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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 29, 2020 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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please join us then. the republicans brought in 76 million during their convention. the democrats, they brought in 70 million. and that's it for us. have a great weekend. good night from sussex. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: tonight, president trump holding a campaign rally in new hampshire, hitting the trail. we're going to monitor any news there for you. with us tonight, rnc committee woman for california harmeet dhillon on people saying, enough is enough. voters, including minorities, saying throw the book at rioters, arrest them, shut them down after the mayhem that happened after the gop convention in washington, d.c. last night. do you have the right to peacefully assemble? you don't is have the right to loot, attack and destroy. senator rand paul and his wife were chased. trump supporters, senior citizens harassed and attacked. the question, what if the tea
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party went after a democrat senator or democrat supporters like this? what would the media say? all this happening after 30 people now dead since may due to the unrest. businesses and entire urban centers destroyed. even as top police union chief in new york city now says the democrat mayor bill de blasio, you've got to step down by sun down tonight because you've failed this country. harmeet dhillon on that. plus, 2016 republican presidential candidate bobby jindal with us on the parents of kayla mueller, murdered by isis. speaking out last night at the gop convention. their harrowing story that they begged president obama and his administration for help, but they refused to talk to them and only did so after isis leader al-baghdadi had kayla murdered. and joe concha on the breakdown
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in the media after months of chaos, the media finally waking up as riots hit the 2020 race. this debate, is the silence from democrats for months and silence if media for months on en, did that giving increasing agency to the rioting and9 looting? also with us tonight retired i.c.e. acting director ronald patel low on a new and tire warning, the united nations' 50 member companies now warning the world about something we sounded the alarm about, a warning to stop the distracting, petty d.c. media with squabble. transnational criminals including drug and human traffickers are getting together in prison, they're cooperating now with terrorists, and they're moving fast to try to exploit covid-19 shutdowns and weak borders around the world including here in the united states. i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. thanks for joining us. ♪ mug. ♪
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♪ elizabeth: welcome to the show, you're watching the fox business network. let's watch president trump accepting the nomination last night. >> tonight i ask you a simple question, how can the democrat party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country? joe biden and his supporters remain completely silent about the rioters and criminals spreading mayhem in democrat-run cities. november 3rd -- [applause] we will make america saferring or we will make -- safer, we will make america stronger, we will make america prouder, and we will make america greater than ever before. i love you all, god bless you and god bless america. [cheers and applause] elizabeth: okay. the president. that was the president last
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night. reaction pouring in throughout the day today. people have had it, enough is enough. voters, including minorities, saying throw the book at rioters after the mayhem in d.c. last night. senator rand paul and his wife were chased. senior citizens, trump supporters harassed and attacked. you have the right to peacefully assemble, you do not have the right to loot and destroy. 30 people now dead in the unrest since may, businesses and entire you are urban center destroyed. it's not just about making america great again, it's about making america safe again. let's welcome harmeet dhillon. it's great to have you back on the show. what if the tea party went after a democrat senator or attacked people and looted buildings? what would happen then? >> well, of course there would be an outrage, as there should be, but, of course, the tea party would do that, and there was no such rioting or controversy after last week's democratic convention in any way. we just don't act like that, so
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we have a double standard in our media and in what we tolerate as a society, unfortunately. elizabeth: yeah. senator rand paul has sponsored and backed multiple criminal justice reform bills. people are saying enough is enough because state and local officials are getting criticized for not doing enough and stepping up to do more to shut it down. 17 cities hit with riots and protests. but your reaction to the immediacying this is all over-- media saying this is overblown? >> we can all see as americans what is happening in our cities. in my own city of san francisco, we had rioting and looting at the earliest opportunity several months ago and throughout the united states in blue states shop fronts are boarded up. and that's not because they're afraid covid is going to come in through the windows, they're afraid that opportunists are going to take advantage and loot has nothing to do with racial justice at all. we've seen it in minneapolis, we've seen it in kenosha, in so many other cities in america,
