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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  August 4, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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i reminded buddy, "you can't take it with you." i'm jamie colby. thanks for watching "strange inheritance." lou: good evening, everybody. we'll be talking with the president of the united states, donald trump, here in just moments live. i do want to set just a bit of the scene. this interview tonight comes as the radical dems have been trying to create a a nightmare for democracy this november. the party of hate pushing mail-in ballots as the only safe way to vote during the china virus pandemic. they're also pushing as many left-wing activists and anarchists as they can into the streets of america. just when we thought that with the china virus pandemic that the radical dems would stand up for national security, the
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national interest and be shoulder to shoulder with the president in confronting more threats, more crises than any president since abraham lincoln, it is stunning to see what has actually been the result. i understand the president is on the phone now, and i want to go to him straight away. mr. president, we're delighted to have you with us on the broadcast. we hope that you can stay with us a while to go through all of these issues. but my first question would be at what point, at what point do you expect -- or do you expect -- the democrat party to align itself with the national interests and the welfare of american citizens? >> well, maybe the point of great success. you know, we were at that point where we had a tremendous, nobody covered it better than you, lou, we had a tremendous economy. we had the best employment numbers, best stock market numbers a although they're
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catching up, we're very close. but we had the best numbers that you've ever seen and the best numbers anybody's ever seen. probably the best numbers ever for an economy. beating chai i that badly, beating everybody badly. and they were coming along because they weren't able to fight that. and the covid actually, now they try and, you know, play that game. but they were very close. there's nothing like success for bringing people together. sometimes they don't want to necessarily come for that reason, but we were getting much closer. and this came and now i don't know if you heard some of the numbers on cars and manufacturing, but some of the numbers are released yesterday and today were absolutely incredible, beyond anybody's belief. lou: we are seeing some remarkable numbers with an economy that has at one point was all but shut down by the china virus. we have seen now new voices arise saying to you that, mr. president, you should shut down
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the economy again. a -- i don't know where the federal reserve gets these people, mr. president, but neel kashkari, the president of the minneapolis fed, saying that we need to shut down the entire economy 4-6 weeks, saying that we have plenty of money to sustain the economy new such a closure. finish it's remarkable, the voices that are chiming in to say shut down the economy. it's as if they haven't been paying attention for the past four or five months. >> well, that's not going to happen, lou. what we did is we were, as we said, setting records in every way, and then we got hit by the plague, i call it the china plague, china virus, call it whatever you want. it's got like 20 different names. and we got hit hard. we did close up, we did the right thing. we saved millions of lives, lou. we would have had millions of lives. we have a a number now which is unacceptable, but anything more than one person unacceptable because they could have stopped
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it. they could have stopped it from coming in. you say it all the time. they stopped it from coming into china, but they didn't stop it from here, europe or the rest of the world. so we closed it down, and we're now opening it up, and it looks like it's a v. it's absolutely a v. but we're not going back to shutdowns now. we understand the disease. we understand the problems welled elderly, especially elderly with heart or diabetes or other problems. and we're able to take care of them. we understand it now. we're not shutting down. we've done really very well. the numbers are looking very good, by the way, in florida, texas and california. they're heading down. lou: right. right. and a lot of people don't realize those numbers, the combination between florida and texas never rose to a significant portion of the deaths in new york state. >> that's true. lou: to the point of opening this economy, anthony fauci, your, one of your doctors on the task force, saying that --
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finally acknowledging very clearly and somewhat loudly that you saved lives and a great number of american lives by shutting down travel from china. finally a clear statement by fauci on that particular issue. there are other ambiguities that he's left hanging, but that one finally he is being direct and forthright. but speaking of fauci, he has also acknowledged that schools -- not all of them, but most schools -- need to reopen. the economy needs -- >> right. >> lou: -- to be reopened. you're also getting support for that initiative. you were standing absolutely alone saying we've got to reopen the economy. now the secretary general of the united nations is joining in to say, absolutely, open up the economy, put the kids in school because it could be otherwise a generational disaster for the entire world. your thoughts. >> well, we are opening the
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economy very rapidly are and, frankly, some of the blue states we wish they'd do it and they'd do it fast. we're asking them to do it, but they like to keep it closed. it'll probably open up on november 4th. you understand that the, they'll announce that they're opening on november 4th. [laughter] there's a lot of politics involved in some of these states that are closed. let's say democrat governors, we're being kind, we'll say democrat governors. some radical left and maybe some not so radical left, but they're all democrats. frankly, they want to keep it closed, i think, as long as possible. maybe for some good reasons but maybe also for political reasons. but we want it opened. we want the schools open, lou. you know, young people have better immune systems than we do, lou. i hate to tell you this. they are in very good shape, virtually, virtually immune from this disease. they're incredible, the strength of their -- probably you have to give the credit to their immune system. it's called being young. and yet with the flu and various
