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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 24, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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[applause] hopefully we'll be in the final phase of the pandemic. lou: touting the strengthening market, and a quick reminder, my new book, "the trump century," how our president changed the course of history at lou dobbs. ♪. elizabeth: gop convention kicks off today. president trump looking to outdo the democrats mostly prerecorded, scripted convention. trump making the case he is the guy who can fight on behalf of working americans against the elite in washington, fighting against the man who has been in government since the knicks son administration, since before the movie "star wars." before the movie, "jaws." before the sony walkman. we're talking joe biden. the man who promises to fix america with $4 trillion in new taxes during the economic down turn and shutting down the economy because of covid-19.
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former new york city mayor, personal attorney for president trump, rudy giuliani. he is fired up. he will talk about how he can talk to voters beyond his base. also the president's second term again today continuing his push to fix the economy, stop covid-19, fix weak border policies but now this. joe biden says he will undo president trump's strong on the border policies that critics say are working. we have tim murtagh, president trump's 2020 communications director. [inaudible] will be even tougher on china. peter navarro with us tonight. for the first time hundreds of angry residents now up in arms, they are really mad. they are protesting, taking to the streets, fighting against democrat mayor trying to get rid of him because of out of control violence and chaos. this is a major theme in the
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2020 race. residents say this democratic mayor, he has got to stop down. we'll tell you who it is. david webb, with his take on that. this outrage, look at this, looters targeting firefighters evacuees, stealing from those trying to survive the california wildfires. also tonight, senate judiciary chair, lindsey graham he is saying newly declassified government documents show a clear double standard. bias at the fbi. disparate treatment favoring the hillary clinton campaign over the trump campaign when it came to disturbing plots by a foreign government targeting both campaigns. greg stuebe from house judiciary weighs in with us tonight. now there is this, house republican ranking member, devin nunes. he was interviewed eight hours at cia headquarters. the john durham probe is
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wrapping up. this we'll debate it, is john brennan safe or is he in trouble? i'm elizabeth macdonald. this "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: thanks for joining us you're watching the fox business network. we begin tonight with day one of the republican national convention, gop convention kicking off. connell mcshane with the latest from charlotte, north carolina. good to see you, connell. connell: good to see you, emac. we are coming from the minor league baseball stadium. a great backdrop. president trump spoke at the convention center down the block, accepting his party's nomination for second term as president. in doing so he was critical of some of the democrats who we heard from last week and also
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tried to highlight what he sees as his most important accomplishments in the first term. here is a sample. president trump: we just broke a record on jobs, an all-time record. there has never been three months where we put more people to work, over nine million people. and again we're just about ready to break the all-time stock market record. connell: following those remarks the president stayed here in north carolina. made a couple other campaign stops in person, even one in greer, south carolina. then back to washington where the focus shifts and speakers on night one of the convention, will include, speaking of south carolina, senator tim scott. congressman steve scalise will be featured and former ambassador nikki haley and jim jordan and matt gaetz. for this state, it is so important. average of polls of "real clear politics" it is
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close race between president trump and joe biden. president trump won last time around. most experts say he needs to be win here. charlotte pretty much wrapped up the role as convention host this week. it was only one day the way things are going this year. we're looking around the city. there were scattered protests reported. last night five arrests were made? charlotte as police used pepper spray on some of the protesters. the thinking is situation would be a lot worse or something more emotional on both sides had the convention been here all week. this is kind of unconventional convention year as the case for the democrats and their virtual convention. republicans guesting underway this evening. charlotte has already done its part. back to you. elizabeth: great to see you, connell. thank you so much. welcome america's mayor. he is rudy giuliani, former new york city mayor. president trump's current
