coach? yo devin! remember to brush in a circle motion. thank you... dj... khaled. tiny circles, devin. do another one. another one. is this good? put in that work, devin. don't give up. geico. save an extra 15% when you switch by october 7th.
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lou: breaking news, mexican president andres manuel lopez obrador won't go after the cartels after a cartel tried to assassinate mexico city's police chief. obrador saying, quote: we're not going to violate human rights. we're not going to permit massacres. but, of course, they do almost every day in mexico. he said, as he went on: but we're going to act to prevent these attacks from being committed, and we're not going to make any agreements with organized crime like before. end quote. well, joining us now is jason jones, retired captain of the texas department of public safe safety's counterterrorism division. jason, it's great to have you with us. an attempted murder and assassination of the police chief, two of his bodyguards shot down, a third bystander was wounded in the same attack. i mean, this is pretty bold and brash on the part of the cartels
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which are indulging in amazing acts of violence. >> yeah, out really is. and, lou, it's good to be back with you. thanks for having me. i'll tell you, this chief got really lucky on this. if you look, you know, there was well over a dozen operatives who are highly trained that went after him early in the morning and his protective detail. they also used some pretty extraordinary weapons on this thing. i mean, you had 50-ing caliber rifles along with hand grenades and grenade lawn are chers. if you take a look at the vehicle, you see hundreds of rounds that hit his armored car. so to lucky guy. lou: a lucky guy, and andres manuel lopez obrador, the president sounding just as he did when he was taking over the country. he sounds like a pacifist, he sounds confused, and he sounds like the last thing he wants to
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do is annoy anyone in the cartels. tell me i'm wrong. >> no, you're right. and you've heard me talk about this numerous times in the past. my frustration, you know, when we talk about cartel jalisco new generation operating in 48 countries around the world, this cartel's been deemed by the u.s. intelligence community and the drug enforcement administration having over 5,000 operatives. and to be in possession -- or be worth about $50 billion. now, we're still calling them criminal organizations. lou, look at the capabilities that we're talking about with what is supposed to be still a criminal organization and really does need to be designated as a foreign terrorist group. lou: for whatever reason, the president has chosen not to do that. i agree with you, certainly he should. the president said that he wanted to designate them as such, but for whatever reason, that hasn't happened. i suspect because the mexican government, for whatever its
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reasons, is trying the work a different path. but without a strong federal government working against these cartels whether you call them drug cartels or terrorist organizations, they are, they are both. and the truth is we continue to let them export death and devastation into this country whether it's marijuana, heroin, cocaine, you name it. >> yeah, we really do. and we've got to go after them. you know, the labs in mexico, especially methamphetamine labs, for example, they can produce in some of these super-labs up to seven tons of methamphetamine in three days. the drug enforcement administration has admitted that cartel jalisco e new generation, who we're talking about, they know of over a hundred labs that need to be attacked in mexico, and our intelligence committee has been passing this off, along with dea, to the mexican
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government. but, unfortunately, we just can't get them to execute to go after these labs. look, i want to be clear, this is a lot of poison that is coming into this country. fentanyl and methamphetamine are some tremendous drugs that have some horrific effects. lou: yeah, i think -- >> we've got to go after them, lou. we really do. lou: i think the american people are probably with personal experience in their families whether it's heroin, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, whatever it may be. they're familiar with the drugs. what most americans are not familiar with are the organized webs of corruption on both sides of that border that allow the distribution of all of that death and destruction from mexico into this cub. into this country. and we have i cowards who are refusing to fight against these cartels out of fear, out of greed. your thoughts as we wrap up here. >> yeah, we do. and i will tell you that, you
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know, the u.s. department of justice has thrown everything they have at these cartels. and i can give you a great example. just in the last few months, last six months, actually, the department of justice has arrested over 700 operatives domestically in the united states and globally. they have thrown the kingpin act at them, they have also put a $10 million reward for justice program. and it's having very little effect. and that's a prime example as to why we need to think bigger. but i will tell you that the policies of this administration, of this president -- lou: what do you mean when you say -- >> [inaudible] lou: no bigger fans of the president than the folks on this broadcast, i assure you. the fact of the matter is we can't, we can't -- the metric for everyone is the violence and the corruption that is sowed along that border, the death and the devastation in this country.
