tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business July 10, 2020 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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all the best, neil cavuto. well thank you, neil. neil: [laughter] ashley: i also want to thank susan li and david asman for joining us and for all your efforts today neil cavuto, i will do my best, i'm out. neil: all right, good i was hoping i hadn't heard my e-mail so ashley have a great weekend, my friend. ashley: thank you, you too. neil: thank you very very much we are following the corner of wall and broad way a lot of buying enthusiasm it's a split read depending on what you want to look at regarding the coronavirus itself. we've seen serious spikes in a number of states three right now that are reporting new single day highs in death counts, including california, florida and texas. now just to put into perspective , obviously, the up-tick in deaths is much lower than the up-tick certainly we've seen in cases, so that is still encouraging news as is news we got out right now,gilead sciences is saying
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that remdesivir showing the risk of death in severely sick patients is very very promising and now the ceo had to couch that with, you know, that fine print, but these latest findings require some confirmation, so again that's just in keeping with the requirements that all of these biotech giants face in coming up with potential cures and/or vaccines for this virus, but a lot of fast-moving developments are keeping track of the president, and he'll be in florida very soon and speaking there raising money there, and he's got a busy weekend coming up with both duties of the job, duties for the campaign, raising money, also the back and forth whose better for wall street, the president says he is, joe biden says that he's not vowing to investors or shareholder capitalism, and i'm not quite sure what other capitalism there is, but anyway, we're going to explore that back and forth with the likes of bernie marcus who of course came to fame and built a billion dollar empire with home depot when no one thought
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he had a chance so i wonder what he thinks and in the meantime i want to go to edward lawrence on what's at stake. >> reporter: the president also going to be at u.s. command, hitting a face to face briefing there. now i think we're going to hear, we have an update sort of on what the president will talk about on saturday, at his rally in new hampshire, but president will most likely outline what he believes a second term for president donald trump will look like. now the president talked to shawn hannity last night and he says that he would defeat the coronavirus, rebuild economy , expecting 2021 to be a record year for growth and the president says more trade deals will be coming the administration has formal negotiations with united kingdom and kenya right now and he will finish his border wall, protect the second amendment and continue to appoint conservative judges as well as there may be a retirement in the next few years on the supreme court. he will not reshutter the economy, because of the coronavirus, the president
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pushing buy americans, hire americans he said that in a speech on june 4 and 24 hours ago we heard from this from former vice president joe biden. listen. >> federal government spends taxpayers money we should use it to buy american products and support american jobs. my plan would tighten the rules to make this a reality. these funds will provide reliable, predictable demand for products made by american workers. >> reporter: imagine the president had something to say about that here is the president on those comments, listen. president trump: plagerized from me but he can never pull it off. he likes plagerizing, it's a plan that is very radical left but he said the right things because he's copying what i've done, but the difference is he can't do it and he knows he's not doing that, it can't be the same because he's raising taxes. >> reporter: the president says the far left has brain washed
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former vice president joe biden, the president thinks that there will be a defunding movement going forward if biden does become president now cornerstone marko and economic policy think tank looked at this and they say the plan, biden's plan would add 7.4 trillion in new spending creating the largest mobilization of public investment since world war ii, making it more likely to see additional taxes. neil? back to you. neil: well there's no shortage of republicans and democrats spending like drunken sailors here so i don't think either party is going to be able to point the finger at the other, thank you, ed lard very very much great reporting as always edward lawrence. we're getting a couple more details on how our health officials are feeling despite how the coronavirus is going and the world health organization is saying in the current situation it's unlikely we'll eradicate or eliminate the virus any time soon, and also, dr. birx is
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indicating right now, that the task force believes that u.s. areas with a 5% or more covid-19 test rate should deploy the use of masks and a number of governors in these states that are affected, have been urging residents to wear masks and not ordering them, in cases of like new jersey where it's an out right order a strong suggestion in places like arizona and even texas but this idea that they should if you have a 5% positive threshold , we'll see the fallout from all of that the political implications of virus, how many cases we have and deaths are reported the fact that we've averaged over the last three days 60,000 new cases per day, 65,000 in the latest day, that's not going in the kind of direction the folks want to see so it's un nerving obviously the medical professionals to some folks and in some battleground areas. hillary vaughn right now is in
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hershey, pennsylvania with the fallout on all of this political and otherwise for folks there. hillary? >> reporter: hey, neil well pennsylvania is a big battleground state in november. this is also where joe biden grew up. he visited his childhood home here yesterday, and with him, he brought an anti-wall street pro- main street message, telling small business owners they should vote for him because he is looking out for them and that president trump is only keeping his watch on wall street, but we talked to small business owners here in hershey, pennsylvania today and some of them had a different view. >> but there's no way if he's looking out for wall street that's great, because guess what i have a 401 can that's invested in wall street. my employees have a 401 (k) invested in wall street. trump deserves is not going to cure everybody and neither is biden. i mean, it's a natural situation , it's a pandemic it's a virus, and you can't politicize a virus.
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we're trying to do the best we can and to be focused on business and to be focused on wall street, i think is a great thing. >> reporter: part of biden's pitch to voters has been that the coronavirus needs a federal fix and president trump has so far fumbled the response. we talked to some business owner s here that don't see the pandemic though, as a part of presidential politics telling us the biggest issue they have is not what's coming out of the oval office but instead, the governor' office, with some of the guidelines that democratic governor tom wolf has issued. >> i take it from the governor level down so my concern truly has been with how governor wolf has handled things. i think there were some guidelines that had they looked at closer, we could have avoided the delay in getting us open. >> reporter: and neil, we talked to four business owners today, some who took advantage of the
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ppp loans some who didn't but one interesting point that we've heard from business owners is they're hoping for consistent ensemble it it cost them money every time they have to shut their doors every time they try to get them back open, and there's only so many times they can endure the swing from being closed to being open again, but for now, most businesses, neil, are open for business in hershey neil? neil: got it hillary vaughn boy we have you traveling all over the place, keep it going in the meantime we just learned the president has landed indeed in florida. he's going to be a busy bee traveling over the next couple of days this time he's meeting not only with supporters later tonight, but also leave the details on this we're waiting for with the southern command sending a message to national security and all of these other issues that have come up but economic issues have come up as well as we wait to see the president there, but his trip to florida itself was deemed to be a bit of a risk
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given the sudden spike in cases there, the cases of death or what have you there's been a great deal of criticism about governor desantis, and whether he's responding urgently enough and dr. birx is saying if you hit a certain rate with positive cases florida is among those that had, you should consider more restricted measure s. the president obviously doesn't seem to concur with that just yet but again we might get a gauge from him he sometimes takes reporters questions when he gets to his vehicle, so we'll watch that. l watching the fallout from joe biden's remarks in case you had any doubt that things change if he becomes president of the united states especially with regard to wall street, this put that to rest. take a listen. >> make sure that workers have the power and the voice. it's way pastime we put an end to the era of shareholder capitalism. the idea the only responsibility a corporation has is its shareholders, that's simply not
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true. it's natural to have responsibility to their workers, their community for their country. neil: now the former vice president coughed, i think i heard wall street puke when he said that, because this is not what they want to hear. now they don't have to be republican or democrat but they like the money they've been making in a low tax environment, low regulatory environment, the so-called trump environment, so whatever they might think of the president personally, they like the goods he's delivered at the corner of wall and broad and they don't take too kindly to a possible president saying that shareholder capitalism and idol izing those days, those are gone. i don't know how bernie marcus feels about it but i'm so glad i have him with us right now one of my favorite guests all the decades i've been working at fox, who has a good read on this no doubt of course the co- founder of home depot is optimistic and spry as he was when he came up with that company. bernie, so good to have you. what do you think of this?
