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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 21, 2020 9:00am-12:00pm EDT

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james for joining me this morning. it's been great conversation. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. maria: be sure to preorder my new book, co-written by james freeman. it is coming out in october. get your copy now. preorder the book. that will do it for us. have a great weekend, everybody. see you on sunday morning on fox news. "varney & company" begins right now. stu, take it away. stuart: wait a minute. wait a minute. where's my free copy? maria: i will send it to you. i will send it to you. stuart: i will read it. i will review it if you're not careful. maria, good morning. maria: please. we want your review. stuart: good morning, maria. good morning, everyone. i'm running out of superlatives to describe what's going on with two giant american companies. astonishing. amazing. shocking. troubling. we have used them all. we are going to do it again. start with tesla. just look at that stock go. it closed above $2,000 a share thursday and it's up some more
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this friday morning. i'm not going to try to explain this amazing astonishing runup. i'm just going to tell you that tesla is now worth more than walmart. that really is a shock. then there's apple. it closed with a valuation of $2 trillion thursday and it's up some more right now. apple is worth more than the gdp of canada. this is good news. apple is the most widely held stock on the planet. how about that. two extraordinary stocks. overall this friday morning, the markets are pulling back. the dow industrials look like a loss of about 100 points. down about 14 on the s&p. the nasdaq hit 35 record highs this calendar year but there is a bit of a pullback today. let's get to politics. joe biden wrapped up the democrats' virtual convention. not much policy, not much force or vigor, but no senior moments. he was working from a teleprompter and it was perhaps the shortest acceptance speech in history. a few hours earlier, the
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president delivered an hour-long campaign speech on biden's home turf, scranton, pennsylvania. lots of policy, plenty of fire. what a contrast. you are going to hear it all. friday morning, "varney & company" is about to begin. the current president has cloaked america in darkness for much too long. if he's reelected you know what will happen. cases and deaths will remain far too high. more mom and pop businesses will close their doors and this time for good. together, we can and will rebuild our economy and when we do, we will not only build back, we will build back better. will history be able to say that the end of this chapter of american darkness began here, tonig tonight. stuart: there were some fireworks as joe wrapped up the
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convention. he made his acceptance speech, that's what it was last night. the main take-away, america is full of gloom and doom under president trump and it gets worse if he's re-elected. joe biden attacked the president on the economy, claiming he knows how to bring the country back to prosperity. that didn't convince president trump. after biden's speech, the president tweeted this. in 47 years, joe did none of the things of which he now speaks. he will never change. just words. now it is up to president trump and the republicans to win over voters. more on that throughout our next three hours. yes, a long show. happening right now, postmaster general louis dejoy testifies before the senate. they will ask if the post office is equipped for the surge in mail-in voting this fall. any headlines, you will hear them real fast. all right. let's get to the markets. we are on the down side pretty much across the board this friday morning. i see red for the dow, s&p and
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nasdaq. market watcher brian belski is here. wait a minute. i call him bullish because he's always bullish. hold on a second, bullish brian. i understand you've got clients who are itching to sell right now. what are you telling them? >> good morning. yes, we are still bullish because we take a look at things longer term. clients know that the market obviously has ran ahead of some of their projections, especially those that have missed the rally. i think the majority of people that are quote unquote, dissing the stock market rally have missed it so if i field ten questions from clients which we do on an hourly basis on zoom calls and anything else, any other kind of platform, nine of them are really negative. the reason why they are negative is because they missed it. you know, we still think most clients that have missed the move lack imagination, are picking on the tech stocks, picking on valuation, picking on growth versus value, picking on the election, instead of just picking good stocks.
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so we think this. we try to discount the election, try to discount politics with respect to how stocks and the economy run. the american stock market is still the best one in the world and that's why it's going up. we have a lot of hope in this country. we have always had a lot of hope in this country and it's being dictated in stock prices now. stuart: i want you to explain a couple things for me. we have tesla and apple. tesla topping $2,000 a share first time, more valuable than walmart. start there. start with tesla. can you explain this to me? >> well, we have had a tremendous amount of momentum. full disclosure, we don't own the stock. we would rather own apple, amazon and netflix because of the wherewithal with not only cash flow, especially in apple, and you talked about that in the top. tesla clearly a big momentum stock. it's across the board, whether or not it's hedge funds, mutual funds or retail. we kind of shied away from that, especially given the fact there are other names in a portfolio we can buy.
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clearly, tesla is a poster child of what's happened the last six months with respect to momentum in the market. but we would be a little leery of that stock at these levels. stuart: i just can't see how tesla can be worth more than walmart. i don't think a momentum stock really explains it. i think it's gambling fever that's gotten into that stock. what do you say? gambling fever? >> well, no, i think about this, though, common sense. what really worked during the covid lockdown? it was costco, walmart, apple, these type of names, amazon. tesla didn't have a lot to do with what was going on during covid-19 in terms of everyone's mobile society type lockdown. that's where we would apply some common sense and from a fundamental basis, it's hard for us to buy the stock right here. stuart: one more. every -- not every but most analysts who have appeared on this show this week have said apple is going above $500 a share and soon. what say you?
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>> well, we own apple. it's been one of our longest holdings in the portfolios we run both in the united states and canada. it's a long-term core holding. as you said earlier, in terms of the market cap's bigger than the size of gdp of canada a. we are talking about strong earnings and cash flow and the type of balance sheet that i think it's got more cash on the balance sheet than several states and provinces so guess what, we still own apple. i think it's a great company and management's great. we will continue to see great products come out in september. stuart: don't worry, i'm sure you are making a lot of money for that bank of yours. all right. see you again soon, brian. thank you very much, sir. oh, look at that. john deere, okay. full disclosure, i own several deere vehicles. ashley, why are they up 3.5%? ashley: we have seen you on your tractor. we have the photographs to prove it. beat on top and bottom line,
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stu. really remarkable. revenue at 8.93 billion, earnings per share $2.57, way above the estimates. also, which the investors love, it raised its full year guidance so saw a 54% increase in operating profit on farm equipment and also, i thought this was interesting, u.s. retail sales of small tractors, yes, stuart varney, and large combines, increased during the quarter. i have been on a large combine in a corn field in montana. one of the greatest feelings you could ever have. it's marvelous. stuart: it is. it is. a john deere tractor beats all. that's just my personal opinion. all right. thanks, ash. the retailer foot locker. look at them go. 6.25% higher. lauren, i wouldn't expect a footwear company to do well during the pandemic but apparently they did, right? lauren: really well. look at the stock reaction. their revenue rose 17%.
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same store sales grew 18.6%. so good that they are reinstating their 15 cent a share dividend. investors are liking this move. they say all their furloughed employees have been called back to work except in the state of california, where their mall stores are closed. foot locker is a winner today. we are working out at home and want to be comfortable all the time. stuart: that's a good explanation. i will take it. okay. thank you. let's get to california. ouch. uber and lyft will continue their operations there. they do not have to conform immediately with the new california law that makes them pay benefits to drivers. this is a temporary win. they still may leave california. later this hour, we will talk to bradley tusk. he's the guy who helped bring uber into new york city. i personally think that uber and lyft should walk away from california. what does he think? we will find out. two drug makers on your screen, pfizer and biontech.
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lauren, this is news on the virus vaccine? tell me. lauren: it's promising. they are on track to seek regulatory approval of their vaccine as early as october and the trial results so far are looking pretty good. fewer than 20% of participants in the trial developed a fever which is a negative side effect. so if they are granted authorization in october, they can supply 100 million doses of their vaccine worldwide by the end of december. this is happening fast. granted they can get the approval. stuart: i think that's the story. there are a variety of companies working on a virus, testing a virus vaccine, i should say, and the time frame keeps on moving up. like september, october, and doses delivered by december. i think that's very important. i think that's a plus for the market, actually. lauren, thank you. check the overall market. i keep cutting you off. i'm sorry. there's a delay in the audio. lauren: i know. stuart: we have to talk on top of each other. i'm very sorry.
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i hate to cut you off. i really do. but i'm doing it. lauren: no worries. stuart: look at the market, down now only 40 points on the dow. down only three on the nasdaq. we have come back in the last couple minutes. it is a wrap for the democrats' virtual convention. now they've got to unify. that's not easy. aoc and bernie are already complaining. just look at these headlines this morning. looks to me like there is a split despite joe's call for unity. next week, the republicans get their chance to win over voters. rnc chair ronna mcdaniel will tell us what they are going to do differently. then there's goodyear, clarifying their stance on maga and pro police gear after president trump called for a boycott of the company. hear what goodyear is saying now, after this. ♪
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stuart: there is a controversy surrounding goodyear. the stock is up one cent this morning. the controversy surrounds what kind of clothing can you wear at the plant making goodyear tires. apparently it's okay to wear a black lives matter shirt but it's not okay to wear a maga hat. well, ashley, come into this, please. i understand goodyear is trying to clarify the situation. what are they saying? ashley: yeah. bottom line is the company's chairman and ceo rich kraemer says the slide you just saw there from topeka was never approved or distributed, he said, from goodyear's corporate headquarters in akron. then he went on to give a statement and in part he said this. he said we have a long-standing
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policy that associates -- to associates that asks them to refrain from workplace expressions in support of any candidate or political party. however, it goes on to say, goodyear strongly supports our law enforcement partners and deeply appreciates all they do to put their lives on the line each and every day for our communities. in other words, we didn't know anything about this policy, we don't agree with it but when it comes to politics, we ask our associates, they say, not to bring it into the workplace. but i guess you can wear a teeshirt that supports the police. stuart: to me it's not real clarity. if i work at the topeka plant, can i walk in wearing a maga shirt or maga hat? can i do that? ashley: no. no. not according to this. it says no political. stuart: so can i walk in with a black lives matter teeshirt? ashley: that's where it's unclear. they have got to address that. on the slide it says you can,
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but they never addressed that. they only say they support justice for all, equal justice. stuart: i'm sorry to come down hard but if you say no, you can't wear a maga hat but yes, you can wear a black lives matter teeshirt, i'm sorry, that's still a form of censorship with a bias against conservatives. that's where i'm coming from. anyway, thanks, ash. let's bring in market watcher dennis gartman. dennis, i'm going to surprise you. i'm not going to ask you about selling stock, not going to ask you about gold. i will ask you about tesla and apple. can you explain tesla's surge? have you ever seen anything like it since the dot-com boom of the 1990s? >> as i said this morning in a comment to you, to your booker, this reminds me so much of what happened to and the rest of the strange and now defunct businesses that erupted in the late -- the latter year,
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two months or so of the dot-com era and just disappeared. tesla now is what, worth more than all the other automobile companies in the world. this is madness of some sort but i will let other people try to buy and sell it. i'll just watch from the sidelines and say i have seen this before, it will end in sadness and tears but when it ends, it's somebody else's responsibility. it's just utter and completely astro nomnic and out of control. apple is a monster and will probably get stronger, not weaker. if you ask me to buy either one, i will buy apple. i will not touch tesla with your money nor with mine. one response on akron. i grew up just outside of akron. it's terrible to see what is happening to goodyear. i hope they clarify the circumstance. growing up around a rubber company, this is not attributable or normally something that one expects from those corporations that have made akron and northeastern ohio
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a viable and livable place to make a living. stuart: thank you. glad you got into that. now, i walked into my broker's office yesterday and i thought i would do a little bit of selling. the broker told me i'm not alone. a lot of people are beginning to ease up on certain positions because they are worried about the election. are you seeing this as well? >> yeah, absolutely. i think it's reasonable and wise to do that. the fact that mr. biden is still with a, what, three, four, five, six, 7% lead over the president is enough to cause somebody to, if you had a great year, to take some of that money off the table. i think that's a wise move. we see it a lot. it's going to continue. if his numbers widen out over the president, i hope they do not, i shall vote for mr. trump, i will do it with a great deal of reticence because he is his own worst enemy but as long as -- if we start to see mr. biden and the democrats continue to widen their polls and i hope they don't, i think there will be more people saying you know
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what, i want to go to the sidelines. i think that's reasonable, rational and wise. stuart: moving into gold, maybe? >> it's interesting to watch what gold has done this morning. we have had almost a $50 range in gold just before we came on. gold traded all the way down to, what, let me look at my machine, $1916. it traded all the way up to $1946. that's, what, a $30 rally in the course of about five or ten minutes. i think gold is probably still a bull market. i think you want to be a buyer. i think this period of weakness we have had in the past 48 hours is a great place to be a buyer of gold. buy the etfs. that's the place to be. not the gold miners. little too volatile for my blood. you will probably see silver continue to rally. the gold/silver ratio continues to move in silver's favor. that's likely to continue. i'm too old to trade silver. i will let younger, wiser, more courageous people trade that. i will trade gold from the long side. stuart: that was my cue to wish you happy birthday. you want to tell everybody how old you are today?
