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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  July 17, 2020 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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stuart: now i was just called a flibberty jibbet, i've not heard that word since my mother used it about me many many years ago. i will not take it as a complement but i don't expect to hear from our viewer again. neil? it's yours. neil: i thought those are fairly tame. you know? it's a great reflection on you that even people who might not like you on certain levels they like your charm i think that's a hell of a lot better than any e-mails i get , buddy so cliche to that. stuart: i'll take that neil and take it and run with it thank you. neil: well you know, there are viewers who call me fat and i always say the camera adds 50 pounds and then they see me in person and they say no it doesn't [laughter] but all right i'm going to try to top that thank you, my friend have a wonderful weekend stuart "varney." we're following a lot of developments going on including looking around the nation,
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what's happening. certainly on the virus front and this is a big nagging and ongoing worry of right now, as we look at states that are dealing with a big spike in cases particularly in florida we're also looking around at how illinois, michigan and some of these other states are dealing with this and the debate about whether you could really make demands on someone to wear a mask, and a debate in georgia as well, we'll get into that and we are focusing as well not only on the markets but the feeling that seems to be generating among a lot of folks that unless we get a pickup in activity here and unless we see more things beginning to stabilize on the infection count, then things really probably will not change a whole heck of a lot. matt fin n has been following this very closely in naperville, illinois when it's coming down to wear a mask. sir? reporter: neil, naperville just outside of chicago is moving
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forward with plans to hold classes in just a matter of weeks. every morning parents are going to have to digitally confirm they're sending their child to school without symptoms without a fever classes will be roughly every other day and the superintendent tells us they are looking into things like one way hallways so by the time students return to school there will be many more covid precautions in place. >> each day our children are taking risks by riding a bike, crossing the street, and i just feel like this is worth the risk >> this suburban chicago mother is choosing to send three children back-to-school in about one month. >> my children learn best having a teacher in front of them. reporter: naperville central high school has roughly 2,700 students in an affluent chicago suburb. this fall students can learn entirely online, or return to school for a hybrid year. this is what a classroom normal ly looks like. the desks are clustered and
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facing each other to encourage collaboration that will have to end and the district also tells us that soft surfaces like this chair and throw carpet will have to be taken out because they can't be easily sanitized on a daily basis, and this is what the modified classroom looks like, the desks are all six feet apart facing one direction, no collaboration. the district superintendent tells fox news he feels confident with the district's plan that's within state guidelines and is a work in progress. developed after input from community surveys, and feedback from parents and 100 educators. >> we also have to be where we know that we can go fully online if we have to. reporter: neil major school districts like los angeles have already announced no classes this fall in-person or right outside of the city of chicago where the powerful teachers union there is also asking for no in-person classes. right now, chicago's mayor is holding a press conference where she said that the school district is entertaining the
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idea of a hybrid model like here in naperville, but chicago public schools has not made a formal decision just yet. neil? neil: you know what i wonder about though, matt, and the six foot distancing, how are you going to force an eight-year-old to adhere to that, you know? i mean the desks might be apart but kids get out of their seats and tend to be pretty volatile in a good way but i don't know. reporter: for sure this is a high school so the superintendent, you know, specifically told us that they're asking for everyone to cooperate. that everyone has got to abide by the rules or else this isn't going to work. what might happen in an elementary school is a great question, neil. neil: we'll watch it closely very very much. matt finn. dr. nina ratcliff with us. i do want to talk to you a little bit about the various states efforts illinois chief among them right know you to force the mask issue, the governor in georgia not recommending it but not trying to force it, but before i get to
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that, what you might have heard about what's going on now to make it a little bit better for kids going back to high school where they're separated but some of the stringent requirements keep desks six feet apart will be applying to elementary and middle school kids as well. how easy is that going to be to fool? >> well i think we need to give kits credit and they're actually very adaptable and they look to peers and teacher and they act better at school and i find that children are able to learn and adapt to different changes better than adults in some cases i do think it's possible and i do think that kids can do this. neil: all right, let's switch to the mask situation right now, as you know better than two dozen companies, cvs, walmart, sam's club, walgreens a host of others are adding by the day are forcing the issue that no matter what the rules are in a given state their policy will be everyone that comes into the store better have a mask on that includes our workers and
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shoppers. how do you feel about the mask demand itself? >> well let's take out the politics of this. what we know is that covid-19 is a virus it's invisible and spread person-to-person when we talk when we breathe when we sneeze. if you're infected it can spread up to 13 feet away and linger for about three hours, so wearing face masks is a smart, cheap, low cost easy way to prevent the spread to others as well as to catch it yourself so we just need to do this. we need to take out the politics of this and take that at one point, we said don't wear a mask now we wear a mask. when we learn what our enemies game plan is we need to be able to adapt and act smartly with it and there is a study that came out that said if we do strict face mask coverings, for four to six weeks we can really put a dent in this and almost eradicate covid-19, so that is incentive to do that. neil: you know, illinois' governors is trying to force the issue as you know, doctor,
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by saying that school children have to wear masks. there's no if, and, buts about it but the younger the child the more problematic that might be. what do you think? >> i disagree with that. my daughter is eight years old and she knows how to put a mask on. she knows it has to cover the nose and mouth and she'll tell other people you need to cover your nose, you need to cover your mouth. don't play with it. children can be taught. we teach them all kinds of things and they're very adaptable but we can start now. we need to teach them age- appropriately what germs are and how they enter the body and get the mask the right size and the right fit and show them how to put it on and take it off so we have a lot of time and we need to model that behavior as adults because children are like sponges. they may not act like they're listening but they really do follow our lead. neil: well my kids have just been faking it all this time. well that could explain that. doctor, and i'm not here to criticize or second guess the cdc, god forbid but i do remember when all this started
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they poo-poo'd the need to have masks at all. they thought in some locations where the disease was first taking hold was a bit premature and now of course the universal recommendation led by the cdc is get a mask, we can get this under control, to your point, the notion that maybe it could save up to 40,000 lives. now that's a moving target and a sentiment and a 180 on masks so what's to stop me and others from saying wait a minute this is the same organization that said they weren't necessary months ago. >> well this is a disease that burst into the world stage. we're just 200 some days into this. at that time, we did not know it was person-to-person transmission we thought it was animal-to-human. we know better now so do we now knowing better say let's stick with the old knowledge, now that we know our enemies war plan? do we do that or do we adapt so that we can defeat this and it makes good sense. we know how this virus is
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transmitted. we know what we can do to protect ourselves. physical distancing, wearing a face mask or covering is important. washing your hands. staying home when you're sick. nothings changed until we have a vaccine or a medication that can help almost 100% of the people infected, these are the things that we need to do to slow the spread, and you know we're talking about children going back-to-school. we need to also understand that children can be affected. they have been super heros where they don't get as many of the serious complications, but we have four dead children in florida. we've had 213 hospitalized. so, all of us need to do our part and nobody is immune from this. neil: all right, doctor. we'll see what goes on here, great catching up with you i appreciate it. you know this issue of masks and enforcing the policy can cut both ways in illinois they are trying to make it a no ifs, ands , or buts policies, all kids better wear the mask. in georgia it's a bit
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problematic where the atlanta mayor is insisting onsetting a mask mandate and the governor is saying no it's a good idea but there's no need for a mandate so the democratic atlanta mayor departing from the republican governor and the back and forth ensues, jeff duncan is the lt. governor of georgia, joins us right now. governor great to have you back. the atlanta mayor is saying, you know, i don't want to leave it to chance. i think these masks should be mandated, the governor says not so fast. what do you think? >> well certainly the governor and myself and almost everybody that i know here in georgia is talking about the need for masks you'd be hard pressed to find a single person in this state or in this country that hasn't heard the value of wearing a mask and you know, selfishly for me, i'm going to wear a mask because i want to try to watch my kid graduate in two weeks and my kid to play high school football in a month. certainly the mask is important and the governor agree with that and the mayor and certainly i agree with that.