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personal attorney. gait to see you, mayor. >> hi. elizabeth: good to see you. it will not be the dark vision of the democrats they gave last week. it is an optimistic vision. how will the president appeal to voters outside of his base? >> i think he will appeal to them the way he appeals to everyone. he is not an identity politics kind of person. he is not a person who tries to play people off against each other the way democrats do. he will say what i did was good for all of america. it just so happens that actually the economic benefits turned out to be desproportionately for the people who were poor. it is best record we ever had in producing higher income for poor people. african-americans benefiting in that way. and also more jobs, less unemployment. so for all of this, he is only going to help the wealthy and turned out the poor and middle class than he did the wealthy. he also can position himself this way. coming out of the pandemic which
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obviously caused an economic setback, who is better prepared to lead us to economic prosperity than the man who got us to one of the highest levels of prosperity we ever had, or a few who had no success with anything in his life. i mean secretary gates described him he was never correct of any matter of foreign policy. before joe started to be cognitively impaired he was always kind of dumb, and always thought of as the dumbest man in the senate. i was introduced to him as the dumbest man in the law school class who cheated to get through law school. the comparison on the economy as people get closer and closer to the election will be very, very wide. biden wouldn't have the foggiest idea how to get us out of this. he would take all kinds of ridiculous ideas like raising taxes. he will not raise taxes not just on people over 400,000. it wouldn't get him enough money to get one quarter of the things he wants to do. he will do what democrats always
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do, say they will tax the rich and kill the middle class. that would kill our economy. he will bring regulations back. obama gave us our most tepid recovery ever. elizabeth: to your point, criticism of obama, criticism of biden of the trump campaign, the four trillion dollars he wants in new taxes over the next decade. he also wants to shut the economy down to stop covid-19. let's watch joe biden tell abc news just that. let's listen. >> in order to keep the country running, moving, the economy growing, people employed, you have to fix with the virus. you have to deal with the virus. >> if the scientists say shut it down? >> i would shut it down. i would listen to the scientists. >> your reaction to that? >> well that is not science. that is stupidity. we know a lot more about this now than we did then. there was no reason to shut down the economy entirely in the first place. everyone knows that.
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this virus affected disproportionally people over the age of 65. 85%. the risk to people below that certainly doesn't warrant shutting down the economy. if we shut down for risks like that, we would have no economy at all. we would shut it down for every disease. if we happened again, god forbid, any president shutting down the economy, would act against what history teaches us, what science teaches us, we can have a targeted shut down to have the people truly at risk. maybe we could protect them better because in some states like new york, they virtualry wiped out nursing homes because they didn't pay enough attention to really at risk, because they were paying attention to everybody. that is the about the stupiddist thing i ever heard he would shut down the economy when there is no reason to do it. elizabeth: i want to get back, i hear what you're saying. i understand what you're saying. i understand exactly what you're saying. i want to talk more about what the democrats did not discuss
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last week how the u.s. economy and u.s. government works. it is top 20% of taxpayers pay nine out of 10 u.s. federal tax dollars. the u.s. government already has a lot of socialist features. let's show the viewer what the american taxpayer knows they're paying for in the u.s. government. but we didn't hear that this kind of debate last week at the democrat convention. it feels like the republican convention that there is an open transparent debate about what is really going on in the u.s. government and what it takes to pay for all of that. joe biden is basically, they really talked about that last week. sort of like about as rare as talking about the "me too" movement last week at the convention last week. so the democrat party, you know, mr. mayor, the democrat party for the first time is talking more and more about paying fair share. that started under obama. you know, democrat platform, has totally changed. it is far different party than it was under jfk, dick gephardt,
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bill bradley. bill clinton. your reaction? >> my god, absolutely share. fair share, people over 400,000 pay more than their fair share. they pay most of the taxes. in any event, fair share is bassist socialist principle which justifies obama's comment whatever the heck he was trying to say, he was trying to say that bernie and biden are not so far apart. i think the problem with biden not so much what he believes. i have don't really think he believes anything. he has changed his position on abortion. he changed his position on the 19994 crime bill bill which is only accomplishment. he will do what people around him say to do. he is weaker than he used to be. he was always a panderer, now that is he suffering from cognitive impairment. he can't possibly do the computation. elizabeth: understood. mayor, how is president trump going to unify the country? how is president trump again going to unify the very divided, fractured voter base?