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other things, they don't do so well. so, you know, somebody will explain that someday practice. lou: exactly. >> but certainly for the china virus, they do very well. they do very, very well. so we want to open the schools. we going to be opening most of the schools. the parents, generally speaking, want them open. and we want to do it safely, lou, but we want the whole deal open. we want people starting to go to the office and starting to work. and and i have to say despite that, the numbers have been very, very good. we have a big number coming out on friday, i believe it will be friday, and that's going to be another jobs number. the last two have been incredible, record-setting numbers. lou: right. >> 7.5 million jobs. and the third one after this whole catastrophe, and that'll be coming up, i believe, on friday. lou: yes. and that unemployment rate will be followed by everyone, it will be one of the measures by which
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the reopening of the economy being judged, without question. as you talk about the cools, it's interesting -- the schools, it's interesting that we have such a politicized, deeply partisan divide in this country that is finding expression even in the education of our children. and in particular for minorities in this country. this will be a tremendous, tremendous back step for them because they need desperately education. our public schools -- >> right. lou: -- are the great equalizer in our society. and to defer their education is absolutely outrageous. and for the democrats to pretend that they're doing this for the american people is absurd. these radical dems and the federation of teachers and the national education association, the two largest teachers' unions, seem to be on the front of wanting not to work and wanting not to be in the
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classroom teaching those who need education most. our young people. >> well, that's, that's, as you know, a very political group, and they want to see if they can get biden in there. i don't know if you saw rasmussen yesterday, 51%, we were at 51%. and maybe, i don't know almost more importantly, strongly favor -- this is a number people don't see very far -- but 40% strongly favor, that means they're enthusiastic. we have tremendous, record-setting enthusiasm on our side, and they have record-setting lack of enthusiasm. they've never had -- [laughter] anybody so unenthusiastic, i mean, it's an amazing thing. it's a very unenthusiastically-endorsed candidate. so we'll see what happens. you never know, it's an election, but i think we have more than we've ever had. we went down, as you know, to texas three days ago, and we had literally tens of thousands of people on the roadways with the
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flags and the whole thing. i mean, they were going wild. and then we went to florida on friday. all of the sheriffs of florida and law enforcement endorsed me 100%. texas also, by the way. but, you know, when you think of it, he's against that group. and it's not him, he's told what to do. he's a puppet for the radical left. but when you think about it, they're against oil and gas, they're against guns x i guess they're against god, okay? but they're against religion, they're against the bible, certainly. i mean, you look at what they say. but if you're against oil, if you're against the guns and you're against the bible and you're supposed to win texas, i don't think that's working out too well. i was with the governor of texas, he said, no, you have a very tremendous lead. you know, they like to say texas is in play, but how can you be against oil and gas and guns and lots of other things and you're in play. so these polls are fake. i had it, i had it -- you know better than anybody, you've been so incredible. number one, you're a talented
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guy. i wouldn't want to have you as my enemy, that i can tell you, but you are one hell of a man. and you've been there from the beginning, and we really appreciate it. that's why i do things with you and i don't bother with others. but when you look at the kind of polls we get, and i had the same thing last time, but the real polls and the internal polls are really fantastic. and when you take into consideration the enthusiasm and also the fact that a lot of people just don't want to get involved. you saw the one poll, i think it said 62% of the people don't want to either get involved or say who they're voting for, so how do you do a poll in i think you're going to have a big surprise. i think we actually have much more enthusiasm and many more people than we had in 2016. we'll take 2016 right now, but i think the enthusiasm level -- i mean, you would know better than i. i think the enthusiasm level is at a number people haven't seen before. not a in a long time. lou: yeah, i think there's almost a 30-point gap between
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republican enthusiasm for donald trump and those democrats for joe biden. it's really -- >> a record gap, lou. lou: a deficit for biden the overcome. >> right. it's a record. it's a record gap on enthusiasm. and, you know, i feel it. when you see thousands, tens of thousands of people on these highways in texas, and we went to maine, and we had unbelievable crowds. nobody's ever seen crowds like that in maine. we went to other places, pennsylvania, we were in pennsylvania, tennessee. no matter where we go, the level of enthusiasm, they meet you at the plane and literally as far as the eye can see, the people that are along the roadways. it's a beautiful thing to see. there's tremendous spirit in our country, tremendous spirit. lou: and that spirit is expressed in a number of ways, but one certainly is the market itself. we are, as you alluded to
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earlier, watching this market move forward, advance and stocks appreciate significantly despite the setbacks that have occurred, despite the level of fear that that the radical left, it seems, is very involved in encouraging. it's really quite something to watch because we've never gone through this before, and you are leading the nation in a direction that i think americans if they could vote right now would say that's the way we want to go. this is a nation, you promised that all restore prosperity. you not only promised that, you promised you would restore prosperity for all americans. we saw net worth of black households in this country soar to record highs, the unemployment rates for all minorities move to record lows before the china virus. when you reflect on it, what is your sense?