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neil: but if you think it's a great idea, and a lot of people might not do that because they don't think it's a great idea or they don't think it has any benefit, the atlanta mayor says i can't take that chance, in my community where cases are particularly speaking so i'm going to force it. you're not for forcing it i take it? >> i think the problem is with a mandate it becomes a distraction. at the end of the day this is personal responsibility. if somebody wakes up and they see the value of putting a mask on then it's certainly important for them to do that. social distancing is probably still the most important tool that we've got, but you know, for me, it's hard to enforce. i mean, i understand what the mayor's mission is and certainly respect her and her opinion. i know the governor does too but at the end of the day it's hard to enforce. do you walk up to somebody with a law enforcement officer and tell them their mask isn't worn properly? is that a citation? is that a warning? at the end of the day we need to wear a mask. i'm using my platform as lt. governor to go to every community i'm in and talk about wearing a mask and certainly i have to do it in my own family.
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my kids are constantly talking about having to wear a mask and it bothers their nose but look this is our part to do. neil: but you know, governor you're doing this , you're a young dad yourself and say you're doing everything right your kids are doing everything right but then another kid another parent, they're not wearing masks so all the good you're trying to do to protect yourself, protect your kids and protect others it's being wiped out by the one who doesn't want to do that, what do you do? >> look i think the viewers here on this channel are obviously business-minded folks and we're watching that play out in corporate america and watching companies make sure they pay close attention to their customers needs and wants and these large retailers are having their own version of their mask mandates. i was in a grocery store yesterday and i saw every single person had a mask on with one exception, a young employee that certainly out of the corner of my eye watched the manager walk up to them. that to me is really the motion moving forward but look this is an important time for us.
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this is, there's a lot of tough stuff going on. this virus isn't a democrat it isn't a republican it's the enemy of both of us and we need to continue to work together. i never sat in a board room and asked somebody after they gave me a great idea if they were a democrat or republican and decide whether or not i listen to the idea. it's an important time for us all to work together. interesting point too about the governors suit that he filed i had a chance a little bit ago to take a look at it that he filed yesterday. really the primary focus was wrapped around the businesses protecting businesses that were once again being forced to shut back down and to go to phase i. this is complicated stuff. i don't claim to have all of the answers it's a balance between the head and well being of 350 million americans and also the economic future. there's families that are sitting around the kitchen table and businesses in the boardrooms making some really really tough decisions and i certainly don't claim to have all the answers but certainly trying to work as hard as we possibly can to get our kids back-to-school, to be able to get our economy rolling again, to be able to get
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our community safe and our hospitals back to normal levels. neil: all right, lt. governor ge off duncan this is connell mcshane with you in new york. just having a little bit of trouble with neil's shot from his studio. lt. governor thank you for your time and your thoughts on those important issues in georgia and in other states so what we'll do is take a quick break here and hopefully on the other end, neil's shot will be back up and running. we have more coming up in a moment on some of the protests related to the new york city police department, joe esposito the retired chief from new york will join the program in just a moment. we'll be right back, cavuto coast to coast on a friday, don't go away. hike!
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connell: alright fox business alert as we come back on cavuto coast to coast. just received word from the supreme court on ruth ginsbu rg. she says she's receiving chemotherapy for a recurrence of cancer and is said to be " tolerating the chemotherapy well ." that statement was just released on her behalf and it was a few
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days ago we learned she was in the hospital and came out and now receiving chemotherapy, recurrence of cancer and is tolerating it well that's all we know and all we've been told and we're passing it along to you. to new york city now and that man accused of punching the chief of the department who came on yesterday, that man now being released without bail, that this all happened you see in the video on the brooklyn bridge back on wednesday, laura engel has been live on this story. laura? reporter: yeah, this is a concerning part of the story to many and this as the violence continues to surge in new york city with both the nypd working on violent attacks against police and civilians. we want to bring you an update on what happened on the brooklyn bridge on wednesday. first to the woman who was arrested and believed to be responsible for the cane attack on high-ranking officers on wednesday on the brooklyn bridge
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she was arrested and charged with four counts of assault on an officer. meanwhile, you mentioned there at the top two 25-year-old men have both been charged with assaulting police officers on the bridge. now one of those men, was charged with three counts of assault after breaking a bone in one of the officer's face and injuring the nypd's highest- ranking officer, chief of department terrence monahan. campbell has been released without bail something that mayor bill deblasio says makes him pretty unhappy. >> it does not make sense to me it really doesn't. first of all, terry monahan is a friend of mine and i have great respect for him and he's out there every day trying to protect everyone in the city and to see someone assault him, chief of the department is absolutely unacceptable. reporter: meanwhile, the surge in violence doesn't
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seem to be letting up so far this week the city has seen 51 shootings, with 70 people shot and three left dead. that's including a one-year-old little boy who was shot in his stroller in brooklyn, while the suspect in that case has been arrested the city, the nypd commissioner says the city needs a fully-functioning court system which has been partially shutdown by coronavirus. he says the police have 2,000 open gun cases right now. >> the price of carrying an illegal firearm in new york city to be felt. we don't necessarily need more gun arrests. we need the people that are caught to be prosecuted fully and then we need the court systems open to get them off the street as quickly as possible. reporter: and as we keep reporting on these cases, shay also says there has to be consequences for people that have absolutely no regard for the law. connell? connell: laura ingel live in new york city thank you, to the aforementioned terrence monahan now and his conversation with neil yesterday, they talked a little bit about the effect all of this is having on morale and
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the nypd. here it is. neil: and crime goes up trouble, triple digits, homicide better than 116% throughout all of this how do you get a handle on that? >> it's building up the morale of our cops, understanding right now that its probably been as low as its been in a long time. it is important that we as an agency tell them how much we appreciate them, how much we know they're out there, the trouble that they're dealing with on the street, but more importantly, the silent majority is out there. the community that is out there that supports our police officer s, that know the job they do. connell: to joe esposito who was the nypd police chief for about 13 years i believe and let's start joe on that question with all that's in the news, we've had talk of retirements going up and the rest, how police officer
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s do their jobs effective ly in this environment, as terry monahan is talking about i assume morale has to be an issue right? >> yeah, well thanks for having me on it's a pleasure to come on but i don't know what's going to bring this department back. the morale has never ever been lower. the tools have been taken away that's the problem. we were living pretty good the first term of the mayor because we were living on the good work that was accomplished during the guiliani and the bloomberg years but now, the city council and the governor on down, they have taken all the tools away from the nypd to get the job done, so even if they came in and said do the job, i don't know how the p d could do it right now. the tools have been taken away. it's so bad that the state troopers have sent a letter to the governor saying, you know, take us out of new york city. we don't want to be in new york city under these conditions. westchester has just, westchester pd just put an order
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out saying don't go into new york city and do enforcement. the city is out of control. connell: i'm sure i could guess, but you said it a few times. the tools have been taken away. what are you referring to specifically when you say the tools are taken away? >> well the day administration changed, stop question question and frisk was taken away. was it overused at times? perhaps there was individual incidents when it was overused but you've got to have that tool it's virtually non-existent. quality of life, what got us here under the guiliani era was broken windows quality of life. its all been taken away. they've decriminalized so many of the laws that it's impossible for anthropology officer to do his job and you can not please the anarchists. look at the mayor when he goes to the event right now.
