tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 24, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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i'm jamie colby for "strange inheritance." thanks so much for watching. and remember -- you can't take it with you. ton >> this is a fox news special presentation. ♪ >> good evening, from fox news world headquarters in new york. night one of the republican national convention, in a moment, we'll hear from president trump. the election itself is exactly 70 days from today. as it is, it's the republican turn to take the national spotlight, the g.o.p. are opting to partially in person, more
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than 300 candidates gather to kick things off. any moment now, the president will appear with six american hostages. during his time in the white house, held captive. tonight, the famed land of promise, speakers include the former ambassador to the u.n., nikki haley, the president's son, and one of the leading voices on race relations in the republican party. they all have a prompt and position this evening. we have reporting from senior political correspondent mike emanuel standing by there in washington and analysis from dan heninger and marie harf. good evening to all of you. we will get a comment in a moment here, and i want to bring our audience up to speed, a video at the moment is about to play out called "bring them home" that goes directly to the lives of those held captive overseas.
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♪ >> i thought i had been forgotten. i nearly gave up hope. >> i was so afraid. >> i believed i would die here. >> american hostages. for cotton and wasting away in far-off prisons. wrongfully detained foreign governments. americans were beaten, abused, starved, and left for dead. until president donald trump. >> the freed american hostages from the back on u.s. soil after being held captive. >> an american pastor had been released. >> an american child in egypt is back after an intervention might have prompted it. >> among the most of any
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president in american history. while families waited in despair for news of their loved ones, president trump provided a new spark of hope by bringing our hostages home. >> we have danny birch back home where he should be. he was in yemen in a very horrible situation. yesterday, the united states government secured he their release, including their children. today, we are bringing home another american citizen. >> just got news that turkey released a prisoner that we were trying to get. >> under this administration, america has not and will not turn its back on our people. president trump will bring them home. >> diplomacy. negotiation skills.
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perceiveper severance. faith of hope when there is no hope. freeing american hostages. >> we have six incredible people who were held hostage by various countries, and i'm very pleased to let everybody know that we brought back over 50 hostages from 22 different countries. we worked very hard on that. and mr. o'brien and others, and i will tell you, we are very proud of the job we did. but i'd like to ask may be the investor to say a few words so we could go through and give us of the history of what happened at how is life treating you? >> i was held in turkey for two years, and he took unprecedented steps to secure up my, and your administration -- i think if you hadn't done that, i may still be
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in turkey. i'm very grateful. >> 28 years, right? they had deer for a long time, we had to get you back. to me, president erdogan was very good, i know they had do for a long time, you were a very innocent person, and he ultimately, after we had a few conversations, agreed. we appreciate that and we appreciate the people of turkey, and you still appreciate the people of turkey, i understand. >> we love the turkish people. >> it's great to have you back, thank you.
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to give musically what happened with me as i traveled to the country of iran and it was tropic. i went through a lot and they are in justice the uranian justice system. they are a terrorist regime, but what you did sir is you were able to get me out of there in record time. it was amazing. >> thank you very much. >> my name as josh and this is my wife, tammy. we were a hostage in venezuela for to years. you helped us get out. the senator worked with that as well. it was a great honor to be able to meet you.
