tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 14, 2020 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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take it with you. do you have a strange inheritance story you would like to share with us we would love to hear it go to our website strange ♪ >> good evening everybody president trump today announced a historic achievement in the middle east. president trump has accomplished what has alluded every administration since the founding of israel in 1948. president trump is brokered a deal that normalizes diplomatic ties between israel and the united arab emirates this agreement is known as the abraham accord marks first time that israel has established with a gulf ties a.i.g. ran state. deal is part of what the courthouse calls an untraditional approach to peace in middle east and president trump says this is just the
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beginning.he now that the ice has been broken, i expect more arab and muslim countries will follow the united arab t emirates lead and already discussing those with other nations of very powerful very good nations people that want to see peace in the middle east. so you will probably see others but this is first in 25 years. a lot of progress is being made that nobody thought could possibly be made. and things are happening that i can't talk about. but they're extreme positive. >> and under the terms of the agreement, israel halts its plans to occupied land as it is referred to sought by palestinians in the west bank. that effectively avoids a new round of conflict between the two sides. it also places the united arab
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as ally in region and new friend of just across the persian gulf from iran. president trump's top to iran brian hook today said this extraordinary new agreement not only cements the relationship between israel, and the united arab emirates but it is also another major blow against the iranian regime. >> peace between the arab and israeli is iran worst nightmare. and no one has don more to intensify the conflict. between arab and israeli been iran. and what we see today is a new middle east and president maximum pressure campaign has achieved hirks results. >> president trump secretary of state mike pompeo today also announcing a major foreign policy decision. the secretary of state ordering chinese confucius institutes to register their u.s. headquarters as a foreign mission of the
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chinese communist party. there are 75 confucius institutes in the united states. they claim to teach chinese language and culture but the state department says actually they are, quote, a advancing beijing global propaganda and campaign on u.s. campuses and k-12 classrooms. some american universities, in fact, failed to report the millions of dollars that they have received through the confucius program. and at least 32 chinese national associated with institutes have committed the fraud. perhaps, more remarkable, the state department told congress that it has no idea how many chinese nationals are associated with the confucius institute program, how many of them are in this country because it no point didma u.s. government ask.
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our first guest today, suggested that president trump should be considered front runner for noble peace prize in his role in normalizing between israel and united arab emirates joining us is national security advisor robert o'brien. robert great to see you and congratulations to you. the administration, the president in achieving this historic agreement. gives your sense of its importance. >> thank you lou nice to be with you tonight. this is really a remarkable accomplishment by the president of the united states also my conference and prime minister benjamin netanyahu to bring peace to a region the first time until 26 years that israel has made peace with an arab nation and we now have muhammad the crown prince with a great arab leaders of jordan, and of egypt. who have had the courage and the
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fortitude to make peace with israel. this is good for the region. it is good for the countries involved good for the united states of america so really a remarkable achievement today and i congratulate all of the leaders who were involved in this historic abraham accord. >> it is clear that this has a potential to significantly alter the dynamics of the region. also change the geopolitics beyond that that is a reaction that to which -- russia and china alike will have to respond in the region. and the conflict that has beset israel from its founding. looks like it has a potential here to result in real peace. i know it is certainly early days in this agreement. but it is a mark change of direction in what region is experienced over last quarter century. >> you're right lou and these
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are two dynamic countries two of the most die signal nick region they're high-tech centers they're tourism centers. they're h centers of education. and they have very capable so from a security stand point it's a real bonus for both countries so it is great for both israel and the ua but also terrific for united states of america. president trump is just happy to be involved in bringing peace to the region. i said earlier today in the press i conference that -- everyone knows that president trump is a great deal maker and then wrote a book about it and spent a life making great deals. what i think is going to happen overtime in history he's going to be -- someone they look back on as a great peacemaker not just a deal maker but another example of that example up front. >> it certainly is and imperative of his agenda from the day he became president of the united states has toen bring u.s. troops home and to remove
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the united states from conflict in which it did not have an overwhelmingly profound national security interest and that is also moving a pace is it not? >> well it is. president trump is very much like president reagan in that sense so peace and rebuilding of the american military gone through years of and marines in prier administration rebuilt the military approaches from ministry of strength and hasn't gotten us involved in new wars but winding down more so you take for example afghanistan. secretary just announced last week that we're going to be down to 5,000 troop by this fall. that's less than half of the number of troops that were there when the president took office. we have not had an american combat casualty since february 29th in afghanistan. and so you're seeing the president make good on his
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campaign promises of bringing our troops home and -- and real heros. do it in the way that brings peace to the various regions. and i couldn't be more proud to serve under them. >> well, the nation is watching a president who is getting done what he's promised to do. and he is -- he has pointed out only just begun. robert it is great to haveeg you with us. t again, congratulations and i think you have a splendid idea about the noble peace prize. we thank you for being with us. appreciate it. president trump is scheduled to hold a news conference later this hour in the white house briefing room. we will attack you there with president trump takes the podium. senator ron johnson has a different story today about ryan know resistance to obama gate investigation we take that up and more with congressman doug collins, and my new book the
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trump century how our president changeded course forever availae for preorder get your copies before he makes anymore history this week. the trump barnes & set off if you left wingers in doing so as well. we'll be right back. stay with us. introducing stocks by the slice from fidelity. now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. all with no commissions. stocks by the slice from fidelity. get your slice today. stocks by the slice from fidelity. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424.
