tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 30, 2020 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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to -- melissa: all right, thanks to both of you. thanks, guys, for playing our fun game today, my worst financial nightmare. that does it for us. and connell as well. we will be back here tomorrow. "lou dobbs tonight" -- ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. we begin tonight with the rising tensions between the united states and communist china. the federal communications commission today designated chinese telecom companies huawei and zte as national security threats. the fcc also barring u.s. telecom companies from using federal subsidies to buy equipment and services from those chinese companies. fcc chair ajit pai today saying both huawei and zte have close connections to the chinese communist party and the people's think about rakes army.
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liberation army. adding that zte and what huawei are required to turn over data and information that they collect to chinese intelligence. the fcc's designation comes as beijing tightens control over hong kong, putting into i effect a sweeping national security law that completes beijing's takeover of hong kong. hong kong's leader, carrie lamb, supporting that takeover and the end of civil rights in hong kong. pro-democracy groups say this is the end of the hong kong the world once knew. on monday secretary of state mike pompeo announced the united states is stopping the exports of defense equipment to hong kong. the state department also imposed the same restrictions on defense and dual use technology. last year the united states exported more than $75 million of military equipment to hong kong, most of which was in the form of engines and turbines,
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three and a half million, though, marked as tanks, artillery, missiles, rockets, guns and ammunition. secretary pompeo said, quote: we cannot risk these items falling into the hands of the people's liberation army whose primary purpose is to uphold the dictatorship of the ccp by any means necessary. the hudson institute's dr. michael pillsbury will be with us to take up china's rising ambitions and aggression. but first, our guest this evening formally designated huawei and zte as threated to u.s. national security, a major step toward removing national security steps from the united states. joining us, the chairman of the federal communications commission, ajit pai. ajit, good to have you with us. it's been some time that we knew that both of these companies
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were turning over information that they gathered in the course of their normal businesses to people's liberation army, to chinese intelligence. why this decision now? >> well, thanks for having me on, lou. unlike in communist china, we have the rule of law in this country. and in november of 2019, the fcc proposed to ban the use of fcc funding being used by telecom carriers here in the united states on problematic equipment or services coming from carriers like huawei and zte. we initially proposed to designate them as national security threats, but we wanted everyone to make their case. we a heard from the executive branch, from congress, from other stakeholders, and we heard from huawei and zte. the overwhelming weight of the evidence suggested that they would be national security threats, and that's why we moved forward today with a firm designation to plant a flag to say starting on july 1st, tomorrow, that usf funding, funding overseen by the fcc,
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will not be allowed to be used by u.s. telecom carriers on equipment or services from these two companies which are deemed as national security threats to the united states. lou: is this the beginning of pushing both of these companies out of the u.s. market? >> that's a good question. all i will say is that we are looking at overall the security of our communications networks. right now we're talking about communications networks that are funded in part by the fcc. last year we also opened up a conversation about whether we should broaden that prohibition for equipment or services that are used by networks even if they're not funded by if fcc. weave -- by the fcc. we've also been working to finance the removal of problematic equipment. no matter what company it is, what country it's located in, if it's compromising the security of the united states' communications network, that's not allowable. we will not allow that to happen on our watch. lou: so huawei and zte are being
