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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 17, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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serve themselves and their wealthy peers, but will provide a safety net for people facing hard times. if we want a chance to pursue any of these goals, any of thes most basic requirements for a functioning society, we have to vote for joe biden in numbers that cannot be ignored. because right now, folks who know they could not win fair an square have the ballot box are doing everything they can to stop us from voting. they are closing down polling places in minority neighborhoods . they are purging voter rolls, they are sending people out to intimidate voters, and they are lying about the security of our ballots. these tactics are not new. but this is not the time to withhold our votes in protest o play games with candidates who have no chance of winning.
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we have got to vote like we did in 2008 and 2012, we have got t show up with the same level of passion and hope for joe biden. we have got to vote early, in person if we can, we've got to request our meal and ballots right now, tonight, and send them back immediately. in follow-up to make sure they are received, and then make sur our friends and families do the same. we have got to grab are comfortable shoes, put on our mask, packed a brown bag dinner and maybe breakfast too because we have got to be willing to stand in line all night if we have to. look, we have already sacrifice much this year, so many of you are already going that extra mile. even when you're exhausted, you are mustering up unimaginable
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courage to put on those scrubs and give are loved ones a fighting chance. even when you're anxious, eu ar delivering those packages, stocking the shelves, and doing all that essential work so that all of us can keep moving forward. even wanted all feel so overwhelming, working parents are somehow piecing it all together without childcare, teachers are getting creative s that are kids can still learn and grow. our young people are desperate lisa fighting to pursue their dreams. when the horrors of systemic racism choked our country and our consciences, millions of americans of every age, every background, rose up to march fo each other. crying out for justice and progress. this is who we still are. compassionate. resilient.
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decent people, whose fortunes our bound up with one another. and it is well past time for ou leaders to once again reflect our truth. so, it is up to us to add our voices and our votes to the course of history, echoing heroes like john lewis who said when you see something that is not right, you must a something. you must do something. that is the truest form of empathy, not just feeling, but doing. not just for ourselves, or our kids, but for everyone. for all of our kids. if we want to keep the possibility of progress alive i our time, if we want to be able to look our children in the eye after this election, we have go
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to reassert our place in american history. and we have got to do everythin we can to elect my friend joe biden as the next president of the united states. thank you all. god bless. to get that was a very direct message from the former first lady taking on a lot of things there. wrapping up night number one of the first virtual convention in history. none of us knew what we would get tonight. three more nights and then the republicans get their turn next week. tomorrow night, night number tw former president bill clinton will up rear end prime time followed by joe biden on behalf of her husband. night number one is down and we hope to see you on the cable site every side every day at 3:00 p.m. regular programming continues now on this box nation. good night. fox business.
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speaker nancy pelosi calling the house of representatives back from recess to vote on a bill to block cost-cutting changes by president trump's appointed postmaster general louis dejoy which democrats say may hold up the mail-in ballots in the 2020 presidential race. dejoy agreeing readily to testify before the house oversight committee next monday. white house chief of staff mark meadows, former congressman who worked with pelosi vows that postal service sorting machines will not be dismantled before the november 3rd election. watch this. >> i'm saying that sorting machines between now and the election will not be taken off-line. when you look at it, the normal process of doing all of this, jake, i had the postal system under, i had the only bipartisan bill to deal with the 146 billion-dollar loss that the postal service has been, will
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see over the next 10 years. gregg: welcome washington times opinion editor, fox news contributor charlie hurt. charlie, great to seeou. nancy pelosi isaking these wild accusations that president trump is trying to cheat and manipulate the postal service to win the election. apparently she doesn't understand that the president doesn't control the postal service. it's run by a board of governors by law must be bipartisan. in fact the chairman of the board of governors was approved unanimously by senate democrats. so isn't she making accusations that are way off base, unfounded? >> i'm shocked, shocked, that nancy pelosi would do something like that. but i guess in the silly season anything within the realm. it is kind of interesting though, i think the first postal modernization bill that i ever
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covered was like 20 years ago and they have been working on it for 40 years before that. politicians in washington have been promising to modernize and update the postal service for our entire lives. it is yet another example of a failed promise from nancy pelosi and all of the others in washington who have been promising to do this. of course president trump when he got, became president has been hounding the post office becoming more modern, about becoming more efficient. stop losing as much money. so this is sort of you know, right within the realm of what we've been hearing from him all along. of course, at a time, when you have democrats who are wanting to defund the police, defund our first-responders, we now know what it is that the democrats will actually rally around to redirect funding to, the post office. gregg: pelosi doesn't realize the feds don't run elections. it is states and counties. so the postal service sent out a