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they set what was it like to meet president trump i had gotten released after two years i was shaking the hand of the president in the oval office and i don't remember much of it. it's been great to be back and help people through situations that they've gone through and i would been able to start our family. >> the great people of utah wanted me to do something about the two of you, and we were able to do it. and it was a little bit of a miracle, frankly. it was a hostile period. we were able to get you both back. we will say hello to the folks in utah because they are great people. thank you very much, congratulations. >> spent an unexpected trip there in india, i was not going to india, i was going through india through nepal. on behalf of my family and myself, thank you, president trump for getting us out and
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getting us home. the darkest moment of our whole time together, your letter to my wife came and it really gave her the hope and the peace. from that time forward as more people got involved, especially the ambassador there in india, things became more peaceful and they hoped was there for the last four months, that we really would get to come home. they had planted on keeping me for 35 years. the original charge was 35 years, that was cleared and then they came up with new charges so it was seven years. >> india responded very well to my request, so we appreciate that. >> we appreciate what you all did. >> we have a few more people we want to get back and we will get them back and they will be back very soon. thing you very much. great stories. >> hello, i live in miami, florida. not far from the which is just a
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90-mile wide straight for me, it divides freedom from fear, it divides the past from the future. i know all about the past. i will never forget my own. my family has fled to italian arianism communism more than once first my dad from spain, and then from cuba. but my family is done running away. by the grace of god, i live the american dream, the greatest blessing i've ever had, my dad only had a sixth-grade education and he told me, don't lose this place, i am speaking to you today because my family is done
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abandoning what we rightfully earned. there is no place to hide. i'm speaking to you today because president trump may not always be politically correct, if in fact a successful businessman, your average career politician, our president is just another family man, a friend, and most important, our elected commander-in-chief who puts america first. keep in mind, the other guy running for president is not only concerned about power. yes, yes, power for them, but not for the benefit of all americans. i am speaking to you today because i have seen people like this before. i have seen movements like this before. i have seen ideas like this before. and i am here to tell you, you cannot let them take over our
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country. i heard the promises of udell castro, and i can never forget all those who grew up around me who looked like me, who suffer and starve and died because they believed those empty promises. they swallowed the communist poison pill. if you have a chance, go to the freedom tower in miami, stop and listen, you can still hear the sounds of those broken promises. it is the sound of waves in the ocean carrying families clinging to pieces of wood. but willing to risk everything. it is the sound of tears hitting the paper of an application to become an american citizen.
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most hurt the promises, but soon after they experienced the reality. look at them, listen to them, learn the truth. those promises spread the wealth, free education, free healthcare, defund the police? trust the socialist state more than your family and your community? they don't sound radical to my ears. they sound familiar. when fidel castro was asked if he was a communist, he said he was a roman catholic. he knew he had to hide the truth. but the country i was born in is gone, totally destroyed when i
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watch chicago, seattle, portland, other cities, when i see history being rewritten, when i see the promise of hurt i hear echoes of the former life i never wanted to hear again. i see shadows. my parents only wanted one person to decide my fate, me. not some government official. through hard work and determination president trump knows that american story was written by people just like you and i.
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just like people like you and i that love our country and build the future for our family and neighbors prayed i may be cuban born, but i'm 100 percent american. this is the greatest country in the world. and i said this before. if i give away everything i have today, it would not equal 1 percent of what i was given when i came to this great country of ours. the gift of freedom. right now, it is up to us to decide our fate, and to choose freedom over oppression. president trump, he is fighting the forces of communism. i know he will continue to do
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just that. and what about his opponent and the rest of the dc swamp? i have no doubt they will hand the country over to those dangerous forces. you and i will decide and here is what i've decided to. my decision is very easy. i choose president trump because i choose america. i choose freedom. i still hear my dad. there is no other place to go. thank you. may the good lord bless america. to get a very powerful personal story from maximo alvarez.
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that is the case they will make throughout the week care. some of these recordings have been done in the last two days. a combination of these presentations. we also sought to recorded episodes with the president tonight. we are told that he will appear every night in some form or some fashion leading up to thursday night and his big speech from the white house. in a moment, former un ambassador nikki haley will get her primetime appearance. and then we will hear from donald trump jr. with and they will top it of with the
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republican from south carolina. >> good evening. i am nikki haley and it is back to be good to be back at the republican national convention. all start with a little story. it's about an american ambassador to the united nations and it's about a speech she gave to this convention. she called for the reelection of the republican president she served and she called out to his democratic opponent, a former vice president, from a failed administration. that ambassador said and i quote, democrats always blame america first. the year was 1984, the president was ronald reagan, and ambassador jean can patrick's words are just as true today. joe biden and the democrats are
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still blaming america first. donald trump has always put america first. and he has earned four more years as president. it was an honor of a lifetime to serve as the united states ambassador to the united nations. the un is not for the faint of heart. it is a place where dictators, murderers, and thieves denounce america and then put their hands out and demand that we pay their bills. president trump put an end to all of that. with his leadership, we did, but what barack obama and joe biden refused to do. we stood up for america. president trump rejected that weakness and weep attack past the toughest sanctions on north korea in history.