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how will he do it? >> i think he has got to do it based on what he can do for the economy. how he can make the company safer. i don't think we absorbed how dangerous things are right now. you look at portland, chicago. it is starting to move into the suburbs, portland into the suburbs so this is a dangerous time that we're in. crime is going up in my city at a faster rate than it ever has in its history. crime is going up in chicago at a faster rate. there were another 61 shootings in chicago last weekend. 4shootings in new york. philadelphia is not far behind. so i think the american people's desire for domestic tranquilty will be eventually the number one thing. there is no question there that donald trump who supported by every single police organization in the world is far better equipped to keep this country safe than joe biden who was silent completely on all the damage being done in his democrat cities. i mean 90% of the damage going
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on in democrat cities, he doesn't say anything about it? elizabeth: got to go. >> thank you. elizabeth: mayor giuliani, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. elizabeth: for the record we do debate the policy here. thank you, mr. mayor. we debate policy at "the evening edit." name-calling, attacks on character that is views of our guests, not the fox business network. move to this story coming up. senate judiciary chair lindsey graham show newly discovered classified documents show bias at fbi, disparate treatment favoring the hillary clinton campaign when it comes to disturbing plots targeting both hillary and trump campaigns of the we have congressman greg stuebe from house judiciary. he will weigh in next. stay right there find your keys.
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♪. >> four counter intelligence investigations opened by the fbi against the trump campaign. they never tell him about it so he can fix it. they sent a fbi agent into generic briefing to spy on flynn and trump to monitor the behavior when they gave the general briefing and gave a 302 summary of the defensive briefing. they used it as a way to spy on trump and informed clinton about the problem she was facing so she could fix it. the ultimate double standard. elizabeth: that is senator lindsey graham and he is really
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mad. chairman of senate judiciary. he says newly declassified fbi documents show clear fbi bias favoring the clinton campaign over the trump campaign. the fbi found a plot going back as far as as 2014 by a foreign government to try to influence and lobby the hillary clinton campaign, by illegally funneling millions of dollars into illegal donations into the clinton operation. it was so concerning that the fbi was even seeking a fisa wiretap on a clinton operative connected to that foreign government. but what happens? the fbi under former director james comey downplayed that, soft pedaled it, said we're not going to do surveillance on clinton and her team until the fbi first gives her a briefing warning hillary clinton and her team in october 2015 to fix the problem, stop this foreign government meddling. so no fisa wiretaps spying on the clinton campaign.
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when it came to the trump campaign, there were four counterintelligence investigations opened up against the trump team. welcome florida's greg stuebe from house judiciary. great to have you back on, sir. not one time did the fbi give a defensive briefing to trump and his team like they did with the hillary team. what are your thoughts about this story? >> shouldn't be surprising at all to the american people at this point with all the things that have now been illuminated by the different investigations that the hillary clinton campaign was treated completely different and not investigated unlike the tram campaign that had four active investigations going on. just in two years i've been in congress 16 different investigations by six different house committees investigating various aspects of trump, his presidency and his campaign. it shouldn't surprise your viewers at all this is more evidence to pile on top of the stack of evidence that is already available. that there were deep state democrats acting at the highest level of the doj and fbi during the obama-biden administration in the early time of the trump
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administration. elizabeth: you know, congressman, senator graham says what is even more egregious, the fbi used a generic briefing with president trump and his team including general flynn, not as a defensive briefing to give him a head's up what is going on but used it as investigative tool to spy on the trump team. that the fbi was not trying to protect, but undermine, infiltrate the trump campaign. they continued to do surveillance on the trump administration during 2017. your reaction? >> they were trying to set the president up and flynn up. chris christie was involved in the first debriefing, and on the document detailed and memorized the events what was discussed was crossfire hurricane, some of the classified information that was declassified, crossfire hurricane which was the investigation on trump and the trump campaign allegedly colluding and conspiring with russia which we know was a complete false narrative perpetrated by the democrats and
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the doj. that was relied upon a fictitious dossier we know to be completely false. they knew at the time to be completely false. they went in with a complete objective to get information to bolster their incredible, uncredible crossfire hurricane investigation against the president. elizabeth: okay. congressman stuebe, thanks so much for joining us. really appreciate it. >> thanks for having us. elizabeth: those documents don't show which foreign government was trying to influence into the hillary clinton campaign. we'll dig down on that and stay on that story. up next, for the first time, look at this story, hundreds of angry residents protesting, taking to the streets demanding a democrat mayor step down, that he be recalled for not doing enough to stop out of control violence and chaos. this is a big election issue. he is bill de blasio. he is a democrat mayor of new york. he is now accused of destroying the greatest city in the world. fox news contributor david webb, he is really fired up about
