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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  August 7, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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mammals that are -- noaa also notes that the use of culling seals would be unprecedented. connell? connell: what a story. molly, thank you. have a great weekend, everybody. thank you, lauren. "lou dobbs tonight" starts -- david: good evening, everybody. i'm david asman in for the vacationing lou dobbs. the rioting, arson, looting and the violence that has destroyed parts of portland, oregon, appeared to show no signs of slowing down. city officials bracing for another weekend of violence after a 70th straight night of clashes between left-wing anarchists and law enforcement. insurrectionists throwing glass bottles, rocks and paint at police, severely injuring at least one officer. vandals once again attempting to set fire to a police precinct. and members of the mob targeting elderly people as they attempted to thwart the violence. an elderly woman using a walker
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seen here coveredded by the mob with paint. police officers making several arrests last night including one case involving someone with a loaded gun. president trump threatening more federal action yesterday if the riots do not end. >> these are the people that you're dealing with. if i didn't send in the troops, if i didn't send in the great people from homeland security, you'd have courthouses, post offices and everything else burned down, blown up. and we may send in something else because, you know what in they've been rioting now for 70 days. david: meanwhile, portland's democrat mayor ted wheeler who was rejected and booed by the violent mob last week once embraced the antifa thugs, now he's accusing them of attempted murder. but are wheeler's concerns truly genuine or are they guided by the left's hatred for president trump? >> don't think for a moment that you are, if you're participating
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in this activity that you are not being a prop for the re-election campaign of donald trump. because you absolutely are. you are creating the b-roll film that will be used in addeds nationally -- ads nationally to help donald trump during his campaign. you don't want to be part of that, don't show up. david: customs and border protection commissioner mark morgan today reacting to wheeler's partisan viewpoint. >> at first he was blaming the federal presence for the violence, and now that's shifted to local police, now he's still blaming the president for these thugs what they're doing in portland. it's unbelievable. i think the majority of the american people see past this. david: and the american people have also seen the result of the radical policies pushed by the democrats running america's largest cities. the dems continue to demean police officers, pushing to defund departments all over the country. one of joe biden's potential vp
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picks, congresswoman karen bass, refusing to denounce the defund police movement, branding it as a, quote, refund the communities movement. the trump administration throwing more support behind law enforcement, expanding their operation legend into both st. louis and memphis. as president trump continues to stand up for law enforcement, he's also guiding the country towards the great american comeback. the labor department today reporting 1.8 million jobs created in july. that beat expectations. under the president's leadership, the country has added 9.3 million jobs since the height of the china virus pandemic in april. the unemployment rate also showing signs of recovery falling to 10.2%. today's report also showing unemployment falling once again for black, hispanic, asian and female workers. wages rising, meanwhile, 4.8%
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year other year -- year-over-year, and big gapes last month in manufacturing, retail and the leisure and hospitality sectors. joining me now to take up today's report, labor secretary eugene scalia. secretary, good to see you again, thanks for being here. it is remarkable that in just three months we have recovered well over 40% of the jobs that were lost because of the pandemic. that's a pretty good record. >> it's been a really very strong run, david. and much better than people were projecting back in march and april. and we've now had the three strongest months on record for creating new jobs, you know? as you say, adding up to 9.3 million over that period of time. the 1.8 million this month is notable in part because it was a hard month in some places. three of our largest states had to tighten up a little bit on the reopening because they were
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seeing a rise in cases, that's california, texas and florida. and yet despite a bit of a setback i think we had in those states, nationally we still continued to add jobs and get unemployment really on the cusp of 10%. people were asking me earlier in the year when might we see 10% unemployment again, you know? when, next year? i said, i think we can get there this year, but even i was not projecting we would be on the verge of that by now. now, there is work to do, a lot of people still to get back to work, but it's great headway. david: is there a possibility that the renewed lockdowns in some areas of the country -- you mentioned the spike of cases in california -- that they may show up in next month's unemployment figures to the negative side for the economy? >> well, let me say first, david, it's just important that we all continue to take seriously the precautions that
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the task force and public health authorities have been giving with respect to distancing, hygiene, masks in many circumstances and the like. we got a warning in those states. too many lives were lost there. and so we have to continue to be disciplined. but my hope is that states to the north of those that have had those problems have taken a lesson from that, are going to be more careful with the opening, and i think we could have a very strong august if we heed that lesson. david: forgive me. unlike in march and april when there was a consensus at least certainly among democratic governors that you had to completely lock down the economy, just stop it, a dead stop, now americans, i think, are convinced. even in some of the blue states, that that we can, americans are smart enough and determined enough and innovative enough to figure out a way of coping with the virus in a sensible and responsible way and keeping the economy open. don't you think? >> absolutely.