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obama and biden let iran get away with murder and literally send them a plane full of cash. president trump did the right thing and ripped up the iran nuclear deal. obama and biden led the united nations to denounce our friend and ally israel. president trump, moved our embassy to jerusalem and when the un tried to condemn us, i was proud to cast the american veto. this president has a record of strength, and success. the former vice president has a record of weakness and failure. joe biden is good for iran and isis, great for communist china, and he is a godsend to everyone who wants america to apologize, abstain, and abandon our values. donald trump takes a different approach, he is tough on china, and he took on ices and one. and he tells the world what it needs to hear.
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at home, the president is the clear choice on jobs and the economy. he has moved america forward while joe biden has held america back. when joe was vp, i was governor of the great state of south carolina. we had a pretty good run, manufacturers of all kinds flocked to our state from overseas. creating tens of thousands of american jobs. people were referring to south carolina as the beast of the southeast, which i loved. everything we did happened in spite of joe biden and his old boss. we cut taxes, they raised them. we slashed redtape, they piled on more mandates. and when we brought in good paying jobs, biden and obama sued us. i fought back, and they gave up. of biden harris administration
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would be much much worse. last time, joe's boss was obama, this time, it would be pelosi, sanders, and the squad. their vision for america as socialism, and we know that socialism has failed everywhere. they want to tell americans how to live, what to think, they want a government takeover of healthcare. they want to ban fracking and kill millions of jobs. joe biden and the socialist left would be a disaster for our economy. but president trump is leading a new era of opportunity. before communist china gave us the coronavirus, we were breaking economic records left and right. the pandemic set us back, but not for long. president trump brought our economy back before, and he will bring it back again.
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there is one more important area where our president is right. he knows that political correctness and cancel culture are dangerous and just plain wrong. in much of the democratic party, it is now fashionable to see that america as racist. that is alive. america is not a racist country. this is personal for me. i am the proud daughter of indian immigrants, they came to america and settled in a small southern town. my father were were a turbine, my mother wore a sorry. i was a brown girl and a in a black-and-white world. we faced discrimination and hardship, but my parents never gave into grievance and hate. my mom built a successful business, my dad taught 30 years at a historically black college. in the people of south carolina
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chose me as their first minority and first female governor. america is a story that is a work in progress. now is the time to build on that progress and make america even freer, fairer, and better for everyone. that is why it is so tragic to see so much of the democratic party turning a blind eye towards rights in rage. the american people know we can do better. and of course we value and respect every black life. the black cops who have been shot in the line of duty, they matter. the black small business owners who have watched their wife's work go up in flames, they matter. the black kids who've been gunned down on the playground, their lives matter two. in their lives are being ruined and stolen by the violence on our streets. it doesn't have to be like this. it wasn't like this in south carolina five years ago.
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our state came face-to-face with evil. of white supremacist walked into mother emmanuel church during bible study. 12 african-americans pulled up a chair and prayed with him for an hour. then he began to shoot. after that horrific tragedy, we didn't turn against each other, we came together, black and white, democrat and republican. together we made the hard choices needed to heal and removed at divisive symbol peacefully and respectfully. what happened then should give us hope now. america isn't perfect, but the principles we hold dear are perfect. there is one thing i've learned, it's that even on our worst day, we are blessed to live in america. it is time to keep that blessing
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alive for the next generation. this president in this party are committed to that noble task. we seek a nation that rises together, not falls apart in anarchy and anger. we know that the only way to overcome america's challenges as to embrace america's strength. we are striving to reach a brighter future to a world-class school chosen by their parents where every family lives in a safe community with good jobs. where every entrepreneur has two abstain and observe buyer. where every believer can worship without fear, and every life is protected. where every girl and boy, every woman and man of every race and religion has the best shot at the best life. in this election, we must choose the only candidate who has and will continue delivering on that vision.
