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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 8, 2020 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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david: that is it for us tonight, we hope you have a great weekend, lou is back on monday, his special guest will be vice president mike pence, follow lou on lou and follow him on instagram "lou dobbs tonight". have a wonderful weekend, good night from newar new york. liz: a growing follow on the latest blender by joe biden, this time involving race relations, the biden camping and damage control gas that now seem to pile up withfr more frequency as joe biden steps off the campaign, he is not doing virtual campaigning anymore, it seemed like he stepping away from that, this is the president is piling on, we will talk to the woman from california harvey dillon on the political damage to biden and the left wing med
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media, and also tonight reports committed that u.s. attorney john dürer may wrap up its terminal investigation of the trump russia probe within weeks and he is set to interview hformer cia john brennan. investigative's are looking into obama officials politicized oabuses of power into the trump and michael flynn probe and how they broke the law, grade from house judiciary joins us and where the indictments have come, more on the mainstream media blackout, this time abc news, cbs, nbc accused of not covering former deputy sally yates under the obama administration in the trump russia and flynn probe, that is covered on the air, that's accusation, former national security advisor k.t. mcfarland will shine the light on that, that story is coming up. also former nypd lieutenant darren is going to go straight to the video showing hood democrats and the media are flat-out wrong to say it has dial back and poorly because
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federal officers left but rights are still going strong on their 65th day as portland stops of penalty on the federal ergovernment for putting the fee around the federal courthouse without a permit after writers tried to burn it down with officers inside, that is coming up, house speaker nancy pelosi getting criticized for showcasing how critics say the democrat party has devolved into a party of intolerant bullies who shut down debate when shown the facts. nancy pelosi backfire, she tried to bully pbs news, social media and media critics not having it, they are blasting into plosive. they take on the pelosi highlight deal, this is not the first time she has said disturbing things. and this again, is it time for nancy pelosi to go, she is a symbol of the democrat party becoming less and less tolerant and more and more bullying. thank you for joining us i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" start right now ♪
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♪. liz: welcome to the show, you're watching the fox business network, we begin with the latest in washington, d.c. were democrat leaders and white house negotiators wrapping up their tenth round or so of high-stakes talks on the next phase of covid-19 economic relief for american, like berman has the latest pre-blake. >> hi there liz, seemingly the talks have been happening every day for the last handful at least, steven mnuchin, mark meadows from the white house, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi for democrats and just like they have every day this week afterwards it seems not much was accomplished behind closed doors in that meeting, so much so that after today's meeting, mnuchin and meadows came out to the cameras to talk to reporters and
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say at this point, they are recommending that president trump take action via executive orders. >> we agree with the speaker, this is not the first choice, people have run out of the enhanced unemployment, that is something we will recommend an executive order and it relates to rental foreclosures, we will recommend an executive order on that and also student loans. >> the meeting came after we learned that 1.6 million jobs were restored in july dropping unemployment rate to north of 10%, that could potentially strengthen the case first conservatives to c feel the economy is on the way back in the spending should stop, nancy pelosi says the jobs report shows more help is needed. >> this morning was a disappointing, i don't care what roads they tried to pin on it has a lot of thorns. that is because 4 million jobs in june, 1.8 in july, everybody
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tells us again, pay now, pay later and pay bigger. >> democrats want three and half trillion dollars in relief measures going forward, republicans have put that number at about 1 trillion, a big gap in between, lucy did say today for the second day in a row they've made an offer of dropping that number a trillion dollars so long as the republicans were to come up a trillion dollars, meeting in the middle. the white house says that is aee nonstarter, they will not be going up to $2 trillion level. liz: we might see executive orders from the president in response to this, he may have his own fixes, we'll see how far they go. thank you so much for your reporting, good to see you my friend. coming up, here's the story, former vice president joe biden spent last night, not campaigning from home but in
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damage control, fixing and trying to clarify his own gas and wonders where he said twice on two separate days this week before two separate audiences that african-american community is not as diverse as latino esmmunity, he said that first on wednesday in the separate address on thursday he entered double down. now what i mean by full diversity unlike the african-american community. his blunder prompted a three-part clarification on twitter for biden but no apology. look at this, president trump firing back saying he is no longer worthy of the black vote, remember the black vote is the swing vote, the margin of error in elections in a black vote has called presidential elections more than half the time since the '90s for her reaction let's welcome harmony dillon the party official for california, it's great to have you back on, the mistakes piling up at the virtual campaign mode and worry for more questions?