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>> i can't believe i made it to 70 years old. stuart: dennis -- you are a mere child. you are two years younger than me. you had three years younger than larry kudlow. you are seven years younger than joe biden. you are 10 years younger than speaker pelosi. a mere child. you can't retire. you've got to stay in the game with all your experience. >> i'm still in the game. i'm chairman of the university of akron's endowment committee so i'm responsible there. i have some responsibilities in my alma mater, north carolina state and i'm in the market every day for my own account. i'm busy, watching and trying to learn, trying to take what i have learned the last 45 years and apply it finally to some wisdom and rationality. stuart: thanks very much indeed, dennis. always been a pleasure having you on this show. don't leave us now, okay? just because you are a mere 70. don't leave us now. see you later. >> thanks for your time. stuart: okay.
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now, let's -- apple, whoa, up another five bucks. $478. news publishers teaming up against apple. explain the story, ashley. ashley: yes. joining the dissenting crowd, it's getting louder and louder, these complaints. a trade group called digital context next that represents such entities as the "new york times," "washington post," "wall street journal," fox news media, digital media, they all say the 30% commission apple charges on in-app purchases is too high and the letter goes on to say look, we want the same deal you gave to amazon. amazon worked out a compromise at 15%. why don't we get 15%? it's weird, though, because bezos owns amazon but also has "the washington post." very interesting. apple maintains that that level is fair considering all it does to maintain the site and the way it operates it. this is an issue that's just not
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going away, stu. stuart: no, it's not. it's a long-running feud. thanks, ash. the market overall friday morning, few minutes to go before we open up, the dow is unchanged. a few minutes ago it was down 100. the nasdaq has turned positive. 13. interesting day going on here. let's see what else. the opening of the market after this. ♪ introducing stocks by the slice from fidelity. now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. all with no commissions. stocks by the slice from fidelity.
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again, that's stuart: capitol hill, postmaster general louis dejoy testifying before the senate. the democrats accuse president trump of deliberately trying to slow mail-in voting. dejoy just said we, the postal service, are indeed in dire financial straits and no, there will be no changes right now as to how they handle election mail-ins. what a controversy. here we go. look at this headline from the "wall street journal." does robinhood make it too easy to trade? some behavioral researchers say the app's simplicity encourages
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novice investors to take bigger risks. let's talk about this. come in, ash and lauren. ash, you first. let's start with you. what do you think? ashley: look, some say no, we don't gamify this site. when we don't encourage risky behavior, they allow three day trades within a five-day trading period and if you do that, you have to have 25,000 in an account from the previous day's balance. all these things are designed to stop what you would term risky behavior. but could someone with that kind of personality go through a lot of money? yeah, they probably could. stuart: lauren, what do you say? lauren: i think this is a pristine example of what silicon valley does. they make things really simple and design it to be so enticing and addictive so it's kind of like move fast and break things. they are doing that. it's also emblematic of the liberalism. steal from the rich and give to the poor kind of idea.
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because they are going against the idea that trading is just for the wealthy. no, trading is for everybody. they have made it so simple, it's just not everybody can handle it. it comes with so many risks. stuart: put a small amount of money in and you are in the market. you could put a couple hundred bucks in and you are in. here we go. 9:30 eastern time. it's a friday morning and we are off and running. right from the get-go we are down a tiny fraction with more than half of the dow open. down 50 points, there you have it, down 50 in the very early going, a fraction of 1%. the s&p 500 coming off a series of record highs, down two points right now. minus 0.07%. hardly moving. the nasdaq composite is up a tiny, tiny fraction, up less than one point at 11,265. not that much movement first thing this morning. uber and lyft on your screen right now, they will continue to operate in california for now.
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a court ruled in their favor. uber is up a fraction, lyft is down a fraction. let's get to tesla. ashley, it's been on a tear. lay it out for us. ashley: yeah. and then some. closed yesterday at, what, 2001. that's a great line, isn't it. 2001. look at that. up at $2,041, a new intraday record right off the bat. if you look at the numbers year to date, up 378%. last 52 weeks, up 801%. the one that's really interesting, it was only just over two months ago that this stock crossed $1,000 for the very first time. think about that. just over two months ago. to say it's been on a tear does not do it justice. of course, this latest surge came after the five-for-one stock split announcement last week. so tesla continues to ride higher and higher and probably silently with that electric
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engine. stuart: all-time high as of now, over $2,040. intraday record. extraordinary stuff. it's the tenth most valuable company in america. tesla. how about that. let's move on to apple. lauren, all-time high, $479 a share. i've got a lot of people saying it's going to $500 and above. a lot of people are saying it. lauren: yep. dan ives gave it a $515 target. look, now that it has closed with that $2 trillion valuation and it continues to hit new highs, with this hype comes criticism as ashley just told us. the major newspapers and game makers are challenging apple's commanding dominance and role in the u.s. economy. when you consider you have apple, google, amazon, microsoft and facebook, so those five big tech companies pack up 7.36 trillion valuation. they make up more than a fifth of the s&p 500. so when you think of the s&p 500, it's basically those five
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stocks plus like 495 other stocks. we are talking about five stocks when we talk about wall street. stuart: that's right. money is concentratedly flowing into those five big name stocks. i keep using these words. amazing, astonishing, incredible. all of the above are true. all right. thanks, lauren. thanks, ash. speaking of big tech, vice presidential candidate kamala harris has some strong ties to these tech companies. could this cause a problem for her with voters, ashley? ashley: i don't know. it depends on what the voters think about big tech. certainly, she's had friends in silicon valley all the way back more than ten years ago when they backed her when she ran for state attorney general in california. she's gotten some large donations from some of the bigwigs, the elites. sheryl sandberg of facebook, the former exec at apple, marc beniof at salesforce. they say her approach has been hands off the big tech, maybe
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because they are so much -- that's why they support her so much. there is concern among those who believe big tech is too big and too powerful, that if there's a biden administration it will have a cozy relationship with the silicon valley, much like the obama administration did. she would also have say over appointments to the justice department and antitrust enforcement. all of this suggesting that she and her relationship with the tech industry will mean that a biden administration will go easy on them, won't be calling for any big reforms. stuart: i don't think bernie sanders or aoc will be particularly happy to see the vice presidential candidate who may well be president soon, i don't think they would be very happy to see her so closely entangled with the likes of amazon, for example. all right, ash, thank you very much. let's see where we are four and a half minutes in. we are mixed bag this morning. only down just ten points on the dow industrials. the level, look at it, 27,736.
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where's the ten-year treasury yield? .63%. where is bitcoin this morning? $11,000 or $12,000? $11,750. where is gold? below $2,000 an ounce at $1942. oil, i'm guessing, $41 a barrel. got it. quick programming note. wednesday, september 2nd at 2:00 p.m. eastern, charles payne will be hosting a virtual town hall with barstool sports founder dave portnoy. that's going to be interesting. send your questions in on facebook or instagram or e-mail us, investedinyo portney. i think he's upset with me. let's see. it's friday. that means friday feedback. we are sorting through your questions and comments. tune in at the end of the show for all of that. taco bell catering to business in the age of the virus and launching a go mobile restaurant. what's it look like? we have the details for you.
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the trump campaign, policies backed by biden and harris will cause lyft and uber drivers their jobs. we will explain that after this. ♪
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stuart: you got to look at this. apple and tesla have opened ten minutes ago. we've got a new intraday high for apple at $480 a share. look at tesla, up $71, another 3.7%. new record intraday high. $2,077 a share. let me see lyft and uber, please. we've got more on this. tim murtaugh with the trump campaign issued this statement about lyft and uber's situation. he says lyft and uber drivers
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livelihoods are being threatened thanks to biden and harris's support for a law demanded by liberal special interests who want to take away workers' opportunity to make their own schedules and participate in a free and open gig economy. all right. good time to bring in bradley tusk, the ceo of tusk holdings, a venture capitalist and this is the man who brought uber into new york city. first of all, bradley, i got to tell you this. i can't believe that california, the home of innovation, is trying to run these companies, uber and lyft, out of business. what's going on in california? >> you know, we have talked about this before, stuart, on concepts like mobile voting and turnout. california is absolutely the home of innovation but their state legislature is completely gerrymandered so every single primary is the only election that ever matters and in most primaries turnout is around 10%, 12% so it tends to be very very left wing democrat and not really people from tech. so only the most progressive
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people who have no connection with technology industry, no skin in the game at all, the only ones voting, that's all the legislature cares about. that's why they do their bidding. stuart: i make the mistake here of saying it's just uber and lyft drivers. it's not. this is a broad cross-section, the gig economy covers speechwriters, screen writers, it covers freelance writers, even food delivery people. >> cosmetologists, housekeepers. dozens and dozens and dozens of categories of work, not just drivers for two companies. stuart: so it seems to me that in november, california voters will be presented with a choice. you can get rid of this law which really outlaws private contractors, or you can -- i don't know how to put it. california voters face a choice in november. you want uber or don't you. it comes to that, doesn't it? >> right. i think one of the real failings by uber and lyft when they fail
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to defeat this law from passing in the first place, a year ago, is they never really put it in exactly those words to the voters of california. it seems to me they said listen, our drivers can be employees, they can be contractors but understand if they are employees, every ride will take another seven to ten minutes to get to you and every ride will cost 20% more and if the people understood that's what they were giving up, they wouldn't want to do that for a heartbeat but uber and lyft did such a bad job framing the argument and their operation is so conventional and subpar they are now in this situation. they should hire you as their political consultant. stuart: i think they would lose badly if they did that. one last question. if uber and lyft and all the rest had to conform to the new law and treat people as employees with benefits, could they make money? could they make a profit? >> they don't make a profit now.