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and it is disgraceful. and as african-americans and other minorities began to look at this and see how poorly it reflects on the movement for racial justice which is, of course, an important one in our country, people are backing away and distancing themselves from the marxist influence that founded black lives matter's corporate movement. elizabeth: you know, when you brought that up, they're reporting -- their reporting has been criticized because the protesters are claiming the republicans want to bring back the confederacy and jim crow. that's not what's going on, right? >> well, who's standing for that? there's no republican standing for any of that. in fact, president trump has been one of the strongest in history, if not the strongest, on criminal justice reform in all of the years that barack obama was in office, what did he do for racial justice. he did nothing for racial justice. in fact, it is joe biden's policies during the clinton era
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and legislation that he proposed that put many african-americans in jail, many life sentences. we heard from some of those people who have been pardoned by the president sentencing for crack cocaine, for example. so the president -- and, by the way, rand a paul -- are among two of the biggest advocates for equality and justice in our cup. and increasingly minorities are recognizing that. the president did quite well with african-american and latino voters, our party did even better in the midterms, and i think democrats are very scared that the president's going to reach historical vote totals from those communities. because those communities recognize that the president is is the president for them and has risen their opportunity, jobs, expansion of businesses and protected all of their businesses with the ppp. elizabeth: you know, ivanka trump spoke last night, the first daughter said it's not about fixing problems, or
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they're behaving that way to they can blame the other side in order to stay in power. she knows her father's communication style and tweets may not be to everyone's taste, that he is hard to take sometimes, but she's saying and his supporters are saying he's getting stuff done despite the house not working with him at all. your reaction to ivanka trump here. >> well, absolutely. i think the president has absolutely forged ahead even despite lack of support from from, frankly, both parties in the legislature. and he's doing what he thinks is right for america, and he's done that since day one, and i think the american people see that. today the democrats were standing in the way of economic relief for america, democrat were standing in the way of some of these justice reforms, and it's democrats who don't want to see republicans take the lead on these issues as they have failed to lead for so many decades in power. elizabeth: last night was a
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night of moving imagery again. ann dorn, the widow of retired police captain david dorn, says she hopes sharing her horrific story would stop what's going on. >> they shot and killed david in cold blood and then live streamed his execution and his last moments on earth. david's grandson was watching the video on facebook in realtime, not realizing he was watching his own grandfather dying on the sidewalk. i learned of all this around four a.m. when our doorbell rang. the chief of police was standing outside. i wondered why dave had not answered the door. i let in the chief and fighting back tears he utter the words every officer's spouse dreads.
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violence and destruction are not legitimate forms of protest. elizabeth: you know, she went on to say that president trump has offered federal help to restore order in communities. your reaction to ann dorn here? >> well, i mean, it's tragic. i had tears in my eyes, i'm sure most americans did when they were watching that. you know, we know where the president stands, and ann dorn explained that to the people. what do the democrats stand? kamala harris has repeatedly called for doations to the bail funds for rioters and looters in american cities. that's where she stands. and as the attorney general of california, what did she do for criminal justice reform or african-americans? she put a lot of people in jail, but she did nothing to make sentencing disparities more fair or anything like that. so the disparity and the dichotomy between the two choices could not be more clear. only president trump has solutions for inequities in our society and is lifting up people who have been discriminated against. democrats are offering more of
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the same. they totally have failed the african-american community, and that's why you're seeing so many leading democrats including legislators, mayors, community leaders, pastors, business owners flock to support president trump for his re-election. and those are people who may not have supported him in 2016, but he has walked the walk and talked the talk. elizabeth: harmeet dhillon, thanks forren joining us. come back soon. >> my pleasure. thank you. elizabeth: we've got a special programming note. on wednesday, september 2nd at 2 p.m. eastern time, charles payne will be doing a virtual town hall. he's going to have special guests who are going to answer your questions with. message fox business on facebook or instagram or e-mail your questions to invested in that's going to be an exciting event. coming up, the parents of kayla mueller murdered by isis? their harrowing story at the rnc convention last night.