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he gets boo'd from the right and the left side and he's trying to please the anarchists and they will take as much as they can get. there's lawlessness in the streets and it's only going to get worse. connell: is there a world though , joe, where you'd be open to some police reforms that could be discussed, in other words do you acknowledge that change has to happen and maybe it could happen if people could have a conversation under a new mayor as an example? is that possible or do you have to take a side? do you have to be on one side or the other? could we have a discussion about necessary reforms do you think? >> no you could have reform of course there's always a place for reform but we do everything right at the nypd of course not so you do the reform but you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. we were doing a lot of numbers so the pendulum has to swing back and you got to find the right place for the amount to stop, question, and frisk. the right people, the right location, stay on top to make sure they are doing it the right
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way and respond to community complaints about the quality of life enforcement. this was the worst 4th of july in recent history because there was no enforcement being done because the officers have taken their tools away. look there's some people saying this was a slowdown. i don't believe that for a minute. this is the fact that the officers are saying why should i bother? why should i go and do any proactive policing when the courts are going to let them out? those who were assaulted terry monahan, a friend of mine, they're out, with no bail. that poor officer put in a chokehold in the bronx, they didn't even press the charges against them. connell: right. joe esposito, a former police department in the nypd. as we move on we'll take a quick break and we want to get back to politics in a moment president trump is struggling in the polls going after his opponent joe biden on the issue where he's been strongest throughout his presidency, the economy. we'll be right back. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip.
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neil: the students there want it rescind and all because of your ties i think to the trump adminitration. i don't know any other issues. could you update me on that, how do you feel about that, whether you still want to be a senior fellow there, what. >> yeah, i mean, of course i do i'm all for waiting my turn and having a whole bunch of other people give their voice, let's hear everybody but when it's my turn, i get to speak too and i don't want to be shouted down and i don't want to be silenced as a gay conservative i know that's not always a popular position to take, sometimes the left doesn't like it sometimes the right doesn't like it. connell: rick grenell appearing on this very program yesterday
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appears and brings up the question of the so-called cancel culture and whether its gone too far you probably got the gist of that there but the idea of carnagie melon prestigious university and this fellowship offered to grenell but some students have been voicing their displeasure with that to liz peek on whether we have gone too far. liz what do you think? >> look i think there's a backlash forming, connell and i think it is because yes, we've gone too far. so many people have lost their jobs and their reputations for things not even that they've done recently but that they've done decades ago. in the case of rik grenell he's just one of many trump appointees who have been lambast ed by professors and students at colleges when they've gotten jobs where they are presumed to have a pretty important point of view and experience to speak from. i think it's ridiculous, as he says, he is one of the first gay
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ambassadors that we've had in this country. you would think that he would get some kudos for championing gay rights which he has done. he has marched for gay rights et cetera, but instead he's widely criticized because he has dared to criticize the gay rights movement for not paying attention to what's going on in foreign countries for example , where they have no rights whatsoever, so you know, he's a victim of a cancel culture as are so many others and i think everyone is getting sick to death of this. connell: let's put up a statement if we can so we get carnagie melon's side that they put out the university saying they received and respond ed to the petition regarding the decision of dr. skinner the director of the institute for politics and strategy to appoint ambassador grenell to become a senior fellow in the institute for one academic year and now cmu says it believes in freedom of speech which allows its community to openly share opinions while
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engaging in civil discourse on the themes and principles that are foundational to all institutions of higher education so they say the right things. i think there probably is a distinction in a case like this as neil said in the interview yesterday unless there's something we don't know you're opposed to someone because they've served as far as we know with distinction and an administration maybe where you don't agree with the beliefs that's a lot different than someone that we know has done something that everyone would agree was wrong at some point even if it was years ago. that's not the case here as far as we know. >> of course not, but connell, remember, most of the protesting faculty members by the way were not from the discipline where he is going to be a senior fellow but rather from the humanities which we know are overwhelmingly not just left lean leaning but registered democrats. that's true not just at carnagie mellon i presume but most universities, polls have shown they don't like trump or
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don't want anyone associated with the trump adminitration on their campus but please don't think this is unusual. i could cite several cases where distinguished people from this administration have been banned from college campuses, not just as fellows or as professors but also even speaking there. it's really horrific, and universities got to get a handle on this because i think outrage across the country is leading to discussions, for example, about taxpayers not funding these universities and other measures which might bring them to heal. this is really wrong. connell: let me get a quick word from you liz on the campaign if we might. the president's trailing in the average of the polls right now by 8.5 points nationally. his latest line of attack against the nominee on the democratic side joe biden has been related to the economy. let's take a listen to that and we'll come back and talk about it here is the president. president trump: our entire economy and our very way of life are threatened by biden's plans
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to transform our nation and sub jugate our communities through the blunt force instrument of federal regulation at a level that you haven't even seen yet. you think that was bad? you haven't even seen it yet. connell: all right that was the soth lawn speech that we had in the afternoon yesterday. so i think it's obvious again from all of the data as i said going into that sound bite liz that the president is trailing now, and most people agree that the election was tonight. it's not, but so what's the best strategy is it that in order to close the gap, if you're president trump? what's the best strategy from here on out in your view? >> well i think he has to sound a very positive message about rebuilding the economy that we had as recently as february after all, when jobs were incredibly plentiful and wages were going up across-the-board. he had to compare his policies of lower taxes and deregulation with the exact opposite that's
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being proposed by joe biden and he needs to challenge joe biden to explain why middle class workers under the biden-obama administration never got back to even after the great recession in 2007-2008. weather people did okay during those years but middle class people didn't. why? because his policies on tax and on trade were incredibly injurei ous to middle class families and that has to be the lynch pin of the trump agenda is building back this economy. he's done it. he can do it and by the way connell one thing that really needs to be pointed out, biden, if you read his economic plan it relies heavily on federal government spending. guess what? we're tapped out. yes, we can do another stimulus measure barely but the truth is the private sector has to be the engine going forward. trump needs and knows how to ignite that engine.
