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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  August 20, 2020 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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no president has ever had to go through this, but what the supreme court did do say if it's a fishing expedition, my interpretation is essentially you don't have to do it. so we'll probably end up back in the supreme court. but this is just a continuation of the most hideous witch-hunt in the history of our country. we beat mueller. we won at every level this, in washington, d.c., we won at every level. sew now what they do? they send it into new york. now we have all democrat state, all democrats. and they send it in to new york. this should never be allowed to happen to another president. this is continuation of the most disgusting witch-hunt in the history of our country. all it is. supreme court said fishing expedition. this is the ultimate fishing ex-pa is did. nobody has anything. we don't do things wrong but they will say let's go and inspect every deal he has ever done.
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let's get papers from 10 years, every paper, every deal he has ever signed. maybe we can find where some lawyer made a mistake where they didn't dot an i, where they didn't put a comma down someplace. then we can do something. this is a disgrace. this should never ever be allowed to happen again. thank you very much. reporter: mr. president on the russian opposition leader, hospitalized they think he was poisoned. is that the u.s. governments determination? president trump: we haven't seen it yet. we're looking at it. mike will be reporting to me soon. okay? thank you very much, everybody. neil: we've been monitoring the president of the united states. he made news of a lot of issues directly responding to the judge to dismissed the trump efforts to block manhattan districts attorney's office from financial records dating back to the days he with as businessman. the president termed that a fishing expedition. pretty clear he will not turn over anything right now as this appeal process goes on.
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he was also addressing the legal woes of his former campaign advisor steve bannon right now who might have been using wall fund-raising measure to skim money off the top. $25 million was raised in this we build the wall program and what we are learning right now from federal authorities, who by the way arrested mr. bannon this morning, he was taking a little bit on the side, hundred of thousands of dollars to support his life-style. the charge from the prosecutors involved in the case, quoting here, as alleged the defendants, we're talking about others involved in this same fund, defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors, capitalizing on their interest in funding a border wall to raise millions of dollars under the false pretense that all of that money would be spent on construction. president said that he knew nothing about this although he was aware of this private fund-raising effort. didn't really like what he heard about it because he thought that the united states government
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should be handling that. some of calls for type of wall they were building didn't meet his standards. that was about the extent of it and his involvement in it. we're waiting to see what more possibly could come out on this but the president says it has been years since he has been dealing with mr. bannon, period. so a lot going on here. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto. this is "coast to coast" on fox business. let's get more on implications on all these fast moving developments. we have blake burman at the white house. reporter: hi, there, neil. remember back on august 17th, 2016 nearly four years ago to the date, down the homestretch of that presidential campaign it was then president trump who handed the keys over his campaign to steve bannon, nearly four years ago. you know what happened after that. president trump ended up winning. steve bannon ended upcoming over here to the white house as the president's chief strategist, several months, roughly a year or so until he eventually moved on out of the white house.
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now fast forward four years, august 20th, 2020. we get news today from the u.s. southern district of new york and arrest and future appearance in court of steve bannon. according to the indictment, it says the following as it relates to the we build the wall campaign. $25 million that was raised. bannon's involvement, the contention along with three others in that project, quote, as alleged, not only did they lie to donors, they schemed to hide their misappropriation of funds by creating sham invoices and accounts to launder donations and cover up their crimes showing no regard for the law or the truth. president trump you just heard a little bit of it a while ago saying he feels sad for steve bannon. the president tried to separate himself from this project saying that he didn't agree with it at the time. here was president trump's reaction? president trump: i haven't dealt with him at all over years now, literally years and i guess this was a project he was involved in but it was something the fact
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you can see i made statement about it a long time ago. something that i very much felt was inappropriate to be doing. reporter: neil it, has been quite the 24 hours for president trump. the bannon news this morning. the news out of new york regarding the taxes as you talked about this morning. yesterday the president called for a full boycott of goodyear tires, a massive organization in the key swing state of ohio. we saw him sitting down there with the leader of iraq. later today the president will get aboard air force one and land in scranton, pennsylvania and give a speech that fox is told will absolutely lay into joe biden. biden as you know giving his speech tonight, scranton, pennsylvania, the hometown of biden. neil? neil: amazing. blake burman, thank you very, very much, my friend. threw a lot at us there. i appreciate the update. now this is the same night when the president is going to be heading off to pennsylvania that
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joe biden will formally accept his party's nomination for president of the united states. and finally sort of lay it out, the argument for him over donald trump. that's the big speech. that's the big moment. that's the big opportunity. hillary vaughn on how he plans to present himself. hillary, he is a well-known entity. americans have known him for many, many decades but he does have to reintroduce himself, doesn't he? reporter: he does, that is part of his plan tonight, neil. this is the biggest day of joe biden's political career that has spanned nearly half a century. he, after three failed attempts at running for president he is finally getting his shot to be at the top of the ticket. he is also the only nominee since 1940 to give his acceptance speech just 20 minutes away from his house. the biden campaign today is out with a new ad ahead of his acceptance speech previewing their pitch to reboot the economy and in the middle of a pandemic. >> our seniors that are being
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hit the hardest, they're frightened. i want them to know that their health and safety will be my responsibility if i'm the president. i will have from day one ready to go the best medical experts and scientists. reporter: but while biden's campaign approach to getting the economy back on track now is more moderate his plans for the future are getting a full-throated endorsement of progressive firebrands like bernie sanders, alexandria ocasio-cortez, and senator elizabeth warren, who last night said biden will make the wealthy pay their fair share and will hold corporations accountable to pay for his agenda. >> joe biden has some really good plans, plans to increase social security benefits, cancel billions in student loan debt and make our bankruptcy laws work for families instead of the creditors who cheat them. these plans reflect a central truth, our economic system has been rigged to give bailouts to
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billionaires and kick dirt in the face of everyone else. reporter: neil, new tonight than any other night there is a stage set up behind me right there. so we believe that at some point in evening there could be an outside element to the program. neil? neil: will there be people in that outside element? with this virtual thing, you never see people. reporter: that's a good question. we don't know. this could absentees what is to come, neil. we'll see. neil: they're going to need cardboard cutouts. like one of those baseball games. i thought it was a horrible idea until i heard fox broadcasting came up with the idea. now i think it is absolutely brilliant. hillary vaughn, thank you very much. we'll be providing coverage of all of this on fbn beginning 9:00 p.m. eastern time. it's a very big speech from joe biden. a lot of those running against him for president of the united states, including cory booker, a host of others will also be
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making speeches this evening. should be a busy night. so we'll be monitoring that. let me go to scott walker, the former wisconsin governor, 2016 presidential candidate himself. how do you think this virtual convention is going? republicans are going to be facing the same, you know, situation next week. if you had your druthers governor, what would you do differently? >> well we've seen the numbers dropped off dramatically from where they were four years ago. i would assume it would be somewhat similar next week with the rnc. i think you got to get out. there has to be a way to connect with everyday people. i think it is brilliant donald trump and mike pence were safely here in the state of wisconsin, a state joe biden has yet to campaign in. these are the unusual times we're in. i joked, neil, the night of supers tuesday when i joined you on the set, after it was clear joe biden was a big win, if i was them i would put him in a basement not break him out
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before the election. i didn't know that joke might not be too far from the truth. neil: you know there is that issue, that he has been playing it almost too safe, generally, not all the time, governor, candidates who play it very, very safe end up losing. of course a lot of people liken his strategy to that of republican thomas dewey in 1948 against harry truman. i covered that one, governor, just so you know. not really. played it real safe. saw a lead in the polls. took it for granted he would have it and whole thing fell apart. hillary clinton did four years ago. assumed she didn't have to go to battleground states like your own that were democrat gym gimmes we know what happened. now we're seeing remind earns, that joe biden will not take anything for granted but it is possible he might maintain that strategy. what do you think? >> i think you're right under normal circumstances.