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they certainly would not make a profit if their operating costs went up by 20%. my guess is long-term, lyft wouldn't survive. uber would have to evolve into being, you know, a different type of logistics and transportation company but not one that relies primarily on ride sharing. stuart: you are a new yorker. i don't know where you are now. are you coming back? >> yeah. yeah. i'm in upstate new york, about 80 miles north of the city. the plan is to come back labor day. our kids' school is saying it will be part in-person and part remote, so my hope is that that holds. i would love to spend my day in the office all day working instead of splitting it between child care and my job. but we will see. to your broader point, which isn't just like what are my plans three weeks from now, is the city going to survive in a way that makes people want to be there. that's a really open question. crime is way up, quality of life
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is way down, the tax base is being decimated, and you know, i think part of the thing that the politicians in new york don't see is for example, you see albany saying hey, let's just tax our way out of this budget deficit by hammering wall street as much as we possibly can. what wall street has learned during the pandemic is they don't need to be in new york. stuart: exactly. >> they can be anywhere. so if 25% of them say you know what, it was too expensive before you raised my taxes, now i'm definitely not coming back, then the tax base of the city kind of corrodes completely and then you are in a worse situation than you were in the 1970s. stuart: absolutely. bradley, thanks for being with us this morning. very important information. we always appreciate it. thank you, sir. i have break news. six states suing the postal service. ashley, what's going on? ashley: yeah, saying the changes, the service changes that are being made quote, harm the ability of states to conduct free and fair elections. now, not sure what changes they are talking about because if you
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remember, the postmaster general louis dejoy, who by the way is talking to a senate hearing right now, said some of the most sweeping changes he was now going to delay until after the elections, said he wasn't going to do that. the post office has maintained that if the individual states continue to conduct their mail-in portion of voting in the same way they have in the past, the postal service is just not set up to handle the volume for all of the states doing mail-in voting. they say you are going to have to look at your logistics because we can't handle that amount of mail. as we talked about often on this show, if that were the case, what an absolute chaotic situation we will be in. we won't know who won on the day after the election and it could be months before we even know. don't forget all the lawsuits. all of this is bubbling up but the headline here is six states suing led by pennsylvania. stuart: i think it's going to be chaos at the election no matter what. all right. quick check of the market,
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please. we have turned around. we are now seeing much more green than we saw just a few minutes ago. there's a reason for that. we received the market on manufacturing outlook and services outlook. positive news on both fronts. market manufacturing reading of 53. that means you're expanding. same with the services sector and the result is a turnaround for the market. dow industrials now up 30 points at 27,700. amazon, jeff wilke, amazon's ceo of worldwide consumer activity, is announcing he's planning to retire in the first quarter of next year. david clark, senior vice president of worldwide operations, will take his place. amazon now is down .14%. $3,292 per share. listen to this. nearly 23,000 mail-in ballots were rejected during wisconsin's primary in april of this year.
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that number is more than president trump's victory margin in that state in 2016. what does that mean for the november election? i will tell you. chaos. but i will ask former governor scott walker about it. over 21 million people tuned in to kamala harris's speech wednesday night. is she going to be a threat to republicans? rnc chair ronna mcdaniel here. i will ask her next hour. ♪
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9:51 am
what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? of the year on the new sleep number 360 smart bed... no problem, with temperature balancing you can sleep better together. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and
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automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable will it help me keep up with mom? you got this. so you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. it's our weekend special. save $500 on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. to learn more, go to stuart: target's grocery pickup service expanding. market likes it, it's up two bucks. lauren, how many stores will i be able to drive up to and pick up my stuff? lauren: 1500, or 85% of target locations nationwide. so it's really easy. this is how it works. you place your order online, that's been booming, the online business at target. you drive to the store, then they put it in your car completely free, you don't have to place a minimum order in order to get this and you don't even have to subscribe or be a member. like i said, online sales for target tripled in the last quarter. this is one of the reasons why.
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now they're expanding this service. stuart: this is the changing economy. we are changing the way we do things. this is a classic example. the stock is up -- lauren: buy online. pick up in store. stuart: you got it. you do that all the time, i know. all right. let's bring in ashley on taco bell. debuting a new mobile restaurant. wait a minute, ashley. a mobile -- what is it? a food cart on wheels? ashley: that's what i thought when i read the headline but no, it's more grand than that. they are just smaller, smaller versions of the classic stores that you know. there are about 1300 square feet as opposed to the 2500 square feet which is the normal size. these are small locations. they will be starting next year and they will have two drive-through lanes to speed up your ordering and your pickup. they will also have what they call it's a smart restaurant. it will detect when customers arrive for their orders and suggest the quickest route to pick up their food. they also will have contactless
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curbside pickup. the drive-throughs will feature tablet ordering. this is how the pandemic and the lockdown and the way we do business has changed the way businesses serve the public. this is a classic example. smaller, faster, less contact, order online, get in, get out, and that way, they can of course increase their profits with better margins on all of this. they have already said they are going to hire 30,000 new employees, taco bell, to handle the curbside pickup and delivery portion of this. so this is the way the economy and this industry is going. stuart: absolutely right. changing economy, changing way of doing business. we have more on that from door dash. lauren, are they getting into grocery delivery now? lauren: yes. yes. speaking about another pandemic change that's permanent. they want to deliver your takeout food but also your groceries. they are delivering right now in parts of california. you can see here also throughout the midwest. they want to compete with amazon
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and also instacart but they will do it differently. instead of using windows of scheduled times where you say okay, i can get my order tomorrow between 12:00 and 2:00. no, no, no, no. they want to do it for you in less than an hour. the way they do that is they use separate teams. one person in a store fills the order then the other person, a driver, delivers the order to your home. stuart: i like it. it's a changing economy and it works for everybody. i like it. i've got to say. how about that. lauren: it's very difficult to get a spot on instacart so this should be a success. stuart: got it. thanks, lauren. all right. market shows a lot of green. we like that. we have all-time highs for apple and tesla. that's fueling the nasdaq's longest weekly winning streak since january. positive news on the manufacturing sector. positive news on services. that's turned the market around. okay. the nasdaq just went down a little tiny bit but the dow is up 80, 27,800. how about that. s&p's up again as well. now the nasdaq just turned
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around, too. in a moment, we have the latest read on the housing market for you. a positive read could give the economy and the market something of a boost. this is what realtors look for. existing home sales. we will break the numbers for you top of the hour. ♪
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♪ ♪ if. stuart: i've got a very important real estate number coming in a moment, but right now i'm seeing plenty of green left-hand side of the screen. the dow's up 79, is s&p up about 5, nasdaq up about 14.5 points. now, existing home sales, that's a key number for realtors and everybody else in the real estate market. lauren, do we have the number yet? >> stuart, okay. the number just coming in to me right now. this is for sales of existing homes, the largest part of the housing market for last month, rising much more than expected, 24.7% to 5.86 million. i can tell you that the previous 13-year high was in february, so this takes that down.
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so this is an astronomical number for existing home sales for the month of july, rising almost 25%. annual rate of -- stuart: okay. >> -- 5.39 million. stuart: okay. let me get this straight here. what's the annualized selling rate of existing homes? is it 5.8 or 5.3? >> 5.86 million. stuart: that's a big number. that is 8.7% higher than a year ago. that is a very big number, indeed. that's very encouraging, and i see the home builder stocks, they are beginning to turn around. and i think it's helped the overall market as well. market watcher jonathan hoenig with us now, fox news contributor. jonathan, step aside from the market for a moment and look at the economy. i like those real estate numbers that i'm seeing. not quite prepared to say it's a real estate boom, but it's doing very, very well. does that give the overall economy a nice shot in the arm?
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>> yeah, certainly. reallies is a big partner of the overall economy, stuart. good morning. look, it's a number of big picture trends that real estate's back right now, one of which is this migration from cities, densely populated places, to the suburbs. a lot of that's, unfortunately, fueled by some of the unrest we've seen on television. there's also this trend of upsizing. a lot of people are going to be working from home more, their kids are home, they need more bedrooms. so that's fueling a lot of the upsizing. there's a cocooning factor not unlike what we saw in 9/11, people are going to be at home, and most importantly those ultra-low interest rates. 30-year mortgage for 3%, we've never seen that before. and the good news is, stuart, unlike in 2006, 2007, most americans don't have a huge mortgage that they had back then. they've got a lot of credit card debt this time, but all those factors are fueling this really
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booming, you could say boom market in real estate writ large. stuart: i'm going to get to apple and tesla in a second but, jonathan, you run a big hedge fund. have you run into people who are saying it may be time to move assets out of stocks and bonds and into real estate? have you heard anything like that? >> yeah, i think -- what often times helps wealthy people stay well is they have that long-range understanding. they look at companies like apple and tesla and say they're wonderful companies, but they're not the be-all, end of all of what my entire portfolio should be. they remember periods where big techs weren't in fair in the marketplace. so, absolutely, they understand now more than ever even if the economy is recovering, beyond those big favored names, that's what keeps you in the game and keeps you well long term. stuart: before we close, jonathan, can you explain tesla to me? i don't know whether you're in it or out of it, approve or
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disapprove. to me, it seems like gambling fever. what do you say? >> i mean, it's peculation are. i look at tesla, stuart, which goes up and up and up every day, and i feel the same frustration i felt back in the late 1990s when i saw these stocks like cngu or sun microsystems go up day after day. it went on for a while but couldn't go on forever and, ultimately, that valuations bomb exploded, if you will. so names like apple and tesla, they've got the indexes with them. apple is the biggest of the big. tesla would be the tenth largest company in the s&p 500 if it was in the s&p 500. it's going to be in the s&p 500, so a lot of money coming into the indices is going into exactly those two stocks. stuart: i can see apple but i can't see tesla. that's my point of view. jonathan, have a great weekend,
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see you again soon. look at apple, up $9, tesla's up $36. how about that? now this. separated by a couple of hours and a couple hundred miles, the president and his challenger went head to head. trump held a campaign rally, biden accepted his party's nomination. oh, what a contrast in style and content. watch this. >> the current president's cloaked american darkness for far too long. >> for the last four years we've been reversing biden's betrayals. >> all that is important, we know in our bones this one is more consequential. >> in a second term in office, we will create 10 million jobs in the next year. >> if you entrust me with the presidency, i draw on the best of us, not the worst. >> with a wall between the american dream and total insanity. stuart: okay. there you have it, side by side.
