tv The Evening Edit FOX Business August 25, 2020 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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tomorrow. former civil rights activist bob woodson and general michael flynn's attorney, sidney powell among our guests. please join us for that. and good night from sussex. ♪ liz: tonight the polls showing the democrat convention, trump is holding steady on the economy. it is day two of the republican national convention today among tonight headliners, first lady melania a trump, secretary of state mike pompeo, we have tonight with us from senior advisor david bosley on all of that and top republicans like tim scott now awarding that joe biden and kamala harris are going to try to turn america into a big government socialist utopia. also with us tonight carter page, the man whose life was ruined after he was unfairly
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targeted by the obama administration. when he was charged with no crime at all in the trump pressure probe. we will talk to carter page about his morning that the obama administration insidious overuse of federal power now puts all americans civil liberties at risk and now this, former fbi director james comey is trying to flip the script on this whole story. also tonight top homeland security official on the state of the emergency in wisconsin. after police shooting of a black man sparked rights there. black people feeling unsafe in their community, how to protect black people, how to stop the outrageous happening with people in the community. with african-american communities, to writers, here's a story do writers have to set fire to another american city, you have to burn down innocent local businesses and homes in
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minority neighborhoods to the point where minorities are now fleeing burning buildings, do you have to do all that to tell the world that your protest matters. we got fox news contributor byron york on u.s. ambassador to the united nations, nikki haley at the gop convention contrasting for the trump america's first foreign policy with what nikki haley calls to blame america policies of joe biden of barack obama. some of president trump's influential black supporters declared the gop convention that joe biden is wrong to say there is systemic racism in america and statements like that rip us apart. the statement in the goodness of america, we got with us in fl legend kershaw walker, one of the individual saying that, he's with us tonight. i am elizabeth macdonald, thank you for joining us, "the evening edit" start right now. ♪. liz: thank you for watching, you are with the fox business
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network. it is day two of the gop convention, first lady melania trump headlines tonight's program with remarks on historic and freshly motivated the rose garden. in mike pompeo also slated to speak while he is in jerusalem, he will be the first sitting secretary of state to deliver a speech to a party's political convention in modern times. let's welcome trump 2020 senior advisor david bossie. it's great to have you back on, your thoughts on how it's going tonight's lineup and we have these complaints that pompeo is breaking a long-standing tradition and doing what he's doing tonight. what are your thoughts on all that? >> i am not shocked that the democrats complain, they've complained everything this president has done to make america great again for the last four years. that is no surprise. mike pompeo is an important part of the story that president trump has to tell, he is brokering and the american people are going to be excited to hear about that during tonight's convention. i am excited to hear of the first lady, her story of seeing
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the shining city on the hill that is an important one. it really is going to be a wonderful speech in a warm speech by one of the greatest first ladies we have ever had and she has been maligned in attack and is so unfair of what this family has been put through by the democrats, this week is great for the american people to see all of president trump's family and those that support him, the americans that are telling their story about how they have been impacted by his policies. liz: last night maximo alvarez, florida businessman who fled for all casters cuba from the age of 15, he is warning americans that what he sees from democrats and writers is exactly what he saw in the communist of co-cuba, there saying the same thing and they don't like what the democrats are talking about, can you ask lena? >> ronald reagan says freedom is
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only one generation away from extinction. every generation has the fight for the freedom that we have, we have to protect our republican in our democracy, it's important that we do not and what the gentleman said and it so powerful and i saw with my own eyes, what writers do, what these people do that are anarchist and what they did in cuba, i escaped that to come here to have the freedom and have opportunity to have hope and that's what tonight is going to be about in this whole week, we're going to do that with the democratic party convention that it was dour and dark because they hate this president, they hated him for four years and we are hear them talking about her positive policy for the american people in our agenda for the american people for the next four years. i'm excited to see a. liz: mr. alvarez is talking about the false promises that have spread the wealth and free healthcare, guaranteed those are
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the exact same promises were heard coming out of cub cuba and venezuela, the new political morning shows the races up for grabs, no biden down from the trump convention, trump holding steady in the economy, nearly half say he is equipped to handle the economy, that is more than biden preheat holding steady with hispanics. watch senator tim scott on the economy. >> make no mistake, joe biden m kamala harris want a cultural revolution, fondly different america if we let them, they will turn our country into a socialist utopia. history has taught us that past only leads to pain and misery, especially for hard-working people hoping to rise. instead, we must focus on the promise of the american journey.
