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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  August 14, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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goes up in the next years. anyway, thanks for joining us. cheryl, always great to see you. i will see you guys out on the road next week, wisconsin. swing states on monday. it's time for "lou dobbs tonight," starts right now. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. the prosecution of the conspirators against donald trump atop the obama justice department and fbi has officially begun. former fbi attorney kevin kleinsmith is to plead guilty to a single felony charge of falsifying a document. kleinsmith changed the wording of an important i pail in 2017 -- e-mail in 2017. that change was to suggest the opposite of the truth, to suggest that former trump campaign aide carter palm was not a source -- carter page was not a source working for the cia
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when, in fact, he had been a source for some time. clinesmith's actions to change that i e-mail facilitated what became a treasonous plot to spy on and subvert president trump's campaign in 2016. president trump today suggested more charges against the deep state and the radical dems will be forthcoming. >> kevin clinesmith, a corrupt fbi attorney who falsified fisa warrants in james comey's very corrupt fbi, is expected to plead guilty. you probably heard that, it just came out. so that's just the beginning, i would imagine. this, what happened should never happen again. so he is pleading guilty. terrible thing. terrible thing.
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fact is, they spied on my campaign and they got caught. and you'll be hearing more. lou: more and presumably a lot more. attorney general william barr says today's development is an indication that john durham's investigation is moving along at a proper pace. barr also suggested there will be future indictments once durham has gathered sufficient evidence. saying, quote: when we feel we can prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, it will be charged, i can tell you that. mr. clinesmith himself may have already provided money of that evidence to during hum -- much of that evidence to durham including the names who signed off on his falsification of that e-mail, and it is reasonable to speculate we'll find out who made him, who ordered him to do
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that. "the new york times" reported this, however: mr. clinesmith had provided the unchanged cia e-mail to crossfire hurricane agents like peter strzok, joe pientka and others in james comey's fbi, and the justice department lawyer drafting the original wiretap application. in that article of soft pedaling interpretationed today, the left-wing new york times also claimed that prosecutors are not expecting to show that clinesmith's actions were part of a broader conspiracy against the president. in that same article, however, the times does note that clinesmith was fired from robert mueller's special counsel team for sending a text that read this, sent shortly after president trump had been elected. viva la resistance. joining us now to take up today's important developments, former congressman and former chairman of the house oversight committee, jason chaffetz, best selling author and fox business
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contributor. jason, good to have you with us. this was a day that some were skeptical would arrive. it's arrived, and it's arrived 81 days before the election. your thoughts. >> yeah, it's about a year or two late, but i'm glad that it's happening. i think there was a lot of time wasted with attorney general sessions who was inept and did not pursue this. never the he is, the inspector general uncovered this -- nevertheless, he was guilty, he pled guilty, and he should serve time. he shouldn't just get a slap on the wrist. we need federal employees who manufacture evidence to go to jail and serve as an example. and i do think it's a precursor to a much broader investigation that will have much more significant names associated with it, and i i hope that they find the evidence and have the guts to prosecute it like they are mr. clinesmith. lou: having the guts to do that, also it appears -- and as i said
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in introducing you, it seems reasonable to me to speculate that we are going to have from mr. clinesmith the names of those who ordered him to falsify that document, because he certainly did so not without some considerable authorization to do so. >> there are some 10,000 attorneys in the department of justice, well over 100,000 people. it's highly suspicious why this young attorney was on some of the most high profile cases you can possibly imagine. there was a pattern here, lou, and it involved some of these high profile cases including this spying on donald trump and his campaign, the hillary clinton e-mail investigation, other types of things, anthony weiner laptop. why is he always the go-to guy in these types of cases with so many attorneys? the inspect or general with, i think the, made nearly a dozen referrals for criminal prosecution to the department of