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biden does not. connell: liz peek with us, thank you, liz as always, we appreciate it and in just a moment we'll get into how before the election, there may be some movement on the stimulus front. there have been reports that there's a little bit of internal back and forth in the trump adminitration about how to structure the next round of stimulus. charlie gasparino has been looking into that. he's coming up and i'm told neil will be back to talk to him when we come back. cavuto coast to coast.
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if i may i respectfully and politely disagree with that story. secretary mnuchin and i have worked together hand-in-glove for two and a half years and it has been a great pleasure and we work on a daily basis, or in the same meetings all the time.
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we discuss, maybe somebody in the west wing doesn't understand this , we always discuss different ways to implement the president's policies. neil: all right, disagreement but far from disagreeable, welcome back everybody i'm neil cavuto. i had to untie myself from the ropes that connell mcshane left for me, more in a bit but in the meantime treasury secretary mnuchin responded this charge that there's a bit of a civil war between the two top money guys in the administration, saying nothing good to be further from the truth. anyway, charlie gasparino with us right now. what are you hearing on this? they had different points of view on what be adequate stimulus, right? charlie: i should point out i'm the one who broke the story, me and lidia. i described it as a civil war. i want to give you not you neil because i know you're a seasoned journalist but some other people who have been asking questions about this , a little bit of a journalism lesson. journalism 101. at the top.
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a non-denial denial where you take one little piece of the story, the civil war piece, and you extract from that a complete denial that you don't really deny. there is no denial that there is a spirited debate, he doesn't like the fact that i use civil war, mnuchin doesn't like the fact that he uses civil war. nobody is denying there is i would call it a civil war inside because i hear it gets heated. there's a serious debate about the next stimulus package. mnuchin wants checks $600 checks phased out to the end of the year, kudlow wants as you know, larry the big tax cutter wants payroll tax cuts, and it's up in the air where this thing is going to go. some people say mnuchin has the edge because he has ivanka on his side for the checks and pushing for the fact that listen nancy pelosi is not going to give donald trump a payroll tax cut, kudlow on the other hand is adimate about the payroll tax cut. i just find it fascinating that
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the smoke that these guys are blowing actually gets digested by some people and they think it's real. it is just bizarre. there is nobody in washington who knows about this story and by the way, people close to kudlow know about it, people close to mnuchin, we interviewed them both, they're laughing at these denials. now, the practical thing is what's going to happen out of this? does this have, are we talking about process over reality, i mean is this just a nothing story? i think it's an important story, because right now, we don't know exactly what the administration is going to push next week and it'll be led by mnuchin in terms of a stimulus package. are they going to push for those checks that $600 checks phased out plus unemployment insurance? are they going to push for a payroll tax cut? will nancy pelosi agree to larry kudlow's dream of a massive payroll tax cut?
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and you know, i would just say this to these guys and listen larry is an old friend of mine just so you know. he had ample warning of his story yesterday and so did mnuchin's people. auto it would just say this. they should spend less time blowing smoke and more time getting their acts together, because the bottom line is this. house seats of vulnerable republicans and trending democrat the senate could flip to the democrats if it was, if the election was right now. donald trump would lose to joe biden, they know it, they may say he's not going to lose but right now they know they're in deep trouble. i get this from people inside the white house. they should get their economic message together and stop blowing smoke about reporting that. neil, i got this confirmed by four people close to both men, and their denial, non-denial denials are laughable. laughable. neil: so let me just really quickly, do you know whose side the president is leaning toward? he's been arguing for payroll
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tax like forever. that's what larry kudlow is coming from, mnuchin is probably being a little bit more pragmatic that's never going to happen in this environment whereas other things you might contemplate could so whose on the right side of the boss? charlie: i don't think the boss knows exactly yet and i don't think they know from a policy standpoint yet is what i'm hear ing. again, mnuchin's point is simply this. we can't, is nancy pelosi really going to agree to a payroll tax cut? you know, listen i would love a payroll tax cut. i'm on this the kudlow side of the fence, but you know, real politics here. i just think it's fascinating how they deny someone so obvious [laughter] it's a joke. neil: yeah, you're right they actually didn't deny that there was a difference of opinion on what that stimulus be , but it's kind of wild.