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>> right now on this campaign, i would've wished he would've stayed in the basement where they could've controlled him or better. he has a long history of these racial gasps and i wast a racist remarks against african-americans when he mentioned he didn't want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle during integration struggles in indian americans, people from my background and their accents and belonging a 711, telling charlemagne the god if people do not support him, they are not true democrats and now most recently by pandering to the latino communities and praising their diversity, he has insulted the african-american communities and proven that they take that vote granted and the president said they should not do that because they deserve better. liz: vice president biden recently also said to a black interviewer as you pointed out the god, you ain't black, he had
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to dial that back and apologize but now he appears to be doubling down, not outright apologizing in the campaign staffers said it was right for biden to fire back angrily when he was asked about not taking a cognitive test, and he attacked that same year a junkie. >> is doubling down and not apologizing, your reaction? >> i think that junkie remark, i would put that into the bucket of cognitive t failure, there ia latent racism, some democratic strategist has pointed out and commentators from the african-american community that as some white races from the democrat party age, they stop hiding what they believe, i think that is a function that we see with some people cognitiveni disability, i'm not a doctor but i think biden has been saying stuff like this for his entire political career and he's saying it now more carelessly and in fact not understanding the damage he is doing. it's really important for what
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is strategist, you have to get hethe latino vote, what he is doing is clumsy, i think he's turning everybody off and all minorities and all voters need to take a second look at him. liz: the media like cnn and msnbc are not covering these mistakes, biden is getting pressure from democrats andnd te media, to not debate trump at all, biden has not been doing press interviews for the most part are holding public events. i do want to show the black leaders who are criticizing joe biden's remarks and then i want to show the viewer exactly what joe biden said, let's get to that on tape and show the viewer exactly what joe biden has been saying lately and why critics are warning, they are saying can you really go into a debate with trump.nt donald let's roll the video, t watch this. >> by the way, what you all know, what most people don't know unlike african-american
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community with notable exceptions, the latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about differenter things. >> we can build a new administration, it reflects the full diversity of our nation and the full diversity of the latino communities. when i mean full diversity, unlike african-american in any other communities in from everywhere from europe, from the tip of south america, all the way to our border in mexico and in the care being. >> there's no sense in making it, the reason why human nature works and you all work the same way, if you're going to have to go against the grain and the folks that you hang out with in order to vote for something that is not going to pass anyway, you're not going to take the shot but if you're hanging out with a group of people as against the grain but you know it's going to pass with your vote, then that's a very different thing. >> have you taken a cognitive.
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>> no i have not taken a test, why the hell would i take a test, come on man, that's like saying before you got the program, you're taking cocaine or not, what do you think, are you a junkie? liz: your reaction when you heard this? >> cringe worthy, it's really a disgrace that his relatives and his friends are allowing him to run for president at this point, i think the man is m not cognitively fit to do that, we know why democrats don't want the former vice president to be debating because he will pylon and make more and more of these abusive types of mistakes that show the democratic party has taken african-american vote for granted, they view him asra part of the democratic plantation and even to the point where one of his main running mate candidates, but harris comes from the caribbean, she's from jamaica, her family, not acknowledging the basic facts of the diversity and beauty and a background of all of our communities in america as an insult, it shows he is not fit and totally out of touch.
