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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  August 21, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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you tonight, really, really preshow your table talk to you again soon. >> laporte to take care prayed >> i am jackie and for elizabeth mcdonald this evening for you are watching evening edit on foxbusiness. we appreciate you watching and wish you a wonderful ♪ gregg: good evening, everyone. i'm gregg jarrett sitting in for lou dobbs. lou will be back on monday. well, the radical dems have ended their four days of convention disaster. last night joe biden officially accepting the nomination of his party but did nothing really to inspire hope, only portraying doom and gloom. president trump today addressing the dour democrats and their lackluster convention. the president expressing his trademark optimism, saying where biden and the dems see darkness, he sees greatness. >> but over the last week, the democrats held the darkest and
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angriest and gloomiest convention this american history. they spent four straight days attacking america as racist and a horrible country that must be redeemed. joe biden grimly declared a season of american darkness. and yet look at what we've accomplished. until the plague came in, look at what we've accomplished. and now we're doing it again. [cheers and applause] they want to punish america and its citizens instead of holding them high. where joe biden sees american darkness, i see american greatness. gregg: what was noticeably absent from the dems' convention was any condemnation of the violence, the riots, the destruction carried out in democrat-run cities by radical leftist anarchists as well as marxist black lives matter activists. president trump took notice what biden and dems left out.
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>> no party can lead america that spends so much time tearing down america. but the biggest part of last night's speech was what joe biden didn't talk about. he didn't talk about law enforcement. he didn't talk about bringing safety to democrat-run cities that are totally out of control and that have no clue. gregg: the president didn't stop there, also pointing out the skyrocketing murder rates in some of the nation's largest cities unsurprisingly run by democrats. seemingly incapable or, more likely, unwilling to end the violence. >> earlier this summer murders rose by 29% in new york city, 33% in philadelphia, 53% in chicago, 133% in minneapolis. these are all democrat-run places. these are democrat-run, i might say radical left democrat in some cases. but these are people that don't is have any clue what they're doing.
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they have no idea. i don't even think they know it's bad, what's going on. you know, you'd almost say they're trying to defend it. it's incredible to hear 'em. but that's why i launched operation legend which has led to the arrest of 1,500 criminals since july. gregg: one of the democrat-run cities devastated by the radical left, portland are, oregon, a city that has seen 85 nights of protest, many of them violent. more than 500 people have been arrested including today with the man seen here responsible for viciously kicking a truck driver unconscious, turned himself in to portland police. fox's dan springer has the latest. ing. >> reporter: gregg, after four days in hiding, 25-year-old marquis love turned himself in this morning at husband attorney's office in portland. love was booked into the detention center just after 8:30 this morning. he's facing three charges, assault ii, a class b felony,
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and two class c gallonnies -- felonies, coercion and rioting. portland police identified him as the suspect in the attack on a truck driver sunday night just blocks away from a black lives matter protest. he was quickly identified from several different videos that popped up on social media. police say he is the one who delivered the roundhouse kick to the 40-year-old's head that knocked him unconscious. the vicious attack was universally condemned by portland officials. love used to work as a private security guard before getting fired in march, he also had a job as a deejay. he was a regular at the demonstrations in portland. yesterday on social media he reportedly i defended his attack claiming he was going after a racist. he also asked for money in that post. the victim said he is not a racist, and he was only trying to stop a robbery and assault of a transgender woman. last night protesters gathered for the 85 straight night of demonstrations in portland. it was less violent than it's been, but police did declare an
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unlawful assembly and made three arrests just outside the immigration and customs enforcement building. the crowd was down to about 100 people, but several threw projectiles and started some fires. if convicted, marquis lo could receive up to ten years in jail. but it also carries a mandatory minimum of just under six years behind bars. gregg? gregg: dan springer, thanks very much. president trump today also going after joe biden and the democrats for failing to address the chinese threat. the president making it abundantly clear china is pulling for joe biden. >> china was never mentioned in any way, shape or form. china will own our country if he gets elected. they will own our country. we're not going to let that happen. [cheers and applause] and you've seen the intelligence