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charlie: and why do people allow them to get away with non- denials and not correct them it's insane. i just can't believe it. neil: connell would do it it's probably something connell would do, but thank you, my friend. you're the best. he's a dear friend. he's kind of the son i never wanted but again, we untied ourselves here we're back for the time being. connell just a thought i'm just throwing it out there as my buddy. a tie, just any time a tie but you look fine. connell: lucky i have a shirt on i wasn't ready for this. neil: okay, great. connell: i note that it was your show i thought you'd be prepared to do it. [laughter] neil: wow. wow. wow. all right, love you buddy thank you very very much. this is the way it is folks but sometimes these little technical gremlins you think can get kind of messy at the white house, between economic heads? you should see the battle royale between connell and me,
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neil: all right you've been see ing all of the violence certainly in new york city that involved the less chief there, getting banged up a little bit he's fine but we're forgetting
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what's going on in portland, oregon where they've had their own share of non stop problems william la jeunesse with the latest. reporter: portland is getting worse not better. last night protesters grabbing restaurant tables and fences to block traffic, some threatened to burn down a police station and throw bottles at cops who tried to intervene. they used lasers and garbage can lids as shields lined with foil to reflect and blind police, but most of the attention was directed at the federal building , where 100 federal police protected the courthouse, acting dhs secretary chad wolf visited portland, yesterday and blames local officials for the chaos gripping the city. >> here is the situation on the ground. again we have these violent protesters coming in targeting the courthouse and other federal buildings, and again our law enforcement officers are going to respond in kind. they have been judicious in that , they are getting attacked night after night after night. reporter: for six weeks
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protesters faced off against local police who are under order s not to engage, to minimize arrest, and they're banned from using tear gas for crowd control. now wolf claims he reached out to democratic mayor ted wheeler and governor kate brown, only to be told, to leave. i told acting secretary wolf that the federal government should removal federal officers from our streets said governor brown. his response showed he's on a mission to provoke confrontation , for political purposes, putting local law enforcement in harms way. now portland did erect some fencing around a park near the courthouse, but protesters tore down much of it last night. bottom line, neil, this is like a snowball going downhill. all sides are determined and neither the city protesters or the feds are backing down. neil? neil: all right, thank you my friend very much. little amygdala had on that. i want to talk about my next guest, the national association of manufacturing, the president 's ceo but i do want to first if you don't mind,
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jay, address this crime situation. it seems to be running rampant in a lot of cities and for manufactures and those who employed folks in these various areas, its got to be concerning. what do you think? >> well sure anytime you have those who are causing chaos or destruction, that matters, obviously tombed, in society and manufactures care deeply about their communities. there's a lot of civil unrest out there right now, a lot of it has been by the mess we've been in because of covid, so tempers are flaring, but we obviously would like to see folks be a little bit more tempered about their actions right now. we're all in favor just let me say this. we're all in favor of peaceful protests. we understand that, we understand that's part of our democratic institutions, our constitution. we support that, but we don't like to see violence we don't
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like to see destruction. neil: understood real quickly the mask requirement in so many states right now and among so many stores and retail chains saying no matter what the rules are in various states we're requiring them for not only all our workers but shoppers. are you on board with that? do your members support that? >> you have my buddy matt shay on with the national retail federation and i appreciate the leadership he and his association and membership are showing. we've been calling for this for the last four months and running a campaign on social media. we've even employed grandpa charles to talk ontiktoc about the importance. you were talking about stimulus. the best stimulus is to employ safety measures like wearing a mask and to practice social distancing. that'll make sure we want to close our businesses again. neil: thank you very much i apologize for truncating this.
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neil: the theme of the week, so many states right now looking at ac/dc piece of advice here, if everyone wore masks for just a few months, i think they said a
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little of his a-month, you could cut the good number of cases and certainly up to 40000 of them if we stuck to the policy for a while. some states are demanding more from, others are saying is best to go ahead and pursue but they're not going to order it. then there are states and go the extra mile that are demanding more from it then say infractions and tickets will be thrown at those who ignore it. the miami-dade mayor joins us now, what is the policy right now in miami-dade on masks. >> masks are screwed to be worn anytime your interior space and exterior space unless you are two years old or doing exercise and if you're doing exercisers possess a 10 feet away from people. outside of that everybody has to wear a mask indoors and outdoors in public places and outdoors everywhere.
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neil: how do you enforce that mayor? >> yesterday we passed an ordinance that we can give tickets and inspectors can give tickets to folks that don't abide by not only the masks role but any other role we have set up to open a business is in a safe way. we have had a pretty good compliance but we have seen people are ignoring the masks order outside and to some extent inside, not only will police officers be able to give you a ticket in the violation it'll be a civil fine of about $100 ticket and businesses can get a $500 ticket. we are clamping down on them pretty hard today. neil: the white house insisted this is a good idea to honor that but they're not enforcing and telling people they have to. so at least on this, what do you think? >> i think the white house message is different places have
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different level of contagion. we have a higher level of contagion here in our positivity rate is running over 20 represent, the good news is for the last five days our hospitalization has only risen about 2% so it looks like it may be tapering off in terms of positive relations. in order to keep it that way and reduce the positivity rate, the experts say masks is the number one weapon, washing your hands, masks and keeping your social distance is the number one method to reduce the level of contagion which is what we want to do so we don't overwhelm our health system so that is what we will do. neil: how are schools looking this fall? >> we don't know yet because were about six weeks away before we start schools on having conversations with the superintendent, we know it's a tricky issue and we'd like to get most of her kids back in school but we want to do it in a
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safe manner and since one in four people may have covid-19, is going to be a tricky situation. right now it's wait-and-see, were developing plans for any eventuality, hopefully we can get that back in school but it is not a positive until we get the level of contagion down here in miami-dade. neil: mayor thank you very, very much. that is in miami-dade, beautiful area, hopefully everything stabilizes there. there are other things to talk about, on the masks thing in school delay in person class, now it involves millions of students across the country, los angeles, san diego, atlanta, the outright delaying in person teaching and dealing with a masks situation, atlanta where the mayor, is enforcing that and running into resistance for the governor of georgia and it needs to be enforced. the very least from an investment point of view, we
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know this kind of stuff is at least going to restrict and flow the reopening. neil: one thing about the fallout -- can you hear a scary? neil: we will try to fix that, neil, maybe you are a target. >> admitted go to katie, the former federal prosecutor constitutional law attorney, we were mentioning and speaking a little bit early with the lieutenant governor of georgia whose differs respectfully with the democratic mayor of atlanta on this issue of enforcing a mask policy. who has the advantage in the argument, whose influence wins out. >> of course going head-to-head, the governor's orders are going
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to trump amir's orders just going into position, it's never that simple, the mayor can show potentially that the governor's orders heather handling covid is unlawful. that is a very strong possibility, couple of months ago wisconsin governor is overturned by the court for issuing what they consider a non-lawful order. it is a legal challenge, that is the bottom line. neil: if you challenge cities and counties like miami-dade where they hand you a ticket, if you don't wear a mask. i talked to a lot of libertarians who say you could not enforce a policy like that, what do you say? >> it is all issues of first impression. a lot of the cases, the elected officials have an obligation to protect their citizens.
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if they could justify orders or laws by showing why it is necessary, that's what the courts are going to focus on, i think these leaders do have the authority to protect the health of their citizens. to the extent there is an argument that some of these things are too restrictive and will hurt businesses, that is where you're going to look at the georgia governor, that's where they're going to come in and combat this. this is not about masks, this is trying to put too many restrictions in place to have a countervailing negative impact on trying to protect people. as never that simple with those of interest that the courts are going to look at overall. i governor's order is going to initially trump a mayor's. neil: does the same applied to school systems, there is in a policy in california but we know san diego and los angeles are pushing back in person classes
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because concerns about pricing cases and all of a sudden the same issue coming up in houston, texas certainly come up in atlanta. do the same things apply there? >> i think that it could. not everybody has to have the same role but you have to show why it is justified in your particular area. it is not unlawful because it is different but you have to justify if it's challenged in court. it's up to the court to determine if somebody overstepped the bounds of authority and do they have a real justification for doing it, is it in the interest of the people really. neil: when the president threatens withholding funding for school systems that go ahead and delay in person classes, is he on firm legal ground of doing that? >> he could be, i think if he shows why supported by facts and evidence, that is a harmful
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thing for the district to do in light of all the things that could happen to the children and in light of the risk of covid and why it's not balanced properly, that could be of significant consideration. overall i hope all of our elected officials are looking at the big picture of what's in the best interest of the people of the country, economy and the health. these are things i have to get look at but it's not a simple answer of yes or no other way she would not need attorneys arguing these things. there is going to be a point where somebody who is in a higher position of authority makes a decision and the question is, do they have the right to do that and it comes down to what's the justification and how is it supported by the evidence. neil: thank you very, very much for good catching up with you. i think we are good with the gremlins and gary joins us again.