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liz: thin thanks for joining usi really appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> u.s. attorney john durham and the criminal investigation of the trump pressure probe, could wrap up by labor day and he isra set to interview former cia director john brennan, we are digging in, the investigators are looking into how the obama administration officials committed abuses of power by politicizing these probes into trump michael flynn and how they broke the law, grade from house judiciary joins us on where the indictments could come, that story next. >> were talking about russian propaganda, the d.o.j. under obama and the fbi under president obama and vice president biden usaa is made for what's next we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: liz: to the criminal probe of the trump pressure probe, u.s. attorney john dewar him may wrap it up by labor day and he is said to interview former cia director john brennan, he is on house judiciary, great to see you congressman, your reaction to that, we had reports coming in, john durham has asked for john brennan e-mails, text messages and phone records, that is according to reports to nail this down, your reaction to the
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john brennan interview? >> i hope so, i hope they talk to mr. brennan, i think that is somebody that a lot of people feel need to be interview because of his role and all of this and is going on mainstream media and the left-wing media to talk about all these different things while he was in thesese different positions, i think a lot of conservatives have been waiting for the durham probe to end up in finalize and force injustice to come from some of this. it feels like over a year we've been waiting for this to conclude, i hope very soon we will hear some justice come from the durham probe. >> the durham probe to wrap up for labor day, the tradition say prosecutors cannot make over action with politically charged cases within 60 days of an election. john durham is not squeamish about bringing indictment to criminal exposure, he worked on a mob case in boston.
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reportedly there looking into how fbi and cia officials under the obama administrationli politicized and how they broke the law including u.s. laws restricting spying on u.s. citizens and perjury before the fisa court and u.s. intelligence in russia interference to justify hammering going after donald trump. your reaction? >> the ig investigation, obama's id found over 15 misrepresentations and inaccuracies and the carter page five applications and the probing of trump campaign individuals, absolutely there needs to be some justice, the american people want to see what is going to come of all of this and if nothing happens and this goes on and the obama biden administration, d.o.j. gets to do all of these things and investigate people for political motivation and there is no justice and no charges to come of this, i think a lot of the people, the majority wil will be very upset by that.
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liz: former acting dni ric grenell was on our show acting to obama official sally yates, he is a former dni, he essentially said this is what really happened, russia was manipulating both candidates clinton and her team and trump the hacking democrats e-mails and then went russian disinformation attacking trump in a steele dossier that russia played both parties but the democrats fell for it. watch this. >> look, my first reaction was boy what i like to be the one that was asking questions of sally yates. she completely missed it, let's be very clear about a couple of things. were talking about russian propaganda, the d.o.j. under obama and the fbi under president obama and vice president biden have tried to create this thing that is beyond russian propaganda, they're trying to pretend like elections
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were hacked and voting machines were hacked, they keep saying russian collusion and russian meddling in our election, what russia did is what russia always does which is pushed propaganda, largely if not exclusively on our social media, this was about policy issues, not just about candidates. so we need to be clear this is about russian propaganda. liz: donald trump was not found to have conspired with russia. the mueller report said he was willing to take help from russia but he did not conspire to hack the dnc or anything else. here's the problem, the former fbi director james comey said john brennan was on a briefing with obama in august of 2016, he knew we were doing the trump pressure probe, brennan cia tells the fbi the steele dossier, the anti-trump dossier opposition research that hillary
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will use with the 2016 election that she lost, the cia tallied its internet rumor, but here's the issue, somehow it got into intelligence community assessment, the big assessment that's important about national security, that gets into an appendix, john brennan allowed it and it tells the internet rumor to get into that. so that gave the fbi cover to still do things like fisa wiretaps to spy on regular citizens. your reaction? >> they knew the steele dossier was completely misrepresentation of the fact to spy on a political opponents campaign. >> it is good to see you, we will have you back on soon. next up, you may have heard about the blackout that hit new york city early this morning beforeem dawn temporarily knockg out power to tens of thousands of new yorkers, that's what i took, footage of my iphone, that's what it looked like this
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morning, we cannot resist using that as a segue into her neck story, another major blackout in the mainstream media, nbc news, abc news accused of not covering former deputy attorney general sally yates testimony getting grilled about abuse of a power under the obama administration, look who's coming and former trump deputy national security advisor, kt mcfarland, she's's's looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. they're going to be paying for this for a long time. they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident, even if it's your fault. cut! sonny. was that good? line! the desert never lies. isn't that what i said? no you were talking about allstate and insurance. i just... when i... let's try again. everybody back to one. accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today.