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reports. china very much wants joe biden to win. that would be very insulting, if they wanted me to win. [laughter] i don't think so. i don't think so. greg the greg with china ignored by the democrats, the republicans seem primed to make china a major point of discussion at next week's republican convention. state department correspondent rich edson has detailed. >> reporter: good evening, gregg. president trump is ea accusing democrats and vice president joe biden of avoiding their record on china at this week's democratic convention as the president renews his attacks on biden. >> china was never mentioned in any way, shape or form. china will own our country if he gets elected. they will own our country. we're not going to let that happen. [applause] and you've seen the intelligence reports. china very much wants joe biden to win. >> reporter: especially after the spread of the coronavirus, the trump administration has led
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an aggressive foreign policy towards china, announcing sanctions on chinese government officials for mass human rights abuses, shutting the chinese consulate in houston and an international campaign against chinese tech company huawei. biden says president trump is cozying up to dictators. democrats point to accusations from former national security adviser john bolton that trump told chinese president xi jinping last year to continue building concentration in china's mass oppression of uighurs. he says the trump administration has eroded american credibility and influence around the world making it more difficult to counter china. he wrote this spring, quote: the united states does need to get tough with china. the most effective way to meet that challenge is to build a united front in u.s. allies. up next, an opportunity for republicans when they launch their convention next week. gregg? gregg: rich edson, thanks very much. on wall street stocks hitting record highs to end the day. the dow up 191 points, s&p
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hitting its 15th record close of the year, up 12 points. the nasdaq hitting its 36th record close this year, gaining 47 points. volume on the big board, 3.5 billion shares. for the week, take a look at that, the dow lost, finishing fairly flat. the s&p up about a percentage point. the nasdaq gaining nearly 3%. crude oil lost more than a percent to $42.25 a barrel. and a reminder, listen to lou's reports three times a day on the salem radio network. coming up next, the national left-wing media setting the bar low for joe biden so they could give him high marks on his speech. >> we were prepared for it to be a terrible speech as long as he didn't embarrass himself, we were going to praise it. you don't have to make anything up tonight. joe biden did that thing tonight. unbelievable. >> what struck me was that he
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didn't look like a guy who was reading a speech. >> he did seem to answer the charges coming from the trump campaign that suggests he's not up to the job mentally. >> the proof isn't in a speech like that. he read the teleprompter well, that was fine. >> expectations were allow, biden -- were low, biden made it through. [laughter] gregg: we're going to take that up next with trump communications director tim murtaugh. and lou's new book, "the trump century: how our president changed the course of history forever," available for preorder. get your copies at, and we'll be right back. ♪ of a bigger world in a highly capable lexus suv. at the golden opportunity sales event. gets zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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gregg: breaking news, chicago mayor loi lightfoot has no problem with protesters in the streets of her city except when it comes to her own block. lightfoot has chicago police officershi banning protesters anywhere near her home. lightfoot says, quote: i think that residents of this city understand the nature of the threats that we are receiving on a daily bay us, understand i have a right to make sure that myt home is secure. hey, lori, what about everybody
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else's home? during his speech last night, joe biden called for national unity. a curious request for a man who was in the white house as race relations in this nation deteriorated. in principle of 2009 -- in april of 2009 during barack obama's first term, there you have it, 66% of americans believed that race relations were generally good, only 22% viewed it as bad. fast forward to the last year of the obama/biden white house, only 44% of americans saw race relations as good. 48% saw them as bad. joining me now, director of communications from trump's reelection campaign, tim murtaugh. tim, thanks for being with us. you know, i'm so struck by the fact that america is wracked by violence in cities across the nation. i mean, you're talking about shootings and murders, assault
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and battery, robberies, thefts of all kinds, arson, vandalism. and yet not a word from joe biden last night or kamala harris, his vice presidential running -- matter of fact, anybody at the democratic national convention, which invites the question, you know, is joe biden unaware? is he oblivious? or maybe he's the anti-law and order candidate. >> i think their ticket definitely has a problem with that. and, no, joe biden did not say anything about the violence wracking major cities across the country, all of which are run by democrats and have been for decades. and he didn't say anything about both his agreement and kamala harris' agreement with cutting police funding, and there's a reason ford that. 'secau jauoeau bauen bidid c'tan tell thees resftheountryntnt that puesoo w t tea tond s s to there estrererehe t tianol-peicicicrowdichoics i i n