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president trump and vice president pentz have my support, and america has are promise. we will build on the progress of our past, and unlock the promise of our future. that future starts when the american people reelect president donald trump. thank you, good night, and may god always bless america. >> good evening, america. i am donald trump jr. we are here to talk about the great american story, to talk about this country we all love, the land of promise and opportunity, of heroes and greatness. just a few short months ago we
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were seeing the american dream become a reality for more of our citizens than ever before. the greatest prolonged economic expansion in american history. the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years. the lowest unemployment rates ever for black americans, hispanic americans, women, and pretty much every other demographic group. and then, courtesy of the chinese communist party, the virus struck. the president shutdown travel from china. joe biden and his democrat allies called my father a racist and as you know phobic for doing it. they put political correctness ahead of the security of the american people. fortunately, as the virus began to spread, the president acted quickly into injured hospitals got ventilators that needed them most. he delivered ppe to our front-line workers and he rallied the mighty american private sector to tackle the new
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challenge. there is more work to do, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. job gains are outpacing what the so-called experts expected. but the radical wick doing policies would stop are economic recovery cold. he is already talking about shutting the country down again. it is madness. democrats claim to be for workers, but they've spent the entire pandemic trying to sneak a tax break for millionaires and democrat states into the covid relief bill. then they attacked my father for suspending the payroll tax for middle-class workers. in fact, if you think about it, joe biden's entire economic plan form seems to crush the working man and woman. he supported the worst trade deals in the history of the planets. he voted for the nafta nightmare. down the tubes went our auto industry. he pushed for ppp, goodbye manufacturing jobs.
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he is so weak on china that the intelligence community recently assessed that the chinese communist party favors biden, they know he will weaken us economically and on the world stage. biden also wants to bring in more illegal immigrants to take jobs from american citizens. his open border policies would drive wages down for americans at a time when low income workers are getting real rage increases for the first time in modern history. has pledged to repeal the trump tax cuts, which were the biggest in our country. after eight years of obama and biden smoke growth, trump's policies have been like rocket fuel to the economy and especially to the middle class. biden has promised to take that money out of your pocket and keep it in the swamp. that makes sense though considering joe biden is basically the loch ness monster of the swamp. for the past half-century he has been working around in there.
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he sticks his head up every now and then to run for president, then he disappears and doesn't do much in between. if you're looking for hope, look to the man who did what the field obama biden administration never could do and built the greatest economy our country has ever seen. president trump will do it again. we will be stronger than ever because when we put our mind to it, there is no obstacle that america count sermon. except, there is a difference this time, in the past, both parties believed in the goodness of america. we agreed on where we wanted to go. we just disagreed on how to get there. this time the other party as attacking the very principles on which our nation was founded. freedom of thought. freedom of speech. freedom of religion. the rule of law. thomas jefferson famously said i have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every
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form of tyranny over the mind of man. our founders believed that there was nothing more important than protecting our god-given right to think for ourselves. now, the left, they are trying to cancel all of those founders. they don't seem to understand this important principle, in order to improve in the future, we must learn from our past, not erase it. so we're not going to tear down monuments and forget the people who built our great nation. instead, we will learn from our past so we don't repeat any mistakes, and we will work tirelessly to improve the lives of all americans. joe biden and the radical left are now coming for our freedom of speech. they want to bully us into submission. if they get their way, it will no longer be the silent majority, it will be the silenced majority. this has to stop. freedom of expression used to be a liberal value, at least before
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the radical left took over a. now the republican party as the home of free speech, the place where anyone from any background can speak their mind, and may the best ideas when. people of faith are under attack. you're not allowed to go to church, but mass chaos in the streets, that gets a bass. it's almost like this election is shaping up to be church, work, and school versus rioting, looting, and vandalism, or in the words of biden and the democrats, peaceful protesting. anarchists have been flooding our streets and they are ordering the police to stand down and small businesses across america, many of them minority owned are being torched by mobs. the democrat mayors pretend it's not happening. they actually called it a summer of love. that brings me to another important principle. every american must be free to
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live without fear of violence in your country, in your communities, and in your homes. all men and women are created equal and must be treated equally under the law. that's why we must put an end to racism and we must ensure that any police officer that abuses their powers is held accountable. what happened to george floyd is a disgrace and if you know a police officer, you know they agree with that too. we cannot lose sight of the fact that are police are american heroes. they deserve our deepest appreciation. no matter what the democrats say, you and i both know that when we dial 911, we don't want it going to voicemail. so defunding the police is not an option. everything starts with safety and security. you can't have anything else without it. you can't focus on building a better future for yourself without the peace of mind that they can study safely in their classrooms.