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: welcome back. media liz: welcome back, media critics like the media research center calling this a major blackout in the nbc news division, also the cbs evening news and abc world news, mrc is saying they did not cover on the year, former deputy attorney general sally yates getting grilled about abuses of power under the obama administration and the trump russia and michael flynnbe prob, let's welcome back to the show deputy national security advisor kt mcfarland, great to see you, that they did not cover itt on the air, what do you think of that. >> before i get into that i want
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to give a shout out to congressman, he gave you a terrific interview but he also today endorsed my daughter fiona mcfarland who is running for the florida state house, he is one smart congressman. the point i want to make about the media, thank you, very happy about that, the media of course are not going to cover, you want to know why they were in on it from the start. here's what's happening inn washington when the intelligence community wants to do something that they know is wrong, what do they do, they leak it to the press, they favorite reporters of the washington post at the new york times, msnbc and they leak it, all of a sudden you see a story that says anonymous sources claim, fill in the blank, donald trump is a puppet of food and in donald trump is being investigated, michael flynn is being investigated and then the intelligence community can turn around and point to the story, that they leak in the first place, they say this gives us some real cause and evidence for investigating donald trump, mike phelan, et cetera, they leak it int order to appoint to
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it, they're not going to cover this in the media, they were co-conspirators along with a lot of people in the senior ranks of the intelligence community. liz: here's what senator chuck grassley has told us that concerns him, he keeps saying if they could do to flynn or other individuals, they could do to you, they can do it to the viewer, here's what he is saying happen, the oval office meeting with president obama, you know this and james comey writes down in his notes the general flynn's phone call with the russian ambassador appeared legit is about policies, differences in incoming trump in obama administration and then james comey exploits the incoming chaos with peter strzok to interview flynn under the pretext of a briefing and you know about this, criminal interview. it was a perjury trap as they admit.
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so that is the issue, no marine the warning, no lawyer present. that is what senator grassley says is scary. >> is a real abuse of power, if they canan do it -- they tried o do to me, they tried to catch me in a perjury trap, they knew, what they have is the answer, they quiz you and things that they think that you should remember, if you cannot remember quite right, that happened on the phone calling tuesday, not wednesday, they can pop up and say you must be lying because you should've remember that, after all that was so important andd then they've got you, it'sa got you question, that's what mike flynn and they extorted him and blackmailed him and said if you don't plead guilty to crimes and frankly we know you did not commit, we're going to go after your son, that's it they did to me, general flynn and others. they wanted us to say donald trump i committed a crime when
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donald trump did not commit the crime, they were holding over people's heads, flynn, myself and others and they know at the end of the day, this is where grassley is really right and it's an important point to make, they know they can bankrupt you, you have to pay for your own legal defense, it can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars so the justice department, the fbi, the crooked cops as president trump calls them, they know at the end of the day even if you can't plead guilty or even if you won't get broken like they try to do the various people myself included, they will bankrupt you and that's the otherus abuse. liz: really this corrupt in your estimation of the american viewers of abc, cbs, nbc and their entire broadcast network, are they getting the information about what happened, the fbi said they were going to drop the case and the probe into general
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michael flynn because there was no derogatory information to go after, they set up a perjury trap with documents and they have been okay with that. >> that's the problem with modern journalism, new york times like tom cotton had an editorial because they don't like his policy. it's a pretty dangerous place for enteringer into. liz: thank you for joining us and congratulations on your daughter, great news. >> thank you, thanks you. liz: democrats and the media flat out wrong claiming that writing is pulling back, the riots were on their 65th day just last night portland mayor condemned writers and they again tried to set fire to police precincts and try to do as officers inside with civilians as well, others through paint and attacked a senior citizen,
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you're looking at the shot of that there, nypd lieutenant weizen next, before we go, take a look at this video that justice department spokesperson released the u.s. attorney william barr is getting out ofen the government to think a group iof people in support of the police. the attorney general said to the fbi, should he just pull over and makeke a quick u-turn, wento jump out and think those people. that's a nice moment for you to look at, stay there we'll be look at, stay there we'll be right back. we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but, we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired, expired... expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house.
