tv The Evening Edit FOX Business August 5, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
11:00 pm tomorrow our guests include ken cuccinelli, sara carter and michael pillsbury. we hope you will be with us. thank you for being with us tonight. good night from sussex ♪. president trump: especially from high-risk family members and friends. so important, isolate yourself from high-risk family members and friends. if you're not feeling well. together we will defeat the virus, emerge from this safer and stronger than ever. thanks to the robust federal action in partnership with state and local leaders, new cases of the virus are declining in 80% of the jurisdictions which is an incredible number. the overall test positivity rate is declined by 8% since last week. zero states have seen outbreaks get worse since yesterday. so zero states. we're also continuing to make
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progress in the development of a vaccine. this is something so important. also therapeutics are on the front burner. we're having tremendous, i think we'll let you know very soon, i think long before the end of the year, we're having tremendous success on therapeutics and tremendous success on vaccines. we're ready to deliver them literally as soon as they're okayed. this morning my administration approved one billion dollars for johnson & johnson who has been working very hard. they have something very special, to manufacture and distribute 100 million doses of a china virus vaccine as soon as one is available. and again we think that is going to be soon. we think we will have the vaccines before the end of the year, maybe long before the end of the year. finally today i'm pleased to announce the department of justice has issued $35 million in grants to 73 organizations nationwide providing assistance to human trafficking victims, a
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terrible thing. you think of human trafficking as being an ancient form of crime. it is not. because of the internet. it is a very modern crime all over the world. not just here. all over the world. human trafficking. it is usually in women or women and children but it is, again because of the internet, it is a terrible situation. never been like this. also survivers who face heightened damagers during the pandemic t actually increased during the pandemic. some reasons are obvious and some reasons are less obvious but human trafficking, we're working very, very strongly. the wall is up to 277 miles right now. and it is going up by the end of the year, it will be largely finished, shortly after the end of the year. it has had a tremendous impact, a very positive impact on human trafficking. unbelievable impact, actually. my administration will never rest in our fight against the
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human trafficking. it is one of the most horrific of crimes. and we work very hard on that. with that, we'll take some questions. please. reporter: thank you, mr. president. first of all you said voting by mail is an invitation to fraud. could you lay out and tell us exactly where the evidence is right now that mail-in ballots and nevada in other states will lead to widespread fraud? president trump: if you read "the washington post" had terrible story on mail in and "new york times," many newspapers have had terrible stories. you see them all over the internet. they have just some horrible stories on mail-in ballots. you look at arizona. you don't even have to, as you know, they have a provision where they don't have to check signatures. so you sign it and you could have a totally different signature. it is okay. it won't be approved. they have the right to go seven days after the election for approval. you will not even know who won the state of nevada. reporter: point out, we called
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nevada's secretary of state office elections division, that simply isn't true, mr. president. nevada will check ballot signatures against voter registration cards. it is not -- interest. president trump: that is not what they said they will not check signatures and machinery which is old doesn't allow them to. it will be physically impossible for them to do that especially in a short period of time. in addition you have the november 3rd. election they're allowed to count votes until seven days after the election. so what does that mean? if nevada, which is a big state a great state, a state i like very much, i think we'll do very well there, are we waiting a week after november 3rd if it comes down to nevada, which it could very well? i don't think so. i don't think it is appropriate. so with all of the bundling that you're going to have, with the harvesting you're going to have, with people being sent ballots all over that, that have maybe
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nothing to do with the state anymore, it is a terrible thing. in new york they had the carolyn maloney situation and i criticized it badly over the last two years, two days. i mean i gave it some very, very strong criticism and all of sudden, like a miracle, they just approved the winner. what happened? did the person that was second concede the race even though it was very close and all mixed up? they have a terrible situation in new york with the ballots. you know that. and as soon as i said, well i think you should have a new election because the election obviously they're not going to know what to do, i think you should have a new election, all of sudden they announced a winner. i assume it was her, but they announced a winner. i don't agree with it. did somebody speak to the person on the other side, the opponent in did they do something for the opponent on the other side? take a look at patterson, new jersey, look at many things. it is all over newspapers what is going on with the mail-in