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barred as well then from access to our, to the backbone of the internet, to our basic telecommunications infrastructure, is that correct? >> that's correct. so what we found was that these two companies, huawei and zte, had ties to the chinese communist party, the people's liberation army. in addition to that, they are obligated under chinese law, if they get a request from the chinese secret police, the intelligence services, they must comply with it, and they are prohibited from disclosing fact of that request to any of their customers. so especially if you're talking about small rural carriers in the united states, it's not a risk that we believe is worth taking. that could allow for all kinds of intrusion, the installation of back doors, infection of our networks with malware, the left the of intellectual property. there are all kinds of risks that are simply not work taking here in the united states and, i would argue, elsewhere in the world. lou: and, indeed, in terms of
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the rest of the world, ajit, where does europe stand, where do our allies in the pacific and asia stand? [inaudible conversations] >> based on my own personal conversations with some of my foreign counterparts, we've gotten a good response from many of our allies around the world. i talked to folks from south, europe and asia, and i think those conversations are starting to have trans. singapore, for example, took a step to limit huawei use, 5g equipment. just yesterday the indian government banned 59 mobile apps from their networks altogether. i think there's a growing reputation around the world that the chinese communist party presents a unique threat to communications networks, and here in the united states we are sending a signal that we are not going to tolerate that threat any longer. lou: thank you very much, we
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appreciate it. ajit pai, chairman of the federal communications commission, which today has changed the world a bit in going after both zte and huawei. well, the trump administration is working to secure america's future. the radical dems, meanwhile, are pushing policies and taking actions to sow chaos and some devastation in our streets. in los angeles, for example, the democrat-controlled county board of supervisors there approved a nearly $150 million budget cut to the l.a. county sheriff's office. those cuts would remove six departments including the safe streets bureau that focuses on gang activity. it would eliminate the special victims bureau and the major crimes unit. in new york city, a key vote is scheduled for the city council to adopt mayor bill de blasio's plan to defund new york's finest by a billion dollars.
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de blasio has apparently been successful in selling his radical plan to the, well, the liberal if not extreme left upper crust of new york city. 51% there support the idea. overall, the rest of the state, new yorkers, well, 57 percent of them oppose the idea. there remains a question on whether protesters occupying new york city hall right now will leave even if their demands are met. one protest organizer telling fox news there is no guarantee they will heave and that more demands -- will leave is and and that more demands are coming down the pipeline, as they put it. that is, of course, the way of a mob. particularly the radical mob. once you think you have appeased them whether kneeling, protesting, slashing budgets, turning a blind eye to civil unand around -- unrest and
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arson, they will always be seeking more. they're allowing the left to continue their support of the radical agenda. last night the democratic national committee took things past their normal garden-variety stupid by. in a tweet the dnc took the official position that celebrating the fourth of july at mount rushmore is the equivalent of celebrating white supremacy. did i mention we're talking about the democrat party? the tweet has since been deleted but without explanation or apology to the president of the united states or the american people. and we're not going to wait on that, are we? members of the radical house democrats today received a white house briefing following new york times reporting that russia had paid the taliban to kill our troops in afghanistan. "the new york times" reporting dependent on anonymous sources,
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reporting that was knocked down in today's intelligence briefing. president trump, the white house, the pentagon, the director of the national intelligence all dismissing "the new york times" report. and they've denied that president trump was ever briefed on those charges. a conclusion that house majority leader steny hoyer today seemed to agree with. >> i also agree with john bolton who said it was inconceivable, from his perspective, that there is not a cause for briefing on this matter of such importance. apparently, that did not happen. i left the white house with the impression -- and the president has said he was not briefed. leave it at that. lou: and leave it at that. the democratic party may do that, but that's not its typical course, is it?