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joe biden of shareholder capital ism? >> well, you know, first of all hears a guy that never worked in his life and i think he's been in governmental his life, so he really doesn't understand how business works. i could tell you, neil, and you have had kenny and myself on many many times. home depot, without the capital market wouldn't be here today and we have 2,700 stores doing over $100 billion in sales a year, and we say it happened because of the capital market. we had four stores who were under capitalized. we didn't know how we're going to continue or have trouble paying our bills and we went to the market and we had profits on the stores that we had. it looked pretty good. it went to the market and the market gave us additional
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financing in order to grow the company. so the stock market has become very very important for us as it is for all small businesses. look, if you talk about the fact that we owe it to our employees, well yes, of course. there is a concern about the employees and home depot has done everything in its power to make sure its employees were part in parcel of what we did so they got a piece of the action. many people became very wealthy with home depot, as the stock climbed and as we opened more and more stores, but the capital market became very important to us and to talk about this , from a standpoint of a government employee whose never ever been involved with the marketplace, i don't give it too much credibility. in fact it's very concerning as one of your speakers said, the 401 (k), most of america is invested in a stock market one
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way or another in 401 (k). so if you're going to close down the market, you got to be in deep trouble i will tell you tax it just doesn't make any sense to me but hey most of what he says doesn't make sense anyway. neil: so i'm going to put you down as a maybe on joe biden but let me ask you then, bernie, about the kind of message he's sending. being suspicious of wall street and suspicious of those billionaires and real capital success stories because it's not about i'm not about helping them. i'm about helping you. i'm glad you pointed out that most americans whether they know it or not, are directly or indirectly invested in the market success, leaving that aside, he clearly is trying to capitalize on that anti-wall street view that's out there. what do you think? >> well, look, that's yesterday 's discussion that he had was written for him. it's probably not going to be
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anything that he's going to do because he's surrounded by these left wing people. he did talk about raising taxes which he will do. he didn't talk about what the onerous regulations that they had when trump came into office, the regulations were strangling small businesses of all kind and the first thing he did was get rid of those regulations. he hasn't changed he's part of eight years of a organization that had low employment, very high unemployment rates, businesses were going down and you remember that obama said 1.5 % was the new norm on gps. so they were used to and pushing the fact that america could not be better. well you know trump brought it up to a very good number before the virus hit, numbers that we
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had never seen before, unemployment was down dramatically, unemployment for the minorities was down dramatically. the gdp was great and then this horrible horrible virus came in and killed it all for a while but let me ask a question to the american people. who would you rather have? a man who created good jobs market, created a good economy, or would you rather have joe biden who was there for eight years and we looked at a terrible economy for eight years i don't know. it seems to be every business person out there and everybody who has a job would understand he's not the guy that brings it back. this is a really bad deal. small businesses are getting hammered as you heard from your other speakers. neil: bernie i just want to let people know what you're watching the president has arrived in florida and he's going to be at
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u.s. command up there with a fundraiser later tonight a planned event tomorrow night in new hampshire, that's been canceled, because of this tropical storm about to hit much of the east coast, it already is in the atlantic east coast all the way up to new england including new hampshire so the president canceled that but bernie you were mentioning what the environment was like under barack obama and i think you were referring to the lower gdp growth that he had anticipated. still a lot of people go back to those obama years and of course he came in in the middle of a big recession and the numbers improved but it was steady growth and the obama folks come back, joe biden comes back and says we created a hell of a lot of job, we were down in near -depression territory and we created a lot more activity than this president is stuck with right now. how do you think the president should respond to that because he's already addressed the capitalism issue, the shareholder capitalism and
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it's a nasty word but there is a strategy here to say we're about you america, we don't talk about the stock market and we talk about things that matter to you. how do they counter that? >> well the facts of course we don't believe facts anymore. a lot of what we read in the paper is the media unfortunately is not a media that gives facts, the facts are that jobs weren't plentiful. the fact that the gdp was down, eight years is eight years. trump is in office for three years and in three years we've seen the dramatic change. how did it happen? let's look at it, neil. first thing he did was lower taxes. that's number one. number two, he killed regulation s and in killing regulations and lowering taxes, he created more jobs in america.