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we're not going to lock down again. we can reopen safely. it does take certain precautions. but with those precautions, we can do it. and the alternative is just unacceptable from a health perspective among others. we know that the health consequences of prolonged shutdowns grave, and we're now seeing that it's eminently possible to reopen safely, bring more people back to work. and, you know, as i look at the job insurance numbers we had toe way, i do see a number of sectors where we have the opportunity to bring hundreds of thousands back to work in the months ahead. health care, for example, there's still 800,000 fewer jobs, but that's a glowing sector of the economy -- growing sector of the economy. more than 80% of the people who lost their jobs in the last few months still say they think it's a temporary job loss. 80%. that's encouraging too. david: it is, but there are still a lot of folks unemployed in america, far too many, and
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there are efforts to help them. of course, you have the federal unemployment assistance program, it's on top of the state unemployment checks. it's now $600. a lot of people argue that that's too much, that a lot of people are getting paid more than they got for working, and that shouldn't be. but the president wants to continue it since it ran out this week. and apparently, democrats are too involved in playing political games than at least go along in this one effort to really help americans. the president may, in fact, use an executive order in order to continue with that program. larry kudlow talked about it earlier today. let's play that tape. >> i believe he will. as i said, the legal drafting is complete. we've had intense discussions about this in the last several days. i don't want to make a prediction, it's up to him to inform the public if he's satisfied with the work that's been done. there's a whole variety of issues and federal powers that
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are at the president's disposal, and he will use them, you can bet on it. david: so, secretary, larry says you can bet on it. we've heard that as early as this evening we may see signs of an executive order and that. what do you know? >> well, what i know, first, that this president has been extraordinary in creating jobs for the american people, and that is going to continue to be his top priority. but second, we do recognize that there are millions of americans that remain unemployed, and we want to help them. you know, back during the great recession 10, 12 years ago, $25 a week was the federal supplement to what the states gave. what the president proposed and the senate republicans proposed was $200 a week. and they also said while we negotiate, let's leave the $600 in place for another week. the democrats said no way. so they stopped that $600-a-week benefit last week. and the president's going to step in here and help the up
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employed -- unemployed americans if the senate democrats continue to block this. larry's right, there's careful look being given at executive order because the president is determined to help the people who remain unemployed by one means or another. day david very quickly, will we see that kind of executive order if there's no deal before the end of the weekend? >> i think it's, i think it's very possible, david. david: secretary eugene scalia, great to see you again. coming up next, jerry nadler and the gang get some help harassing president trump from the judicial branch. we'll take that up and more with judicial watch president tom fitton. and we'd also like to promote lou's new book, "the trump century: how our president changed the course of history forever." order your copy or copies at, amazon bomb and barnes & noble -- and ve you.