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ge oargefheraemoctarty. ieearliendrhe t t par t tarhatao n' see see iee tfyf w wchatgat eveeione n, earlier inheay dn dn d the dayme programmoging under t t d bne bb u hadadple yingyingngmaginemagia cuny witho cop c imaginein aeee coury whouthout c ag ine a count cry witho wut prisons. this is who the democrat party is today.em and joe biden is under the control of the extremists who run that party. last night just cemented that. it washa the completion of the radical takeover of joe biden and his campaign. he just can't say it out loud, but that's e what's happening. gregg: because he wants to be woke and, in fact, he's barely awake. in chicago, i mean, in chicago it really is a war zone there. just yesterday 16 people were shot, 2 of them murdered. that's in one day, for goodness sakes. much of the downtown was looted. mayor lori lightfoot didn't lift
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a finger to stop any of it. all of a sudden they come to her neighborhood and protesters are banned. so isn't the message here you can commit crimes in chicago with impunity but not on my block? >> yeah, that's exactly right. it's rules for thee but not for me. and this is why there's such another greath contrast, among many,, between joe biden and presidentnd trump. joee biden, again, is too weak o stand up to the anti-police crowd. that defund the police train has left the democrats' station, and joe biden is a hapless passenger on that train. you know, he has to support sanctuary cities, he has to refuse to enforce our immigration laws, he has to stand with the folks who want to cut police funding. in fact, he said, yes, absolutely, he agrees with redirecting funding. contrast that with president trump who says, no more, we're not going to take this. we understand un. we understand and support first amendment peaceful protests, but when they cross the line into violence and when there's other violence happening in cities
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like chicago, that's it. the president says, no. he will send in the national guard and federal troops, federal agents if they, the governors don't do that. and he has shown that in portland -- gregg: right. >> and then they go and provide help and withdraw, and portland lets it go crazy again. the president has said, listen, i am the law and order president, and that's exactly why you see police unions endorsing him up to and including most recently the nypd and also the border patrol union as well. they know joe biden has turned husband back on law enforcement. -- his back on law enforcement. they know that. freeing greg as i mentioned, joe biden claims he's going to unify race relations. but when he was vice president, the opposite v happened. let's put up again the pew research numbers, because it's really quite astonishing. here are the numbers in 2009 during the first year of obama/biden's administration. fast forward to the end of the
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administration. race relations deteriorated by a full 22 points. and it's not just that. there was a gallup poll when obama took office, 71% had high hopes for black advancement. by the time he left office with joe biden, that plummeted to 32%. so biden's track records, tim, show that he is not capable of championing racial harmony. right? >> yeah. and it goes a lot further back thanan that. i mean, you had on stage during the democrat primaries his now-running mate, kamala harris, for all intents and purposes call him a racist because when he was in the senate, he worked with those racist segregationist senators on racist policies like opposing the integration of public schools through busing. and kamala harris stood there in that debate and said those were racist policies and that hay had personally hurt her when he was she was w of a lit -- when she s a little girl.
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fast f forward to this year, blk people that don't vote for him ain't black, in joe's view. a black journalist asked joe a question he didn't like, and he accused the guy offing being a cocainehe junkie. he also said in another interview that, in his view, all black people think alike as, you know, compared to other racial groups in this country. gregg: right. >> it's a very condescending view of black voters. it he thinks he is entitled to their support, and he expects it before the fact. and i think that comes through. these aren't gaffes. i think a lot of the mainstream news media gives him too much credit by saying it's gaffe when he says that. that implies it's an innocent mistake that anybody could make. these are things that joe biden actually believes. and when they come out of his mouth, you know and it's consistent, you know this is the way he thinks. this is the way his mind works. a black georgeist asks him a -- journalist he asks him a question he doesn't like, he immediately goes to illegal drug use --
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gregg: that's because it was not scripted for him. because hidin' biden now and again escapes his basement in delaware, and he'll so some of these interviews -- most of them are softball, not all of them, and then, you know, the verbal stumbles, the memory lapses, the incoherent statements, the chronic gaffes take over. tim murtaugh, thanks for being with us. >> you bet. thank you, gregg. .gregg: we'd like to hear your thoughts. share your comments, follow lou on twitter @loudobbs, like him on facebook and follow him on instagram @loudobbstonight. coming up, former new york city mayor michael bloomberg buys more influence with the democrats. we'll take that and much more up next with ed rollins and michael goodwin. ♪ ♪ ♪
