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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  September 9, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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instagram and twitter. follow me at as well. good night from sussex. ♪ elizabeth: tonight more on the trump administration now planning to to pull thousands more troops from iraq and afghanistan. cutting troop presence there, it about in half to stop the endless cycles of war, to fulfill a campaign pledge. a member of norway's parliament nominates the president for a nobel peace prize for achievements in the u.a.e. israeli peace deal. president obama, according norwegian parliamentarian obama won the prize doing far less than president trump. we break it down with white house press secretary brian morgenstern.
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it is a fox business exclusive. president trump on the move in battleground states. details coming in about hard-left groups secretly planning to do street action, unrest in dozens of u.s. cities if biden loses, if joe biden loses, they're planning chaos. republicans led by jim jordan getting major pushback by democrats on gop demands to call a hearing on this new red alarm. mark green from homeland security weighs in. chuck grassley weighs in, another fox business exclusive, peter strzok, the man at the center of the whole bungled trump-russia probe who was fired for anti-trump bias, peter strzok tried to downplay that whole affair. we have the latest what strzok is saying right now. we have with us tonight, young americans for liberty analyst, kristin tate. backlash against democrat governors invoking covid-19 on trump rallies but not on biden
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campaign events. big fight in nevada over trump's rallies there. we have the story. another day, another biden flip-flop. joe biden spending valuable media time explaining yet another big flip-flop as joe biden again did not take answers from reporters on the economy. this time in michigan. we'll talk to former california republican party chair, tom del beccarro on this. you know how you don't want to see the sausage made in d.c. when it comes to law making. you don't want to sit through the embroaderry about flip-flops on campaign trails either. fight for 2020, kamala harris border security criticism, coming back to haunt her in a big way. the pushback against kamala harris brutal attack on border police and border guys there. in her words. we have her words on tape. we have the target of her attack, retired i.c.e. acting director ron vitello joins us tonight with his reaction. thanks for joining us.
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i'm elizabeth macdonald. the evening he had at this time starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. president trump set to pull thousands more troops from iraq and afghanistan, cutting troop presence about in half, down to 3,000 troops in iraq and afghanistan down to 4500. as the president pushes to make good on his campaign promise to break the cycle of endless wars. there are thousands more still in earlies of it troops present in the middle east. we got that story covered for you tonight. this as president trump has been nominated for the 2021 nobel peace prize. again just weeks after helping to broker peace between israel and the u.a.e. days after serbia and kosovo signed an economic normalization agreement in an oval office
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ceremony. welcome white house deputy press secretary brian morgan stern in a exclusive. always great to have your sew. they will join the u.a.e. to sign the peace agreement next week? >> this is first major breakthrough in 26 years when israel normalizing with an arab state, u.a.e. it is a really great road map that other countries will follow. we just had another great announcement that flights to israel will be able to proceed through saudi airspace. that is really wonderful gesture. we're enthusiastic about that. the kosovo-serbia agreement, 21 years in the making. it just shows the president doesn't subscribe to the washington conventional wisdom and that's a good thing because it gets results. we're seeing a more peaceful world on the heals of what you just mentioned, elizabeth. we're drawing down troops and the pentagon has made very clear that is based on conditions on the ground and that we are not
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sacrificing security. we are in fact taking american troops out of harm's way but we are really working towards a more peaceful world in the middle east and elsewhere all around the globe. elizabeth: yeah. there is still 14,000 troops in the middle east in regions for hot spots like syria, right, that is still the case, correct? >> of course. this is about on the ground conditions, maintaining security. making sure that terrorists are of course not allowed to operate. that they're not allowed to create more hotbeds. the caliphate has been destroyed. we're guided by on the ground conditions but we want to do everything we can to take american troops out of harm's way as much as appropriate to still maintain security. elizabeth: okay. christian yeda, a member of the norwegian parliament. he nominated president. he is not a big trump supporter. he thinks that he has done more