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clearly the first three days they have gone over board on this issue of health. that is the great excuse. it's a little ironic if it was all about health why did kamala harris give the address in delaware, not at her home in california? democrats conveniently use health when they need it, not when they don't. like when they react or don't react to the health concerns about massive protests or react just to the riots that we've seen in several big cities across america. in this case probably strategically a good thing, keeps them from having joe biden out taking questions about why he outsourced his agenda to the radical left, to people like bernie sanders. who even admitted the other days a few years ago his ideas were considered radical. they're now mainstream. only mainstream in joe biden's world and his convention, not places like wisconsin. but i do think that is a challenge. the other part, i think they don't want to see the kind of exposure that people like barack obama have seen over the last few years. even though he spoke last night,
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remember this is a guy that pushed hillary clinton to run instead of his very own vice president in 2016. a guy who had a chance to have endorsed joe biden early in the 2020 process but effectively didn't until the process was almost completely over. they know something they don't want voters to know. that is why they will keep him in delaware as much as possible. neil: could have been in the early part of the year, you don't want to come out in favor of one democrat over another. i understand what you're saying. but we'll see. i do want to get your thoughts on issue, in polls, it matters more than the economy for voters and that is, this coronavirus itself. now of course wisconsin has been dealing with its number of school closings, delays, sports canceled. the same thing happened across the country. this is very much getting out of control. i'm just wondering who you think this sort of factors in to the race in 70 some odd days? >> well, they're trying to put,
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i mean if you were playing in vegas, i'm not gambling, they're pushing their chips on to this subject. somehow blaming the president for global pandemic. they attack him early on, standing there with dr. birx, dr. fauci, heads of cdc, health and human services the president has taken this issue head on. in fact early on when he put in places restrictions for travel from places like china, joe biden himself attacked him. joe biden and his team are hoping somehow they will express, people take their frustrations express them against the president, even though many decisions revolve around state and local leaders. prime example of that, they praised new york state governor andrew cuomo even though his policies, associated press reported, his policies are putting people who are covid positive, sick people into nursing homes ap showed, then thousands of seniors, people in nursing homes became infected, many of them died. new york and new jersey have a
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higher death per 1000 rate than any other state in america. yet joe biden praised him as a leader on monday. the more people go beyond their feelings to the facts, the better off it will be for donald trump and mike pence. neil: governor scott walker. we'll see what happens. thank you very much for taking the time. >> thank you, neil. neil: all right. in the meantime here we are looking at the runup in apple again. that is just hit another all-time high. you know they might have a couple weeks ago decided to go five for one stock split because the four for one thing will still mean that each share will be well over $100. just saying. after this. some companies still have hr stuck between employees and their data.
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and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ neil: not a god day for goodyear. the stock under enormous pressure after it was revealed, got the president's attention that the company's new standard practices were just sort of jotted on a power point slide we're told. nothing more than that, according to the company, favored black lives matter but not blue lives matter. a host of other things that were so politically correct down to forbidding maga hats but almost all other type of hats. president intervened, say, boycott them, even if it means
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changing the tires on, well, the presidential limo, the beast. liz peek on the fall out from that. certainly the company is taking it on the chin today. its competitors liz, are doing quite nicely. i'm thinking of what that goodyear loses they will gain. what do you make of all this? >> i think this is inappropriate. an american president should not call for a boycott after great american company, particularly one that employs 64,000 americans, but on, having said that, i wish he had samely outsourced his anger to a surrogate, let them call for a boycott. neil, it is so offensive to me this ongoing suppression of enthusiasm for the president which you see by the way in all kinds of companies across the country but this blue lives matter. let's remember what we're talking about here. blue lives very often end up being sacrificed protecting all americans including black lives. and we should not have the pretense that black lives matter
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is not a political organization. that is what goodyear's response is. we're looking for racial equality but we're not promoting political differences. it is now a political organization. it is raising money and funding democrat causes. blue lives matter is also pa political statement of sorts but it is also something that we should all rally around. by the way polling shows most people do rally around it. so i don't like the boycott. i think boycotts in general are bad policy but i understand his frustration and the frustration of every american who is afraid to voice the support for the president of the united states and boy, you're hearing that everywhere. neil: i'm just wondering, you know, you're a savvy read of the markets, of the economy, those numbers have been looking pretty good of late but again, the way the democrats will portray that, particularly at their convention is that the beneficiaries are the well to do and not anyone
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else. if you had to advise republicans next week for their virtual convention, and they will be facing the same limitations that the democrats have without people, pageantry and balloons and all of that, what would you tell them to do? >> well, i think you raise a good point. i don't think they can do worse than the democrats have done. and i say that understanding, as you have said this is a very difficult thing. but i think, republicans have to drive home how excellent the economy was just before covid hit. how all kinds of people, we're seeing unprecedented opportunities for jobs, for higher wages, for trading up to better jobs. neil, when you get every segment of our society engaged on the ladder, rung, rung in, every other person is able to go up that ladder. that is what this country is all about. we want opportunity for all people, not just some people. by the way, when, when you look
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at the unemployment numbers, again, go back to february and january. what did we see? we saw black people making enormous progress. hispanics, disabled americans, all kinds of people, even ex-felons were being hired because the labor market was so tight. what could possibly be a better social welfare program than getting people jobs? there isn't one. it restores dignity. it restores income and opportunity. that is what we had just a few months ago and if i were the republicans, i think this is where they will go, that is what i would be talking about next week. how we get back there, and reminding people that big tax hikes such as the $4 trillion that joe biden is talking about, increased regulations that will fall out from the green new deal and so forth, are exactly what prevented that kind of employment outlook under president obama and vice president biden. neil: you know, i would also,
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this view of wall street, fat cats, grey poupon crowd, who am i offer -- i always wince at that, i've been covering the markets for decades now, i know i don't look it but i have, i thought it would be good idea for any campaign, bring out teachers, firemen, policemen, average joes and joannes and pension funds and related investments because you don't have to have your own portfolio exclusive to you, to benefit, do these look like fat cats to you? does this look like the grey poupon crowd? this is what has been happening. but they never do that. it is always elitist thing. it bugs me. >> i think you're right. consumer net worth is about to go over $120 trillion. partly because of the stock market. partly because of housing price. but by the way everybody benefits from that. and you're completely right. i think 52% of the country have either pension funds or iras
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some way that they are profiting from this ebullience in the market and what we saw very recently in the jobs market. it is not a tiny sector of the country benefiting from that. if you remember, trump had remarkable, trump had remarkable sound bites and conversations with workers they were cheering about their iras. a lot of people are tuned into that. i think you're right. i think they could talk to teachers and other people who are benefiting from that. neil: yeah. just something always stuck in my craw throughout my career, people look at wall street, this slice of a crowd, it's a very big slice. it is far more than half of this country. >> yeah. neil: but we never get that. we play these games that they get so predictable and cliche. liz peek. always good having you, thank you very, very much. >> thank you. neil: want to pass along some news out of lyft, the ride-sharing service. they threatened they are going to do it, saying that the ride shares operations in california will be suspended in a blog.