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gregg: former new york city mayor michl bloomberg plans to spend $60 million -- no matter he's a mull few billionaire -- on house democratic candidates. so, of c course, the party giftd him a prime time speech at last night's convention. finish frankly, the only interesting part of the speech was whenhe a fly landed on his face. he got upstaged. yeah, thereot it is. yeah, there it is again. one more time. there -- more? that fly. he was determined. president trump responded on twitter, quotete with: after the worst debate performance in the historyy of politics, michael bloomberg, commonly known as mini mike -- [laughter] is trying too make a comeback by begging the democrats for relevance. they treated him like a dog, always will. politics he said great things about me. joining me now is former reagan white house political director, fox business political analyst ed rollins, pulitzer prize-winning columnist of the new york post, fox business
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contributor michael goodwin. his latest article today reads, biden clears a low bar but now he can't go back into hiding. [laughter] in fact, michael, you call him hidin' biden which i thought was quite appropriate. but you argue, look, biden didn't last night stumble, fumble and mumble, so he exceededbl expectations. but that's an embarrassing low bar, isn't it? >> certainly is, gregg. but it was, it was the fear, i i think, among a lot of democrats that he wouldn't get through it, and it was the hope of a lot of republicans that he would stumble and mumble and get lost. so he didn't. so he survived that night. and we go on. but i also say in the column that this means he can never again go hiding in the basement. now that he's come out, now that he's shown that he can, you know, stand up and speak, then he can no longer duck interviews.
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he has too take his case to the american public. i mean, they've really shortened the game and tried to run out the clock by having him not appear anywhere except under very controlled circumstances. obviously because they're concerned that his decline will become apart. gregg: you know, ed, because biden is a one-man blooper reel, he's become somewhat of a caricature. but you are sort of saying, president trump, don't be fooled by that, you must take biden seriously. >> well, obviously, he's the incumbent. he's doing fairly well in a lot of polls which'll change dramatically. i rememberr mind people michael dukakis had a 17-point lead over george h.w. bush and lost. but make him defend and debate his own issues. i think they gave him an easy pass by saying he couldn't stand up there. he's a 77-year-old man, he's my age. we do stumble sometimes, misword
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sometimes, but his ideas are bad ideas, andor he's always been someone who accommodated whatever group he was around whether it was theis right-wing conservative element of the first segregationist view when he fist went to h congress or -- first went to congress or the left out there today basically pushing hard on an agenda. make him talk about how he's going to spend $2 trillion on infrastructure. where's he going to get the money in tell me how he's going to create a clean air environment. don't give me the answer i'm going to create unijohns, and -- union jobs and the economy's going to be booming. we now have a $26 trillion deficit and rising. give us some specifics. you want the take out trump, let's talk about your policies. gregg: yeah. you know, michael, generally the candidate gets a bump after the convention. i'm not sure that's really going to happen. and accordingto to cnn's poll going into the convention, joe biden's lead e had shrunk to 4%. that's down from 14%.
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and this is important. in all of the battleground states, trump's support among african-americans has actually gone up by more than 10%. here are, this is the cnn battleground states people of color approve of trump 26% two months ago. and it's actually gone up since then now to 37%. so you're seeing an 11-point jump. what do you make of that? >> well, it's hard to know about any one poll, but i have have to say that the clear aim of the convention was to spark turnout among the african-american voters. and it occurred to me, gregg, that, you know, the sort of prevailing consensus is that biden would be a threat to trump in states like pennsylvania amonglv working class voters
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because biden was sort of the guy from scranton, the working class guy himself in many ways. i don't think that's the democrats' plan, at least it's not their plan a. i think their plan a is to focus on urban areas like philadelphia, trying to drive up the african-american vote and concede, if not completely at least partially, that they cannot win alone by, with the working class white voters that propelled trump the last time. so the convention was clearly geared toward black voters, black women in particular. i think that's where they're putting a lot of their eggs. gregg: you know, ed, he has been basement biden for a very long time. he came out last night carefully scripted, and it went fairly well for him. but there are democratic strategists and many in the liberal mainstream media who are saying, joeai biden, don't debae donald trump. dump the debates.