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liz: let's stay on this for a second, joe biden wants to raise taxes by $4 trillion, that's putting 4 trillion in the hands of u.s. government. many people are saying u.s. government is already big, they are to have socialist speeches. all the things that joe biden kamala harris want you will need a bigger powerful irs for taxpayers to pay for what they want. your reaction? >> tim scott is a tremendous spokesperson for our cause and i'm so glad he was on last night. we need to protect the american people from the big overreaching government that he was talking about and what president trump want is a smaller more efficient government, that's what he's been working towards and that's why he fights the deep state actors all the time, people who were in there for generations and 20, 30, 40 years, not minding the policy of his administration but their own. so the government gets too big, too powerful and the american people are getting a taste of that with the mask mandates.
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with shutting down their businesses and their schools, their picking the government, winners and losers. walmart and target and kmart get to stay open because the government deems itself but small businessmen and women across the country have been closed. it is upside down in the american people are getting a full taste of what a socialist government can do and i think they'll reject it and that's what president trump will get reelected in november. liz: the debate, joe biden has been around since the nixon a administration, around the time of the caser. is he the guy can fix government since he's been around when congress was only enjoying ten or 15% approval rating. he wants to put 4 trillion new taxes on the u.s. economy but he says it will shut down the u.s. economy due to covid-19.
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i want to get to this, what was your reaction, i want to hear your reaction to cnn chris cuomo saint cnn does not fact check democrats. watch this. >> you can fact check this convention all night, people are saying you did not fact check the democrats, they are not lying the way trump does. liz: don't fact check the policy creams, your reaction to that question when. >> is just cnn and msb and see, that's what they have been doing for four years, they hold this president is like this president, they show it. were not surprised but we will put on our show this week to show the american people who the republican party is and who president donald trump is and who is going to be for the next four years. liz: here's the thing, andrew pollick, his daughter meadow was shot dead in the marjory stoneman douglas shooting, he is doing what cnn is not doing, he's fact checking joe biden.
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he fact check his false claims during his vice presidency, that shooting actually took place after biden left office, watch andrew pollick here. >> is not to tell how much mr. biden understands what happened. he said he was vice president would happen, but he was not. mr. biden may not know when my daughter was murdered but i do. february 14, 2018, mr. biden may not know that these policies make shootings more likely but i do. mr. biden may not know who is vice president that day but i do. it was not joe biden, it was mike pence. thank god. i learned that gun-control laws did not fail my daughter, people did. the school did not miss the red flags, they ignored them. liz: here's the thing, when
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people are watching the republican convention and then they watch the coverage of the democrat convention in there watching the media coverage, people right now want policy debate, is not been served to them by msnbc and cnn? >> clearly it is not an mr. pollock's words are so important because if you look at the connection of what the democrats want to do when they're trying to defund the police department, and not supporting, joe biden has not stood up one time to say he supports the women and men in blue and he will have their backs like president trump has, mr. pollock understands destroying police departments absolutely impacts our children and our children in schools when we send our kids to school, we want them to be safe and that is what mr. pollock is talking
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about, these policies are out of touch but the connection between destroying police departments and defunding these police departments in school safety are absolutely connected and that's an important message. liz: and removing police security from school. that is the rest of the debate. >> absolutely. that is very important for the american people to hear that those two things are connected. liz: that's what's been debated about the democrats. thank you for joining us, good to see you. coming up we are bringing on carter page, he is the man whose life was ruined after being unfairly targeted by the obama administration when he was never charged with a crime. he's going to talk about his warning that the obama administration insidious overuse of federal power puts your civil liberty at risk, carter page next.
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find a stock based on your interests or what's trending. get real-time insights in your customized view of the market. it's smarter trading technology for smarter trading decisions. fidelity. liz: watch hillary clinton reveal what critics warned about the abuses of power under the obama administration. it's about democrats winning no matter the cost. here is hillary clinton advising joe biden don't conceive even if you lose. >> at least we know more about what they're going to do and joe biden should not concede, this will drag out and eventually i do believe he will win if we don't give an inch.
