tv The Evening Edit FOX Business July 1, 2020 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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that is itng for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. thank you for being with us. goodel night. >> hi everybody this is the evening at it. while seattle's so-called autonomous zone, the city's mayor said last we could bring in the summer of love. is being dismantled to now every became crystal clear that is bringing the city into a summer of deadly anarchy. police filing going in and breaking of the so-called month after the mayor issued an executive order early this morning. police reclaiming the precinct and arresting click dozens of
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protesters as they vacated the zone. you seek to deadly shootings in just three short weeks. let's go to dan who was on the ground in seattle with the very latest. dan springer. reporter: hey david, and it is amazing i've been watching this thing grow and grow pretty for something to see how quickly is been sort of quickly torn apart. it is a massive public works projects. you can see the east present to behind me. they used to be covered every inch of it in graffiti. it has even been boarded up or the power washed off or in some cases even painted over . money morning fatal shooting of a black teenager . by the security really was the last straw . the following day, city workers removed some barricades this morning at 5:00 o'clock, local and federal police moved in with armored vehicles and began clearing out the area. no most people left in their own. some were handcuffed and removed. seattle's mayor had said negotiations, would end the
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occupation. with the police chief said the violence got to be too much. >> what has happened here, on the streets over the last two weeks, as long list, and the bottom line, it is simply unacceptable. reporter: city cruiser dismantling the barricades and waiting and waiting through trash. in several dozen police are now in the east precinct which was abandoned 23 days ago . we are told the damage they fully is minimal. a police arrested 39 people so far. on charges of refusing to leave, assault and weapons possession. but overall the operation has gone very smoothly. seeing no violence out here. for the most part the protesters have just sort of given up this area however we do see down the road, about four blocks blocks away from where i am . some of the protesters are gathering predict so the question is how long will the police be able to keep this as a peaceful area wit
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it being a flashpoint again for protests in the city of seattle. david: the only thing that i'm going to miss about the top zone is your fine reporting from their dan. we thank you for all the reporting you have been doing. it's been nonstop for several weeks. you deserve some rest. thank you very much dan we really appreciate it. we'll seattle's deadly experiment with an ip cost the two young black men. and critically wounded others including a 14 -year-old. the seattle is not alone. in new york, chicago, la and other cities, defining police starting with that spring to shocking increases in violent crime. so far liberal counsel and bears are looking to find the police print have not connected the jump in crime with failure to support the police. in fact last night, the new york city council, to get a billion dollars of the 6 million-dollar police budgets, was not enough this woman cortez, she sent out
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a message that reads in part, defining police means defining police. it does not mean budget tricks or funny math. this is not a victory. the fight to defend police and continues. so how many more lives will be lost before the connection between d policing and an increase in crime is finally made. bill cassidy, senator good to see you. black lives do matter senator . and they are being lost in greater numbers in areas where police are being eliminated are being pulled back. isn't there a connection and when will people wake up to that connection. bill: the top zone should be the connection. two teenage boys are killed in a police free zone. winning public safety. i saw an ironic headline.
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but i don't think they thought of ironic in the new york times. the streets have become safer despite the police budgets have grown. they did not think, made the streets are safer because we have given the police more support. i speak to my folks in new orleans. they say police reform cost money. they have got a ways to go but they have god come a long ways pretty cost money for taser cams and body cam spring it costs money for the information system that allow the police to be if you will, police. if the folks who hate the police, don't understand that, i don't know what else can prevent . we need to support the police as they reform. and as they preserve public safety. david: use the word support. i would throw in the worl ford respect. it is not just defining the police that is a problem here. it is also the of respect. president trump also hope to that point. the place an sound bite and get your reaction.