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play safely in their neighborhoods, and sleep safely in their beds. safety is only the beginning. trumps america is a land of opportunity, a place of promise, i was fortunate enough to grow up in a family they could afford the best schools in the finest universities. a great education could not be the exclusive right of the rich and powerful. it must be accessible to all. that's when my dad is pro- school choice. that's why he has called education access the civil rights issue not just of our time, but of all time. it is unacceptable that too many african-american and hispanic american children are stuck in bad schools just because of their zip code. donald trump will not stand for it. if democrats really wanted to help minorities in underserved communities, instead of bowing to big-money union bosses, they would let parents choose which school is best for their kids. they would limit immigration to
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protect american workers. they support the police who protect our neighborhoods, they would learn how to negotiate trade deals that prioritize america's interest for a change. they would end the endless wars and quit sending our young people to solve problems in foreign lands. they would cut taxes for families and workers. they would create opportunities that drive investments into inner cities. in other words, if democrats cared for the forgotten men and women of our country, they would do exactly what president trump is doing. america is the greatest country on earth, but my father's entire worldview revolves around the idea that we can always do even better. imagine the life you want to have. one with a great job, a beautiful home, a perfect family. you can have it. imagine the country you want to live in, one with true equal
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opportunity. where hard work pays off and justice is served with compassion and without punctuality. you can have it. imagine a world where the evils of communism and radical islamic terrorism are not given the chance to spread, where heroes are celebrated in the good guys win. you can have had. that is the life, that is the country, that is the world that donald trump in the republican party are after, and yes, you can have it. because unlike joe biden and the radical left democrats, our party is open to everyone. it starts by rejecting radicals who want to drag us into the dark and embracing the man who represents a bright and beautiful future for all. it starts by reelecting donald j trump, president of the united states. thank you, and god bless america.
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>> president trump's oldest some donald trump jr. going after joe biden, at one point calling him the loch ness monster of the swamp in washington, dc. prior to that, nikki haley talking about the u.s. was work in progress so work on it was her mind tonight. we have about four minutes here before senator scott comes out. dan, what do you think so far of the evening we have been watching? >> well, bill, it's a political convention. they have got four nights and about eight hours to define themselves. the democrats went first last weekend we watched that and i think the republican convention is a large part a reaction to that. the democratic convention was almost entirely about defining donald trump, defining him as obnoxious arch villain in large part because that was the opinion polls were suggesting a lot of people felt about him.