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ballots. they send out millions of ballot, millions of ballots, totally unprepared to do it. they come back in the millions. it is going to be a disaster. i'm doing our country a big favor bringing it up. even from a common sense standpoint, if you look at it out of common sense and pure basic, beautiful, intelligence, you know it can't work. now florida has worked very hard for years and years in developing a system. i'm sure they probably have problems also but absentee ballots are different than mail-in ballots. what you call universal mail-in ballots. much safer. you have to apply for it. you have to do much different things. it's a much better system and a system that can be reasonably accurate there is no system like going to the poll and voting. so i with like to find out why all of sudden out of nowhere in the midst of all of this grief why is it that they approved the
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new york race? why you ask that question. reporter: there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud? president trump: really? reading a different newspaper. go ahead, please. go ahead, please, go. reporter: on coronavirus this thing is going away, it will like things go away. like ongoing cases [inaudible] out of touch with reality? president trump: it will go away like things go away. absolutely. no question in my mind it will go away. hopefully sooner rather than later. reporter: you praised governor ducey handling of -- [inaudible]. one of the things he did was delay the start of public schools opening s that a model that governors in states experiencing hot spots should do as beginning of school -- president trump: i would like to see the schools open. many of the schools, most of the schools will be open. i can say that republican areas want to see them open and democrats probably want to keep
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them closed until after november 3rd because they think it is good for them politically. i don't think it is good for them politically. parents want schools open. they want them open safely. we'll practice strong hygiene and all other things i enumerated many times. we want to see the schools open. reporter: follow governor ducey's model here. what part -- president trump: model, he has done a really good job. he has done a great job. look at numbers, how it dropped. he is a great governor. reporter: in interview this morning, mr. president, you said opening the schools schools are virtually immune from covid-19. children have contracted the virus. >> i'm talking about from getting very sick. look at children they're able to throw it off easily. it is amazing things, some you? s they don't. they get very sick. they have problems with flus and other things. for whatever reason the china virus children handle it very
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well. they may get it but get it and it doesn't have much of an impact on them. if you look at the numbers, the numbers of, in terms of mortality, fatality, the numbers for children under a certain age meaning, young, they're immune systems are very, very strong. they're very powerful and they seem to be able to handle it very well. that is according to every statistic. reporter: mr. president, at least two people connected to kanye west effort to get on the ballot are connected to the republican party. president trump: whose ballot? reporter: kanye west. his wife has issues whether he has mental issues right now. president trump: i don't know about that. who said that? reporter: his wife. said he might be going through a episode. president trump: i like him. he always been very nice to me. kanye westport port are you aware of encouraged anyone in the party to help him get on the ballot? president trump: not at all.
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not at all. other than i get along with him. i like his wife. his wife recommended certain people as you know for, including alice johnson, a fantastic woman. his wife recommended certain people to get out of prison. they were in prison for a long time. a long, long time. and should have never happened and, i took what she said very strongly, kim kardashian. and has a good heart, a very good heart. i like kanye very much. no i have nothing to do with him getting on the ballot. we'll see what happens. if he gets own the ballot but i'm not involved. reporter: mr. president, i wanted to ask you, the group of republican senators are backing $25 billion in payroll assistance to keep the airlines, being able to pay their payroll. do you endorse that plan? president trump: republican senators? reporter: republican senators want to go ahead with $25 billion for airlines to keep
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their payrolls going. president trump: if they need it. some businesses doing better than they would normally, we know what their businesses are. obviously the airline business is not doing well. shutdowns all over the world. airlines are essentially shut down. some airlines are doing modest, best they're doing is modest. i think it is very important we keep the airlines going. there will be good times very soon i hope. we don't want to lose our airlines. so if they're looking at that, whether they're republican or democrat i would be certainly in favor. we can't lose our transportation system. yes, go ahead. reporter: ask you too on, been some question about your comments yesterday saying that it was an attack and that you heard from military officials that there was, you know, an explosion. president trump: i can tell you whatever happened it is terrible. they don't really know what it is. nobody knows yet. at this moment, they're looking, how can you say accident? somebody was, left, some