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look, reagan proved this point. yeah, you know you have to be really stupid not to go back in history and by the way, we tried to keep history out of our schools today. we don't want people to understand history but history repeats itself over and over again and we know that when you raise taxes, and when you start putting in regulations, you're going to kill the economy. now that's a very fundamental thing that economists even left wing economists have to agree on so i think that trump has to stay on that message. look, it's not a question of me supporting trump. i'm supporting economics. i'm very concerned about the american economy. i'm concerned about people who are worried about paying for food, paying their rent, paying for their cars. they need the jobs desperately and so this is not a republican or a democratic thing that i'm talking about. i'm talking about the real-world
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and the real-world today people in the middle class are getting hammered, of course the middle and lower class are getting hammered together, so we have to get back into creating jobs and if we don't create jobs, the economy is going to be dead it's as simple as that. it's not a rocket scientist-type thing. neil: all right bernie, you got to learn to speak your mind more because i never quite nowhere you're coming from, my friend. >> [laughter] neil: always good having you have a wonderful weekend bernie marcus a true american success story, started home depot, ken l ongone neither knew which end of the hammer to use and yet handy though they were not. they were pretty successful of that and that guy decided to put one of the world's most highly- regarded aquariums in atlanta. it's a little inland, but he said do you know what? atlanta should have one, and now it does. one of the world's best. that, my friend, is shareholder
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capitalism. nothing fishy about it. more after this. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ in a highly-connected lexus vehicle at the golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2020 es 350 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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neil: all right things are getting pretty dicey in utah right now the governor declaring a state of emergency there, protests concerned originally the police shooting that turned out to be a fatal case, whether that was justified or not, the back and forth continues. i have the former nfl player also the republican nominee for the fourth district and he cleared path, certainly in the republican nominating process, the president fully supports him in that effort, so much to get into with you,burges s, and i'm wondering in light of these protests with what's going on right now and with what the governor is dealing with to support the state of emergency enacted? >> well first of all, burgess for utah for those who want to support my candidacy. let me just say neil, there's a reason why utah is such an
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attractive state for so many americans across the country, people like myself came here seven or eight years ago because we want to have a place that feel safe that people come in and mothers know they can raise their kids in in a a very nice community. we have a police force here that allowed that to happen. i'm very very supportive and cannot say enough about the great men and women in blue who make sure this community stays the way it is so we now have people come here by the way those who don't understand a shooting, it's four different angles of it the guy runs away, drops his gun comes back to pick up his gun and he's shot and continues to struggle to get his gun and he's shot again so it's no question, it's an issue, an evil here like every place and we have police forces out there that support and keep us protected from that evil. i think it's interesting we have these people that are kind of looking as vigilante. they come through and don't know the facts and they are angry and they destroy everything, look at the people that are actually
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destroying things across our country and ask them what have they ever built in our lives and who have they ever served, you see no one and we're looking at a vigilante mentality very similar to the ones that grew up in the kkk days people get angry and go out and go their thing and it's not going to happen here. we have too many good people that understand what this society is all about what our culture is about and we'll stand up and fight against many people coming from all over the place, to make sure that they can reek havoc and it's not going to happen in utah so i'm excited about the men and women in blue we're going to stand with them, we're going to keep our community safe, so people can come and visit and feel great about it, come and live here and i would hope across the country would do the same thing people in particular places like detroit and chicago that they have had a mess made of their cities for decades, just understand there's people that are out there working to protect you, they are good folks trying to do their best and if
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we have bad ones in there let's just get rid of them but these are people who want to serve our communities let's make sure we support them. neil: you know, burgess you're running it's a republican state, but your district right now is a democratic incumbent. we've reached out to congressman ed mcadams not yet heard back, but the problem in that district , i guess, is that even though with the president supporting you, he's got a 39% approval in the district you're aiming to become a congressman and a 56% disapproval. does that worry you? >> not at all. because i believe in the american people. first of all i'm one of the folks that believe in loyalty, period, in anyone whose loyal to my country, god and family i'll loyal to them and my message very simply is to let people know that i'm loyal to this district and i want to make sure this district stays the conservative values that
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we've always had here, that we stand up for the rights and we might not agree on everything but that's what america is all about. we can agree to disagree as long as we have the same end game which is what? to grow our nation to where kids grow up and feel comfortable and great about our nation, feel great about our flag and our background and our history, and that's really what this comes down to so i'm not concerned at all about my loyalty to the president has gotten great results for black americans, hispanic american, women, and growth in black business ownership and anyone who brings hope to our country needs to be given a chance to continue to give hope to our country because the left has never done that and you'll see across the country that taking away life, liberty and pursuit of happiness anybody who trusts them so i'll be very proud to support anyone, man, woman, no matter what party, to stand for our nation and particularly the way our president stands for our nation right now. neil: all right, burgess great catching up with you, burgess owens the former nfl great
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republican candidate for congress in utah we reached out to the incumbent representative mcadams haven't heard back. we'll see what happens at the corner of wall and broad, we have 68 points optimism right now, the number of potential treatments including remdesivir where they're finding more and more positive results from this particular drug, to deal with covid-19 just a process to go through so they have to tame their enthusiasm, stay with us. just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. sofi helped me pay off twenty-three thousand dollars of credit card debt. they helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. they make you feel like it's an honor for them to help you out. i went from sleepless nights
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point, 29 have paused reopening, and they are under pressure to reimpose stay-at-home orders, problem, testing, availability and turnaround times are insufficient, and states have failed to contact and now four states including california and tennessee, thursday set daily fatality records, texas and florida, while arizona, florida and south carolina now have the highest per capita infection rates, suggesting that masks and distancing are not enough to stop the spread. >> get worse, that dial could move to red and in this coming week or two and that would place us at the highest risk of infection and we'd likely return to a mandated safer at home order. >> but there really is nothing that you can do that will help more than staying home. >> reporter: so governors are facing the same pressure expressed months ago by president trump how to balance public health with the need to work and send kids to school. now remember, 48 states ignored
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federal reopening guidelines, and now critics say they're paying the price from democratic states like california, oregon, which yesterday set a single day infection record to republican ones, like florida. >> they are in a mode with covid where it's not contained this is widespread community transmission. >> reporter: so the w. h. o. admitted thursday that coronavirus dr. birx lets may be airborne for hours and keeping people off the beach and indoors might be a bad idea so remember, neil how taking your temperature say the restaurant or airport is the key indicator of who may have the virus so a new study found that patients are 24 times more likely to lose their sense of smell than have a fever so some experts say hey, add that layer of security to reveal those carriers who could be asymptomatic. back to you. neil: all right william thank you very much for that when we talk about the coronavirus the
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specific consensus is kids shouldn't worry they don't get it so they can go to school this fall and no worries but the fact is kids do get it certainly not in the numbers adults do and certainly older americans do, but there is potential treatment for these children who have to deal with covid-19 problems, and an experimental stem cell treatment is being announced that seems to be targeted for kids in helping them and would soon be available for them , dr. fred grossman is m esoblast chief medical officer. doctor, explain how this would work and how it would help kids. >> thank you for having me back , neil. kids develop what's called misc which is multiorgan inflammatory syndrome in children. this is a very severe disease so as you mentioned, they would get infected with covid and actually get through it okay,
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but then two to four weeks later , some children have a very severe reaction. this cytokine storm that starts to attack their vasculature and organ system they present with high fevers, evidence of severe inflammation, and multiple organ s that are getting damaged. the last time this occurred was during march through may where close to 200 children were hospitalized in the united states. 80% were in the intensive care unit and while as you mentioned the numbers are lower than adult , i think we've become immune to the numbers because of how high it is in adults. these are otherwise healthy children, and 2-4% can die from this. the others get severe organ damage. particularly cardiovascular damage. the heart gets damaged so that their cardiac output is lower
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and once again, these are otherwise healthy children. what worries me now is as the covid infection is spreading across the united states, it's affecting younger adults. these are the adults who tend to be around children, so i do expect that they are going to be more cases of children coming into the hospital. our treatment, remdesivir, is a cell-line therapy and we're opening up emergency access program which will allow physicians to contact us directly if they have patients that they believe this treatment can help and we will offer that treatment and send it to wherever they are in the united states. now, we know that this could be effective based on our data in adults, with covid and i mentioned last time i was on your show, that we exposed 12 patients who were on ventilators and 75% of them, nine of them
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were able to get off ventilators and be discharged and that's led to a research trial. we have a randomized controlled trial ongoing right now in 300 patients. we expect the first interim analysis to read out very shortly. if that's positive, that will allow us to move forward in an approval but getting back to children we have a file now that's being evaluated by the fda under priority fast-track review for acute steroid refractory graft-versus- host disease in children so we have a very large database of safety and efficacy in that disease which has a very similar pathology to children who are suffering with misc in that they go through a cytokine storm. we expect to hear back from the fda in late september whether this is approved and then we'll launch that, so we
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want to make this treatment that we believe could be effective in this population of children available across the country. it's available at this point through emergency access program neil: that's very encouraging all the way around, especially if it's something that helps kids and the fear that kids transfer this kind of thing to adults. that's a one-two punch and a very positive development which my stock is getting its edges and wall street likes wouldn't hurt, it's on you today, doctor so we'll watch it very closely, sir thank you very much in the meantime, again, i'm showing the dow up about 150 points a lot of this based on optimism about promising remedies coming up that could be the good doctor and we're also keeping track on up beat developments on the economy. if you were worried about inflation let's just say you don't have to worry about it right now, after this.