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look, i'm going to make a value judgment. i thought joe lacked vigor. i mean no disrespect, but i think he showed his age. even though it was a very short speech, i think he still looked tired and somewhat ill at ease in front of the camera. the exact opposite from president trump. he counter-punched with great vigor. again, it's a value judgment, but there's no way you can criticize this president for lack of energy. on style, day and night. and that's important in a presidential race. all right, how about content? again, big difference. joe listed the problems but was vague on solutions. on the pandemic, a national mask mandate and better testing. okay. on racial tension in democrat-run cities, he'll just bring us together, end the division. on the economy he said one in six small businesses have closed this year. he'll bring 'em back. he blames trump. he'll bring 'em back with a $3 trillion tax increase.
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that is doubtful, in my opinion. president trump went the other way. he was specific. he will spend more money on the police. he will cut taxes to create 10 million jobs next year. he will ban sanctuary cities. he will keep america's energy independence. he was campaigning for a second term and left no doubt about what he would do if he wins. i think the ball is now in owe e biden's court. -- in joe biden's court. he's the nominee. he's got to outline policies that are okay with the socialist wing of husband party. that's not easy. bernie and aoc are already complaining. he's got to get out of his house. he's got to face serious questioning. mr. trump, he's just got to keep doing what he always does. he campaigns vigorously. he answers any and all questions with, and he spells out clearly what he would do in a second term. 73 days to the election, and look who is with us --74, sorry. 74 to the election. i can count, you know.
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ron that mcdaniel is here, rnc chair. ronna, welcome to the program. >> great to be with you. stuart: okay. i'm jumping the gun here, i'm eager to get going. [laughter] you start your convention next monday. are you going to have any kind of audience? are you going to do a lot of stuff live? what will be the difference between you and what we've seen from the democrats? >> well, we'll see donald trump every single day. there will be more live programming, and there's going to be some surprises in there. i can't give those away yet, but it will look different than the democrat convex. and -- convention. and, boy, is it going to sound different. we're not going to start off with hollywood actresses, hollywood explaining to us about how we should live as normal americans and regular americans, how hollywood has all the answers. we're not going to have screen writers. it's going to be about real people, and we're going to talk about the things that have happened under this administration to make lives better for every american across this country and then a vision for the next four years.
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stuart: where will the president be speaking? if he's going to appear every day, where will he be? >> you'll have to see. but it's going to be a donald trump convention. i mean, he is our best asset. he speaks to the people in a way that nobody else does. and it's, you know, it's a way to tune in, you know? it's tv. we've got to get people to tune in every single night. what better way than to have president trump there every night. stuart: you're teasing our viewers. that's classic -- [laughter] good news writing, let me tell you that. okay. quick programming note here on fox business, we will be covering the convention next week starting at 9 p.m. eastern every day all through the convention right here on fox business. next case, let's talk kamala harris. 21 million people watched her peach on wednesday night -- her speech on wednesday night. i know that's fewer than watches the dnc convention in 2016, but does she worry you at all? >> she doesn't. i think when you look at her
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policies -- and, again ors they did this glossy image, the smoke and mirrors convention where they really didn't get to the meat of what they proposed. kamala harris is for medicare for all, governors-run health care which means -- government-run health care which means moms like me will lose our private health insurance and not go to the pediatrician we've gone to for 17 years. she is for radical things like giving health care to people who come to this country illegally and break the law. she applauded eric garcetti when he defunded the police in l.a. i mean, if suburban moms hear about what kamala harris is putting forward, the more they know about her, the less they'll like her because her policies are so out of touch with mainstream america. stuart: now, ooh i've asked you before -- i've asked you before about your internal polls, and you've always told me they hoe mr. trump stronger than the published national polls. can you share with us, can you share with us any specifics?
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>> i'm not going to give specifics because we do have them internal, but i will say the national polls are now reflecting what we're seeing internally. you saw rasmussen. we are seeing the president leading in of the battleground statements. it's interesting that joe biden has spent 600 days outside of wisconsin, a battleground state. i think they've ceded wisconsin. i was in wisconsin this week. the president was in wu, the vice president was in wisconsin. how can the vice president, joe biden, have husband convention in milwaukee and not set foot in that state and think it's a battleground for november? we're seeing that across the country. they don't have a ground game, there's not energy on the ground, and the president absolutely has this well of energy. and we're starting to see e this in the national polls finally. stuart: i would like to know where he gets his energy from. i don't think he drinks much coffee, maybe a lot of coca-cola. >> some diet coke every once in a while. [laughter] stuart: ronna, thanks very much.
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you've got a busy week next week. we'll see you later. >> absolutely. thanks, stuart. stuart: violent protests in portland, gop, still ongoing. get this, there have been at least 500 arrests in the city since the rioting began. any end in sight? that's what i want to know. we'll cover out. 23,000, that is the number of absentee ballots rejected in wisconsin's april primary. it's more votes than trump won the state by in 2016. looks to me like election chaos coming nationwide. joe biden calling for unity during his acceptance speech at the dnc. watch this. >> i believe there's only one way forward, as a united america, a united america. united in our pursuit of a more perfect union. stuart: all right. he wants to unify the cup, got it. -- the country, got it, but he wants to unify his own party, and that is going to be an uphill struggle. the democrats are split, and i
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think it's because of aoc and bernie sanders. more "varney" after this. ♪ hi, this is margaret your dell technologies advisor there's an art to listening. it's the ability to hear more than what's being said. to understand the meaning in every pause.
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can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me keep up with mom? you got this. so you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. to learn more, go to ♪ stuart: well, it's a friday morning, and i like the look of that green. dow is up 60, nasdaq's up 10, s&p up nearly 2. in the green. uber and list avoiding -- lyft avoided shutting down in california for now. they've been granted an emergency reprieve from that court order. however, it's temporary, and both stocks this morning are slightly lower. shake shack will be giving out year-end bonuses. we haven't heard that for a long time. the store managers are getting them ranging from $a 250-400
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each depending on their positions in the company. shake shack's up 2.3%. next, an update on tiktok. what's this? they're removed -- they've removed a lot of videos for hate speech, lauren? tell me. >> 380,000 videos linked to hate speech have been taken off the site since january 1st. there have also been 1300 accounts and took down 64,000 comments all because they're linked to hate speech. but the reason is why. well, like other silicon valley giants, they are big. 80 million u.s. users, to they're trying to clean up their site as they face increasing scrutiny from lawmakers, right, and the pressure from the president to sell their u.s. operations. stuart: i'd just like to know how they define hate speech. everything's in the definition. what's hate and what's not. i don't know if i could -- >> exactly right. stuart: lots of gray, well said. let's get back to the election. i say it is, in fact, a biden/harris/sanders ticket. and i also say the party's
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split. aoc went after a biden adviser over the deficit. bernie sanders was disa appointed the progressives didn't get more speaking time. i think it's a absolute party. norman solomon is back with us, and he's a delegate for bernie sanders. norman, you are splitting the democrat party, aren't you? >> well, the bernie delegates are united against donald trump because we realize, runs, how he has caused -- for instance, how he has caused so many deaths from mishandling the pandemic. but when it comes to the biden ticket, we're very unhappy. i can tell you that i coordinate with others the bernie delegates' network. we did a thorough survey, one delegate, one vote. 525 bernie sanders delegates, we found that less than one-quarter said they approve of the biden/harris ticket. we realize it's sort of a dream ticket for corporate capitalism and wall street. not only that, 850 delegates messaged to vote against the
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platform because biden refused to allow medicare for all in it. so we're very unhappy about this ticket. stuart: but what it comes to when push comes to should shove november the 3rd, that's the election, how many bernie people will actually vote for the biden/harris ticket? have you got a rough idea? >> oh, an overwhelming majority. i would say 90, 95% is my guess and that we'll vote against donald trump. and that means, of course, the tool to do that is to vote for the biden ticket, hold our nose, because he's the emperor right now for the democratic party of corporate capitalism and wall street which we oppose. stuart: okay. i don't know how you'll do this, but i presume that if joe biden wins, you will be pushing him as far as possible to the left when it comes to exercising his presidential power. for example, pushing him towards medicare for all. for example, pushing him towards a wealth tax.
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you going to do that? >> well, in the way that progressives in the 1930s pushed franklin delano roosevelt to create a new deal. now, how successful we will be is a whole other question. back then people got social security, for instance. now we're going to have to fight the corporate power of the democratic party which dominated thing convention, you know. stuart, if you look at the numbers of who spoke, aoc got 60 seconds, the party was dominated by any measure by the corporate center of the democratic party. stuart: do you think you've been betrayed again? i think you were in 2016. betrayed again now? >> well, the democratic party is dominateed by corporate capitalists, and that's just who runs the show. and you know how politics is, you know? it's, quote-unquote, the art of the possible, but it's really not bean bag, as the saying goes. you always have to fight for power, and sad to say progressives lost power in terms of the a party this year. stuart: why do you think the corporations are so bad?
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>> well, i new that when they don't -- i think that when they don't give workers a living wage, i think when corporations pollute the environment, i think when they enable a president like donald trump and support him when he causes so many deaths due to the pandemic, and let me tell you if investors paid as much attention to facts that were financial as donald trump has paid to facts that are scientific, those investors would completely lose their shirts. stuart: i've got to leave it it at that norman because, obviously, we totally disagree. i am a refugee from your kind of government. i left a socialist society, and i'm very happy in capitalist america. but then again. norman, before you respond, thanks very much for being with us, norman. i'm sure we'll see you again. [laughter] >> thank you. stuart: i like that i put a smile on your face. norman, thank you very much, up deed. see you later. oh, my goodness, portland. look at that.
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80 straight days of violent protests in that city, and, ash, i think you've got some truly shocking statistics there. ashley: yeah. i mean, when is this mad going to come to an end, stu? we have the oregon police, portland, oregon, police have declared a riot 17 times now since may 29th. they have arrested more than 500 protesters during that period. a riot, by the way, defined as suggestion or more people engaging in -- six or more people engaging in violent behavior, creating grave risk to the mix. look at these numbers. 83 nights of protests, 49 acts of vandalism, 58 nights of projectiles being thrown. only seven nights were free of any vandalism, fireworks and fires being set going all the way back to that may 29th beginning. this is an absolute outrage. i feel desperately sorry e for
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the law-abiding people of portland, oregon, who are anywhere near what's going on. why this isn't brought to an end now, i have no idea. [laughter] stuart: well said, ash. well said, indeed. thanks very much. all right. quick note here, i see apple now up $11 a share, 484, closing in on 500. next case, parents of big ten football players gathering at the conference a headquarters in chicago. they're protesting the league's decision to postpone the 2020 season because of the virus. we're going to take you there live. kansas city chiefs moving to ban fans from dressing up in head dresses, wearing native american-themed face paint, the team also reviewing the arrowhead chop tradition. we've got details. the pentagon approving the use of five drones made here in america. one of those drone makers is on the show. i think he's brought his drone with him too. we'll be back. ♪
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♪ stuart: these two stocks throughout the show with good reason, their movement is just with incredible. apple is now up nearly $14, that's another near 3% gain. 487 on apple. look at tesla, up another $a 53 at $2055 a share. dow, s&p, nasdaq all on the upside. foot locker, they just reported. i'm surprised, ash. i would is have thought that a footwear company would do well in a pandemic. ashley: yeah, but apparently they have. as lauren said, maybe more people working out of home buying sneakers to do it. profits easily beat the expectations, revenue coming in at 2.08 billion. that is up 17% year-over-year. the most starting statistic is same-store sales up 6%.