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terrible explosive type devices and things around perhaps, perhaps, it was that. perhaps it was an attack. i don't think anybody can say right now. we're looking into it very strongly. right now, some people think it was an attack and some people think it wasn't. in any event it was terrible even and lot of people were killed and tremendous number of people were badly wounded, injured. and we're standing with, with that country. you know we have a very good relationship with that country but it's a country under a lot of turmoil. a lot of problems. but we stand with them. reporter: spokes earlier today that you are considering using the white house as the venue for your nomination speech. senator john thune questioned whether or not that is actually legal, given the hatch act. is this something that you would get clearance for? president trump: john thune, republican john thune? oh. okay. it is legal. there is no hatch act because it
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doesn't pertain to the president. but if i used the white house, we save tremendous amounts of money for the government in terms of security, traveling. if we go to another state or some other location the amount of money is, you know very enormous so that is something to consider also. i think it would be a very convenient location. it would be by far the least expensive location. that would be very little in terms of that tremendous traveling security with airplanes and everybody flying all over the place. so i think it would be a very convenient idea. something that we threw out. it would be very cost-conscious by comparison to any other location. yeah, please. reporter: yeah. your son don, jr., tweeted yesterday asking you to direct the epa to reject the pebble mine in bristol bay, alaska. it is a giant copper and gold mine and -- president trump: reject it in what way? reporter: reject the
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construction. the army corps of engineers two weeks ago suggested it would be okay to proceed with the project but people like your son saying it would be harmful to fisheries. president trump: i have listened to both sides. i don't know the argument yet but i have listened to both sides. my son has strong opinions. very much of an environmentalist. he was very impress what we did yesterday. that is one of the great environmental bills, beyond that ever signed since, since, well, i guess overone one years if you think about it. it has been a long time. but i will look at both sides of it. i had heard about it. i will be, i understand they're going to be doing a briefing sometime over the next 48 hours. it is going very quickly. i have done a lot for alaska. it's a special place. anwr was one thing, the cold highway, whatever the new name is, whatever the old name is, we're getting approvals for tremendous highway that has been
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sought for 40 years. they have been trying to get it approved. i'm getting it approved. we've done a lot for alaska. it is a special place and i will take a look at that. it is interesting. yeah, please. reporter: thank you, mr. president. two brief questions. first, your administration has praised ambulance drivers, the ambulance service for their role dealing with the coronavirus. president trump: sure. reporter: recently there has been scuttlebutt that the ambulance associations drivers and all have not been fully reimbursed for the work they're doing. they said they are owed $2.89 billion and they have only received 300 million from the provider relief fund. president trump: not 300 billion. 300 million? reporter: provider relief fund at hhs. are you going to look into this? president trump: i will.
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just heard of it for the version time. the ambulance people have done incredible job, doctors, nurses, front line workers, law enforcement has been incredible. the military, fema. i could name almost every group. i can't tell you of a group that has done poorly, but ambulance people, it is a tough job too. very dangerous job. tough job. i will certainly look into it. you tell me something for the first time, nobody is complaining about not getting paid too much but we'll take a look at the ambulance drivers. reporter: the other thing, secretary esper said today that based on what he had heard the incident in beirut, he felt was an accident. now he disagreed with you on other things before. do you have any comment about his remarks? president trump: whatever he, if that is what he heard, i heard it both ways too. i heard accident. i have heard, you know,
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explosives and obviously must have been some form of explosives, whether it was a bomb intentionally set up, it ended up being a bomb. i heard it both ways t could have been an accident. it could also been something very offensive. i wouldn't be very happy with that. reporter: you have no problem with him? reporter: mr. president, even if you just had suspicion the beirut explosion is a bomb, do you have any plans pertaining to u.s. assets in the region, for example? how are you looking into this? president trump: we're working very closely with the government and working very closely with many different agencies including the military. we will be able to figure it out. we probably already figured it out. thank you very much. [reporters asking questions] elizabeth: that is president trump wrapping up his press conference, administration response to covid-19 pushing back on questions, challenging that the president's position there is problems with mail-in