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the democrat party has managed to destroy its alreadity min you shoulded credibility -- already diminished credibility. they look inept and clownish in their efforts to still attack president trump. listen to them today as they struggled to i withdraw from their assertions that president trump had sat on information about russian bounties. >> nothing in the briefing that we have just received led me to believe it is a hoax. there may be different judgments as to the level of credibility. as we look at these, and i'm going to call them allegations because i can't confirm or deny any underlying intelligence -- >> perhaps the president knows something, perhaps he doesn't know anything, perhaps he reacted a certain way, perhaps he doesn't or didn't. it just makes no sense at all. lou: no, the left make no sense at all. they look silly, clownish and, as usual, inept. the left-wing national media kept playing the pink poodle to
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the sinister and silly radical dems today. even as they're absurd -- as their absurd bounty narrative blew up in their faces. what is the deal with democrats and russia? don't they ever learn? so far they haven't. cnn and the new york times both claiming unnamed sources to report that president trump was briefed on those bounties. and the associated press made more claims without facts that john bolton had briefed the president as early as last year. all fake news, all lies. all as usual. another big win today in the supreme court for religious freedom, supporters of school choice and president trump. the justices struck down a montana law that excluded religious schools from taxpayer-funded scholarships. chief justice john roberts wrote the majority opinion in the 5-4
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ruling. we are still trying to figure out the chief justice. we'll probably be at it for a while. on wall street today, stocks finished the quarter with their best percentage gains in more than 20 years. the dow finishing the day ahead 217 points, the s&p up 185. volume on the big board, 4.8 billion shares. crude oil lost a percent, it's at $39.36 a barrel now. and a reminder, listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. up next, the radical dems withdraw from their assertions on russian bounties while the rinos can't quite grasp that they will either win with this president or they will lose and lose badly. congressman jim banks, he joins us here next. please stay with us. ♪ ♪
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quote: the withdrawal of u.s. troops from germany would be a gift to russia, and that's last thing we should be doing. end quote. this rino trinity clearly ignoring what the president said about the topic just last week. >> we're going to be reducing our forces in germany. some had been coming home and some will be going to other places. but other places in europe. i think it sends a very strong signal to russia. lou: a strong signal to russia. the president also being called upon by many to move many of those troops to poland which would actually put them in greater proximity to russia. romney, rubio e and gramm are, again -- and graham are, again, clownish e. and they didn't even explain how the president's plan to move our troops closer to russia would be a problem for us. i don't think that they're doing
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too well at foreign, foreign policy. also breaking tonight, rin if o ben sasse wants to know what president trump -- rino ben sasse wants to know what president trump knew about the russia bounty e story and why the white house isn't doing anything about it even though the story has been knocked down by two previous, this dni and the previous dni, acting dni ric grenell, by all of officialdoming in washington. and the director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe, had already said just days ago, quote -- and let me read this to you -- i have confirmed that neither the president, nor the vice president were ever briefed on any intelligence alleged by "the new york times" in its reporting. "the new york times"' reporting and all other subsequent news reports about such an alleged briefing are inaccurate.
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former dni richard grenell said, it's inaccurate, stop politicizing intelligence. joining us tonight, our guest says "the new york times" has blood on their hands for even publishing the fictional story. congressman jim banks, an active officer in the navy reserve who served in afghanistan. congressman, great to have you with us. this is more idiocy from "the new york times". at some point you would think they would become somewhat embarrassed by their unnamed sources and their propensity to report absolute claptrap. >> you would think so, lou, but obviously not. if this is a despicable hit piece by "the new york times" published on friday with one clear intention, and that's to damage president trump as we get closer to election day by rehashing the russian-trump
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collusion hoax narrative that the american people have have grown so tired of. the democrats, on the other hand to, they took the bait. they jumped the gun on friday, and it's confusing as you already mentioned to keep up with them. on friday they were attacking president trump because he might have known about it and he didn't do anything about it. today they walked out of a briefing, and they're attacking him because he didn't know anything about it. it's confusing, it's hard to keep up with, it's despicable, and the american people is have had enough of it. lou: yeah. well, just keeping a straight, straight-ahead look at true north. "the new york times" is a left-wing propaganda arm of the democratic party, the radical dems. they have given themselves over to pure nonsense. and, by the way, i don't -- and i, if i may disagree with you on this -- i don't think the american people are confused at all. they know what a silly, inept hot these dems are right now.
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and, by the way, if they want to rehash, if they want to to rehash the idiotic russian collusion story, i say bring it on. do as much of it as you can, new york times, washington post, abc, cbs, whomever. because the american people realize that that was entirely a conspiracy to overthrow the president of the united states. it was spygate. it was an effort to stop his candidacy and then to overthrow him when he won the presidency. and they were as a inamendment at that as they are -- inept at that as they are everything else. then they tried impeachment. why not -- let's bring it back. let everybody just wallow in what stupidness has enveloped the entire democratic party. they're a silly lot. >> i couldn't agree more, lou. this is, this piece though in "the new york times" on friday, the worst part of it is now the russians know what we know.