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i was just touching on this idea whether it's a delay in school openings or at least in person openings, over masks and where the you wear them or not, it will delay activities and reopening in those states, how does the market digest all of this. we are looking as steady as she goes from 8 million jobs gained over the last couple months because the opening seem to be going smoothly, another is question of how much smoothly they will go going forward. what do you think? >> all i can tell you i'm utterly amazed of what i'm seeing in the market. if you would've told me two weeks ago where the numbers would be i thought we would've done two, 3000 points. it is easy for me too really isolate the market on the pullback that tells me a lot. we had pullback that lasted two or three days that have been phenomenal and we turn backup, interesting enough, we had a changing of the guard and believe it or not economically sensitive areas and that are now
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leading the way while technology stocks have a monstrous move in the midst of a pullback. they cannot send the market down on what has been bad news on covid over the last couple of weeks. i think were going higher and amazingly so, quite surprising but very, very strong. neil: i don't know they have the soundbite but nancy pelosi is pushing more stimulus and is not keen on the one point to - 1.3 trillion they're talking about. this is from nancy pelosi. >> we know there will be a bill. first it was going to be no bill and then it was going to be some little bill and now it's 1.3, that is not enough. that is not enough. neil: 1.3 trillion, not enough. what do you think? >> i think the numbers have been so large, they have been lost in the shuffle and if they said $10
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i would not be surprised and let me be clear i think what they've done with the cares act and the ppp it's been a phenomenal job the fact that they got it out so quick, i expect more especially this last longer, my little ci city, i find out last night three more restaurants shut down for good, that's probably another 60 people on unemployment in the times that were fighting all these areas around the country, i think there will be more to go and a lot more than 1.3 trillion. neil: real quickly, obviously you're in the orlando area in disney has essentially opened up, will the major kingdoms, obviously they cut back on traffic, separated people in waiting in long lines. if you're lucky enough to be there right now you get have to put up with that. how is it all going, is he rolled doing the same, universal, there are important if the orlando economy, how is
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it sorting out? >> it is very small capacity right now, they are really testing it out, i have not been there yet but i've been to the disney area where there's retail and restaurant and it's very quiet. it is going to be steady as she goes, you know how big the tourism industry in central florida, billions and billions, 75 million people come in every year end that is not happening. sooner rather than later but they have to take their time and we don't want to hear news that 200 people at disney world got the virus because they were shutting down again. neil: be well, i'm sorry for the problems that, shane caused in the beginning. but we always love you and did not want that to happen. connell had nothing to do with any of this i love playing it out. we are following another development. how do we pay for all of this down the road because new jersey is looking at going after rich
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folks and businesses to make up the money they're losing because of covid but there is something that alexandria cossey or cortez has been telling the governor of new york to do, just go after billionaires. really stick it to them. the governor just said if we do that we might as well aoc them later. okay fine. [laughter] ♪ usaa is made for what's next we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so they can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most find out more at
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neil: we just heard nancy pelosi say that she wants to see stimulus and more than the $1.3 trillion stimulus that those figures are being fitted about right now. the president rain and on what he would like to see on a stimulus if and when it comes to pass. more tuition aid for private school students in the next relief package arguing their 45 million students attending public schools from states and local governments, that's according to the education department, but there are at least 5 million students across the country not in public schools and their added disadvantage if they do not get some help. the battle back and forth on this will continue.
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the fallout, not only stimulus but where were going right now on all of these various fronts. joe biden among those arguing, you need to do more on the virus front and more on average americans. jessica is with us, phil is with us, jessica first, i want you to react to this, the notion that the president is saying joe biden gets in, you might as well kiss all of this, if proven in the markets and the economy, goodbye. this is from president trump. >> to thousands of companies plants, factories would be closed, under the dismal future, energy but would be unaffordable for the vast majority of americans in the american dream would be sniffed out so quickly and replaced with a socialist disaster. neil: in that case he was talking about the green initiative by turning it back on
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traditional fossil fuels and all of that on thousands of businesses. jobs would go -- leaving aside how we arrived to the number, i just wonder what do you think of the game plan, that seems to be a strategy he is focusing on more. everything you see and like about the economy prior to the virus all goes away if this guy gets in. >> i want to say first and i'm disappointed you did not play it, joe biden is anti-suburb and anti-window, whatever that means. i would like to reference your show yesterday, where you credit out what the president was saying to clarify the truth about the obama economy which was a disaster and a lot of people were lifted out of poverty, unemployment went down from 10.7% to 4.5% and it did go lower under president trump by about a point but life in america under obama were tens of millions of americans got health
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insurance, number one issue to voters today wasn't that bleak. when president trump is out there saying if you get joe biden you get socialism and everyone is looking insane what are you talking about, we know joe biden and we've known him for decades, 50 or 60 year career, not 60 i didn't want to agent too much. people know joe biden and that's why you see so many people gravitate towards him who may have supported donald trump in the past. he's got to get a new message because joe biden is a socialist candidate and will not fly come november. neil: real clear politics, i'm old enough to remember a similar strategy used against an arkansas governor, bill clinton that he would raise taxes or he said he would go after business taxes, the well-to-do and he would wreck the economy, were in the middle of a recession ironically in 1992 we were coming out of it. that was the message pre-we know in retrospect that did not
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happen, i'm not playing politics or favorites. do you think it will resonate? >> first of all i do not remember 1992 election, i want to make that clear. neil: i had a feeling. >> i think jessica hits on an important point, their contrast between two economic visions and the obama years, yes growth was anemic but not as bad as republicans and president trump have said, he has to contrast the current economic circumstances with what was happening between 2009 and 2016. to jessica's point, it's very difficult for trump to say that joe biden is a socialist to go after him in the same way he went after hillary clinton. the problem here i was speaking with mute green range who canceled the campaign, joe biden does not have a personality that scares voters, instead of going after joe biden he recommends
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that the term campaign goes after biden, schumer and pelosi. the idea that if biden is president, he is a vehicle and a conduit for folks on the left to achieve the more radical things and he himself does not believe in. neil: do you think when all is said and done, a lot of supporters of the president seem to believe that during the obama years we were going through great depression and seem to believe that we have no growth at all even though it started out with people losing a million jobs a month and then we scored more than 12 - 15000000 jobs. it is lost on people, i'm not trying to disparage the right or the left but i want people to be aware of the facts. i am wondering if there will be a significant number of people that will say that's what happens. >> i think there are two things that are important, one is your