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neil: all right, well, everyone is buzzing about it, the end of shareholder capitalism, as the former vice president joe biden was putting it, and a big economic speech yesterday sending a signal that i'm not going to be behold en to the financial community or wall street or the gyrations in the market, i'm talking about your gyrations, america and helping you out. then again, higher taxes and stuff that's going to come with it does rattle many in the financial community and beyond. charlie gasparino has talked to many of those members. charlie? charlie: neil it's kind of funny that he's saying he's not going to be beholden to them they are senior wall street executives guys like jim chanos who runs a big hung fund, famous short
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seller, larry fink at blackrock, the largest money management firm, they are all part of the biden inner circle so to speak so he talks to wall street guys all the time, and be that as it may, there's two types of wall street here, there's the guy at the top of the companies and they need the people who deal with small investors, the brokerage finds people that invest money who turn to wall street for investment advice and from what i understand and i've been talking to financial advisors now for the past couple of days, there has been a sharp increase in investor calls and worry quite frankly, about what a biden presidency would bring to the markets to their portfolios, given the fact that he still remains leading in the polls, again, we're early the election is far from over, but small investors, people that watch our show, the backbone of the investing public, they do look at polls and they are see ing donald trump behind, they're seeing joe biden ahead,
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and they're getting worried. i should point out that we are not seeing at least according to the brokers i speak to, massive or in any way large scale reallocation of assets just yet. investors aren't freaking out in the sense that they're starting to sell all their stocks and put money into gold. they are talking about it. they are talking to their broker s and saying what will happen if biden raises the corporate tax rate to 28%. what happens if there's increase in capital gains? all those should shave profits off s&p 500 companies and make investing less palletable just so you know those are the two things that small investors care about. so it's definitely a negative, if he gets elected particularly if he gets elected and the senate changes hands and the democrats can run the table on fiscal policy. that said, here is the one fly in the ointment and i think brokers are rightfully pointing
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this out the small investors and maybe that's why you're not getting massive sales of stocks, neil. they're talking about the fed. even if joe biden raised taxes, brought the corporate tax rate up to 28% from where it is now, and 20%, 21% you're going to get the fed basically keeping interest rates at zero according to jerome powell that's what he's going to do. that makes it almost impossible not to flip money in risk-based assets like stocks and high-yielding bonds so again, the fed is a big determinant of where the markets go and the fed could even out the policy of joe biden in terms of how it would impact markets negatively. the fed keeps interest rates at zero is not a lot of places to put your money but into stocks and that's why brokers are saying don't freak out just yet even if he does get elected and even if he does nationalize certain industries which he won't, but he might break up big tech companies that could be a problem. you got the fed on your side, neil back to you. neil: that's a very good point
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people forget that thank you, charlie. charlie gasparino on that, by the way we're learning right now about this all schools must open according to the president well the american academy of pediatrics and at least two teacher unions and school superintendent groups are saying that u.s. schools particularly in areas of high levels of covid-19 community spread should not be able to reopen against the judgment of local experts. i think we have a battle raging here, after this. how they gonna pay for this? they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident. cut! is that good? no you were talking about allstate and... i just... when i... accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today. me too. me too. and if you're a small business, we're with you. standing by you every step of the way. bye bye.
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neil: well apparently the president has taken his battle way beyond school systems , universities, colleges that are either doing things virtually or not definitely deciding or whether or not they will do real classes because of the virus this extends to the way they go about doing things, the president is saying he's asking the treasury department right now to reexamine the tax exempt status under funding of universities and school systems saying they are engaged in radical left indoctrination. lots to talk about there on that , and targeting whether schools reopen in the fall, how far the president can go on that we've got prager u will with us right now and this is
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interesting because you've been talking to a lot of medical officials and the rest, the back and forth on reopening anyway, and the safety of what that would involve, what are you hear ing or learning? >> yeah if i've done about 15 interviews with doctors, front liners experts and all are saying the same thing that we need to open up it's imperative we open up for our economy, for people to be safe again to open up. i mean, i think that this virus is being overblown in some ways and it's hard to find out what is actually the truth and what is just political. neil: so will, when they hear again from these pediatric groups teachers groups, all worry there should be carve-outs or exceptions for areas where there are spikes in cases or unexpected reporting of young people with this , albeit percentage wise very very low, what do they tell you then? >> well if you look at the cdc data it's right there.