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by those metrics nothing is having an effect, because the overdose deaths are remaining, the violent murders. i mean, i laughed when president obrador said that 70% of the murders in mexico were cartel-related. you and i both know the number is well north of that. it's silly to say such things, as if that could mitigate the response of government. >> it is, lou. but i will tell you that some of the policies of this administration are really helping. i mean, the border wall, we've now got over 220 miles of it built. you know, that should be talked about on every media station across the country. that is going to help us tremendously. and for those who were wondering out there are the policies working like the migration protection protocol program, it's been huge. last year in may at this time we were apprehending 144,000 people at our border. now -- lou: jason, my friend --
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>> now this year, only 23,000. yes, sir. lou: we report those immigration and illegal immigration numbers righteously and regularly on this broadcast. just so you know that you're not speaking into a void of some kind. we try to keep the content rich here with truth and surprising new realities, and you help in both cases. jason jones, thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. up next, another supreme court decision today in favor of president trump's border wall. jenna ellis of the trump campaign joins us here next. stay with us, we'll be right back after these quick messages. see that wall? see that wall? ♪ ♪ ta-da! did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? given my unique lifestyle, that'd be perfect! let me grab a pen and some paper. know what? i'm gonna switch now. just need my desk...
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♪ ♪ lou: big tech, more big tech bias against president trump. twitch, a streaming platform owned by jeff besoutheast, you know him -- bezos, you know him, has temporarily banned the president's account for what it calls hateful conduct. his 2015 campaign launch and the president's comments at his tulsa rally. you cannot make this monstrous prejudice up.
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big tech is well out of control. i gotta tell you, a lot of big victories lately in the supreme court. the supreme court handing down today two more victories to the president. justices declining to take a case that had challenged president trump's border wall, rejecting environmental groups' requests -- demands, really -- to stop construction. the court agreed president trump free as well to fire the director of the consumer financial protection bureau without cause. they also noted that congress was acting in an unconstitutional fashion to demand otherwise. well, joining us tonight, trump 2020 senior legal adviser jenna ellis. jenna, great to have you with us. >> great to be here. lou: let's start with the supreme court -- great to see you. and to think of all the left-wing jabber out there when this supreme court keeps handing victory after victory, and he is
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standing tall while the left looks like the cowardly conspirators they are. and also they seem bereft of legal knowledge of late. your thoughts. [laughter] >> yes. well, the left, of course, has been consistent activists for the last 50 and 60 years. they simply try to use the supreme court and the judiciary as a tool for their own manipulation to push through their agenda instead of relying on and recognizing that our constitution is built on a principle of a rule of law in america and that we have a uniform standard of specific limited powers that are given to our federal government to operate to. and so i'm very pleased, i know the president is pleased with these two decisions from the supreme court. but on the flip side, we do have a couple of supreme court decisions that were terribly decided, and that's because of chief justice roberts. and so i think the important point -- lou: that's right. >> -- heading into 2020 is that the supreme court is absolutely still a concern, and president
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trump has been faithful to keep his promise by appointing two really great originalist judges to the supreme court, and he needs to appoint more so that we have an expanded conservative majority that will faithfully continue to apply the constitution fairly. lou: put in straightforward terms, this president has the opportunity to name at least one and perhaps more justices to the supreme court to be a countervailing influence to a man we thought was a conservative when president bush nominated him, the chief justice roberts. you know, when i think of all of the reasons to reelect this president, they come up by the hundreds. i can't think of a single one, but that might be my bias, slight bias on the matter. it's ridiculous that anyone would reject this president, in my opinion. in my opinion, the greatest president that we have ever seen
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over one term in this nation's history. it's just been remarkable, what he's done. anyway, i want to turn to your thoughts about he tweeted the other day about the integrity of the election saying an absentee ballot basically isn't the same thing as a mail-in vote. this is a huge issue. what is the republican party doing, what is the campaign doing about this, and should the justice department right now be involved in assuring the integrity of this election? >> this is a really huge issue because, again, our american system of government relies on self-government. we, the people, get to select and prefer who runs our government and who has the specific limited powers in office. and so what the democrats are doing, again, is trying to manipulate the rules, and they're trying to force through this vote-by-mail as opposed to absentee ballots. and the mainstream media continues to get this wrong.