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pres. trump: i am a big fan of new york's finest . and when he is done to that group of incredible men and women is very sad. i do mean just the but even if you go long before this when they turned around, they turned their backs. the relationship with the police of new york and they are incredible people. it is been very sad to watch frankly. david: it is not induced . in new virginia, and a one-time very strong police state, the state democrats are trying to put assault and downgrading it from a felony to a misdemeanor with the police. what do all of these messages send it to police forces around the country. it. bill: you used in the right word. it means that you do not respect those who put on the office debut ever seen notice the police officers. they look like they have a big
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chest. they have a bulletproof vest because someone might shoot them. my gosh come, if someone is willing to take that risk and protect us. we better respect them. we better support them. in the fact that there is people who would shoot them, means of defining the police is a bad idea for everybody. who cares about public safety. it is a good idea for robbers and rapists and murderers. david: lasting talking about respect for police . just the opposite was going on down at city hall where a member of black lives matter, at least he was wearing a black lives matter sure. the microphone and even speaking to the crowd. he was telling them to do things. nothing going to mention, it was so what he was telling the crowd to do to police. and the mayor nevertheless, the net mayor of new york was to paint on fifth avenue. he mentioned specifically right in front of trump tower, he wants to paint black lives matter on the street. after their representatives have
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said you should do exactly the opposite of respecting police. actually cause them physical harm. what do you think about that. bill: i didn't see that but all of this kind of disrespect with the police have consequences. there are people out there who are not balanced. there are three windows in baton rouge louisiana because somebody in kansas city, drove all of the way down and shut those put three police officers. a pure reason being that they were police officers one of the him having to be an african-american. but a very poignant statement. poignant statement on the facebook page which captures attention. if i wear a uniform, what part of the community does not like me. having taken off, another part doesn't. we have to resolve that tension. if you're disrespecting the police, there might be another montréal and another montreal widow, be careful what you say. we need the support in the
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respecting of the police. david: you know we also need for jiggly as we lead up into independence day, the celebration of her independence and of our revolution. we need unification, not division. i want to another positive note. we need your medical doctor, and actually helps you recover. in up to get better if you have a positive attitude. in this country. not just with covid-19 but with also with problems of our understanding of who we are and how probably should be who we are. how do we reinstall that on this independence day week. bill: we do that by going back to thomas jefferson's declaration of independence and abraham lincoln and martin luther king. they used as the exemplary of what we should be. we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. in endowed with certain and may be available) by golly we should exalted. then we will work with the justice for all and we will do it in unity in a country will be
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stronger. david: senator, doctor, that is great medicine and we really appreciate it. bill cassidy, great to see you. have a wonderful independence day with you and your family. david: president trump coming out swinging his new york times reported that russia offer counties to kill americans for soldiers. he said the story or lease the details of an array hoax. we will get reaction. from the house the committee on the international terrorism when we return in just a moment. stay with us. ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh.
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♪ yeah ♪ hey, hey david: from what i hear, and here it pretty good the intelligence people, many of them didn't believe it happened it all. i think it is a hoax. newspapers and the democrats. david: present trump going the new york times reported that russia offeredli bounties to kil american soldiers, a hoax. this is coming as secretary mike pompeo said the russian engage in afghanistan is nothing new. joining me tell discuss all of this. he serves in house subcommittee on international terrorism and we are pleased to have him pretty cumbersome and produce see you. speak specific about what i think the president is referring to is a hoax. unnecessarily the story russia
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involvement n in afghanistan. but the taliban, it is that he was. this is what the original story said, he was briefed about the story refused to do anything about it. i think that is what he is referring to is the hoax of the story. do you agree. guy: i believe he is referring to that. and the fact that this is written on breaking but he received verbally briefed, the never articulated that point to the president. he actually did not receive that information. so think that is what he is talking about. david: but forgive me for interrupting but the cia officer not named for obvious reasons confirmed that he was not briefed because there is not enough validating information for that particular correct. guy:, yes, the information befoe he gets to the president has got to be, collaborated in only evidence that is before it and
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in fact get to the president. and you can't fault him for the briefer, not actually briefing him on that. david, you know who it actually did have this actionable intelligence on russian other actors, biden and obama because under the obama administration, the actually had until because it happened that russia was going to annex part of ukraine. and obama invited, and president trumphe though, since the ukrainians javelin missiles and aid in that is the difference. invited and obama also knew therehr were threats and they st back and did nothing. they knew that ice was working with russia through iraq and syriaa and they did nothing. compare that to president trump who is taking strong action . we had the chance to take out some of the u.s. kill american soldiers and orchestrated the death of over 600 americans, president trump took him out. and he took out a bag daddy with
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isis prince of president trump's record is incredible on these issues. so biden wants to pick despite an argument over this tough and tougher, we will take in a day because president trump will win that argument any day. david: he also took out several hundred russian mercenaries who were working and syria. president trump also has been quite critical of the russian are going to germany and also some things that the russians consider valuable to them. and have been interfered with by president trump himself. so this is all an attempt to resurrect the failed attempt a morning or the collusion between vladimir putin and then throughout the first term of his presidency. that is a failed premise. it is more than a simply not supported by the evidence.