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i urge anyone to go on the website and look people under the age of 25 as of two days ago only 171 of them have died from the virus, and that's not very many people at all, and so young people are basically not dying from this virus and so opening up the colleges and opening up the schools is a totally fine thing to do. young people are not dying from this virus. neil: so what kind of precautions are you hearing and recommending, the usual ones, the distancing provisions and capacity in restaurants et cetera? >> yeah, i'm hearing that you probably shouldn't go out and protest at a black lives matter event because that's a sure fire way for cases to go up in your state but when it comes to actually in the schools, social distancing is obviously good, wearing a mask is obviously good but again, it's young people are not dying from this virus, and it is imperative that even if you don't social distance they should still go back-to-school regardless. neil: young people in general, how do they feel about all this?
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obviously good man it of them want to go back-to-school but maybe hearing from their parents or friends, they hear about these spikes in cases and hear about this new wave, what's real what's imagined what's a threat. how are they handling it all? >> i think young people are very scared because of how miss informed they are. they go on social media all day and all they hear about is the world is ending the pandemic is killing all these people and a spike in cases and of course there's a spike in cases you guys were all out protesting in high numbers, we were shutdown for two months and then reopened and also doing a lot more testing but people don't understand that they thought the virus was go just going to go away, so young people are scared and brainwashed because look at a school like harvard that is still going to try and do online classes but still charge about the same intuition i think it's about $50,000 and i just tell these young people that you can learn more at prage r u from our five minute
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videos than at a regular university and it's completely free. neil: so no $50,000 tab for tax well all right, thank you very much, we are keeping track of the cases nevertheless and this back and forth on whether they should open the president trying to force that issue and getting a lot of pushback now more than he was getting even 24 hours ago. we're on that and the dow that's up 223 points, and the nasdac that's breaking the record after this no m throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at
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♪ ♪ >> it is way past time we put in into the air of shareholder capitalism. during my first time alone we will invest $400 billion and purchasing products and materials our country needs when we spend taxpayers money in the federal government spends taxpayers money, we should use it to buy american products and support american jobs. >> he plagiarized from me, it is a plan that is very radical left, he is raising taxes way too much. he is raising everybody's taxes and also putting tremendous amount of regulation back on. neil: , that is joe biden, shareholder capitalism. >> he does not understand how business works, i can tell you and you had kenny and myself on
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many, many times, home depot without the capital market when it be here today. neil: that is the debate, we have feisty exchanges were getting from folks who see things very differently, there will be no shortage of getting the black and white on capitalism, there will be a signature issue this election year, can you imagine that whether the markets are important, whether we gone too far with capitalism, the have and have-nots, all of that. and they set the stage for what could be a very, very interesting fall, let's follow all of this now on a day were capitalism is producing results up 207 points on the dow jones industrial. and we have much, much more, gary kaltbaum the air, wall
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street, some success, and dean who follows both worlds very closely. gary if i could begin with you in the wall street view, you been in these markets for decades, i'm not saying your old i'm just saying your old. having said that, hearing what joe biden is saying about your craft and about your worst, what do you say? >> i would sit down with them giving the facts, shareholder capitalism now has four companies that are worse between $1,000,000,000,001.5 trillion market cap that have created monstrous amounts of wealth and tens of millions of jobs, not to mention advances in technology and medicine and things like that in one of those people is bill gates who has given all of his money away, shareholder capitalism is created a 20 trillion-dollar economic
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behemoth and let's go one further in taxes this year because of the terrible capitalism in washington, d.c. for all of the spending and investing. you know right then and that was a master class interview with bernie to explain exactly why i think that way. neil: when you hear this back-and-forth, obviously joe biden appeals to a wide set of people or he would not be leading to the degree he is in the polls, he scores very well with minorities, latinos and a group that you reach very, very very well. i'm just wondering, do they share that view, the biden view to be suspicious of what he calls shareholder capitalism. >> is very dangerous to turn back into the economy as a winning proposition when you
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have the free pandemic performance that a lot of our minority groups are experiencing lowest on employment rates, a lot of growth in the entrepreneurship of front, now to put back on the table the very rhetoric that will compromise jobs and growth especially when a lot of minorities have been disproportionate affected by job loss, it's a dangerous proposition because we do need big corporations who ultimately are the big job creators to be healthy financially so we can all get back upon her feet. i am not quite sure how the strategy will play out because honestly he could be playing other things that are perceived as positive, temperament, good role model, things that were seen from other polls, it is puzzling to me too be hitting corporations and billionaires back his opinion out of evil in this political season.
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neil: i just remembered a little bit about history, bill clinton got elected in environment where things have dramatically slowed down, the irony was he one when george bush senior was trying to say we are out of the worst in the recession and actually was that but too little too late, having said that, bill clinton did say he was going to raise taxes on the wealthy corporations, he certainly did on the wealthy but he did give some to that of corporations, he went after a lot of wanted to see like lower capital gains and the like, joe biden is not doing that. i'm just wondering if that would make the difference in his electability? >> there is nothing moderate about joe biden, when you look at the radical democrats, biden is getting sucked in to what their socialist agenda, they
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want to dismantle capitalism, i wonder what the wall street is going to do election time because the words are there, the video was there, it's obvious they want to dismantle capitalism and they would rather put black lives matter activist to take over corporations to make them answer to the radicals. so they want to control our lives from every aspect from corporations from the cradle to the grave with hard-working americans and there is no denying what their socialist agenda is. neil: i meant in the bill clinton analogy, he of course largely helped by a divided field, a divided electorate and what was going on with the economy at the time, we are assuming that by the pool this recovery continues and less the spikes in cases changes on that but we are quickly coming out of what we were having so play on how the economy could decide the
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issue entirely. >> i think people vote with their wallet, i think people vote with the market, i think people vote with their jobs, with me i said for the last two or three months, the viruses economy and different spikes, we're doing some shutting down in florida and going backwards a little bit because of the numbers and that will matter heckuva lot, i must tell you this whole week i've been keeping a scoreboard, young ilhan omar saying she wants to change radically, the whole economic system, bernie sanders saying that biden will be the most progressive and all i know is that we are coming from a lower taxes across the board for most people and a lot less regulations which i think is a huge help and if we start rolling that back in the midst of the pandemic i can't even imagine what happened, just remember thought about business it's a psyche of business and how people feel about things,
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they think a train is coming down the track, more expenses will pick up, that means hiring is going to go down in the economy suffers. , i don't want to see that. neil: as a prisoner often does, it's been definitely going his way, it looks like it was collapsing during a virus and come back a little bit. i wonder how that plays to the boats that you try to help and whether they see that, joe biden thinking and rich folks, you are not getting to play in the sandbox. help me out with that. >> i think it's back to the basics of economics, for every americans they are voting with their wallets and the economics of their family, we cannot go up against the big corporations, let's say walmart the largest employer in america when we know that we need them, anytime you increase taxes it will drive the