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he can't afford to do that, can he? given the doubts of the many americans about his mental capacity, he can't bow out of that, canow he? >> no, it's very much a part of the process today, and he has to debate. h equally as important, he has to go out and be aggressive on the campaign trail, and as i said, defend his policies. this was a convention in which they the, the first virtual reality convention, but it wasn't reality. it was sort of like which groups can we placate this week. let's promise everybody a little something but not basically give them what they really want and don'tnd define what it is. no discussions. whatsoever that he's goingts to raise enormous no discussion whatsoever that he's going to spend tremendous sums of money on new programs, and i think the reality here is that the american public has a right to know what the opposition -- now if he ones it'll be the majority party, which i don't predict he will -- what's his plan? a what's it going to cost, what he is he going to do. -- what he's going to do.
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obviously, the obama support had, they will make every effort to do that again. but a equally as important, you know, trump has a senate support among not necessarily african-americans, he has better than most, but he has tremendous support still among white americans, other ethnic groups, and he needs to keep it up. gregg: ed rollins, michael goodwin, great to seeee you bot. thank you. coming up next, hunter biden, of all people, bragging about his father's integrity and honesty. what about hunter's dealings with china and ukraine? he made millions. judicial watch's tom fitton joins us next. by the way, lou's new book is going to be out pretty soon, "the trump century: how our president changedow the course f history forever" available for preorder. get your copies at the,, you gotta pick it up. we'll be right back. ♪
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were tossed out, and the postal service says mail-in ballots were just left on the floor of an apartment building because the mailman's mailbox key didn't work. and then there's wisconsin. the election commission says it threw out 23,000 ballots during itsnt presidential primary in april. they were either late or filled out incorrectly are. that's more than -- incorrectly. that's more than trump won the entire state by in 2016. in fact, three elections since 2000 the winner was decided by a percentage point or less. did you see joe biden's son hunter last night? he introduced the former vice president at the convention, vouching for china joe's honesty and integrity. hunter biden, of course, profited from deals with china, ukraine to the tune of more than a million during his father's time in the white house. president trump today calling the biden dealings a discuss grace. >> there's been nobody that has ripped off the united states
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like china for so many years. how presidents before me allowed that to happen and especially the one just before me. and joe biden, with his son walking out with $1.5 billion to manage, many millions of dollars a yearr in fees, is a discuss grace. he's a disgrace. [applause] and then the vast sum of money he was paid by ukrainian or ukrainianai company that didn't have the highest standing, to put it mildly, but the vast sums of money. if that ever happened to a republican, they would have been in jail a long time ago. gregg: our next guest got a shout-out from president trump during today's speech in virginia. >> where is he? stand up,ia tom, will you? tom fitton. i don't know -- [cheers and applause] he does, that's judicial watch.
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they do a fantastic -- can i don't know if everyone agrees, but i do. they do a fantastic job. [cheers and applause] i wish he had more help. i mean, honestly, i wish he had more help. but it's not easy beating a system that's been in place for many, many years. gregg: joining me now is that guy, tom fitton, the president of judicial watch. nice shout-out, tom. but i want to get back to what president trump underscored. i think a lot of people fell out of their chairs last night when all of a sudden who appeared but hunter biden. this guy's a notorious grifter. he's never accomplished anything in his life without leveraging his father's fame and public office to make money with china and ukraine, the most notable. and yet hunter biden is supposed to be vouching for the honesty and credibility and integrity of joe biden? >> yeah. i'm glad the president raised it today. it's, you know, the political issue aside, you know, we're
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concerned about this corruption issue. and, remember, the left tried to remove president trump from office for raising questions about these corruption issues related to biden and his son. and then it's all supposed to go down the memory hole even though it happened five or six months ago -- gregg: right. [laughter] >> we're supposed to r forget it happened. he did getet a potential deal fm china, $1.a 5 billion in managed assets that supposedly was something that had never been before given to someone. gregg: right. >> from outside of china. and then, of course, the burisma deal was a seemingly influence-peddling scandal. they were paying biden's son to provide protection and insurance potentially, so much so as those impeachment hearings confirmed thatra obama administration officials were constantly talking about the issue not only in the white house, but in the state department. and the problem is the justice department doesn't want to ask any questions of joe biden. i don't knowoe if they're doing