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justice. we'll see if those go anywhere. but there's a reason why barr and durham continue to fore shadow that there is a lot more to come and some high profile names, at that. lou: high profile names, and amongst them the director of the fbi who has slow-rolled, stonewalled and absolutely resisted the inspector general's reports recommending criminal referrals and producing evidence that, well, committees on both, in both the house and the senate have sought. he is squarely, it seems to me now, in focus, if not the crosshairs, of the investigation. >> well, right at the heart of it you have comey, strzok, page, brennan, clapper, ohr, these are names we've come to know for a good reason. but you're right, director wray,
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the testimony that was given on capitol hill which is under oath is really, i gotta tell you, they're digging deep on that. i haven't seen all the documents, but those people that i do speak with that do have some access to this really are raising their eyebrows about director wray. and you hear people like lindsey graham is pretty serious about this type of thing. i haven't seen anything from director wray in cleaning up the systemic problems expect mess, and i gotta tell you i don't see any reason why president trump should keep anymore that role. in that role. he's just not part of the solution here. lou: and attorney general william barr has not only tolerated him, but at various points voiced support for him. i understand the niceties of washington politics and, if you will, courtesies even to knaves, but that is way, way beyond the
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pale, it seems to me. the good news is that this development occurred today. do you expect substantive developments? and by that i mean significant charges against significant players, because clinesmith is an obvious established patsy -- >> yeah. lou: -- and chump for this deal. but this has got to go way beyond that, and we've got to have a clear understanding of that january 5th, 2017, meeting in the white house before, you know, anyone who has suggested -- as have a number of the important players, including the attorney general -- that they're not going to be interested in biden, they're not going to be interested in obama, well, the whole damn country is interested in learning what they were doing and what they were responsible for here, don't you agree? >> i totally agree. clinesmith was the low hanging fruit as laid out by the inspector general, but let's also remember in addition to durham, there is another u.s.
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attorney in texas looking at the unmasking, and that has direct ties to what was going on with joe biden, susan rice and a whole lot of others within the obama administration. it'll be fascinating to see what that, what that u.s. attorney finds as well. that was a needed investigation, it continues on, and i would expect to have some results from that as well. lou: you are a veteran of congressional committee investigations. do you expect any one of these committees to be helpful in producing evidence that would be, let's say, significant to any one of the investigating attorneys for the department of justice? >> no. i think they're feckless. i think unless they've cultivated a whistleblower unbeknownst to anything else, no. it took michael horowitz, i think he did a very stand-up job, and it's going to take a very serious u.s. attorney to get his finger nails dirty under
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the hood. and i do think it'll go into some of the intelligence community as well. i think adam schiff and, with all due respect, marco rubio, it just ain't going anywhere, it's just not. lou: jason chaffetz, thanks so much. we appreciate it. good to see you. we'll is have more on today's charges against kevin clinesmith and what it means in the prosecution of the conspiracy against the president. we'll be talking with just the news editor-in-chief john solomon and judicial watch president tom fitton. we're also talking with tom fitton about the politically corrupt judiciary and how they've just given hillary clinton another pass. and my new book is "the trump century: how our president changed the course of history," available for preorder. preorder your copies at we'll be right back. stay with us. ♪ guys! guys! safe drivers save 40%!!!