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for peace in other nations. judge him on the facts not the way he behaves. your response? >> my response is president trump is deserving of the nomination because of what we discussed. the landmark deals. the israel-u.a.e. deal really a fantastic development, the first major development of its kind in 26 years. serbia, kosovo deal in 26 years. the president is getting more results leading to a more peaceful world. the nomination is an honor. very well deserved. the president is pleased to see it. as he stated president obama was nominated basically just for being elected president. the president trump was nominated for getting results. i think that is a really important distinction. elizabeth: yeah. this norwegian lawmaker, he is saying that essentially barack obama got it after nine months on the job. intellectual lens is a, leader
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of the solidarity movement, said it was too soon for president obama to win. the media is undercutting president's nomination saying this norwegian parliamentarian is part of the right-wing party. he is citing the president's key role in protracted conflicts like the border dispute between india and pakistan. nuclear capabilities of north korea and again, we're throwing large number of troops in the middle east. he is saying that you know, this is sort of like jimmy carter breaking a nearly four-decade run of presidents involving the u.s. in overseas conflicts. maybe bahrain, morocco, sudan, there could be other countries following the u.a.e. what is the talk about that there in washington? >> we're very optimistic about that. again this nomination is because of the president's results. and, i think the white house has stated, jared kushner, the president himself and others this is a really great development that should be a road map to other countries
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normalizing relations with one another, especially with israel. this is about bringing security and prosperity to the mile-per-hour people and also to the allies and other countries around the world, leading to more opportunities for deals, for peace, for economic cooperation. we want more jobs, more opportunities. again not just for the american people but for our allies as well. so that is why the president's nominated. it is about results. the results that he is getting, that people are seeing leading to more optimism i think in the middle east region in particular than we've seen in quite a long time. elizabeth: brian. what is the administration reaction to a top general, the army's most senior officer, army chief of staff general james mcconville, pushed back on president trump's assertions that the defense department leaders in the pentagon choose to continue fighting wars abroad in an attempt to keep private defense firms, quote, happy.
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the general said senior leaders only recommend sending troops to combat as required for national security or last resort. what is the administration's response to general mcconville here? >> the president is not trying to single out any individual and their motives there is an issue of military industrial complex pointed out as early as president eisenhower. over the last 30 years we've had wars, really engagement by every single president. president trump has changed the tide in reducing military conflict, in reducing the risks to american lives in our armed forces. he values those lives of course. he wants to eliminate threats from the planet with al-baghdadi and seen with soleimani. he will not hesitate to use force when necessary. this is about protecting american lives and american troops. elizabeth: all right. brian morgenstern, always great to have you on the show. come back soon, okay? great to see you. >> thanks, liz.
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good to see you too. thanks for having me. elizabeth: sure. -- president trump on the move in battle ground states. we've got details coming in. far left rye rioters planning major unrest, chaos in the street, street action in america's cities in joe biden loses and trump wins. we're bringing in mark green house homeland security to break it down. that story just ahead ♪ limu emu & doug you know limu, after all these years it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. what? oh, i said... uh, this is my floor. nooo! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ( ♪ )
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♪. elizabeth: okay. president trump now on the move in battleground states. he continued campaigning against violent far-left rioters in america's major cities describing them as quote, domestic terrorists. watch this. >> powerful corporations and far-left politicians have both sided with radical demonstrators, if you look at that it is over the law-abiding areas that we have. you know republican cities and towns are doing great. we're doing great. we don't have crime. we don't have this violence. biden's plan to appease domestic terrorists. my plan is to arrest them. elizabeth: okay. we've got a new development on a story we brought you last night. reports coming in that a coalition of far-left groups, they're getting together to secretly plan to mobilize chaos in dozens of u.s. cities if joe biden loses and president trump wins re-election.