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they barely talked about the republican party at all, now the republicans are deciding they will do a couple of things. human eyes donald trump, and is while they're going to talk about the issues that democrats did not which was the protest. the protest in the streets, the democrats have accused donald trump evan bocce his handling of the coronavirus. republicans will vote tried to refute that, but they will try to live botching the handling of the protest that happened in the wake of the killing of george floyd. we have two different visions for sure, and i think so far the republicans are actually doing a pretty good job of humanizing and making president trump seem like a normal personality. we will see if it holds up. >> dan, we will get back to you in a moment. maria, your impressions thus far? >> last week the democrats
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really made a point to reach out to republicans who were voting for joe biden, to highlight independence it may be voted for donald trump in 2016 but we're now supporting biden, it was a play to expand their electorate and what we've seen so far is president trump and his supporters, tripling down on this strategy. nonspeaking to the swing voters that he's lost in many places since 2016, but really focusing on that red meat that often comes out of political conventions, it speaks to his base. you heard that from his son, your that from kimberly o'rourke and others. they're clearly trying to paint joe biden as far left and a socialist great america knows jibe joe biden and they know he's not a socialist so i think you will see the republicans this week tried to nail down that narrative, but it's a tough one because joe biden does not
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support socialized medicine he doesn't support defunding the police. we will see the republicans tried to do that over the coming days. >> i thought one of the most effective was the cuban immigrant, maximo alvarez saying at one point his father said this was the last chance you have. matt, your impressions? >> obviously the cuban experience my wife mercy understands well and i thought the suite was just perfect great i disagree, i think with the republican party has the chance to do is to reach out and kind of reset that table politically because the democratic party has refused, really refused to call out this violence and tell black lives matter that it's wrong to try to defend the police. until the arson and the murders that have resulted must stop. because they won't do that because this is the base of their party, it gives them the
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to reach out to people. they have cops and their families and first responders and their family. people being told that their views are hateful, it gives a chance for the president to reach out two ethnic democrats and people who may be have been voted republican before. i think were seeing a change in this country and i think what they have highlighted tonight with these diverse voices, regular americans telling their stories is going to be effective. >> law enforcement has been major theme so too has immigration from immigrants that have made it here and are proud of that life. now senator tim scott, the republican from south carolina. ♪
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>> good evening i am senator tim scott from the great state of south carolina. to all of you tuning an invalid participating in the political process, god bless you. this wasn't how i pictured tonight, but our country is experiencing something none of us envisioned. from the global pandemic to the deaths of george floyd and breonna taylor. regardless of the challenges presented to us, every four years, americans come together to vote. to share stories of what makes our nation strong, and the lessons we have learned that can strengthen it for further generations. because while this election is between donald trump and joe biden, it is not solely about donald trump and joe biden. it is about the promise of america. it's about you and me, our challenges and heartbreaks, hopes and dreams great it's about how we respond when
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tackling critical issues like police reform. when democrats called our work at token efforts and walked out of the room during negotiations because they wanted the issue more than they wanted a solution. do we want a society to breed success or a culture that cancels everything it even slightly disagrees with? i know where i stand, because you see i am living my milk mother's american dream. my parents divorced when i was seven years old and we moved in with my grandparents into a two-bedroom home with me, my mom, my brother sharing a room and one bed. my mom worked 16 hours a day to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads. she knew that if we could find the opportunity, bigger things would come i thought i had to use football to succeed in life and my focus on academics faded away. my freshman year, i failed out. i filled four subjects.
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spanish, english, world geography, and even civics. trust me though, after seven years in the senate, i know i'm not the only one in congress who failed civics. but even while i was feeling the ninth grade, my mother always said to me, to me, if you would just shoot for the moon coming even if you miss, you'd be among the stars. she never lost faith in me even when i lost faith in myself. because of her encouragement, i went to summer school and caught up. the next year i meant my mentor a chick-fil-a offer he saw something in me i could not see in myself, and started teaching me valuable life lessons, like having a job would be a good thing, but creating jobs would be even better. that having an income could change my lifestyle, but creating a profit could change my community. he planted the seeds of what
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would become opportunity zones. this initiative that the president and i worked together on is now bringing more than $75 million of private sector investment into distressed communities. i took those lessons to heart and started putting the pieces of my life back together. i realized a quality education is the closest thing to magic in america. that's why i fight through this day for school choice to make sure that every neighborhood has a quality education. i don't care if it's a private charter or a virtual homeschooled. when a parent has a choice, their kid has a better chance. in the president has fought alongside me on that great leader in life i started my own small business that's how i know it is critical for us to have a tax code that encourages growth.