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guy: we read that book before. absolutely, market fiction. i read this book before. it had a low level bureaucrat, who doesn't run through the chain ofnd commands, takes evidence that is not validated and turns around and gives it to the new york times and the washington post. to make the president look bad. it is incredibly politically inconvenient that this is coming out now. to me, this is what we seen before an attempt to damage this administration part is also monthly false . the presidents action, speak for themselves. i ami' old enough to remember present own obama telling it romney in the 80s, what is foreign policy back and mitt romney was morning everybody about russia. so i shut present trump much more than a divided on russia. if you want hold russia accountable for their actions across the world. david: we should mention this time in iraq as a jag officer.
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so you care about what happens in that region. and in the troops in that region. but i want to talk about something that is of great importance to americans right now. with a covid-19 problem still hanging over all of our heads. that is another stimulus action. this president has spoken about that as well today. the meat play that sound bite and get your response. pres. trump: another round of direct payments for individuals to use for that at this time. i do support it. if it has to be done properly. and i support larger numbers than the democrats. but it's gotta be done properly. david: , main problem that a lot of people have with these payoffs particular lonely being the federal addition to unemployment checks, which is about 600 bucks. that can bring up your unemployment check to a lot more than you are actually making. in fact it is true for a lot of the people that are getting, particularly space in your for another getting over a thousand dollars a week and unemployment checks. isn't that a disincentive to go
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back to work. guy: yes it is. an extra $600 a week on top although well-intentioned, is causing legh and getting the economy running again. i will begrudge anybody. but i'm getting $600 extra, is forcing make the economic choice to stay home. not to go back to work. where is causing a small businesses to increase wages which hurts them even more when the paying andhe inflated wage o the visuals. i wanted begrudge anybody but now is the time we need to be smart about this. bring the economy back online and we do that by reducing taxation and regulation and by reducing burdens for small businesses. that's how we will get to the v-shaped recovery. david: frequently, the senate passed an extension of that paycheck protection program . the deadline because there's still quite a bit of moneyll let in that and will the house to
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prove that extension. it. guy: i believe that passed it today unanimously it did. and we have to give people the time to take advantage of the successful ppe and grant programs. a. david: thatd: will bring people back to work. have a wonderful july 4th celebration, we appreciate you being here. coming up with china cracking down and making arrest in hong kong. it could spell disaster. joining us to take a closer look and we will be right back. we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up
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kong to see what is happening there. it was such a vital premarket community. it was a bacon of the free market for theor rest of the world. decades and decades. has it gone forever. guest: yes, i think it is pretty china's plans was to take over hong kong. this initially. they said will china, will control hong kong. if one china to governments. but they totally reneged on that. so for all intensive purposes, china now is still in control. they are eyeing time on next. so the whole idea of hong kong, finance capital. it was originally china's window for the financial world, it's gone. china decided. it. david: there really cutting off the nose despite their face. that is to say that they need hong kong. they need is freedom.
