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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 11, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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"the trump century". a reminder to follow me on twitter @loudobbs, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram @loudobbstonight. thanks for being with us. good night from sussex. reporter: allegedly rubber stamp, was approving surveillance. i was wondering i don't think as president you commented on edward snowden. should he be allowed to return without going to prison? >> as far as fisa abuse is concerned. there was tremendous fisa abuse. it is amazing it has taken so long. everyone knows it very substantially. fisa abuse, changing documents in front of the fisa court and courts that are disgraceful that they could have done it and the fact is we caught joe biden, president obama, the whole group, you can look at brennan,
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comey, clapper, the whole group, we caught them spying on our campaign this was was an illegal act like no other illegal act. this was treason. this was at the highest level of treason. and obama and biden got caught spying on my campaign, using intelligence agencies of the united states government to do it. both before and after the election. so before the election, then after i won they continued. it is totally illegal activity. now we have to see what's happening but as far as kamala is concerned, she is a big tax raiser. she is a big slasher of funds for our military. she has got a lot of difficult things that she is going to have to explain. plus she was very, very nasty to one of the reasons that surprised me, she was very, she was probably nastier than even
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pocahontas to joe biden. she was very disrespectful to joe biden and it is hard to pick somebody that is disrespectful when she said things during the debates, during the democrat primary debates that were horrible about "sleepy" joe and i would think that he wouldn't have picked. oean, please. reporter: [inaudible]. yesterday seattle city council voted to cut funding to their police department and the chief, the police chief there, carmen best, the first black woman to serve in that capacity, she resigned hours later. what does this say about our country, what does it say about the defund police movement? >> well i think that seattle and, in spite of all they have been through with the embarassment of having a radical left group, antifa and others take over a big portion of the city of seattle. talking about a big city a major
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city. that they allowed that to happen is incredible. that it took so long to fix is incredible. the only reason they went in because they knew we were going in the following day. they preceded us. they didn't want that to happen. they didn't want to be embarrassed and the people just gave up. they were exhausted from having taken over a city for so long. the police commissioner seems like a very good woman. they were going to slash her sally by 40 or 50% and they cut a tremendous amount off of the police department really where people are saying it is not sustainable as a good police department. again those police are good also but they're not allowed to do their job. so i think it's a shame. i hate to see her go, because she did in her own way a good job but she wasn't effective convincing the mayor and the city council to give the funds that were needed or just leave the funds the way they are. they have done a big, a big
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defund, a big part of it and it will probably get worse before people realize this is a tragic error, before people start dying and getting hurt very badly. so i think seattle has made a tragic mistake. i think portland has no clue as to what they're doing, they have no clue. hopefully they will be asking for help because we can solve their problem very, very quickly. yeah, go ahead. reporter: mr. president, two quick questions, one on senator harris. very simply is she going to help former vice president biden in november or is she going to hurt? president trump: i like vice president mike pence much better. he is solid as a rock. he has been a fantastic vice president. he has done everything you can do. he is respected by every religious group, whether it's evangelical, any other group they respect mike pence. he has been a great
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vice president, i will take him over kamala and the horrible way she, again treated justice kavanaugh. that was a horrible event. i thought it was terrible for her. i thought it was terrible for our nation. i thought she was the meanest, the most horrible, most dis respectful of anybody in the u.s. senate. shes is also known from what i understand, being just about the most liberal person in the u.s. senate. i would have thought that biden would have tried to stay away from that a little bit because, with what they're doing with open borders and sanctuary cities, where they're trying to protect sanctuary cities, which is also protecting large number of criminals, with all of the things that they're doing, second amendment, they want to take away your second amendment or modify it to a point where it is essentially no longer the second amendment, i would have thought he would have gone a different way. thank you very much, everybody.