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we actually saw a revenue to the treasury increase after we lowered taxes in 2017. rest assure that democrats do not want you to know that. after starting my small business and spending some time in local government, i decided to run for congress in 2010. the district is based in charleston, south carolina where the civil war started against a son of our legendary senator strom thurmond. you may be asking yourself, how does a poor black kid from a single-parent household run and win in a race crowded with republicans against a thurmond. because of the evolution of the southern heart rate in an overwhelmingly white district, the voters judge me not on the color of my skin, but on the content of my character. we live in a world that's only wants you to believe in the bad
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news, racially, economically, and culturally polarizing news. the truth is, our nations are always mint back towards fairness. we are not fully where we want to be, but i thank god almighty we are not where we used to be. we are always striving to be better. when we stumble, and we will, we pick ourselves back up, and try again. we don't give into cancel culture or the radical and factually baseless belief that things are worse today than in the 1860s or the 1960s. we have work to do, but i believe in the goodness of america. the promise that all men and all women are created equal. and if you're watching tonight, i'm betting that you do too. over the past four years, we have made tremendous progress
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towards that promise. president trump built the most inclusive economy ever. 7 million jobs created pre- covid 19 and to thirds of them went to women, african-americans, and hispanics. the first new major effort to tackle poverty in a generation, opportunity zones. we put hard earned tax dollars back in people's pockets by cutting their taxes, especially for single-parent households like the one i grew up in. single cutting cutting single mothers taxes 70 percent on average freight president trump supported those tax cuts for the single moms and other working families and signed these policies into law and our nation is better off for it. so, i'm going to ask you, the american people, not to simply look at what the candidate say,
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but to look back at what they've done. this election is about your future, and it is critical to paint a full picture of the records of donald trump and joe biden. joe biden said that if the black man didn't vote for him, he wasn't truly black. joe biden said like people are a monolithic community. it was joe biden who said poor kids can be just as smart as white kids. and while his words are one thing, his actions take it to a whole new level. in 1994, biden led the charge on the crime bill that put millions of black americans behind bars. president trump's criminal justice reform law fixed many of the disparities that biden created and made our system more fair and just for all americans. joe biden also failed our
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nation's historically nations historically black colleges and universities keeping blame on them as they fought to ensure our young folks had access two higher education. once again, to clean up joe biden's mess, president trump signed into law historically high funding for hbcus as well as a bill to give them permanent funding for the first time ever. and now joe biden wants to come for your pocketbooks. and less of course, you're a blue state millionaire. i'm serious, that is one of the solutions for the pandemic. they wanted take more money form your pocket, and give it to manhattan elites and hollywood moguls so they get a tax break. republicans however past president trump's once in a generation tax reform bill that lowered taxes for single moms, and working families, and those in need. so when it comes to what joe
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biden says he will do, look at his actions. look at his policies. look at what he already did, and what he didn't do while he's been in washington for 47 years. ladies and gentlemen, people don't always see those failures, because they think we're having a policy debate on to sides of an issue. that is not what is happening. our site is working on policy, while joe biden's radical democrats are trying to permanently transform what it means to be an american. make no mistake, joe biden and kamala harris want a cultural revolution, of fundamentally different america. if we wet them, they will turn our country into a socialist utopia, and history has taught
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us that path only leads to pain and misery, especially for hard-working people hoping to rise. instead, we must focus on the promise of the american journey. i know that journey well. my grandfather's 99th birthday would have been tomorrow. growing up, he had the cross the street if a white person was coming. he suffered the indignity of being forced out of school as a third-grader to pick cotton and never learned to read or write. yet, he lived long enough to see his grandson become the first african-american to be elected to both the united states house and the united states senate in the history of this country. our family went from cotton to cotton to congress in one lifetime.