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but it acted as a financial clearinghouse for the parties that investors around the world could trust. the cash trusted anymore. so to take all of the gold from hong kong, there killing the goose that lays thee golden egg. guest: there are two things about that i think that chinese is taking advantage of the pandemic. by demonstrating history spring hong kong has millions of people they came out and demonstrated. they're not going, because of the pandemic. another not going to come and demonstrate because china will declare basically any demonstrator the terrace. with life in prison. but the end result of this is going to be that money and intellectual capital people are going to flee hong kong so that other parts of asia or over other parts of the world. and he said that the some $3m hong kong residents can come to
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great britain, they can come and get a five year visa with the idea that they would become citizens of great britain. now those are some of the most entrepreneurial, innovative creative, free-market capitalist people in the world. that would be a huge boost to great britain and a huge brain drain to china. david: and china real really maybe shooting themselves in the foot with his mouth. but you mentioned it something else of great interest to me. the way in which they are using the pandemic, the chinese government, and there is no depth to which they will not sink in order to claim world dominance. do they really think that they can use the pandemic contest with hong kong but with the rest of the world in order to hurt sue the goal and be the preeminent superpower? guest: absolutely. chinese they wanted to be the world dominance superpower. so there building in the then base they wrote that links and italy's asia to china.
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the one belt one rotor strategy. their client trying to control international communications with infrastructure there building. with a five g network. their plan, that is that the united states would be pushed out of the asia and the pacific they would control hong kong and taiwan in their company would be so powerful and soe large that o country would dare criticize them or try to work against the chinese interests. now the pandemic, they think is giving them an opportunity to accelerate this so that the chinese is rad that back at work . it is still struggling. there are watching as europe and the united states and other parts of the world are struggling with how to's deal with the pandemic and the economic consequences of it. in the united states, the chinese are thinking that it is their moment. much more aggressive now in m hg kong in the south china sea.
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the much more aggressive in europe and new relationship with russia. so i think that chinese think that this time. the going around the world and telling everybody, but the united states has finished they could cope with any of this and that china's going to be the country thatur will dominate the 21st century. david: 's boys makes even more vital, figurative way to kill the virus and open the economy at the same time. we have got to do the boat. otherwise people i china are going to take advantage of us pretty great to see you again. thank you very much. coming up, president trump going after joe biden's tax plan today. pres. trump: the going to raise taxes, greg and trent raised regulations and put everyone out of business and it would be a disaster.
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crash. the market would go down by a tremendous amount. he would raise taxes and regulations. david: president trump also taking to twitter by the record growth in the second quarter and award the people to expect the economy to plunge if joe biden is elected in november. so what effect will biden's economic plan have on the nation. with me is kelly sadler. canady. i would you take a look and the audience take a look, these essays losing residents by tremendous numbers but the one thing they have in common our high tax rates. there is a thing about this country, asry we celebrate our anniversary. of littlench experiments. we have 50 experiments going on about what works and what does not work. in the highte tax states seem to be proving that high taxes do
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not work. kelly: they absolutely do a joe biden, said and the president is right for the economic recovery and with the r covid-19. garrity said he would repeal. we have the obama biden, basically that jobs created in the joe biden voted for regulations with china. and it would years later, manufacturing jobs. they said this job simply are coming back. joe biden has economic record for this president has cut taxes . for deregulation. and and joe biden said he would ban all fossil fuels. and that made for a lot of job losses in pennsylvania alone. david: and kelly bring up a great point. while the state raises taxes,
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the business can move to a different state. if it is dented and federal level, you can't move to a different state. you're stuck with us. so you move out of the country and we saw that happened during the oh obama and biden. places like ireland, very low corporate tax rates. we raised them i back up to a level that is much higher than the international average. we'll have another exodus and not just individuals but whole companies they're going to be taking their jobs overseas again arming us. kelly: absolutely. he tried to back to american sources. what we are saying as congress now and supporting tax incentives. so companies can bring their supply chains back too american. this is a national security issue with the covid-19 but our supply chains out c of china. and encourages businesses to bring back theni manufacturing businesses back to the united