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this is according to "the daily beast." joining me, republican mark green of tennessee. on house homeland security. great to see you, congressman. they're talking about -- thanks for coming on again. they're talking about quote, shutting things down even after election day for weeks on end calling it quote, postelection political apocalypse. "daily beast" talked to an unnamed aide on the biden campaign says they are aware, quote, are aware of the concerns expressed by many of these leftist groups. they got to do more than aware. they have got to condemn this. >> absolutely. look the radical left has tried to administratively remove the elected president for the past four years. mueller probe, you know, russia collusion, impeachment, all that stuff, now if they don't get their way in this election they will use violence and terror? antifa is a terrorist organization. you can't even get these guys to acknowledge antifa exists. if there is a sign a guy holds up antifa, destroy the
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democracy, they exist. either politicians are ignorant or ignoring the reality of the violence their silence is supporting. elizabeth: house judiciary republicans led by jim jordan sent chairman jerry nadler a letter saying you have to denounce this left-wing extremism and rioting. antifa is not a myth as you claimed. the gop, there on that committee, they want hearings on this because dozens are now dead after a summer and spring of violent unrest hitting 17 u.s. cities. they never answer the question how does months of rioting, looting, arson and death persuade voters to your point of view? listen, throw the book at rogue cops, throw the book at cops that go bad. of course stop that. nobody wants to see that in the streets but reports coming in that black lives matters was found by leaders who say on social media and elsewhere that they are quote, trained marxists. they cite as mentors as backers, noted communists and domestic
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terrorists. they do thing, put on buses weapons, meat cleavers, rocks, axes, baseball bats. body armor. you saw that in columbus, ohio. they claim these weapons are really tools for preparing food but we've seen that in portland, oregon. we've seen what the portland rioters are using there. you've seen it, body armor, stun guns, supplying cops and molotov cocktails. condemn it. >> [inaudible]. they have had nails in clubs, liz. unbelievable what they're doing. elizabeth: you know, sir, here is the other thing, joe biden has ads saying the rioting is president trump's fault. -- people were dead by the time of the dnc convention. they didn't mention any of that about it being trump's fault at the dnc, at their convention. by that time two dozen people
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were killed in riots. why don't they condemn the rioting, looting destruction at their on convention but now say it is trump's fault after the fact? >> that is the modus operandi of the democrats. they go do something and blame it on the right. that is what they do all the time. this is clearly not, the president has been asking these local democrat-controlled cities, hey, all you have to do ask, we'll bring in the help to your city, yet they never ask in fact they insist they don't come. what the president has done is when they're been attacking federal assets like in portland. federal forces are in there to protect those federal assets. these cities, democrat leaders are not asking for any help. their silence send couraging the silence. it is what they want. they hate this country. i mean they hate america. and they want it undone. and so antifa, these terrorist organizations, are using violence to try to, they won't
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be satisfied until this democracy is destroyed. elizabeth: yeah. you know, there are some good cops out there. you know the answer to this is, have the protesters walk in the shoes of the good cops every day and see what cops have to deal with every day. see what they have to endure. have a democrat congressman who sits in their armchairs lecturing and finger wagging, walk in the shoes of those cops who fight the good fight every day. congressman, so sorry we ran out of time. love to have you back on. appreciate you coming in. >> glad to be with you, liz. have a good day. elizabeth: sure. senator chuck grassley with us in another fox business exclusive on top former fbi official peter strzok. he is the man at the center of the whole bungled trump-russia probe. he is downplaying the general michael flynn probe, and downplaying his controversial anti-trump texts that got him fired. we have senator grassley on this story next. >> remember biden sitting in the
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room saying why don't you use the logan act on general flynn? look at general flynn what he is going through for years. if that were ever reversed, i'm telling you would have many people in jail for many, many years. it would have started two years ago. it is a disgrace. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself, are my bones strong? life is full of make or break moments. that's why it's so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness,
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♪ elizabeth: welcome back, we're going into the bottom of the hour. let's welcome republican senator chuck grassley back to the show. great to have you on. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: good to see you. peter strzok, former fbi official fired for anti-trump bias and text messages. he has a new book out. he is downplaying his anti-trump text messages we are going to stop trump from getting elected. he is downplaying the flynn probe. we didn't set up a perjury trap for general michael flynn. he is downplaying the fisa wiretaps. down playing that the fbi put them on a fees chase. reaction to what peter strzok is saying? >> everything that he has said we have ample evidence including his own emails that refute it.