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only with xfinity mobile. call, click or visit a store today. david: breaking news, the president tweeting moments ago about the china virus in talks with the democrats. quote: pelosi and schumer only interested in bailout money for poorly-run democrat cities and states, nothing to do with china virus. want $1 trillion. no interest. we are going a different way,
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end quote. and we also have breaking news on this, a leading senate rino is breaking with president trump on mail-in voting. senate majority whip john thune says he is unconcerned about potential vote fraud. thune telling reporters he doesn't agree with the president that mail-in balloting is going to lead to massive voter fraud or a rig ared election. and more political activism from the judicial branch. the u.s. court of appeals in d.c. ruling that house judiciary democrats have legal standing to sue the trump administration and enforce a subpoena for former white house counsel don mcgahn. the court overturning a decision made earlier this year by a three-judge panel that determined the committee did not, did not have authority to force mcgahn to testify. joining me now tom fitton, his new book, "a republic under assault: the left's ongoing attack on american freedom," is available for preorder, and you
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better get it quick, because they are going like hot cakes. tom, great to see you. thanks for coming in, appreciate it. john thune, let me first talk about him. contradicting the president on mail-in voting. does he not realize what happened in new york where 20% -- actually, it was 21% of the ballots that were mailed in had to be disqualified for one reason or another. clearly a fifth of the electorate being disqualified in such a way shows that there are obvious signs offer e regularities, if not outright fraud. >> well, there are two issues with this. 43 million ballots are going to be mailed without anyoning canning for -- anyone asking for it -- david: that's a done deal, that's going to happen? >> that's going to happen. people are going to get those ballots whether they ask for
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them or not. a percentage of them are going to be thrown out because signature ises don't match, they get there too late, they're challenged for other reasons, and many of them will never get there at all a because the postal service is the postal service. in 2016 319,000 absentee mail ballots were thrown out. we can expect multiples of that this year. and i'm afraid we won't even be able to count them all given what happened in new york. so rather than pretending that mail-in ballots are a panacea here, we should recognize it to be a threat to free and fair elections and encourage americans to vote in person. i'm concerned, frankly, leftists should be concerned, those on the right should be concerned, democrats and republicans, because it's not just the presidency at stake. you have all these other races that are going to be thrown up in the air because they're the unable to actually even count the ballots coming in. and forget about the ballot harvesting opportunity -- david: oh, yeah.
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>> -- that are going to be out there because of this 43 million swamp in the mail with all those -- david: tom, one thing you didn't mention is the time that it takes even under the best of circumstances. in new york it took two months to get these things -- it wasn't reofed. you had the unresolved question about what happened to over 20% of the votes, but two months -- it was 20 years ago, a lot of us still remember like it was yesterday what happened with the bush/gore situation. that went on and went all the way to the supreme court. i mean, that's what we're in for, right? >> yeah. i was -- we were, judicial watch was counting ballots, doing an audit of that election and found fraud. in california, people don't understand this, in california they are prepping, they are going to count ballots at least 17 days after the election. that's their rule. and they're swamping the mail with ballots there. i'm concerned, david, that the
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election is going to be swamped, our election system's going to be swatched, the mails are going to be -- swamped. we won't know who won, it will go to the house, it will go to the senate, you'll have congress get involved and decide in the end who won, and that's not necessarily the person who actually should have won based on an honest accounting. this is an awful situation, unprecedented in american history. david: you know, by the way, i should let the audience know that judicial watch has done an enormous amount of research into voter fraud and what's going to happen with the mail-in votes, so we are indebted to you for that. i want to talk briefly because there are two other issues i want to get to, a d.c. court of appeals overturning a three-judge panel that decided that you cannot bring don mcgahn in for questioning in front of jerry nadler and his judiciary committee, but that was overturned. so what's the status of that? >> well, they're going to fight over whether to now question
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mcgahn. it's not the fight isn't over, it just dose to a lower court -- goes to a lower court again. and your viewers shouldn't get distracted by the legal back and forth, they should focus on the fact the house hasn't given up their dreams of impeaching president trump. david: that's exactly what it is. >> they're looking to see, hey, maybe we can get mcgahn in and see what he'll say, and maybe we can get -- david: impeachment number two, three or four, whatever this is. all right, i've got one more issue which is susan rice because, again, judicial watch has stepped in and got her to to answer some questions. very interesting answers, i thought, on things like men gauze su. remember that -- benghazi. remember that extraordinary sunday morning when she appeared on just about every sunday news show e to suggest a video caused a well-planned terrorist attack. she said she doesn't recall, right? >> yeah. she gave us answers under oath
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in writing, she said she e couldn't recall who gave her the talking points for that episode of lies about benghazi. she can't recall meeting after the attack with her colleagues at the united nations and state department. she didn't recall much, i think it was 18 i can't recalls. it's that type of answer that hillary clinton gave us 25 times i don't recall in answers to us that a court said, you know what? she hats to come in and -- she has to come in and testify under oath, and now she's appealing that. but susan rice is not only involved in obamagate scandal, she cut her teeth on benghazi. david: tom fitton, we are indebted to you, i really mean it. thank you very much for being here tonight. appreciate it. we'd like to hear your thoughts. share your comments. follow lou on twitter @loudobbs like him on facebook, and follow him on instagram @loudobbstonight. lou will be back on monday, by the way, he doesn't take long say a occasions, and his special guest on monday will be vice president mike pence.