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>> breaking news, ice agents coming under attack in oregon hundreds of left wing activist and town of bend, oregon, blocking immigration and custom enforcement agents overnight from transporting two illegal immigrants with violent criminal histories. that standoff lasted nearly 12 hours.nt members of the left wing mob had the support of local democrat leaders in bend. the macee your of bend sally russell tweeted this. do i support i.c.e. nor can our bend police force. and the local district attorney john tweeted this, quote, i've never been so disgusted by my government and so proud of my community. oregon has a state wide crisis.
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senator ron johnson announce no rhino on senate home land security committee holding up subpoenas of key suspect and actors. johnson attributed his initial suggestion of rhino resistance to misunderstanding between him and radio host hew hewitt johnson office telling us today that, quote, committee members want to attempt to get voluntary compliance also to be fully prepared for interviews by obtaining necessary documents before compelling testimony. that is ordering subpoenas. and in an interview with fox news johnson went on it further explain he said subpoenas will be forthcoming that can guarantee you joining us now to help us try to make sense of all of this is congressman doug collins, ranking member of the house judiciary committee, and republican candidate for senate
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in the grand state of georgia. all right congressman good to have you with us. we need a little translation a little capitol hill interpretation from you. johnson says there's resistance on a wednesday. tells us there's none on a hethursday. and meanwhile there are suspects clear suspects of doing just what he says didn't happen that is blocking his effort to get subpoenas onn obama gate, and amongst them, of course, mitt romney senator lanford it looks, it looks very, very bad for the committee. >> well it does look bad for the community and look bad for the u.s. we need to get bottom is i'm here -- working in the house and my colleagues to get this testimony. let's just go, they have had, you know, a long too many now with senate majority to get this out of it. we both know call me jim mccabe,
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strzok, page, clapper need to get them on there in a deposition under oath so you can ask the questions that need to be asked the american people want to know. the congress has been asking this. we've been asking this. we've been revealing this for a wheel and new transcripts lindsey graham put out and what i put out last year all show there was wrong doing it is time to get to the bottom of it no matter what the excuse is. let's get them under oath get this moving because we're running out of time to actually let the american people show vividly what they did and another great day today that i had try to stop this. could you imagine what happenedded they would have stopped president trump. we would not have had the big success we hadding right now. the world would be in a worst place i believe. but we've got to get this information out lou there's no more on this. >> yeah. yeah. well -- to your number of your points one of which is -- this president and all that he's achieved all that he's
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accomplished, and a amongst thoe as i achievements is the state of thiss economy. before the b wuhan virus hit, wt shape would this country be in if he had not driven the strongestnt period of prosperity on our country's history before the china virus was unleashed upon us? you can look at this a number of ways no president has don more than he has in the first three and a half years of presidency. it's remarkable. but it is also remarkable that the republican party has creatures like mitt romney who tried toed block the subpoenas around now trying to block subpoenas. we know that mitt romney is amongst those trying to block ron johnson obama gate investigation. and no one is raising -- mitch mcconnell majority leader, the party leader should be demanding more, more much
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more from senator romney. >> we've got to have people willing to stand up and those of white house stood up for this president and those who stood up for last 18 months and pelosi and schumer, and all of the folks who wanted to taken down president who tried to show that there was a corrupt. my question is now, let's be, let's be honest with american people that they're republican or anybody who wants to stand awayon this investigation let tm go to camera and don't know want to know about corruption of hunter bideen and say with mccabe and page and why not want to know moreor about what happed with general flynn when he was unmanned by almost everybody in obama administration senior leadership but joe biden as vpght lou it is time we're -- we show the world that we're serious about this. because people node to be held accountable for what they did and don't they'll think they can get away with it and that's not right. j well it's to sees --