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[reporters shouting questions] elizabeth: that was president trump. he really went after kamala harris joe biden's selection for running mate. he was also pushing back on the idea that covid-19 relief talks failing as being the administration's fault saying it is the democrat's fault. there is a lot to talk about here there is this story coming in, growing doubt about house speaker nancy pelosi ability to compromise to make deals as covid relief negotiations did fall apart. house democrats left washington for august recess. you just heard the president moments ago talk about the stock market. the stock market took hits because these talks are in a stalemate. democrat steny hoyer said democrats would stay in town until a covid relief deal was done. now no house votes until mid-september. welcome to the show, "the hill" media reporter joe concha.
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great to see you, joe, there is pushback against nancy pelosi, "washington post," your publication "the hill" magazine. your reaction to this story? >> it seems nancy pelosi isn't very good at taking criticism or anything resembling a tough question. when ever that happens, elizabeth, she fires back at interviewer attacks them being a shill for the gop or somebody who isn't asking a fair question. look, there is a reason why, elizabeth. nancy pelosi approval, despite usually fawning media coverage is only at 37%. 52% disapproval. that is a 15-point gap. you look at her tenure as house speaker when she took over in 2018, what exactly has she accomplished for the american people since she was elected? yeah, she has done things saying vitriol i can things about the president, tearing up state of the union address. that was this year. feels like 10 years ago. she gets cheered by some media
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figures for being tough own the president. the american people are saying what have you done for me lately? that is what we look at nancy pelosi right now. elizabeth: critics are saying instead of negotiating a deal, nancy pelosi is going on the attack on tv saying the president's executive orders to deal with covid relief, quote an illusion to bolster the stock market when there is protection for people being evicted. how does this play out? attack trump's executive orders, but at the same time refuse to bring congress back to negotiate a covid relief deal. we're hearing congressional democrats we're saying we're not going to fall into line. we'll not follow democrat leadership in suing the president and the administration over the executive actions. it will make us look bad to people struggling at home with joblessness and trying to put food on their table with american families. your reaction to that? >> optics are real here, elizabeth. the president at least is doing something in terms much the executive order to get some people money to people
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struggling with the unemployment rate 10.1%. and people not sure what will happen in the fall with a second wave or a vaccine may or may not come. in this case the president is doing something but while nancy pelosi is not showing any ability to negotiate. people remember the last coronavirus bill, $50 million went to the kennedy center which had very little to do with a pandemic. so we see somebody here playing politics and another person trying to get things done. i think nancy pelosi is in an unfamiliarly position right now. actually getting pushback from usually friendly media outlets hey, maybe you screed screwed this one up, nancy. elizabeth: watch nancy pelosi taking heat by cnn and fox news on the talks failing. watch that, and watch pelosi attack pbs news anchor judy woodruff and dr. birx. >> so the basic thing, they have ignored the problem has grown. and it has become an enormous
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economic problem. >> do you take any responsibility, madam speaker for the fact this is stuck? >> others have said, chairman of the fed, other economists have said, pay now or pay more later. >> so right now they have nothing as you well know because those, those things expired. >> speaker i understand that the president's executive action doesn't do all the things you want but having no bill at all, not coming to any agreement wasn't going to provide any of the things that you want either. you're known as a master negotiator but didn't you mess this one up? because you talk about all the things that the president's bill, let me finish, if i may, speaker. now, because there is no deal at all. >> if you want to be advocate for them, judy, if you want to be advocate for them -- >> i'm playing devil's advocate here. i'm asking you for your position. >> you're saying challenged disinformation enough, you're saying that is the issue? >> i think she has, that she has
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enabled. elizabeth: okay. here's the issue. she also blamed republicans for delays saying, 3 1/2 million more covid cases came about because of republican delays. 75,000 people died because of republican delays. do constant heated rhetoric from the other side of the aisle, constant us versus them, does that work? critics say you work for the american people, you don't work for the party. is this emotional blood feud she so hates president trump is just, undercut her ability to negotiate? is that what is going on? >> if this were a normal time, elizabeth and they're arguing over some sort of bill, let's say on funding the wall, then you could kind of maybe, not give it a pass but understand that is how politics works in washington these days particularly everything is very divisive. when you're in the middle of a