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maybe this, maybe the intelligence was good, maybe it wasn't. we don't know that, and that's why the president was never briefed on it. the intelligence was never verified. now our career intelligence officials in the field who are doing their jobs might not ever be able to find the truth, because the russians would be -- if it were true, the russians are literally shredding the evidence. if it's not true, the russians are laughing at us because once again they've worked with the new york times and the democrat party to sow discord in the united states of america. and that's what's despicable about it. for me, perm l i e served -- personally, i served in afghanistan in 50 vehicle convoy missions during the time these bounties were allegedly in place. that means the bounty was on my head and that the democrats and the new york times have prevented our intelligence community from doing their job to get the facts and track this down we can hold those responsible accountable, it's
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absolutely shameful. lou: yeah. it is shameful. and even if the intelligence, you know, is what appears to be, completely absurd, the idea that we wouldn't know what is being done and the idea that the taliban need some further incentive to try to kill our soldiers, does that not, as one who has served this, congress bank, doesn't that seem a lit -- congressman, doesn't that seem a little silly that the taliban needed a boost from the russians to want to kill americans? >> and we might not ever know because a leaker -- lou: no, no, i justin mean on the face of it. >> you're right, they don't need more incentive. but we might not ever know the truth because "the new york times" published a story on friday that revealed classified, sensitive information that was shared with them from a leaker. and if that's what's so astonishingly wrong with this story. it was all a hit piece to attack the president. and i'm sick and tired of it.
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i want the leaker to be held accountable and the new york times to be held accountable as well. lou: see now you -- this is what's interesting. was there a leaker? because this is, again, unidentified sources, unnamed sources, anonymous sources. who the hell knows who it was. it could have been any number of people. but what is troubling to me is three and a half years into this president's first term we still have leaks that can be this noxious and this, and this just, as you say, somewhat awe nowing. annoying. congressman jim banks, as always, it's great to have you here. we appreciate it. thank you. jim banks. we'd like to hear your thoughts. share your comments. follow me on twitter @loudobbs. like maine on facebook -- me on facebook, follow me on instagram @loudobbstonight. civil rights act bob woodson among our guests here tomorrow. you wouldn't want to miss either
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one of them and, certainly, you wouldn't want to miss both of them. >> up next, former president barack obama raising money for mail-in voting. i wonder why he's doing that? it's rife with fraud. that's right, there really such a thing as we are learning every day, it seems, there is such a thing as voter fraud. and who's behind it? not president obama. no. couldn't be him. couldn't be him. well, we'll find out. kris kobach joins us here next. stay with us. no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at
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♪ ♪ lou: president trump benefiting from a surge in approval among likely black voters just in the period since george floyd was killed last month. on may a 25th, the day floyd was killed, rasmussen had the president's approval among black voters at 22%. that's strong, but the number was up 15 points to 37% this
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past friday. in a new trafalgar group poll sunday, president trump leading joe biden in wisconsin by, basically, one point. the trafalgar group's other than is none other than pollster robert haley, correctly predicting the president's victory back in 2016. later this week we'll be joined by an election forecaster who has an extraordinary record, and he believes president trump is well on his way to reelection. don't, don't miss him. he's our mystery guest thursday. former president barack obama is fundraising right now. he is raising money ostensibly to boost more mail-in voting all across the country. mailing. not absentee ballots. this comes as four men were charged with voter fraud in new jersey, two democratic city council members, two others associated with their campaigns by the state attorney general
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for stuffing ballots in mailboxes including in a neighboring town. no voter fraud? the democrats say? get the feeling they live off of it. joining us tonight, former kansas secretary of state, chris kovak. he's running for the u.s -- kris kobach. i get a kick out of the democrats who say there's no voter fraud. meanwhile, ballots are being harvested -- [laughter] the nonsense goes on, and the national left-wing media, complicit, compliant, they close the circle around it. no voter fraud here, just close your lying eyes and move along are. what are the republicans -- >> yeah. lou: -- going to do, and i don't remember in court. i know they're suing the hell out of everybody, but everybody can sue somebody. >> yeah. lou: but what are they doing physically to make damn sure that every, every polling station, every voting booth is secure and protected, and i mean
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with eyes on the ground? >> well, you know, lou, it varies from state to state. and president trump and you are right to point to mail-in voting as the primary avenue or the primary venue of voter fraud. as you know, when i was secretary of state of kansas we put it, we passed a law that i wrote that made kansas the safest in the country. and my folks particularly on vote-by-mail, there were various forms of fraud. you could or intercept the ballot at somebody's mail box, you can falsely request somebody else's ballot, you can do ballot harvesting like we saw in that north carolina race two years ago. and then if you have a state like colorado, washington or oregon where it's mandatory mail-in voting, then it's katie bar the door. you have ballots going out to every name on the rolls, and nationally there are 24 million extra names on the voter rolls.