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liz: lex welcome the man at the center of the trump russia contribution. he is a former u.s. navy lieutenant and a graduate of annapolis and the foreign policy advisor to donald trump and the author of a new book abuse and power, how an innocent american was strained against the president. we welcome carter page two the show, great to see you, thank you so much for joining us. what were your thoughts on hillary clinton said. >> it's just a complete detachment from reality, we've been hearing a lot of the same message from theme very beginni, as there were stories right after president trump was elected in november of 2016, immediately the clinton campaign and otherve operatives from the democratic party were planning this push against him, is really just a continuation of exactly what we've seen with one false story after another
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unfortunately. liz: the obama administration decided on you for 11 months, you are never charged with any crime, you've had death threats in the public county new in your life and business ruined, can you talk to us about that? liz: unfortunately, it was a really terrible cast of characters, the obama biden a administration coordinated or had an operation with the democrat national committee and their various operatives led by fusion gps and christopher steele, this all started way back early in 2016, i continued escalating throughout the presidential campaign, through president trump's transition. and throughout the early years of his unfortunately, it was all as we now know entirely based on
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complete made up lies. the other aspect is, the u.s. intelligence community, when the democratic national committee various operatives were working on this, unfortunately they were feeding it to the fbi and other elements of the u.s. intelligence community as well as the d.o.j. which then led as you are alluding to the fisa warrant against myself as a way of spying on president trump's campaignnt transition and into s new a administration. liz: let's pull this together, the hillary clinton campaign and the dnc with anti-trump opposition research combos proved to be debunked a discredited pre-that was good to be used for hillary clinton to contest the 2016 election if she lost but made its way into the i fbi.
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government documents show that in august 2016 the cia told james comey trump russia team, you are a trusted source for the cia with china the middle east and russia. but then they cover that up in doctorate withn an e-mail to get fisa wiretaps on you, did you ever tell the fbi, did you ever tell anyone in the fbi that you were a trusted cia source and what were the dates that you told them that? >> i sent a letter to then director james comey on sunday september 25, 2016, just about six or seven weeks before the 2016 election informing him how all of the dossier lies which the democrats were pushing to the media, it made no sense whatsoever at the risk of stating the obvious. unfortunately, i offered to speak with fbi who i'd worked with for many years over a decade and unfortunately, they
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never called me back but during the same period the paid consultants of the dnc had the long series of meetings which led to fraudulent fisa warrant being submitted in the district court and the district of columbia, the federal court leading to all kinds of crimes in the first of what you alluded to a bit later. liz: you're going to come back to us after the break, we have a hard break coming up. a final word, you told the fbi you are trusted cia source and that would explain all of your contacts with russia, china in the middle east but the fbi set that aside. you told him you are a cia source? >> i alluded to it and i said pleasese contact me because there's more i can explain. they never contacted me for five months. liz: instead they wiretapped you. stay rightht there, we have a lt
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still with us. we have a lot more questions for him. let's talk about the fbi under the obama administration the abuse of the fisa court meant to go after terrorists, talk to us about the fisa wiretaps that were used on you by the fbi, to hop coverage, they not only got your electronic records but did they get trump's electronic records as well, and through his first eight months of the white house, did that happen? >> i tried to be very respectful of the privacy of others and unfortunately after everything that happened to me personally, all i can say that some of the people who are actually speaking at the rnc convention this week are individuals whose e-mails were hacked and potentially even the conversations we had were wiretapped. so it really is absolutely terrible.