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this is not something we wanted to do. as we know millions of californians depend on lyft for daily earnings trips. personally reaching out to riders to share more about why this is happening, what you can do about it. this of course in response to california then demanding that services like lyft and uber treat their now freelance drivers as employees. very expensive and a quick turn of events for these companies to say that that better part of valor is to leave. at least one is. after this. ♪.
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♪ neil: just think of all the big name schools that have started doing this. notre dame, you have michigan state, university of north carolina chapel hill, a host of others putting off in-person classes because of a spike in cases.
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they're not alone. in fact the list is growing every day. molly line, what we could expect. molly? reporter: there are a lot of challenges that these colleges and universities are grappling with as you mentioned unc canceling classes because of a surge in covid-19 cases there. university of connecticut kicked a group of students because of on-campus housing because of a crowded dorm party. pretty ominous sign for schools and their communities the transmission rate of massachusetts is among the lowest in the country but the greater boston area is home to more than 100 colleges and universities. raising fears that 10 of thousands of arriving students will bring a new surge of cases. >> my concern is all these students coming from these states, these red states, not only politically red states, states with high coronavirus right now are hoping that students actually quarantine. reporter: current rules in the bay state demand all travelers outside from a specific list of
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states quarantine for two weeks, until they have a negative covid test. experts studying emerging epidemics say compliance is vital to containing the spread. >> if students will return, it is essential that governors order around quarantine and testing be followed and that the test results come back within 24 hours. reporter: to meet that ambitious target boston university set up its own lab. >> we have the best tests and it is in house, and results will be turned around quickly. reporter: when a bull. student schedules testing they commit to a health commitment wear masks, tell about symptoms and abide by quarantine rules. but other universities and colleges are requiring unprecedented agreements asking students to sign waivers, risking a knowledgement forms with no guarranty that they will be protected from getting the covid-19 virus. neil? neil: incredible. after all that no guarranty.
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molly line, thank you. that was a fascinating report. i want to raise all of this with dr. devi nampiaparampil. she guided us through recommendations, now coming out with schools doing all of this. doctor, i'm wondering, they want to police the kids especially on college campuses, don't congregate in bars, honor social distancing, it is almost inevitable when things reopen, regather, they're honoring that or not but just the sheer number of new people gathering, is itself going to lead to a spike in cases, right? >> i agree with you. i mean we know that social distancing makes a difference. but if you have large crowds, you have more spread. i think what we're going to see over time there will have to be more changes that become more cultural. not just legal changes. so for example, if we think about like historically, just different pandemics, for example, the plague, there were
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all kinds of changes occurred after that. that is when bathing became more popular. before that we had public bathhouses. that seemed to be more dangerous. there were changes where people didn't bathe at all. over time you started people bathing using soaps. if you look at other things, happened washing, to, that wasn't common until couple hundred years ago the reason a lot of women died in child birth because the person delivering the baby had dirty hands. if they just washed their hands, lives were saved. what we'll see over time right now there is a lot of conflict about personal rights, startling change that people have to wear masks, kind of keep their distance. i think even after coronavirus gets a little better, we might see lasting changes how people look at infections or infection control. neil: you know, i think it was the world health organization, doctor, you correct me if i'm wrong, that said that children can be silent spreaders.
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the same organization warned the whole issue about masks and all, that could be around a while, years maybe. what do you think of that? >> well i think that it is difficult because we're seeing some of the problems that come up with research itself. there is not always absolute answers. sometimes we get a clue that sometimes could be an issue. then we need to do larger studies. for example with children being silent spreaders, there are some studies that show children have higher viral loads. sometimes that is the concentration of virus. sometimes that correlates how sick you are. sometimes correlates how infectious you are. how likely you are to get someone else sick. children having higher viral loads, that is more concerned they could spread it more quickly. on other hand, look at larger studies, for example, seems kids are not transmitting it to adults as often as they would think. kids tend not to be as sick also. it's a little bit confusing.
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the hardest part about coronavirus this is not a situation where somebody has the answer and we just have to listen to that person and then everything will be solved. this is sort of like a trial and error situation where we have to have small studies, then larger studies. we have to work our way through it with a lot of different issues coming up related to the trial and error. neil: you know, doctor, if this seems to be one of those rare type of viruses unlike just the common flu or even a cold, that when people congregate you hear of a rapid spread, whether college kids in a bar or those at a campground or teammates rejoining play or practice, football, baseball. what is it about covid-19 that multiplies like wildfire? what is it that is this unique feature? >> i think some of the confusion has to do with, we haven't totally nailed down how covid is
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actually spreading. the theory right now, the working theory is that the main source of spread is these respiratory droplets. whenever we talk, the way i like to explain it, just like my toddler who likes to blow bubbles there, are bubbles come out, kind of invisible carrying the virus, right? if they're large enough, then a mask will pretty much stop that. even if people wear masks. even if they are close together, for the most part bubbles are staying contained, maybe dropped to the floor, maybe get contained in a mask. the spread should be very slow. on the other hand, say we're wrong about that, there are much smaller droplets. things like perfumes, smoke, where it is carried through the air, there are droplets, so tiny you can smell perfume from the other side of the room. even if you wear a mask you can still smell it, right? there are same idea some cases they found in a lab that seems to be the method of spread. china said there were some
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situations where they found the virus in ventilation systems. so from our point of view, in the medical community, this is usually when someone is having a procedure in the icu, if they're getting intubated, meaning a breathing tube put down, camera being put in lungs but maybe there are other situations where that is happening also. so then just being in close contact with other people even if you're wearing a mask, you could see more spread. but it is very confusing because even after all the protests and different things we've seen, i would have thought the spread would be much greater than it was. i think the virus may be behaving in different ways in different situations. neil: yeah. maybe it is very selective. dr. devi nampiaparampil. thank you very much. we'll monitor this very, very closely. again with universities that are putting things off, colleges putting things off and school systems putting it off, it is now fair to say as the school year starts, i'm throwing in college, universities, primary,
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secretary schools. close to 60% of students across this entire country will not be starting in person. stay with us introducing stocks by the slice from fidelity. now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. all with no commissions. stocks by the slice from fidelity. get your slice today.