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they reinstated their dave tend to 15 cents a share, they're going to restart a hour buyback program -- share buyback program next month, nearly all of the furloughed employees have been called back except in california. that stock up 2% today although it is down 28% for the year. stuart: poor old california. what about active wear companies? lauren, you would imagine they've done well. >> yes. it's a trend. it's been around for a while. it's accelerating now. not all of the companies in the states are benefiting. so lululemon is by far the leader, shares up 58% this year. nike is also higher. they're both considered premium brands. they have strong online sales, strong channels, big presence in china where the chinese consumer has recovered. but then if you look at these other names, under armour, sketchers and foot locker, they're all down between 28-54% on the year. they are struggling to catch up
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with the premium brands. stuart: thanks very much, lauren. i'm afraid i was burying my head on my little phone screen. i'm just looking at apple. now they're up $14, 487. really extraordinary. on your screens a brand new, cutting-edge defense drone. we'll get -- there it is. a drone from a company called keel drones. the pentagon has approved it for use with the military, and the man who founded teal drones and the ceo thereof, george mattis, joins us now. okay. the pentagon wanted drones made in america. not made or produced in china. is your drone 100% american top to bottom? >> yes, it is. and we were actually the first company in america to mass produce this category of drone domestically. stuart: what will the president -- i'm sorry, what will the pentagon do with your drone in. >> well, you know, our goal for
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consumer commercial markets is to contribute to an exciting future, work and life with drones. but for the military, our goal is to increase war fighter lethality and survivability, ultimately enhancing the potential of mission success, and that is what they're using teal drones for. stuart: you can shoot people with it, can you? >> there are multiple use cases, absolutely. stuart: i understand that your your -- you're a little reluctant to say, yes, we can shoot people -- >> very excited about it. a lot of potential to save lives and increase lethality of our war fighters. stuart: okay. two quick questions. where do you produce your teal drones, and how much do they cost? >> here in colorado. depending on the configuration, it's between $2,000 and 10,000 for the military grade version. and, you know,@about the -- it's about the psalm as chinese drones, but the egregious infiltration of chinese drones
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into our country. across all markets there's serious data flow, dependence su and dual-use concerns that are vital to national security, and president trump realized this last year and took an aggressive stance on that. and so -- stuart: but you being 100% american, that means that the chinese and the data flow, as you put it, they're completely out of this. and when it comes to military uses, that's very important. >> exactly. even for commercial uses. the security of users' privacy and data is very important. and we also don't want to be dependent on chinese drones with our military. stuart: one last quick question, if i may. i've spoken to a variety of drone operators, some of them in the military, and they tell me that one plan is to use fleets of drones or flocks of drones that can attack and maneuver and manipulate as a group, maybe 100, 200 drones at a time. that true? >> it is. and that is next generation
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capability that will be introduced over the coming years and will make a bug impact in the dod -- big impact. i think 2020 is going to be remembered for a lot of things, but i hope one of them is going to be for the comeback of the drone industrial base. stuart: all right. george, that's a remarkable performance you've got there, and we do appreciate you coming on the show. congratulations, 100% all-american drone. love it. thank you, george. >> thank you, sir. stuart: let me get back to apple and tesla, because they clearly are making a run here. apple's up 15, tesla's up 62. bring in ashley and lauren. lauren, to you first. we've had analysts on this show saying it's going to $500. it looks like it's in a melt-up towards 500 right now. >> yeah. it'll get to $500. apple's just one of those companies that has the hardware, has the revenue, has the services, and it gives investors something to look forward to.
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the new eye's on the 5g phone that comes out this fall. same thing with tesla. everybody right now is talking about their one million mile battery. battery day is september 22nd. let's say they produce that battery or any battery that is cheaper than the current ones on the market, they can then supply that to other automakers. so there's a lot to look forward to with both of these stocks that are up astronomically this year. stuart: yeah. what have you got to add to this, ashley? anything on tesla here? ashley: well, the tesla, yes. i mean, there were so many doubters in the beginning, all of those people who shorted the stock. and that changed even the esteemed stuart varney had a mea culpa and said -- [laughter] you know what? i don't think elon musk is p.t. barnum, i think he's one of the world's great entrepreneur. i think certainly in the he
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electric vehicle category, he is making money and he is delivering what he says high school deliver. could there be a problem down the road? i don't know, but it's hard to bet against this stock. as for apple,, all this is happening and hasn't even gotten into the 5g generation iphones where you'll have a super-cycle where everybody trades in their phones to get the new phone with the 5g capability. remarkable. stuart: i think it's a melt-up. apple's at 487. interesting stuff. finish thanks very much, everyone. now fox news confirms that the president will be holding a small private memorial service for his younger brother robert in the east room of the white house, and it will take place later this afternoon. robert trump passed away last weekend, an undisclosedded illness. he was 71. here's what the president says about robert trump. he says, quote: he was not just my brother, he was my best
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friend. joe biden promising to rescue the economy. watch this. >> together we can and will rebuild our economy, and when we do, we'll not only build back, we'll build back better. stuart: all right. how does he do that? by taxing the rich. we'll discuss that in our next hour. cbs parent viacom setting a hefty price tag for super bowl ads -- assuming we have a super bowl. we'll tell you how much thaw want for a 30-second commercial right after this. ♪
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♪ stuart: all right. still lots of green this friday morning. the dow's up 63, nasdaq up 33. now this: the parents of bug ten football players -- big ten football players gathering in protest this morning.
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grady trimble there. i don't think the parents are happy about that cancellation, right? >> reporter: no, they're not. their message is clear, stuart, let us play or let our kids play. parents if several different team across the big ten gathered here at the conference headquarters this morning, and normally their kids are competing against each other, but today they have a common goal. they say they'd prefer a fall season, but if that can't happen, they understand. they i say they want the specific info that led the conference to postpone the season just six days after releasing its schedule. they also want to know why this conference is canceling while the sec, acc and other conferences continue to play. here's the father of an ohio state linebacker making his case. >> they walked out on the field every day, every day they go out on the practice field with risks, and we believe the game of football is -- the benefits far outweigh the risks even with
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the pandemic on top of it and really disappointed for 'em. >> reporter: but the big ten conference is standing firm on its decision to, hopefully, play in the spring. the commissioner released a statement earlier in the week saying the vote by the big ten council of presidents and chancellor ares was overwhelmingly in support of postponing fall sports and will not be revisited. they say there is too much uncertainty, too much we don't know medically speaking about this virus and how it could impact these kids, especially in a contact sport. stuart: and the parents are not happy. understandably. thanks very much, grady. viacom, cbs wants to rake in bigtime dollars for next year's super bowl. during the commercials, that is. lauren, they're going to charge a lot of money, and i guess -- is that going down well with the advertisers? >> i can't imagine right now advertisers agreeing to pay $5.5 million for a 30-second super bowl ad. that's essentially what was charged last year, but we're in
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the middle of covid! no one's spending money right now. so, you know, the season hasn't officially started. we have no idea how it's going to end, but we do know that is a he hefty price to pay. yeah, you have the eyeballs, over 100 million people sit on the couch, they watch it live. that is worth it for many brands. but i think cbs/viacom, they better have some refund guarantee because i don't see many brands saying that -- stuart: it's the highest charge for a super bowl ad ever, i'm pretty sure of that. >> it's close. it's tone deaf, if you ask me. that's just my opinion. stuart: got it. stay with football. ashley, come into this, please. i want some more detail. the kansas city chiefs are going to -- they have some fans in the stands that are not allowed to wear certain things. tell us about that. ashley: yeah. they're not allowed to wear any native american headdress, as you can see on the images on
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your screen, they're not going to allow that anymore, nor any face paint in the native american style. they say you can't do that anymore, it's just -- we've come to the point wheres that is just not acceptable. and the nfl said it's also going to review the arrow ehead chant and chop. they could chop the chop, you could say, because they say this is also, you know, it's not nice to the native american culture. and although it's become a staple of arrowhead stadium -- which is a very different place to play with such rabid fans, but they're also going to look at the big with drum. if you're aware, there's a huge drum that continues to beat throughout the game on the drum dc. they're also looking at whether that needs to go as well. this follows the washington red redskins dropping the name and logo. so arrow ehead stadium could look very different. stuart: okay, answer me this. they let the fans in, no headdresses, no face paint, no big drum.
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but what happens if some of the fans start to do the arrowhead chop? what are they going to do? ashing ash i don't know. it's going to be very hard to stop, i'll tell you that, because some people want to continue to do this. stuart: i guess they just kick people out. ashley: i guess, yeah. stuart: okay. ashley, thank you very much. attention "star wars" fans. a 1977 darth vadar promotional costume is up for sale. you won't believe how much it's being sold for. i find it incredible. we'll tell you the price tag a little later. dozens of wildfires hitting northern california begun. thousands of residents have been forced to evacuate. we'll tell you a all about that. and i've said out before, i'll say it again: mail-in balloting is an election risk. just look at wisconsin. 23,000 primary ballots tossed out. you're looking at election chaos, surely. and now you're looking live at sixth avenue.
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beautiful day, friday morning at 10:46 and yet again it is virtually dead. more "varney" after this. ♪ ♪ it's easy to get lost in the economic uncertainty. the volatility. the ambiguity. the moment calls for more. and northern trust delivers more. with specialized expertise. proven strategies rooted in data and analytics... and insights borne from over 130 years of successfully navigating economic turbulence. giving you clarity. inspiring confidence. and helping you uncover new paths forward. northern trust. wealth management. to listen, is to hear more than what's being said... and offer the answers that make someone feel truly heard.