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senator portman senator lankford and romney trying to block this -- by all appearances we have also this statement from congress senator romney. if we could put this up about his idea of blocking burisma investigations to begin with and subpoenas. he said there's no question that the appearance of looking into bris burisma and hunter biden appears political and i think, i think people are tired of these, these kind of political investigations and i would hope that if there's something of significance that needs to be evaluated, that it will be done by perhaps the fbi or some other agency that's -- my gosh is goes on it is pitiful absolutely pit full and he knows what he's doingha and he also hs friends and associates at least
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one who was on the board of burisma so he looks look he's conflicted should have recused himself from any comment on it. >> oh. the question if this appears political but it is wrong and things were done wrong and then law were broken. and things especially when with burisma or investigation of the president. it is our duty to look into it. it is not about was it shall we not look into jim comey and mccabe because it was political because that they wanted to tack out the president? no it was wrong. c they signed to defy the court andng admitted under oath that they wer fully inaccurate and told them they knew nigh thaw wasn't accurate and saw past week where we know that christopher wray i'll call to resign because he was in a position where they've not been honest with the senate my question to anybody is political and it is wrong. you've got to go after right and
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wrong our country understands right and wrong but you can't be afraid of being up here when you're going for truth why aren't we going for the truth? lou: if senator romney is so concerned about political statements in the appearance of being political, he should perhaps exam everything he said and done concerning president trump and his reactions to this president throughout. it has been acidic, purely political on his apartment. did he notice there was a sham special counsel? and absolute contrive cue attempt on thehe president of te united states seeking to overthrow him bit radical dems and some rhinos we might add. congressman doug kol finance good to have you with us great to see you. thanks so much. we would like hear your thoughts on all of this please share your comments at lou dobbs like me on facebook and follow me on
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instagram at lou dobbs tonight homeland security ken and pastor robert will joins torming evening. we hope you will as well. we're coming right back with much more the supreme court throwing their support behind mail-in voting we take that and more after these quick message what is is john roberts doing now?
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lou: breaking news, >> breaking news now, after a two-year investigation, the u.s. justice department has determined that yale university has discriminated against asian american and white applicants, yale practice violates federal civil rights law. the doj says race was the, quote, determinative factor, quote, in hundreds of administrations decisions each year. this going to yale's
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undergraduate college. the supreme court today rejengted a republican effort to block rhode islandck agreement o waive mail-in ballots security measures. the courts decision means absentee ballots don't have to be sign bidal two witnesses or notary republican before counted and president just walked up to address the country. >> itt was just announced by general bartha that -- barr they've caught the killer horribly shot, young man wonderful young man. and this just keam out two minutes ago attorney general barr just announced that we named operation legend after legend. we're going to be helping out in the process of helping 90s
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cities throughout our country that have difficulty with crime in particular certain types of crime so that's really good news. they caution the killer of legend. today we saw joe biden continue to politicize a pandemic and show is appalling lack of rpght for the american people what it is. that every turn biden has been wrong about the virus ignoring scientific evidence and putting left wing mr. mr.s politics beft and sleepy joe opposed both the china and the europe travel bans you know that, he posed the china travel ban i instituted early and europe travel ban that i instituted quite early. if he had followed if we went after i listent to his advice, hundreds of thousands more
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people would have died. this is according to many people, i believe that doctor fauci agreed with that he said that president trump made a great decision when he put the been on china. joe biden wants to fling open american borders allowing the pandemic to infiltrate every u.s. community based on his policies. he wants to have ridiculous open borders i've been saying from the first day i started campaigning for this great office that you have open borders you don't have a country. you don't have a country with open border sos he wants open borders democrats want open borders if you attack a look at our southern border we would have criminals crawling through wall is getting close to 290 miles long having a huge impact. so we disagree with him on that. that's one of the many different, many things that we