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isis leader al-baghdadi had kayla murders. we bring on 2016 republican presidential candidate bobby jindal on how that's a far cry from the trump administration and how they responded to the family. that story coming up. that story coming up. ♪ we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but, we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired, expired... expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. did you get my friend request? uh, i'll have to check. (doorbell ringing) aunt joni's here! for bundling made easy, go to hello? ( ♪ ) ♪ i need it so bad don't call it a hobby. it's way more than just a job. this is how we live every single day. can we go and play? (roaring of engines) ( ♪ )
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: the parents of kayla mueller, she was a humanitarian worker in syria, she was murdered by isis, they told her harrowing story at the gop
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convention last night. they said also that they begged president obama and joe biden and his administration for help but that they refused to talk to them and only did so after isis leader al-baghdadi had had kayla murdered. watch this. >> kayla was mostly held in a 12x12 cell in solitary confinement. it was cold and dirty. isis terrorists shined bright lights in her face. they a shaved her head, they beat her and tortured her. the leader of isis, al-baghdadi, raped her repeatedly. for 18 months she endured, and we endured in an agonizing back and forth between us, the obama administration and isis. we put all our faith in the government, but the government let us down. president obama refused to meet with us until isis had already beheaded other americans. to this day, we never heard from joe biden. the administration showed more
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concern for the terrorists in guantanamo than the american hostages in syria. elizabeth: let's welcome former louisiana governor and 2016 republican presidential candidate bobby gyp call the. governor, your -- bobby jindal. governor or your thoughts? >> look, when you hear those parents, it's heartbreaking to hear just their misery of losing their daughter. any parent that's a ever had to bury a child, your heartbreaks for them. a reminder of the evil that's radical islam. contrast president trump's approach and joe biden's approach. look, the radical left won't even let you say radical islamic terrorism. they accuse you of being politically incorrect. when it came time to kill osama bin laden, biden was against that. trump killed the iranian commander that was helping isis. you remember president obama called isis the jv team. it was president trump that gave
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the military authority they needed to roll back, eradicate isis, get rid of isis' territory and now beginning to bring our troops back. you look at the contrast, look, bob gates who worked for president obama said that joe biden has been wrong on every major policy decision in the last four decades, nearly every major policy decision he's been wrong. so you've got a real contrast. president trump takes the threat of islamic terrorism seriously. he went after isis, he went with after soleimani. obviously, our heartbreaks for those parents and, obviously, we pray for them. elizabeth: another trump delta force took outal al-baghdadi. kayla mueller was raped and killed by isis leaders, not sure if al-baghdadi did it, but isis did kill her. her parents said they never got sympathy or heard from the obama administration until after people were being beheaded. again, al-baghdadi was killed in october 2019 in a raid on his
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compound in northwestern syria. that operation, her father thanked the present administration for naming that operation after kayla mueller, it was carried out by the u.s. army's elite delta force. you know, governor, al-baghdadi was responsible for horrific and depraved violence including the deaths of americans james foley along with kayla mueller. they publicly beheaded more than 300 people, killed thousands of prisoners of war. now, we understand under the obama administration osama bin laden was taken out, but this was a rise of isis. can you talk more about that? >> look, president obama was very naive when it came to confronting our enemies abroad. he had these political deadlines, these political goals. you look at what trump did, one of the first things he did not only did he unleash the military when it came to defeating isis,
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he also withdrew us from that foolish deal with iran. instead he has sided cryptly with israel -- consistently with israel. recently we got this deal between israel and the uae, more stability in that region. president trump understands the threat posed by radical islamic terror. he understands this is an evil ideology bent on wiping out the west and our beliefs. this is not a group you can't negotiate with, you can't compromise. you need to kill them. that's the best way to deal with them. president trump understands that. pram la ma and joe biden did not understand that. joe biden was opposed to the raid that killed osama bin laden. looking forward, look, there's a pattern here. joe biden was not tough enough on iran, he won't be tough enough on china the. president trump understands when he talks about america first and putting american national security and american economic interests first, this is what he
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means. he means take on radical islamic to terrorism, protecting innocent americans held captive abroad. i think it's a great contrast with joe biden's approach to foreign policy. again, it was a democratic cabinet member, or a remin serving in the democratic candidate, gates, who said biden has been consistently wrong for four decades. elizabeth: okay. governor, thanks for joining us. good to see you again. come back soon. >> thank you for having me. elizabeth: next up, this hot debate that the rest of the media is finally waking up to the chaos as riots hit the 2020 race. we're going to talk to former cincinnati mayor ken blackwell about what took them so long. that story next. ♪ ♪ hey, can i... hold on one second... sure. okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!!