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be sure to join us for that. coming up next, house speaker nancy pelosi suffering somewhat of a meltdown after being challenged by a member of the left-wing national media. the washington times' charlie hurt joining us with that and a lot more right after a break. d. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those. so, what's in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different.
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♪ ♪ david: president trump is keeping american jobs in america. the federally-owned tennessee valley authority rehiring 100 american tech workers whose jobs were being outsourced. the move made additional just three days after the president fired the chairman of the tva's board. president trump's actions putting an end to one outsourcing is scheme when 16 million americans remain unemployed. one republican senator is still pushing for more foreign worker, senator mike lee pushing his fairer for high-skilled immigrants act which would flood green card lines for the next
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decade. lee tried passing his bill in the senate this week with unanimous consent, that's without any hearing or debate. he was stopped this time by senator reduction scott. well, "the washington post"'s so-called fact checker, glenn kessler, tried to spin the biden blunder on black americans. listen. >> what you all know but most people don't know, unlike the african-american community with notable exceptions, the latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes the about different things. david: after the trump campaign pointed out that biden said the black community doesn't have, quote, diversity of thought, kessler from the washington post tweeted out, if you listen to the clip, he didn't actually say this. well, just hours later biden tweeted that he didn't mean to, quote: suggest the african-american community is a monolith. and, again, this is "the washington post"'s fact-checker, so-called. house speaker nancy pelosi,
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meanwhile, flipping out on pbs anchor judy woodruff, pelosi expecting a softball interview and had this action when she was asked why the demss have yet to find common ground with republicans to pass a second stimulus bill. listen. >> democrats want more money, republicans want a lot less. they are saying they're willing to hoe flexibility, and they're also saying a lot of the money that was as passed in the spring, madam speaker, has not even been spent yet -- [inaudible conversations] >> you are being an advocate for them. >> no, i'm playing devil's advocate here, and i wanted to ask for your position. >> the point is, we have a bill -- david: charlie hurt, washington times opinion ed editor and fox business contributor, and this is going to be fun, charlie. after all these years, who knew that judy woodruff was actually a spy for the republicans! [laughter] masquerading as a left-wing journalist, right?
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>> no, it's truly incredible. but honestly, this is how these people operate, and the degree of delusion that goes on nancy pelosi's mind -- judy woodruff, a nice lady and everything but hardly some sort of rock-rib ared conservative or even somebody who i would think of as giving republicans even a fair shake on moat days -- most days. but this is kind of the mentality that all these democrats have, and it's what they've grown used to from everybody in the media. they've all got their thumb on the scale. david: you know, charlie, it really does remind me -- not that i remember because it was a little before my time, it really does remind me of the mccarthy era because if you stray from the orthodoxy, what you're supposed to say, just one millimeter, you're immediately accused of being a dirty fill in the blank, in the mccarthy area it was a communist. now it's a republican or, even worse, a trump supporter.