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anything on hunter biden. gregg: right. >> i do know the state department's hiding records on hunter biden, hiding records on burisma, hiding records on joe biden's involvement in the firing of the percent that was looking at burisma -- the prosecutor that was looking at burisma. and again it's ooh another deep state special designed to make life difficult for president trump while protecting the corrupt kleptocrats that seemingly have been running the obama administration. gregg: yeah. i mean, hunter biden has an expertise in nothing but fast cars, and you know how the rest of that saying goes. let me switch to mail-in ballots because we mentioned all of the problems in new jersey, utter chaos, fraud. now they've got to have a do-over election in new york, a particular race 25% of the votes were invalidated. the same thing happened in washington state, 13,000 ballots ase undeliverable, more than 30,000 ballots listed as --
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300,000 ballots listed as unknown. this is a recipe for disaster and ballot harvesting, isn't it? especially when you're going to be sending out millions of a ballots to places where people don't live anymore or they're dead, and yet those ballots magically seem to come back with votes cast. >> in just two states judicial watch now, we're suing these statements, pennsylvania and north carolina this year, two, atsy least two -- almost 2 milln extra names. 51 million ballots, as the president pointed out today, are going to be mailed to people who haven't asked for them. on top of that, absentee ballot applications which typically are only mailed if you ask for them, they're just going to be mailed straight out to 44 million people. no one knows where -- these lists are filthy. we did a national analysis in 2019. 2.5 million extra names on the rolls meaning more people living there than are el eligible to vote -- i mean, more people on the rolls than are living there and eligible to
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vote. this is a crisis. this is going to break the system, both the mail and the election system, in my view. we should be pulling back this crazed scheme, encourage people to vote in person because if you rely on what the democrats want you to do and the left wants you to do right now, you are in danger of having your vote tossed or not counted. the danger, to me, too great to risk thees votes of millions of americans. and you know the irony is, you know who's probably going to be hurt most fromming having their votes thrownn out? democratic voters. and, of course, now they're running away fromnn it. you saw michelle obama during the dnc convention highlighting the need to vote in person. i agree with michelle obama. the best way i to make sure your vote is counted to vote in person. gregg: yeah. and, i mean, you know, bernie sanders, people will die if they vote in person. wait a minute. people go to the groce city store every day. i went there yesterday, i spent an hour and ten minutes because i s can't figure out where
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everything is -- [laughter] >> well, that's suppressing the vote are, gregg. by falsely saying you're going to die if you vote, who's suppressing theoi vote? gregg: right. >> you're scare eking people from exercising their franchise. i want everyone to vote in person in a secure to way, and that's the way to make sure there won't be -- there'll be less voter fraud, less voter intimidation. the left wants ballot harvest and to swamp the mails with ballots. it's just going to cause chaos. and the if the chaos isn't resolved by january 20th of next year, do you know who becomes president in speaker of the house. gregg: yeah. i couldn't find the shallots, i couldn't find the cashews, you know? i'm not good at the grocery shopping -- >> well, that's why you should vote in person too. [laughter]hy gregg: i'm better at that, much better. and i don't mind standing in inline because i will do what io in the market, i, you know, wear a mask, i social distance and, you know? all right, tom fitton, good to see you.
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california governor gavin newsom says president trump is giving the state all the federal help it needs to fight the wildfires ravaging the state. newsom says there is not one phone call he's made to the president where trump hasn't quickly responded. claudia cowan has more on efforts to battle the flames in california. >> reporter: gregg, so much devastation here, so many homes lost and lives as well. these fires now blamed for at least five fatalities. but crews now have have the state's biggest wildfire 7% containt thed. that may not sound like a lot, but it is the first sign of progress we have had all week. more than two dozen major iner if knows are currently burning up and down the state with multiple fires merging together in some cases. north of san francisco the so-called lnu lightning complex has grown to an area almost the size of dallas, texas. and this one damaged or destroyed more than 400 homes and other buildings.