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because the relationship, without question, with china is complex and difficult. when you reflect on all of this, what is your thought about china and the prospects for the relationship going forward? >> well, it's been very badly hurt by what happened because i really believe they could have stopped it in wuhan, and i feel strongly about that. and it's certainly been very badly hurt. the farmers will tell you over the last few days they ordered a record amount of corn, a record amount of soybeans, numbers that have never been -- literally a record. i heard it was a record corn order and a record soybean order. lou: right. >> the trade deal was a wonderful deal. but after this happened, i don't feel the same about the deal. we did usmca too with mexico and canada. i feel that's been a great deal because that took the place of probably the worst trade deal ever made, nafta, which was just
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a horrible deal. emptied out our factories. the deal with china was a great deal, but i don't feel the same way as i did. look, we've been -- we've lost 160,000 people. we're going to lose more. we would have lost millions had i just let it ride as the expression. we could have lost millions. can you imagine with all of the death and now you multiply that number times 10, 15 or even 20 the? it would have been unsustainable and unacceptable. but this was caused by china, and so it certainly has had a negative impact. i have, you know, i had a really great relationship with president, and i, as good as you can have -- president xi, as good as you can have, i would suggest. but it's been such a horrible, horrible thing when you see everyone walking around now with masks and you see all the death and you see what's happened to this country but really to the world. if you look at the world, the world is -- some countries have been just literally devastated.
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hook at europe. look at -- look at europe. look at what happened to italy and spain and france and all of these countries. they were just devastated by this. it could have been stopped. so it certainly has had an impact. tiktok is one thing that we're doing, and we just, i don't know, maybe i would have done that anyway, i don't know. it could have been affected by this. you know, huawei, i've stopped huawei from coming into this country. i mean, there were -- lou: right. >> -- i actually called the great lou dobbs to tell him, by the way, you have one report wrong. you were sort of indicating that i was allowing it in. no, i wasn't allowing it in. in fact, we were actually taking down equipment, huawei equipment bought years and years ago long before my time. and we're actually taking it down off the tops of towers around the country. and i've gotten many countries not to buy it too because we think it's a very big security risk. so i don't know, maybe i wouldn't be the same, maybe i wouldn't feel the same, maybe i'd sort of close a blind eye.