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pandemic, people need the next check to come through from the government in order to survive because they lost a job at no fault of their own, there is no way out here for nancy pelosi in terms of saying, well, itch a solution. what is your solution? if you compromise in this situation, meet in the middle show you're willing to do something, then the american people may say okay at least she is trying. at this point seems like she is looking ahead to november 3rd, 2020, the presidential election, the more the country hurts better that is for the democratic candidate. it is about right track, wrong track. wrong track is definitely on the rise considering how many people are out of work and all the unrest we're seeing in american cities, like portland, seattle, minneapolis, atlanta, new york, so on. elizabeth: would a tip o'neill, o'neill,jfk, dick gephardt, bill bradly, would bill clinton handled the negotiations like nancy pelosi is handling them with the rhetoric? >> i look at newt gingrich,
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bill clinton the things they were able to accomplish in 1996 after clinton was elected. there can be negotiation here. it still can happen. it is not a dirty word. for her to say judy woodruff you're advocate of gop on pbs. that is remarkable, you're attacking the messenger you're losing the argument. right now, elizabeth, nancy pelosi is losing the argument. elizabeth: joe, we always want you to come on to dissect what is going on with these arguments. great to see you, joe concha. come back soon. next case, general flynn's case, still in limbo in a d.c. court hearing today. we've got more on that. a curious disclosure a government lawyer made today about secret evidence that potentially triggers the justice department to drop its case against michael flynn. the heat is turning up into the investigations into the botched trump-russia probe. guy reschenthaler from house judiciary will join us. senate republicans, u.s. attorney john durham, will
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♪. elizabeth: newly-released justice department documents have senator lindsey graham today demanding fbi director christopher wray release the names of fbi officials that the senator said lied to the senate, misled the senate in 2018. these officials said there was no reason to doubt the steele dossier on trump russia.
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the steele source for this information was fine with it, was okay with what was being said, when a year prior christopher steele's source told the fbi, don't believe it. steele's information on trump was bar talk. take it with a grain of salt, said in jest over beer, hearsay. somehow the fbi covered that up and didn't tell the senate about that. and now senator graham wants answers. senator graham says people should go to jail for this. "people" also misled the fisa court. we have congressman guy reschenthaler from pennsylvania. shouldn't they throw the book at them? isn't this per jury? >> people should go to jail or lose their bar license, be fired from the fbi because at the end of the day some individuals in the fbi, top echelon, lied to congress and lied to the fisa court to get warrants to spy on president trump and then candidate, also when he was president.
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elizabeth: so how did the steele dossier, this opposition research funded by democrats, court documents show, hillary clinton's campaign was going to use that opposition research to contest the 2016 election if hillary lost. how did that get into the fbi? how was it used by the fbi to spy on the trump team? and that it seems like what is going on here, sir, with not telling the senate what was going on in the fisa court, the fbi officials were using it as cover, the cover to keep gravitas of steele dossier up and credible in the media in order to keep going after the trump team? your reaction. >> liz, you're exactly right. this is what is called opposition research. it was so faulty the mainstream media wouldn't even run with it. but that jim comey, i call the merry band of trumpers at the fbi, used that garbage report to get warrants from the fisa court to spy on candidate trump. what is so disgusting, liz, the
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fbi knew, they did an internal investigation, they found out this report, this dossier was garbage, yet they went back to the fisa court not once, but twice to continue to get authorization to spy on then president trump. during that time he also testified before congress saying that the steele dossier was valid. they knew that it wasn't. so they lied to the fisa court and they lied to congress. somebody needs to go to jail. elizabeth: steele's own source, christopher steele's own source told the fbi, these are not my words. i don't know where he got the words that christopher steel is quoting me, the source from, i don't know where he got those words. now we have senate homeland security chair ron johnson subpoenaed fbi director christopher wray to provide all records related to the trump-russia probe and documents related to the transition. again and again, you see, was the obama administration purposefully misleading to give cover to the steele dossier to
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justify fiz can court wiretaps to spy on the trump campaign to do surveillance? >> by the same thing happened -- go ahead, take that. take it. i will follow up with a question. >> yeah. i was just going to get to jim comey. the buck has to stop somewhere, liz. you see everybody moving away from jim comey like the guy is toxic. you saw sally yates throw up under the proverbial bus last week. you have jim comey, those around him, maybe susan rice, joe biden, president obama, somebody has to know something. as people continue to sell each other out on this, distance from comey it, looks like the man who said no higher loyalty has a loyalty only to himself and a political agenda. elizabeth: yeah. somehow he got it into the intelligence community assessment, james comey did in the appendix, that gave it further gravitas, the steele dossier, further gravitas and cover. congressman, great to have you back on. we're sorry we ran out of time. we'll have you back on.