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we have notes and things like that that, just says that he is misleading to cover up something i presume. we all know that lieutenant-general flynn got the shaft. he was set up. we know that he should not be even in trial right now or before a judge right now because the executive branch of government that has the power to prosecute decided that the case against him was so flimsy. they even set up a special u.s. attorney to look at it. that is why barr said that they ought to be dropped and then we got this crazy thing that judicial branch thinks that they can be prosecuted and judge at the same time. so we have the d.c. circuit set in. this guy has been treated miserably and he ought to be let go. and he ought to be able to live
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the rest of his life as a citizen. let him make money to make up for all the tremendous cost the government caused him because they entrapped him. elizabeth: senator, you've been fighting the good fight in d.c. for a long time. i've been watching your career since the '80s. u.s. attorney john durham is reportedly looking into who at the fbi misled the fisa court which was meant to catch terrorists. strzok was in on the fisa wiretaps to spy on the trump team. fbi officials covered up all sorts of things and misled the fisa court. the question, john durham, reportedly looking into the abuses of the fisa court under the obama administration. peter strzok says he is, basically not interviewed by durham here. do you think he is a target or a witness? >> well, if he isn't, there are several people that ought to be and mccabe's one that just to show you there is unequal
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justice here in washington, d.c. , mccabe lied two or three times. he has never been prosecuted. flynn was entrapped and cost him millions and millions of dollars to defend himself. elizabeth: you know here's the other thing. you make a good point about unequal justice in d.c. because we're seeing, you know, we're digging into what happened with the fisa court. 85% of the nsa, excuse me, there was something like 85% of the fisa court searches done in 2015, this was a fisa court audit. they were non-compliant. this is under the obama administration. so the fbi, the nsa, the doj was going to the fisa court to get wiretaps and then the information that was collected was then given to outside contractors including places like the fbi. so the abuse of the fisa court is key to the durham probe.
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your reaction to that? >> well of course it is key. i wish i could tell you when durham's going to do more prosecution like the one he is already prosecuted but i want to make very clear. i would like to have people that violated the law to be prosecuted but the most important thing is, between now and november 3rd, all of this information ought to be out for the voters consideration of how unjustly the trump campaign was spied on in the first place and all of the undercover things including lying to the fisa court to spy on the campaign and involving a lot of other people like carter page and papadopoulus and those people that had very little to do with the campaign, nothing but an interest to get to spying on the trump campaign. this thing cannot happen again. we got to make sure that the people know it before the election. elizabeth: yeah. it is about civil liberties
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which you've been a champion of. >> it could happen, it could happen to you, liz. go ahead, i'm sorry. elizabeth: yeah i hear you. i hear you, senator. remember, can you talk to us about what happened in mid-july? the democrats were alleging that republicans were relying on disinformation in the intelligence community report? can you talk to us about that? what is happening with this addendum to that intelligence community report, in other words, focus should be on china. democrats like pelosi, schumer, schiff, say it is russia? can you talk to us what happened here? >> of course but it is kind of complicated because what the democrats are using is foreign disinformation to make a claim that our investigation involves the dissemination of foreign disinformation and we're not even involved in that sort of thing. everything that we're involved in is using documents within the federal government.
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so it is all an effort on their part because they do not want this truth to come out. they, they're doing everything to inhibit this investigation whatsoever. and we can't let it happen. this is just another thing that we're, we talk about flynn, getting that information out before the election. this information ought to be out before the election. it goes pretty high up with some people and families that are involved right now in these election campaigns. elizabeth: so looks like the democrats are creating fake footnotes and faked a addendums to intelligence community reports that weren't in the original reports disseminating to the media this, is what the intelligence community is talking about, is that what they're doing? >> absolutely, i can tell by your question, you have studied this thing really in the weeds, i compliment you for doing that.
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because you have seen through it but a lot of the other people, the other journalists that have been used by the democrats have not dug this deep and they have fallen for this argument that we're disseminating russian disinformation and those footnotes you're talking about is a reference to the foreign disinformation that they're using against us. to accuse us of using foreign disinformation. elizabeth: well it has gotten really like a circus hall of mirrors down there, senator. we're so glad we have you to break it down for us. you know, you're making a great point, senator, the american people, the american voter is being misled by the mainstream media. we're getting to the bottom of it. thanks for your help, senator. will you come back soon? >> i come back anytime you ask me? you know that. elizabeth: okay. sure.