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transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. visit today. lou: breaking news, if for some reasu have not had an opportunity to join us before this or you've been caught up in leftist media during the day, you probably haven't heard this report. we are delighted to tell you that dr. anthony fauci's late
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pronouncement on the pandemic and in-person voting supports president trump. dr. fauci says, quote: i think if carefully done, according to the guidelines, there's no reason that i can see why that would not be the case. that is, voting in person. in support of president trump. obviously, new jersey governor phil murphy didn't get the memo or catch that particular blend of leftist news. he wants to ugh e mother dr -- ignore dr. fauci's advices and follow the left-wing strategy. the governor announcing today husband state will send out -- his state will send out universal mail-in ballots. government attorneys at the fbi writing in their charge against kevin klein smith that the cia provided a memorandum to certain members of the crossfire hurricane team on august 17th, 2016. the memo showed carter page had
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been a source for the cia from 2008 to 2013 which means members of the crossfire hurricane knew carter wasn't a foreign agent in august of 2016 yet still signed off on a fisa warrant against page two months later on october 21st. extraordinary political corruption rampant in the fbi and beyond. today a three-judge panel on the d.c. court of appeals ruled against judicial watch and for hillary clinton. the panel overturned a lower court order requiring clinton to testify under oath about her private e-mail server and benghazi. two obama-appointed judges and one george w. bush-appointed judge made up the panel. here to take it up is the president of judicial watch, tom fitton. well, tom, you've been fighting a tough battle throughout, and i
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just -- you can't have been shocked with that, with those odds that you would prevail. your reaction tonight. >> well, it's frustrating, obviously. we're thinking of how we can appeal or whether we can appeal. but, look, i mean, you had the court here grant her mandamus relief which is what they're so hesitant to grant general flynn. he ran the agent is city e -- she ran the agency, took her e-mails and deleted them. the court wanted to know what was going on, was the court being gamed, where were the documents, what was she thinking, and you have the appellate court really upend the rule of law on both foia and mandamus which supposedly is suppose to be only rarely invoked. they essentially she said she had an indisputable right not to testify. and on top of that the, they throw back at us all the arguments that the justice department and the state department have made.
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and, frankly, attorney general barr and secretary pompeo are partly responsible for this adverse result, because their agencies have been defending her in the lower courts repeatedly in trying to stop our discovery, and the court used that against us. terrible, terrible outcome. but we'll see if we can appeal it. lou: why would you not be able to appeal it? it's a corrupt judiciary. even the higher courts have to acknowledge that. and you have obama judges outnumbering the george w. bush which is, by the way, a 3-0 bias, it would seem to me. >> yeah, well, you know, the lawyers have to look at it and figure out whether we can appeal legally. you can imagine what i'd like to do, but we'll do what we need to do in order to hold mrs. clinton accountable under the law and hold the state department accountable under the law. you know what now, by the way, lou? it's still happening. the attorneys at the justice department are colluding with hillary clinton's attorneys. out happened. they're fighting us together. it's incredible, and it's a
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betrayal of everyone who expected law and order from this new justice department. lou: well, what is william barr doing about it? >> nothing. lou: i have never seen such non-verbal communication before, but every bit as eloquent, i assure you. lou: let's turn to clinesmith, the positive side of an attorney general who has taken over. it is also not at the level that any of us would want, but it is a beginning. your thoughts. >> well, obviously, it's not sufficient. certainly it was necessary, it's overdue, as you point out, but it's confirmation that obamagate's a crime. carter page is a victim of a crime. president trump is a crime victim. because, remember, this isn't really about carter page, although he's obviously the victim, and his right were violated. this is about getting a way to spy on the trump team. so president trump had his civil
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rights violated -- lou: it's, it's also an interesting cross-current here with crossfire hurricane and the obamagate and its origins and the attack on general flynn. this is a mess that was stewed up by, we now know, certainly august of 2016 and one suspects even earlier than that, right? >> that's exactly right. and we have con fir mawtion that many other -- confirmation that many others knew there were liesing being told to this court. and remember, the fisa wasn't the only way to spy on trump. you had comey personally spying on trump in those meetings. you had the spying during the campaign. when comey went to visit the president about the dossier, the president-elect, that was a pie pie -- a spy operation.