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thanks for joining us. >> liz, have a good evening. >> we'll be back in two. as a caricature artist, i appreciate what makes each person unique. that's why i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ essential for sewing, but maybe not needles. for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections,
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issues in the runup to his election of his running mate. that choice today announced is kamala harris. media critics say they're baffled over cnn host brian stelter, for example, claiming it is a right-wing talking point, this time from right-wing convservative talk radio hosts to debate about the state of joe biden's mental health when stelter's own network cnn talked about it, so has "politico,", nbc, bbc, "new york times" and "washington post." joe biden has admitted he has not taken a cognitive test. biden is criticized cutting back on unscripted public events. watch cnn's brian stelter here. >> let's go on a trip together to a totally alternative universe. you never hear what is happening there unless you tune into right-wing talk radio. you need to know what they are saying. the most popular, powerful talkers in the country have trained their sights on
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joe biden. what you are about to hear them say is mind-boggling. look, whether you like biden or not, this stuff is offensive and other worldly. want to be clear. there is a lot of negative partisanship happens on the left as well. disdain and nastiness directed at the right. this is happening in all directions but it is especially extreme, especially vitriolic, on the right, directed at joe biden. elizabeth: okay. let's welcome fox news contributor deneen borelli. deneen, joe biden deserves compassion and respect for cognitive issues. it is on video. there is serious debate among doctors he has cognitive issues. if he is elected president he will have to go up against china's xi xinping, russia's vladmir putin and other u.s. enemies around the world. your reaction to this story? >> well there are concerns, liz and lately joe biden's wife has been out in public more than he
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has and she is not the one running for president. the videos are there. there is no denying that former vice president joe biden is having issues when he is conducting, when a part of interviews. he doesn't stick to the script. it seems like he is being fed information through earpieces. how in the world is he going to debate president trump on the debate stage, yes, how will he deal with these world leaders that don't mean us any good? so there are clearly concerns there, when it comes to former vice president joe biden. elizabeth: biden has been skipping out and not doing, not skipping out, let me rephrase. he has not been doing tough media interviews. he is not holding unscripted public events. most of these are scripted events. this has been going on for several months. it's important you know, what is going on here. he is also admitted that he will not run for a second term. you know, so your take on that?