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lou: well, shouldn't the voting rights act division of the justice department be all over this? shouldn't they be interceding here to assure -- you know, the president this week talking about the fact this country voted in world war i, world war ii and now we've got this virus, and suddenly barack obama is the, you know, the poster child for mail-in voting? come on. this is just, it's disgusting what they're trying to do. >> you know, it is interesting how the democrats are pushing so hard. ofof course, their ultimate goal would be mandatory mail-in voting all across the country, which would just be horrific. when colorado adopted mail hundred voting a few cycles ago, one of the members of the legislature got two ballots, one in her maiden name, one in her married name. it goes to millions of
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illegitimate names on the rolls, people who have moved away, people who have changed their names, people who are deceased and who are not u.s. citizens. fortunately, president trump would veto any mandatory mail-in law or bill, but if president trump was to lose re-election, i guarantee joe biden would sign a bill mandating mail-in voting for all 50 states. it's imperative to top it. lou: and one of those republicans is is a guy named kris kobach. how's your election going? we've got just about a minute, kris. >> it's going very well, lou. it's going to be close, but kansas has an opportunity to put in someone who's a conservative, me, who can stand up to people like mitt romney and the other rinos you mentioned in your previous segment. lou: graham, rubio -- >> -- republican majority. yeah. they've been pushing amnesty, and you and i have fought against amnesty for many years. we have to have a majority of
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conservatives so we don't have to constantly be fighting republicans who are pushing for am necessity. so it's going well, but i appreciate your attention to the issue of immigration. you've done great. lou: kris kobach, as always, great to talk with you. thanks for being here. come back soon. up next, china has pulled off a takeover of hong kong some 24 years before they were even supposed to abandon their treaty with the u.k. and, indeed, the world. we take it up next with dr. michael pillsbury. is that cold war already here? we'll find out. stay with us, we'll be right back. i should get a quote. do it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ when this crisis is don'going to be over and we don't know exactly when the stock market will reach its bottom,
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lou: breaking news now, scientists in china saying there's a new strain of swine flu that could infect humans and cause, are you ready? another pandemic. dr. anthony fauci responding to that report said it has traits of the h1n1 swine flu in the united states in 2009 and the spanish flu. either is an encouraging or calming thought. dr. fauci says it's not an immediate threat, but something that he is keeping an eye on. we hope that the entire cdc and nih and even the w.h.o. are keeping an eye. by the way, a reminder to everybody, we can hut down air
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traffic between the united states and china. joining us tonight, dr. michael pillsbury with the hudson institute. mike if, good to have you with us. -- mike, good to have you with us. let's start, first, with this threat of the swine flu, a horrific flu that we went through in this country in 2009 as you remember. the spanish flu, dr. fauci saying that, you know, it has those elements. and for the chinese to actually admit it, give us your interpretation. >> well, dr. fauci and his colleagues both at nih and cdc have been deeply cooperating with the chinese now for more than 20 the years. they helped create the chinese cdc, lou. and china's really in violation of legal obligations. they were going to shut down the so-called wet markets. they were going to take steps not to have another global pandemic. is so dr. fauci, once again i think he's avoiding directly criticizing the chai nice for --
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chinese for this, and he's trying to make something good out of the fact that they've at least announced it. the point is they shouldn't have this strange, fertile territory in their whole country that gives us possible global pandemics. that's the violation of the understandings over the last 30 years. lou: there's so many violations, they never seem to keep their word, and i they make it perfectly clear they mean to dominate the world. there's no doubt of that. they're now insinuated into so many power centers around the world globally that it's, it looks like it would be awfully difficult to unseat them whether it be in europe, whether it be in asia or even the united states. still the confucius institutes are in our universities even though we know what their purpose is and the fact that they are malevolent