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he talked about that meeting with barack obama and joe biden the day before in the oval office. so if there's going to be sufficient justice here, in the least obama, biden and hillary clinton who's behind this all -- this goes back to the earlier story -- all need to be questioned by the justice department as to opposed to being protected. lou: well, explain to me this, why aren't we at least hearing some evidence of energy behind an investigation of fusion gps? why don't we know more about those entities in london, whomever it may be? what happened to the australian ambassador? i mean, you start stepping back over time, and it's still framed, it's -- frayed, it's disparate, and the fact of the matter is there doesn't appear to be great concentration on what has to be the leadership of
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this conspiracy. in fact, we've heard people verbalize the fact that that they're not interested in obama, they're not interested in biden. yet we know full well both of those two people were involved in conversations about the origins of obamagate and its direction service. >> i fear this may be the only prosecution, lou. i, you know, maybe strzok gets prosecuted. i don't know. maybe mccabe, i don't know. but i'm not seeing any evidence they've focused on that. a all of what you're asking about we're going to the to get in the report, and that's supposed to be sufficient. it isn't sufficient for me. we didn't hire durham to write a report, we hired him to prosecute people and seriously investigate them. it's one thing to make a decision not to prosecute after you haul everyone before a grand jury and hold them accountable and make it clear that you're serious about it. it's another thing to do the review that happens to turn boo a criminal investigation -- into a criminal investigation after the i.g. forces your hand and then, and with one prosecution
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or plea agreement with someone who they had dead to rights almost half a year ago, over a half a year ago. lou: well, the president still has, it is obvious, considerable confidence in william barr. therefore, i'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. and we just will see what we see. all that's riding on this is the future of this constitutional republic of ours. tom fitton, thanks for being with us, we appreciate it. we'd like to hear your thoughts on all of this. share your comments. follow me on twitter @loudobbs like me on facebook, follow me on instagram @loudobbstonight. up next, the effect violent left-wing protests may have on november's presidential election. we take that up and more right after this quick break. "just the news" founder john solomon with us next. stay with us. ♪ ings other money managers
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♪ ♪ lou: welcome back. chew that joe -- china joe biden already appears to be outsourcing jobs. husband facebook page reveals that his managers are not just located in the united states, but in the united kingdom as well. and violence in largely democrat-run cities across america raising the alarm among american voters. according to a "just the news"/a rasmussen poll, 72 percent of american voters are concerned about those violent protests, 62% say the rise in violence is important to their vote in november. deep state conspirator kevin clinesmith's attorney says his client made a mistake but didn't intend to mislead the fisa court or husband colleagues. that attorney -- or his colleagues. that attorney has close ties to
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the obama justice department. he prosecuted public corruption cases from 2008 to 2012. he also represented trump impeachment witness jennifer williams last year. he also said this about james comey in october 2016 as obamagate was well underway. quote: there's no one, in my view, more qualified for the job than james comey. he's truly a talented lawyer, and his dedication the public service is unsurpassed. well, joining us tonight is "just the news" editor-in-chief john solomon, author of "fallout: nuclear bribes, russian spies and the washington lies that enriched the clinton and biden dynasties." john, great to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: the attorney seems like another in the washington web of deep state and radical dem, shall we say, swamp.
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>> let's keep in mind his own client, according to the inspector general's report, engaged in anti-trump text messaging or messaging when he was inside the fbi. his client now is going to admit he falsified a document. that the doesn't suggest he was trying to mislead, it shows he was trying to mislead are. but here's the most important development today. this criminal information, if you were tiger woods, this was a tap shot into the hole. in the middle of the document there's a very important section that talks about an earlier effort to mislead the court. it divulges that in august 2016 the fbu were told by the cia that carter page was an operational asset. and for three first fisa ises, t the ones clinesmith is being charged with, they failed to tell the court about in this critical material information. i believe that joran durham signaling -- john durham is signaling there's more
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prosecutions awe head, specifically in that that -- paragraph filed today. lou: yeah, and there's a lot of explanation required because whatever else he is, patsy, fall guy, whatever you want, scapegoat, the fact of the matter is somebody ordered him to do what he did. it's very clear. >> it's part of a broader behavior. lou: i want to get -- yeah, absolutely. i want to get your read on something that william barr said to sean hannity. he talked about when, when we have evidence that we believe can prevail in a case, we'll bring it. he didn't say if, he said when. >> that's right. lou: are are we making too much of that distinction? >> he clearly knew today was coming and today they clearly had a win. they knew they had this evidence. it was a slam dunk. i think there is a wide-ranging investigation by three separate prosecutors, durham and then the