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your quick reaction to the selection of kamala harris? in june of 2019, kamala harris railed against joe guiden on race, practically calling him a segregationist at a democrat debate. your take on that. >> you're right. she called him out. she threw joe biden under the because he bragged about working with segregation its early in his political career. not only that, he was pals with former klansman robert byrd, liz. there is a long history there, that joe biden needs to be called out about and people need to be reminded of. elizabeth: you know, it is an issue here as americans tune in usually in august in an election cycle what they're hearing in the media. we have now, cnn's brian stelter basically essentially saying, entire media companies essentially exist to tear down joe biden but there was a dearth of them for, you know, media
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companies going after donald trump. look what harvard, we'll show the viewer what harvard university found. what was your reaction when you heard brian stelter say that? >> it's a huge double standard. i think it is over 90% of media coverage with president trump is negative. so you have the anti-trump media that despises the president. they despise his accomplishments. they despise people that support him. and sew i'm not surprised folks like stelter, whatever his name is, would say this, about the media outlets because, it is a huge double standard. it is not the same response when it comes to president trump. elizabeth: you know, harvard university did a study in 2017. 93% of the coverage of cnn was negative against president trump. 93% of the coverage at nbc negative against president trump. 91% coverage out of cbs negative
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against president trump. on and on. "new york times," 87% negative. "washington post," 83% negative. so you know, it is important to get the truth out there about what is really happening as we go into the 2020 race. your reaction, deneen? >> no, it really is. these media outlets are doing a disservice to the country. they're lying. they're cheating. they're not actually reporting on the real news at hand which is important for voters know the truth, what the truth is so they can go into that voting booth and make an informed decision to vote for the next president of the united states. but these anti-trump media outlets, they have an agenda. it is an agenda driven media out let and they are out to get president trump no matter what it is. elizabeth: deneen borelli. thanks for joining us. come back soon. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: next up, former nypd commissioner bernie kerik, he is fired up on the media and
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democrats silence on violence and rioting swamping american cities. is all of that hurting the push to stop it now? the president did meet with the acting head of homeland security and attorney general william barr on a potential new push to stop the violence. a.g. barr warns americans are being told a lie by the media and democrats that these are peaceful protests. they are not. that stotototo when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. so, when you get a check... you can deposit it from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. you can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. and you can pay your friends back from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?" you can tell them: here's my bank. or here's my bank.
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♪. >> they see these groups of agitators in their black outfits and their helmets and their shields which incidentally have, have hammer and sy kel on them most of the time sickle. rushing police and throwing rocks and showing up with frozen bottles, that is happening, that is happening in front of people. you don't see it on any national news. you don't see it on the networks or any other cable stations and yet you hear about these
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peaceful demonstrators. so it's, you know, it is just, it's a lie. the american people are being told a lie by the media. elizabeth: that is attorney general william barr with mark levin, saying the media is misleading the american people saying riots are peaceful and they're not. saying it is a lie what the media is saying. seattle's police chief resigned after seattle voted to cut the police budget. seattle rioters ransack adamson store, whole foods and hit a bank. we have former nypd commissioner bernie kerik. great having you back on. we love having you back on. are the media and democrats essentially excuse agroing culture of lawlessness. we've been tracking democrat reaction to this and it has been pretty muted? >> they're ignoring it. i think in many ways they're supporting it. i have to tell you, after looking at joe biden's new pick for vice president these are two
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people, president nominee, vice president nominee, both of them have failed to condemn what is now the militant arm of the democratic party, black lives matter and antifa, who have done, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars in damage around the country, injured over 1000 cops, murdered people. and they have said nothing, absolutely nothing. which is completely bizarre. elizabeth: yeah. we have at least 18 people, possibly higher now dead in the rioting since it began in the spring. more than 100 arrested, 13 officers injured, 60 million in property damage in chicago after looters attacked violently the miracle mile. msnbc,cnn gave no prime time coverage to that. "washington post" reporting in a headline, getting it wrong, claiming the rioting was dialing back in portland. there have been a dozen riots in 10 days since federal officials
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left. you've been hearing that scene that the federal i officials are inciting riots. that is not true. a dozen of them since federal officials left. they're still setting fire to police buildings there. go ahead. >> keep in mind, liz, people forget this, those riots were going on in portland, six weeks, six weeks before the president ordered dhs and the marshals to go into the courthouse. once they left, that has been almost two weeks now it, started all over again. they don't care about whether it's the police, the state police, the locals, the feds, they don't care. they're destined, determined to destroy society as we know it. just like the attorney general said. you have mayors and governors that are allowing it to happen. they're supporting it. they are marxists themselves. they're supporting it. these people need to get thrown out of office. it is only place it will change.