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ballots with voter fraud. talking about the attack, he said it was an attack in beirut, lebanon. pentagon chief says seemed like accidental explosion. ammonium nitrate was stored at facility. questions pouring in on that. we'll stay with the president, and developments coming out of the press conference. we will move to this story. questions are pouring on top obama official sally yates. she today faced a grilling from senate judiciary about her role in the botched trump rush that probe and general michael flynn. the she criticizes former fbi director james comey in the handling of these probes. watch this. >> i was upset that director comey didn't coordinate that with us. and acted unilaterally. yes i was. >> did comey go rogue? >> you could use that term, yes. >> finally. elizabeth: okay. joining me now, house
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intelligence committee ranking republican, he is congressman devin nunes. great to have you on, congressman. your reaction to that? >> well, there is a lot of fingerpointing. that is what i would say. it is pretty clear that i thought senator graham did a nice job of explaining that on january 4th, the agents that were in charge of the flynn investigation had decided that there was nothing more to do to investigate general flynn. and remember, this was an exhaustive, six-month investigation that had begun in july of 2016. and then we know about the emails, the communications that went on, and there is white house meaning on the 5th. joe biden is there. it es still unclear to me who on earth brought up the logan act and the idea that sally yates, deputy attorney general would be talking about the logan act, even when senator graham pushed her on the question whether or
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not if he as a senator calls israel and says this is not in the best interests, this obama poll is not in the best interests of the united states or of israel, would he be violating the logan act? and essentially she said possibly. this is a law that has never been used. we can go on and on about this, liz, just another point that was brought up, bruce ohr, her deputy, basically running like shadow campaign between the clinton campaign, his wife working for clinton, helping on the steele dossier. he is meeting with all the fusion gps guys, he is running stuff for the state department, the guy is still working there. let's not forget that. but 2018s is oblivious to this. this is the most oblivious deputy attorney general in u.s. history. elizabeth: yeah. that is the issue. critics are saying, yates cannot be believed given the timeline. let's back up. flynn talks to the russian
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ambassador in gait 2016 advising don't do tit-for-tat retaliations against obama's new sanctions on russia. we need you russia, on isis. obama wants to know why didn't russia retaliate against my sanctions. so administration officials under obama unmasked general flynn. he is talking to the russian ambassador. the fbi on january 4th. wants to close the case on flynn. nothing there on flynn. can yates be believed that obama's oval office meeting on january 5th was just there to get information on general flynn? biden was talking about the logan act using that against general flynn. obama pulls yates, comey, aside, even though i'm not supposed to be directing the investigation. put right people on it. make sure you have the right people on the flynn investigation. right people, fbi agents like peter strzok who went after flynn. can sally yates really be believed here? did republicans really hold her feet to the fire?
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>> let's take can yates be believed. talk about what is not believable, what is not believable she had no clue, she is totally oblivious had paid for this dossier. she claims she read the fisa application. she signed the application. this is a big deal. opening up an investigation into the trump campaign and getting, going to federal court and getting a fisa warrant, she had no know about crossfire hurricane, the investigation. in october, right before the election they're going in to spy on a trump campaign associate. this is really big deal, for her to be oblivious, we didn't really know who paid for it at the time, then on january 4th, the fbi, basically they want to wash their hands, the actual investigators want to wash their hands. they had to have known about this, about this phone call with kislyak. so who generate this is well
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idea of the logan act? why do they keep this open? and look -- elizabeth: so here's the question, i want to ask this, should obama, should obama and biden be called in to testify? i know a.g. barr said he is not going to do that because it certainly looks likes obama and biden were deeper into this, according government documents and media reporting. i hear what you're saying. sally yates now says she is shocked about the justice department watchdog report showing fbi abuses of fisa court, deceived the fisa court, misled the fisa court, didn't disclose how fully they were using the steele dossier. that democrats paid for it. hillary clinton campaign funded it. hillary clinton campaign was using trump research to contest the 2016 election. stuart evans, office of intelligence at justice department knew there were problems that democrats were funding this. somehow sally yates didn't they any of this. how is the sally yates, when she