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notice to those officials and said, hey, wait a minute, you're setting election deadlines for ballots that our postal service can't possibly meet. so one of the warnings they sent out, voters must mail their return ballots at least one week before the due date. please use first class service to make sure it gets there. charlie, that is not sabotage. that is just common sense. >> it is what we do every christmas. you know all of the rules, the special rules we get from the post office around christmastime because of the deluge of packages going through the service, well, imagine if you suddenly had a couple hundred million people deciding to hold the entire election through the mail service? you think that might strain the mail service a little bit? i think that you know, people try to compare the, you know, in-mail voting to absentee
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balloting, no, we've been doing absentee balloting for a long time. it works very smoothly because there are all the checks all along the way. this idea that we're going to suddenly foist an entire election on to the u.s. postal service which is already struggling just to take care of its main duties, it is truly insane, really to be strange coming from people who have been lecturing us for four years about the importance of election integrity. gregg: absentee ballots are authenticated. we know where the person is, because that person requested it, we're sending it to that person. mass mail-in ballots, you're talking about millions of ballots going to residences where the person doesn't live there anymore. the person happens to be dead, it is based on notoriously inning a rat registration data -- inaccurate. the other part of the equation, people like bernie sanders say
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if you vote in person you will die, essentially he is saying that. so here's is what chris christie said. >> in our, my home state of new jersey we still have people waiting in line six, seven, eight hours, at motor vehicle to get licenses and registrations and license plates. our governor is permitting that but somehow to stand in line to vote is much too dangerous but standing in line at the motor vehicle is okay? seems to me we have our priorities backwards in that regard. gregg: charlie, i stand in line all the time at the grocery store for goodness sakes. you know, i mean, i don't think it is anymore risky to stand in line to cast a ballot, is it? >> of course that is also why we are spend so much time talking about the different precautions that people should take when they go to the grocery store or going to be around other people. gregg: right. >> the distancing and masks and all that kind of stuff, it is all very, you know, there are,
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there are sort of, you know, procedures in place to protect against that sort of stuff. but this kind of desperate fear-mongering that we're getting right now, you know, it starts to make you wonder whether or not these people are actually really worried about running on the platform that they're running on because the issues i think are, you know, they don't cut democrats way. if this election were held entirely on the just issues, donald trump would win in a massive landslide. the only way these people have to try to undercut that is either through fear-mongering or distorting, distorting the issues, or trying to make it all about president trump's personality or his tweets. it is because they can't beat him on the issues. gregg: well, maybe joe biden will get around to the issues once he emerges from his long
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sequestration in the basement in delaware. >> or cardi b. gregg: great to see you, charlie. >> thank you, gregg. gregg: deadly violence in american cities with several people fatally shot in separate shootings in ohio, including an 8-year-old girl killed by gunfire in a backyard birthday party in akron. shootings from texas to new york city. >> it is is not a coincidence ts is happening almost exclusively in cities dominated by liberal politicians. it's just - hey, can i... - safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. safe drivers do save 40%. i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
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♪. gregg: the summer of violence surges on in cities across america, in portland, oregon. two officers hospitalized after a rioter hurl as 10-pound rock. in seattle, a man was beaten unconscious by a mob after being forced to crash his truck. in new york city 57 victims. nearly five times as many as the same time period last year. nine dead in 46 shooting incidents since thursday. this is democratic congresswoman ayanna pressley of massachusetts calls for unrest in the streets. watch this. >> this is as much about public outcry and organizing and mobilizing and applying pressure so that gop-led senate, that these governors that continue to
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carry water for this administration putting american people in harm's way, turning a deaf ear to the needs our families, our communities, hold them accountable. make the phone calls. send emails. show up. there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives. gregg: let's welcome retired nypd lieutenant darren porcher for your reaction. i must tell you, when i saw representative pressley say that, i nearly fell out of my chair. she is urging people, egging them on to engage in unrest in the streets, not just protests, no, she said unrest. we know what that means. isn't a way isn't she essentially inciting violence. >> absolutely. this is somewhat disheartening we have an elected official that is encouraging the electorate to riot in connection with protests. a protest is something that
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should be lawfully bound within the purview of the first amendment. however when people step outside of that, we have rioting behavior it is creating anarchy plaguing our society. you can either be part of the cure or the disease. the disease is the rioters behavior. the cure is law enforcement that can effectively interdict riot to us behavior. i'm disappointed with the congresswoman's behavior. gregg: all the violence where i am in new york city. talking about all the shootings, and robber robberies and shootings and beatings that go on and on. i gave the statistic in the introduction. a man in grand central, standing on the platform, 10:30 a.m., was shot. i came into grand central just a too hours ago. i don't feel safe here anymore.