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this. he is going to join us on the story. look at this. looters are now targeting firefighters and evacuees in the california wildfires. that outrage coming up next. ♪ that's great! that's 15% on top of what geico could already save you. so what are you waiting for? john stamos to knit you a scarf? all finished, jean. enjoy! thank you. i give. the stitch work is impeccable. it's just a double fleck pattern with a reverse garter stitch. no big deal. is your hair this soft? softer. geico. save an extra 15% when you switch by october 7th. ( ♪ ) ♪ i need it so bad don't call it a hobby. it's way more than just a job. this is how we live every single day. can we go and play? (roaring of engines) ( ♪ ) ♪ i needed to try
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♪. elizabeth: for the first time a major protest to recall a democrat mayor for out of control violence and crime. this is a major issue in this election. hundreds of angry new yorkers took to the streets, protesting this weekend, demanding that the democrat mayor of new york, bill de blasio, step down, leave office, for destroying the greatest city in the world. this as new york city residents continue to line up every day for free food. food lines sometimes stretching out quarter of a mile. fox news contributor, david webb. great to have you back on, david. is this start of something. >> well it is a continuation, emac. you look what is going on in new york, they have been saying this privately, talking about it, not for months, just for years. not just due to covid. covid made this a program on steroids or is on steroids. you have 10 times increases in food distribution for charitable outlets that have been written
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about. people hungry more than a homeless renter leaving the city, all of this. those who supported bill de blasio, monetarily with their vote, upper westside, no matter where they are in the five boroughs are living the reality what i've been warning them about, that he was not going to govern the city. he went in on an anti-cop agenda. he assigned a brooklyn bar community leader rafael ramos was assassinated, anti-cop. this is the guy's policies come home to roost and new yorkers are paying the price. elizabeth: black people have been victimized by gun violence at a far greater rate than any group in new york city. that is data studied by "the daily caller." 200 shootings involving black victims since 2019. chicago of 150% increase in
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homicides. portland, oregon, three months of rioting there and chaos. why didn't democrats cover that at their convention? why didn't they talk about this? what will joe biden do to stop all of it? >> one, joe biden won't do anything to stop all of it because he walks away from the problem. democrats couldn't address it because a large part of their left-wing base agrees with the actions of some of these, mayors in portland and seattle, democrat congressman and women agree with this, that support it tacitly out right, both with democrat influencers. they can't afford their left-wing base to leave them. so they're not going to do anything about it. but this is a year's long failure that we now see for all of america, that the worst things would happen. elizabeth: all right. we got to move on to this looters reportedly stole a wallet from a fire peter over the weekend in california. evacuees seeing looting at their
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homes, basically as they're trying to survive. wildfires rampaging through the state of california. kenosha wisconsin, authorities declare an emergency curfew after video surfaced that appear to police shot a black man in the back. the man is in severe condition. rioters set fire to 100 vehicles at local dealership, danned other businesses. others looting in beverly hills. portland, democrats blame federal officials for inflaming violence in portland but violent protests continue in portland, oregon. watch rioters and protesters attacking minority police officers, attacking people of color serving our country in the police department. so we've seen that happen time and again. you know, they're seeing violent rioting going on, david webb, in portland, oregon. then we're seeing critics saying white protesters are attacking
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minority officers. your reaction? >> because this really is gone beyond color. it has gone to the radical left versus the american people. that is the binary choice before our nation. the destruction of these cities is the destruction of their economy. the people most hurt are those on the lower rung of the economic ladder. the ones really deserve an opportunity. we're in the tough environment. they have to live with the problem when the rioters are done burning businesses or looting. and when they leave, these people are going to be taxed more by very same liberal progressive leaders and democrats who have been doing it for decades. this is a cycle of -- elizabeth: david, why do -- but why doesn't the portland, the governor of oregon, rather call in the national guard? nearly eight thousand national guard troops could be called in? why are they refusing to call in the national guard to stop it? acting deputy homeland security
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secretary ken cuccinelli says that is a pathetic. it is a failure of local and state leadership. why don't they call in the national guard there? >> the national guard would solve the problem but it is a fair question for the governor that he is elected to serve regardless of party. but if you're not taking actions necessary, then your culpability can be assigned publicly and the governor failed his state. elizabeth: all right. david webb, thank you so much. really appreciate it. come back soon. >> anytime. elizabeth: still ahead. house intelligence ranking republican devin nunes, former cia director john brennan. john brennan interviewed reportedly for eight hours on friday acia headquarters. here is the debate. is john brennan safe or is he still in trouble? that story coming up.