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at comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. but bounce forward. that's why we're helping you stay ahead and adapt with a network you can count on, 24/7 support and flexible solutions that work wherever you are. call or go online today. ♪ ♪ liz: growing concern around the world about china running
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concentration camps with 1 million muslims inside the concentration camps hardwired encircling them, watched joe biden, critics are saying their questioning why joe biden is saying a deal with china is to take the battle to the united nations. this. >> you may recall i was the first one to say we should act and go to the united nations with the uighurs, i was the first one, we should be in the united nations condemning china's actions, the concentration camps, they are concentration camps. liz: let's welcome former national security council chief of staff, it is great too have you on, is not already beingdy done? >> that was really an appalling answer in the wrong answer, the un's history, it is never passed a resolutionemti condemning chia
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with the violations, that is because china dominates the u.s. secretary and bullies nations and boats against it has a veto in the security council, this was basically an admission to the world that the appeasement and leading from behind the obama administration will return if joe biden is elected president, you can be sure our enemies and adversaries cannot wait for that to happen. liz: you argue in youran latest fox news opinion piece that foreign enemies want joe biden to win, why did you say that? >> i am sure of that, they do not like donald trump, i will talk about this from personal experience, i was the executive secretary of the nfc and i had all the transcripts of the presidents phone calls and of all of the private meetings with leaders worldwide i cannot tell you what was in the call specifically, unlike many people who write books and talk about something they're not supposed to, i will tell you this, if a nation broke its word to the united states or even worse, the
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leader broke his or her word to president trump, the president would really chew them out, that's what we want in a president, inconceivable to joe biden and i also say president trump would constantly use the bilateral meetings to get foreign nations to buy goods from american farmers and u.s. cars in free and fair trade, biden will return to the genteel traditional diplomacy in dealing with world leaders, that's what our enemies and adversaries don't like, they don't like the aggression of president trump which is an interesting american people, they would like it to end in traditional u.s. president like joe biden who they can roll. liz: it seems as the trump administration approach is through strength in other words you stand up to her adversaries, now we don't have activity coming out of isis right now, we have a few terrorist attacks from isis, russia was really approaching hard in ukrainian
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crimea, is still an issue there but the president has been more aggressive than obama when it comes to going after russia, this is according to the brookings institution, 52 actions against russia that the trump administration has taken, is public opinion shifting on china, senator tom cotton thinks that it is so that america is now on a march around the world to be the number one superpower in their authoritarian and communist and running concentration camps, do you think americans are getting lied for that. >> i regret that i don't think americans understand what a growing threat china is to our security, our economy, to intellectual property theft because the media will not talk about it, the trump
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administration has cracked down since china's criminal negligence led to the pandemic around the world that killed hundreds of thousands of people, but we need to main stream media to talk about it and it has to be talked about in the campaign, in a perfect world china would be the top issue of the campaign, i think domestic security of black lives matter and in tivo will be the top issue but i really think it should be china. liz: thank you so much for your expertise and thank you for coming on, it is great to see>> you. coming up, house speaker nancy pelosi, critics say she is showcasing how the democraticev party has evolved into a party of intolerant bullies who shutdown debate when shown the facts, she tried to bully cbs anchor this week but it backfired, social media and critics blasting for lucy, republican strategist next take that on and also this drumbeat again, is it time for pelosi to looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. they're going to be paying for this for a long time. they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident, even if it's your fault.