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cost of living up, we're going to see it and it's going to take more money to produce and we will see that as consumers in the end and all of that, less jobs and more expensive and corporations that lose incentive or adding more regulation with doing business more complicated is bad for everyone. the stock market as we know, all of these numbers play into pension funds and other economic indicators that do impact everyone economy and i think that is what we need to emphasize, i am still puzzled by the economic plan because in the middle of the pandemic what we need to do is bring reassurance and not pin sectors up against each other because we do need jobs back. who else is going to create the jobs, not the corporations that are having good return. neil: on that thought, even if
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joe biden were to get elected, it will have much when he takes the senate with him, with the environment be right to raise taxes, if it's a slow and bad as these says it is in gary's wrong and it's not the strength that people hope it would be by the fall, that is not a good environment to look at raising taxes right? >> that is right. sorry go ahead. >> that's okay, it's not just the fact that joe biden wants to raise taxes and regulation, there's a green new deal which is a job killer that would demonize the fossil fuel industry and raise energy prices, joe biden yesterday in pennsylvania said he would question about fracking and he said no, the jobs will not go away, joe biden was on the debate stage not that long ago saying they would be eliminated, not only that he has a history of demonizing and criticizing the fossil fuel industry which
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are good paying jobs that men and women enjoy doing because they can support themselves and their families. it's a green new deal, higher taxes, sanctuary cities, joe biden presidency would not be good for america. >> we will see what happens, still early in the process, we will watch in a want to thank you, they're down down 206 points comic-con mcshane has been following my that is the case, there's a number of factors. >> it is interesting we have good news, gets overlooked with the macro talk in the political talk, the treatment for the coronavirus and on the vaccine side, that's playing in a little bit and let me start with gilead science, they see the antiviral drug remdesivir was associated with a 62% reduction in deaths and patients were severe
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covid-19. the stock is up more than 2%, they cautioned us not to get ahead of ourselves as this has to be confirmed clinical trials and since it's an important development. that is one thing were looking at today, on the vaccine side there is a german biotech company, the biontech and the ceo did an interview with the wall street journal in which the company is now saying that it is confident it'll be ready to seek regulatory approval for vaccines by the end of this year and it says they will have several hundred million doses ready to go by the end of the year even before they get the approval and once they get the approval in place they figure they can have a billion vaccine doses by the end of next year which sounds like a lot and is overwrought but with the virus spreading around the world will probably need more than that. that is just one company. it says it's making a lot of progress under germany and finally before go back i want to
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look at united airlines, the last of the big four airlines that has a tentative agreement in place concerning voluntary furloughs an early retirement options with its pilots and the others put these agreements in place, this one we don't have the details it would need to be approved by the union next week with delta put something similar, united stock up 6% in place where it had a deal that would pay its pilots for three years and include the health and travel benefits and that in terms of early retirement options. earlier this week united came out said they might have differ low 36000 employees and now we have word of this tentative agreement in place on early retirement options pre-that's where we are. back over to you. neil: thank you very, very much. we're going to be following up later with susan lee, amazon is requesting to remove tiktok, the app that is a device to access company e-mails, they're worried about the security risks in
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tiktok/china is spying on them, susan lee has been monitoring what is going on with tiktok, you talk about a company that is moving fast around the world, what happens after this. at the investments, which we can't control, and let's now look at our goals. in other words, we only want to take as much risk ssary to achieve our goals. and let's now look at our goals.
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neil: american airlines and the boeing 737 max, had some problems trying to get financing in the world of hurt in the coronavirus. a stunning developing that it could be canceling some of the 737 max orders, it ordered 17 jets from boeing, we know it threatened to cancel them, presumably a dozen to get the financial housing. we will keep an eye on that, both stocks are up regardless of this but again something that they are watching, also we will keep an eye on all these escalating spikes that we are hearing, not about the virus, i'm talking about police and other resignation in early retirements in the case of new york, quadruple, 400% increase a
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lot officer saying that that, we have had it. joining us right now former nypd official, still with the department, this is stunning to me, what is stunning is the sheer numbers we are talking about. are you surprised? >> no i am not surprised at all, good afternoon to you and thank you for your time, it is very troubling to the amount of detectors in leading the police department at an alarming rate, you are losing the knowledge and the very specialized rank in their very specialized in what they do. that knowledge in history that they have on the police department is lost and will be gone forever.
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neil: the depleting ranks you are seeing in your fellow detective ranks, these got to be getting to the bone, this is not just outer layers, these are big numbers. >> they are big numbers, back in september of 2001, we had a 7200 detectives in the nypd. , current date now, 5500 and were doing a lot more work with less, such as county terrorism police throughout the city of new york. we had a couple thousand you did to keep going out at this alarming rate, i do not know what will happen. i do know the people of the city and the safety will be compromised with less detectives and less police on the street. neil: there is no doubt tear point the serious crimes, all crimes particularly homicide,
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robberies are of triple digit over the past year, and particularly they spiked over the last couple months, there does not seem to be any calm in the storm and there does not seem to be any move by the mayor of new york to ease the friction. even his police commissioner seems to be a with ends, he is criticize those proposals including, to get back a billion dollars worth of police funding, it's not doing anything, the mayor is entertaining black lives matter outside of donald trump's old business offices. what do you make of all of this? >> it's responsible behavior to enact these laws, with the hands of the police and it just seems to me that one group is trying to have the other, makes it a responsible, the mayor straight out to the governor, the city
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council turned out to the mayor and it's getting a responsible and childish and the only people that are suffering are the people of the city, government enacts these, we enforce them and we criticize the police for doing so. neil: keep your wits together, thank you very, very much, this is happening, not only in the new york metropolitan area but throughout the country where the number of officers are not re-signing up and furthermore even advanced classes, they are just not having it, they are postponing in the case of the mayor who just stopped it when the case of future officers who do not want to be future officers. we are on that and also one other development considering states that want to reopen in the magic kingdom that is in the point of doing so. but with restrictions, what is disney up to this weekend and what will work and what will
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neil: we are all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like president trump who is a builder and that's what my grandfather did, he came to this country to build, to grow, to prosper. so we have an incredible builder and we pray, we pray for our leadership, our president and we pray for our country. neil: it was an event to celebrate, in the latino community and what it means trichotomy in our business but the very fact that you had goya foods saying the nice things about the president of the united states, that invited a firestorm over social media, gerri willis has a follow-up from all of that.