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and i'm saddened to have to say that but nobody does. and you know what, darren? i don't blame the nypd. i blame mayor bill de blasio and the radical left city council that is destroying the nypd, telling them to stand down, depriving them of a billion dollars, taking it away from them literally and shutting down the most successful crime-fighting unit the nypd have. what do you say? >> i'm in whole-hearted agreement with what you're stating. the people closest to the problem are closest to the solution. that being said the nypd or the police practitioners have a better understanding in how to create a precipitous drop in crime. however the fear is in connection with the elected officials, mayor, head of the city council. they are bowing to the sentiment of the loud minority. the loud minority of people you see protesting creating a state
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of anarchy in the city. we need to revert back to what got us to creating the precipitous drops in crime we saw under the giuliani situation in 1990s. however mayor de blasio is so aloof what have to inject in terms of reducing crime, he is going on his own course and subsequently creating a level of hostility and creating another level of impact in public safety that subsequently holding the population hostage. gregg: there is this nationwide push in democrat-run cities to defund police, not defend them. not support them. take money away from them, disband them in many cases. seattle is a prime example. and i was watching one confrontation on videotape in which a seattle police officer being harassed so severely he finally says to the people who
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oppose him so vigorously, you win. i quit. and several days ago black lives matter protesters marched through a neighborhood, a residential neighborhood and demanded that white people give up their homes. this has gotten crazy, hasn't it? >> absolutely. i think an addendum to the seattle protest you also probably saw a protester strike a police officer with a skateboard causing injury. this behavior, more specifically to the democratically controlled city is really setting a dangerous precedent and a domino effect is coming into fruition whereas public safety is at the back end and on the front end is a state of anarchy. i think that a lot of this is selfish behavior. when i say selfish behavior, the budgets have been depleted tremendously in a lot of these large cities as a result of
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looking to contain these riots, such as police overtime and additional logistics to cover these demonstrations. and it is just really begging the question, if you are supporting these individuals as a democratically elected leader, then you need to step to the forefront to do what is necessary to contain the rioting behavior. we clearly see that is not what is happening as a result. gregg: president trump as we heard him about an hour ago speaking out against the violence and lawlessness but the silence from joe biden and kamala harris, the silence is deafening. that speaks volumes. thank you very much for being with us. coming up former fbi lawyer kevin clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to making a false statement. we'll ask former independent ta-da! did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need?
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♪ stuart: fbi director christopher wray has until this thursday to provide the senate homeland security with subpoenaed documents for its review into the origins of the trump russia investigation. senator ron johnson chairs the committee. he is leading the investigation. it was revealed last week former
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fbi lawyer kevin clinesmith will plead guilty to making a false statement, doctoring a document. it is the first criminal case from u.s. attorney john durham's review of the investigation and johnson said it shows absolute corruption at the highest levels in the fbi. watch. >> what we found out last week, the premeditated lie on the part of fbi briefers to the senate intelligence committee. now the fact that the fbi knew carter page was in operational contact back in august of 2016, these revelations are stunning and we should have known about this years ago. gregg: joining me now former independent counsel, fox news contributor, ken starr. great to talk to you. what is the most revealing about the clinesmith charge as i was reading through the information complaint is that the cia wrote a memo august 17, 2016, to comey's fbi saying wait a
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minute, this guy carter page is one of the good guys. he has been helping us. he has been a operational asset. has been for years. he helped us prosecute successfully russians and yet comey did not disclose this to the fisa court and instead said the opposite. that carter page was a russian spy. isn't that not just wrongful but corrupt? >> it is very corrupt. gregg, you blew the whistle in your two very important books from last year. you know who else blew the whistle? michael horowitz, the inspector general. what we saw with this indictment that essentially, i know there is presumption of innocence which is so important but essentially mr. clinesmith's lawyers have said yeah, he did, and he shouldn't is done it. they may have very technical excuse as to why he did it but he clearly doctored a cia
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document. the real tragedy obviously is for the country but very personal level, you and i know it is carter page, an american patriot, just as you said, he was an asset to the cia. here is someone who is helping his country year after year. carter page, naval academy graduate, a patriot, someone who learned russian, phd, a extraordinary human being treated like a traitor bit comey fbi. absolutely outrageous. gregg: i can just hear comey now, whenever he gets caught he has sudden case of incurrable amnesia or dementia. billionly, i can't really remember. it wasn't just the cia, ken that extent him a memo saying carter page is one of ours. carter page wrote a personal letter to comey telling him the exact same thing weeks before comey signed off on the warrant
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application to spy on page. how do i know this? because page gave me a copy of the letter he sent to comey. it is in my book. congress has a copy of it too. so you know, doesn't comey need to appear under oath before congress and answer these questions? >> yes. i think that is going to happen. i don't know what the witness list is, but i know that, certainly senator graham has said he wants to hear from these people. and so as you know, we her dramatic testimony from sally yates who was the acting attorney general, deputy attorney general. and she agreed with senator graham as you heard, gregg, last week, essentially saying, i agree the fbi went rogue under jim comey. that is extraordinary. this is one of the sorriest chapters in the fbi history. it's a glorious institution as you know with very able men and women. they were profoundly disserved.