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signed those fbi fisa wiretaps, she is saying comey going rogue? why? the question, how and why did you not know? >> i think when you look at this, they clearly don't like comey because comey seemed to be, i think that is the right description, he did go rogue quite often. he was going to be fired. don't forget hillary clinton was going to fire comey if she had won. probably in retrospect trump should have fired him off the bat. that wouldn't have been the only problem. yates and this whole cabal involved in the january 5th meeting that allowed mccabe and company to okay the interview general flynn had at the beginning of the trump administration. let's not be fooled here. one of the biggest mistakes in all of this, general flynn should have never been fired. going back in time, it is hard, nobody knows who is telling the truth but president trump at the time and the vice president should have known that something
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really smelled here. you know they knew that nobody was -- elizabeth: why was obama, why was obama, why was obama and biden, why were they having oval office meeting on january this about general flynn. why? why have the meeting at all when the fbi was going to close the case. i want to get to the sound bite, rod rosenstein, who succeeded sally yates as deputy acting attorney general, he also testified he would not have approved those fisa wiretaps that the fbi got from the court. let's watch this sound bite with sally yates here. watch this. >> did you read the horowitz report, miss yates? >> [inaudible] >> were you shocked by it? >> i certainly was shocked, yes. >> does it bother you the fisa court rebuked the department of justice and the fbi regarding the carter page warrant application? >> senator, i believe that the department of justice and the fbi have a duty of capped door
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with the fisa court -- >> do you believe they fulfilled that duty? >> no, i do not believe they did. >> knowing then what you know now, would you have signed that application? >> senator, i would never sign any document -- >> i take that to be no? because that document was a fraud? is that a fair statement, if you knew then what you know now, you wouldn't have signed it? >> i wouldn't sign anything that i knew to contain errors or omission. >> well, did that contain errors and omissions? >> i would never knowingly sign the document. elizabeth: okay. so, congressman, you see, still the run around. i mean, i think people out there watching this and studying this say, you know, republicans keep saying they want to get to the bottom of this, get to the bottom of this. here's the issue. there was opposition research funded by democrats that made its way into the fbi to spy on an opposition campaign, period. everybody agrees, don't have russian meddling, stop russian
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me he had link, stop russian interference. stop. that this changed into something else basically tran guesses americans peel about this country this is about independence. not being spied on by a opposition political party. how did that happen where the hillary clinton campaign funds opposition research, it gets into the fbi, it is used to get fisa wiretaps meant for terrorists to spy on people like carter page, how does that happen? >> i think you missed one thing in your assessment. what the fbi and sally yates and everybody was concerned about, supposedly the trump campaign colluding with russians, they were doing it and the fbi knew that steele had questionable sources and that likely this information could have been coming from the russians themselves. and that's the problem that sums up all of this. that they accuse the trump administration, or the trump campaign doing exactly what they were doing.
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elizabeth: yeah. and should be noted christopher steele testified in a british court he was paid to dig up this information on president then candidate trump in order for hillary clinton to contest the 2016 election in case she lost. congressman nunes, thanks for being on. thanks for your insights. come back soon. >> my pleasure. elizabeth: coming up later in the show we'll dig into this story. susan rice her credibility called into question again. she is believed to be one of joe biden's choices for vice president again. kelly armstrong from house judiciary breaks down government documents that undercut the former obama national security advisor and her statements on the trump-russia probe. that story coming up. ♪
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great to see you back on, hogan. let's talk about mail-in ballots. is the 2020 election going to get lost in the mail, because postal service union workers saying there are delays. we saw delays in number of primaries last night. michigan, delays in mail in vote. not so state of the art and cinematically picture-perfect as media and democrats suggest. your thoughts? >> absolutely. most people won't even trust the postal service for a greeting card for granny especially with their own vote. trying to do with installation of system democrats pushing for, universal mail-in balloting, they're trying to change it three months away from an election. this system is the rife with potential for fraud, cheating abuse. nevada is a great example of that. let's be clear, some of the most popular attractions in nevada are their casinos. if you want to go gamble your