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prosecutor looking at flynn and then the prosecutor, bash, looking at unmasking. there is a wide range of conspiracies, and attorney general barr has used that word too, multiple conspiracies, that are being looked at. i think we're in the for the long haul, but the first shot was made today, and now the question is does the justice department have the will to go up the chain. first one in gets the best deal, those above him, if they engaged in criminality, they're probably not sleeping as well tomorrow morning. lou: what do you make of the fact that we have heard nothing about joe biden even though ukraine has identified biden as a perpetrator of a crime in ukraine? this is peculiar, that the national left-wing media -- and i'm being facetious -- is ignoring anything about joe biden right now. including his mental state. but it's really too much that our justice department isn't
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more animated, tonight you think? >> -- don't you think? >> well, they may get more animated. one thing about the media is they denied this russiagate was a scandal. they kept saying it was a conspiracy theory. it's not a conspiracy theory anymore today. there's a criminal charge to back it up. i think the same thing's going to happen on ukraine. i believe that senator johnson, senator grassley, other lawmakers have significant everyday including possible suspicious financial transactions being flagged for the biden family that could come out in the next few weeks. i think the media and maybe the justice department will pay closer attention once that new evidence is highlighted. lou: and you said that a first-year law student could have brought this case as a prosecutor -- >> that's right. lou: -- against clinesmith, but yet here we are, 81 days away from the election. this has been an ongoing investigation for over a year. what has taken to long, in your judgment, and does it smack of
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something more than complexity, limited resources, the china virus pandemic? what would be the excuse for it? >> i think durham, who's a very, very experienced prosecutor, has come up against a bunch of wily witnesses who probably coordinated behind the scene their stories x he's had to peel things back very slowly one by one. but today he fels comfortable surfacing husband first -- he felt comfortable surfacing his first crime. i don't think fbi officialed will fall under the column of you can't indict people during an election. i would9 expect this investigation to keep unfolding even in the middle of the election. it all comes down do they convince a grand jury to get an indictment. i think they're moving in that direction, but they're up against a wily cast of characters, and it takes some time to unravel a bunch of
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stories. i new they've unraveled them now -- i predicted this would happen. just before labor day, i think we're on course to see more disclosures in september and october. lou: and i hope there are indictments, and i hope they are for those who sat atop the fbi and the justice department, at the very least. john solomon, thank you so much. appreciate it, as always. "just the news" chief editor. up next, oregon state police, they pulled out of portland because they respect going to tolerate -- aren't going to tolerate the lack of prosecution by local democrat prosecutors. deputy homeland security secretary ken cucinelli joins us here next. and my new book is "the trump century: how our president changed the course of history forever," available now for preorder. send as many up copies as you wish to the presidents in portland are. get your copies at
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lou: breaking news now, the oregon state police have ended their defense of portland's federal courthouse due to portland district attorney mike smith's refusal to prosecute those who were rioting, vandalizing, trying to burn down the courthouse. oregon state police police sayig
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they're not interested in enforcing the law if prosecutors aren't going to prosecute. one of the captains of the state police said the oregon state police is continually reassessing our resources and the needs of our partner ago9 says, and -- agencies, and at this time we are inclined to move those resources back to counties where prosecution of criminal conduct still a priority. joining us now, ken cucinelli, acting deputy secretary for the department of homeland security, and it is great the -- great to see you. >> good to see you. lou: this is a sad, pathetic demonstration of local government going on now in portland. i, personally, what do you think of what the astronaut patrol in oregon decided to do there? does that make sense to you? >> well, first of all, it's the governor's decision, and, you
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know, they're lamenting what their own prosecutors won't do to hold people accountable is a sad astronaut of affairs. you know -- state of affairses. when people elect folks like that district attorney, they think, oh, it'll never happen here, this is crazy talk. and yet here it is, letting violent rioters who even the local police and state police with their hands tied have arrested which is itself a high bar. and then to have the prosecutor letting them go is just an extraordinary abdication. and it's to wonder they just keep -- no wonder they just keep showing up and rioting every day, there's no consequence. not locally anyway. lou: there's no -- there's no consequence locally. people in portland, they are in a very narrow, if you will, zone of law enforcement -- >> yes. lou: -- around the federal courthouse. but at the same time, this local