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that sort of shaming, you said she doesn't get away with it. she does get away with it most of the time. >> she does, but the reason she gets away with it is because the entire media, 95% of the media out there is in her pocket, and they're doing nancy pelosi's bidding for her. finish and stop and think about it for a minute, people talk about how much donald trump is in the polls, and there are obviously some polls where the trump campaign would like to be doing better, but if you were to add up the amount of negative advertising, the amount of negative media that donald trump suffers through every single week, it is astonishing. david: right. >> and this is a good reminder of what it is that president trump is up against every single week and will be throughout the election. he is up against a true monolith in the media that is absolutely opposed to him, opposed to his
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supporters -- david: well, and in support of biden. i mean, as we mentioned, this washington post fact checker, it's extraordinary -- >> yeah. david: even if they have to cover up for biden's mistakes or try to and lie in order to do that, i mean, this guy said that, essentially, biden didn't say something that biden himself actually later apologized for. i mean, that was extraordinary, using the lie to cover up something that biden actually did that, i mean, it's crazy. let me move on, if i can, to the democrats, and they're pushing this attack on the nra, trying to completely dismantle the nra. which, by the way, has a membership, i believe, of about 20% of the members are registered democrats. it's extraordinary that during a crime wave the two things that are most vital to americans right now are police to protect them, and if they can't get
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police protection, guns to protect them. they want to take away the two things that will protect americans from this crime wave. does that a make any political sense? >> yeah. i really don't know what it is that they're going after here. and if they think that they're just going after the national rifle association because they don't like the nra and they've tried to make the nra this evil bogeyman, okay, whatever. the reason that the nra has the swath that it has in washington has nothing to do with the nra. it has to do with the millions and millions of law a abiding american -- law-abiding american citizens who rely on gun ownership to protect themselves. i've been in a lot of gun stores in the last couple of months. anybody who's been in to a gun store lately knows -- david: they're fly off the shelves. >> there's hardly any guns for sale. and as the numb of first-time gun owners who are flocking to gun stores and the diversity of those people who are going in
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there to buy guns, again, not to commit crimes, not to do anything -- david: protect themselves. >> -- but to protect themselves, their families and their neighbors from, as you point out, the crime wave or just the uncertainty. it's an amazingly tone deaf thing. and, you know, i don't know what the a.g. of new york is thinking about doing this, but i can tell you this, it absolutely helps president trump's re-election, to have these democrat politicians going after gun owners -- david: charlie, very quickly, one final point where i think the democrats are also making a serious political error, pelosi denying americans, those unemployed americans who were receiving federal subsidies not all of which i happen to agree on, by the way. i happen to think they're too much, the $600 in addition to state unemployment checks. however, the president has said, look, i want to continue it until we figure out something better to do with this program.
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but democrats are so obstinate, they won't even go along with the president on this. he may have to have an executive order in order to make sure that those checks continue despite the fact that they've run out according to legislation this week. don't you think democrats are also making a mistake here? quickly. >> absolutely. democrats are playing chicken in the middle of a national crisis. in the middle of a global pandemic, they're playing political chicken. and the fact that they would just play that game tells you about all you need to know about how much they actually care -- david: well, they're playing chicken with the lives of unemployed americans. >> yes. dave david if they were playing chicken just with themselves, i wouldn't mind, but they're playing it with the lives of millions of unemployed americans. great to see you, my friend, have a good weekend. coming up next, defense secretary mark esper has trouble getting tough on china. we'll is ask general jack keane about that in just a few moments. and a reminder about lou's new book, "the trump century," it is
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uncovering a highly sophisticated cross-border tunnel near yuma, arizona. the tunnel extending more than 1300 feet, includes ventilation, water lines, a rail system and electrical wiring. queue ma's chief patrol -- yuma's chief patrol agent calling the tunnel the most sophisticated ever found in u.s. history. meanwhile, secretary of defense mark esper speaking with the chinese defense minister for 90 minutes yesterday, calling for more transparency e from beijing on the china virus. defense secretary also, quote, expressed concern about china's activities in the south china sea calling on china to abide by international law. joining me now to take all this up, general jack keane, he's former vice chief of staff of the u.s. army, retired four-star general and a fox business senior strategic analyst. general keane, always a pleasure. thanks for coming in.