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money, that's fine. democrats are gambling our future, passing a dangerous bill that allows people to vote in an election after the election is over. thankfully we're on to this scam. we caught it. we'll fight like hell to stop it. the american people deserve a fair and free election. that is not what this system will give them. elizabeth: yeah, the new nevada law accepts mail in vote comes in three days after with no postmark. mayoral contests were invalidated in illinois because of problems with absentee ballots. which are different you need to get state approval on them. i want to ask you this, "the new york times" in 2012 noted problem with mail-in ballots in states like florida. they are rejected at twice the rate. have twice the problems than they have with people who actually show up to vote. now "the times" and media pushing mail-in ballots. people get citing the lower, you
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know, instances of voter fraud. they are missing the bigger picture. "the times" cited an mit study 1/5 of ballots by mail fail. your reaction. >> democrats say we have to have fraud happen before we work to stop it. that is completely unacceptable. we have seen instances of fraud across this country. president trump was in briefing room talking about new jersey. 20% of votes kicked out automatically because of problems there. we've seen hundreds of thousands of votes not counted in california as well. this is happening everywhere. we're six weeks past a primary in new york. in two congressional districts. we still don't know who won. this is the type of thing, we can expect to happen on a large-scale if democrats have their way. they understand if this election is free and if this election is fair, donald trump is going to win. so what they are trying to do is cook the books and allow states
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across this country to continue to allow votes to come in after election day. they're already suing in 10 states to do that. it is always interesting, democrats project on to republicans the very thing they themselves are guilty of actually doing. they have changed the date of the election in many states across this country because they want to cook the outcome and protect joe biden. elizabeth: yeah. they're talking about election week. switch gears to this. remember earlier this summer when joe biden spot upset with fox news doug mckelway. he was asking about possible cognitive decline with joe biden. let's listen to this exchange. watch this. >> some have speculated -- >> you're a lying dog face. >> that you are subject to some degree of cognitive decline. i'm 65. i don't have word recollection i used to have. i forget my train of thought from time to time. you have got 12 years on me, sir. have you been tested for some
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degree of cognitive decline? >> i have been, constantly tested. look, all i got to do is watch me and i can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man i'm running against. elizabeth: okay. so joe biden said that in june, that he has been quote, constantly, repeatedly tested for cognitive decline. today looks like joe biden did a 108. look at what critics call his latest flip-flop. watch this. >> have you taken a cognitive test? >> no, i haven't taken the test. why the hell would i take a test? come on, man. like saying before you got on this program you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not, what do you think, huh? are you a junkie? i'm so forward-looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president and debates. there are going to be plenty of time. by the way, as i joked with him,
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you know, i shouldn't say it, i will say something i probably shouldn't say. anyway, i am, i am very willing to let the american public judge my physical and mental, my physical as well as my mental fitness. elizabeth: okay. you know joe widen is human being. he deserves respect if there are issues there there is flip-flop. he was saying he was frequently tested. now he is not. your reaction? >> his unscripted moments are problem enough for democrats. when americans see him without a teleprompter or heavy editing you see what you just saw. you hear arizona is a great city. children luff to rub my leg hair. things joe biden said. what i am concerned what he has done with policy. he embraced the far left socialist agenda with everything. as we're trying to come out of this coronavirus pandemic and get our economy back working, he
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is embracing the socialist agenda of higher taxes, to the tune of $4 trillion. flooding the job market will legal immigrants as he will push for amnesty as well. all these things are problematic for joe biden. democrats know it. one of the reasons he stays down in his hidey-hole most of the time. when he pops up, all he does is make mistakes but exposes himself for the radical candidate he has becomes and how he takes this country into a horrific place. elizabeth: hogan, thanks for joining us. come back soon. >> thanks so much. elizabeth: coming up, heisman trophy winner, nfl legend herschel walker will join us and what got him to question why players in the nfl, wnba, major league baseball are kneeling in protest at the national anthem? it is what rioters in portland were doing, that got herschel
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your bank is virtually any place. so visit ♪. elizabeth: welcome back. heisman trophy winner, nfl football legend herschel walker said he got upset watching rioters in portland burning copies of the bible and the american flag and it prompted him to question why players and athletes in the nfl, nba, the wnba, major league baseball are kneeling in protest at the national anthem? look who is here. herring shell walker joins us now in a evening edit exclusive. great to have you on, sir. you're questioning why pro sports players are kneeling in protest at the anthem? is that what is going on? >> you know i asked the question, why are they kneeling, why are they not standing. you're supposed to stand for the national anthem.