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senator grassley, thanks for joining us. >> you bet. elizabeth: okay. still ahead young americans for liberty analyst kristin tate on the backlash growing against democrat governors invoking covid-19 to pull what critics say is a political double standard. covid-19 rules stopping trump rallies but not biden campaign events? new fight in nevada over this one, coming up next with kristin tate. ♪ when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. so, when you get a check... you can deposit it from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. you can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. and you can pay your friends back from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?"
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♪. elizabeth: okay, a new political battle ramping up in nevada. the trump campaign says the president will still travel to nevada this weekend. this after two planned rallies were canceled in nevada for reportedly breaking covid-19 rules set in place by the democrat governor. welcome back to the show. we love having her on, young americans for liberty analyst, chris tin tate.
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kristin, your action to this development? >> this is unfair what is happening to the trump campaign, liz. the fact so many democrats are trying to shut down trump campaign events but totally fine with biden events in many places, also with the antifa riots really tells you everything you need to know about the covid rules. they're often motivated on politics and not public health. it is about control. the democrats want more control and they're using a pandemic as a political weapon. but i really think voters are waking up to this, liz. people are sick and tired for sitting in their houses months on end while they watch politicians break their own cove very rules in many cases. they watched the democrats gather by thousands for funerals for political leaders like john lewis. people can't hold a simple funeral for loved ones. they watched democratic mayors send police to shut down churches and salons, arrest business owners, allowing the blm antifa rioters to burn down
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cities with empunety. when will the democrats look out for average, working-class people? elizabeth: the tone is set from the top down. president trump and joe biden have campaign events planned in michigan but the democrat governor of michigan, governor whitmer is basically saying she is worried about the trump event due to covid-19 rules but not the biden campaign event. you pointed out the arbitrariness of this all. we have been tracking the governor of illinois, governor pritzker, letting, saying you have to stay in place everybody, in illinois but his family goes to a vacation home out-of-state. governor phil murphy of new jersey attending protests. governor gavin newsom not letting his own winery, i think he owns investment in consortium of, sits outside after covid-19 rule zone. it goes on and on there is
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growing list of democrat politicians called out about their double standards. what is your reaction? >> these left-wingers are so flagrant in the hypocrisy they unmacked for the american people, democrats belief, that the political aristocracy is superior to americans. this one set of for ruling class. working class voters are getting tired of this. trump pointed out in the rnc this is type of hypocrisy for democrats. joe biden is taking marching orders from liberals who want open borders but live in walled gated communities. they want to limit school choice but send their kids to private expensive schools. they want to abolish police and have private security guards paid for by taxpayers. this covid double standard could be the flame that sets off a fire with voters. elizabeth: the salon owner, let's get to nancy pelosi. the salon owner that house
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speaker nancy pelosi accused of quote, setting her up, supporters contributed nearly $330,000 through a crowd funding account to help the salon owner in san francisco move her business. she received death threats. erica kious is her name. house speaker nancy pelosi says that you know, erica owes her an apology. eric said i didn't set her up. i was fed up. nancy pelosi is now saying she is owed an apology. will move on from the story. will take the high road. won't respond anymore because this is beneath her, this whole elaborate quote setup she is claiming. your reaction? >> the fact that the hairdresser raised so much money shows there is real anger amongst voters at the double standard. what is so offensive, liz, isn't just the hypocrisy, the democrats never apologize when they're caught violating their own rules. nancy pelosi saying it is a set
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up wants an apology. governor cuomo was called out for the nursing home policy that killed so many folks. instead of addressing the issue he claims it never happened and won't take any responsibility for it. people see what is going on. this is going to be such a big issue in this election especially as the covid death rates are going down. the country is starting to reopen in many parts, in many cities. people want to move on and get back to life. yet these democrats won't let go of these lockdowns. they want to keep rei can having people -- restricting people with oppressive rules but fine to break them and won't apologize for them. elizabeth: kristin tate, great to have you on. come back soon. >> thanks so much, liz. elizabeth: sure. next up, another big day in the campaign trail an another big joe biden flip-flop. this is a doozy. it has to do with jobs. former republican california party chair, tom dell beccarro.