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disagree with. but while joe biden would allow looters, criminals millions of illegal aliens to roam free in our country he wants the federal government to issue a sweeping new mandate to law-abiding citizens who want the president of the united states with the mere stroke of a pen to order over 300 million american citizens to wear a mask for minimum of three straight months. because it's just happen he thinks it is good politics i guess. no matter where they live and no matter their surroundings different states there. much different both in terms of the at risk itself and also in terms of the corona problem. hehe does not identify what authority the president has to issue such a mandate or how federal law enforcement could
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possibly enforce itce or why we would be stepping on governors throughout our country. many of bhom have done a very good job and they know what is needed. also many of our 50 states are doing the job that level that frankly people are really surprised including foreign governments that are calling us constantly and asking for advice. so i want to just say our governors have worked very hard. they've worked with vice president pence and myself and everybody else that's going. we have scott now involved, and so scott congratulations you'll be working with a lot of governors you've already start and dr. fauci and dr. burks and president has the unilateral power to every single citizen to cover their face in nearly all instances whatever powers does he have? that's why he refuses biden to
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take questions he couldn't answer any of them. couldn't answer the questions he refused to take questions he never takes questions i tack question he never takes questions you wonder what's geng on because they're not that difficult. some can be nasty but they're not that difficult but he never takes questions so he i guess i didn't see it but he left the podium put it in your minds my administration urge americans to wear masks. emphasized this is a patriotic thing to do. maybe they're great and maybe they're just good. maybe they're not so good. but frankly, what is do you have to lose nothing to lose. so we do and we've been saying wear them. when it is appropriate -- especially in terms of social distancing if you can't distance enough.
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anding what do you have to lose? but again it is up to the governors and we want to have a certain freedom certain freedom that's what we're about at the same time we also understand each state is different and is facing unique serks. you have very, very different states facing very unique differences and srks entrusted governors of each state elected by the people to develop and enforcer that own mask policy and other policies following guidance from the federal government and cdc. we're working with each state to implement a plan based on facts and science. we will continue to urge americans to wear a mask when they cannot socially distance. but not need to bring full weight of the federal government down or law-abiding americans to accomplish this goal.
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americans must have their freedoms and i trust the american people and their governors very much. i trust the american people and governors want to do the right thring to make this smart decision and joe doesn't. joe doesn't. joe doesn't know too much. unlike the biden approach our approach is guided by science. that's why we're focused on protecting the high risk americans that isng why we're delivering effective medical treatments to dramatically reduce the fatality rate. and thatat is why we're developg a vaccine and therapeutic and record time you'll see that i think very soon. sleepy joe rejects this scientific approach in favor of locking all americans in their basements months on end. which i think is something that if that would be opposed to i think i can speak for you. we've been dealing pretty strongly over the last number of weeks.
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but he wants them and basement for months on end and you have governors that have been very, very strict on keeping people in the houses keeping people in their maybe apartments and frankly, i don't think the results are necessarily beaters than other results. but he thinks to shut down economy and close our schools and grind society it a halt. and he wants it done by a federal decree. this would lead to a crippling long lasting depression a crippling long-lasting depression and yesterday i showed you numbers about how well we're doing coming back with autosales and automanufacturing and use car sales, and housing. sales that numbers that nobody would have believed and back and very strong it is a very strong v almost a straight up v we'll be discussing that over the next couple of days. but the economy is coming back,
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and the employment numbers other the last three months are a record in history of our country. and we'll be back next year i think we'll be -- maybe even stronger than previous year. where we set every record in the book unemployment, and stock way our stock market numbers are very close to record and nasdaq is actually record over the last 14 days. 14 for 14 times now. it has been record, and that's during what we hope will be more final stages of the pandemic. so if. we did what biden wanted to do shut down our health care system lead to massive increase in mortality. including suicide, overdose, heart disease, and countless other physical and mental harms. it is very, very bad on the other side of the equation when you do something like that. shutdowns are very punitive, very punitive.