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but, you know what? it is what it is. it's been a horrible, horrible thing. and, again, we never did -- we had the greatest year in the history of the world, if you think of it. not just this country -- lou: yep. >> there's never been a country that did better than us last year. and now we're fighting back, and now it looks like it's a v based on the auto sales, based on, i mean, based on a lot of different -- i don't know if you saw used car sales, you can't even get a used car now which is a big indicator, by the way. lou: right. >> but you look at manufacturing numbers, and it'll be interesting to see what happens on friday. i don't know the answer yet, but we'll find out on friday, another jobs number. but it looks very certainly like we're going to have a very strong v. i'm dealing with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, and we're trying to get some real good money to take care of people. that should be taken care of and helped. the problem is they're more interested in taking care of
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let's say democrats who did a very poor job running a state. you know the states i'm talking about. there's a number of them where they're run by democrats, some radical left are. you look at what's been going on in portland. and, by the way, the "wall street journal" gave us a great editorial that trump wins in portland. a group of very tough, very talented people to protect, can you believe it? a courthouse, a major federal courthouse from being burned to the ground, torn down, decimated. and we've saved that very easily, frankly, and we've helped them beyond that. we could solve that problem totally very quickly and easily, but we're not doing that just yet. it's been a big victory in portland, in seattle. we were going to send in the troops, i mentioned that once, and and they did it instead. which is the way it's supposed to be done. it was supposed to be done locally, but they knew we were coming the following morning, and it worked very well. the an around -- an artists and
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the agitators just held up their hands and gave up. but we've had tremendous success, and i think next year's going to be one of the best years we've ever had, lou. but in the meantime, you can never forget the death, and you can never forget all of the tremendous amounts of money we've needed to put back into our country to keep it going well, the keep it going the way it should. lou: and the direction is decidedly the correct one. the quibbling and the detractors that are with you 24/7 from the left are really right now operating in a way that i find incomprehensible. because this is a time for the national interests. and we're not hearing from other leaders; that is, ceos, corporate leaders who could be influencing the democratic party, who could be influencing the left. and instead many of them, many
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of them are supporting left-wing organizations including black lives matter who are bringing anarchy and violence to our streets. it is a peculiar time for the leadership of corporate america as well. and particularly because in addition they are the ones who own the fake news outlets that you refer to so often and correctly with some -- [laughter] some bitterness, if i may say. it is -- those companies could change all of this in a matter of days. do you find it absolutely stunning that they will not rise to the occasion? >> well, i find a company like comcast -- i call it con cast because it's a whole big con job. they own nbc and msdnc, and i call that company to be a disgraces.
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they could make our -- they could heal the wounds because, you know, what's wrong with having strong military, low taxes, great school, great protection, good, strong police forces so you don't get hurt, suburbia strong. i ended that horrible rule where they were building low income housing right in the middle of the suburbs right next to your house and destroying a lot of families and a lot of the american dream, and i ended it. i totally -- they wanted to change it, i said, nope, you've got to end it. got much worse under obama and would have gotten much worse. cory booker was going to take it over, so you could imagine how that would have been. that would have been a disaster with him. he was another great presidential candidate that ended up getting out with 0% of the vote. so it's one of those things, lou, but it's -- i i will tell you this, what i've done is i'm fighting some of these companies. i'm fighting now big pharma, and i'm going to a favored nations clause. you know germany, and we have countries that get drugs for a tiny fraction of what we pay.
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we pay for all of the costs, all of the research and development, all of the everything. you'll have a pill, as an example, that will sell for pennies, and we pay dollars. our people have to pay big dollars for them. and so what i'm doing is i've instituted a favored nations clause which is tough, that's very tough. that means if, let's say just to use it as a name, let's say germany or let's say u.k. gets their medicines and gets their prescription drugs for a very low price and we're paying a very high price, we now get the same price as the lowest country anywhere in the world. you're talking about 50, 60, 70% reductions in price and more. you're talking about -- nobody's ever done that. plus we have the rebate rule where we get all the rebates. you've always heard in the drugs very complex pricing structure, but it's really a ripoff. the rebate now goes toward reducing the price and goes to the people. and then we also have the right to buy from foreign countries
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like canada as an example. it buys drugs for half the price, so we're going to buy some of the drugs directly from canada because we get through all of the red tape. and i've authorize thed it, they can do it. so florida, as an example, i think ron desantis will be first one to do it. he's going to buy a lot of the drugs. going to save 40, 50, 60% by buying the drug from canada. it's ridiculous but still, i don't care, the price comes way down for the identical drug. i wouldn't say that big pharma's in love with me. they're taking commercials all over the place trying to, you know, hurt me politically. i don't care. you know, they don't do anything for me. i don't need their money. a lot of politicians do, to be honest with you. but the favored nations clause will reduce drug prices massively. and just one thing, first time in 5 years last year that -- in 51 years last year that prices came down. but that's peanuts compared to what we're talking about now. now we're talking about price reductions of 50, 60, 70% in