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expressed concern. now, forgive me, but is that really the best that the secretary of defense could say about our position with china on this issue? >> no. david, i wouldn't wordsmith. [laughter] i mean, here's what esper's been done, in contrast to his two predecessors, he's increased the military activity significantly in the indoe-pacific -- indo-pacific region, assisted by admiral davidson who took over from his predecessor about a year and a half ago. i mean, i'm talking about two carrier strike groups in the south china sea at the same time, bombers and reconnaissance aircraft flying into the sector from out of the region. that's why they're having this conversation. because united states has accelerated our military presence. we're doing it largely, obviously, to get the chinese communist party and their people's liberation army which controls all their services'
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attention the, but also for the benefit of our allies. and the second thing that he has done, again, this is quite an acceleration from his predecessors, is he is sweeping the service budgets and taking money from them and prioritizing military capabilities that we desperately need to have an effective military deterrence against china. and if you lay out china's capabilities and the united states military capabilities in the indo-pacific region, we come up short. and everybody knows this, all the war games is have suggested we've got a real problem. and this secretary is doing something about it. so i think you're stretching this quite a bit. david: so in other words, carrying a big stick more to the point, should be more of our focus than softness of words here. i'm just wondering in addition to the military action that's being taken to try to, as best as we can, to ramp up what we have allowed to be so diminished
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over the past ten years or so in the south china sea and taiwan and all those areas around there. we're also taking some considerable economic action against china right now in several different ways that have been announced over the past couple of days including today, carrie lamb. she's the administrator of hong kong, and she's essentially a puppet of china, i think it's fair to say, sanctions against her. are those hurting china as well in. >> well, they go after these individuals, and it holds them accountable, she and ten other chinese officials. if they have any investments whatsoever tied up in the united states, we're going to freeze those investments. so, yes, it gets their attention. and they don't like the notoriety of it. they don't like the fact that it's reported all around the world in the media. so those sanctions, you know, do you do have their place. i mean, by themselves they're not going to change china's
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behavior completely. what i applaud this administration for doing, using the china pandemic, so to speak, and crushing hong kong's autonomy, the administration's stitching together a broad coalition and pushing back very comprehensively and strategically on the chinese communist party. while they had intended to do that from the outset, the focus was initially, you know, on trade imbalance and intellectual property. now it's a very comprehensive, all-of-government approach, and i think we're going to stitch together sort of a grand strategy with our allies and partners somewhat similar to what we had with the soviet union -- david: i was just going to say, you know, it's a little early to say this, but i think of reagan's insistence against policy that preceded him by 40 years that we can win the cold war with the soviet union, and we did win the sold war with the soviet union -- the cold war. but it took a while, two full
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terms and a and a half because it was within the bush administration that the berlin wall came down. is it conceivable, does this administration have that same long-term strategy for dealing with china? >> well, i think it's been slow in coming. they put together a plan initially right at the beginning with a very effective national security strategy, a lesser effective national defense strategy the, in my view, i was on a commission that looked at it. but -- and they were up even in their execution. but, you know, experience has helped, certainly, the ccp's behavior, their malign has certainly been part of the story. but i think they are absolutely moving in the right direction, and the whole team moving comprehensively with it. we were fragmented in the national security team going back a year, year and a half ago. david: general, i'm getting a wrap, but i have to ask the question. we've got an election coming up. if the trump team loses this election and the biden team
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comes in, could all of the work that's happened to push back against the chinese over the past four years be forgotten and forgotten in history? >> well, i'm not going to deal with the election. the only thing i can say is i believe the policy we have now is moving in the right direction. and anybody who would continue that policy would make sense to me. but i'm not going to get involved in -- david: no. well -- >> -- with the politics. david: i understand. of course, we have someone running on the other side who actually was with the previous administration, so we must assume he'd continue what was done when he was working with president obama. general keane, good to see you, my friend. thank you very much for being here, appreciate it. meanwhile, attorney general william barr yesterday asked his driver to turn around so he could get out and thank a group of pro-police protesters. doj spokeswoman carrie tweeted a video of barr taking photos,
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bumping elbows and thank the group for their support. coming up next, the supreme court producing decisions in the past term that appalled religious conservatives. now vice president mike pence has taken a shot at chief justice john roberts. we'll talk to robert jeffress when we come back. the pastor when we return. . okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. hey! - that's totally him. - it's him! that's totally the guy. safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. safe drivers do save 40%. ♪