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elizabeth: i hear what you're saying. let's show the weapons that these rioters and protesters are bringing to the fight in portland. the mayor of portland, oregon, ted wheeler, was fighting against the federal presence there to help out, to stop what was going on there. there was, they're lighting federal buildings with dozens of people trapped inside, to potentially try to murder them. that is what the mayor of portland is now saying, that this the trapping them inside is an attempt to commit murder, throwing chunks of con concreted more. your reaction, mayor saying what the rioters are doing to people, they're trying to kill people. your reaction? >> he doesn't have a choice. he tried to conceal it in the past. the mainstream media, cnn or msnbc, they are propoganda arm of the democratic party. they ignore it. they refuse to air it. the bottom line there is too much footage out there now, liz.
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all you have to do is go on the internet you can see everything going on in portland on a nightly basis. there is too much out there for the mayor to get by and say it is all peaceful and everything is fine. elizabeth: you know, people are saying, you know, fix the police. don't defund it. certainly don't attack innocent buildings and innocent americans. you know, in these riotings, in these riots. i wanted your reaction to what democrats are saying. they are saying, they are saying these are peaceful protests, not acknowledging the riots at all. watch this. >> mostly a protest. it is not, it is not generally speaking unruly. >> peaceful protests. >> peaceful protest. >> peace fell protesters. >> peaceful protest. >> peace fell protests. >> peaceful protesters. >> peaceful protests. >> peaceful demonstrators. elizabeth: the footage shows
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otherwise. by wait in 16 states, in 16 states a growing movement to back the police. this is called back the blue. a push to basically support police officers. your reaction to all of this, sir? >> listen, any community that wants law and order, wants to live in a safe environment, nobody wants to live, visit, work or go to school in a place where they're not safe and the bottom line is, the only thing that will accomplish that is a police presence and a big one, especially given what is going on today. there is a lot of people out there in communities that are supporting the police. they're defending the police, not trying to defund them. elizabeth: all right. bernie kerik, thanks for joining us. come back soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up, fox news contributor charles hurt on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots with major problems in numerous states. we've got the story. also the debate. why is the media ignoring that story too?
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♪. >> people have to have confidence in the out come other we're going to have real problems in this country and i think the people who want to experiment with different ways of voting right now, which are predictably, you know, can predictably create problems of integrity, are playing with fire and are grossly irresponsible. elizabeth: okay. that is attorney general william barr, talking about the problem with mail-in ballots. countries in europe don't use because of problems with the vote. political, "politico" now reporting trump's campaign and rnc talking about possible executive action. the president could take to curb mail-in voting. that will get democrats up in arms. welcome back to the show "washington times" executive editor, opinion editor, charles hurt. charles, great to have you back on. can he do that?
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can he do executive action on mail-in ballots? >> i think without a doubt there are a lot of things he can do around the edges but the real problem here is, that you have so many elected officials who are willing to run down this path of tremendous uncertainty at a time when, you know, of course this is after years and years of listening to these very same people, politicians in washington talk about the importance of the integrity of elections and, here is a statistic right here, elizabeth, which is amazing, in the last election, 2018, 100,000 mail-in ballots were rejected in that whole california ballot harvesting operation because of bad signatures, signatures that could not be confirmed. that is 100,000 people in california who think they cast a ballot in 2018. turns out they didn't cast a ballot. no telling how many more of those actually got through that were also faulty, that maybe people that shouldn't be voting
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or whatever, but that is a real problem. and the fact that you have so many politicians who are trying to push this, ought to raise people's kind ever antennas about what is going on here. elizabeth: people are saying, why helicopter drop mail-in ballots across the country, democrats, when people can apply for an absentee ballot anyway? let's go through the numbers. watchdog group said half a million, 500,000 incorrect ballot, mail-in ballot, absentee ballot applications across virginia, including to dead people. more than 200,000 mail-in ballots sent to the wrong addresses and other problems in nevada. 4,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in new york city primary vote -- 84,000. you point out in california. you know, by the way, remember that the 2000 race was decided by just 537 votes. george w. won that race.