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♪. elizabeth: former cia director john brennan was interviewed reportedly for eight hours on friday at cia headquarters. this as u.s. attorney john durham's criminal probe of the trump-russia probe which indicates that news, indicates they are near the end of their investigation. now last year the durham team already had requested brennan's emails and call logs while he was cia director. reports coming out from brennan's advisors claiming brennan is not a focus of this probe but the durham side is not talking. again that news is coming from brennan's camp that he is not a target but is john brennan really in the clear? welcome ranking member of house intelligence, author of the book, ""countdown" to socialism." we welcome back republican devin nunes. is brennan clear or could he be in trouble? >> he is hardly in the clear. the good news you don't see durham, who is a professional prosecutor, we have real grown
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ups running this investigation. so i don't think brennan is in the clear at all. with that said, we need to know what brennan knew and when he knew it. the key question is, you know, he has made some pretty clear comments that he knew about russians that were talking to the trump people. well it appears now that we pulled all of this back, all the evidence has been laid on the table, the only trump people that we know that were talking to the russians were carter page who, he wasn't actually talking to russians. he took a trip to moscow. when we all know how that went. carter page was framed. that was produced by the democratic national committee, that information. so did brennan have this information? if so, who gave it to him? did the democrat national committee give it to him? did the hillary clinton campaign give it to him? clearly he should have known this would not have been real intelligence that should have been used to target a political
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campaign. i think that is, that is, from our vantage point, republicans, that is what we want to know from him. elizabeth: the issue is whether john brennan misled house intelligence and other committees in congress, right, is that it? >> that would be one of many issues. obviously if he was pedaling this information, what right and under what authority would brennan, who is supposed to be the top of the cia, the top of our intelligence services, they have tried and true methods to actually look and gather intelligence that go through many checks and triple checks. all the way through. so by the time you get something, it is believable. so he would have to know if he is pedaling this, this is just pure nonsense. it is not something that a cia director should be engageed in. elizabeth: let's move on to this. the problem for brennan, comey,
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andrew mccabe and obama administration, why did they push the discredited trump opposition anti-trump research, the steele dossier to be included in the intelligence community assessment, powerful assessment about national security, this is about russian meddling in the election? did they do it to give the steele dossier more gravitas, credibility, even though they knew it was flawed, it was internet rumor, even steele he's own people said it was gossip. did they stick it in the ica to give it more credibility? >> the reason we believe that was put into this intelligence community assessment so your viewers understand, i call that obama's dossier. obama ordered that after donald trump won the election in 2016. and within weeks they had, they had decided, they put out a phony report, all our
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intelligence agencies did that said the russians were trying to help trump. in reality what do we find out? the russians do what they always try to do, sow discord. russia, like most other countries like anybody, nobody ever thought donald trump had a shot to win. the fact that the dossier got put into the intelligence community assessment, knowing what they knew, this was democratic hit garbage, they hit it from congress. it is clear what they were trying to do. they were playing catchup on a october surprise that went wrong, when they found out carter page was not talking to any russians they were way out over their skis. they were trying to play catchup. ultimately we know, at the same time general flynn had been totally exonerated by the fbi agents investigating him, they kept that open. so the more this goes on pretty clear that brennan and obama, they were all involved. the key is, who gave the order? who gave the order to
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participate in this corruption? so we already have one lawyer who paid the price. hopefully there will be more. elizabeth: yeah. whether or not president obama's legacy is tarnished and former fbi director james comey whether his legacy is tarnished. president obama according to government documents, told james comey, quote, the put the right people on flynn, even though the fbi said we're going to drop the case. his call with the russian ambassador was quote, legitimate. listen to james comey saying he is not worried about any of this. where the probes are going? >> i can't imagine i'm a target. i saw the news report john brennan was a witness. given that i know what happened during 2016, which was a bunch of people trying to do the right thing, consistent with the law, i'm not worried at all about that investigation of the investigation. elizabeth: your reaction to james comey saying he is not worried, your reaction? >> what would say in early january comey had a shot to tell