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officialdom, i don't know if we should dismiss it, ken, quite so readily. this is more more than i think s the eye. you have ted wheeler, the mayor of the city, you have the district attorney. the people of oregon are making choices. they're putting these people in office -- >> yes. lou: and i don't know what you do. this is a real conflict, i know, for you, for the department, for the president. but you have a group of people in portland and surrounding end environments choosing to -- environs choosing to go the way of the radical left. help us out. >> well, lou, first of all,ing i think you are right. we've talked about portland before, but it's not like it's absent elsewhere. but when you look at the
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district attorney, that's the same problem you see with kim fox over in chicago where even mayor lightfoot is jumping on their prosecutor. and you see this in other parts of the country, and there's been a concerted effort in recent years, including the money, to elect prosecutors, right? in northern virginia where i live, you had radical left prosecutors oust longtime democrat prosecutors who were themselves pretty liberal. but now we're getting radicals winning those elections with focused dollars and focused grassroots support from the truly hard, radical, violent, tyrannical left. and so when you look beyond for a bigger story and a bigger picture that's years long in the making and in the impacts, that is definitely one of them, lou. lou: and yet poll after poll shows 60-70% of americans side with their local law enforcement. they side -- >> yes. lou: -- with law and order.
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and they're keeply -- >> as does the president. lou: -- deeply concerned and disturbed by what is happening in their communities. maybe not these democrat-run cities, but in their communities how, what is the best possible response for the federal government? >> so for the federal government, first of all, the president wants every american when they voted for him or not or didn't vote at all, he want every single american to live in a peaceful, safe community. and that's why he's got the department of justice and the department of homeland security reaching out into more and more and more cities. you saw the operation legend efforts, the successes recently -- lou: right. >> even where there are political fights like chicago, we're working together with that police department, with superintendent brown who's a great partner in chicago, to help attack the crime expect violence that isn't -- and the violence that isn't related to
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these violent rioters that have spawned in the last couple of months. it's related to local crime that years and years of liberal powells have made worse. but -- policies have made worse. but this president is willing to have his law enforcement officers including those of us in the department of homeland security weigh in and to use federal charges, to use federal investigative resources and manpower. and we bring professional, motivated law enforcement into this fight, and they're very effective. very effective. and that's what we're doing all over the country, and you're seeing more of those resources advanced forward by the president. lou: deeply troubling is another issue the president is highlighting almost daily, and that is this mail-in voting. the truth of the matter is we have a serious question of he can tomorrow integrity, whether it's china meddling in our elections, russia, whomever it may be. but it looks like, it looks like the radical dems, the left in this country needs to disrupt --
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means to disrupt the elections. these are acts of intimidation, what we are witnessing here. whether it is chicago, st. louis, albuquerque or portland. expect -- and the justice department, out seems to me, has a very important role to assure an orderly and lawful election of security and integrity. is that going to happen? >> yes, that is certainly going to happen. the challenge, of course, is the department of justice acts in an enforcement mechanism. that's where that comes in to play. as a former state attorney general, that was the role i played in virginia -- lou: sure. >> and, you know, the problem with that is it's an after the fact. you enforce after a law is broken. you don't go police to stop a law from being broken. that's not a law enforcement role, that's an integrity of the system role.
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and every state does this differently. you referenced a certain kind of -- lou: is the country prepared to do that? >> -- eight states that -- oh, i certainly think so. i will say this, in the department of homeland security, we have sis saw which has worked with all 50 states no matter who's running them to protect election infrastructure to a degree never before seen, ever. but that still, that's the infrastructure. that's where we can help. but that still doesn't change if you set up systems that are prone to manipulation. that's not something the federal government can fix from the federal level. lou: right. >> that's a concern. lou: well, yeah, that is a concern because just as your department has responsibility for insuring that there is no cyber attack against electronic voting, for example, assuring a
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peaceful and orderly vote at those polling stations is critically important. >> yep. lou: and i hope we see just that in this election. ken cucinelli, always good to talk with you. thank you very much, we appreciate it. up next, what president trump's historic peace deal between israel and the united arab emirates means for christians in the middle east. pastor robert jeffress with us when we continue. we'll be right back. we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but, we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired, expired... expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. did you get my friend request? uh, i'll have to check. (doorbell ringing) aunt joni's here! for bundling made easy, go to hello?