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♪ ♪ stuart: still showing plenty of green this friday morning, all three major indicators on the upside. now look at facebook. "the new york times" reports that facebook is working on how it would handle president trump if he -- not my words, but theirs -- if he falsely claims he won the election. they're working on con tin general is city plans on how to handle his posts if he loses on november 3rd and claims he won or questions the outcome. that is pejorative. that assumes that the president will try to cheat. that's outrageous. facebook's up 65 cents, 269. the state of wisconsin where 23,000 mail-in ballots were rejected in the primary in april because they were either late are the or filled in incorrectly. there's a little bit of a kicker to this. that's more than trump's victory margin in the state back in
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2016. scott walker's with us, former republican governor in the state of wisconsin. sir, welcome back to the program, always good to see you. >> good to see you as well. thanks for having me on. stuart: this guarantees a disputed election in november, doesn't it? because you kick out ballots, there'll be challenges to that, it'll take weeks to get through that. there's no way we get election results on election night, is there? >> well, if we have issues like this, it's going to be a big problem. and remember, it wasn't just close for donald trump, it was the margin was less than one vote per ward on average across the state in 2000 and 2004, certainly was very close the last time around. i have a feeling it's going to be just as close x. if there's thrown-out ballots, it could very much be like what we had in florida 20 years ago. stuart: there's nothing you can do about it, is there? >> well, we tried. i signed into law a photo id requirement, so we've taken a number of steps. and i think went you have this unprecedented number of people doing absenting tee ballots, you're going to see more of that
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this fall, we've got to have an educational effort so people fill them out correctly. i think in the end, there's going to be a big pushback. remember, this is just absentee ballots. we've seen pushes to just mail ballots. at least here in wu i as a -- in wisconsin, i have to request a ballot sent to me. in california, nevada and other states they're just mailing ballots to any address that might, i stress might, have an eligible voter. this is going to be problems across mesh. stuart: yes, there is, and that's a terrible thing, in my opinion. joe biden is shown with a 5-point lead over the president. think that can be turned around? >> absolutely. hillary clinton, in a similar poll just day before the 2016 election, was up by 6 points. so i think these polls are a little bit skewed, but i do think it's razor thinker and the president's got get out there and show that joe biden has outsourced husband agenda to the radical left. we saw it the other night when
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bernie sanders said ideas that were just a few years ago were considered radical are now, in his words, considered mainstream. they're still radical here in wisconsin, it's just joe biden has adopted them. and if donald trump gets that message out about joe biden and reminds people that he's the guy taking on the washington establishment where the hard working people here and across the country, he's going to do well. stuart: governor, thanks, as always, for joining us. we do hope to see you again. >> thank you. stuart: more news from the white house. fox news reports that the president will be in north carolina monday speaking with farmers about leaf from the virus. no word -- about relief from the virus. no word on whether he'll actually attend the rnc event. by the way, monday will be his 11th visit to the state as president of the united states. all right, the latest from california. wildfires ravaging the northern part of the state. what have we got on this, lauren? >> oh, it's just devastating, stuart. yeah, at least five people are have died from these wildfires.
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they're actually fueled by the heataway and the lightning strikes that they've seen. 30 others have been hurt -- probably more than that at this point -- and tens of thousands evacuating to shelters where they worry that they can spread covid. firefighters certainly battling the flames, but they warn it might not be enough. so far this year the wildfires have caused more damage and destruction than all of 2019. stuart: thank you, lauren. quickly, apple is now up nearly $18 per share, 491. this is a melt-up for apple. never seen anything like this before. apple is now worth $100 billion more right now than it was 24 hours ago. that is a melt-up. let me go back to tropical storm, actually, we've got two that are threatening the gulf coast. lauren, do you have that story? >> yes. stuart: please. >> i do. and i think you're thinking of apple 3 trillion, when we're going to get there. [laughter] let's do this right now.
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this is actually the first time we might ever see this in history because two hurricanes may hit the gulf of mexico at the same exact time. the national hurricane center says these tropical depressions and tropical storms that are forming could both reach hurricane strength, and they could hit the gulf coast by early next week, stuart. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. 100 billion and $2 million, apple worth more than 24 hours ago. all right. identify got to get on with this. california, going to have my take on that. it's a miss there. the golden state has become a real mess. we've got that for you. programming note, we say, september 2nd, 2 p.m. eastern, charles payne hosts a virtual town hall, america invests together. that will be 2 p.m. september the 2nd with charles payne. we'll be back. ♪ ♪ for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. all with no commissions.
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book your free virtual or in-home design consultation today. stuart: still plenty of green this friday morning. the markets are up pretty much across the board, but really take a look at apple and tesla. stocks of the day if not the week, the month, the year. both hit all-time highs right after the market opened this morning. right now, thanks a mep that's folks. $491 is the price on apple. it's worth $100 billion more now than it was 24 hours ago. same with tesla. a melt-up going on here for some time, actually, up 50 bucks
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today. $2,051 per share. then we have this. vice president pence speaking on "mornings with maria" today saying the economy is recovering and the only thing standing in the way is joe biden. roll tape. >> i heard joe biden last night say this economy won't come back until the coronavirus is over. well, you know, news flash to joe biden, the economy is coming back. the only thing standing in the way of a full and robust american recovery in 2021 is a joe biden presidency. stuart: all right. heaven forbid we have a $3 trillion tax increase. now this. when i first came to america almost 50 years ago, california was the place to be. back then, the golden state was indeed golden, and it seemed to be the way of the future. my, how times have changed. the state is now in deep
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trouble. its problems, though, are self-inflicted. let's start with blackouts. it's amazing that the most technically advanced place on earth cannot supply electricity reliably. in the recent heat wave, many residents were left sweltering without air conditioning because california insists on replacing fossil fuel with renewables but the sun doesn't shine at night and the wind doesn't always blow. california couldn't come up with the juice when it needed it and it's going to get worse. i'm going to include the war on uber and lyft on the list of self-inflict the wounds. california insists that their drivers are employees who must be paid benefits. oh, no, you can't choose to be an independent contractor, certainly not. again, it's amazing that the state known for innovation should now try to stamp out an entire new innovative industry. if you are in los angeles, you might have to take a bus.
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if you can find one. next, the exodus. people are leaving in droves and the exodus is actually speeding up. the money is leaving because taxes are high, fees of all kinds are astronomical and gas even now, even today, averages $3.24 a gallon. this is all the result of california's own policies. the exodus is self-inflicted. california policies are democrat policies. high taxes, expensive unreliable green energy, open borders to a sanctuary state, millions of illegals on the public charge. yet that is kamala harris's home state. the last half century has seen a sea change. texas and florida are the go-to states now. california is struggling to get out of its own mess and that i think is a very sad story. danielle dimartino booth is with us now. danielle, let me just go off again on california.
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i find it astonishing that california is trying to stamp out companies like uber and lyft when they are so innovative and they are supposed to be the home of innovation. what do you make of this? >> well, you know, it's yet another nail in the coffin as you have just so eloquently laid out. it's hard to believe sometimes, it's hard to square the circle that silicon valley happens to be in california. you would almost expect for it to be elsewhere. i think that's why we have seen little silicon valleys pop up in places like austin, texas because the idea of innovation that comes out of silicon valley is so often crushed by overregulation in california that effectively ends up pushing the best companies to leave its borders. stuart: it's a very sad story. i do remember 50 years ago, first came here, you always thought of california, they are way out front, this is the way we are going. i think that's really changed quite dramatically, actually.
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enough of this. let me move on. let's talk your terms. let's go to your turf for a second. let's talk the economy. i will play a brief sound bite from larry kudlow on the program yesterday putting out some very bold growth numbers for the rest of this year. roll tape, please. >> 20% plus growth in the third and fourth quarters. you can score that. and we are going to have a big bang year next year as the president puts in his free market rewards success policies. stuart: i will repeat that. that's a 20% growth in the third and fourth quarters. i presume he's comparing it to the second quarter but that's still very rapid growth. you on board with that? >> well, i'm certainly on board with the third quarter growth rebound. what americans need to think of gdp as, gross domestic product, economic output, is when the country shut down, you effectively left the room and turned off the light switch. so by definition, when you turn that light switch back on, which is what we are going to see
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reflected in third quarter gdp, you are going to have this massive rebound just by virtue of all these companies reopening. what i would prefer to see, however, is not a million first-time initial jobless claimants every week in and out. that is indicative of the fact that the economy continues to weaken and suggests with all due deference to mr. kudlow, suggests we are losing momentum heading into the fourth quarter, especially because a lot of the layoffs we are seeing now are in the white collar economy, higher paid individuals. we have seen just the last week, we have seen white collar professional business services job openings decline to negative 50% year over year. it's the job market that is going to ultimately drive this economy. that's what we really need to see come roaring back. stuart: very interesting. i didn't know that about that 50% drop in job openings for what was it again, white collar? >> professional and business
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services. this is some weekly economic data, fantastic resource that we have that tracks what these job openings are and we are seeing it again, gooigle's venture capital arm just announced layoffs. higher paid americans are beginning to lose their jobs because of demand destruction we have seen because of the coronavirus crisis. stuart: oh, dear. good information. thanks for sharing it with us. see you again real soon. thank you. >> thank you. stuart: going to check john deere for you. i've got a couple john deere vehicles, shall we say. big jump in farm equipment sales last quarter, up 54%. good news across the board and they gave a rosy forecast for the future. that's why john deere's stock, actually it's called deere and company, up 5%. big gain. foot locker, lockdown winner. in-store sales were up almost 19% for the quarter. they reinstated their dividend. that stock is up 1.5%. foot locker. next, now, alibaba, lauren,
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we call them the amazon of china. i believe they are trying to get our american small businesses on their china platform singles day, right? lauren: yeah. it's the biggest shopping day in the world. this is a virtual courting of u.s. small and medium sized businesses. come expand into china, have access to our strong consumer. you don't even have to set up a retail presence to do that. then you get to take part in singles day which last year brought in $38 billion. these are crazy numbers. the pitch is, this is a win/win. it's good for the u.s. brands because of the pandemic, and it's good for china because, well, they get high quality american brands. it sends a message to the trump administration oh, in china, we are easing access into our marketplace. i don't know if anyone's going to play ball but this could be enticing for a struggle brand right now. stuart: the market likes it. investors are putting money into it. the stock is up 3%, up seven
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bucks, $275 on alibaba. let's check the nasdaq, on pace for its longest weekly winning streak since january this year. ash, is that mostly thanks to apple and tesla? ashley: yeah, there's a big part of that. 35 record closes this year alone. but i think there's an even more incredible number and that would be over the past five years, just six stocks have accounted for two-thirds of the s&p 500 gains. think about that. just six stocks. here they are. there are the names we talk about every day. amazon, up 78% year to date. apple, up 66%. netflix, microsoft, facebook, alphabet. those six stocks again, i repeat, those six stocks have accounted for two-thirds of the bigger index, the s&p 500, gains in the last five years. i think what the pandemic highlighted was just how much we