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♪. neil: i don't know a good or bad thing my home state of new jersey always becomes a trendsetter. i'm not so sure you always want to be there especially when it comes to mail-in ballots. new jersey governor phil murphy among the first to say, mail-in ballots going out to everyone in the state. trump campaign seized on that sues new jersey. if i want to find out new jersey around what they think about the subject i go to joe piscopo. you know about him from the "snl" fame. 40, 50 years it has been on the air, he does a great show. i talk about my workload,
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6:00 to 10:00 a.m. on am 970 in the greater new york, new jersey, metropolitan area, the answer, his show he has reasonable debates with all types. they come on. big names too. they discuss stuff like this. and a lot of them are confused by stuff like this, right, joe? they're hearing the mail-in ballot goals, that is, everybody vote, but they're also hearing how that can be ripe for abuse, right? >> yeah, exactly right, neil. thank you for your kind words. we work so hard on the radio station. we hear from people, we try to be objective and pragmatic as we can. this is crazy, mail-in voting. give a shoutout to the post office. i'm in the boon docks in new jersey. i'm out there with, they got bears out here, neil. i'm in jersey, man. we got all kinds of wild animals. i got the post office coming down my driveway and they always do a great job but to be able to mail in the vote i talked to our mutual friend, judge andrew
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napolitano, who asked me to give him a blatant plug like that on your show, neil if you don't mind. neil: [laughter] >> he goes, joe, you would love this, this morning, you know what, he goes, joe? you gave neil the good cannolis. that is what napolitano told me. neil: [laughter]. he told them. >> [inaudible]. neil: legality of this. it is legality technically favors, i think he said the governor here? >> no, he said you can't, if i heard andrew right, judge andrew right, the governor doesn't have constitutionally in new jersey, he cannot just say, there will be mail-in voting. that is illegal. and then i talked to great folks in the assembly, the senate, like the leader on the gop side on assembly, he says the governor doesn't even pick up the phone to call! i don't think legally the governor can do this. i don't see how the president
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does not win in court. again, with due respect to the post office, neil, you know what the judge also said, got to plug him, he is italian. neil: i understand. >> but he said, also, you can technically write, mail in your vote, then, what keeps you from showing up on election day in person? by the time the mail gets there, it will be illegal but you could still do it. neil: i raised this issue. maybe i confused, if you actually pay attention to him on your show, maybe i wasn't, but he was telling me about the president, i'm joking of course, but that the president, not that he himself is doing it, his campaign, trying to stop this, it might be like stopping a floodgate. if all states were to do this, i guess the understanding is, it would be a nightmare and we wouldn't have results, maybe for weeks. that's a legitimate concern, is
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it not? >> absolutely is, neil. the department of motor vehicles in new jersey, the dmv, we have to wait in line, we're jammed up. people are camping out. neil: ridiculous. >> the tolls, they raised the tolls in the middle of the pandemic in new jersey. they to to the dmv. you have to get special "star trek" kind of licenses are really kind of special. you wait in line, you can't get, get a hologram or some beaming up thing. we're waiting in line. what is the difference? we're all asking the same question, waiting in line at the dmv or just going to your local polling place you know? we don't understand it. i don't know that it is legal, neil. i really don't. neil: i'm just wondering too, it was born of the whole virus thing, a lot of people are leery to show up in person, get an absentee ballot. i think the flood allows more
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problems than it solves. and, it is going to complicate things, when you like the president or not. whether you like joe biden or not, it is going to make a mess of stuff. >> really is. i know the governor said, oh, we got a lot of choices. you know what is really weird? you know the bromance that president trump and phil murphy are having, are you i aware of that? oh -- neil: no. he is not too happy with this latest action but you're right, it's a weird, you know, sort of a relationship they have. they get along. >> as it should be, as it should be. the president always goes, phil murphy, he is a good governor. what happened? overnight they're breaking up overnight over this whole thing? we don't know what is going on. also, if i may, neil, i don't want to keep you, with the kids he is gyms he is still not opening the gyms. we talked about it on the show. everybody is watching. i went on it made all the news. you're crushing small business.
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you remember neil when i used to look like this, remember this, back in the day, look at that guy. look at that guy. neil: who could forget? >> no steroids by the way. i got to get back in the gym. open with the gym. stop with mail-in voting. neil: didn't the governor put it off, he is not doing it, he is putting it off. it could be indefinitely, right? >> we're dying. we don't know what to do. there is no direction. the pandemic is it gone? is it off? they're using the virus for everything. to your point, neil, the governor is saying like an emergency situation. when i talked to the volks in the assembly and i talk to my friends in the senate in new jersey, that is the not case. this is not an emergency situation. this voting, this mail-in voting thing. no, it is just, i don't know how the president loses in court but i mean, everybody has got to settle down. we got to get back to normal, neil cavuto. neil: all right. here is what i want to you do.
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you keep pushing reopening gyms. i will push for reopening bakeries. i think we'll be off to the races. continued success on your great show. four hours a day. that is a lot. you pull it off flawlessly. pull it off flawlessly. booking napolitano. that is a dicey day. whatever it is working. great seeing you again. >> thank you. [inaudible]. neil: thank you very, very much. he has been relentless on this whole gym thing. i mean really. that is the one thing you could do to fight off this virus and you can't do that. don't get me started on the bakery stuff. in the meantime the federal reserve is worried about this, not joe. the fed has to be worried about joe piscopo. this push right now with the virus, assuming everything will be hunky-dory, like in weeks or months?
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the fed is saying this could be much longer term issue. i mean really long term. after this
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virus stupid? federal reserve minutes dating back to july the coronavirus will drag out uncertainty for quite a while. the world health organization advising when it comes to masks, keep them around for years, forget about months. dick grasso with us, former new york stock exchange chairman and ceo. these are the things, as you know, dick, always good to have you, that rattle markets. the idea there is no closure, or at least imminent closure to this whole virus thing, sometimes they slough the off. sometimes they don't. if it were to drag on that long, then what? >> well, neil, good to be with you. i think what the fed is saying is simple recognition that this economy is 2/3 driven by the consumer. so to your conversation a moment ago with joe piscopo, you have got to reopen the economy. you have got to get people back
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in restaurants, gyms, bakeries, theaters, schools. you have to do it safely but you have to do it because, that consumer consumption is going to drive a return to an economy pre the covid virus. neil: it is staggered. six out of 10 of students of all ages primary school to college, are delayed with in-person classes. something we haven't seen before. this sy flag out with businesses you indicated remain shuttered. gyms, restaurants, in new jersey, i could go on and on. i'm wondering what effect that will have? >> it is true, neil. but you know it is time to use a well-worn expression, to suck it up, drop the politics and get back to economic drive which is, which is the consumer, safely,
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but surely we have got to see everything reopen, okay? we've got to see people in the streets safely. we've got to stop thissance this absolute insanity of rioting around the country. good public police in concert with good community interaction. neil, it is time for america to go back to business. neil: all right. we'll watch. see what happens. americans are -- [inaudible]. dick grasso, thank you very much. of course former head of big board and new york stock exchange. the dow up 21 points. we'll have more after this.