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why are they kneeling? i said let's get together, talk about it and come to a resolution how to fix it, and not just kneel. because after i watched, someone holding a blm sign burning the bible and burning the flag and then a cross, that sort of heat me to my core. what i mean by that, first of all i love the lord jesus and i don't think you should tap on anyone's religion. second of all, i love the united states of america. that's where i live, and burning a cross goes right back to the slave days. and i said, so why would you want to stand for something that has got blm on it. i'm not sure whether it is the organization or whether, what they're standing for is a cause they say, the thing is, why are we not talking about it, trying to solve it, rather than our protesting about it. because these protests are not what you call peaceful protests.
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when you graffiti all over everything, police officers are being hurt. i'm not sure how you call it a peaceful protest. elizabeth: you know, we're wondering in your opinion, do you see a cultural shift? act leasts athletes are calling to fans, enough is enough. we're not going to kneel during the national anthem. we'll not kneel during the national flag. orlando's jonathan isaac stood for the national anthem. he recently stood at a game in support of flag at brooklyn nets game. now his basketball jersey soared second in place only to lebron james. national hockey players at the rangers game with the carolina hurricanes. both the teams stood. drew brees, the quarterback for the new orleans saints, he will remain standing because people died for the flag. he wants to honor those who sacrificed for our country and
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their families as well. is there is cultural shift here or do you think there is? >> i'm not sure a cultural shift. let's go to some elderly people ask them what they feel going on. me as young people sometimes are misdirected. i think we may be misdirected, because i'm not saying black lives matter is not important because it is very important but all lives matter. is it just certain black lives matter? i think all plaque lives matter but american lives matter. at the same time i asked, do you stand for the organization because as i was looking at the organization i saw something that said act blue. that is one thing. i wanted to donate but when i saw act blue, i said wait a minute, that is divisive. i want to solve problems and you don't solve problems by being divisive. that is what i thought that blm, the organization stood for and i said, no, i can't stand for
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that. i want to bring people together. so i love to sit down with my athletic, not athletic brothers but my athletic owners. i think owners want to do things throwing on players, players may be going along with they may not even agree. because of cultural pressure, they're kneeling and they don't really want to kneel because you have people today that want to speak out because they're afraid to speak out. elizabeth: that is interesting. >> you think about it, you know today -- elizabeth: go ahead. >> go ahead. elizabeth: yeah, do you know of players who are feeling cultural pressure to kneel? have you spoken to coaches about that? which coaches do you plan to talk to? >> well, you know, i love to talk to all of them and the reason i would love to talk to them, i said we have to communicate. why we're not communicating? because what is, what is it that can be the solution? you know, we're kneeling.
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we say we want, what is the solution that you can come to an understanding? because i think that is a key right there, what is the solution to come to an understanding? i think a lot of the owners, commissioners, jumped on, let's get it done. they put, we're going to do this and do that, but did they even stop to think what do blm really stands for? what does it stand for? black lives matter, that is a great cause, it is a wonderful cause. american lives matter but when you start going into the organization seeing what it really, really stands for is that what the nfl owners, that what the nba owners, is that what the commissioner really want to stand behind? you know, it is a separation. and you know, i'm not, and you know this is so, so important. we have the remember, we're in the united states of america. people have a right to decide and they have a right to decide what they want to do. so i'm just questioning it but you don't get upset, you don't get upset because someone may
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disagree. so why are you questioning right now someone want to stand for the national anthem? elizabeth: i hear what you're saying. >> if you don't believe in it. elizabeth: there is push back against, there is pushback against black lives matter for what they stand for. they stand for things like the community should raise a child, not parents. so there has been criticisms of what they stand for, herschel. your final word on that? by the way, i want to move on to this. football legend coach mike ditka he would bench, if he was still coaching he would bench players who kneel at the anthem and at the flag. your reacting to benching players? >> well you know, i love coach ditka. he is old school. what my thing is, you have the right to decide but the problem you have is you're in a uniform with that team. you know, when kaepernick first kneeled i wasn't upset because he was kneeling, he had a right to kneel.