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media source that facts do matter and you should go to places where you will hear both sides of the issue and a lot of numbers, numbers tells the true story and that's why i try to be data oriented as possible. another thing that is so important is the personalization of someone's experience. while you could look at the overhead numbers that say millions of did out of poverty, got health insurance of their business back in the bailout et cetera. if you had about eight years under president obama which millions of americans did because of how tough the 2008 financial crash was or personal circumstance. you might look back and say was not good for me but things turned around under the trump years. maybe work in industry that he favors and regulation got cut that benefited your business. i think those two things really matter, get news from people that you could trust to give you the facts and consider the fact that voting is very personal and we all think about her kitchen
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table, not necessarily the kitchen table with 330 million people in this country. neil: real quickly, the debates will likely settle a lot of this and for the first time will see the two of them going up against each other. do debate styles count for a lot, your thoughts on that? >> i think once both of the conventions are over, you will see a clear contrast between president trump and former vice president joe biden, thus far it seems like a lot of the race has been president trump running against the virus were biden has cleverly done something that republicans and hillary clinton was not able to do in 2016 which is to step down onto her back and allow president trump to tire himself out without engaging too much. i think that will change but i want to make one point very quickly, i think set things have changed significantly in terms of ideology 202,020. no one can say with a straight
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face that the left is not more progressive but has opened itself up to democratic socialism. i think that's why we see so many attacks from the right on the left on that front. for a lot of voters, so far in the president's base, that is a winsome argument. neil: they are pounding a lot more to your point. there is still 109 days or something like that. i don't know who counts the stuff but apparently 109 days. thank you very much. >> someone on your team. neil: yeah really. 109 days. we have a lot more coming up including what's happening, a battle between the virus and the sellers. it's a must that even but a lot has to do with cases that come out in justifications in some cities and states that you've heard from rabbi republicans are dialing things back and delaying reopening.
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neil: any of the housing data seems to be much better than expected, housing starts at 17% last month, permits up 2.1%, future construction. homebuilding is surging across all the major players, then we have a low interest rate. 98% for fixed mortgage. you get developments like this and you begin to wonder if the sustained power, month and a month out with more data like this, the bible on all things, housing and real estate with us right now, economist yell professor, economics author, much, much more. when you look at the data, how is it sorting out for you, obviously you can argue
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inferences in urban areas and whether the appeal of living in new york city or other places is what it was, but what are your thoughts? >> it may seemed like it's a long time but it's a short-term crisis with the covid-19. and we still have not seen much or the beginning of the long-run impact of this. people react psychologically, they don't always speak completely logical about it, take some time to get into a different frame of mind. we have been in since 2012 a boom in the housing market from a low level, that is kind of to the boom in the stock market. there's the same disconnect problem when people are observing disconnect with the real economy. people are observing so far,
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history shows that they can, i'm not forecasting, they can change their mind gradually and bring it back down. neil: when people hear of new cases and spikes particular strong real estate market in texas in the south and what's going on in california, does that give this momentum, forget about stocks for a second about real estate, does that call into question? >> i think it does. it is a little bit now just, not the same, we don't have been at the home but to stimulate the economy from the fed are similar in the narrative what it was last time prevented any real crisis and people who
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overreacted, that's the narrative, who reacted ten years ago to the jobs and housing in the stock market, they made a big mistake. with that narrative they can keep going up for a while. neil: do we have an overheated real estate market, like we did before the housing crashed last go around with the general stock market, obviously with the financial meltdown, would you characterize things today, irrationally a blueprint? >> that term was invented at a particular point in history and it restores to a kind of extreme bubble psychology. and we are in a totally different mood right now. were in a survival mood.
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that reminds me a little bit, we still have a boom, it's a different kind, reminds me of the housing boom that started in 1943 during world war ii, housing prices started going up, why was that. we had not won the war yet but people could see that the war would end in our favor and they started speculating. it was not an enthusiastic time then either but it had speculative input. speculators are kinds of people who think of themselves as independent thinkers and they have these moods but it does not mean they're not doing something uncharacteristic. neil: i don't see some of the craziness that i have saw with
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the housing boom in the late '90s, i don't see people flipping properties that they never saw getting on condos, they never specifically went to. doing so like they were creating chips on the table. so i don't see that but what about you? >> i once did that in the 1980s i bought a condo that i had never seen as an investment. i will never do that again. it may be to understand the psychology of all of it. it does not feel the same. the other thing that is strange about real estate prices, they just keep going in the same direction year after year. it is supposed to be random is what's finance is supposed to say, it doesn't really seemed like random. we work with the chicago exchange to create a future market in home prices. and they help make the market
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more efficient. it is still there, it is not -- you can do it by the way and shorten the housing market if you want through the chicago exchange. but it's not a very active market. i think we have to rationalize these markets more and better in the future. so they are not so driven by unprofessional attitudes. neil: you need a lot more people trading in that particular market to see if they can calm things down. robert, always a pleasure pre-good seeing you again. >> my pleasure to. neil: by the way at home and depot does require masks, not only other workers there but anyone shopping there it's been worn out by the likes of cvs and walmart and sam's club and verizon and apple and on and on. all say no matter what the rules
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are, we think it's a good idea, not just a good idea, it is in order to wear a mask. following other developments including how to deal with all of this, maybe pick up a drink. what if you cannot go to the bar in the bar is closed. if the bar found a way to get the drink to you, grady trimble, that is what you're looking out. >> yes the new way to drink, walk up to the bar window, grab your cocktail and take it to go. we'll talk about how that is helping bar stay open and keeping employees on the payroll next. ♪ this is decision tech. find a stock based on your interests or what's trending. get real-time insights in your customized view of the market. it's smarter trading technology for smarter trading decisions. fidelity. in a highly capable lexus suv
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♪ ♪. neil: how about alcohol to go.
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a nice strong drink if the bar is closed, there are ways to find out what kind of ways we are talking about here in chicago. >> how about an old-fashioned, maybe that is fancy, a bar only indoors and they have the luxury of having patio space to serve people outside, instead they served them outside by handing them their cocktails to go out the window. about two thirds of states have a law that allows cocktails another alcohol to be served and here in illinois julia is the owner of this bar and you are really behind the push in illinois because it gives you a fighting chance at this time when you have to stay close. >> the margins on cocktails are so much better than wine or anything else and since you cannot have guests sitting at her bar home is the next best thing.