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all the republicans and the democrats that the hillary clinton team and democrats paid for the dossier. at that time if he knew everything, he sure as hell didn't seem to know it then. so i think he damn sure knew it. i think he obstructed justice and he lied to congress. that is not for us to determine. elizabeth: congressman nunes. thank you so much for joining us. really appreciate it, sir. >> my pleasure. thank you, liz. elizabeth: up next, president trump now says in his second term he will be even tougher on china over its trade policies, over it stealing intellectual property from american companies. mt. is declaring that quote, there has never been any country like china ripped off america so much. white house director of trade and manufacturing policy, peter navarro, breaks it down for us next. president trump: we fixed a lot of our broken and bad trade deals. and we stood up to china like nobody has ever stood up between
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♪ president trump: give them all the credit, number one for being smart, outfoxing all of the people that stood here and their representatives but china we built china. they took advantage of us because we didn't have people that were smart enough to see. by the way biden would be the worst of all of them because his son took out 1 1/2 billion dollars, gets fees on 1 1/2 billion which is millions of dollars a year. give me a break. china will own our country if this guy gets elected. elizabeth: okay, president trump now saying he will be tougher than joe biden if he wins a second term. he will be tougher on china over its trade policies, saying there is no country that has ripped off america as much as china has stealing from american companies. joe biden will be weak on china. bring in peter navarro.
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welcome him back to the show. white house trade and manufacturing policy advisor. great to have you on, peter. >> great to be on, liz. elizabeth: good to see you. president trump threatened last week if he is reelected he would slap tariffs on u.s. companies that refuse to move jobs back from overseas from places like china and give tax credits to jobs back to america? is the working on that policy? >> we learned about the china pandemic, it is very dangerous for this country to be depending on medical supplies, equipment, essential medicines with countries like china, india, and others. so right now there is clearly a very strong commitment of bringing those medicines and supply chains home. but let me frame this a little bit for you, liz. when the president talks i think it is always useful to remind
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the american people just how chinese communist party has been hammering this country. i referred to this as the seven deadly sins that we have been working with these trade deals to try to get them to stop committing. it is cyber theft of our business secrets, it is intellectual property theft. it's the forced technology transfers. making american companies transfer their technologies as condition of entry into the market. it is dumping below cost into our markets. state-owned enterprises, these big chinese-owned state-owned enterprises just attack our companies. currency manipulation. the seventh deadly sin is the fentanyl that china sends to kill all of us. there is an 8th diddly sin, it might be the biggest one of all, remember in january, the chinese came to town to sign the
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phase one deal, they knew that there was a deadly virus afoot. they shook our hands, smiled at us, broke bread with us, what they left us and this country with is a deadly virus that has killed over 170,000 americans, put over 40 million americans out of work, cost us already trillions in stimulus we have had to do. when this president is going to get tough with china, it will be more just, it will be more than just dealing with the seven deadly sins. it will deal with theth one. where did the virus come from? how much did it cost? how much do the chinese communist people own the american people. elizabeth: stay on that for a second. i have to jump in? huge questions. elizabeth: what will president trump do to punish china over covid-19? the second part of this, because we're running out of time, why did joe biden hardly mention
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china at the democratic convention? first take on what will the president do to punish china? >> i can't possibly answer that question in 30 seconds. let's talk about the other one with joe biden. democratic party and joe biden are making a very big bet they can beat this president simply by running on the pandemic and on joe biden so-called character, his niceness. now the problem with that is that donald j. trump is fighting a tremendous battle on behalf of the american people getting testing, protective equipment, that are put ticks, vaccines. we're going to defeat the virus. the other thing i don't see joe biden as a nice guy. i see him a confidence man who shakes your hand with his right and picks your pocket with his left. vote the for nafta, china, world trade organization. one of the big things coming into november the credit card companies that have had them, him and in his hip pocket.