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♪ ♪ david: on wall street, stocks finishing mixed. the dow up 46 points, the s&p up 2, the nasdaq down 97. volume on the big board, 4 billion shares. the dow up nearly 4% to cap off the week, the s&p and nasdaq up more than 2%. crude oil finishing at $41.52 a barrel x. a reminder to listen to lou's reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem rate radio network. vice president mike pence venting his frustration with chief justice john roberts, pence condemning roberts for siding with liberal judges in a string of recent decision including some against religious conservatives. listen. >> we have great respect for the institution of the supreme court, but john roberts has been a disappointment to conservatives whether it be the obamacare decision or a spate of recent decisions all the way through calvary chapel. i think several cases are a
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reminder of just how important this election is for the future of the supreme court. david: joining us now is pastor robert jeffress, member of the white house faith initiative, pastor of the first baptist church of dallas and author of the new book, "praying for america," available everywhere right now. pastor, great to see you. i'm wondering if you share the vice president's disappointment with justice roberts. >> i do. the vice president was being a lot nicer than i would have been in that interview. look, roberts has done many disappointing things in an abortion ruling, but especially in this nevada church situation, a shutdown of this church in which the supreme court and john roberts actually said it's permissible to gather together at caesar's palace in order to gamble, but you can't gather together in a church nord to worship -- in order to worship god. that is an abomination. and look, we know there's no such thing as a sure thing when
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it comes to picking supreme court justice es, but the odds are tremendously better of getting a conservative justice with a president trump than with a president biden. david: all right. let me move over to what's happening on our city streets because it does intersect with religion in a strange way. first of all, most democrats, i haven't heard any democrat, particularly ones that are in the news like pelosi and nadler and such condemning anything that the protesters, so-called, have done. in fact, president obama used the opportunity of a funeral of congressman john lewis in a church to get political about the protesters. let me play the tape and get your reaction. >> george wall laws may be gone -- wallace may be gone, but we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators. [applause] david: now, pastor, these
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so-called peaceful demonstrators, according to president obama, are burning bibles now. they are actually burning bibles. of course, president obama once ridiculed americans for clinging to religion, butter here they are -- what do you think -- but here they are -- what does this tell you about these people, that they're burning bibles? >> look, david, there is a great contrast between the peaceful civil rights protests of john lewis and martin luther king jr. who actually based their protests on the teachings of the bible compared to these anarchists who are basing what they're doing on rebellion against the bible. burning down, burning bibles, burning american flags, burning down police stations. and, look, i'm not saying that all democrats support this kind of action. but, you know, there's a bible verse that says bad company corrupts good morals. and when the democrats hang
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around antifa and black lives matters and do not condemn these kind of anarchist activities, they are complicit in them by remaining silent about them. david: yeah. but, you know, it does intrigue me that there is this attempt, there was a black lives matter leader who, about a month ago, suggested that statues of jesus, if they look too white, should be torn down. i mean, it's just extraordinary. and, in fact, i'm hearing from pastors and some priests that it is happening, that the desecration of these statues of jesus and mary are being desecrated, torn down, and they're not talking about it much because they don't want copycats around doing more of it. >> that's exactly right. david: well, what is it about jesus christ and religion that has become the focus of these, of these protesters, if you will? >> well, listen, i think, quite frankly, i think president trump hit out out of the ballpark when
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he talked about joe biden and by extension the democrats by saying they're against god and they're against the bible. i think that's not an overstatement. it is no coincidence, david, that 70% of atheists identify as democrats, and only a -- only 15 is % as republicans. the democrat party has become a god less party. that's why you find such animosity against conservative christians and against the bible. david: the bottom line is that -- >> and i think the president -- [inaudible] david: is that these anarchists certainly are taking actions that are hostile to reapplication in america. pastor jeffers, thank you very much. and a reminder about lou's new book, "the trump century: how our president changed the course of history forever." it's available for preorder on k and stay tuned, we'll be right back. and etfs
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♪ ♪ david: labor secretary saw lee ya telling us tonight he believes president trump will use executive action to bring a new round of unemployment relief. >> the president's going to step in if the senate democrats continue to block this. larry's right, there's careful look being given to action by executive order because the president is determined to help the people who remain unemployed by one means or another that's available to him. david: and that's it for us
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tonight. we hope you have a great weekend. lou is back on monday, and his special guest will be vice president mike pence. a reminder to follow lou on twitter @loudobbs like hum on facebook, and follow hum on instagram @loudobbstonight. is have a wonderful weekend, good night from new york. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: tonight the growing fallout on the latest blunders by joe biden. this time involving race relations. the biden campaign again in damage control on gaffes that now seem to pile up with more frequency as joe biden steps back to campaign. he's not doing virtual campaigning anymore, seems like he's stepping away from that. this as the president is piling on. we're going to talk to rnc committee woman from california harmeet dhillon about the left-leaning media not covering biden's blunders. also tonight reports coming in that u.s. attorney john durham may wrap up his criminal


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