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and to the extent of this, it's not just my privacy my civil rights but the civil rights of so many other innocent america americans. liz: did the fbi spy on president trump through the fisa wiretaps, the fisa wiretaps on you did it go o after trump that way? >> absolutely. this goes to the big controversy, back in march of 2017, president trump accurately tweeted that they were wiretapping trump tower and i had my office building is right next door to trump tower and i was always going through there, by definition is absolutely what happened, not to mention the fact that so many people associated with him including senior members of the trump administration who i had phone calls within e-maile communication with, all of our communications were illegally surveilled, hacking and
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wiretapping. liz: i want to move on to this, talk to us about the grand jury probe run by the mueller, the special counsel) turn pro. how is it possible that a democrat campaign donor who represented hillary clinton in the e-mail scandal in the clinton foundation contributed democrat organizations which funded the steel steele dossierw is it that jeannie reese ended up interrogating you at the grand jury? >> the worst thing about it, earlier that year there was a big controversy about then, attorney general jeff sessions recusing himself, this is a guy who had practically very little interaction with president trump as a candidate. meanwhile and also in the same department of justice, meanwhile
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you have this person really putting you through the ringer along with the two other democrat donors by the way and unfortunately, there is no refusal or conflict of interest, it is consistent with everything we've seen throughout this entire sham proceeding from the very beginning, to systems of justice, one for trump supporters in the other for the washington establishment and other people. just totally crazy. liz: you are basically terrorized and not accused of any crime whatsoever, talk to us about former fbi director james comey, he is now claiming in a washington post op-ed, if trump's becomes, nobody is safe and basically all americans are at risk, people in power will be coming after you, all of us, that is what comey is saying about trump, but senator grassley says wait a second if
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comey and the fbi in the obama administration officials who went after regular americans and is threatening american civil liberties, your reaction to that? >> mr. comey is the world record holder provides abuse, of the terrible warnings, he signed a maximum three, one before the election, one during the transition. in one just before he was fired. unfortunately to your point on terror. i actually told mr. kleinsmith, one of his lawyers and the fbi at the time about all the terror threats that i was getting not only did he dotl nothing about t but i continued getting threatening calls for over half a year longer but unfortunately as you are justt alluding to in some of the bad acts, it was a couple of months later that we ended up having a terrible escalation of the fisa abuse with the final fisa warrant that
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rod rosenstein signed int june f 2017 and false pleadings which were included in there by mr. kleinsmith and the other 00falsehoods that peel back the hundred page document. liz: we are soak sorry what happened to you. a final question, i hate to follow up like this. who exactly was calling you on the phone and terror raising you. >> there were a range of people but i actually have been based in oklahoma for a long time, a number of terror calls from numbers in oklahoma and unfortunately i told the fbi, i big them for their help, they did absolutely nothing and then the abuses continued for over half a year later.
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liz: i wish we had more time, i'm so sorry we ran out of time, will you come back on the show we'd love to talk to you more. get carter's pages book, abusive powers, a terrific guest for a lot of insight and he serves our country, thank you for serving our country. come back soon. >> taken for everything liz, absolutely. liz: up next, top homeland security official consistent ally on the emergency of kenosha wisconsin after shooting a black man, black black americans don't feel safe, they set fire to another macon city, you have to bring down innocent local businesses owned by minorities, do you have to bring down homes and minority neighborhoods to the point where people are clean burning buildings to tell the world that your protest matters. that story next.
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emergency curfew declared in kenosha wisconsin, a violent rioting after video surface appear to show police shooting a black man in the back multiple times. that man reportedly in stable t he still is in intensive care, local residents warning they are not stopping riders attacking and burning down local businesses in low-income areas. in like the car dealership, of kenoshahe city being burned out of their homes according to local reports and apartment building was set on fire there. let's welcome back to the show, acting deputy secretary homeland security kenom cuccinelli. your thought, is this the way to reform the system, african-americans don't feel safe, yes expressed outrage over the death of breonna taylor, george floyd, freddie gray, eric gardner, what happened there is a disgrace but do you have to set fire to another american city to tell the world that your protest matters?
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>> of course not, it's criminal act unto itself that is completely unconnected to the original act they are complaining about or allegedly complaining about. let's be clear, a lot of this is violent opportunism and people like that, the looters and the burners and the destroyers, they distract if you watch the video of what happened in kenosha, discussion needs to be have, that needs to be understood and just like the george floyd situation which is so tragic and the killing of george floyd, so much of the violence that happened after that gets in the way of having a public discussion, what changes might keep this from happening. what do we need to think about from government standpoint about policing. all those constructive discussions get swept aside by violence and destruction into one of your original point, the
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neighborhoods typically most negatively affected our poor neighborhoods which are disproportionally a minority and frankly they need policing the most because there is the most threats. so all of those things washed together and it's very tragic to see what's happening in kenosha right now. liz: the criticism of joe biden, the heroes are not condemning the rioting in the looting and the thing is nixoned was electe, riots did help elect nixon in 1968, this is a factor in the 2020 race wisconsin happens to be a very crucial swing state, your reaction to that. >> certainly and 68 you have the riots going on, most famously at the democrat national convention in chicago but now what we are seeing is spikes in violence in cities that have been dominated
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by left-wing liberal politics for ten, 20, 3050 years. at the same time yeah violent outburst that are being sparked by incidents like we saw in kenosha the last couple of days but are not related to it, it is become an excuse for the violence and that scares people. that is mob violence and when you got somebody politicians that will not condemn it, it is not just the ones that you would named, i was in front of the senate committee were a good third of them have not said anything negative that i was aware of about the people committing violence, everybody's happy with protesters but not violence. liz: watched the footage, woman getting punched in the face for not wearing a mask which is getting communion at a catholic church in philadelphia. let's roll tapeha on that.