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they hurt a lot of people and a lot of different ways through depression, through suicide. through so many other things. alcohol, drugs, biden's approach is regressive. it's antiscientific, and it's very defeatist but very bad for our country. while joe biden has been playing plucks from the sidelines he has no clue. we've been solving problems and delivering tremendous results the most advance and robust testing system on the planet the number one producer of ventilators in the world by far, unprecedented streel mobilization biggest since world war iiar operation warp speed fr deliver life saving treatment and very soon a vaccine and a plan by joe biden has actually laid out we're due. we've already accomplished on
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one of the things well reported other last few days every single thing he said to do and every thing we did and we did them well so biden has no idea on his own he only knows what he thinks we should do and he spews it out and then he i guess you can say plagiarizes that he really did in our case. because every single one of the events i think we can say that was -- something we had s already done. so we'll defeat the virus. but not by hiding in our basements got to come out of his basement defeat this virus through a common sense mitigation effort. shielding those at highest risk and unleashing america's medical and scientific genius which is what it is. and we have been doing it and close to something that's very, very special in form of
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therapeutic and vaccines. to joe i would say stop playing politics with the virus too serious. partisan mr. speakers is no place here. it is a shameful situation for anybody to try to score political points while we're working to save lives defeat the pandemic. in times of national challenge america americans and we are by the way we are working with countries from all over the world and they're trying to learn from us and some of the countries that you spoke most well about having a tremendous surge but it will work out and americans must work together and put politics aside and have to really unite for a common good. three vaccines are in the time stage of clinical trials they're doingea really well we're producing mostos promising vacce candidates in advance. as you know, part of the largest
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industrializationli ever, it's incredible when i meet with heads of companies that are doing this that are the best companies anywhere in the b wor. it is incredible where they are how they're doing, and the speed with which they're doing it and also the speed with which fda is approving they thinks. because by any other standard you would have been two or three years away from being at the point that we're at. by the end of this week we will have shipped 1,846 rapid point testing devices to nursing homes which are very important source as you know for people that are not handling the plague from china very well. this weekel alone we're sending 992 testing devices and 450,000 tests to more than 950 nursing homes across the country. and these tests are incredible
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these are tests that are all new very v modern, and we're also getting on the test that are not done immediately with the five to 15 minute timing when they do send them to a lab they're coming back in three days so a three-day process about as god as you can do you have one day of delivering one day of receiving and one day in the lab. we'll also require all nursing homes to test all members of their staff at least weekly. byby unleashing america scientic genius we have effective treatments the case fatality rate for americans over 70 declined by about 85% that's a fantastic number that's declined that's case fatality. it's declined by 85%. europe has seen 40% more excess mortality than the united states compared to a nonpandemic year. so you hear the numbers, and
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those numbers are very interesting. but that's the way it is. we continue to urge all americans to wash your hands socially distance wear a mask when necessary. and when you cannot distance and protect very importantly the vulnerable, protect people that are older and especially people that have problems with heart or diabetes or some other problem. earlier today very exciting news very big news all over the world they're talking about it. all over the world it was amazing. we finalized a historic peace agreement between israel and united arab emirates. after half a century, israel and emirates will formalize their relation and something thought couldn't happen for a long time and break through since jipght
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peace agreement signed over 40 years ago and we have ambassador david thank you for being here very much you would agree that this was a big day for israel and a big day for the world. thank you david you've been feras tyke. thank you ambassador and representative ofnt our country thank you very much.nk the deal that was reached today will enable muslims to have far greater ability to visit many historic sites in israel. and to peacefully pray at the mosque which is very important to them which they've wanted to have access to for -- many decades this is a monumental step to forging ties of corporation in the middle east i think you're going to have other countries come forward i can tell you we already do, and they want to make a deal. they could have peace in the middle east and be fantastic.