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neil: all right, a big night for joe biden as he formally accepts his party's presidential nomination and lays out his case for taking donald trump out of the white house, speaking of the president he's not just being a passive player in all of this as he's done much of the week visiting battleground states, pennsylvania today was a state he won last go-around no one saw that coming and pick-up the 20 electoral votes in that state. connell mcshane is in scranton,
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pennsylvania more specifically outside joe biden's boyhood home connell? connell: you know, neil, i've heard people saying that the presidents kind of invading joe biden's old backyard. i guess by that measure we've done a one-up or even worse, we've literally invaded his old front yard. this is the home in scranton that the former vice president traveled, and lived here until he was 10 or 11 years old the family that bought it from the bidens still live here, older woman said biden has been back over the years to see friends and in speaking to voters around here, some of them cite that hometown advantage, the hometown guide made good and they still support biden wherefore others in this area, the message you'll hear from president trump this afternoon scranton resonates the idea that biden left many years ago and especially when it comes to issues like international trade, and then, there's a third group, the most important group those
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that have not completely made up their mind. here is an example. >> really tell me why. what are you thinking about? >> well trying to look at both candidates and see which one makes the difference that we'll have to see what happens. connell: so you're looking at issues obviously. >> wide open. wide open spaces. connell: some people we talk to decide on personality and they don't like the president or you're deciding on issues what are the issues? >> i have a good 401 (k) and my stock options make a difference how it's going to make a difference for me. connell: you've done pretty well under trump. >> oh, yeah very well. you know, but joe biden is a local guy, so if we do a split vote we try to do that but it's not going to happen. connell: no split vote but it's interesting, that guy was obviously pretty colorful guy, did vote for president trump, neil the last time around and it seems like he's leaning in this direction largely because of economic reasons but there's
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something about the hometown guy and joe biden that has him holding out and we'll see how it goes here in pennsylvania and whether that advantage helps biden in areas like this. areas where president trump did better than the average republican the last time around even though hillary clinton won in this county. neil back to you. neil: well that's wild. connell thank you very much. that's fascinating connell mc shane in scranton, pennsylvania want the read out with jacqui heinrich following very very closely what former vice president plans to do tonight with his big speech. you know, you think about it, and i know you're in wilmington, everyone knows joe biden right now. he's been vice president, you know, for eight year, been a senator, goes back to almost 50 years of a public career, but he does have to reintroduce himself tonight. what are we hearing he plans to do? >> yeah, he sure does, neil. it be tough to imagine that anything could prepare anybody for a democratic presidential nomination, stripped of all of
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its usual energy and reduced to a screen and a 77-year-old politician who thrives on retail politics but that's the task at hand, and dnc programming indicates biden will unleash the same criticism of president trump we've heard from other major speakers describing the country under this administration in a state of chaos and crisis delivering his vision for the future amid pandemic, and social unrest. last night both former president barack obama and senator kamala harris talked about the struggles this country faced before and what they say must be done now. at one point obama appeared emotional. >> black americans chained and whipped and hanged, spit on for trying to sit at lunch counters, beaten for trying to vote. instead of giving up, they join together. >> there is no vaccine for
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racism. we've got to do the work. >> reporter: testimonials highlighted policies this ticket wants to tackle, and mentions yesterday included climate change and environmental justice , immigration and undoing trump policy, gun violence and violence against women, education and bringing back the economy. that'll be the focus of former presidential candidate michael bloomberg tonight we're told he'll appeal directly to swing voters in battleground states making the argument that president trump is a con would lied to the american people and biden is the candidate who can create jobs and restore the economy. now, bloomberg has donated more than $100 million of his own money to getting democrats elected since bowing out of the race and tonight he will throw all that weight behind joe biden. neil? neil: jackie, thank you very much. as jackie was indicating it is a
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virtual affair never seen anything like this , ratings as you've heard from now have been down every night of the convention but again, you can hear democrats say it lives on in social media, people replay certain speeches, so there is that. how it affects republicans next week, anyone's guess but it does put added pressure in that environment, how to overcome the lack of balloons and pageant ry and just the loudness you get with the typical cold venges. it's know the that, and the american institute for economic research we've got a.b. stoddard here as well. the president has already characterized joe biden, a a cross to plant life, and so if he just does okay and doesn't think, won't that lowered bar be to his advantage? >> i think you're right, neil. the president and his allies for a really long time have been
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lowering expectations way too low for joe biden so that if he shows up at the debate and does okay, it's going to be very helpful to joe biden. tonight he's going to read off a teleprompter. this is not an area where joe biden usually misses a step, so i think that the convention, not only because its been pretty well-designed for an awkward virtual, not exciting convention that we're used to, not that energizing. they've really done a lot of interesting things, far exceeded my expectations in terms of its design, and i think that what they've also done in terms of trump's messaging about him, biden being captive to the radical left, is you know, fill the entire program with messaging to center right former s and former republicans
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and independents that joe biden is not a captain of the squad and not going to run like a progressive left candidate, and he had a bunch of testimonials from former republicans and republicans and that was all by design to say that he is a safe, broad coalition, centrist democrat until he passes the time to govern that way, so i don't know how much the republicans will be able to say that it was the radical left on display. neil: well they say that, so you know, it's obviously not saving that tune here but edward, one of the things that comes up here is that the very dullness of joe biden and that is not meant to be an offense, i built a career myself on dull, so i'm not going to argue that but that that might be appealing in this age of the drama around the president, and that democrat s plan to focus on that. he's rock solid reliable, your
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dad, grand dad, someone who can give you straight advice and leave it at that and that dull might be the new hit that by the way never worked in high school or college but that might be what they're focusing on. what do you make of that? >> neil i think you're right if you listen to his economic policies there's a lot of vague where we're going to get america back on track and we're going to boost the economy, but we're going to bring the average person into the deal, so it's not anti-market per se, anti- economics per se but it's very lacking in specifics. one of the things which was disappointing he is talking about is raising corporate tax rates. us it's not as high as where they were before recent tax cuts but we does want to increase corporate tax rates from 21-28% and it's kind of this populism of oh, this corporations are bad and we can't be giving trillions
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of dollars to them so it's this kind of not really a strong position on anything as far as i can tell. neil: well you look at the history, you know, candidates either for the very very wealthy , bill clinton, or barack obama, or raising them for companies, barack obama, they both got elected so i'm not sure that works against them. the fear will be if it goes way beyond that group, and that's i'm sure what republicans will sell. i'm just wondering how you think he threads that needle. >> right as i said, he is not in office and he's not governing but what he's done with this pact with bernie sanders, with his convention, joe biden and his campaign, and his staff have done, is to not make promises, to remain vague, and i
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agree with that that that is a safe course. on taxation that was always going to be, he was going to be proud to get out there and be on the record that the corporate rate be raised again, and the wealthy be taxed. if you look at polling many trump voters favor taxing the wealthy and a deeper safety net and are opposed to entitle ment reforms so the idea that joe biden will probably re negotiate tpp, get back in the paris climate accord, stabilize the affordable care act not to a green new deal or medicare for all or any kind of free college or whatever is really intentional, and you could hear it loud and clear, the progressive left is unhappy about it but somebody has quieted them. what happens when he's in office and he has someone whose clearly going to be the 2024 nominee in his, you know, his vice president, that's a pressure for another day, but i think
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they've been smart about keeping the campaign very vague, and it's all by design. neil: you know, he might be more middle of the road than the campaign is letting on to a. b.'s point, but edward, i don't hear in that this convention venue saying de fund the police is a bad idea. i don't hear him talk about medicare for all, but by the same token, he thinks that medicare for all, at least in prior interviews probably isn't advicable right now, but in this venue he's not doing that. he might think it but he's not saying it. that kind of is trying to have it both ways. can he keep doing that? yes. yeah, well you know, how how to know when a politician is lying is his lips are moving, and so he's always trying to appeal to it's a common guy and i'm your
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friend, but very willing to change policy. it is interesting that many of his competitors and the party are in many cases outright marxi st, so he is in certain cases having to or choosing to appeal to some very radical critics of traditional society but at the same time, he can't alienate the average voter , so i think that that's why he's not been very committed to anything, i'm just this nice guy talking about people by first name, rather than actually getting into economic policy. neil: all right very quickly, i know my producer is going to kill me but i want your thoughts on the attacks on joe biden, whether he's too old, out of it, showing his age. is that helping him? in other words he set a low bar for biden is he ticking off older voters who might not like
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that? >> because of the pandemic and trump's response to it he has been leading support from senior s in a way that democrats have not been able to celebrate in very many years decades so joe biden has seen a huge shift of support from seniors in his favor and until and unless i see that disappear by november i think the president's attack about him being sleepy are not helping him. neil: all right guy, thank you both very very much we'll see , again what the vice president has in-store tonight. in the meantime, the president is making waves not only campaigning in key battleground states, as this is all going on, but going after goodyear, even advising a boycott, the fallout of that.