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you are going to see, watch herd approach and watch that. that happened to her. let's watch protesters verbally attack minorities, african-american hispanic law enforcement officials, we are going to roll on this, let's listen to the sound of the protesters attack a minority of law enforcement. [bleep] [shouting] [bleep] [shouting] liz: we are going to keep continuing rolling on this. your response to what is going on in the streets of america right now. >> first of all, everybody watching should be thinking law enforcement for keeping them safe but let's pay special attention to black and hispanic law enforcement officers who were taking crab like that and staying disciplined and doing
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their job at a professional level that under those circumstances, i think a lot of people watching you and would say i would not keep my cool and yet they are, that is our moral behavior right there and that is the discipline and restraint that 99.9% of the time characterizes american law enforcement and were very blessed to have it. liz: thank you for joining us, come back soon. >> my pleasure, good to be with you. liz: coming up fox news contributor byron ne new york ai haley at the national convention last night contracting american foreign policy, this is what nikki haley calls blame america for its policies of joe biden and barack obama. that story next. drivers save 4! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!!
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>> obama and biden that north korea threaten america. president trump ejected that weakness and we pass the toughest sanctions on north korea in history. obama and biden let tehran get away with murder and literally sent them a plane full of cash, president trump did the right thing and ripped up the yard run nuclear deal, obama and biden led the united nations to denounce our friend and ally israel, president trump moved our embassy to jerusalem and when the un tried to condemn us, i was proud to cast the main computer. liz: that was former un ambassador nikki haley at the national convention last night contracting trumps america first foreign policy with what nikki haley called the blame america first policy. let's welcome fox news contributor byron york back to
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the show. it's always great to see you, what was your reaction to nikki haley speech? >> it was a pretty ringing defense of trump foreign policy by every republican for the possible 2024 candidate, you just heard them depending what the president has done, number of things and theng middle east and destroyed isis and other accomplishments and you did hear reminders of what happened in american foreign policy when barack obama was president and joe biden, the vice president, if you remember early on and president obama's first term, he went on what was called an apology to her, and around the world apologizing for bad things the united states has done it's something that did not sit well with all with republicans in a number of independence as well.
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it was no accident that nikki haley reminded people that last night. liz: i our intelligence officias deserve a lot of credit for what is going on in foreign policy as well, let's go through, before president trump we had al-qaeda, 9/11, the catastrophef of iraq, what was going on inn, afghanistan, america's longest war, the collapse of u.s. authority of syria and libya and the rise of isis and we had russia pushing into eastern europe and the rise of china, your take on what analysts are saying the president has reformed u.s. policy on the middle east, china and what is going on in europe. >> obviously the president hope for a big breakthrough in trade with china and that is in tatters at the moment after the coronavirus issue and some other issues in trade. that's a real problem right now. but in other areas, as far as
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europe is conferring the president has stood up to nato in a way that i think a lot of americans would've wanted to do but didn't do but nato should pay his fair share that was remarkably controversial early on in the president's term, if it's entirely with where his foreign-policy is and then there's the issue of afghanistan where we invaded in late 2001, november, december, 2001 and its august of 2020 and we are still there, the president has reduced the amount of american troops and will probably reduce it to a smaller number by the end of his first term. liz: byron york, it's great to see you, come backu. soon. >> thank you. list. liz: next up president trump's
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influential black supporters declaring at the gop convention that joe biden is wrong to say there is systemic racism in america, they believe in the goodness of america but the democrats are ripping us apart on race issues in nfl football loved until legend kershaw walker is one of the individual saying all of that, he is our guest just ahead. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i'm a verizon engineer, and i'm part of the team building the most powerful 5g experience for america. it's 5g ultra wideband, and it's already available in parts of select cities. like los angeles and in new york city. and it's rolling out in cities around the country. with massive capacity, it's like an eight lane highway compared to a two lane dirt road. 25x faster than today's 4g networks.