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my problem i asked the question about, you're kneeling in in san francisco 49ers uniform. so is san francisco 49ers okay with your kneeling in their uniform protesting? and, you do have the right to protest. and that was a question i asked. elizabeth: got it. herschel, thank you so much for joining us. really appreciate it. >> you're very welcome. thank you. elizabeth: herschel walker. coming up. kelly armstrong, good to see you. kelly armstrong from judiciary, will undercut susan rice's comments. she is in the running for the she is in the running for the veep with she is in the running for the veep with ♪ ♪ we've always put safety first. ♪ ♪ and we always will. ♪ ♪ for people. ♪ ♪
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♪ elizabeth: welcome back. susan rice is believed to be one of joe biden's choices for vice president but again questions about her credibility. susan rice testified under oath in 2017 that as president obama's national security advisor she quote, was not privy to the fbi's trump-russia probe. did not have information about it. did not know about it. former fbi director james comey never briefed her about it. james comey testified that rice,
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james comey told the justice department, inspector watchdog, the inspector general, that in fact rice was at a meeting where he briefed barack obama about the trump-russia probe in august 2016. just weeks after the fbi launched its crossfire hurricane investigation. welcome kelly armstrong from house judiciary. congressman. great to have you on. why is susan rice denying knowing about the trump-russia probe when clearly documents show otherwise, that she did know? >> well, i think it is the same as what we saw today in the house testimony, and that is just everybody, apparently now we're going to blame james comey and nobody else will take any responsibility for it because that seems to be the convenient way to handle all of this. elizabeth: you know, former fbi director james comey, let me dig into this, he told the inspector general for the justice department, that he quote did mention to president obama and susan rice and john brennan and
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james clammer at a meeting in the situation room just a month or so after they launched crossfire hurricane, that there were some individuals on the trump campaign that might have connections to russia. so comey said rice was at this meeting but then, susan rice also attends that oval office meeting in january 2017 with james comey, talking about you know, russia, talking about michael flynn, and more. so, the question is, there have been instances where susan rice has said things which are easily disproved by documents. why is that going on? >> you know, you would have to ask her that. but that is exactly right. they had the [inaudible]. she sent the by the book email on january 20th which is really interesting email, minutes after president trump got sworn in but only reason you send that email, it is just, it's a blatant cya email.
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i don't know why she continues to say this, because as you said, this is easily debunked. i think there is a reason we're kind of the rooting for her to be the vice-presidential pick. elizabeth: is she covering up for barack obama? >> well, we know somebody at the january 5th meeting mentioned the logan act which is interesting since it never has been prosecuted. james comey talked about the logan act. we know that they continue to say general flynn lied when both fbi agents stated after the interview they didn't think he lied. there is obviously a concerted effort to diffuse blame at the top and, i mean right now, james comey is the whipping boy, but that will continue to go. i mean there are obviously i think she is covering up -- covering up for anybody. elizabeth: president trump obama at the oval office meeting early january 2017 said to comey at that meeting, put the right people on it, according to government documents. meaning put the right fbi agents
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on michael flynn. eventually was peter strzok. susan rice denied to judy woodruff on pbs in the 2017 knowing about unmasking, knowing about the exposure of trump team members and regular intelligence and u.s. documents. she denied knowing about that. declassified documents, susan rice directly requested unmasking trump team members. she has issues about veracity about benghazi. is she the right choice for the vice-presidential pick. >> absolutely not. not for the country. as we move forward, that is one of the most important things came out the attorney general barr in judiciary, despite all the noise and rhetoric, yelling at him, one of the things i think was the most important takeaway where he is told the committee he has a separate investigator investigating the numerous unmaskings of michael flynn. if i was susan rice i would be nervous about that as well. elizabeth: congressman, great to have you on.
12:00 am
thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. i'm elizabeth macdonald. you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. thank you so much for watching. join us tomorrow night. we hope you have a good >> ♪ we're all so beautiful ♪ you're so sexy >> what not to wear... >> ♪ work it, work it >> ...and who wore it best? [ indistinct shouting ] >> hollywood's first fashion cop... >> i said she looks like prince valiant in a panty girdle. >> ...catches stars in his dragnet. >> the worst-dressed list caused more of a fury than anything that i can remember. >> now his heir wants success for the dress. >> you know what, harlan? let's let them get into their underwear. >> what?! >> what?! >> ...and have a look. >> ♪ work it [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]
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