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neil: all right if blue lives don't matt r maybe goodyear, you don't matter the president making clear he'd support a boycott against the manufacturer against indications on what's acceptable and not acceptable behavior and comments and language, doesn't fly with him never mind the company is insisting none of this was policy, these were just talking
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points among some staff members and not all the way up to the top. the damage is done, the stock is getting hit and dave maney is here. the boycott issue the president is raising, dave what do you think? >> well look, neil i think he's got a completely legitimate beef with the company but the fact that he has a legitimate beef in my opinion would have been a great opportunity to say, you know, our opponents here use cancel culture to go after this , let me show you how we do it. i'm going to challenge the company, i'm going to tell you that i disagree and tell you that i'm a supporter of blue lives matter, whatever you want to say but instead, you know, as is so often the case he takes an opportunity handed to him and manages to squander it in effect by engaging the cancel culture and saying you know, we have to do the same thing and it's like god no you don't have to do the same thing. that's what you should be against. neil: but i'm wondering as part
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of a grander strategy on her part that repeats the law and order views the silent america, it's from 1968 that this is something he's tapping that there's something more about going after a company, or cit ing a social media player for bias. there's a grander picture here, how do you think it's sorting out? >> there is a grander picture and again, i think he's on to something and on to something powerful. you asked about the boycott i thought the boycott was like you should have chosen a different tactic. having said that, if you read this tweet, from goodyear where they said oh, we didn't say that , we didn't say that, it's a weasel-worded kind of dance around, and in my opinion, you know, you have a lot of corporations that are playing footsie with the black lives matter movement and i absolutely think the president has a big opening in saying that this is not just about racial equality.
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this is a political agenda, and they can't play footsie politically and then tell my supporters that they can't express themselves. neil: that's well-put i like it i'll steal that line and not credit you. thank you very much my friend very good seeing you continued good health, good head on his shoulders and sees things beyond just the crazy politics of it. all right, if you're going to de fund police departments, a message from the texas governor. how about we just start de funding you? the fallout and whether it's even legal, after this. this is decision tech. find a stock based on your interests or what's trending. get real-time insights in your customized view of the market. it's smarter trading technology for smarter trading decisions. fidelity.
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president trump: i haven't dealt with him at all over years now, literally years, and i guess this was a project he was involved in but it was something that the fact you can see i made statements about it a long time ago was something that i very much felt was inappropriate to be doing.
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neil: all right, the president addressing steve bannon this morning for skimming funds that were meant to be a private build the wall project that had raised i believe in excess of $25 million, he and some other top operatives within that fund are charged with skimming off the top, assuming hundreds of thousands of dollars, and judge andrew napolitano always good to have you and thank you for helping us sort this out. the president has been saying, you know look, i wasn't a fan of this project to begin with, having talked to bannon in year, it is a little weird on the timing is weird, but it's all about money that should have gone exclusively to a wall project that didn't. how big a deal is this? >> well this sort of came out of the blue you're right and we're just about to enter the election season, though we're still in the midst of the summer
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you're right, neil. so according to charlie gasparino you're always right, but this is a very serious charge. this is a very serious charge against mr. bannon. the allegations are that there are promotional materials said and i'm quoting now from the indictment. 100% of the money collected will go towards building the wall and other promotional materials. we will not be paid a penny for our services. so the way they got around that according to the indictment and of course the defendants are innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt but according to the indictment, this charity, that the build the wall charity, made major donations to other charities, which paid the founders in the case of bannon it's $1 million, in the case of one " others it's $300,000 and $20,000 a month, so the allegation is fraud and deception which the feds call
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wire fraud, using the e-mail to commit a fraud, and conspiracy to do this , combine the two charges if they are convicted on everything they are facing 20 years each. now bannon' defense will be look this was a charity and all charities are entitled to pay the people who raise the money for them. that is true, some of the best- known charities in the united states have ceo's who make huge amounts of money but you have to reveal that. you can't claim that you're doing this totally on your own and pro bono for no money and then take the money without revealing it to the donors so that's where the case is. now these guys are arrested, they are in federal custody as we speak, they are all being arraigned this afternoon. i would imagine they will get bail but that's going to depend on each individual case. neil: yeah well certainly to your point, judge, came out of the blue, because i think bannon was on just the other day with maria and certainly nothing hinted this was coming down so
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we'll see what happens. let me get your take as well what's going on in texas , as you know, governor abbott is kind of angry at towns and municipalities that are trying to defund the police so he's shot back i think the gist of it is you defund them we'll defund you and sort of financially strangle you. can he do that? >> well he can't do it on his own, under texas law. i suppose the legislature could do it, but that be an interference with the right of local mu fisa court it pal the it to run their own governments. if you're talking about transferring certain money from the police to another department , and certain responsibilities from the police to the other department, well the local public officials should have the right to do that , but this type of you will do as we say or we'll make sure you can't collect the taxes that you need to do it, as harsh as
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it sounds can only be done by the legislature. i'm actually surprised to hear this from governor abbott because he's a small government type and prior to this had been very much in favor of the independence of each municipality to run its own government as it sees fit. neil: unless they're defunding police and that was the line he drew. another. >> governor: under i want to focus on phil murphy of new jersey, and joe loves and brags about the fact that you were on his show and i kept saying i think he came on after he was on my show, joe but having said that -- >> [laughter] neil: he was saying that it's a tough, see how petty i can be? but he was kind of saying that you were saying that i want to get this straight, that the governor is within his right imposing this or not? i didn't understand legally where he's coming from because as you know the trump campaign
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after he made this , everyone in new jersey of voting age will get one and the trump campaign sued to stop it, so clarify this for me, whose right? >> the governor is absolutely not authorized to change election laws. only the legislature can do that that's the law of the state of new jersey and also federal law because this is an election for a federal official, president and vice president, as interpreted by the supreme court. the question is will the federal courts jump into stop him? my guess is they will not, and that's an educated guess, if you will, based upon the fact that every election case that's gone to the supreme court over how this november election is going to be conducted by each of the state, the supreme court has not gotten involved. it has basically said the states can run their own elections. if murphy wants to be king that's a new jersey problem the legislature knows how to take back from him the power he stole from them.