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that's ♪. elizabeth: the black vote, again, key in the 2020 race. black voters correctly called liz: the black vote, key in the 2020 race, they calledmo the winner more than half the time since the '90s, president trump got less than 10% of the black vote four years ago in most of his term jobless race america hit record those, racism factor 2020,ic joe biden claims america has systemic racism. let's welcome kershaw walker. it is great to see you again. what are your thoughts and all of this? >> it is sad and very painful that vice president biden said we have systemic racism whinnies been in office for 47 years and if he's been in office that long, why didn't he do somethini about it the whole time he's
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been in office. i take it as my responsibility to speak on behalf of this president here because i've known him half of my life. and i know that he is not racist, i've been around him and his family y for years and at al those years, this president has never asked me too speak up for him during all the name-calling that he received but yet i've seen the other side, if you want to speak on his behalf. i decided i wanted to speak on this president's behalf and he did not ask me too do that, that was something i wanted to do. liz: why did you want to do it, i think the gop convention her true soul to hear the president being called a racist. >> i think it was my duty to speak out and i told someone the other day, i said if i was voting for biden and i still had been friends at president trump
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for 37 years, i still would've spoken up for him and said this man is not a racist, i think the american people deserve to know the truth, they deserve to know the truth to vote on the most powerful man in the world. so why would you not want to know the truth abouttr it. and i know this man's family and another presidents family, i ate with his family, i kept little donald, they're not little anymore, they were with me a lot of the times. and i know for a fact what racism is and i know what it's not and it's sad that we have people in washington in congress or in the senate that abused the word racism like they've narrowed it down. i know what racism is, just because you disagree with someone does not mean you're racist. liz: senator tim scott nikki haley last night said, i think you would agree with this, there is goodness in america that america is not systemically
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racist, there is not systemic racism in r america, there are problems that need to be for sure ind fixed the reform needed to be done. do you think there is systemic racism inno america? >> first of all i tell people to look up the word, one thing i did was educate myself, they kept using the word systemic racism, one thing i looked it up, it's embedded as a norm. we just got over a black president for eight years and 30 something years, that could not omhave happened, 30 something years ago. we have more african-american alien years in the united states, that could not of happened 30 years ago. so we can be systemic racism. so we have that we have to fix but not systemic racism like something is not the norm. when they talk about the police brutality, there are some police officers that are doing something wrong but not all. 99% of the police officers are very good people and they want to go home with her family like everyone else.
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so we cannot say this is happening all the time, the problem i say, it is herschel walker and i'm going to blame myself because i needed to get to some of the african-american neighborhoods and show the young kids that you can overcome different things that are going on in your life. i'm not going to blame anyone else. the lord has blessed herschel walker to put me in this position so i reach back and help other people as well. i tell people in my neighborhood and my hometown that is my responsibility to help other people as well and i should help some people in those cities that i knew that needed african-american leadership there. i should've done that. liz: herschel walker, enjoys great to have you on, i'm so sorry remain out of time. i wish we had an hour to talk to, you're always great to have on. football legend, good to see you my friend come back soon. >> thank you. liz: i'm elizabeth macdonald, you been watching "the evening edit" on fox business.
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thank you so muchan for watching and have a goo good evening. ♪ >> a precious heirloom... >> "this was once the property of george washington." you're a v.i.p. >> [ laughing ] yeah. >> ...and the pride of a modest family. >> my father was a truck driver. we got along, but we were very frugal. >> so how did she end up with washington's wallet? >> are you a descendant of george washington? >> no, i'm not. and it's quite a long story. >> a story about love of country... >> we want these things because we want a connection to these men. >> ...the allure of big bucks... >> i established a value for the wallet. >> it was a lot of money. >> ...and some good old-fashioned intrigue... >> someone took the wallet and disappeared. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ un
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