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states and joe biden doesn't seem to care about that. david: you mentioned covid-19. as you well known, you're in the midst of sports again taking off in certain states that have been reopening and they are closing down again. not entirely but they are closing down. then you have them in states like new york we don't have the spike going on. you have scared politicians like mayor de blasio nestlé's not going to be open and see said he would be. just wondering that the fact that it didn't go to the last numbers that were incredible. tomorrow we get more jobs. and just wondering if the reclose things will vary kelly and others are hoping for. kelly: he said at the national level he would not advocate those things are closing back down we're going to have. david: forgive me for interrupting, is not responsible for that that is going to be the job of the governors and a lot
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of those governors are re- closing. kelly: 5 percent plant during the covid-19 crisis. now that is according to an analysis. those residents going to go back to new york city. and $13 million statewide deficit. we don't need andrew cuomo, no offense but he needs people in the state to pay their taxes. a story raise them 20. wizened nation know how to deal with covid-19. we need to wear masks, we need to socially distance . we need to wash her hands and small businesses to implement these two keep their workers safe. were going to have to live with us. until there is a vaccination. and the alternative is devastating economically. david: kelly. we have to go. forgive me for interrupting. but i have just about 15 seconds . will s the election be a
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referendum in part on whether the country should reopen for closing again. kelly: i think election will come down with cleaning the recovering that is president trump. it. david: kelly thank you for coming in. have a good independence weekend. we want to alert everyone with a special programming note that thursday july 9, at 1:00 p.m. eastern time, please join neil for a virtual town hall. called america together. open house as you can see there in the right, when nielsen special guest will be real estate barbara, she's a pioneer. as to the housing lens event america is undergoing. they are changes pretty some good and some not so good. foxbusiness on facebook or instagram or e-mail us and invested and you foxbusiness .com. as of those questions will actually be answered on their . coming up next, monuments and
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david: as american prepares for its most patriotic holiday, acting as our founding and independence. many key figures of her independence remain under attack. the department of homeland security nancy news has forced to protect american monuments memorials and statutes. so will you feel comfortable celebrating these examples of our independence including ourur flag this weekend. the spring the oversight committee chairman jason. great to see and think it you very much . first of all,
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independence day used to be something that was so universally celebrated we almost taken for granted that everybody, it would be happy day everybody would be waving the flag. no other cities like new york and minneapolis and seattle where people don't seem to want to do that. it seems different thiso year. i imaginene it doesn't much in utah where you are. but it is in the city and that's a shame isn't it. jason: it is a shame and i think it is pervasive everywhere in part because of the coronavirus. but in part because of the rioting in the things that are been happening. but if there to tell you, the fourth of july to be one of those things is almost out of bounds for that. i remember when barack obama used to say, one of the red states of the blue states. we are the united states. and that resonated. i'm about as conservative when he gets when he said that, i think he meant it and they could resonated with everybody.
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and it was a good moment. but somehow in some way, i gotta tell you, i think it is wrong to go after the flag. in it you can point to some of the things that happened along the way. but it just seems to me that when we are talking about the beauty of the united states of america, despite all of the flaws and problems that we have had in the past, is still the greatest nation on the face of the planet we should be able to waive the red white and blue. daviddavid: the five people to y come here to escape when they don't have in their home countries. you mentioned president obama statement. it reminded me about a statement that were not white race or a black race, we are the human race. and we should focus on that. a look of these protests, they began as is something that they turned very different. they began as an anti- racism a
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protest . that they became an anti- american protest. because it wasn't just confederate centers that people went after. it was statutes of ulysses grant union leaders great americans i have nothing to do with the confederacy something that were not very proud of it as a nation. and corporations have fallen into the trap of going with those protests even as they morphed into an anti- americanism. something far beyond being antiracist. jason: i gotta tell you. i believe that protesting is about as an american as it can get but there's a wrong way to do it when it becomes rioting, looting, and taking it upon yourself to deface the public statute or start to tear down these statutes. if you want to make a change in your community, then do it the right way. it is the wrong way, it is the
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anti- american way to just do it unilaterally and throw paint on something or try to tear down. ti feel for the law enforcement officers that have to protect those of issues. the community as a whole should be able to protect those but there is this element that just goes out there and doesn't want to be heard. they want to intimidate and i think that is a step too far. david: window started going after union leaders and other people that were clearly heroic in the way that they lead their lives. and i think that the president's move to protect those statues, mount rushmore's mary's going to be speaking. i don't thinknk that is accidental. i think the markets are going to appreciate that. we have to leave it at that. great to see and have a wonderful independence day celebration. jason: thank you pretty. david: coming y up, seal pilot retaking the east precinct from protesters after nearly a month.