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you don't like to see the sausage making d.c. and you don't like to see the embringry on the campaign trail trying to correct flip-flops. that story next rs save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. hey! - that's totally him. - it's him! that's totally the guy. safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. safe drivers do save 40%. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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and i get to live in this beautiful house with this beautiful kitchen and it's all thanks to sofi. ♪. elizabeth: welcome back. we're following this 2020 trend. look at the thousands of trump supporters increasingly holding, quote, great american boat parades from coast to coast. you can see it. you can see it in various states. not just florida. we're seeing knit pennsylvania. we're seeing it in south carolina, north carolina, new jersey. we're seeing it on the west coast too. this as reports coming in of the trump campaign now outlining seven paths to victory. talking about a 37-state landslide to trump winning by two electoral college votes. joe biden spending a lot of precious media time explaining
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flip-flops. he is adamantly denying on a campaign stop in pennsylvania that he would ban fracking. fracking puts good on lots of voters tables. biden said over the numerous times he would ban fracking. remember this. >> would there be any place for fossil fuels including coal and fracking in a biden administration? >> no. we would work it out. we would make sure it is eliminated. no more subsidies for either one of those. anybody can go down 300 to 3,000 feet in a mine sure as hell can learn how to program as well. give me a break! anybody that can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program for god's sake. >> i'm talking about stopping fracking as soon as we possibly can. no ifs, buts, and maybes about it. >> so am i. >> i'm not sure your proposal does that. >> no more, no new fracking. elizabeth: okay. just to be clear biden is now saying he will not, he will not
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ban fracking. when he said for a year that he would. welcome former california republican party chair tom dell ba car row. can you square this one. >> they normally campaign to the edge much their party and move back to the to go the center. it is not a flip-flop. the problem with biden in this election, he was hillsborough e. the far left doesn't buy him. for him to flip-flop on this, hurt enthusiasm rating from democrats even more. that obviously helps president trump. elizabeth: critics say biden knows the trillion. he has been in washington, d.c. for five decades. nixon was still in office and the pacer, all sorts of things were still around. he makes a lot of promises to special interests to give him
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money donations at the beginning. when you hit the campaign trail it you have to talk to voters when you flip-flop to get voters to vote. he is spending a lot of time cleaning up flip-flops. like raise $4 trillion in new taxes. your reaction? >> yeah, four trillion, stephen moore and i wrote about that. that directed increase at the people who start-up companies. at the very moment the american economy needs entrepreneurs and people willing to lend money to businesses, joe biden has taxes including capital gains directly targeted at them. that is why stephen moore wrote he would drive us into a depression. as far as the biden, he has always been a bad campaigner. he has failed two times running for president. they were when he came out a year ago, april, he tanked. warren took over. then it was bloomberg. then bernie was going to win, and they revived him. they are using the covid cover to stay off the trail. when he is out there it is
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nothing but trouble on his side. elizabeth: all right. tom del beccaro thanks for joining us. appreciate it. come back soon. >> take care. elizabeth: coming up to the fight for 2020. kamala harris' criticism of border patrol and border security coming back to haunt her in a big way. we have pushback against her brutal attacks. we have got her words on tape. we have retired i.c.e. acting director, ron vitello, he was the target of one of harris' attacks. he is here to react next.