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>> you have that right, absolutely, the nation's largest hispanic own food company in disarray today, i have to say is facing a backlash and boycotts after the ceo praise president donald trump yesterday and today he is not backing down, listen. >> this call for a boycott, there are so many people against the boycott and for company, is just a reflection that i believe of the division that exist today in our country. >> he also compared the criticism this company is facing for suppression of speech, one of the business leaders on hand as he find the prosperity initiative, that meant to improve access by hispanic americans to educational and economic opportunity on twitter, the # boycott goya, also goya
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way all over the internet, foreign housing and urban development secretary julian castro tweeting this, goya foods has been a staple of so many latino households for generations, now the ceo praising the president who will and eyes is the maliciously attacked latinos for political gain, america should think twice before buying their product. many latinos feel has been anti-latino, this after he called mexicans or some of them anyway those getting into the country illegally, criminals and rapists, they don't like his policy of separating families at the border in goya today telling wall street journal that they are donating 1 million cans of chickpeas and a million pounds of food to the nations food banks, this looks to be going on for a while. neil: thank you very much, were catching up with you briefly,
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gerri willis reporting the latest on that and letting you know about reopening that the plan particular the magic kingdom, disney world will begin a partial reopening and it takes effect tomorrow, but it will be done very, very carefully, of course there are some issues but a lot of people are flabbergasted that disney is considering doing this in the face of spikes in cases in the state, peter knows everything about disney, i guess everyone will ask you the same thing, is it safe, is disney making the right move? >> that is a tough question, for example, i'm the high risk group, i'm a diabetic. i'm not going to the park. but there are a lot of people that are, they opened it up to cast members earlier this week, yesterday and today is annual passholders into bars the general public but were still
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looking about like yesterday the estimate seven or 8000 people in the magic kingdom, normal day is about 60000, capacities about 90000, people were thrilled that the park was pretty much empty. were expecting them to keep around 20 - 25% of capacity. so i know they have gone way above even with the other theme parks in orlando are doing in terms of safety measures, that will only be 50% of the equation, the other 50%, are people going to follow the guidelines and that's what remains to be seen. neil: the guidelines include masks, the reason i'm thinking about that and you and i have gotten into this before, masks are one thing but wearing them, 90 - 95 degrees temperatures, i think you get a little hot humidity, i'm wondering how that is going down with folks. >> so far from what we've seen,
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as first theme parks go, we can really only look at universal, seaworld, they have been open for about a month now, disney springs has been open for a month and have to monk. so far it's gone pretty well. i tell you, i live in orlando, it is us on outside right now. it is not comfortable. i don't care what mask you're wearing, it is not comfortable. but my concern, disney has -- they do not have a good track record with confronting guests with bad behavior pray they really do not. so my concern, willie, people are not following the guidelines, how strict will they be. that will be what remains to be seen right now. neil: is very interesting, i known when i been there if there's gas to act up in their very, very slow and maybe by design to start getting nasty with them, maybe it is time for mickey mouse to show a little to
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do i guess. >> although he'll never get nasty, that is not disney's brand. they only get firm. they don't get firm. >> that's what will look and see. interesting. i believe the first wave the season passholders have been allowed to come a little early, right? >> right, yesterday and today have been annual passholders, tomorrow begins a general public admission for magic kingdom and animal kingdom followed on the 15th by animal kingdom in disney's hollywood studio, of course they started selling park tickets and you must have them to getting but you have to make a reservation to getting and that was a quandary for folks because they were not able to buy tickets in order to make the reservation. but now that just started in resource and ticket sales for
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2020 begin yesterday i believe. neil: thank you very, very much. we'll see what happens, peter has an image in my head i cannot remove, mickey mouse and some of the characters, i'm not going too put my master, the heck you are. it's been a long day. or what's trending. get real-time insights in your customized view of the market. it's smarter trading technology for smarter trading decisions. fidelity.
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werneil: is a good thing to thik tiktok, it's a company that might be airing its future taken away, down as it loses with a whole bunch of folks, amazon just delayed, susan lee has been on the story like no one else. >> the latest is, amazon sent out a companywide e-mail telling its employees to wipe and delete the tiktok app off any device that has any access to a company
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and security concerns when this comes a same week from president trump and secretary of state mike pompeo threatening to ban tiktok from the u.s., in the meantime tiktok is wayne change and tried to distance from chinese roots, that includes moving its headquarters outside of china, singapore, london, dublin among the favorites, is also looking to change its structure and make it more independent from the chinese owner called the most valuable startup in the world with $150 billion in fundraising, tiktok has hired away disney streaming kevin mayer to be the new ceo, it continues to say it has no links back to the chinese government despite its chinese ownership, tiktok is one of the most downloaded apps on the planet, downloaded over three to 50 million times in the first three months of this year end according to data, that broke a record in just one single bring
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in one point to billion downloads since its launch, wave officials in several countries that are citing concerns in terms of the volume of data that tiktok actually download, also working with the state defense department, you cannot download any -- or tiktok on any of the funds i can access e-mail, we had tiktok leaving hong kong and banded india after the were clashes with china, some celebrities have voiced their concerns of the data sweeps and that includes the highest paid gamer on the planet that makes up to $30 million each year since he was deleting tiktok offices devices and hopefully a less intrusive company data for me that is not owned by china can re-create the concept legally in an amazing content on the app from influencers and you can bet it's wildly popular here in the u.s. and many people are hoping that there could be changes to keep it functioning at least here on u.s. shores.