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this is a serious issue. why is the media ignoring hundreds of thousands of problematic mail-in ballots across multiple states? why is the media not covering it? >> honestly, elizabeth, i think it has to do with the fact that so many people, democrats and the media, not to repeat myself, gotten into this idea this is going to automatically help democrats. obviously if the deal is, they're going to harvest ballots and have, you know, process that is completely rigged, then maybe that does help democrats but i think whatever the case is, that is what they believe. i can tell you that having covered politics for a long time, i'm always traveling on election day. i have done absentee ballots for 20 years. the process that you have to go through to make sure that you get the ballot, that that ballot is in proper hands at all times, it is a rigorous process. there is not a problem with absentee balloting. the problem is with this mail-in
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balloting. as you pointed with the helicopter dropping ballots in places where you can't even, the custody of the ballot itself is not even secure. elizabeth: yeah. that is the issue. charles hurt. we love having you on. great to have you on. good to see you, my friend. up next more on the case in general michael flynn. it is hanging in limbo in a d.c. appeals court. there was hearing today about it. a government lawyer hinted at secret evidence that exonerated general flynn. potentially a.g. barr saw the evidence, that is why the justice department dropped it is case against flynn. does this mean the case being brought potentially by john durham is worse than we're realizing? that the obama administration abuses in the trump-russia probe go deeper than thought? texas congressman brian babin is our guest just ahead i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car
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♪. elizabeth: okay. general michael flynn's case is still in limbo at that d.c. circuit court of appeals hearing. it heard arguments over whether the criminal case against flynn should be dropped. 9 justice department has requested that. the doj found there was no legitimate basis for the fbi's
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investigation and for bringing the case. let's bring in congressman brian babin of texas. great to have you back on, sir. the solicitor general at this hearing essentially indicating a.g. barr saw evidence that, it seems legal experts say was so egregious, that is what triggered the doj dropping the case against michael flynn. your reaction to that statement made by the solicitor general in the hearing in the circuit court? >> absolutely. great to be with you, liz. my reaction is, i can't wait to see what this evidence is. we know there was all kind of could corruption, all kinds of bending and breaking of the rule here. let's see what it is. it is high time the judge drop this case and quit obstructing. general flynn was obviously railroaded. we want to see some justice here. elizabeth: flynn's attorney,
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sidney powell will be a guest with us again tomorrow night on "the evening edit." she told the d.c. court again that the judge sullivan here is acting like a prosecutor. that he is biased here. your reaction to sidney powell's statements today? >> i couldn't agree more with her. i have from the very beginning after the doj urged the dropping of charges against the general, and the judge inexplicably started asking for this, asking for judge, instead after judge, he is acting more like a prosecutor which is completely out of the realm of his responsibilities and i think it's a violation of his judicial oath. i think this is something that needs to be looked at real closely. elizabeth: what was your reaction when you heard that senator lindsey graham is demanding that the fbi explain why the fbi, fish by officials misled the senate in 2018, the
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steele dossier, opposition research that the democrats funded that the fbi used as justification for doing surveillance on the trump campaign, that it was aboveboard, that the source felt it was credible? the source told the fbi a year prior, no it wasn't, it was hearsay, said in jest over beers. he doesn't didn't know where the word the fbi was using in the brief came from. they were not his words. your reaction senator graham going at it hard right now? >> i appreciate what these two senators are doing. this is incredible they would be putting together this dossier which is basically russian disinformation to take down a president. we've seen this over and over again as more of this stuff has come to light. people are urging the durham investigation to send, get their report out quickly. we keep hearing that the democrats push back and do not,
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doj guide lines cannot be, you know, this report can't come out within 90 days of an election. i don't care what it says. the american people have been waiting for five years, five long years to find out just exactly what was going on there. i think it is high time that they get this report out and let's see some, some accountability and some justice. elizabeth: former dni, former dni ric grenell has said, former dni rick grenell said that is the story. russia played democrats on this and hacking into the democrat emails. congressman, thank for joining us. sidney powell -- >> liz i hate to say this. elizabeth: got to go, sorry. >> okay. elizabeth: thanks for watching. we hope you have a good evening. ♪
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