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another complex of fires near santa cruz has burned 50,000 acres, taking out 50 structures and forcing 64,000 people to evacuate. they're being told it could be weeks before they can get back into their homes, zero containment on this fire. and for thed third straight day over much of the bay area, hazy, smoky air is making it hard to see and breathe. an alert in effect through the weekend. bottom line, stay indoors if you can. hundreds of fires this week have tested the state's fire-fighting capacity like never before with manpower and resources stretched to the limit, but help is on the way from oregon, arizona and other nearby states, accepting in crews -- sending in crews and equipment. and not a moment too soon with more lightning storms possible early next week. gregg? gregg: claude yahoo! cowan, thanks for the update. coming. up next, the radical dems try to have it both ways with gods and abortion during their convention. we take it up with pastor robert jeffress.
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♪ ♪ gregg: president trump reacting today to those at the dnc who left out "under god" from the pledge of allegiance. >> god.
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it's an attack on god, it's an attackit on rebigs. did you see the man who got up and sang a very, very special phrase from a very, very special ting? and he left the word god out. ndi was watching and i said, oh, he must have made a mistake. i didn't think he left it out, i thought maybe he -- you know, that can happen? maybe he made a mistake. he didn't make mistake. that's where they're coming from. he left the word god out. and that's where they're coming from. gregg: here now to talk about it, pastor robert jeffress, member of the white house faith initiative, pastor of the first baptist church of dallas, fox business contributor. pastor, always a great to talk to you. what do you make of the fact thatat a conspicuously -- they conspicuously leave out god in then pledge of allegiance? for whatia purpose? >> gregg, you have to go back exactly one year when the dnc
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actually announced that they weret no longer going to try to pursue faith voters, and instead they were going too go after the religiously are unaffiliated because their values better aligned with the dnc, which is a stunning admission when you think about it. but now they had a change of heart. they didn't wantt to leave all those faith voters on the table, so they've come up with a way to appeal to faith voters without offending their secular audience. and that iss they talk about in some ethereal, undefined way. you hear them talking this week about, oh, his faith is so important to him and, oh, his faith helped him in a troubled time. but they never define what that faith is. is it faith in himself, faith in other people, faith in the tooth fatherly? what kind of -- fairy? what kind of faith is it? then the you have to ask, gregg, which god? the godwn of their own imagination? the god of planned parenthood or the the god of the bible? and they can't say the god of the bible because the god of the
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bible has something very damning to say about the democrat policy of unrestricted abortion which is nothing but barbaric. i don't think many people are going to be fooled by the democrats' faith charade. gregg: among the many joe biden gaffes -- and,ing frankly, they're countless, if you ran a strung of them, they'd go for hours, but the one i found really disturbing was when he was reciting the most famous phrase from the declaration of independence, that we are ebb dowed by -- endowed by our creator with certain i unalienable rights. he got to the creator part, and he said, you know, that, that, that thing. and, you know, at first i just thought, well, maybe he just can't remember creator, you know, god. but now i thought, well, i wonder if he feels uncomfortable saying that. >> the democrats have a god problem, and we're going to see that unfold over the next ten
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weeks. stay tuned. gregg: all right. pastor robert jeffress, great to see you. have a good weekend, thank you. a reminder, lou's new book, "the trump century: how our president changed the course of history forever," is available for preorder. get your copies at,, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ jean, did you know geico is now offering an extra 15% credit on car and motorcycle policies? that's great! that's 15% on top of what geico could already save you. so what are you waiting for? john stamos to knit you a scarf? all finished, jean. enjoy! thank you. i give. the stitch work is impeccable. it's just a double fleck pattern with a reverse garter stitch. no big deal. is your hair this soft? softer. geico. save an extra 15% when you switch by october 7th.
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♪ ♪ gregg: and welcome back. president trump today with his message of optimism for our country. instead of joe biden's message of doom and gloom. >> this is the bright future, not the dark future that you saw last night and for the last four days. this is a bright future that we will deliver for all americans. i promise you this: as long as i am the president of the united states, i will fight with every ounce of energy and strength, and i have no doubt that our country will be greater than ever before. gregg: that's it for us tonight. lou will be are back on monday. congressman andy biggs, larry are b elder will be among husbad guests, andis lou's new book, "e trump century: how our president changed the course of history forever," is available for preorder f now at the trump
8:00 pm, and and a reminder, follow lou on twitter @loudobbs like him on facebook, follow lou on instagram @loudobbstonight. thanks for joining us. have a great weekend, everyone. ♪ >>


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