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rely on these technologies in our everyday lives. this is why they continue to rule the roost and lead the way. stuart: i'm running out of words. astonishing. incredible. amazing. et cetera, et cetera. terrific. there you go. thanks, ash. some fireworks on capitol hill. not the kind you may be expecting. senator tom carper, democrat, delaware, heard dropping multiple "f" bombs while trying to get his zoom connection working. roll the bleeped-out tape. >> move on to senator lankford? >> [ bleep ]. >> i think senator carper is there. he's not able to cue it all up right now. stuart: the dangers of an open mic. i can tell you all about it, having been on a mic for about 50 years. dangerous stuff. thanks, everyone. let's get to the postmaster
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general's testimony on capitol hill. democrats are raising the alarm about the mail-in voting chaos that i believe is coming. we are on that one. president trump, joe biden trade jabs at the dnc as it wraps up. watch this, please. >> this is a battle we will win and we will do it together. >> we are going to win this and i think we're going to win it really big. we're the wall between the american dream and total insanity. stuart: well, the president there speaking yesterday, trying to set the stage for next week's rnc, the republican national convention. we've got a preview after this. ♪
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to learn more, go to stuart: fox business alert for you. the judge has accepted a plea deal for mossimo giululli, the husband of ilori loughlin. loughlin will be sentenced later today. the couple admits to paying a half million bucks to get their daughters accepted to the university of southern california. initially they pleaded not guilty. they changed their pleas in may to strike that deal with the prosecutors. next up, we have senator carper's spokesperson has released a statement on his outburst on zoom. we showed it to you just a few moments ago. i think there were three "f" bombs in that zoom appearance. the spokesman now says like most americans in 2020, senator carper got frustrated with technical difficulties this
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morning but that pales in comparison to his frustration with the postmaster general who is actively undermining the postal service during a national crisis. not bad. not bad. nice try. with the dnc in the rear view mirror, it's full steam ahead to the rnc. they kick off monday. charlotte, north carolina. it will be mostly virtual, like the dnc. mark smith is with us, kings college, the kings college presidential scholar and part of the president's 2016 transition team. okay, mark, would you like to make a forecast for me? what do you think the rnc is going to focus on most next week? >> i think the rnc is going to be all about comparing and contrasting what donald trump has done in the last three years with what joe biden has done in the swamp for the last 47 years. i think that's going to be a big part of what's going to happen. i think the republicans next week will focus on the riots and
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the criminality in the streets of america and they will talk about how a joe biden presidency would consist of taking away police protection from ordinary americans at the same time trying to deprive americans of their second amendment right to have firearms to protect them from the same criminals and rioters that people are seeing on their tv screens. stuart: that's interesting. in the context of urban violence, you think that the republicans will bring up guns? >> yes. without a doubt. stuart: do you think that's a winning issue? >> oh, absolutely. first of all, we know the republicans are bringing up guns because they have already invited mark mccloskey of st. louis who used a firearm to defend his home. he will be speaking at the convention, i believe. there are other pro gun speakers as well. i think it's a good strategy because if you look at the swing states, wisconsin, minnesota, pennsylvania, very heavy duty
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gun cultures here. a lot of views of independence and self-reliance. a lot of union voters, for example the blue collar union voters that joe biden's trying to pick off, all are big supporters of firearms. they have guns, they support the second amendment, they are members of the nra. so if you can use the gun issue as a wedge issue, that's very good for the republicans. which is why, by the way, although there's all sorts of gun control platform issues in the dnc's platform, it was not really discussed about in any way. in fact, if you think about it, michael bloomberg spoke last night on national tv right before joe biden's acceptance speech and michael bloomberg is one of the largest gun control proponents in america, yet he doesn't really get into that. why is that? because i think they want to hide that issue because it's a very good issue in favor of the president and very bad against the democrats. stuart: original thinking. mark, that's really good. if you are not careful, young man, you'll be back.
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look, i want to play a sound bite from joe biden's speech last night laying out his plan for the economy. listen to this for a second. roll it. >> my economic plan is all about jobs, dignity, respect and community. together we can and will rebuild our economy and when we do, we will not only build back, we will build back better. with an education system that trains our people for the best jobs of the 21st century. stuart: okay. you heard all of that. do you think he gets a bump up in the polls from what he said last night? >> no chance. joe biden and the dnc and their very bad infomercial really made the case that democrats don't like donald trump but i don't think we needed four days of the infomercial to learn that. they also made the case that joe biden might be a very good neighbor and i might agree with that. but what they failed to make the case which was really the most important thing to make the case for is why would joe biden be a
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better president than donald trump. after all, joe biden has been in washington for literally almost five decades and had eight years as the vice president of barack obama to implement all these things he's talking about last night so as i see it, this is really just talk and no, he's not going to get any benefit in the polls because americans i think now see through this sort of rhetoric which is all about talking and not about action. when donald trump is about action. stuart: you got that right. mark smith, thanks for joining us, sir. i hope you can come back before the election. good analysis. thank you, sir. appreciate it. let's talk about china. largely ignored at the dnc. surprise, surprise. that leaves a sizeable opportunity for republicans to put their foot down at their convention next week. rich edson is with us. good to see you again. what can we expect on china? >> well, stuart, it is good to be home and i got to tell you,
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the president is already talking about china. he was in pennsylvania yesterday, hitting on this message. he said former vice president joe biden and that administration failed to confront china and that it is his administration that's doing so. >> it's your worst nightmare. biden supported every single globalist attack on pennsylvania workers, nafta, china's entry into the world trade organization which built china into a power. i stood up to china's rampant cheating, plunder and theft. >> especially after the spread of the global pandemic that originated in wuhan, the president has led the most aggressive foreign policy toward china in decades announcing sanctions on chinese government officials from mass human rights abuses, shutting the chinese consulate in houston and his campaign against chinese tech company huawei. former vice president joe biden says the trump administration has eroded american credibility and influence around the world, making it more difficult to
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counter china. biden wrote in the spring quote, the united states does not need to get tough with china, the most effective way to meet that challenge is to build a united front of u.s. allies and partners to confront china's abusive behaviors and human rights violations even as we seek to cooperate with beijing on issues where our interests converge. biden claimed last night the president cozies up to dictators. democrats say that president trump's actions against china have failed to change china's behavior. democrats also point to something that the former national security adviser, john bolton, writes in his book, that the president basically told she ji xi jinping to continue building concentration camps. you are hearing from the white house a lot of talk on china. they see this as an issue they can try to exploit going into the 2020 election. stuart: great to have you back. don't be such a stranger. hope to see you again soon. sure thing. look at wells fargo. that bank is now preparing to
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restart layoffs after pausing their job cuts in march. at the height of the pandemic. all part of a broad cost-cutting initiative. the bank will provide severance to those employees. not clear exactly how many jobs will be cut. the stock is languishing at $23 a share. next, capital one and microsoft. they are teaming up. okay. what are they doing, ash? ashley: it's all about credit card fraud, stu. it allows both companies to better assess whether a transaction on your credit card is legitimate. both merchant and credit card companies grade a transaction and the more unusual it is, the more the red flags are put out but it turns out merchants and credit card companies do not share that data, that grading. this is what's going to happen between capital one and microsoft. they are going to share each other's data to quickly more identify those transactions that
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appear just a little fishy. this is only involving microsoft and capital one but it could gain traction. capital one is looking to partner with other merchants out there to better try and stop the amount of credit card fraud. if you have a capital one credit card, good thing. maybe it will expand. stuart: thank you very much, ash. democrats seem convinced that president trump is trying to sabotage the election via the postal service. watch this. >> they will destroy the postal service. they will do it because they don't want people to vote. >> he is in effect putting his knee on the neck of american democracy. >> is this an attempt by the president, do you believe, to interfere in the election? >> absolutely. stuart: did i just see al gore pop up on the screen? i think i did. good lord. been awhile. is the controversy real or manufactured? senator john barrasso answers that and gives an update on the stimulus negotiations. more after this. ♪ this is decision tech.
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stuart: i tell you, friday, what a market. we are facing a weekend but investors are buying and holing. dow up 80, nasdaq up 38. even the s&p is up again nearly three points there.
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it's happening now. postmaster general louis dejoy testifying before the senate. this concern that the post office is not equipped for the surge in mail-in voting in november. blake burman, bring me up to date. reporter: i believe it just wrapped within the last few minutes. dejoy testifying up on the hill. here's the big take-away. dejoy saying the u.s. postal service does have the capacity to handle mail-in voting for the upcoming november election. dejoy testifying at one point quote, i think the american people can feel comfortable that the postal service will deliver on this election. dejoy saying that he does believe in mail-in voting. he actually said that the postal service is going to be sending a letter nationwide to sort of spell out the process going forward for november, but his big piece of advice, stuart, to everyone out there, vote early. by the way, he will also be testifying on monday. stuart: blake, thank you very much indeed.
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i know you just finished your report. i cannot hear you. because i just lost my ifb, okay. i don't know whether you can hear me right now. reporter: i got it. stuart: okay. now i can hear you. our able audio assistant john samson just rushed in and fixed my ifb, the thing in my ear. thank you, john. mission accomplished. i can hear everything. look who's here. senator john barrasso, republican. i hope you can hear me, senator. >> very well. stuart: excellent. excellent. excellent. now -- >> everyone in wyoming can hear you, stuart. stuart: i've got a loud voice, senator. now, the postmaster general just said the postal service does have the capacity to handle mass mail-in voting. i'm going to contest that, because i don't care about the post office. to me, you've got a mass mail-in voting, you are going to have chaos. you will not have a result on election day or even election week. you could have multiple challenges all over the country.
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i think it's going to be chaos no matter what you do. what do you say? >> first, i say anybody that watched the democrat convention for the last couple of days needs to be concerned about just how dangerous the democrats are and i have to tell you, stuart, they are a danger. what i saw is a party that is a danger to our jobs, our safety, our security, our freedoms and all you have to do is listen to bernie sanders. who said issues that used to be considered radical just a few years ago are now the mainstream of the democrat party. that's not the mainstream of america. with regard to the postal service, we did mail-in voting in wyoming on tuesday. primary results were in early, people knew the results by 10:00 tuesday night. the post office will get the mail out and the ballots will come back in, then it's up to election judges locally. we saw huge delays in new york city that had nothing to do with the post office.