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they keep conflating that as if they're the same thing. the absentee ballot, which the president himself has participated in, i participated in, is requesting your own personal ballot be given to you when you are literally absent for whatever reason that is. but that's very different than the state simply mailing out a bunch of millions of ballots to unverified addresses, unverified individuals. so what the trump campaign and the rnc is doing is we're fighting back. you can go to protect the to see where we're fighting, we just filed another lawsuit in pennsylvania to protect the vote. you're right, lou, this president has done the most for america in his four years than any other president in modern history. and the reason for that is because he understands that our constitution requires that it protect and preserve our rights that are fundamental, that are god given and true equally in this country comes from that recognition that our government
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is mandated to protect and preserve those rights. president trump stands in the gap between a complete transformation of america with joe biden and the neo-marxist world view and recognizing that president trump is the one who's stand anything that gap to make sure -- standing in that gap to make sure to preserve and protect our way of life, freedom and liberty. lou: well said, jenna. [laughter] let me, let me just say one thing. i hear a lot of talk, brad parscale, you know, has created a bit of a kerfuffle. we're told also that he is, he's safe in his job. the campaign looks a little uneven from day-to-day, but i can tell you this: all of this nonsense talking in the left-wing media, talking about this president would quit or, you know, not want to run for re-election, i had recently the opportunity to talk with him. anybody who talks to the president knows better than any of that nonsense, knows it's all
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lou: breaking news now. the u.s. commerce department has just revoked the special status, the united states conferred on hong kong and which had long enjoyed, including trade preferences. ed lawrence is with us now to talk about this breaking story. ed, this is a fundamental change in the relationship. reporter: it's a huge change. in fact commerce secretary wilbur ross, because of that new security law that the chinese are imposing on hong kong is the reason for this. he says that there are risks now to sense u.s. technology sent there. in a statement he says those are risks that the u.s. refuses to accept and have resulted in revocation of hong kong's special status. that includes any export license exemptions for trade with hong kong. the commerce secretary says that basically the hong kong will be treated as if it were part of mainland china. in fact, he goes on to say that
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they would like to see beijing reverse course immediately, and honor the agreement they had with the united kingdom and the rest of the world and become one country, two systems for hong kong. back to you. lou: talking about the change for hong kong, the reality is that beijing has just taken over hong kong ending their autonomous status as well, making it very clear that they now are under communist china's laws and power. effectively, the two systems is no more and the one system means that they are part of communist china, correct? reporter: that is absolutely correct. you know this is something that the broken agreement with the world, basically, china has, gone back on what they said they would do in hong kong. lou: ed lawrence, as always thank you very much, ed lawrence from washington. joining us tomorrow evening will
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be congressman jim jordan, former congressman jason chaffetz, dr. michael pillsbury and "judicial watch"'s tom fitton among our guests. we hope you will be with us for maria: good morning, happy tuesday. it is tuesday june 30th, 6:00 a.m. on the button, china stripping hong kong of some of its freedoms once again. beijing passing controversial security law squashing the ability to protest just day before the anniversary to have handover of hong kong. meanwhile tensions between china and india on the rise, india has banned tik tok and other apps. pressing pause button or rolling back reopening plans. i'll be joined by the secretary
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