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♪ ♪ lou: on wall street stocks closing mixed. the dow up 34 points, but the s&p lost half a point. the nasdaq losing 23. volume on the big board, light trading on a summer friday, 3.2 billion shares. crude oil down a fraction, still above $42. $42.23 a barrel. and a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. president trump says the new peace treaty between israel expect united arab emirates will help christians in the middle east. it's an agreement that joe biden this week tried to take credit for -- [laughter] biden was quickly corrected by u.s. ambassador to israel david
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friedman. friedman saying that biden helped only because the obama administration was so hostile to both israel and the emirates. joining us tonight is pastor robert jeffress, member of the white house faith initiative, pastor of the first baptist church in dallas, fox business contributor, best selling author of the new book "praying for america," available everywhere. and we recommend it to you highly. pastor, great to see you, and i've got do can you your reaction when -- ask you, your reaction when you heard biden trying to take credit for this historic agreement between israel and the uae. [laughter] >> i think that's a just a preview of coming attractions with biden, lou. and, look, he had absolutely nothing to do with this. this was a historic accomplishment by president trump. you know, whenever you have "the washington post" today talking about what a great achievement of the president's this was, you know it's true lu e historic. and, lou, i remember so well
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back in january being in the east room of the white house when president trump first unveiled his vision for peace in the middle east. and when he had finished, those of us in the room -- christian, jewish, muslim leaders -- everyone rose in one accord and gave hum a thunderous ovation. and i said to myself, only donald j. trump could have pulled this off. i mean, obama couldn't have done it. he hated israel, he hated netanyahu. the israelis didn't trust him. but they trusted president trump. and i believe president trump ought to be awarded the nobel peace prize for this stupendous, historic achievement. lou: and an ace chee. for the first time, an agreement between israel and an arab gulf state. it is, it is a remarkable achievement. and the israelis forgoing further development on the west
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bank, it is, it's significant, it's substantive, and it invites an, a more expansive agreement perhaps with the, all of the arab states. >> it does. and, lou, it's important for your viewers to know israel is not surrendering their sovereignty over this area at all. what they are doing is suspending the annexation of the west bank temporarily so that they can forge a relationship with the uae and present a united front against iran which is a tremendous threat in that area. lou: i want to turn, if we can now, to owe biden who is now taking on the mantel of a god fearing man and just get your reaction to the democratic ticket. we've got about 30 seconds. >> well, look -- yeah. this is the most pro-abortion, pro-anti-religious liberty ticket in history, and if you
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are for murdering babies who are fully developed in the womb, if you are for jailing nuns like the little sisters of the four who object and other groups, you will love the biden/harris ticket. but their election will be a nightmare for america. lou: pastor robert jeffress, always good to see you. we're coming right back, stay with us. ♪ ♪ they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident, even if it's your fault. cut! sonny. was that good? line! the desert never lies. isn't that what i said? no you were talking about allstate and insurance. i just... when i... let's try again. everybody back to one. accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today. shingles doesn't care. i logged 10,000 steps today.
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lou: that's it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. monday u.s. envoy to iran brian hook, radio host larry elder, among our guests monday. and a reminder, "the trump century: how our president changedded the course of history forever," preorder at good night. >> hello, everyone, i'm gregg jarrett in for elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" begins right now. ♪ gregg: and tonight the first expected guilty plea from the investigation into the origins of the trump russia probe by u.s. attorney john durham. a former fbi attorney reportedly set to plead guilty to falsifying an e-mail from the cia. investors use that to get


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