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just am not seeing the reporting on it that i had. >> that's right. but they're not going to stop. they're not going to stop, and that's -- this is a movement. i'm telling you, they're not going to stop. and everyone beware, because they're not going to stop, it's -- they're not going to stop before election day in november, and they're not going to stop after election day. and that should be -- everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't -- they're not going to let up and they should not. and we should not. elizabeth: black voices for trumped advisory member ken blackwell. mayor, your thoughts here? >> look, in 19 -- in the mid '60s, martin luther king framed our challenge as a nation. he said chaos or community. we can frame the situation that we're faced with now in america, chaos or community. what the senator was saying was that their side has chosen chaos
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as a political strategy. the difference here is that the president understands that the rule of law and public safety are pillars of our foundation that, in fact, give withs us the opportunity to be a more perfect union and community. that's the challenge here. and what's happening now are large blocs of voters in challenged areas are starting to see clearly the choice. and they're choosing the president's commitment to public safety and the rule of law. finish. elizabeth: you know, the protester rhetoric are not getting fact checked, republicans are resurrecting the con fed racy e and jim crow, they're patently false, totally wrong and erroneous. let's watch clarence henderson on the protesters.
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>> black lives matter is not a civil rights movement, they are marxist, they have toll who they are, and their intentions are to tear down the fabric of america. elizabeth: okay. if cnn is waking up, don lemon saying biden and harris have to come out and do the right thing and say the rioting has to stop, but three months ago don lemon said, you know, the protests and rioting is needed to restructure u.s. society. he made words to that effect. do you think that's, how the media's covering is it is too little too late? >> absolutely. look, they have been just absorbed in trump derangement syndrome. and as a consequence, again, they saw chaos as a political tool. the president sees the rule of law and public safety as essential to making a more solid
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community and nation. and that's the difference. what's happening now is that their polling numbers are starting to say voters are clearly making the choice, and now they're trying to scramble. but what happens? if they scramble, you know, toward public safety and the rule of law, they alienate the folks who are driving their strategy right now, black lives matter and antifa and the disrupters of our community across the nation. elizabeth: you know, today democratic congresswoman sheila jackson from texas was at the rally in washington. she said, quote, we asked you not to send tweets that were attacking you as a mob because a militia walks around freely, walks freely and shoots us without anyone's concern. your quick reaction to that, because i need to get to this next story before we have a hard break. go ahead. >> real quick, explee other --
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lee and others have always been talking about defund the police. what the president talked about is defend our safety forces. that's the difference, and they now know that the majority of the american people are, in fact, leaning in the president's direction because they want safe communities, good schools and prosperous cities. elizabeth: the media outlet politico getting blasted for this tweet attacking criminal justice reform activist alice johnson who spoke at the gop convention in support of trump. the president commuted her life sentence for drug crimes, and the president today granted her a full pardon. she's criminal justice reform activist. politico is claiming that johnson was, quote: propped up by trump as a beneficiary of criminal justice reform. propped up, is that the right word to use? >> no, it's not propped up. look, there are -- whether it
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was the efforts by a host of christian faith-based nonprofits that go into our prisons, they believe in the process of redemption and change, and this president basically said that, in that spirit, i want to create opportunities for people to live constructive lives after they do their time for the crime that they've committed. he, in fact, thought that alice had, in fact, done the time and had changed. and she is a force for good, ands that is something that is a true american story. elizabeth: ken blackwell, thank you for joining us, mayor. great to see you. >> always good to be with you. elizabeth: same here. coming up, the next big event, the debates next month. we're going to take you to steve hilton, host of fox news' "the next revolution." the fault lines are clear. is that the winning message that will hook over swing voters,
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independent voters sitting on the fence? it's also about the struggling u.s. economy. who is the best choice there? biden's backed by the standard agenda of trillions of dollars in new taxes, threat thingenning to shut down the economy again? the choices are clear. that discussion next. ♪ muck in your family,
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: the next big event, the debates next month. the pandemic, fixing an economy struggling to rebound, continued riots. again, the theme is making america safe again as the president talked about. the choice is who is more risky; biden backed by the sanders agenda or trump? let's watch this. >> this election will decide whether we save the american dream or when we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny. joe biden is not a savior of america's soul, he is the destroyer of america's jobs.