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israel is also suspending settlements in the west bank which is a big deal. a bold step towards achieving peace israel in the united arab emirates agreed to expand accelerate scientific collaboration to effective treatments and vaccines to defeat china virus. they both have been hit. virtually every country has been hit 188 countries. and to save lives in their region and in their world, so they are working very much on the vaccines also with us. and again some very good news is going to take place with respect to that. ourha unprecedented diplomatic engagement laid growngsd work for this historic peace agreement which wasnt just announced a little wheel ago today. we will not rest to work to prosperity and harmony for all. i want to thank israel and crown
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prince muhammad of the united emirates two fantastic people for their vision and their leadership and i look forward to hosting them at the white house very soon to formally sign the agreement and probably be doing it over next three weeks. and they'll be coming to washington. so that was a tremendous day that was a tremendous thing that happened. and great sign we have a lot of other interesting things geng on with other nations also having to do with peace agreements, and a lot of big news is coming over next three weeks i'm sure you'll be impressed andng very importantla great thing for our country and great thing for the world so thank you very much. please go ahead. >> thanks mr. president i appreciate it. ept to ask you about school age kids and food what is the real problem when you shut down the schools these are kids on free
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lunch programs they need these meals to make it through their day and with districts shutting down school what if anything can the federal government do to mac surefe that the kids still get meals if one of the schools are out? j well you know we don't want the schools shut down. we want the schools to open. and especially very young children young children all children. but especially very young children handle it very well. so we want schools open. we don't want to be in that position we want schools open. we made payment and follow child with the payment give the money to the child meaning that parents of the child. andpa let that parent do what ty have to do. and including brings the child to another school. because we're finding that whether it's parents or children people want to get back to school. they want to have their life back. some people say they don't want theon democrats don't want open
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because you have polling booths. and if you have a school closed you can't very easily have polling booths at the school and that's becoming i think -- maybe we'll be able to show that as fact. but that's another thing that they're doing to try to keep people away from the polls. so question of to look into that. but it's you've been reading about it. i've beenab reading about it ani don't like it but we would line to see the cools open and we don't have that problem good question. >> thank you. >> what's your understanding of how long israel will suspend its west bank plan? >> what do you think? tell me -- >> we have peace. we have an agreement with the emirates we're going to have embassies over commercial. and then extrapolate to rest of the region. how long that takes, i can't tell you but that's we prioritize peace over the
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sovereignty movement. but hot off the table but something that will be deferred until the -- we give peace every single chance. >> what do you think palestinians to take away from that deal? >> well but they are supported largely by some of the countries that we're talking to and that have already signed in on the case of one country. but others will be following. and i think that palestinians will without saying it necessarily yet, i think they very much want to be a part of what we're doing. and i see ultimately the palestinians i see peace between israel and palestinians i see that happening. i think as these very big powerful wealthy countries come in, i think the palestinians will follow quite naturally yeah please. >> do you believe that you reach the agreement temporarily suspend? >> say it again can you make it
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louder? >> do you believe a deal has been reached without israel agreement to temporarily suspend -- >> think about that -- it is interesting. >> i think you can't do both at the same time. so i think again, prioritize peace, sovereignty after peace is giving every opportunity to sovereignty i don't two could have been at the same time. >> israel -- consider -- >> this is a temporary process no other question. >> okay. mr. president. this morning you said that you do not want the political service because democrats are trying to expand voting by mail. so i've got two questions for you one are you threatening to veto any legislation that includes funding for the post office? no not at all. sign something that didn't give. separate thing i would do it
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nowhere and nobody knows where they're going so what happened in -- katelyn in virginia, it was 500,000 applications coming in going all over the state nobody even knows -- disaster with congresswoman carolyn maloney it was a basic disaster you see paterson, new jersey what's going on there and give you many other locations besiding what has happened that's part of the big negotiation. that's a actually small. fall it was china's fault. post office this a part of, and other part they want 3.5 billion for ballots, why? so much, i don't know. but that what democrats want. if the bill is not getting done that means post office is not getting funding and mean that 3.5 billion will not be taken care of, i don't know how you to could use these ballots.
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absentee ballots by the way are fine. but the universal mail ins they just sent in people can grab them and grab stacks of them and sign them, that is what we're against. >> the problem you say you do not want to give this post office funding in in coronavirus legislation, they say they need it toni be prepared if pandemic still going on in november, people tend to feel safe to vote in person they can vote by mail, it can be safe and secure? >> i can understand that post office, and if we could agree to a bill overall bill, which is a much bigger number than just the post office, that would be fine. but they have the post office as one of their requests, their request. >> this morning you said you were against it. >> i am against doing anything where the people i are not taken care of, and they are not taken care of plop pro-- trooply, we
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want people 245 -- too get mone, they were shut town by china. they are asking for 3 1/2 bill yoobillion for universal mail in baballots they are not willing o make a deal, the thing they want more han anything is bailout for states and cities in trouble, which for most part are democrat run. new york has a problem, california has a problem, illinois has a problem. andia others. that i want to be able it bailout the states and we don't want to be doing that or certainly not to the extent they look for a trillion, we don't want to do that. go ahead. >> confused this morning you saidid they need that money to make post office work to take millions of ballots -- >> i said to would end up being
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fraughtefraudulent. it has turned out to be -- if you look at new york it was and pat everpatterson, new jersey is fraud it a mess, caroline maloney's opponent has gone crazed he said they took the electionon away from him, they y be right, i think they should redo that, if you look at virginia it is terrible and in california. look at california, they found a million noneligible voters that was-e done by judicial watch. nom we have to have a honest election. if is not honest people have to think really long and hard about it, but, if the post office if they will not approve a bill, and post office will not have money, and if they are not approving a big bill, a bigger
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bill, and they are not having 3 1/2 billion for universal mail in votes, how can you have the votes? would mean that people have to go to poll and vote like old days, just 2 or 4 years ago, it does not say anyone taking vote away. but it means universal mail in don't work, absentees do work that say different thing. you make an application, you send it in they send you a vet that is different. but, caitlin i'm not saying anything wrong with voting, i want them to vote but they would have to go to a voting booth like they used to and vote. >> even if they don't feel safe voting in person. >> they have to feel safe, and they will be safe. and wea will make sure they are safe. we're not going to have spend 3 1/2 billion to too it, if you -- it would be wonderful if we have voting id, some do some don't.