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prescription drugs. nobody ever thought that was possible. favored nations. nobody else would have done it, lou. lou: i think you're right. it's also one of the great advantages of having a populist are in -- populist in the white house because we know you're for the people. the people put you in office and not big pharma or the special interests that somehow find you, well -- [laughter] uncooperative with some of their policies. -- >> little bit. lou: the chamber of commerce in particular. as we look at what you're accomplishing, it's truly been a remarkable three of and a half years because no one has faced the opposition you have, the national threats that you have. and for this country to be where we are, i think it's straightforwardly accurate to say we're very fortunate to have you in the white house, and i think most of america --
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including we call them the silent majority, in point of fact the left is intimidating people to such an extent they're really the silenced majority. but you give them voice, and the american people are truly, i believe, grateful and express that come november 3rd. we'll see. the polls that have you back behind a bit are actually kind of mild compared to the poll that had you being trampled in 2016. so i don't think anyone's too worried about that, least of all you. particularly if your approval -- >> the polls are looking good. yeah, the internal polls have been fantastic, and rasmussen has already turned around, and they were very accurate last time. and we're leading in the rasmussen poll. and by the way, the wall is 275 miles now, lou. we'll be at 500 miles long which is what we wanted by the end of the year. and i can't imagine the chamber of commerce being against it, but they were, they fought me. the chamber of commerce fought me.
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think about if we didn't have the wall. you know, we're setting record low numbers on the wall, and when people come in illegally, we bring them out. we want people to come in legally. and because of the pandemic because, as you know, mexico is very heavily infected. because of the wall, we're not getting a huge negative impact from mexico which is a tremendous thing. so a lot of good things are happening. you'd think the chamber of commerce would be extremely happy with the job i'm doing, but they're coming from a different side of the plate. lou: absolutely. and as we are approaching a limit on our time, i just do want to get to the issue of will qualm barr, the attorney -- william barr, the attorney general's investigation, john durham, obamagate. so much is in the public eye now that it is clear that there was, there was a conspiracy in the
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obama era intelligence agencies to overthrow your presidency. before that, to block your election outright. >> 100%. lou: your thoughts about whether that will, whether that investigation will result in charges before the election. >> so we caught president obama and biden spying on the campaign. biden was even saying using the logan act which is exactly what they used on flynn. they used the logan act, and they had it down in writing in a white house meeting where president obama and vice president biden were there. biden suggested logan act which i understand very well, but general flynn probably didn't. what they've done to him and so many other people, they've destroyed their lives. i caught them and we caught them spying, using the intelligence apparatus of our country to spy on an opponent or to opposing party's campaign both before and after the election are. how about after the election? i had already won. and now they wanted to get --
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lou: right. >> that was the insurance policy, lou, we're going to get him out. in case she loses, famous quote from peter strzok and his lover, lisa page. you remember that beauty. so that was the story. we caught them spying, now it's up to our attorney general. as you know, i wanted them to do it. i didn't want to get overly involved. maybe i should, maybe i shouldn't, but i do hear it's breathtaking, what they've found. that's all i can say, breathtaking. and hopefully, it'll come out soon. but it's beyond what anybody ever thought even possible, how bad it is. how bad it is and how corrupt it is. but i'm going the let them do that. i'm not going to do that. it's a horrible thing that took place, and it should never be allowed to happen to another president. lou: absolutely. without question. and you are, your administration, you promised, would be transparent. and you have done your level best to do that despite the deep
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state's efforts to bury e everything about as deeply as they could. but i've got one question as we conclude here because, actually, a lot of my friends are very concerned about what the federal government is doing when it comes to ufos. so if i could just ask you, are we going to commit -- are you going to commit more resources to exploring u finishing -- ufo and open the documents to the public? >> well, i think probably in this country you're the ufo expert. so i'm going to be totally guided -- [laughter] by the great, by the great lou dobbs. and i will tell you that i'll do whatever you ask me to do including total transparency. i gotta tell you, there's probably some pretty good transparency, leave it there. there's no doubt about that. [laughter] lou: well, prime prime mr. presi couldn't have asked for a better
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answer. thank you so much, and i'll be calling your office soon to get that under way. it's been great talking with you, sir, and we appreciate your time, mr. president. great to have you with us. >> it's my great honor. you've done a fantastic job. lou: thank you, sir. >> thank you very much, bye. lou: thank you for the kind words. thank you, mr. president. up next, we're going to have reaction to our exclusive interview with the president. the hudson institute's dr. michael pillsbury will join us as well as new developments in u.s./china trade talks. we'll also be talking with judicial watch president tom fitton about transparency and also about transparency, just the news editor-in-chief john john solomon, a man committed to transparency. we'd also like to promote my new book, "the trump century." please preorder your copy or copies, and you can do so at, or stay with us, we're coming right