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and if given the chance, he will be the destroyer of american greatness. >> everything he says is crew screwed up, you know? he screw up the economy sod baaly the last four years we weren't having racial riots. when they occurred, we didn't is have to call on the national guard. we protected federal property. elizabeth: it should be noted that president obama did call in 1500 national guard troops just sick years ago into ferguson, missouri, saying he will not tolerate looting. let's welcome "the next revolution" host steve hilton. when you hear this debate, what are your thoughts? what's your reaction? >> well, if you believe the polls, and development, but let's just go with the poll for a moment, even at the lowest point for president trump when even things were looking really bad in terms of the virus and the shut idown, he was still ahead of joe joe biden on the economy. when you ask the question who's best to get us out of the economic hole we're in which
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we're already emerging from, i don't think there's any doubt that donald trump wins that argument and will do even better thousand that it's becoming much more of a contest between two competing sets of policies rather than just a referendum on trump. but if you look at the other big issue, the virus, up til now i think the democrats would have thought they had a completely free pass on that. all they've got to do point to what's happened here, distort the statistics and blame trump for mishandling it. but what you saw last night from president trump was a fight-back on the virus. not just defending his record, but i i think the crucial part of the speech in terms of the virus was his use of a phrase we hadn't heard before, and that was the biden shutdown. the president and his team have really jumped on that commitment that biden made in an interview at the end of last weekend where he said, yale, i'll shut down the -- yeah, i'll shut down the economy. i think they're going to really use that. and that means that the virus issue as well as the economy issue, i think in the end, are
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going to play to the president's advantage. elizabeth: yeah. germany's angela merkel, france's leader macron, the leader of italy, they're saying don't shut down the economy, that it was wrong to do that. you're seeing headlines coming out of europe saying it was wrong to shut down the economy and made the matters worse. we didn't shut down the economy in 1918 during the spanish flu. we've stopped large gatherings, that's something different. biden's lead in the polls is now narrowing, democrat pollsters really pan inning now. they've -- panicking now. black and hispanic e voters trended republican in 2016 in the battleground states as well, same for 2018 in the midterms. so when you hear biden say trump destroyed a good economy that we created, here's the thing, here's the big footnote, steve, and i want to see if you agree with me: what biden won't mention is that obama doubled the debt and got trillions of dollars in federal reserve help, right? there was a lot of money pouring into the system. watch for that not to be
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mentioned by biden. am i wrong? >> no, you're completely right. if you look at those important underpinnings of the financial system and the economy, there's no question about the contrast between the records. and then if you look at the kind of people you're talking about, the voters you described, it's not those economic foundations, it's also their daily lived experience. the biden team can say whatever they want, but if you're someone who's not been working for many, many years and then got pulled back into the work force during the trump boom -- and that happen to millions of people because the labor participation rate went up as well as unemployment coming down. that's millions of people who hadn't been working going back into the labor force. many of them women, by the way. and ivanka trump pointed out last night 17% of the new jobs went to women. plus you see the earnings growth. you had the lowest pace. their earnings going up faster than those at the top. hadn't happened for decades. people's real experience is what
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counts. they know that things are going well with donald trump, and i can't believe they won't realize that if they want that to continue, trump is the one to vote for. elizabeth: along with $4 trillion of new taxes the biden wants to put on the economy along with the shutdown. steve, we want to have you back on, you're terrific. always great to welcome back steve hilton. good to see you again. >> it's a pleasure. see you soon. elizabeth: and be sure to check out "the next revolution" with steve hilton sundays at 9 p.m. eastern time on the fox news channel. look at this story coming up, are swing state voters, are independent voters, the voters on the fence, are they really concerned? are they waking up and finally seeing, also have they been watching what's going on? the media's finally waking up. the hill's media reporter joe concha weighs jean, did you know geico is now offering an extra 15% credit on car and motorcycle policies? that's great! that's 15% on top of what geico could already save you. so what are you waiting for?