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♪. elizabeth: okay the debates are coming up. senator kamala harris about to move front and center in the 2020 campaign. kamala harris' own past comments may come back to haunt her this one has to do with an old fight about the ku klux klan. here is the backstory, in 2015 former border patrol chief ron vitello he said he was sorry with a tweet where the democrat party should be renamed the neo clannist party he said that was mistake. kamala harris getting ready to launch her own presidential campaign. in vitello's i.c.e. confirmation hearing, senator harris went
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after vitello, trying to compare i.c.e. to the kkk. >> the clan would call what we call terrorist group. they used fear and force. >> what was motivation for fear and force. >> based on race and ethnicity. >> are you aware of the perception of many how the power and discretion that i.c.e. is being used to enforce the laws? and do you see any parallels? >> i do not see any parallels between -- >> talking about perception. talking about perception. >> i do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as it relates to enforcing the law. >> are you aware there is perception, are you aware there is perception. >> to put i.c.e. in the same category as the kkk. elizabeth: okay. look who is here, retired i.c.e. acting director ronald individual toll le. the kkk? >> what a disappointment.
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imagine voters of california seeing that exchange and wondering what she is doing trying to be a leader in that committee? i prepared for that hearing. it meant a lot to me. it meant a lot to my staff. i thank the chairman for taking it happen. she comes in late in the hearing and i expected tough questions about decisions i made, mistakes i have made, operational calls that i made that may have gone good or bad. i have a 33 year career sifting in that chair of good things and bad things. things i'm proud of. and she spends her time comparing the workforce that i'm about to lead, comparing them to the kkk. it is incredible. it is very disappointing that someone of her stature could say and do things and then still be considered a heeder in this country. elizabeth: you know, i.c.e. and border patrol rescue thousands of people every year. they rescue migrants. they rescue illegal immigrants. they rescue them from drowning in rivers and oceans. i.c.e. and border patrol rescue
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people suffering from heat waves, collapsing in deserts. they rescue thousands of children from infants to teenagers, from human traffickers. human traffickers tag the people like cattle according to reports we're seeing. they rescue people from burning buildings and homes. i.c.e. and border patrol enforce laws that congress writes. i.c.e. arrested 2,000 criminal illegals in a six week period in mid-august, wanted for rape, murder, kidnapping, homicides. child abuse, spousal abuse, domestic violence. is this the kkk? really senator? >> liz, thank you for pointing out the sacrifice -- elizabeth: go ahead, ronald. >> i thank you for pointing out the sacrifice that agents, officers, give for their families to protect all. they go out there each and every day to protect the homeland, to patrol the border, to arrest
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people in the country illegally. there is no comparison to them and what we're domestic terrorist groups. no one does more for these people when they encounter them border patrol agents and i.c.e. officers. they find them in their worse conditions with the rough terrain and terrible weather in the southwest border. this operation that i.c.e. did in the cities of the 2000 arrests they made, 85% of the people that they arrested were either previously convicted of criminal cases or had been charged recently with crimes in the u.s. so having the cooperation of these jurisdictions is very important. but without the jurisdiction in a place like los angeles or atlanta, they can still make meaningful arrests and take these threats off the streets, out of our communities, get them removed for being here illegally, and hold them to account for the crimes they committed in the united states. we have to commend i.c.e. and ero for doing what they did. elizabeth: democrats like senator harris were reacting to
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the stories about border patrol putting illegal immigrant children in cages. can you respond to that story? >> there are not cages. there are detention centers specifically designed in locations in the southwest border, the one most famous is in the rio grande valley where i served as the chief in 2010. those facilities were constructed so that kids would have a safe environment to be in, in places where we could see through the walls so that they could be protected, so that kids of similar age or families that were together to be protected while they were in custody and they could be surveiled and not behind a wall or in a closed cell. so they were not cages. they were built because of the crisis that was caused in 2014 because of inadequate services provided for those children when they got into custody. elizabeth: those facilities started under president barack obama. >> correct. elizabeth: ronald vitello, thanks for joining us. >> glad to be here. elizabeth: i'm elizabeth macdonald.
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you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us. thank you so much for watching. please join us again tomorrow night and have a good evening. ♪ boondoggle. he's having chicken drive through for dinner. ♪ must ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. president trump today having a great day, a day that any president could only dream of. president trump started off the day with a nomination for the nobel peace prize. that nomination comes weeks after president trump brokered an historic peace deal between us israel and the united arab emirates. it's an achievement that has eluded every president, every administration since the towning of israel in 19 -- founding of israel in 1948. and a member of norway's parliament submitted the nomination and praised president trump for his efforts


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