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as was the country, as was carter page. gregg: it is quite sad because i said it so many times before. the people who work at the fbi, who do all the hard work, these are honest, honorable people and comey and mccabe and peter strzok and clinesmith and others ruined their good name and reputation. ken starr, many thanks as always. good talking to you. >> good to talk to you, gregg, thank you. gregg: coming up, the ongoing battle at the border as illegal crossings from mexico are up. congressman andy biggs joins us to break it down. stick right there. ♪. >> they're going to make america a swank wary for criminal aliens. they love the sanctuary cities. they love sanctuary cities.
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♪. gregg: welcome back. illegal u.s.-mexico border crossings rising yet again. the number of families
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attempting to enter the u.s. illegally dropped. those are families when coronavirus lockdowns went into effect earlier this year but in july crossings went up again for the third month in a row. "the wall street journal" reports more single adults, not families are attempting to cross the border. getting caught, attempting to cross again and again and again, two, three, four, five times. sometimes within a week. with us now to talk about, congressman andy biggs of arizona, co-chair of the house border security caucus. congressman, thanks for being with us. pause of covid, the illegals coming into the united states know there is no consequence. they won't be detained. they won't be prosecuted. there is no jail time. they sent back across the border to mexico and they wait a couple hours and do it again and again. what is the solution here? isn't the mexican government doing anything? >> well the mexican government is not doing much, gregg. the solution of course we need the rest of the fence up.
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that would be helpful. it its good to be able to send them back immediately but you're right, there resid trading. if they are criminal we need to lock then up, not release them into the country. we need to take care of those things immediately. gregg: president will be in your home state of air tone tomorrow. you will be with him. what is on the agenda? >> we'll be in yuma, sitting down there, one of the busiest ports of entry. we'll talk about this and other issues that affect border states. then i'm going down to the border again and look to see what is happening first-hand. gregg: what do you expect to see? >> well, i am going to see exactly what you're talking about. we have new fencing down in that area. that is good. that is driving traffic to different places but what we're also going to see is the number of people that are coming across and calling call 911 engaging border patrol operations.
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it is hot down here, gregg, sometimes 120 degrees during the day time. gregg: i was talking about the mexican government just a moment ago. they were cooperating for a while, weren't they? but now not so much? >> they were very cooperative for a long while. they're still helping out. they're not quite at the same level of cooperation as they were but they're still trying to rein it in. but when the covid virus started going forward, they pulled back just a little bit. they were more focused keeping americans out of mexico. and now they're a little bit less helpful than they were just a few months ago. gregg: last question, if joe biden is elected president, does the border essentially go away? we will be a borderless country? and the flow of illegal immigrants will be overwhelming? >> yeah. it will be probably worse than what you saw over a year ago when we had the massive surge.