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>> democrats for over 50 years, and this is the result i think we see that across the country right now in these democrat-run cities. gallup just did a poll where where they showed 81% of black american ors actually want more of a police presence we talked about police reform, and the only way to do that to properly train them, right? you would need more funding. elizabeth: okay. that was maryland republican congressional kim klacik with us last night really laying down, speaking truth to what the media is not reporting and the democrats basically saying defund the police. this is the candidate, republican up and comer kim klacik, she's using the city of baltimore as an example of failed democrat policies over the last five decades. her videos are going viral on social media, she's a powerful
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speaker. let's bring in the hill media reporter joe concha. welcome back to the show, joe. what were your thoughts about this? >> well, i mean, where do i begin, right? i think back to the democratic national convention last week, elizabeth, and the fact they had dozens of speakers over four nights and, of course, kamala harris and joe biden on wednesday and thursday night of last week and not one speaker, not one person from that party broached the riots that we're seeing in portland, seattle, might be cap lis, atlanta, new york, chicago. ic go down the line as far as all the cities, and i'm sure people are watching at home saying this is a major deal. every night on my tv screen i see is police being attacked, i see protesters attacking other protesters if you want to even call them protesters at this point, and i see buildings burning down. and at least one party hasn't been talking about this, joe
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biden just got around to it this week as far as somewhat condemning these riots. in other words, he put out a video on his twitter field and, boy, that's suppose to be good enough. this ends up being now probably a top two issue going into this election i along with the economy and coronavirus, but i don't quite include that because we don't know where we're going to be in november. if we're talking hard issues, economy, who's going to raise or lower your taxes, who's going to keep you safe, those things line up nicely for president trump. elizabeth: you know, the democrats lost in 1968 because of rioting. people are saying, joe, enough enough. you have the right to peacefully assemble, you don't have the right to attack people and loot. nowhere do you have that right in the founding documents of this country. and patrick lynch is the president of the largest police union in new york city, he really went after democrats yesterday at the gop convention. you know, joe, he's saying, you know what? they're creating a public safety disaster with their silence and
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push to defund police, giving agency to what's going on in the streets of this country. the police benevolent association of new york has endorsed the president. let's watch patrick lynch here. >> every day our communities are asking us why is this happening. the answer is simple, the democrats have walked away from us. they have walked away from police officers, and they've walked away from the innocent people we protect. democratic politicians have surrendered our streeteds and our institutions -- streets and our institutions. the loudest voices have taken control, and our so-called leaders are scrambling to catch up with them. in city after city, they've slashed police budgets. they have hijacked and dismantled the criminal justice system. they've passed laws that make it impossible for police officers to do our job effectively. elizabeth: okay. here's the other thing that's happening, joe, there's patrick lynch saying that, we -- and there's, you know, the news from
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the new york city police leader saying, de blasio, you've got to leave by sup down. the -- sun down. the leader of the black lives matter is now saying boycott hollywood. they're going after hollywood now, the protesters are going after hollywood. final word from you, joe? >> hey, it worked with the nba, so why not go after hollywood, right? look -- [audio difficulty] elizabeth: all right, joe, thank you so much. we really appreciate it. coming up, retired i.c.e. acting director ronald vitello on a warning we've been telling you about, the unitedded nations' 50 member countries warning the world about something that is really serious, transnational criminals are meeting up and connecting with terrorists in prison to try to exploit covid-19 chaos around the world and the shutdowns around the world, also weak borders. this is an issue for the united states as well. this story next. ♪
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worth of cocaine. look at this united nations warning. they're out with a serious warning, something we talked about about five monthsing ago. transnational criminals including drug and human traffickers are cooperating and coordinating, meeting terrorists in prison. they're talking about exploiting the chaoses from covid-19 shutdowns around the world and in the u.s. and also weak borders in order to enter countries like america and commit crimes and attack. let's welcome back retired i.c.e. acting director ronald vitello are. sir, when you and i talked about this, that the d.c. media squabbles are distracting from bigger threats, remember, 9/11 was a failure of the imagination? this is a serious issue. your reaction to this report out of the u.n. >> yes, this is very concerning. we want to have a situation where this kind of threat is investigated fully so is that the department was created, the national security agency was watching a threat like this for a long time, ever since 9/11. probably before that. and so this is something that we