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they can't get it passed. we want people to vote, we want people to vote so when they vote it means one vote, not ballots all over the place. youit saw what was happening in virginia. piles of ballot applications are dropped all over the state, they named them after dogs and after dead people. we want to have an accurate vote, i'm w not doing it for any reason, maybe it my advantage, i don't know, i can't tell you that, but i know this i just want an accurate vote, this is a fair v question. so does everyone else. >> mr. president, how does the accord today between israel and uae help struggling and persecuted christians in the middle east? >> i think it will. it a bil big start, christians e been persecuted by some country in particular in middle east.
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i think this is a big start, a very strong start, powerful start. and something that i will tell you, i told david and everyone of our negotiators, if luk lookt how christians have been treated it is beyond disgraceful it is -- if i had ininformation and absolute proof, some of the stories that we heard, they are not easy to get, i would go in and do a number to those countries like you wouldn't believe. they do to christians in the middle east. it is disgraceful. it is disgraceful you are right, a big part of overall negotiation, as country come in, uae agreed to represent us, i think they will. very well with respect to christianity, in middle east it snoot -- it is not treated well, not well at all, horribly and you an fairly.
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it is criminal. which shaped. -- what happened for many years, that is a great question. unfair situation. >> thank you. >> larry kudlow said there is a routine check in code with china on the phase one trade deal, my question is, what if they bring uptick stock -- tiktok and we chat, would you instruct your team to engage them. >> we have a deadline of september 15, whether microsoft, i understand and others they are negotiating, we also said that worth less if we don't allow them in we said that the united states treasury will be getting something out of this deal. but we want is total security, we have's deadline of september 15, i know microsoft and others are interested in this. but, that is our deadline. it has toft be proven to be secure. we don't want to have any information going into china
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with what we've been through, i have to tell you talk about the deal you mentioned. phase one. phase one deal, it is interesting situation. because you have been hearing, largest order of corn in history,he largest order of soybeans and of beef, they have done more than they have ever done. so you will have to figure that one out with where i'm coming from, i could have -- they see myou attitude, toward china is t friendly. but they have gone to orders that are large, large. and our farmers are happy. but with what they did with respect to the pandemic, the plague, they came in from china, it just is a different feeling. it was an incredible deal but i have a different feeling, they are giving the midwest our farmers among largest orders
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they have seen. somebody told me today, bob lighthizer said about 40% of what they are selling now is going to china, maybe they are trying to make me change my mind a little bit. you know my attitude on china, it has not been very good. we're talking to the companies, there is a company, but a company within china that means china. and thet deal will have to be substantially -- >> president wrapping up his news conference, and on this day. which the unite the arab emirates and israel have reached an agreement recognizing one another, brokered by president trump. and we're going to hear more about that as well. that is it for us, thank you for being with us, tomorrow we have
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ken cuccinelli, pastor robert jeffers, we hope you join us and reorder my new book. on and barnes & noble. gogogogogo maria: good morning, happy friday. i'm maria bartiromo, it's friday august 14th, top stories 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. stimulus stalemate. lawmakers leaving recess with no end in sight. >> they want 3 and a half billion dollars for something that will turn out to be fraudulent. that's election money basically. they want 3 and a half billion dollars for the mail-in votes.
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