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yet nancy pelosi is politically trying to go postal on this issue with a made-up manufactured political crisis that really isn't based on reality. stuart: but we are going to have chaos. i just don't think there's any avoiding this. i don't think it's a political issue. we are going to have chaos. you can't count in time all those ballots and any delay means legal challenge constantly. do you expect a result on election night, november 3rd? >> i don't expect we will have all the results from all over the country election night. a number of states have had mail-in ballots for years. they know how to do it. they do it well. other places that aren't prepared not from the post office standpoint, but from the actual counting of the ballots in the locations where the ballots arrive, that can cause delays. new york primary took a couple of weeks to resolve. people, what's happening now politically and nancy pelosi and
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chuck schumer are right at the heart of this, they are trying to scare people with two things that are most important. one is the mail and the other is the sanctity of the ballot. in rural areas like wyoming and the rural mountain west, we know how important it is for the mail, because people get their medicines that way. i think it's just wrong for the democrats to continue to scare people about the u.s. postal service. they have had problems for years, we know that. they need to make structural changes. but they should not continue to frighten the american people about the integrity of the u.s. postal service. stuart: are we going to get another stimulus package soon? >> you know, i was on a call this morning with a number of republican senators and the secretary of treasury as well as the chief of staff at the white house. republicans are committed to doing the work that we need to do to get people back to, wou w kids back to school, and to get our businesses open. that's what we need to do, and the disease completely under control. once again, the democrats are putting up roadblocks. i say they are dangerous
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democrats and the reason is what nancy pelosi is proposing, $3 trillion, one-third of it has nothing to do with coronavirus or getting people back to work and getting kids back to school so the danger is to kids' education, the danger to the economy because they are so focused on playing politics that they are not looking out for the best interests of the american people. stuart: okay. mr. senator, always a pleasure. thanks for joining us today. we appreciate it, sir. thank you. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: i'm going to put facebook on the screen for you. they are preparing, amazingly, for president trump to dispute election results if he loses. give me the story, lauren. lauren: okay. the "new york times" is reporting that facebook is working on contingency plans. what would they do, how would they handle it if president trump claims he won the election and/or questions the outcome of it or tries to invalidate the results in any way by saying the post office lost ballots or other groups meddled and he did all this on facebook. look, the bottom line to this
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report is the rising concern over the integrity of the november election, whether it's mail-in voting or people do line up and go to the polls and facebook is in this position where they have to hold the line of not being accused of spreading misinformation on the site or stifling the conservative voices. stuart: why is mark zuckerberg testifying in washington? lauren: well, he reportedly did so two times this week and he did so before the federal trade commission. all part of their antitrust probe into the way facebook does business. it suggests that the case is moving forward. no lawsuit yet, but it suggests it's moving forward and regulators want more answers about facebook's purchase of whatsapp, of instagram, and any pressure that they exert to stifle their smaller co competitors. stuart: facebook stock down a buck today. it's been on a tear recently. it's the end of the work week. that means it is almost time for
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friday feedback. you have been sending questions and suggestions. we might read yours, yes, maybe. we have all seen this. classic hollywood film, roll that tape, please. >> i feel the need -- >> the need for speed. stuart: i remember that movie. most of the team does not. a piece of "top gun" history headed for the auction block. the movie memoribilia business is really doing very well. i don't know why but it is doing well. we will show you some of the stock that's up for auction. you are looking at times square. i will keep showing you that. there's nobody there. ♪ what do you look for when you trade?
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with a reverse garter stitch. no big deal. is your hair this soft? softer. geico. save an extra 15% when you switch by october 7th.
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stuart: returning to the two
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most extraordinary stocks of the day, the week, the month, the year, et cetera, et cetera, apple has now reached $490 a share, up 17 bucks. tesla is at $2,054. it's up 53 points. i might add -- $53, that is. apple is now worth $100 billion more than it was worth this time yesterday. they have added $100 billion worth of value right there in 24 hours. how about amc, the movie theater chain, of course. they say they are selling out almost everywhere after their big reopening this week. ceo adam aron told this to our own liz claman. roll tape. >> we are only starting 30% of our seats so yes, we are sold out today almost all across the country. everybody's wearing masks. social distancing is very important. you know, we set up plexiglass shields. you could eat off the floor in our theaters. they have never been this clean. stuart: i suspect they need a lot more than 30% capacity to make real money.
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the stock is down 4% this morning. i will show you a car. see if you recognize it. brad pitt drove this one in "once upon a time in hollywood." you can buy it, $20,000, $30,000, somewhere around that. i want to bring in brandon allinger, c.o.o. of the prop store. he sells movie and tv props and costumes, puts them up for auction. welcome to the show. good to have you with us. i want to get right at this. i want you to show us the first item you've got here. that is the darth vader helmet, first item in the list. darth vader helmet. how much? >> well, this darth vader promotional costume is estimated to sell for $150,000 to $250,000. it's actually not just the helmet. it is the entire costume. it's an original from 1977. this one is one of the few things in our auction not used in the filming of the movie but used for promotion of the movie in 1977. stuart: wait a minute. before we go ahead, there are
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people who will pay $150,000 for a movie costume? >> absolutely. yeah. there's a lot of very passionate collectors out there. stuart: okay. i didn't know that. let's move on. tom cruise's "top gun" helmet. how much? >> this is one of the originals from the film, with props and costumes there are always a few but this is one of the original helmets from "top gun." the presale auction estimate is $50,000 to $70,000. stuart: all your stuff is movie and tv memoribilia, props, right, that's what you do. i know you have a spacesuit. is it neil armstrong's or from a movie? >> it is neil armstrong's space suit but it's also from a movie. that is from "first man" starring ryan gosling. that's the spacesuit and helmet he wrore in that film. stuart: how much? >> that is estimated at $20,000 to $30,000. stuart: amazing. a spacesuit, realistic
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spacesuit, neil armstrong's thing, goes for that kind of thing whereas a darth vader outfit goes for $150,000. are you not a little surprised at that difference in price? >> well, science fiction is extremely popular. we see people gravitate towards the things they remember from their childhood, things they are very nostalgic about. movies like "star wars" and "indiana jones." big movies of the '70s and '80s tend to be things people gravitate towards. that's where you can see some of the real bidding activity. stuart: last one. the actress keira knightley's dress from "pirates in the caribbean." i think it's a pirate dress? no, no, it's not. how much is that one? >> that one, a touch more affordable. that i believe is estimated at $4,000 to $6,000. stuart: okay. wrap it all up for me. if the movie memoribilia business, is it absolutely booming? is money pouring in? >> it's interesting, we have seen in the past at times of
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economic uncertainty, we have seen people looking for alternate investments and stepping in to movie memoribilia space and actually, this auction that we are running on august 26 and 27, the registrations for it are higher than any auction we have had in recent years. so yeah, the interest right now is booming. absolutely. stuart: look, thanks very much for coming on the show. you have obviously got a niche market going on there and a very profitable one. good for you. brandon allinger, thanks for joining us. see you again soon. still on hollywood, lauren, come into this. i'm reading a script here and it says netflix is opening a new socially distanced attraction. netflix? lauren: it's a drive-through or maybe a drive-into experience. it's based on season 3 of netflix's "stranger things." it takes an hour to drive to different sets in a park. 24 cars in each of those groups. you watch scenes from the show. this attraction will open in
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l.a. in october but tickets go on sale next week. they are $60 a car. i have been thinking about that. i guess that's reasonable considering you would spend that much for a family to go to the movies and this way, you are seeing stuff and experiencing the different things in "stranger things"? stuart: i'm with you. the jury's out. 60 bucks a car? the jury's out for me. you know me. thanks, lauren. it's almost time for friday feedback. you never know what to expect. do you remember this? >> you really would not want me to try to put on an american accent. i mean, my family cringes whenever i try to do that. susan: do it. let's hear it. stuart: no, no, i'm not going to do it. no, no, no. and i didn't. i'm not going to, either. what will you or the company want from me this week? we will deal with it after the break. ♪
11:48 am
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stuart: not many friends around on that beach. that is clearwater beach in florida. i would love to be on a beach right now, friday morning in florida. good stuff. but it is friday and it's time to kick off the weekend with your friday feedback. i want to bring in ashley and lauren. see what the viewers have to say this week. now, the first e-mail comes to us from renee, who writes this. yeah, you're not a successful investor because you don't know what you are doing. i'm really tired of you talking about your personal portfolio and using your guests as your personal broker. look, renee, at least i'm honest. at least i'm honest. if i say i don't know what i'm talking about, at least you know you're with me on this. you're laughing. why are you laughing, lauren? lauren: i think it's adorable when you admit that you don't know something and you say you messed up when you sold or bought certain stocks at the wrong prices. i love it. it's honest.
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you're not a know-it-all. stuart: it's a long time since anyone said you're adorable. thank you very much indeed. lauren: i need to find another word. stuart: stay out of this, ashley. the next one, look, here's something from adam, who writes to us on facebook. he says does ash agree that varney and jeff stelling are the same person? what premier league club does varney support? i never heard of him before. what do you think? ashley: you never heard of him? here's why. he presents sky sports on saturday afternoon. yes, he has your same energy and the same smile and what he does is describe all the action going on live with all these guests and i find it more entertaining sometimes than watching the game itself. he is very very good and i think he's another northerner. stuart: i remember it well. ashley: yes. lauren: i don't know what you
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guys are talking about. stuart: don't worry about it, lauren. i'm flattered because that gentleman, mr. stelling is at least a quarter century younger than i. if i look like him, i'm doing okay. all right. ashley: what club do you support? stuart: liverpool. liverpool. simple, because liverpool always wins. it's good to support a winner every time. good stuff. now, here's this from sylvia on facebook. quote, i liked your comment on going to the bank in person and not using technology. i'm with you. yeah. thanks very much indeed. what do you say to that, ashley? ashley, come on. ashley: well, you know, thank god susan isn't here to make fun of your age and lack of technical ability, although i don't think it's that bad, but there are certain old school things which i think are still very good in this day and age. but i'm not young either. stuart: thank you, ashley. i appreciate those words of support. all right, lauren, now it's your
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turn. i'm going to read this one. lauren: okay. this is a comment and it comes from mary. she e-mails this. there were some comments about accents that were discussed during the feedback segment and wanted to remind you, mr. varney, that on april 3rd, 2015 toward the end of the show, he was speaking with rich edson about accents. okay. producers, roll the tape. >> come on, that's my favorite. stuart: what do you want? >> i want you to do texas. stuart: i can do it any time you like. lauren: wait, wait. wait. mary saved that on her tivo because she loved it so much. i know you don't like to do accents on a hot mic or on tv but she got you and it was pretty good. stuart: you think? i think it was terrible. lauren: i can't do a british
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accent. ashley: sounded like huckleberry hound had taken a hit of helium. stuart: i'm afraid we're out of time. look, thanks everybody who responded. we literally see hundreds and hundreds of input coming up. we really enjoyed it. thanks for being part of it all. more "varney" after this. ♪ an army family who is always at the ready. so when they got a little surprise... two!? ...they didn't panic. they got a bigger car for their soon-to-be-bigger family. after shopping around for insurance, they called usaa - who helped find the right coverage for them ... easy. some companies still have hr stuck between employees and their data.
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stuart: before we leave you one last check on the two most
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remarkable stocks of the day. apple is now up a mere $15 at 488 and tesla is up $42 at $ 2,044. they stole the show today. what a spectacular performance, the two very big name companies. my names up but david it's yours now. david: best thing i ever did stu was buy apple in march of 2009 at the low point of that recession and i held on to it for a while but i didn't hold on to it until now but still it's very, i'm very happy for those who did hold on to it. good to see you have a great weekend. welcome to cavuto, coast to coast, i am david asman, as you can see in for neil cavuto, a john layfield packed two hours, coming right up we'll be coast to coast starting in connecticut , where the governor is pushing for in-person schooling to avoid "a lost year. the governor will join us with an update on where things stand. and then to seattle where business owners are


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