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need to take very seriously. you can combat this threat by strong international cooperation, intelligence and diligence at the boarder and in the border security -- border security issue, what are they intent. this is something that is very serious. the department has been quick to handle it but strong international cooperation and intelligence are key to combat a threat like this one. elizabeth: the u.n. said it heard from 50 member countries that the terrorists really benefit and know that they benefit from organized criminal networks like truck and human trafficking -- drug and human trafficking, and they're coordinating and cooperating after meeting in prison. terrorists and the criminal traffickers are using the dark web and incriminated communications to -- encryptedded communications to stay ahead of law enforcement. so they are benefiting off of each other's mutual shared interests and networks. >> yes. this is an unholy allianceful we
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have to do everything we can to combat it, so having good intelligence, having law enforcement officers who are expert at navigating the dark web and undercover operations, intelligence gathering and strong international cooperation, that's how we combat a threat like this. this bears watching. 50 countries are in agreement in this regard, so we've got to do all we can to protect our borders, protect our country and make sure we know who's coming up to that border. that's why intelligence is dekey here. to. elizabeth: authorities get fed up with the d.c. media beltway and their inside the beltway that is distracting from the broad or issues hitting the boarder and what you guys have to deal with. let's watch kim klacik, she talked about, watch this, the nexus between drug cartels and sanctuary cities. watch this. >> there are a lot of bad actors, drug cartels, within some of these major cities, some
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of them want to be sanctuary cities. but those in the community that have migrated here, sometimes they are forced to basically not snitch, you could say, on some of these cartel members that are within the community because they themselves are a afraid of being deported. elizabeth: so what she's saying, ron, is, you know, we've really got to step up and stop this and shut this down can fast. she's saying, you know, don't deport the snitcher, don't go after the snitcher. that's how dire this situation is. she's going to proprose that if she wins the election in november. what are your thoughtses? >> a couple of thicks. i think she's right about sanctuary cities, we should not be where cities, towns and states decide which laws get enforced. having cities and other jurisdictions decide who gets arrested and who doesn't, or i don't think, is a good idea. cartels prey upon people in the country legally and illegally,
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but when they have information that they want to give the government, there are visas set aside for people like that, and they can be protected from immigration and enforcement so long as they're helping the government. so i think the fear about people being arrested just because they're here illegally is one that exists, but i don't think it really would prevent anybody that had information that they wanted to give law enforcement to combat crime or help a victim, there are visas for that specifically. and people can take advantage of that. elizabeth: how worried about, are you about this report coming out of the u.n.? >> yeah, this is something that we've talked about, my former colleagues in the department, since the creation of dhs. this is something we were always very concerned about. like i said, it bears watching. we have to continue to do what a we can to protect and sure our border and use intelligence -- secure our border to prevent that kind of threat. elizabeth: all right.
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ronald vitello, thank you so much for joining us. come back soon. i'm elizabeth mcdonald you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. thank you so much for watching, and we hope you have a great weekend. remember, join us on monday. ♪ >> dad had a talent. >> there's nobody out there who does what he did. he was just that good. >> but it's lost on his son. >> when you're 16 or 17 years old, the last thing you're worried about is your dad up in a building, building models. >> this strange inheritance ultimately brings them together. >> when his father was alive, he did not want larry to touch them, and i can only imagine what he's thinking now. >> how would you describe this inheritance? >> a little bit more of a journey than i was prepared for. >> so, is it time to take a new tack? >> i know you've said, larry, that you'd never seriously considered selling, but now that you hear this... ♪


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