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institutions, not university educate bl-friendly or purposed. >> i think you see president trump fighting back. he talked about it in two books before he was elected. he's done a great deal already to push back on the chinese and hold them to treaties, for example, in the case of hong kong, threatened them with tariffs and other sanctions. but the result so far has not been that china is pulling back, it's that they're beginning to talk more if positively about joe biden as president, and they hope that he'll pick someone like michelle obama to be his vice president. that's actually in the chinese press, lou. they want this michelle obama/joe biden ticket. [laughter] so they're, president trump has got a lot more miracles ahead of him, i think. lou: well, yes. but the point being that, meanwhile, china is pushing its influence across the globe
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establishing power centers whether it be in the u.k., for example -- >> yes. lou: -- not too far from the government's communication headquarters. it's, i mean, when we look at what's happening here, they built a base in jabuti, for crying out loud, that's even larger than our base right next door to that base. they're doing it everywhere, and this doesn't seem to be a strategic response on the part of the united states to what is clearly global design on the part of these very ambitious chinese. >> well, you just used two very important words, lou, when you said global design. that's how the cold war began. the united states thought the soviet union had a global design and, therefore, a number of steps were taken which stopped that global design. that's in all the key
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documentings. and, let me think about it, '68 was one of the first. and this idea frustrating the design of the other side, that's how cold war is began. multiple aspects including the cia and propaganda and psychological warfare. that hasn't really started yet against china. i don't think we're in a cold war yet, but we're getting closer and closer -- lou: well, they are! they are! by your own definition, mike, the chai nice are in a cold war with us. they are leading the most powerful and broad disinformation campaign ever launched against the united states. nothing, nothing the soviets did comes close to the what the chai nice are effective -- chinese are effectively doing right now. >> here's the big difference. you and i know, yes, the chai nice have that kind of campaign -- chinese, but they avoid saying cold war. instead they say the sweetest, most happy talk they can give us, and they say we have no intention of replacing you.
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i think you saw in bob davis' book, also in bolton's book it talks about xi jinping, the first thing he said to donald trump is is he was no hundred-year marathon, we have no design, we're not trying to replace you. the russians at least attacked us and said we want to bury you, we want the replace you. the chinese deny everything. they say they're just being friendly. [laughter] lou: i notice, and i feel badly that i don't have dr. michael pillsbury's "hundred-year marathon" in my hands, because i notice behind you the covers of two books that i just, they just appeal to be to me so much. there's one there, it looks like exporting america from, i believe, 2004, war on the middle class, or is that upheaval but, by god, what good reading material you have there? [inaudible conversations]
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[laughter] lou: you got it, partner. thanks so much. appreciate it. good to see you, as always. michael pillsbury. this -- i don't know what kind of war it is, but it is definitely a war. up next, will congressional rinos ever realize that supporting president trump is the only way, the only way they can win at the polls in jason chaffetz joins us here next. we're going to take up republican prospects and problem characters like romney and rubio and graham. and, unfortunately, the list goes on. stay with us, we'll be right back with jason chaffetz. ♪ ♪ we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so they can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most find out more at
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us tonight, former congressman if, former chairman of the house oversight committee, jason chaffetz, fox business contributor, best selling author, great american. good to have you with us, jason. >> thanks, lou. lou: let's start with the rino resis dance rearing -- resistance rearing its three heads today, at least symbolically, in romney, rubio and graham. what are these people -- what are they thinking they're doing? would they -- don't they remember 2018 and what happened to the house of representatives?