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this is a pattern that governor murphy has been following since the beginning of the pandemic, issuing decrees left and right thoughtlessly with no input from the legislature and pretending that they are law. in this case, it's costing a fortune and it's not budgeted to print 4 million ballots and mail them to people, and instruct them how to fill them out and tell them to mail them back. he's doing this all on his own. neil: and what's to stop me from getting a mail in ballot and going over to my local precinct election day and voting again? >> other than your intellectual honesty and your italian- catholic guilt, nothing. neil: [laughter] that was well-said. by the way the library looks good. beautiful home, judge and i know this is your library. i know it's hard to fit your home within a single zip code,
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so i always love these. >> [laughter] neil: how beautiful. >> you know we are neighbors and your home is gorgeous and thank you for your comments. [laughter] neil: that's very very nice i always think of it as a bruce wayne shelf behind you, with the bat cave after that but thank you, judge always the best and then a good read. great sense of humor too by the way. we are following a number of developments you got the covid thing scaring a lot of people, these increasing protests going on and the violence and high crime that's riveting a lot of cities, and right now, it could explain why there's been a dramatic boost in bulletproof vest sales. i kid you not, grady trimble on that. grady? >> reporter: neil some of the owners and sellers of these bulletproof vests say they've never seen such high interest in this type of body armor. we're at the cop shop in chicago they typically sell uniforms for
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as you might have guessed chicago police officers. they also sell bulletproof vests to them as well, but lately, they've been seeing interest from all sorts of different people, maggie fanuccin is the manager and when people call you it's normally police who are getting their uniforms for service but lately its just been regular civilians looking for protection? >> we've had an up-tick in phone calls for civilians looking for ballistics because of their concern for their safety and a large up-tick for security guards. >> reporter: so what do these people tell you when they call why are they so worried? >> they are worried about the violence that's been happening in the city and people working like security guards that normally wouldn't need these things there was an incident a couple weeks ago an officer was shot down on clark street so now they are concerned for their safety, so this is something they could do to help themselves. >> reporter: and we have video from another company, they are called bullet safe and they are a manufacturer of bulletproof vests, and shields, and other
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type of equipment and they told us that they have seen sales up 500 even 600% and just as maggie said they've been getting calls from civilians, just ordinary people looking for protection. the owner of that company told me he's hearing more from atm repair technicians as maggie said security guards anybody who might work a dangerous job or around valuable items as well as people who are just worried because of the recent unrest but what's interesting is he said that sales actually picked up back when the coronavirus shutdown started, because any time there's economic uncertainty, they see sales spike, but this time around he said they've been sustained because partly, the unrest all around the country and the high crime. neil? neil: grady a sign of the times i guess sadly and for obviously the vest makers, fortunately. grady trimble following all of that. in the meantime, movie theaters are beginning to reopen, depending on where you are when we come back, christina
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partsinevelos on the latest to do this , and how they're going about doing this , after this. find your keys.
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that you can absolutely trust. after all, he wants nothing from you and wants to give you everything. i'm talking about the lord jesus christ, who said, " come unto me, all who are carrying heavy burdens and worry and anxiety. and i will give you rest. " he's the only one who can give you true rest and peace. will you come to him? - [female voice] are you waiting to find a trustworthy voice in the midst of the chaos of this world? visit to find a voice that will never let you down. again, that's and then found the home of my dreams. but my home of my dreams needed some work sofi was the first lender that even offered a personal loan. i didn't even know that was an option. the personal loan let us renovate our single family house into a multi-unit home.
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and i get to live in this beautiful house with this beautiful kitchen and it's all thanks to sofi. neil: all right, well you sick of streaming your movies? well more than a few movie theaters are beginning the process of reopening, hundreds of them in fact, christina partsinevelos on some that are doing that as we speak. she's in new york. hey, christina. >> reporter: neil, it feels normal. almost normal i should say. we've had about 5,400 movie theaters across the country closed since march affecting 150,000 employees, but that's why we have come to regal cinema s to see the reopening process and they are opening up about 200 locations across the country this weekend but there's a few changes. like for example, you have the social distancing to remind you, you also have the
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plexiglass in front of the concession stand, you can use an app much like many other stores and when you shop and buy food use your phone to pick-up your goods and grab your popcorn and be on your marry way, like you mentioned though, neil there is this competition right now because there's so many stream ing platforms out there at the moment and everybody has gotten real comfortable sitting on their couch watching tv's and movies. we spoke to the ceo of regal cinemas and asked him specifically about that competition. listen in. our responsibility we're not making the movies, and our responsibility is really to invest in our cinemas and to create the experience in a way that our customers will want to come to the cinema again and again. >> reporter: so that is the winning thing the experience versus the actual movie itself. they believe they can win with that and you also have delayed movie productions that are weigh ing heavily on a lot of these indoor movie theaters, for
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example, mulan, fast and the furious are all delayed and some until 2021 so that could weigh negatively on these movie theaters but they are showing some older movies. amc as well is opening up this weekend about 100 different locations, share price is climbing higher we are speaking to the ceo on liz claman's show just in the 3:00 p.m. hour, neil , and you can see that the red carpet hasn't come out for me but it's set to open 200 locations and you can get all the popcorn you want and i thought the plexiglass is going to block the smell but that's not the case so it'll still feel like the good old movies. back to you. neil: awesome. we need that. we need to just get back to some sort of normalcy. christina thank you very much that should be what i look forward to amc. want to go to gerri willis following another business trying to come back having a little tougher time talking about small and medium-size
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hotels. they are still in a pinch aren't they, gerri? gerri: a very big pinch that's right, neil. the hotel industry is the latest sector to seek federal assistance as the pandemic devastates demand for hotels and small b and bs all over the country. insiders are expecting a wave of foreclosures if there isn't some kind of aid made available. now look at this. even hotels that can boastful occupancy they still have to make some kind of accommodation. listen. >> once tanglewood canceled, we then understood very quickly that our rates that we would normally charge in the summer was just not going to fly. gerri: well, bell cut rates at his hotel in the berkshires here as much as 40% but compared to some in the industry actually lucky. a new report from the american
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hotel and lodging association showed some $20.6 billion in loans to the industry. our 30 days later more, as of july that is, compared to just 1.15 billion just before the pandemic, and it's not getting better anytime soon. industry players say they will lose fully half of revenue, or $120 billion this year. look, neil in a letter to congress, 4,000 of these hotel owners employee mored legislators to give them some cash and you might be wondering why didn't they just apply for ppe loans after all the guy we talked to earlier, bell did, successfully but most of these folks, well they didn't qualify for those loans because of their debt levels. back to you. neil: wow, they are damned if they do, damned if they don't, gerri willis we'll see how this goes thank you very very much. by the way the president just left the white house he's going to pennsylvania. the campaign right near joe