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>> you're making a cocktail right now, i was not expecting the flames, that is to seal the bottle, this is not just open container on the streets of chicago, they have to be sealed, that is the rules and in fact they cannot drink them on the sidewalk but they are going further and allowing open container restrictions to be loosened a little bit to let people drink outside in certain areas specifically in new jersey at atlantic city, they're letting people drink in designated areas to get bars like this a chance and some bars are getting creative with the names that they have for their to go cocktails. i want to show you this picture from a bar in the d.c. area, they have a drink in a pouch and they named it the found cheap ouchidr. fauci.
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grady turbo in chicago on that. another thing that is coming back, drive-in theaters are getting a little bit of a boom, and hillary vaughn knows it. >> in 2019 the trend for movies was about the luxury experience, craft cocktails and gourmet food being delivered to a luxury recliner in the theater but in 2020 things have gone back in time to the 1950s, drive-in theaters popping up around the country were snacks get delivered to your car door and you're sitting behind the wheel, being cooped up in quarantines has brought the tradition back to life as a way to get off the couch and get outside, walmart is one big company watching a drive-in series starting in august where they were convert 160 of the store parking lot into drive-in movie theaters and in d.c. outside of rfk stadium the parking lots are used to be impact for game day or big
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concert and it will turn into a massive movie theater for the first time ever even though the tradition is a throwback, today's drive-in is a lot more high-tech with a 40-foot led screen and a set up that lets people social distance. >> the venue is entirely cashless, you buy all your tickets online and you don't have to. out any tickets, they are scanned upon entry, when you enter the venue you can order food via food trucks and they will deliver right to your car to minimize contact. >> the ideas popular and can bring inattentive cash to venues that are sitting empty like restrictions on audience like the pandemic. this is the capacity of 250 cars in the grand opening is today and they sold out showtimes and it's $29 per car which can bring in a lot of cash, $7000 every screening if it is sold out.
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neil: i hope it sticks around, those are great days before your time but i have to tell you, i miss them, i hope it stays. thank you very much on that. in the meantime we are taking a look at a lot of businesses impacted and waiting for stimulus if it arrives, some of them got shortchanged but the fact of the matter is small businesses are closing pretty fast right now, the latest count is by 110,000 that we will see quickly which shutdowns, one out of four restaurants for example included in that bunch, edward lorenz is crunching the not so upbeat numbers. >> crunching those numbers, a lot of restaurants and businesses doing whatever they can and i want to show you, activities returning to downtown, look at what the city did they shut down the major streets to put the table spades more than 60 apart. some businesses closed and are going to be open, other businesses doing whatever they can to try to keep afloat.
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in fact the national bureau of economic research said small businesses have an average monthly expense of $10000 but only one month cash reserve, maryland is in the phase two reopening. , that means 50% dining inside businesses trying to do whatever they can and i talked with owners and managers of restaurants, they believe they can open up more and safely. listen. >> i think people are getting stir crazy and ready to get back outside but they definitely want to go to a place that they trust him to do the right things and to keep them safe. >> another business we talked with the green revolution skin studio on microsoft, they cannot open under county rules, she applied and it was denied a payroll protection program loan and she let go the one employee with an understanding landlord, she quickly started a website and sells her product out the front door. >> i went from being full force
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fully booked to working every single day, almost given too much. and to absolutely nothing. march 15 i had to close my doors and shut everything down and it was really shocking. i had to dust myself off and say i built this business up from nothing. >> this means businesses are having to adapt, it also means a state is losing out on revenue. because the state is losing out on revenue, it can be big tax increase or they would have to left the state without help and figure out what to do next. back to you neil. neil: thank you very much. edward lawrence on all of that, you heard the news already on netflix, a high flyer during our sheltering but offering guidance that maybe there will not be as many coming on board to stream because they're no longer sheltering. the guidance that guided the sellers after this.
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simon pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500! coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. they're off... in the kentucky derby. rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake.
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touchdown! only mahomes. the big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. neil: the numbers on that but the guidance not so much, around
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489 a share, and those hooking up with netflix, not as many as originally thought. they were looking at 5.7 million or so, the wall street was and then third quarter and might be half of that when all is said and done. that was jarring news, was a justifiably jarring news, keith fitzgerald on all of this. what do you think? >> i tell you what it is pretty justified because one of the implicit assumptions is that a lot of people are going to stay home and analyst didn't seem to factor in that that is going to change which is one of the classic problems with wall street analysis, they bet on the horse race after they know the results. neil: i guess i don't understand how wall street works with the estimate, i'm not an all-time trade analyst but i figure that would be the case that subscriber growth would be tested and if more people are leaving their homes and going back to work, obviously the enormous growth in streaming
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that we saw and when they're stuck in their homes would subside, why was that a shocker. >> the difference is you and i use real logic and we expect real things to happen because we operate with real money in our pocketbooks. wall street on the other hand does not think that way. what you had was a combination of massive expectation, big computer saying we did not get what we want, somebody hit the sell button and it sharks in the water, everybody bailout. long-term i think that is going to come back, i think you have to keep your eye on the ball as an investor, if you're a traitor that ship has sailed, you're not off-base, you're not an counterintuitive. but you're not off-base. neil: i wonder if netflix will come up, whether it's observed or not, it's a matter of time before amazon and apple and some of the high flyers -- >> i think that's a very
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insightful question. my take, yes i think this is long overdue and i think the other companies like amazon in particular and facebook in particular are going to get some of that, there will be competition coming in their not being infallible companies that they used to be. public opinion is shifting negatively inc. some cases right towards them and facebook in particular. neil: thank you very, very much. be healthy and well, keep it on all of that. right now they'r they're down dn 56-point more after this. just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. sofi helped me pay off twenty-three thousand dollars of credit card debt. they helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. they make you feel like it's an honor for them to help you out. i went from sleepless nights to getting my money right. so thank you. ♪
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2:00 pm
neil: real quickly, news out of new jersey that the so called transmission rate of the virus continues to rise. if that is indeed the case, that could slow down reopening plans already stymied in the garden state. now to charles payne. hey, charles. charles: hey, neil. thank you very much. and good afternoon, everyone. i'm charles payne. this is "making money". breaking right now, stocks are marching into the final hour of trading looking for the third straight week on the upside. let's call this the calm after and before the storm because these idyllic summer days will be limited and we will see explosive moves in the market again. huge demand for housing, but today's consumer sentiment report offering a chilling warning to congress. war over masks continues to


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