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back for, i hope, not too severe a critique of my interview with president trump. stay with us. ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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♪ ♪ lou: on wall street, stocks finishing higher for a second straight day. the dow up 164 points, the s&p up 12, the nasdaq hitting yet another record close, up 38 points. if you're counting, and most of us are, that's the 30th record
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close of this year despite everything. volume on the big board, 4.4 billion shares. crude oil at $43 a -- 41.56 a barrel. a reminder to listen to i my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. and breaking news now, trade registrations between the united states and china have been strained, to say the very least. "the wall street journal" is reporting that the two countries have agreed to high-level talks that will take place next saturday to assess beijing's compliance or noncompliance with the historic phase one trade agreement. u.s. trade representative robert lighthizer and chinese vice premier leo huh are expected to participate in those talks. the talks will be some of the first since the communist party's takeover of hong kong and the release of the chai chia virus on an unsuspecting world. that conference will be a video conference between the two
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representatives of china and the united states with. joining me now, dr. michael pillsbury, director of the center for chinese strategy at the hudson institute. and, mike, it's great to see you. and the president responding to my question about the complexity of the relationship between the united states and china now. it's clear that he has a personal and profound disappointment that he carries as a result of what the chinese government and marley xi jinping -- particularly xi jinping did in january. >> i think that's right, lou. i think he knows are well that the 150,000 dead americans cannot be brought back by anything china does. but china can help us in the economic recovery if they would comply with this trade deal and make the massive purchases that they promised. that's probably a very important thing the president's done to improve this video -- approve
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this video conversation august 15th between the highest levels of the two sides. that's where we'll find out whether the president has to terminate the trade deal and really condemn china as a negotiating party, or the chinese make their purchases, will they help our recovery. i think that's what it's going to come down to on august 15th. lou: that seems to be a date certain as to exactly who and what china wants to be. it is a nation right now that's behaving exactly as you would expect of an authoritarian state. it is a chinese dick dictatorshp with expansionary policies, and they are pressing whether it's the south china sea, whether it's europe, whether it's technology and cyber attacks in every possible way. how -- what are the, in your judgment, the likelihood, the
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likelihoods of securing compliance with the phase one trade agreement and also the chinese abandoning their aggression and their belligerence in. in -- belligerence? >> well, they're about to have their annual conference in china, this is obviously going to be the number one topic for them. can president trump rein them in in terms of their aggression in the south china sea, the trade deal, everything else. i would expect some concessions from china because they are afraid of him. they watch the polls. for a long time, lou, they thought biden would win. that was at the height of their aggression over the last month or two. now as the polls for the president get better, you can see a change in tone in the chinese media. finish so if they make some major concession es, especially if they make it clear august 15th they're going to make the farm/agricultural purchases and sort of meet their quota and cut
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back on the intellectual property theft, things we can measure with metrics, then it's very good news for the president and for our economic recovery. but the hard-liners are still in china, and they hate america. no softer way to put it than that. lou: yeah. well, no softer way and no more accurate way to put it. the hard-liners, in fact, are in charge right now. that not a true statement? >> yes. to make it really simple, yes. but the reformers still haven't given up -- [laughter] and they have a way of scaring xi jinping that he could face real retaliation from america and our allies if he doesn't show a nicer face at least for the coming year. lou: well, in keeping it simple, i appreciate it when you do that for me. it allows me to keep up -- [laughter] with you and with developments. [laughter] let's turn to galapagos and the
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260, most of them china-flagged vessels -- >> right. lou: the state department, mike pompeo, the secretary, making it very clear that the united states is fully behind ecuador and will not tolerate these kinds of incursions whether they're commercial or military. i thought that that was an important, an important statement to make for this administration. >> it's important for us to stand up to china. they increasingly, lou, talk about themselves as the number one power in the world. i've never seen this before. they used to be modest and not even dreaming of being equal to us. now they talk as though this kind of thing, violation of ecuadoran sovereignty, if you will, is just something that they're going to do all the time unless the world stands up against it. lou: yeah. well, china joe has made it are clear that he won't be the one
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to stand up against china and its expanding military presence and activity in the south china sea. where are we headed there? because with our presence in the south china sea making it clear there will be freedom of navigation and secretary of state pompeo again making it clear that all of their claims to territories in the south china sea are invalid and will not be recognized. that's been held by world, world authorities. so where are we headed? >> well, the president has approved three things already, lou. one is additional patrols in the south china sea with additional navy and u.s. air force overhead assets. number two, he's approved this new idea from our pacific commander, admiral richardson, for a $20 billion buildup of u.s. forces especially to defend the island of guam. guam is an american territory.