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as we reported at the top of the broadcast, seattle police reclaim peace estate station. in the process of this job, capital hills organize protest brain is overtaken thean area since early june. not before several shootings over the last ten days including two fatal shootings. last victim just 16 years old was gunned down in his car driving through the area. he had a friend with him, 14 it was critically injured as well. the9- father of the 19 -year-ol, who was killed on june 20th and that sewn had the following to say about the protesters. >> i don't know what this is. this is turned into something else now. david:hihisakak t torrormer lirn rub rlicanlica candida ctee
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ox. joinsss n. n. hnoohn tooeeoou k you forou feiorou f her h ma ymang y y bck bck menen a a g llki .ed ooty oot i on iheeon bu cies as as as a pice aee inpupu back. d bei alauded or forced to t do so b sy by by b politicians e panderndg ndhinds is if defining the police. don't thosese politicians have something to answer for. to the relatives of those black people who are being killed as a result of this. john: absolutely david. it is positively tragic. it is horrendous and is happening in seattle, chicago, and mynd home town right have three wonderful daughters who live . at every weekend in chicago, that just the last couple of weekend this have been small children that have been killed in gang crossfire. a lot of people are taking advantage of this movement. they think they're just not
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going to have any chance of getting arrested or sent to jail. in seattle, especially as well as in california, people there in those communities are already wrestling david, with an extremely high cost of living. and now they have to worry about the criminal element taking over as well. the politicians, and you're absolutely right from the should bear the brunt of the criticism that should be resulting from this crime rate but also the cost of living an incredibly tough living conditions that the have to. david:bs is tragic is not just e politicians who are pandering to these organizations . by the way black lives matter. you can look it up on instagram however they put forth their principles. a black lives matters sensor police predict very upfront about that. if you're up for black lives matter, your for defining the police. this from their words and not
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mine. and yet you have corporations, a whole slew of them are trying to defund facebook because they say they're giving too much to the right. although anybody who knows facebook notices liberal. and when in fact, facebook and instagram are all over black lives matter. there giving them more press and a space they are conservatives. john: we should do something about racism. i grew up in the south side of chicago gave david . my mother taught at an all-black school on the south side. these corporations that are rushing to fund the black lives matters, they're not investigating this organization. it has specific cueto about his website. their marxist socialist organization. they want complete government control they want complete destruction, really of faith and
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family. these are the principles of a grown to love. and for facebook, there is a position now. their monopoly status really. we should have a lot more competition for facebook frankly. but they couldn't submit that they become a media giant of their own. and i worry that these companies that are leading this ad boycott, to try to get facebook to start censoring the news. is a very fine line between what they call misinformation and things that are just beyond the pale. clearly, facebook, but the murder they happened in new zealand is just horrendous and should never have happened. there comes a time to leave really have to watch the censorship. we need to have open political dialogue at several points of views expressed in i worry that these companies are forcing facebook into considering censorship in what they term
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misinformation pretty. david: to poke light is the most recent organization, or corporation to say that they are going to stop at least temporarily putting their ads on facebook and instagram. and it is owned by facebook. until we have less divisive contact pretty something to him when the divisiveness of the content that's a problem common is the fact that they have some trove trump stuff on there and that they have a lot of black lives matter stuff on there. his never to totally exclude donald trump from facebook. john: and who decides what is divisive dan. i believe in choice . in better education for black and brown children in the inner cities were they're not getting it. on the unions would argue that strong. so i think we need to watch what is really divisive. sue and great to see john. we really appreciate seeing you. have a good july 4th weekend.
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