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elizabeth: peter navarro. great to have you on. good to see you. >> always a pleasure, liz. elizabeth: coming up, tim murtagh trump 2020 director of communications about the border. you won't believe what is going on. ms. but my home of my dreams needed some work sofi was the first lender that even offered a personal loan. i didn't even know that was an option. the personal loan let us renovate our single family house into a multi-unit home. and i get to live in this beautiful house with this beautiful kitchen and it's all thanks to sofi. andon't just think about where you're headed this summer. think about how you'll get there. ♪
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♪. elizabeth: back to the republican convention kicking off today. the president's second term agenda calls for continuing his push to fix weak border policies but now this, joe biden warns he will undo all of that if he is elected. let's welcome back to the show trump 2020 communications director tim murtagh. tim, great to have you back on. good to see you. joe biden says he will unwind trump's executive orders, stop things like the border wall, travel bans on terror hot spots, cut. >> the mask is off, joe biden is no moderate. he is under control of the extreme left. we know what we get from joe biden is straight up open borders policy he will completely prevent the deportation of criminal illegal aliens. he will not enforce our borders.
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he will allow illegal aliens to have access to taxpayer-funded health care. he will supply illegal aliens with work permits. it is not only a public safety issue, a worker issue, economic issues, allowing illegal aliens to compete with americans for jobs. he and kamala harris are both supporters of sanctuary cities. during our convention this week we will hear from an angel mom, a woman whose son, a police officer was killed by an illegal alien. we know the story about kate steinle who was murdered in san francisco by an illegal alien who had been deported five times. sanctuary cities are a real menace to the public safety of this country. president trump stands staunchly opposed to those. as you know the president's view of immigration laws. we should enforce them. we should do that for public safety reasons and to protect american workers. the president will build that wall, get it completed. elizabeth: tim, what is also
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interesting too, the number of illegal immigrants, illegal aliens in border patrol custody has shrunk. illegal immigration border crossings is down. we're also seeing the mix of those trying to cross revert back to ad dull males, no longer children and families. can you explain that last part? >> i think what is happening here is that when people from other countries around the world, those folk moss would try in the past to would try to cross borders illegally, they see president trump means business and will enforce the immigration laws. when you have somebody in office, who will lay out the welcome mat, turn on the vacancy sign, you will see people try to make the dangerous journey to cross borders illegally. enforcing the borders is also a humanitarian thing to do, because people will not be encouraged to make the very dangerous journey. remember, many of these folks are not coming from mexico.
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they're coming through mexico from other countries. that is a very, very dangerous journey, a lot of families send children on alone, women and children alone. that is when they fall prey to the human traffickers and coyotes who take advantage of them. it's a very, very dangerous business, in that sort of work. so i think that it is a humanitarian thing to do, to enforce our borders. now joe biden would throw them wide open again and actually encourage people to make that sometimes deadly trip. elizabeth: he would even be softer on these policies than under palm. obama was thought to be tough on the border. final word, 10 seconds. >> it is pretty astounding. here again we see the radical extreme leftist take over of joe biden is complete. you see it in all of his policies but especially on illegal immigration. elizabeth: jim murtagh. thank you for joining us. really appreciate it. come back soon. >> you bet. thank you, liz. elizabeth: i'm elizabeth
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macdonald. you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us. thanks so much for watching. we hope you have a good evening. ♪ tonight" starts right now. thanks for joining us. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. delegates at the republican national convention today unanimously and officially nominating president trump and vice president mike pence to lead them to another victory in november. the republicans' nomination announced after an in-person roll call vote in charlotte, north carolina, a move already upstaging the radical dems' dull, lackluster, even occasionally lifeless virtual roll call last week for china joe biden. both president trump and vice president pence made their own surprise in-person appearances in charlte to thank all of the


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