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joe biden doesn't want borders. he is an open border guy. so is kamala harris. that is what the democratic party. that is what we're going to get if they win. gregg: andy biggs down in arizona, thank you very much. >> you bet. thanks, gregg. gregg: coming up next the mainstream media has practically ignored the first criminal case to come out of u.s. attorney john durham's investigation into the origins of the trump-russia probe. senator marsha blackburn weighs in on their motives when we come at fisher investments, we do things differently and other money managers don't understand why. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those. so, what's in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better
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by the mainstream media. take a look at this. zero seconds on cnn tonight. rachel maddow and msnbc, same thing. "nbc nightly news"? zero. "cbs evening news." with norah o'donnell, just 22 seconds. "abc world news tonight," 26 seconds. unbelievable. this morning on "fox & friends" former house oversight committee chair trey gowdy slammed the networks. >> comey, democrats, d.c. media belittled us for looking into the fisa abuse. they belittled us. michael horowitz finds two dozens instances of misconduct. they find an indictment and guilty plea. that is why they didn't cover it. it doesn't fit their narrative. gregg: talk about that with tennessee senator marsha blackburn from the senate judiciary committee. thank you very much. the mainstream media spent thee
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years telling the american people that trump had colluded with russia to steal the election. now that the lie has been exposed they barely cover it. "the new york times" which won a pulitzer prize for its constant front page reporting that trump was a russian asset, what did they do with the clinesmith story? they buried it at the bottom of page 16. what does that tell you? >> well it tells me that they have a narrative. they're not going to let anybody shake their narrative. look at how they acted when sally yates came to us for our second oversight hearing and she said fbi went rogue. she would not have signed those warrants if she knew now or she knew then what she knows now. and the third thing was, she said if somebody knowingly gave false information, altered documents that they should face accountability, consequences, lose their job, go to jail.
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so they didn't cover any of that and of course now that the first person is being held to account, and is being indicted, they're not about to cover that. but whether it was rod rosenstein or sally yates, they're saying they knew nothing but this indictment will help us to begin to unravel exactly what was happening and who knew what and when did they know it within the fbi because i can guarranty you, kevin clinesmith did not do this and nobody else know what he had done. his supervisor, his coworker, somebody knew. gregg: what about the guy who signed the fisa warrant, james comey? he signed three of them? >> exactly. gregg: comey we know through the indictment of clinesmith was told by the cia two months before he signed that first warrant that, that carter page was actually a u.s. asset for
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the cia and carter page, as i mentioned to ken starr wrote comey personally and said, i'm working for the cia. don't you want to hear from james comey under oath? >> indeed we do, especially since sally yates says he went rogue. now here's the thing, gregg, you have written about this, and it is a part of a conversation, you have the january 5th office meeting notes. you have sally yates saying she was in the dark. rod rosenstein says he was in the dark. james comey was a part of that meeting. somebody cooked up a plot. somebody gave the order to carry out the plot. somebody did the dirty work. getting kevin clinesmith who did this, was he in the line of command with james comey? we need to call james comey in, have him say did he have kevin clinesmith do this or was he on
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the receiving end? somebody is not telling the truth here and we're going to begin to get through it through the work of general durham. gregg: you know comey will play deaf, dumb, blind, gee, i don't remember anything. clinesmith though i think may be the key. you know may squeal. he may be the rat. do you suspect he has a cooperation agreement to help during ram? >> i would think from the comments his attorney that he have some type of agreement. i do not know. i do not have conversations a part of this. that will be left to the oversight. i hope we bring james comey in in september. he was a part of the january 5th meeting. we have people at the fbi and in the doj that seemed to know what was going on even though rod rosenstein and sally yates claimed that they had no
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awareness and never heard any conversation. gregg: yeah. >> you know, and it seems impossible that that could have happened. gregg: quick question before i go because christopher wray, the current fbi director, he has been fbi director for two years, don't you want to hear from him because it was on his watch in 2018 that he told your colleagues on the intel committee that the dossier was credible? christopher steele was reliable when the fbi well knew that was completely untrue? it appears your colleagues were lied to. the last time i checked the federal statute, that's a crime. gregg: well it is a crime -- >> it's a crime and christopher wray should appear and should come bearing a full load of documents that he has been sitting on, if you will, requests for documents that have been made. yes, indeed he should come.