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that's what i believe the next american century can be better than the last. there are families like mine all across this nation full of potential seeking to live the american dream. i am here tonight to tell you that supporting the republican ticket gives you the best chance of making that dream a reality. god bless you, and father, please continue blessing the united states of america. god bless. can keep from cotton to congress, senator timms got there a touching story he talked about feeling school in four different classes as a ninth grader, but managed to figure it out with his mom's urging behind him. you talked about the evolution of the southern heart, that's all we won in south carolina and i believe in the goodness of america. we want to get to everybody real quickly. mike emanuel, tell me about the
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relationship senator scott has with president trump. why was he the featured speaker on night one? could give they worked closely on a number of high-profile issues. when they looked at doing police reform after the george floyd death and he tried to come up with the commonsense solution that would benefit the country tim scott became the lead senator in the republican senate to try to carry something across the finish line for a team made reference to it tonight they were unable to get democrats to buy in so it didn't go to the desk, but he's worked with the president on things like these opportunity zones getting private sector investments in poor communities whether they be urban or rural, so tim scott has built the relationship with the president and you can see why there is buzz about him potentially running for president in 2024. first thing first, he's trying to get president trump elected to another four years in the white house. kick you they're all delivering a speech tonight in an empty room with no watch audience
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there in washington. great to have you on our program. we're going to get back to our panel in the few moments we have left. dan, why don't you begin and tell us what was accomplished tonight in this presentation? >> i think one of the main things accomplished was just what we saw here in tim scott's speech. before that nikki haley and indeed earlier by herschel walker. pushing back against the idea both that donald trump as a racist or that the united states is a racist society. why are we talking about this tonight, bill? the reason as because after the george floyd killing, the public debate over this issue kind of transcended george floyd himself and became an argument over whether the united states is indeed a systemically racist society. during the convention racism and racist was heard over and over again so we're going to talk about that. i think republicans, tim scott,
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nikki haley, did a pretty good job of providing an alternative vision that the united states as tim scott says is not the 1860s, we're not the 1960s. nikki haley called it a work in progress, so we're having a pretty good substantive debate over the question of whether systemic racism is permeating in american society or whether it is indeed as they would have at the land of opportunity. i like that that fact that we are having the argument. >> knight number one is in the books. maria, i wonder if you feel that the republicans have an advantage because they can watch the democrats from last week and they chose a few speeches, a lot on tapir he recorded but somewhere live, and the emphasis from the white house they said repeatedly is that the president wanted energy. did you feel it tonight? >> he certainly got some energy tonight, but i think that tim scott, his speech was by far the
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highlights of the night, the best delivered. he doesn't mention president trump by name that much, but it was compelling and not just designed for the base, so i think his was probably the best. he and nikki haley looking ahead to 2024, they have been mentioned as possible presidential contenders in those years. they set themselves up tonight for that political possibility. it's also interesting, we have 180,000 dead americans, in economy in tatters. i heard talk about the virus over originating in china, but i didn't hear a lot of talk about the people we have lost and how we are actually going to get it under control. that is the top issue facing americans today. others are important, but that one was notably absent. we will see if it makes more of an appearance in the next unite spread. >> we will see how much more is given to it, and, what was accomplished this evening? >> i think what is i said
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earlier, i think the republicans have focused on commit they have a real opportunity is not hatred of their opponents. what i took away most from the democratic national convention and clearly i am a trump supporter and a partisan, but they had such trump hatred that it just comes across constantly. what i failed to hear from them is about tomorrow. what do they want to do to make our tomorrow better. i think what i heard tonight from the republicans as donald trump's administration has been chock full of accomplishments. he is chock full of accomplishments including a great economy up until chinese corona, corona, and now the question is tomorrow, how do we get it back? what do we do to get our health back and what do we do to get our economy back. if the keep focusing on tomorrow, they will win the election. you don't win the election by talking about the failure of yesterday. >> promises made and promises kept as a theme they keep coming
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back too. what happens on night number two? does the theme advance? >> once again, it is this question about everything donald trump has accomplished. he has his critics, not everything loves everything about donald trump, but you can't argue the fact that he said he was going to do, eight, ten, 12 things, and he has been a bulldog and getting those things done. he's had to use executive power because of the dysfunction of congress and other dynamics, but he has pushed through on the agenda that he ran on and that's a unique thing in politics today. >> thank you. we will see what we get on night number two great i was looking at the south lawn of the white house and there is a kaleidoscope of colors being reflected on the lawn, that will be a primary feature for the next three nights. night number two will feature the first lady from the rose garden. we will see how that goes. hope to see you on cable every day.
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from the foxnews world headquarters in new york, regular programming continues now on this fox talk station, intel then, good night from new york and we will see you tomorrow for night number two. e course of history at ♪ ♪. liz: the gop convention kicks off and president trump looking tout to the president scripted convention, making the case that he's the guy who can sign on behalf of working americans against lisa washington fighting against the men who have been in government since the nixon administration since before the movie forward and jaws and sonny walked in. were talking s joe biden, the mn who promises to fix america with $4 trillion in taxes
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