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neil: we are following the tropical storm day, it's going up the east coast right now, just at the storm level, it does not mean it ringing a lot of pounding rain and wind, we are seeing a here and it could stick around a while, it is already prompted the president to cancel the hampshire rally tomorrow that was supposed to be an outdoor event, i'm sure you will see that repeated, a lot of people making plans this weekend that will have to reconsider, laura ingle following it from new york. >> the promise of rain is now here, the wind gust have been picking up and you mentioned the size of the storm it's a slow moving storm, the size of new jersey from what we can tell on the radar and is just a beast, this is really going to be a
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bummer summer weekend for sure as we take a look at one of the maps, we mentioned this is the first tropical storm morning of the season, we got that going for us and that is awkward to be a terrible strong system, does have the potential to bring up to read - 5 inches of rain that's a concern for anyone living in a flood zone and many do on long island. there are reportedly 20 million people under tropical storm warnings right now from cape may to new haven connecticut as uwind thetorm fayetseadyoo tomaandf ldf loutherounthern eyjers about hou arnd and th wi ttht newheepts aptsayssngng n odtid trut ist saysin sgay tinot federalpoal the the neede nd.eeded.ded.ded. ngro>>pi tcal t t storm stormtog to b h bitting ang alace a cd nw jeey goodlace prettyttyoo so we arenn the watch a a fully
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prepared, is ready in case it is bad, should not be too bad but you never know. >> residents have been urged by local officials to take caution today and into tomorrow, the storm showing potential for flash flooding, locals know these conditions can bring power outages, dangerous recurrent as well as coastal and local flooding. there was a very unfortunate incident down the road from where we are in long beach yesterday, nine people, young people had to be pulled from the water after the lifeguard left, one of the young man did pass away overnight, 19-year-old, variouvery danger conditions, ts only a summer weekend and fay is going to really wipe out businesses for the outdoor restaurant and people who really count on the business during the summer especially now during a time of code. neil: talk about bad timing,
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thank you very much, try to stay dry, that is impossible right now, anyway following a more political storm going on in the other side of the country in seattle, you heard about that with a six block radius cut down and people letting you go through, that is dissolved for the most part but now are hearing a report where they were kicking around a segregated training session in seattle where they are addressing the matter of undoing brightness in the city, i think i got the rough details but chris can offer a lot more details and expertise on this, the city journal contribute in editor discovery wealth and poverty director, film maker decides, he knows what, chris, very good to have you, what is going on there, this sounds like too incredible to believe, what are they discussing? >> i heard word that last month the city of seattle sent out an
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e-mail asking for the white employees only to attend a seminar on interrupting internalized racial authority and whiteness. i was curious what this means what was happening i filed an information request and got documents outlining something that i found deeply disturbing, they had essentially said we are holding ray segregated training sessions for white employees with the goal of convincing them that they are up holding a system of white supremacy and they really have to wipe away all the values such as individualism, objectivity, comfort and give up their physical safety in order to combat racism. neil: what does that mean, we reached out, i'm just curious, are they saying this is a greater effort to even remove law enforcement? >> it is, i think the critical thing to know is this is really
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taking vertical race theory which emerged on campuses a decade ago and been circulating through academic journals, they are now shopify taken from the campus to them in a simple government and they were ready trained thousands of municipal employees in seattle on these principles of the new racial orthodox in the goal is to do a couple of things, break down all the existing systems which they claim are all messages of white supremacy and objectivity because it's an impediment to their goal of immediate utopia, something that is starting to spread through a public institution at a rapid speed, i think this really goes to show, just a glimpse of what is happening beneath the surface. neil: those who have been educated indoctrinated that go through this type of training, what is the response to whites who have been told you're not
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helping. >> there are two responses, some people go along with it and they have been convinced by essentially cold programming within the city government, i've actually had many cities in seattle reach out to me in his aspiration because they said were forced to do trainings, we actually have to stand up and myth that we are white inner complicity of racism, we don't believe it, were upset by it but we feel like if we were to actually speak out and reject this, we would suffer immense career consequences, it is really being organized in a way that is deeply divisive, inflammatory but they are using all the levers of government, the levers of social pressure and the threat of retaliation to silence within the seattle city government. >> this is coming via an sanction live, the seattle government. >> yeah, this is ironically enough a program of the office of civil rights of the city of
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seattle government and it is something that's been going on for years, they are requiring all 10000 city employees to undergo a version of the racial justice training, it is really what i'm calling the new racial orthodoxy. it's an extension of the academic literature, and it's an extension of the neo-marxist black lives matter movement into thinking a minister will government, not as something that takes the trash out, paves the road and delivers basic services but that they get a minnesota government as a place for router liquidation and is something that we need to think about intake seriously. neil: meanwhile in the zone that was an epicenter of all the controversy and violence and tragically deaths, i imagine they've come down a little bit but the president made it clear an interview last night on the subject that the city better be
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able to handle this sort of stuff or he will, i want you to react to this, this is president trump. >> we are going in and going and very soon, we let them know that and they all of a sudden, they did not want that so they went and before we got there but we were going and very shortly, very soon and we would've taken the top, we would've taken aback very easily but they went in and frankly the people just gave up, they were tired, we were set to go to seattle, frankly i look forward to it. neil: what would've been the reaction had he acted on that? >> i think it would've been a huge reaction, i know the anarchist groups, antifa groups, black lives matter radicals including the john brown gun club and armed military group included with antifa they were preparing for a battle, you would've seen something really extraordinary, you would've seen gunfire, on armed conflict and i'm grateful that the mayor
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finally took action because what we are seeing is complete abandonment of lawn mortar and abandonment of the constitutional principles of equality under the law. neil: that is incredible, juergen of give me a great education on all of this, it's a wonderful city. it deserves a lot better than what's going on right now. contribute in editor, much, much more following the development more after this. e out what's gonna happen next in the market, "can i get rich quick?," companies are saying we don't know how we are going to be doing in the next couple of months. we're withdrawing our financial guidance. so, there seems to be a massive disconnect between what's going on in corporate america and what investors are believing is going on in corporate america. the message to you: don't trade because you think you're gonna get rich quick. because you think...
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neil: what a ride it's been for a lot of the technology names like amazon and apple and microsoft, every day they seem to reach all-time highs, but netflix is in a world of its own right now, up better than 43 bucks a share, close to 9%. this as goldman sachs says this puppy is going to at least 670. sometimes these firms catch the wave a little late and then try to punctuate it by saying see, we think it is a buy too. anyway, the optimism about netflix continues. of course that was a big winner when people were sheltering because, you know, obviously streaming a lot of stuff. you're watching us. so this continues, this wave of buying a lot of these big names that will do well, many believe not only when you're sheltering but even when you're not. they are game changers. again, this is something that's propelling the markets right now. the nasdaq in record territory. the dow is doing very nicely
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buoyed by the technology developments and reopenings are still planned spikes notwithstanding particularly in florida and particularly with disney world as i said, heat or no, the magic kingdom reopens this weekend. a lot going on. to charles payne to take you through the next hour. hey, charles. charles: hey, neil, thank you very much. i will pick up that same theme from here. hi, folks, i'm charles payne. this is "making money". breaking right now, after six months of crazy gyrations the market continues to sort of bounce around in a very narrow range but each session we see it is a tug-of-war between bulls and bears. this session is teaching us a lot about the market as we head into a huge week of earnings next week. i'm also saying this could be the mother of all short squeezes. find out what stock could actually rocket substantially higher. and a ceo is facing swift backlash after doing the unthinkable praising president trump and the attainbility of the american dream. that's why he is one of my winners of the week. joe biden andni
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