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: welcome back. house speaker nancy liz: welcome back, house speaker nancy pelosi, critics say what happened when judy showcases how the democrat party has devolved into a party of intolerant bullies who shutdown debate when shown the facts, pelosi tries to bully pbs news hour anchor judy this week but it backfired, social media and other media
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critics blasting for lucy, happen after pbs anchor tried to ask pelosi about the li flexibility gop lawmakers are showing in the latest round of covid-19 relief talks, republicans are saying that much of the money already allocated has not even been sent. watch this. >> if you want to be an advocate for them. >> that is not what -- i'm playing devils advocate. >> i'm asking forng your positi. liz: let's welcome republican strategist, it is great to see you, is judy a change agent resistance reporter and advocate for the democrat party, issue the same journals? >> she's an esteemed journalist, no one in their right mind thinks that she is a republican mouthpiece, here's what happens, democrats especially speaker pelosi expressed the national
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international media to show them softball questions, when they don't get softball questions but subsequent questions, they go ballistic and basically shut down the interview and then they want to tell you donald trump is the worst person on earth, it's a one trick play over and over, they want to blame and she knew when you ask questions. >> the economist magazine, the vice magazine, all have run articles in the past saying it's time for pelosi to go, also the question is this, would jfk talk like that or bill clinton or chip o'neill or jimmyne carter? she wants to play gutter politics. democrats always talked about turning the other cheek, but they want to go straight to the gutter because they think that's the their best way to win. the amount of money she raises for the democratic i caucus, they won't get rid of her. elizabeth: this has been going on a long time with democrat
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pelosi. president trump has been criticized forral going on the attack with perm attacks -- personal attacks, but pelosi has been talking in ways that members of the democrat party are not comfortable with anymore. they don't feel like the democrat party is home to them anymore. let's take a listen to nancy pelosi's highlight reel. watch this. >> well, let me just say this, i would say to you, mr. republican talking points, what i said to the president of the united states. when you talk about the whistle blower, you're coming into my wheelhouse. he comesee in with doggy-doo on his shoes, and everybody who works with him has that on their shoes too for a very long time to come. as i said to you, this is, this is like giving you a bowl of doggy-doo, put a cher true on -- cher true on top and call it a
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chocolate sundae. this is nothing versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers to kind of put the schmooze on, it's so pathetic. observing his behavior, i have concluded that he is like the manhe who refuses to ask for directions. i think the president is a coward when it comes to helping kids who are afraid of gun violence. think he is cruel when he doesn't deal with helping our dreamers of which we're very proud. wi pray for the president all e time. so don't mess with me when it comes to words like that. >> thank you very much. [applause] elizabeth: your reaction, ford? the president has shown an
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inclination to do deal making, but this is what's going on. your reaction? >> well, i think if democrats were being honest, they would say it's time to move on from speaker pelosi because in a lot of wayses she embarrasses them. but again, she's going to continue to do a what she's doing which is blame everyone else but herself instead of taking action. that's just howki the democratic party works in 2020. elizabeth: all right. ford o'connell, it's great to see you t with. thanksks for coming on. come s back soon. >> thank you, e. mac. elizabeth: sure. i'm elizabethth macdonald, you've beenin watching "the evening edit" on fox buzz with. that does it for us. we hope you have a great weekend. see you on monday night.
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♪ ♪ have a great weekend, everybody. thank you, lauren. "lou dobbs tonight" starts -- david: good evening, everybody. i'm david a speak under good evening everybody. the writing, arson, looting that is destroyed parts of portland, oregon has shown no signs of slowing down. city officials bracing for another weekend of violence after a 70th street night of clashes between anarchists and law enforcement. insurrectionist throwing glass bottles, rocks, appellees severely injuring at least one officer. vandals once again attempting to set fire to a police precinct. and members of the mob targeting elderly people as


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