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>> i don't know. you don't win elections by being in the wish she wash wishy-washy middle. you do it in principle, you fight on principle, and you do that in such a way so that you don't end up like john mccain running for president or mitt romney running for president. you have a leader in donald trump who is an america first agenda, it's working, it was working. it continue to work. it will continue to work. and to try to jump off and, you know, leave the president out there by himself not a formula to go out and win an election. lou: yeah. it's just, it's mindless to me. and it's always these rinos who think they've got a better answer. graham is in the fought of his life in south carolina. the last poll i saw -- actually, his opponent, i believe, was slightly ahead. we're seeing the same thing, your home state of utah where we're seeing the, if you will,
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the establishment candidate is running behind a never trumper, for crying out loud, for the u.s. senate, hickenlooper. and in colorado getting outflanked by a, more of a lefty, a progressive. put a little smiley face on that progressive. what's going on here? [laughter] >> well, and in hickenlooper's case in colorado, he's been beset with all sorts of ethics charges, ethics problems, all kinds of weird she 9/11 gans, taking helicopter rides evidently. i don't really know where that goes. as far as our gubernatorial race tonight, we've got four quality candidates, and nobody really knows who's going to prevail in that race. they have tried to snuggle up to donald trump. some of them doing it, i don't know how they can say it because i don't think they can actually pull it off, but they wanted to
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be closer to donald trump which i think is actually a winning formula. but more importantly, lou, in november i gotta tell you if you go off the rails and you decide that you've got your own agenda and it's not in line with the donald trump's trajectory, you're possibly going to lose. lou: we're going to be back with jason chaffetz to explain the democrat nominee, this fellow biden. peculiar situation. stay with us, jason chaffetz on the other side of these quick messages. mug. ♪ . sure. okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! . . - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. hey!
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♪. lou: we're back with jason chaffetz. and, former vice president joe biden today at a news conference, his first i think in 87 days, the questions he was asked sort of extraordinary. but this very quick clip of him trying to figure out what the name of his hometown paper is in wilmington, delaware. >> all right. where is, where is the woman can, delaware state news? i mean, delaware news journal i should say. that is my hometown team. i better call on them. lou: better call on them? >> wow. lou: what do you make of this, this nominee and his obvious
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problems? >> that was, one of the toughest questions he had in that press conference was a question he asked himself, what was his hometown newspaper. he struggled to answer that, finally got it out having to look at notes. it is kind of scary. i think the policy issue came out glaring there we'll have to remind people time and time again he promises to raise taxes. if he promises to raise taxes believe him. that is what he and a biden administration would do. it would be devastating to the economy. it would take us in the wrong, wrong, wrong direction. lou: and it's, in my opinion, it is even worse than that. if even intimated would be close going in the last six to eight weeks i think these markets, this economy would head south in a hurry. it is, it's scary stuff, the fact that the national left-wing media can't keep up with that
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candidate and let him stay in the bunker week after week. jason chaffetz. thanks for being here. great to see you. thanks so much. that is it for us tonight. tomorrow, the victor david hanson, civil rights activist bob woodson among our guests. ♪. david: hi, everybody, i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. this is the "the evening edit." we have breaking news on the movement to defund police. it is reaching new and alarming heights tonight. in just two hours the new york city council could be voting to rubberstamp mayor de blasio's plan to slash the nypd budget by one billion dollars, billion with a "b.." rick leventhal joins us with the
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