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biden's childhood home near scranton, pennsylvania but in the meantime, he has indicated right now that he wants to see continued progress between democrats and republicans on a measure that might negate the stuff he was doing the executive action, not entirely but that coronavirus stimulus they do seem to be talking, maybe past each other but i don't know where it's going chad pergram does he joins us on capitol hill. chad? >> reporter: neil there is that old expression, just don't stand there do something and that's kind of what senate republicans are starting to do, getting nervous also folks at the white house, mark meadows the white house chief of staff. he has been talking for several days now about doing a skinny bill, a piece of legislation, that just pertains to coronavirus. listen. >> i think the out lack for a skinny deal is better than its ever been and yet we're still not there. let's add in the things that we can agree upon, perhaps funding for school, ppp, maybe even the stimulus check although i don't know that we could get an
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agreement on that. >> now the push for a new coronavirus bill is an effort by republicans to contrast themselves with house democrats meeting saturday to pass a bill to bolster the postal service. republicans want to send a message they are working on coronavirus and not just the post office. fox is told that about 12 or so house republicans will cast yes votes on that bill saturday. now the postmaster general comes before the senate governmental affairs committee tomorrow and the top democrat on that panel gary peters of michigan prefers a unified bill covering both the postal verse and covid. >> neil we're dealing with a significant crisis in this country and what economists are telling us across the political persuasion is that we need to make sure we don't allow this economy to fall into a hole because once it gets into a hole it's a whole lot more difficult to get out of it and we need to treat this with the seriousness that it deserves. >> here is what the gop plan would do it costs about $1 trillion, provides $300 of assistance each week to those
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off the job and include money for schools and testing but neil this bill is not going anywhere. they need democrats on this piece of legislation here, and they even need democrats to bring the senate back into session, and that's the posture that the senate is in right now so we'll just have the postal service bill and the house of representatives and the democrat s in the house say they don't into ed to do anything on coronavirus because they passed a bill back in may. back to you. neil: amazing i can't keep up with this chad thank god you can , chad pergram on all of that in the meantime, looks like we might have trade deal talks back on with china, with a phase i trade deal. nevertheless, there's a lot of nastiness but signs of progress behind the scenes, after this. it's easy to get lost in the economic uncertainty. the volatility. the ambiguity. the moment calls for more. and northern trust delivers more. with specialized expertise.
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we have many huge complaints about china, many. no time this morning for that, but on the trade deal, we are engaged and as i said ambassador lighthizer believes china is following their script so so far so good. neil: all right, so, if larry kudlow is right, the phase i part of that trade deal they've been going back and forth with for months now, those talks are
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still on, that was a surprise to a lot of folks i wonder if it was to the former bush 43 assistant secretary of state. what do you think of that, robert? did that surprise you and are you optimistic a deal can be scored? >> you know it's hard to find good news when you talk about china these days but my view is as an omtimist and watching the numbers this deal is behind the scenes turning out to be pretty good for the united states and i'll tell you why. we've got of course a $200 billion requirement over two years, the first year had to be $77 billion and we're at about 35.6 or something like that right now, today, so they were supposed to report out on the six months the first six months as of august 15 and what they basically decided was that it was going well enough they would push that off by five or 10 days and i think they would turn around and get more purchases done between now and the final review so i guess in a world of difficult and hard news to hear about china this is a piece of good news and i think phase i has a shot at really
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taking us where we want to go. neil: can we trust them though? if they lied about so much, the virus to so many other things, how do we handle this going forward? >> well you're asking exactly the right question, neil. i don't trust the chinese as far as i could throw them but i will tell you that if economics don't lie they are either going to put hard currency on the table and we'll have real purchases or we're not, at this point we have more than 36 billion in purchases in the first six months of a year supposed to end at 77 billion so in the grand scheme of things the proof is always in the pudding. it's at the end of the day but i think right now, in a world of bad news about china and we could spend all day talking about why we should distrust china on everything from tech to the south china sea, but on this particular issue, it appears that president trump is holding them to the fire and i guess we're going to have to see when december really rolls
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around whether they stayed the course. neil: would it be in their interest to wait this out, to see what happens in the election >> you know, my own view is that their integrity is really what's at stake here, whether biden or trump won it's still going to, there's still a backward look on this year to see whether or not they lived up to or didn't live up to their commitments and as i think it was larry kudlow just before me said here, you have issues, they are considerable grievances and i'm sure they will both are grievances between now and the next maybe 10 or 20 days but remember the covid-19 virus, you know, origins aside and all that, it really did throw a monkey wrench into both econom ies and i think right now, the question is can we stabilize enough to see victory out of the first year and then make the second year real whether it's with president trump or president biden. neil: would they prefer a president biden? >> well i think they would
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definitely prefer that chiefly on the national security side. i have written a bit about this myself and the bottom line is trump is holding their feet to the fire and whether you like his style or not he has really caused china to be completely re evaluated from the w. t. o. and currency manipulation to the south china south china sea, i could give you a list as long as my arm about things he's calling them out on so he's their worst case scenario but if you measure success by economic relations, you know, he has put on the table what seems to both sides at least at this moment to be a workable deal and it is appearing to benefit both countries so i think they'd prefer biden-harris because they be malleable, biden has shown us his colors relative to china but trump they can work with trump and what we're really trying to see is whether or not they live up to their economic obligations and in my book that's a question about there's lots of other questions about human rights and
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their integrity in other areas but on this particular issue will they or won't they live up to the signed deal? neil: all right, well you've been right about so much else, robert so from your mouth to the world, thank you very much. good seeing you again robert charles. in the meantime, take a look at list stock right now already indicated it's going to pull out of california right now, it's down a little bit, not as much as you might think it's up 16% of its revenues getting out of that state we'll see what uber does after this. this is decision tech. find a stock based on your interests or what's trending. get real-time insights in your customized view of the market. it's smarter trading technology . . do better than that? like adapt. discover. deliver. in new ways. to new customers. what if you could come back stronger? faster. better. at comcast business,
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neil: this is for all the marbles. tonight at 9:00 p.m. our coverage begins as joe biden's big night. we have a whose' who, karl rove, pong others. tried to get charles payne. he said he had laundry to do you should see how it piled up in this pandemic. thank you, neil. this is "making money." stocks are in a holding pattern as gains faded into yesterday's close. maybe a combination of summer doldrums, federal reserve angst and fiscal weighing on the market. upside bias remains firmly in place. fund managers have come around to seeing the rebound as a new bull market as they are making moves to catch up. we have some of the best pros to share their ideas with you as well. plus i get reaction from the white house when i talk


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