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mccabe should come. because this is a, this was all carried out by the obama doj, the obama fbi. it was caried out with the taxpayer dollar and we have to get to the bottom of this. when you talk about why do people not trust your institutions, look what has happened. they were spying, the fbi was spying on u.s. citizens without any reason. they knew there was no reason to spy. gregg: well, christopher wray has a lot of answering to do because he covered it up. >> yes. gregg: he buried it in the tomb of unknown classified documents in the bowels of the j. edgar hoover building. i hope you get him under oath. senator blackburn, thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you. gregg: coming up next, joe biden avoiding sunday show appearances
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but he is speaking to rapper cardi b. corey lewandoski joins us with his take. ♪ >> you know i noticed that their conventions, these are all taped speeches. michelle obama, the speech is taped. why don't they tell me i will tape my speech next week. that is a lot easier. i will make sure it is perfect toe. every word will be perfect. joe is in his basement. he doesn't c c c c
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simon pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500! coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. they're off... in the kentucky derby. rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. he scores! stanley cup champions! touchdown! only mahomes. the big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports.
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♪. president trump: biden is just a trojan horse for socialism. he is a trojan horse. he has no clue but people around him are tough and they're smart but we disagree with them very, very strongly. they're mean and they're angry but these are people that are seriously radical left. joe biden is nothing but their puppet. he has no clue what's happening. gregg: trump slamming joe biden and here's chris wallace on joe biden avoiding the sunday shows. >> at officers i thought, well, maybe it is because it is fox news and they're boycotting us. no, they're not putting anybody out on any of the sun day shows. point? i don't understand what is going on here.
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this is the damnest thing i've ever seen. the vice mt. not really doing any serious interviews, not answering any questions since the rollout. he continues to lead with what i will call the basement strategy. i don't think you can hide from now until election day. gregg: well let's ask trump 2020 senior advisor corey lewandoski. corey, good to see you. i agree with chris wallace. this is the damnedest thing i've ever seen. i've been a reporter for four years. i never seen anything like it. the biden sequestered in his basement. only time he appears it is choreographed scripted appearance. he doesn't answer any questions. are americans left to wonder what in the world is going on with joe biden? >> i think chris wallace is absolutely spot on. this man covered presidential politics for a long time. what he went on to say last night on fox, it is the first time in his it covering conventions where there is no
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one from campaign out talking about what the convention is going to be about. setting the narrative. look the trump campaign had people out all weekend talking about it. we have never shied away from the opportunity to put our message out of the promises made and promises kept that this president made four years ago, upheld for the last four years. joe biden's strategy and even david axelrod, the famed democrat operative who brought barack obama to victory criticized the obama campaign for hiding in his basement. gregg: you know, the only interview he would do is with a rapper cardi b, it was a laughable softball interview where biden shout he was santa claus. what do you want for christmas? i want free health care, "medicare for all," free health care and college tuition. biden seems to go along with it. the president call him a puppet.
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i call him a marionette. i don't know who is the puppeteer. he seems like the claymation figure, gumby. so malleable, he will stretch himself into any form to satisfy the venue. >> when you look at luminaries in the media world, dan rather, peter jenningss and cardi b. some of the hardest hitting interviews come from these three people. i am joking. joe biden showing he would do a interview in front of cardi b, shows he doesn't have the mental acuity to sit down with chris wallace or somebody else from the network to talk about real issues impacting america. the strategy of keeping joe biden the basement has worked so far, but the poll numbers closed dramatically. donald trump's record of success is resonating with the american people. this week alone president trump is on the road to four different battleground states including
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arizona, wisconsin, minnesota and pennsylvania on thursday. and the american people are folk to hear first-hand what is going on in this country. gregg: it is well-known that joe biden's gaffe machine. he is kind of a one-man blooper real, the verbal stomach dells, the incoherent statements -- stumbles, they appear to be more frequent and more pronounced. so if the strategy is to conceal him in the basement, why not at least put out his surrogates for the sunday talk shows. >> the reason is, they can't answer where is joe. it reminds me of my children who watched a television show, where's waldo. where is joe biden? we saw the video of him asking kamala harris to join the ticket. his cell phone is upside down. he kept asking for jill his wife, if she was on the call. i really think he might have thought jill would be the
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vice president here. gregg: corey lewandoski. great to see you. thank you very much. >> thank you. gregg: i'm gregg jarrett in for liz macdonald. you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business. have a great weekend. check out my >> a "strange inheritance" mystery... >> i thought, "what? what is going on?" >> ...a norman rockwell shocker. >> is it a fake? >> well, this was the question that was in everyone's mind. >> oh, if these walls could talk. >> i want you to put your hands like this, and we're going to pull it toward me. >> aah! >> there you go. >> oh, my goodness. >> keep going. ♪ [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] ♪ >> i'm jamie colby in arlington, vermont, once home to norman rockwell. it w


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