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china's been threatening it in various ways, and our commanders want guam as kind of a base to reach into the south south china and what they call the first island are chain. this is quite important. the third thing there's been a number of steps the president has approved to respond to chinese aggression. so i think he's got more things to announce in the coming few weeks. he's by no means finished with what he's going to do about china. lou: michael pillsbury, always good to have you with us. thanks so much, mike. good to have you here. up next, president trump are reveals to us just moments ago what he's been told about the doj investigation into obamagate. we'll be joined by tom fitton and john solomon to take upal of that and more right after these quick messages. please stay with us. ta-da! did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance
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[birds chirping] [beating drums] [man] fire! [boom] ♪[upbeat beating drums] [cheering] [beating drums] [female narrator] find your park. [final drum beat] lou: breaking news tonight, president trump telling us just moments ago on this broadcast what he is hearing about the justice department investigation of obamagate. >> we caught them spying. now it's up to our attorney general. as you know, i've wanted them to do it. i didn't want to get overly involved. maybe i should, maybe i shouldn't, but i do hear it's breathtaking, what they found.
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that's all i can say, breathtaking. and hopefully, it'll come out soon. but it's beyond what anybody ever thought even possible, how bad it is. how bad it is if how corrupt it is. but i'm going to let them do that. i'm not going to do that. it's a horrible thing that facebook place, and it should never -- took place, and it should never be allowed to happen to another president. lou: without question. and we're learning that an activist in chicago who rallied to defund the police department has been shot dead. 17-year-old caleb are reid was found shot in the head friday. no arrests have been made as police are still trying to determine whether the shooting was random or targeted. joining us now to take this up as well as a host of other very important issues, tom fitton, the president of judicial watch, author of the new book, "a republic under a assault." and "just the news" editor-in-chief, john solomon, author of "fallout."
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that enrichment apparently still goes on. great to have you with us. tom, let's start with you. suing for hunter biden's travel records. where does that stand? >> well, we had gotten records showing that he traveled extensively around the world with secret service protection including five trips to china. interestingly, he didn't go the ukraine, at least according to secret service records, before he was hired. so that's quite the, that's quite the trick, to get hired as a ukrainian -- naudible] without having to go there. lou: yeah, but joe biden, i think there are a lot of tricky things. but you shouldn't be surprised because we call joe biden china joe, not ukrainian joe. >> well, there's two-and-a-half years' worth of records they still haven't given us from hunter biden's travelses while his father was vice president. so we want those records.
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29 international trips, 5 to china. what else are they hiding? where was hunter, forget about where he is, where was he? lou: where was he x john solomon is at the forefront with you in trying to find out where was he. is this going somewhere? are we going to see an actual investigation of what happened in ukraine in particular first, john? >> yeah. there's one going on now with senator ron johnson and senator grassley. they're escalating. they made a significant amount of demand for documents that the trump administration's scrambling to fill, and there may be some subpoenas later this week. hunter biden took a trip to moscow. i think we're going to learn something about that in the next couple weeks that will enlighten us all. lou: wait a minute now, we've got china joe, his son is ukrainian and china hunter, and
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now maybe russia? they were looking for collusion, the radical dems, in all the wrong places. is that the way the song goes? >> they may have been -- lou: i want to turn to this -- [laughter] i want to turn to the tragedy of the 17-year-old demonstrating for defunding the police and getting shot dead in chicago. we are watching black lives matter involved in all of these demonstrations and protests since may 25th when george floyd was killed in the custody of the minneapolis police department. we have had countless black lives ended in that period of time. where is the justice department? where in the world are we with these left-wing activists and anarchist organizations including antifa? shouldn't more be done now? [inaudible conversations]
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>> go ahead, josh. >> no, no, go ahead. lou: sorry. >> look, these are casualties as part of the war on police. you've got the crime taking place within the big cities because police have pulled back under political pressure x then you've got the anarchists expect communest revolutionaries tearing key cities apart. if i were the president, i'd invoke the insurrection act so he could deploy the necessary force as appropriate in particular cities to preserve a republican form of government that citizens have a constitutional right to. there's no safety in portland right now, for instance. we've got to protect our citizenry from these communist revolutionaries. and the lack of public safety in these other big cities, you know, again the president should deploy the national guard where appropriate to protect the city and the citizens. what's going on in chicago is a war zone, and young people are e being killed, and the dirty little secret the police protect
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minority communities. and when the police pull back, the first victims are minorities. lou: as is so often the case. john? >> yeah, i agree. and, listen, the polling that we're doing at "just the news" show that the american public are strongly behind the president on two issues; they support sending federal troops into these cities to protect federal buildings, and they do not support, by a large majority including black americans, even democrats do not support defunding the police. so joe biden and the democratic party are on the wrong side of these issues heading into the election. and you can see the carnage on the streets when police pull back just a little bit. imagine how much worse it can get if we don't step in and start to stop these terrible atrocities that are going on. there's a pandemic of violence in america, and it's mostly in dem contact cities -- democratic cities. lou: democratic cities, and disproportionately, the victims are black.
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there's no question about it. >> yeah. lou: it's black on black murder, there's also no question about that. the president has a difficult path to navigate here. you talked about the insurrection act, tom. these mayors are responsible for their cities. their city councils are responsible. the governors of those states. and as we've talked nearly uniformly they are democrat-run cities. this violence rests with the citizens of those cities who are supporting those city councils, those mayors and that way of life that i suppose they've just simply become inuredded to i would like to get both of you gentlemen to respond to that question. >> well, there are other innocent citizens involved in these cities, and there are businesses and communities that are being destroyed, and people are afraid for their lives, they're afraid to go out in public. the police are afraided to do their job. a afraid to do their job.
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and we just can't let politicians for political purposes upend the rule of law and turn over streets to the mob as has happened in portland. you know, federal police officers were being targeted with murder and maiming by those communist insurrectionists in portland, and they were being aided and abetted. the president, in my view, should deploy all necessary force -- lou: okay, john. you get the last word here. >> it's time for the u.s. government to step in and run these cities or bring these cities back to stability. it's not a hard thing to do. i think the american people want it. lou: and i think the polling that you and rasmussen are doing on this is revelatory. and showing also that the president's approval rating is at 51%, several points ahead of where barack obama was at this same point. tom fitton the, john solomon. gentlemen, thank you very much. appreciate it. and don't forget to preorder my new book, "the trump century:
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nevada's radical dem governor is shameless. steve sisolak signing into a law a new election bill that allows other people to fill out and hand in ballots for the elderly, particularly in nursing homes and those with physical disabilities. that would include presumably dementia and alzheimer's. just trust them. that is all they ask. that is probably all they will need. president trump says he is feeling good about his prospects for re-election in november. here is what he told me tonight about enthusiasm levels among his supporters compared to china joe and the radical dems. >> we have tremendous record-setting enthusiasm on our side. they have record-setting lack of enthusiasm. they have never had anybody so unen, i mean it is an amazing thing. it is very unenthusiastically endorsed candidate. lou: that's it for us tonight.
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we thank you for being with us. we thank the president for joining us. follow me on twitter @loudobbs. like me on facebook, follow me on instagram @loudobbstonight. good night from s ♪ elizabeth: tonight new questions swirling as former top obama administration officials now begin to testify about the badly bungled trump russia and michael flynn probes. we'll ask general flynn's attorney sidney powell, what did they know, when did they know it and would have any of them done things differently given how declassified government documents show how badly democrats manipulated the fbi and members of the the intelligence community? also this, were abuses of power under the obama administration worse than anyone realizes? did obama officials unmask and do surveillance on four dozen curren


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